view runtime/indent/xml.vim @ 33004:50e7d33c40f9 v9.0.1794

patch 9.0.1794: autoconf: not correctly detecing include dirs Commit: Author: Illia Bobyr <> Date: Sun Aug 27 18:26:54 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1794: autoconf: not correctly detecing include dirs Problem: autoconf: not correctly detecing include dirs Solution: make use of python3 to generate includedirs configure: Python3: Use sysconfig for -I It seems better to use tools provided by Python for determining the include directories, rather than construct them "manually". Current system is broken when using virtual environments for python 3.11.4. It used to work before, but now it detects a incorrect value for `-I`. It would probably make sense to switch to a similar logic for lib folders, that is for the `-l` switch. There are also `sysconfig.get_config_h_filename()` and `sysconfig.get_makefile_filename()`, that could replace more Python specific logic in the current `configure{.ac,}`. sysconfig provides the necessary tools since Python 2.7. closes: #12889 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Illia Bobyr <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 27 Aug 2023 18:45:03 +0200
parents f0d7cb510ce3
line wrap: on
line source

" Language: XML
" Maintainer: Christian Brabandt <>
" Repository:
" Previous Maintainer: Johannes Zellner <>
" Last Changed: 2020 Nov 4th
" Last Change:
" 20200529 - Handle empty closing tags correctly
" 20191202 - Handle docbk filetype
" 20190726 - Correctly handle non-tagged data
" 20190204 - correctly handle wrap tags
" 20190128 - Make sure to find previous tag
" 20181116 - Fix indentation when tags start with a colon or an underscore
" 20181022 - Do not overwrite indentkeys setting
" 20180724 - Correctly indent xml comments
" Notes:
"   1) does not indent pure non-xml code (e.g. embedded scripts)
"       2) will be confused by unbalanced tags in comments
"       or CDATA sections.
"       2009-05-26 patch by Nikolai Weibull
" TODO:     implement pre-like tags, see xml_indent_open / xml_indent_close

" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
let s:keepcpo= &cpo
set cpo&vim

" [-- local settings (must come before aborting the script) --]
" Attention: Parameter use_syntax_check is used by the docbk.vim indent script
setlocal indentexpr=XmlIndentGet(v:lnum,1)
setlocal indentkeys=o,O,*<Return>,<>>,<<>,/,{,},!^F
" autoindent: used when the indentexpr returns -1
setlocal autoindent

let b:undo_indent = "setl ai< inde< indk<"

if !exists('b:xml_indent_open')
    let b:xml_indent_open = '.\{-}<[:A-Z_a-z]'
    " pre tag, e.g. <address>
    " let b:xml_indent_open = '.\{-}<[/]\@!\(address\)\@!'

if !exists('b:xml_indent_close')
    let b:xml_indent_close = '.\{-}</\|/>.\{-}'
    " end pre tag, e.g. </address>
    " let b:xml_indent_close = '.\{-}</\(address\)\@!'

if !exists('b:xml_indent_continuation_filetype')
    let b:xml_indent_continuation_filetype = 'xml'

let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo

" [-- finish, if the function already exists --]
if exists('*XmlIndentGet')

let s:keepcpo= &cpo
set cpo&vim

fun! <SID>XmlIndentWithPattern(line, pat)
    let s = substitute('x'.a:line, a:pat, "\1", 'g')
    return strlen(substitute(s, "[^\1].*$", '', ''))

" [-- check if it's xml --]
fun! <SID>XmlIndentSynCheck(lnum)
    if &syntax != ''
        let syn1 = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, 1, 1), 'name')
        let syn2 = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, strlen(getline(a:lnum)) - 1, 1), 'name')
        if syn1 != '' && syn1 !~ 'xml' && syn2 != '' && syn2 !~ 'xml'
            " don't indent pure non-xml code
            return 0
    return 1

" [-- return the sum of indents of a:lnum --]
fun! <SID>XmlIndentSum(line, style, add)
    if <SID>IsXMLContinuation(a:line) && a:style == 0 && !<SID>IsXMLEmptyClosingTag(a:line)
        " no complete tag, add one additional indent level
        " but only for the current line
        return a:add + shiftwidth()
    elseif <SID>HasNoTagEnd(a:line)
        " no complete tag, return initial indent
        return a:add
    if a:style == match(a:line, '^\s*</')
        return (shiftwidth() *
        \  (<SID>XmlIndentWithPattern(a:line, b:xml_indent_open)
        \ - <SID>XmlIndentWithPattern(a:line, b:xml_indent_close)
        \ - <SID>XmlIndentWithPattern(a:line, '.\{-}/>'))) + a:add
        return a:add

" Main indent function
fun! XmlIndentGet(lnum, use_syntax_check)
    " Find a non-empty line above the current line.
    if prevnonblank(a:lnum - 1) == 0
        " Hit the start of the file, use zero indent.
        return 0
    " Find previous line with a tag (regardless whether open or closed,
    " but always restrict the match to a line before the current one
    " Note: xml declaration: <?xml version="1.0"?>
    "       won't be found, as it is not a legal tag name
    let ptag_pattern = '\%(.\{-}<[/:A-Z_a-z]\)'. '\%(\&\%<'. a:lnum .'l\)'
    let ptag = search(ptag_pattern, 'bnW')
    " no previous tag
    if ptag == 0
        return 0

    let pline = getline(ptag)
    let pind  = indent(ptag)

    let syn_name_start = '' " Syntax element at start of line (excluding whitespace)
    let syn_name_end = ''   " Syntax element at end of line
    let curline = getline(a:lnum)
    if a:use_syntax_check
        let check_lnum = <SID>XmlIndentSynCheck(ptag)
        let check_alnum = <SID>XmlIndentSynCheck(a:lnum)
        if check_lnum == 0 || check_alnum == 0
            return indent(a:lnum)
        let syn_name_end   = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, strlen(curline) - 1, 1), 'name')
        let syn_name_start = synIDattr(synID(a:lnum, match(curline, '\S') + 1, 1), 'name')
        let prev_syn_name_end   = synIDattr(synID(ptag, strlen(pline) - 1, 1), 'name')
        " not needed (yet?)
        " let prev_syn_name_start = synIDattr(synID(ptag, match(pline, '\S') + 1, 1), 'name')

    if syn_name_end =~ 'Comment' && syn_name_start =~ 'Comment'
        return <SID>XmlIndentComment(a:lnum)
    elseif empty(syn_name_start) && empty(syn_name_end) && a:use_syntax_check
        " non-xml tag content: use indent from 'autoindent'
        if pline =~ b:xml_indent_close
            return pind
        elseif !empty(prev_syn_name_end)
            " only indent by an extra shiftwidth, if the previous line ends
            " with an XML like tag
           return pind + shiftwidth()
            " no extra indent, looks like a text continuation line
           return pind

    " Get indent from previous tag line
    let ind = <SID>XmlIndentSum(pline, -1, pind)
    " Determine indent from current line
    let ind = <SID>XmlIndentSum(curline, 0, ind)
    return ind

func! <SID>IsXMLContinuation(line)
    " Checks, whether or not the line matches a start-of-tag
    return a:line !~ '^\s*<' && &ft =~# b:xml_indent_continuation_filetype

func! <SID>HasNoTagEnd(line)
    " Checks whether or not the line matches '>' (so finishes a tag)
    return a:line !~ '>\s*$'

func! <SID>IsXMLEmptyClosingTag(line)
    " Checks whether the line ends with an empty closing tag such as <lb/>
    return a:line =~? '<[^>]*/>\s*$'

" return indent for a commented line,
" the middle part might be indented one additional level
func! <SID>XmlIndentComment(lnum)
    let ptagopen = search('.\{-}<[:A-Z_a-z]\_[^/]\{-}>.\{-}', 'bnW')
    let ptagclose = search(b:xml_indent_close, 'bnW')
    if getline(a:lnum) =~ '<!--'
        " if previous tag was a closing tag, do not add
        " one additional level of indent
        if ptagclose > ptagopen && a:lnum > ptagclose
            " If the previous tag was closed on the same line as it was
            " declared, we should indent with its indent level.
            if !<SID>IsXMLContinuation(getline(ptagclose))
                return indent(ptagclose)
                return indent(ptagclose) - shiftwidth()
        elseif ptagclose == ptagopen
            return indent(ptagclose)
            " start of comment, add one indentation level
            return indent(ptagopen) + shiftwidth()
    elseif getline(a:lnum) =~ '-->'
        " end of comment, same as start of comment
        return indent(search('<!--', 'bnW'))
        " middle part of comment, add one additional level
        return indent(search('<!--', 'bnW')) + shiftwidth()

let &cpo = s:keepcpo
unlet s:keepcpo

" vim:ts=4 et sts=-1 sw=0