view src/testdir/test_autocmd.vim @ 16150:b23048205589 v8.1.1080

patch 8.1.1080: when a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sat Mar 30 15:59:51 2019 +0100 patch 8.1.1080: when a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle Problem: When a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle. Solution: Instead of appending ".failed" to the file name, keep the same file name but put the screendump in the "failed" directory. Then the file name only needs to be typed once when moving a screendump.
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sat, 30 Mar 2019 16:00:06 +0100
parents a3e2e7948ee4
children 81e6940504e8
line wrap: on
line source

" Tests for autocommands

source shared.vim

func s:cleanup_buffers() abort
  for bnr in range(1, bufnr('$'))
    if bufloaded(bnr) && bufnr('%') != bnr
      execute 'bd! ' . bnr

func Test_vim_did_enter()
  call assert_false(v:vim_did_enter)

  " This script will never reach the main loop, can't check if v:vim_did_enter
  " becomes one.

if has('timers')
  func ExitInsertMode(id)
    call feedkeys("\<Esc>")

  func Test_cursorhold_insert()
    " Need to move the cursor.
    call feedkeys("ggG", "xt")

    let g:triggered = 0
    au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
    set updatetime=20
    call timer_start(100, 'ExitInsertMode')
    call feedkeys('a', 'x!')
    call assert_equal(1, g:triggered)
    unlet g:triggered
    au! CursorHoldI
    set updatetime&

  func Test_cursorhold_insert_with_timer_interrupt()
    if !has('job')
    " Need to move the cursor.
    call feedkeys("ggG", "xt")

    " Confirm the timer invoked in exit_cb of the job doesn't disturb
    " CursorHoldI event.
    let g:triggered = 0
    au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
    set updatetime=500
    call job_start(has('win32') ? 'cmd /c echo:' : 'echo',
          \ {'exit_cb': {-> timer_start(1000, 'ExitInsertMode')}})
    call feedkeys('a', 'x!')
    call assert_equal(1, g:triggered)
    unlet g:triggered
    au! CursorHoldI
    set updatetime&

  func Test_cursorhold_insert_ctrl_x()
    let g:triggered = 0
    au CursorHoldI * let g:triggered += 1
    set updatetime=20
    call timer_start(100, 'ExitInsertMode')
    " CursorHoldI does not trigger after CTRL-X
    call feedkeys("a\<C-X>", 'x!')
    call assert_equal(0, g:triggered)
    unlet g:triggered
    au! CursorHoldI
    set updatetime&

func Test_bufunload()
  augroup test_bufunload_group
    autocmd BufUnload * call add(s:li, "bufunload")
    autocmd BufDelete * call add(s:li, "bufdelete")
    autocmd BufWipeout * call add(s:li, "bufwipeout")
  augroup END

  let s:li=[]
  setlocal bufhidden=
  call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li)

  let s:li=[]
  setlocal bufhidden=delete
  call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete"], s:li)

  let s:li=[]
  setlocal bufhidden=unload
  call assert_equal(["bufunload", "bufdelete", "bufwipeout"], s:li)

  au! test_bufunload_group
  augroup! test_bufunload_group

" SEGV occurs in older versions.  (At least 7.4.2005 or older)
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext()

  augroup test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
    autocmd BufUnload <buffer> tabnext
  augroup END

  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr('$'))

  autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group
  augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload_with_tabnext_group

func Test_autocmd_bufwinleave_with_tabfirst()
  augroup sample
    autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> tabfirst
  augroup END
  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c'])
  edit! a.txt

" SEGV occurs in older versions.  (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_01()
  split aa.txt
  let lastbuf = bufnr('$')

  augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
    exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
  augroup END

  " Todo: check for E937 generated first
  " call assert_fails('edit bb.txt', 'E937:')
  call assert_fails('edit bb.txt', 'E517:')

  autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
  augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
  bwipe! aa.txt
  bwipe! bb.txt

" SEGV occurs in older versions.  (At least 7.4.2321 or older)
func Test_autocmd_bufunload_avoiding_SEGV_02()
  setlocal buftype=nowrite
  let lastbuf = bufnr('$')

  augroup test_autocmd_bufunload
    exe 'autocmd BufUnload <buffer> ' . (lastbuf + 1) . 'bwipeout!'
  augroup END

  normal! i1
  call assert_fails('edit a.txt', 'E517:')
  call feedkeys("\<CR>")

  autocmd! test_autocmd_bufunload
  augroup! test_autocmd_bufunload
  bwipe! a.txt

func Test_win_tab_autocmd()
  let g:record = []

  augroup testing
    au WinNew * call add(g:record, 'WinNew')
    au WinEnter * call add(g:record, 'WinEnter') 
    au WinLeave * call add(g:record, 'WinLeave') 
    au TabNew * call add(g:record, 'TabNew')
    au TabClosed * call add(g:record, 'TabClosed')
    au TabEnter * call add(g:record, 'TabEnter')
    au TabLeave * call add(g:record, 'TabLeave')
  augroup END


  call assert_equal([
	\ 'WinLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'TabClosed', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'WinEnter'
	\ ], g:record)

  let g:record = []
  tabnew somefile
  bwipe somefile

  call assert_equal([
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinNew', 'WinEnter', 'TabNew', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'WinLeave', 'TabLeave', 'WinEnter', 'TabEnter',
	\ 'TabClosed'
	\ ], g:record)

  augroup testing
  augroup END
  unlet g:record

func s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest
    au BufReadCmd * echo 'hello'
  augroup END
  call assert_equal(3, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))

func Test_early_bar()
  " test that a bar is recognized before the {event}
  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest | au! | augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))

  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest| au!| augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))

  " test that a bar is recognized after the {event}
  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  augroup vimBarTest| au!BufReadCmd| augroup END
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))

  " test that a bar is recognized after the {group}
  call s:AddAnAutocmd()
  au! vimBarTest|echo 'hello'
  call assert_equal(1, len(split(execute('au vimBarTest'), "\n")))

func RemoveGroup()
  autocmd! StartOK
  augroup! StartOK

func Test_augroup_warning()
  augroup TheWarning
    au VimEnter * echo 'entering'
  augroup END
  call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "TheWarning.*VimEnter") >= 0)
  redir => res
  augroup! TheWarning
  redir END
  call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") >= 0)
  call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)

  " check "Another" does not take the pace of the deleted entry
  augroup Another
  augroup END
  call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
  augroup! Another

  " no warning for postpone aucmd delete
  augroup StartOK
    au VimEnter * call RemoveGroup()
  augroup END
  call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "StartOK.*VimEnter") >= 0)
  redir => res
  doautocmd VimEnter
  redir END
  call assert_true(match(res, "W19:") < 0)
  au! VimEnter

func Test_BufReadCmdHelp()
  " This used to cause access to free memory
  au BufReadCmd * e +h

  au! BufReadCmd

func Test_BufReadCmdHelpJump()
  " This used to cause access to free memory
  au BufReadCmd * e +h{
  " } to fix highlighting
  call assert_fails('help', 'E434:')

  au! BufReadCmd

func Test_augroup_deleted()
  " This caused a crash before E936 was introduced
  augroup x
    call assert_fails('augroup! x', 'E936:')
    au VimEnter * echo
  augroup end
  augroup! x
  call assert_true(match(execute('au VimEnter'), "-Deleted-.*VimEnter") >= 0)
  au! VimEnter

" Tests for autocommands on :close command.
" This used to be in test13.
func Test_three_windows()
  " Clean up buffers, because in some cases this function fails.
  call s:cleanup_buffers()

  " Write three files and open them, each in a window.
  " Then go to next window, with autocommand that deletes the previous one.
  " Do this twice, writing the file.
  e! Xtestje1
  call setline(1, 'testje1')
  sp Xtestje2
  call setline(1, 'testje2')
  sp Xtestje3
  call setline(1, 'testje3')
  wincmd w
  au WinLeave Xtestje2 bwipe
  wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))

  au WinLeave Xtestje1 bwipe Xtestje3
  call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))

  " Test deleting the buffer on a Unload event.  If this goes wrong there
  " will be the ATTENTION prompt.
  e Xtestje1
  au! BufUnload Xtestje1 bwipe
  call assert_fails('e Xtestje3', 'E937:')
  call assert_equal('Xtestje3', expand('%'))

  e Xtestje2
  sp Xtestje1
  call assert_fails('e', 'E937:')
  call assert_equal('Xtestje1', expand('%'))

  " Test changing buffers in a BufWipeout autocommand.  If this goes wrong
  " there are ml_line errors and/or a Crash.
  e Xanother
  e Xtestje1
  bwipe Xtestje2
  bwipe Xtestje3
  au BufWipeout Xtestje1 buf Xtestje1
  call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))

  wincmd w
  call assert_equal('Xanother', expand('%'))

  call delete('Xtestje1')
  call delete('Xtestje2')
  call delete('Xtestje3')

func Test_BufEnter()
  au! BufEnter
  au Bufenter * let val = val . '+'
  let g:val = ''
  split NewFile
  call assert_equal('+', g:val)
  call assert_equal('++', g:val)

  " Also get BufEnter when editing a directory
  call mkdir('Xdir')
  split Xdir
  call assert_equal('+++', g:val)

  " On MS-Windows we can't edit the directory, make sure we wipe the right
  " buffer.
  bwipe! Xdir

  call delete('Xdir', 'd')
  au! BufEnter

" Closing a window might cause an endless loop
" E814 for older Vims
func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost()
  edit Xtest
  file Xsomething
  set noswapfile

  let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
        \ 'let v:swapchoice="e"',
        \ 'augroup test_autocmd_sessionload',
        \ 'autocmd!',
        \ 'autocmd SessionLoadPost * exe bufnr("Xsomething") . "bw!"',
        \ 'augroup END',
	\ '',
	\ 'func WriteErrors()',
	\ '  call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
	\ 'endfunc',
	\ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
        \ ]
  call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
  call system(v:progpath. ' -u Xvimrc --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
  let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
  call assert_match('E814', errors)

  set swapfile
  for file in ['Session.vim', 'Xvimrc', 'Xerrors']
    call delete(file)

" SEGV occurs in older versions.
func Test_autocmd_bufwipe_in_SessLoadPost2()
  set noswapfile

  let content = ['set nocp noswapfile',
      \ 'function! DeleteInactiveBufs()',
      \ '  tabfirst',
      \ '  let tabblist = []',
      \ '  for i in range(1, tabpagenr(''$''))',
      \ '    call extend(tabblist, tabpagebuflist(i))',
      \ '  endfor',
      \ '  for b in range(1, bufnr(''$''))',
      \ '    if bufexists(b) && buflisted(b) && (index(tabblist, b) == -1 || bufname(b) =~# ''^$'')',
      \ '      exec ''bwipeout '' . b',
      \ '    endif',
      \ '  endfor',
      \ '  echomsg "SessionLoadPost DONE"',
      \ 'endfunction',
      \ 'au SessionLoadPost * call DeleteInactiveBufs()',
      \ '',
      \ 'func WriteErrors()',
      \ '  call writefile([execute("messages")], "Xerrors")',
      \ 'endfunc',
      \ 'au VimLeave * call WriteErrors()',
      \ ]
  call writefile(content, 'Xvimrc')
  call system(v:progpath. ' -u Xvimrc --not-a-term --noplugins -S Session.vim -c cq')
  let errors = join(readfile('Xerrors'))
  " This probably only ever matches on unix.
  call assert_notmatch('Caught deadly signal SEGV', errors)
  call assert_match('SessionLoadPost DONE', errors)

  set swapfile
  for file in ['Session.vim', 'Xvimrc', 'Xerrors']
    call delete(file)

func Test_empty_doau()
  doau \|

func s:AutoCommandOptionSet(match)
  let item     = remove(g:options, 0)
  let expected = printf("Option: <%s>, Oldval: <%s>, NewVal: <%s>, Scope: <%s>\n", item[0], item[1], item[2], item[3])
  let actual   = printf("Option: <%s>, Oldval: <%s>, NewVal: <%s>, Scope: <%s>\n", a:match, v:option_old, v:option_new, v:option_type)
  let g:opt    = [expected, actual]
  "call assert_equal(expected, actual)

func Test_OptionSet()
  if !has("eval") || !exists("+autochdir")

  badd test_autocmd.vim

  call test_override('starting', 1)
  set nocp
  au OptionSet * :call s:AutoCommandOptionSet(expand("<amatch>"))

  " 1: Setting number option"
  let g:options=[['number', 0, 1, 'global']]
  set nu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 2: Setting local number option"
  let g:options=[['number', 1, 0, 'local']]
  setlocal nonu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 3: Setting global number option"
  let g:options=[['number', 1, 0, 'global']]
  setglobal nonu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 4: Setting local autoindent option"
  let g:options=[['autoindent', 0, 1, 'local']]
  setlocal ai
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 5: Setting global autoindent option"
  let g:options=[['autoindent', 0, 1, 'global']]
  setglobal ai
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 6: Setting global autoindent option"
  let g:options=[['autoindent', 1, 0, 'global']]
  set ai!
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " Should not print anything, use :noa
  " 7: don't trigger OptionSet"
  let g:options=[['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']]
  noa set nonu
  call assert_equal([['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 8: Setting several global list and number option"
  let g:options=[['list', 0, 1, 'global'], ['number', 0, 1, 'global']]
  set list nu
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 9: don't trigger OptionSet"
  let g:options=[['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid'], ['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']]
  noa set nolist nonu
  call assert_equal([['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid'], ['invalid', 1, 1, 'invalid']], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 10: Setting global acd"
  let g:options=[['autochdir', 0, 1, 'local']]
  setlocal acd
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 11: Setting global autoread (also sets local value)"
  let g:options=[['autoread', 0, 1, 'global']]
  set ar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 12: Setting local autoread"
  let g:options=[['autoread', 1, 1, 'local']]
  setlocal ar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 13: Setting global autoread"
  let g:options=[['autoread', 1, 0, 'global']]
  setglobal invar
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 14: Setting option backspace through :let"
  let g:options=[['backspace', '', 'eol,indent,start', 'global']]
  let &bs="eol,indent,start"
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 15: Setting option backspace through setbufvar()"
  let g:options=[['backup', 0, 1, 'local']]
  " try twice, first time, shouldn't trigger because option name is invalid,
  " second time, it should trigger
  let bnum = bufnr('%')
  call assert_fails("call setbufvar(bnum, '&l:bk', 1)", "E355")
  " should trigger, use correct option name
  call setbufvar(bnum, '&backup', 1)
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 16: Setting number option using setwinvar"
  let g:options=[['number', 0, 1, 'local']]
  call setwinvar(0, '&number', 1)
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 17: Setting key option, shouldn't trigger"
  let g:options=[['key', 'invalid', 'invalid1', 'invalid']]
  setlocal key=blah
  setlocal key=
  call assert_equal([['key', 'invalid', 'invalid1', 'invalid']], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 18: Setting string option"
  let oldval = &tags
  let g:options=[['tags', oldval, 'tagpath', 'global']]
  set tags=tagpath
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " 1l: Resetting string option"
  let g:options=[['tags', 'tagpath', oldval, 'global']]
  set tags&
  call assert_equal([], g:options)
  call assert_equal(g:opt[0], g:opt[1])

  " Cleanup
  au! OptionSet
  for opt in ['nu', 'ai', 'acd', 'ar', 'bs', 'backup', 'cul', 'cp']
    exe printf(":set %s&vim", opt)
  call test_override('starting', 0)
  delfunc! AutoCommandOptionSet

func Test_OptionSet_diffmode()
  call test_override('starting', 1)
  " 18: Changing an option when entering diff mode
  au OptionSet diff :let &l:cul=v:option_new

  call setline(1, ['buffer 1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'])
  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)

  call setline(1, ['buffer 2', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line4'])
  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)

  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(1, getwinvar(2, '&l:cul'))

  call assert_equal(1, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(0, &l:cul)
  call assert_equal(0, getwinvar(1, '&l:cul'))

  " Cleanup
  au! OptionSet
  call test_override('starting', 0)

func Test_OptionSet_diffmode_close()
  call test_override('starting', 1)
  " 19: Try to close the current window when entering diff mode
  " should not segfault
  au OptionSet diff close

  call setline(1, ['buffer 1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4'])
  call assert_fails(':diffthis', 'E788')
  call assert_equal(1, &diff)
  call setline(1, ['buffer 2', 'line 2', 'line 3', 'line4'])
  call assert_fails(':diffthis', 'E788')
  call assert_equal(1, &diff)
  call assert_fails(':diffoff!', 'E788')

  " Cleanup
  au! OptionSet
  call test_override('starting', 0)
  "delfunc! AutoCommandOptionSet

func Test_OptionSet_modeline()
  call test_override('starting', 1)
  au! OptionSet
  augroup set_tabstop
    au OptionSet tabstop call timer_start(1, {-> execute("echo 'Handler called'", "")})
  augroup END
  call writefile(['vim: set ts=7 sw=5 :', 'something'], 'XoptionsetModeline')
  set modeline
  let v:errmsg = ''
  call assert_fails('split XoptionsetModeline', 'E12:')
  call assert_equal(7, &ts)
  call assert_equal('', v:errmsg)

  augroup set_tabstop
  augroup END
  set ts&
  call delete('XoptionsetModeline')
  call test_override('starting', 0)

" Test for Bufleave autocommand that deletes the buffer we are about to edit.
func Test_BufleaveWithDelete()
  new | edit Xfile1

  augroup test_bufleavewithdelete
      autocmd BufLeave Xfile1 bwipe Xfile2
  augroup END

  call assert_fails('edit Xfile2', 'E143:')
  call assert_equal('Xfile1', bufname('%'))

  autocmd! test_bufleavewithdelete BufLeave Xfile1
  augroup! test_bufleavewithdelete

  bwipe! Xfile1

" Test for autocommand that changes the buffer list, when doing ":ball".
func Test_Acmd_BufAll()
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx3'], 'Xxx3')

  " Add three files to the buffer list
  split Xxx1
  split Xxx2
  split Xxx3

  " Wipe the buffer when the buffer is opened
  au BufReadPost Xxx2 bwipe

  call append(0, 'Test file Xxx4')

  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname(winbufnr(winnr('$'))))
  wincmd t

  au! BufReadPost
  call delete('Xxx1')
  call delete('Xxx2')
  call delete('Xxx3')
  enew! | only

" Test for autocommand that changes current buffer on BufEnter event.
" Check if modelines are interpreted for the correct buffer.
func Test_Acmd_BufEnter()
  call writefile(['start of test file Xxx1',
	      \ "\<Tab>this is a test",
	      \ 'end of test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')
  call writefile(['start of test file Xxx2',
	      \ 'vim: set noai :',
	      \ "\<Tab>this is a test",
	      \ 'end of test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')

  au BufEnter Xxx2 brew
  set ai modeline modelines=3
  edit Xxx1
  " edit Xxx2, autocmd will do :brew
  edit Xxx2
  exe "normal G?this is a\<CR>"
  " Append text with autoindent to this file
  normal othis should be auto-indented
  call assert_equal("\<Tab>this should be auto-indented", getline('.'))
  call assert_equal(3, line('.'))
  " Remove autocmd and edit Xxx2 again
  au! BufEnter Xxx2
  buf! Xxx2
  exe "normal G?this is a\<CR>"
  " append text without autoindent to Xxx
  normal othis should be in column 1
  call assert_equal("this should be in column 1", getline('.'))
  call assert_equal(4, line('.'))

  call delete('Xxx1')
  call delete('Xxx2')
  set ai&vim modeline&vim modelines&vim

" Test for issue #57
" do not move cursor on <c-o> when autoindent is set
func Test_ai_CTRL_O()
  set ai
  let save_fo = &fo
  set fo+=r
  exe "normal o# abcdef\<Esc>2hi\<CR>\<C-O>d0\<Esc>"
  exe "normal o# abcdef\<Esc>2hi\<C-O>d0\<Esc>"
  call assert_equal(['# abc', 'def', 'def'], getline(2, 4))

  set ai&vim
  let &fo = save_fo

" Test for autocommand that deletes the current buffer on BufLeave event.
" Also test deleting the last buffer, should give a new, empty buffer.
func Test_BufLeave_Wipe()
  let content = ['start of test file Xxx',
	      \ 'this is a test',
	      \ 'end of test file Xxx']
  call writefile(content, 'Xxx1')
  call writefile(content, 'Xxx2')

  au BufLeave Xxx2 bwipe
  edit Xxx1
  split Xxx2
  " delete buffer Xxx2, we should be back to Xxx1
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))

  " Create an alternate buffer
  %write! test.out
  call assert_equal('test.out', bufname('#'))
  " delete alternate buffer
  bwipe test.out
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
  call assert_equal('', bufname('#'))

  au BufLeave Xxx1 bwipe
  " delete current buffer, get an empty one
  call assert_equal(1, line('$'))
  call assert_equal('', bufname('%'))
  let g:bufinfo = getbufinfo()
  call assert_equal(1, len(g:bufinfo))

  call delete('Xxx1')
  call delete('Xxx2')
  call delete('test.out')
  au! BufLeave

  " check that bufinfo doesn't contain a pointer to freed memory
  call test_garbagecollect_now()

func Test_QuitPre()
  edit Xfoo
  let winid = win_getid(winnr())
  split Xbar
  au! QuitPre * let g:afile = expand('<afile>')
  " Close the other window, <afile> should be correct.
  exe win_id2win(winid) . 'q'
  call assert_equal('Xfoo', g:afile)
  unlet g:afile
  bwipe Xfoo
  bwipe Xbar

func Test_Cmdline()
  au! CmdlineChanged : let g:text = getcmdline()
  let g:text = 0
  call feedkeys(":echom 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("echom 'hello'", g:text)
  au! CmdlineChanged

  au! CmdlineChanged : let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
  let g:entered = 0
  call feedkeys(":echom 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal(':', g:entered)
  au! CmdlineChanged

  au! CmdlineEnter : let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
  au! CmdlineLeave : let g:left = expand('<afile>')
  let g:entered = 0
  let g:left = 0
  call feedkeys(":echo 'hello'\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal(':', g:entered)
  call assert_equal(':', g:left)
  au! CmdlineEnter
  au! CmdlineLeave

  let save_shellslash = &shellslash
  set noshellslash
  au! CmdlineEnter / let g:entered = expand('<afile>')
  au! CmdlineLeave / let g:left = expand('<afile>')
  let g:entered = 0
  let g:left = 0
  call setline(1, 'hello')
  call feedkeys("/hello\<CR>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal('/', g:entered)
  call assert_equal('/', g:left)
  au! CmdlineEnter
  au! CmdlineLeave
  let &shellslash = save_shellslash

" Test for BufWritePre autocommand that deletes or unloads the buffer.
func Test_BufWritePre()
  au BufWritePre Xxx1 bunload
  au BufWritePre Xxx2 bwipe

  call writefile(['start of Xxx1', 'test', 'end of Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')
  call writefile(['start of Xxx2', 'test', 'end of Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')

  edit Xtest
  e! Xxx2
  bdel Xtest
  e Xxx1
  " write it, will unload it and give an error msg
  call assert_fails('w', 'E203')
  call assert_equal('Xxx2', bufname('%'))
  edit Xtest
  e! Xxx2
  bwipe Xtest
  " write it, will delete the buffer and give an error msg
  call assert_fails('w', 'E203')
  call assert_equal('Xxx1', bufname('%'))
  au! BufWritePre
  call delete('Xxx1')
  call delete('Xxx2')

" Test for BufUnload autocommand that unloads all the other buffers
func Test_bufunload_all()
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx1'], 'Xxx1')"
  call writefile(['Test file Xxx2'], 'Xxx2')"

  let content = [
	      \ "func UnloadAllBufs()",
	      \ "  let i = 1",
	      \ "  while i <= bufnr('$')",
	      \ "    if i != bufnr('%') && bufloaded(i)",
	      \ "      exe  i . 'bunload'",
	      \ "    endif",
	      \ "    let i += 1",
	      \ "  endwhile",
	      \ "endfunc",
	      \ "au BufUnload * call UnloadAllBufs()",
	      \ "au VimLeave * call writefile(['Test Finished'], 'Xout')",
	      \ "edit Xxx1",
	      \ "split Xxx2",
	      \ "q"]
  call writefile(content, 'Xtest')

  call delete('Xout')
  call system(v:progpath. ' --clean -N --not-a-term -S Xtest')
  call assert_true(filereadable('Xout'))

  call delete('Xxx1')
  call delete('Xxx2')
  call delete('Xtest')
  call delete('Xout')

" Some tests for buffer-local autocommands
func Test_buflocal_autocmd()
  let g:bname = ''
  edit xx
  au BufLeave <buffer> let g:bname = expand("%")
  " here, autocommand for xx should trigger.
  " but autocommand shall not apply to buffer named <buffer>.
  edit somefile
  call assert_equal('xx', g:bname)
  let g:bname = ''
  " here, autocommand shall be auto-deleted
  bwipe xx
  " autocmd should not trigger
  edit xx
  call assert_equal('', g:bname)
  " autocmd should not trigger
  edit somefile
  call assert_equal('', g:bname)
  unlet g:bname

" Test for "*Cmd" autocommands
func Test_Cmd_Autocmds()
  call writefile(['start of Xxx', "\tabc2", 'end of Xxx'], 'Xxx')

  au BufReadCmd XtestA 0r Xxx|$del
  edit XtestA			" will read text of Xxd instead
  call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(1))

  au BufWriteCmd XtestA call append(line("$"), "write")
  write				" will append a line to the file
  call assert_equal('write', getline('$'))
  call assert_fails('read XtestA', 'E484')	" should not read anything
  call assert_equal('write', getline(4))

  " now we have:
  " 1	start of Xxx
  " 2		abc2
  " 3	end of Xxx
  " 4	write

  au FileReadCmd XtestB '[r Xxx
  2r XtestB			" will read Xxx below line 2 instead
  call assert_equal('start of Xxx', getline(3))

  " now we have:
  " 1	start of Xxx
  " 2		abc2
  " 3	start of Xxx
  " 4		abc2
  " 5	end of Xxx
  " 6	end of Xxx
  " 7	write

  au FileWriteCmd XtestC '[,']copy $
  normal 4GA1
  4,5w XtestC			" will copy lines 4 and 5 to the end
  call assert_equal("\tabc21", getline(8))
  call assert_fails('r XtestC', 'E484')	" should not read anything
  call assert_equal("end of Xxx", getline(9))

  " now we have:
  " 1	start of Xxx
  " 2		abc2
  " 3	start of Xxx
  " 4		abc21
  " 5	end of Xxx
  " 6	end of Xxx
  " 7	write
  " 8		abc21
  " 9	end of Xxx

  let g:lines = []
  au FileAppendCmd XtestD call extend(g:lines, getline(line("'["), line("']")))
  w >>XtestD			" will add lines to 'lines'
  call assert_equal(9, len(g:lines))
  call assert_fails('$r XtestD', 'E484')	" should not read anything
  call assert_equal(9, line('$'))
  call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline('$'))

  au BufReadCmd XtestE 0r Xxx|$del
  sp XtestE			" split window with test.out
  call assert_equal('end of Xxx', getline(3))

  let g:lines = []
  exe "normal 2Goasdf\<Esc>\<C-W>\<C-W>"
  au BufWriteCmd XtestE call extend(g:lines, getline(0, '$'))
  wall				" will write other window to 'lines'
  call assert_equal(4, len(g:lines), g:lines)
  call assert_equal('asdf', g:lines[2])

  au! BufReadCmd
  au! BufWriteCmd
  au! FileReadCmd
  au! FileWriteCmd
  au! FileAppendCmd
  call delete('Xxx')

func SetChangeMarks(start, end)
  exe a:start. 'mark ['
  exe a:end. 'mark ]'

" Verify the effects of autocmds on '[ and ']
func Test_change_mark_in_autocmds()
  edit! Xtest
  call feedkeys("ia\<CR>b\<CR>c\<CR>d\<C-g>u", 'xtn')

  call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
  call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])

  call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
  au BufWritePre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au! BufWritePre

  if executable('cat')
    write XtestFilter
    write >> XtestFilter

    call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
    " Marks are set to the entire range of the write
    au FilterWritePre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
    " '[ is adjusted to just before the line that will receive the filtered
    " data
    au FilterReadPre * call assert_equal([4, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
    " The filtered data is read into the buffer, and the source lines are
    " still present, so the range is after the source lines
    au FilterReadPost * call assert_equal([5, 12], [line("'["), line("']")])
    %!cat XtestFilter
    " After the filtered data is read, the original lines are deleted
    call assert_equal([1, 8], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost

    call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
    au FilterWritePre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au FilterReadPre * call assert_equal([3, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au FilterReadPost * call assert_equal([4, 11], [line("'["), line("']")])
    2,3!cat XtestFilter
    call assert_equal([2, 9], [line("'["), line("']")])
    au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost

    call delete('XtestFilter')

  call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
  au FileWritePre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
  2,3write Xtest2
  au! FileWritePre

  call SetChangeMarks(2, 3)
  au FileAppendPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  write >> Xtest2
  au! FileAppendPre

  call SetChangeMarks(1, 4)
  au FileAppendPre * call assert_equal([2, 3], [line("'["), line("']")])
  2,3write >> Xtest2
  au! FileAppendPre

  call SetChangeMarks(1, 1)
  au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([3, 1], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([4, 11], [line("'["), line("']")])
  3read Xtest2
  au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost

  call SetChangeMarks(4, 4)
  " When the line is 0, it's adjusted to 1
  au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([1, 8], [line("'["), line("']")])
  0read Xtest2
  au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost

  call SetChangeMarks(4, 4)
  " When the line is 0, it's adjusted to 1
  au FileReadPre * call assert_equal([1, 4], [line("'["), line("']")])
  au FileReadPost * call assert_equal([2, 9], [line("'["), line("']")])
  1read Xtest2
  au! FileReadPre,FileReadPost

  call delete('Xtest')
  call delete('Xtest2')

func Test_Filter_noshelltemp()
  if !executable('cat')

  call setline(1, ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])

  let shelltemp = &shelltemp
  set shelltemp

  let g:filter_au = 0
  au FilterWritePre * let g:filter_au += 1
  au FilterReadPre * let g:filter_au += 1
  au FilterReadPost * let g:filter_au += 1
  call assert_equal(3, g:filter_au)

  if has('filterpipe')
    set noshelltemp

    let g:filter_au = 0
    au FilterWritePre * let g:filter_au += 1
    au FilterReadPre * let g:filter_au += 1
    au FilterReadPost * let g:filter_au += 1
    call assert_equal(0, g:filter_au)

  au! FilterWritePre,FilterReadPre,FilterReadPost
  let &shelltemp = shelltemp

func Test_TextYankPost()
  call setline(1, ['foo'])

  let g:event = []
  au TextYankPost * let g:event = copy(v:event)

  call assert_equal({}, v:event)
  call assert_fails('let v:event = {}', 'E46:')
  call assert_fails('let v:event.mykey = 0', 'E742:')

  norm "ayiw
  call assert_equal(
    \{'regcontents': ['foo'], 'regname': 'a', 'operator': 'y', 'regtype': 'v'},
  norm y_
  call assert_equal(
    \{'regcontents': ['foo'], 'regname': '',  'operator': 'y', 'regtype': 'V'},
  call feedkeys("\<C-V>y", 'x')
  call assert_equal(
    \{'regcontents': ['f'], 'regname': '',  'operator': 'y', 'regtype': "\x161"},
  norm "xciwbar
  call assert_equal(
    \{'regcontents': ['foo'], 'regname': 'x', 'operator': 'c', 'regtype': 'v'},
  norm "bdiw
  call assert_equal(
    \{'regcontents': ['bar'], 'regname': 'b', 'operator': 'd', 'regtype': 'v'},

  call assert_equal({}, v:event)

  au! TextYankPost
  unlet g:event

func Test_nocatch_wipe_all_buffers()
  " Real nasty autocommand: wipe all buffers on any event.
  au * * bwipe *
  " Get E93 first?
  " call assert_fails('next x', 'E93:')
  call assert_fails('next x', 'E517:')

func Test_nocatch_wipe_dummy_buffer()
  " Nasty autocommand: wipe buffer on any event.
  au * x bwipe
  call assert_fails('lvĀ½ /x', 'E480')

function s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  augroup test_dirchanged
  augroup END
  let s:li = []
  let s:dir_this = getcwd()
  let s:dir_foo = s:dir_this . '/foo'
  call mkdir(s:dir_foo)
  let s:dir_bar = s:dir_this . '/bar'
  call mkdir(s:dir_bar)

function s:After_test_dirchanged()
  exe 'cd' s:dir_this
  call delete(s:dir_foo, 'd')
  call delete(s:dir_bar, 'd')
  augroup test_dirchanged
  augroup END

function Test_dirchanged_global()
  call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged global call add(s:li, "cd:")
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged global call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
  exe 'cd' s:dir_foo
  call assert_equal(["cd:", s:dir_foo], s:li)
  exe 'cd' s:dir_foo
  call assert_equal(["cd:", s:dir_foo], s:li)
  exe 'lcd' s:dir_bar
  call assert_equal(["cd:", s:dir_foo], s:li)
  call s:After_test_dirchanged()

function Test_dirchanged_local()
  call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged window call add(s:li, "lcd:")
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged window call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
  exe 'cd' s:dir_foo
  call assert_equal([], s:li)
  exe 'lcd' s:dir_bar
  call assert_equal(["lcd:", s:dir_bar], s:li)
  exe 'lcd' s:dir_bar
  call assert_equal(["lcd:", s:dir_bar], s:li)
  call s:After_test_dirchanged()

function Test_dirchanged_auto()
  if !exists('+autochdir')
  call s:Before_test_dirchanged()
  call test_autochdir()
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged auto call add(s:li, "auto:")
  autocmd test_dirchanged DirChanged auto call add(s:li, expand("<afile>"))
  set acd
  exe 'cd ..'
  call assert_equal([], s:li)
  exe 'edit ' . s:dir_foo . '/Xfile'
  call assert_equal(s:dir_foo, getcwd())
  call assert_equal(["auto:", s:dir_foo], s:li)
  set noacd
  call s:After_test_dirchanged()

" Test TextChangedI and TextChangedP
func Test_ChangedP()
  call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar', 'foobar'])
  call test_override("char_avail", 1)
  set complete=. completeopt=menuone

  func! TextChangedAutocmd(char)
    let g:autocmd .= a:char

  au! TextChanged <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('N')
  au! TextChangedI <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('I')
  au! TextChangedP <buffer> :call TextChangedAutocmd('P')

  call cursor(3, 1)
  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("o\<esc>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('I', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('II', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIP', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIPP', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIPPP', g:autocmd)

  let g:autocmd = ''
  call feedkeys("Sf\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>\<C-N>", 'tnix')
  call assert_equal('IIPPPP', g:autocmd)

  call assert_equal(['foo', 'bar', 'foobar', 'foo'], getline(1, '$'))
  " TODO: how should it handle completeopt=noinsert,noselect?

  " CleanUp
  call test_override("char_avail", 0)
  au! TextChanged
  au! TextChangedI
  au! TextChangedP
  delfu TextChangedAutocmd
  unlet! g:autocmd
  set complete&vim completeopt&vim


let g:setline_handled = v:false
func SetLineOne()
  if !g:setline_handled
    call setline(1, "(x)")
    let g:setline_handled = v:true

func Test_TextChangedI_with_setline()
  call test_override('char_avail', 1)
  autocmd TextChangedI <buffer> call SetLineOne()
  call feedkeys("i(\<CR>\<Esc>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('(', getline(1))
  call assert_equal('x)', getline(2))
  call assert_equal('', getline(1))
  call assert_equal('', getline(2))

  call test_override('starting', 0)

func Test_Changed_FirstTime()
  if !has('terminal') || has('gui_running')
  " Prepare file for TextChanged event.
  call writefile([''], 'Xchanged.txt')
  let buf = term_start([GetVimProg(), '--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile'], {'term_rows': 3})
  call assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(buf))
  " Wait for the ruler (in the status line) to be shown.
  " In ConPTY, there is additional character which is drawn up to the width of
  " the screen.
  if has('conpty')
    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\<All.*$', term_getline(buf, 3))})
    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\<All$', term_getline(buf, 3))})
  " It's only adding autocmd, so that no event occurs.
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":au! TextChanged <buffer> call writefile(['No'], 'Xchanged.txt')\<cr>")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-\\>\<C-N>:qa!\<cr>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('finished', term_getstatus(buf))})
  call assert_equal([''], readfile('Xchanged.txt'))

  " clean up
  call delete('Xchanged.txt')

" FileChangedShell tested in test_filechanged.vim