view src/testdir/gen_opt_test.vim @ 16150:b23048205589 v8.1.1080

patch 8.1.1080: when a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sat Mar 30 15:59:51 2019 +0100 patch 8.1.1080: when a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle Problem: When a screendump test fails, moving the file is a hassle. Solution: Instead of appending ".failed" to the file name, keep the same file name but put the screendump in the "failed" directory. Then the file name only needs to be typed once when moving a screendump.
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sat, 30 Mar 2019 16:00:06 +0100
parents c017195b121b
children 367a775ed430
line wrap: on
line source

" Script to generate testdir/opt_test.vim from option.c

set cpo=&vim

" Only do this when build with the +eval feature.
if 1

set nomore

" The terminal size is restored at the end.
" Clear out t_WS, we don't want to resize the actual terminal.
let script = [
      \ 'let save_columns = &columns',
      \ 'let save_lines = &lines',
      \ 'let save_term = &term',
      \ 'set t_WS=',
      \ ]

/#define p_term
let end = line('.')

" font name that works everywhere (hopefully)
let fontname = has('win32') ? 'fixedsys' : 'fixed'

" Two lists with values: values that work and values that fail.
" When not listed, "othernum" or "otherstring" is used.
let test_values = {
      \ 'cmdheight': [[1, 2, 10], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'cmdwinheight': [[1, 2, 10], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'columns': [[12, 80], [-1, 0, 10]],
      \ 'conceallevel': [[0, 1, 2, 3], [-1, 4, 99]],
      \ 'foldcolumn': [[0, 1, 4, 12], [-1, 13, 999]],
      \ 'helpheight': [[0, 10, 100], [-1]],
      \ 'history': [[0, 1, 100], [-1, 10001]],
      \ 'iminsert': [[0, 1], [-1, 3, 999]],
      \ 'imsearch': [[-1, 0, 1], [-2, 3, 999]],
      \ 'imstyle': [[0, 1], [-1, 2, 999]],
      \ 'lines': [[2, 24], [-1, 0, 1]],
      \ 'linespace': [[0, 2, 4], ['']],
      \ 'numberwidth': [[1, 4, 8, 10], [-1, 0, 11]],
      \ 'regexpengine': [[0, 1, 2], [-1, 3, 999]],
      \ 'report': [[0, 1, 2, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'scroll': [[0, 1, 2, 20], [-1]],
      \ 'scrolljump': [[-50, -1, 0, 1, 2, 20], [999]],
      \ 'scrolloff': [[0, 1, 2, 20], [-1]],
      \ 'shiftwidth': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]],
      \ 'sidescroll': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]],
      \ 'sidescrolloff': [[0, 1, 8, 999], [-1]],
      \ 'tabstop': [[1, 4, 8, 12], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'textwidth': [[0, 1, 8, 99], [-1]],
      \ 'timeoutlen': [[0, 8, 99999], [-1]],
      \ 'titlelen': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'updatecount': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'updatetime': [[0, 1, 8, 9999], [-1]],
      \ 'verbose': [[-1, 0, 1, 8, 9999], []],
      \ 'wildcharm': [[-1, 0, 100], []],
      \ 'winheight': [[1, 10, 999], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'winminheight': [[0, 1], [-1]],
      \ 'winminwidth': [[0, 1, 10], [-1]],
      \ 'winwidth': [[1, 10, 999], [-1, 0]],
      \ 'ambiwidth': [['', 'single'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'background': [['', 'light', 'dark'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'backspace': [[0, 2, '', 'eol', 'eol,start'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'backupcopy': [['yes', 'auto'], ['', 'xxx', 'yes,no']],
      \ 'backupext': [['xxx'], ['']],
      \ 'belloff': [['', 'all', 'copy,error'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'breakindentopt': [['', 'min:3', 'sbr'], ['xxx', 'min', 'min:x']],
      \ 'browsedir': [['', 'last', '/'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'bufhidden': [['', 'hide', 'wipe'], ['xxx', 'hide,wipe']],
      \ 'buftype': [['', 'help', 'nofile'], ['xxx', 'help,nofile']],
      \ 'casemap': [['', 'internal'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'cedit': [['', '\<Esc>'], ['xxx', 'f']],
      \ 'clipboard': [['', 'unnamed', 'autoselect,unnamed'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'colorcolumn': [['', '8', '+2'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'comments': [['', 'b:#'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'commentstring': [['', '/*%s*/'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'complete': [['', 'w,b'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'concealcursor': [['', 'n', 'nvic'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'completeopt': [['', 'menu', 'menu,longest'], ['xxx', 'menu,,,longest,']],
      \ 'cryptmethod': [['', 'zip'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'cscopequickfix': [['', 's-', 's-,c+,e0'], ['xxx', 's,g,d']],
      \ 'debug': [['', 'msg', 'msg', 'beep'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'diffopt': [['', 'filler', 'icase,iwhite'], ['xxx', 'algorithm:xxx', 'algorithm:']],
      \ 'display': [['', 'lastline', 'lastline,uhex'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'eadirection': [['', 'both', 'ver'], ['xxx', 'ver,hor']],
      \ 'encoding': [['latin1'], ['xxx', '']],
      \ 'eventignore': [['', 'WinEnter', 'WinLeave,winenter'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'fileencoding': [['', 'latin1', 'xxx'], []],
      \ 'fileformat': [['', 'dos', 'unix'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'fileformats': [['', 'dos', 'dos,unix'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'fillchars': [['', 'vert:x'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'foldclose': [['', 'all'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'foldmethod': [['manual', 'indent'], ['', 'xxx', 'expr,diff']],
      \ 'foldopen': [['', 'all', 'hor,jump'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'foldmarker': [['((,))'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'formatoptions': [['', 'vt', 'v,t'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'guicursor': [['', 'n:block-Cursor'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'guifont': [['', fontname], []],
      \ 'guifontwide': [['', fontname], []],
      \ 'guifontset': [['', fontname], []],
      \ 'helplang': [['', 'de', 'de,it'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'highlight': [['', 'e:Error'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'imactivatekey': [['', 'S-space'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'isfname': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'isident': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'iskeyword': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'isprint': [['', '@', '@,48-52'], ['xxx', '@48']],
      \ 'keymap': [['', 'accents'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'keymodel': [['', 'startsel', 'startsel,stopsel'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'langmap': [['', 'xX', 'aA,bB'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'listchars': [['', 'eol:x', 'eol:x,space:y'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'matchpairs': [['', '(:)', '(:),<:>'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'mkspellmem': [['10000,100,12'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'mouse': [['', 'a', 'nvi'], ['xxx', 'n,v,i']],
      \ 'mousemodel': [['', 'popup'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'mouseshape': [['', 'n:arrow'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'nrformats': [['', 'alpha', 'alpha,hex,bin'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'printmbfont': [['', 'r:some', 'b:Bold,c:yes'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'printoptions': [['', 'header:0', 'left:10pc,top:5pc'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'scrollopt': [['', 'ver', 'ver,hor'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'renderoptions': [['', 'type:directx'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'selection': [['old', 'inclusive'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'selectmode': [['', 'mouse', 'key,cmd'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'sessionoptions': [['', 'blank', 'help,options,slash'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'signcolumn': [['', 'auto', 'no'], ['xxx', 'no,yes']],
      \ 'spellfile': [['', 'file.en.add'], ['xxx', '/tmp/file']],
      \ 'spellsuggest': [['', 'best', 'double,33'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'switchbuf': [['', 'useopen', 'split,newtab'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'tagcase': [['smart', 'match'], ['', 'xxx', 'smart,match']],
      \ 'term': [[], []],
      \ 'termguicolors': [[], []],
      \ 'termencoding': [has('gui_gtk') ? [] : ['', 'utf-8'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'termwinsize': [['', '24x80', '0x80', '32x0', '0x0'], ['xxx', '80', '8ax9', '24x80b']],
      \ 'termwintype': [['', 'winpty', 'conpty'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'toolbar': [['', 'icons', 'text'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'toolbariconsize': [['', 'tiny', 'huge'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'ttymouse': [['', 'xterm'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'ttytype': [[], []],
      \ 'varsofttabstop': [['8', '4,8,16,32'], ['xxx', '-1', '4,-1,20']],
      \ 'vartabstop': [['8', '4,8,16,32'], ['xxx', '-1', '4,-1,20']],
      \ 'viewoptions': [['', 'cursor', 'unix,slash'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'viminfo': [['', '''50', '"30'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'virtualedit': [['', 'all', 'all,block'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'whichwrap': [['', 'b,s', 'bs'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'wildmode': [['', 'full', 'list:full', 'full,longest'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'wildoptions': [['', 'tagfile'], ['xxx']],
      \ 'winaltkeys': [['menu', 'no'], ['', 'xxx']],
      \ 'luadll': [[], []],
      \ 'perldll': [[], []],
      \ 'pythondll': [[], []],
      \ 'pythonthreedll': [[], []],
      \ 'pyxversion': [[], []],
      \ 'rubydll': [[], []],
      \ 'tcldll': [[], []],
      \ 'othernum': [[-1, 0, 100], ['']],
      \ 'otherstring': [['', 'xxx'], []],

/struct vimoption options
while 1
  if line('.') > end
  let line = getline('.')
  let name = substitute(line, '.*{"\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '')
  let shortname = substitute(line, '.*"\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '')

  if has_key(test_values, name)
    let a = test_values[name]
  elseif line =~ 'P_NUM'
    let a = test_values['othernum']
    let a = test_values['otherstring']
  if len(a[0]) > 0 || len(a[1]) > 0
    if line =~ 'P_BOOL'
      call add(script, 'set ' . name)
      call add(script, 'set ' . shortname)
      call add(script, 'set no' . name)
      call add(script, 'set no' . shortname)
      for val in a[0]
	call add(script, 'set ' . name . '=' . val)
	call add(script, 'set ' . shortname . '=' . val)

      " setting an option can only fail when it's implemented.
      call add(script, "if exists('+" . name . "')")
      for val in a[1]
	call add(script, "call assert_fails('set " . name . "=" . val . "')")
	call add(script, "call assert_fails('set " . shortname . "=" . val . "')")
      call add(script, "endif")

    " cannot change 'termencoding' in GTK
    if name != 'termencoding' || !has('gui_gtk')
      call add(script, 'set ' . name . '&')
      call add(script, 'set ' . shortname . '&')
    if name == 'verbosefile'
      call add(script, 'call delete("xxx")')

    if name == 'more'
      call add(script, 'set nomore')
    elseif name == 'lines'
      call add(script, 'let &lines = save_lines')

call add(script, 'let &term = save_term')
call add(script, 'let &columns = save_columns')
call add(script, 'let &lines = save_lines')

call writefile(script, 'opt_test.vim')

