view src/testdir/test_bufwintabinfo.vim @ 16150:b23048205589 v8.1.1080

patch 8.1.1080: when a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sat Mar 30 15:59:51 2019 +0100 patch 8.1.1080: when a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle Problem: When a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle. Solution: Instead of appending ".failed" to the file name, keep the same file name but put the screendump in the "failed" directory. Then the file name only needs to be typed once when moving a screendump.
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sat, 30 Mar 2019 16:00:06 +0100
parents 7589f103ec11
children ce993ba17adb
line wrap: on
line source

" Tests for the getbufinfo(), getwininfo() and gettabinfo() functions

function Test_getbufwintabinfo()
    edit Xtestfile1
    edit Xtestfile2
    let buflist = getbufinfo()
    call assert_equal(2, len(buflist))
    call assert_match('Xtestfile1', buflist[0].name)
    call assert_match('Xtestfile2', getbufinfo('Xtestfile2')[0].name)
    call assert_equal([], getbufinfo(2016))
    edit Xtestfile1
    hide edit Xtestfile2
    hide enew
    call assert_equal(3, len(getbufinfo({'bufloaded':1})))

    set tabstop&vim
    let b:editor = 'vim'
    let l = getbufinfo('%')
    call assert_equal(bufnr('%'), l[0].bufnr)
    call assert_equal('vim', l[0].variables.editor)
    call assert_notequal(-1, index(l[0].windows, bufwinid('%')))

    " Test for getbufinfo() with 'bufmodified'
    call assert_equal(0, len(getbufinfo({'bufmodified' : 1})))
    call setbufline('Xtestfile1', 1, ["Line1"])
    let l = getbufinfo({'bufmodified' : 1})
    call assert_equal(1, len(l))
    call assert_equal(bufnr('Xtestfile1'), l[0].bufnr)

    if has('signs')
	call append(0, ['Linux', 'Windows', 'Mac'])
	sign define Mark text=>> texthl=Search
	exe "sign place 2 line=3 name=Mark buffer=" . bufnr('%')
	let l = getbufinfo('%')
	call assert_equal(2, l[0].signs[0].id)
	call assert_equal(3, l[0].signs[0].lnum)
	call assert_equal('Mark', l[0].signs[0].name)
	sign unplace *
	sign undefine Mark

    let w1_id = win_getid()
    let w2_id = win_getid()
    tabnew | let w3_id = win_getid()
    new | let w4_id = win_getid()
    vert new | let w5_id = win_getid()
    call setwinvar(0, 'signal', 'green')
    let winlist = getwininfo()
    call assert_equal(5, len(winlist))
    call assert_equal(winwidth(1), winlist[0].width)
    call assert_equal(1, winlist[0].wincol)
    " tabline adds one row in terminal, not in GUI
    let tablineheight = winlist[0].winrow == 2 ? 1 : 0
    call assert_equal(tablineheight + 1, winlist[0].winrow)

    call assert_equal(winbufnr(2), winlist[1].bufnr)
    call assert_equal(winheight(2), winlist[1].height)
    call assert_equal(1, winlist[1].wincol)
    call assert_equal(tablineheight + winheight(1) + 2, winlist[1].winrow)

    call assert_equal(1, winlist[2].winnr)
    call assert_equal(tablineheight + 1, winlist[2].winrow)
    call assert_equal(1, winlist[2].wincol)

    call assert_equal(winlist[2].width + 2, winlist[3].wincol)
    call assert_equal(1, winlist[4].wincol)

    call assert_equal(1, winlist[0].tabnr)
    call assert_equal(1, winlist[1].tabnr)
    call assert_equal(2, winlist[2].tabnr)
    call assert_equal(2, winlist[3].tabnr)
    call assert_equal(2, winlist[4].tabnr)

    call assert_equal('green', winlist[2].variables.signal)
    call assert_equal(w4_id, winlist[3].winid)
    let winfo = getwininfo(w5_id)[0]
    call assert_equal(2, winfo.tabnr)
    call assert_equal([], getwininfo(3))

    call settabvar(1, 'space', 'build')
    let tablist = gettabinfo()
    call assert_equal(2, len(tablist))
    call assert_equal(3, len(tablist[1].windows))
    call assert_equal(2, tablist[1].tabnr)
    call assert_equal('build', tablist[0]
    call assert_equal(w2_id, tablist[0].windows[0])
    call assert_equal([], gettabinfo(3))

    tabonly | only

    lexpr ''
    let winlist = getwininfo()
    call assert_false(winlist[0].quickfix)
    call assert_false(winlist[0].loclist)
    call assert_true(winlist[1].quickfix)
    call assert_true(winlist[1].loclist)
    call assert_true(winlist[2].quickfix)
    call assert_false(winlist[2].loclist)
    wincmd t | only

function Test_get_buf_options()
  let opts = getbufvar(bufnr('%'), '&')
  call assert_equal(v:t_dict, type(opts))
  call assert_equal(8, opts.tabstop)

function Test_get_win_options()
  if has('folding')
    set foldlevel=999
  set list
  let opts = getwinvar(1, '&')
  call assert_equal(v:t_dict, type(opts))
  call assert_equal(0, opts.linebreak)
  call assert_equal(1, opts.list)
  if has('folding')
    call assert_equal(999, opts.foldlevel)
  if has('signs')
    call assert_equal('auto', opts.signcolumn)

  let opts = gettabwinvar(1, 1, '&')
  call assert_equal(v:t_dict, type(opts))
  call assert_equal(0, opts.linebreak)
  call assert_equal(1, opts.list)
  if has('signs')
    call assert_equal('auto', opts.signcolumn)
  set list&
  if has('folding')
    set foldlevel=0