view runtime/indent/yaml.vim @ 33004:50e7d33c40f9 v9.0.1794

patch 9.0.1794: autoconf: not correctly detecing include dirs Commit: Author: Illia Bobyr <> Date: Sun Aug 27 18:26:54 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1794: autoconf: not correctly detecing include dirs Problem: autoconf: not correctly detecing include dirs Solution: make use of python3 to generate includedirs configure: Python3: Use sysconfig for -I It seems better to use tools provided by Python for determining the include directories, rather than construct them "manually". Current system is broken when using virtual environments for python 3.11.4. It used to work before, but now it detects a incorrect value for `-I`. It would probably make sense to switch to a similar logic for lib folders, that is for the `-l` switch. There are also `sysconfig.get_config_h_filename()` and `sysconfig.get_makefile_filename()`, that could replace more Python specific logic in the current `configure{.ac,}`. sysconfig provides the necessary tools since Python 2.7. closes: #12889 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Illia Bobyr <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:45:03 +0200
parents ebed259f919f
children e3d2ba1fd1a3
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim indent file
" Language:	YAML
" Maintainer:	Nikolai Pavlov <>
" Last Updates:	Lukas Reineke, "lacygoill"
" Last Change:	2022 Jun 17

" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists('b:did_indent')

let b:did_indent = 1

setlocal indentexpr=GetYAMLIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys=!^F,o,O,0#,0},0],<:>,0-
setlocal nosmartindent

let b:undo_indent = 'setlocal indentexpr< indentkeys< smartindent<'

" Only define the function once.
if exists('*GetYAMLIndent')

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

function s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(lnum, ...)
    let prevlnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
    let curindent = a:0 ? a:1 : indent(a:lnum)
    while           prevlnum
                \ && indent(prevlnum) >=  curindent
                \ && getline(prevlnum) !~# '^\s*#'
        let prevlnum = prevnonblank(prevlnum-1)
    return prevlnum

function s:FindPrevLEIndentedLineMatchingRegex(lnum, regex)
    let plilnum = s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(a:lnum, indent(a:lnum)+1)
    while plilnum && getline(plilnum) !~# a:regex
        let plilnum = s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(plilnum)
    return plilnum

let s:mapkeyregex = '\v^\s*\#@!\S@=%(\''%([^'']|\''\'')*\''' ..
                \                 '|\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\"' ..
                \                 '|%(%(\:\ )@!.)*)\:%(\ |$)'
let s:liststartregex = '\v^\s*%(\-%(\ |$))'

let s:c_ns_anchor_char = '\v%([\n\r\uFEFF \t,[\]{}]@!\p)'
let s:c_ns_anchor_name = s:c_ns_anchor_char .. '+'
let s:c_ns_anchor_property =  '\v\&' .. s:c_ns_anchor_name

let s:ns_word_char = '\v[[:alnum:]_\-]'
let s:ns_tag_char  = '\v%(\x\x|' .. s:ns_word_char .. '|[#/;?:@&=+$.~*''()])'
let s:c_named_tag_handle     = '\v\!' .. s:ns_word_char .. '+\!'
let s:c_secondary_tag_handle = '\v\!\!'
let s:c_primary_tag_handle   = '\v\!'
let s:c_tag_handle = '\v%(' .. s:c_named_tag_handle.
            \            '|' .. s:c_secondary_tag_handle.
            \            '|' .. s:c_primary_tag_handle .. ')'
let s:c_ns_shorthand_tag = '\v' .. s:c_tag_handle .. s:ns_tag_char .. '+'
let s:c_non_specific_tag = '\v\!'
let s:ns_uri_char  = '\v%(\x\x|' .. s:ns_word_char .. '\v|[#/;?:@&=+$,.!~*''()[\]])'
let s:c_verbatim_tag = '\v\!\<' .. s:ns_uri_char.. '+\>'
let s:c_ns_tag_property = '\v' .. s:c_verbatim_tag.
            \               '\v|' .. s:c_ns_shorthand_tag.
            \               '\v|' .. s:c_non_specific_tag

let s:block_scalar_header = '\v[|>]%([+-]?[1-9]|[1-9]?[+-])?'

function GetYAMLIndent(lnum)
    if a:lnum == 1 || !prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
        return 0

    let prevlnum = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1)
    let previndent = indent(prevlnum)

    let line = getline(a:lnum)
    if line =~# '^\s*#' && getline(a:lnum-1) =~# '^\s*#'
        " Comment blocks should have identical indent
        return previndent
    elseif line =~# '^\s*[\]}]'
        " Lines containing only closing braces should have previous indent
        return indent(s:FindPrevLessIndentedLine(a:lnum))

    " Ignore comment lines when calculating indent
    while getline(prevlnum) =~# '^\s*#'
        let prevlnum = prevnonblank(prevlnum-1)
        if !prevlnum
            return previndent

    let prevline = getline(prevlnum)
    let previndent = indent(prevlnum)

    " Any examples below assume that shiftwidth=2
    if prevline =~# '\v[{[:]$|[:-]\ [|>][+\-]?%(\s+\#.*|\s*)$'
        " Mapping key:
        "     nested mapping: ...
        " - {
        "     key: [
        "         list value
        "     ]
        " }
        " - |-
        "     Block scalar without indentation indicator
        return previndent+shiftwidth()
    elseif prevline =~# '\v[:-]\ [|>]%(\d+[+\-]?|[+\-]?\d+)%(\#.*|\s*)$'
        " - |+2
        "   block scalar with indentation indicator
        "#^^ indent+2, not indent+shiftwidth
        return previndent + str2nr(matchstr(prevline,
                    \'\v([:-]\ [|>])@<=[+\-]?\d+%([+\-]?%(\s+\#.*|\s*)$)@='))
    elseif prevline =~# '\v\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\\$'
        "    "Multiline string \
        "     with escaped end"
        let qidx = match(prevline, '\v\"%([^"\\]|\\.)*\\')
        return virtcol([prevlnum, qidx+1])
    elseif line =~# s:liststartregex
        " List line should have indent equal to previous list line unless it was 
        " caught by one of the previous rules
        return indent(s:FindPrevLEIndentedLineMatchingRegex(a:lnum,
                    \                                       s:liststartregex))
    elseif line =~# s:mapkeyregex
        " Same for line containing mapping key
        let prevmapline = s:FindPrevLEIndentedLineMatchingRegex(a:lnum,
                    \                                           s:mapkeyregex)
        if getline(prevmapline) =~# '^\s*- '
            return indent(prevmapline) + 2
            return indent(prevmapline)
    elseif prevline =~# '^\s*- '
        " - List with
        "   multiline scalar
        return previndent+2
    elseif prevline =~# s:mapkeyregex .. '\v\s*%(%(' .. s:c_ns_tag_property ..
                \                              '\v|' .. s:c_ns_anchor_property ..
                \                              '\v|' .. s:block_scalar_header ..
                \                             '\v)%(\s+|\s*%(\#.*)?$))*'
        " Mapping with: value
        "     that is multiline scalar
        return previndent+shiftwidth()
    return previndent

let &cpo = s:save_cpo