view src/dimm.idl @ 8863:e1b84109506a v7.4.1719

commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Fri Apr 8 17:07:19 2016 +0200 patch 7.4.1719 Problem: Leaking memory when there is a cycle involving a job and a partial. Solution: Add a copyID to job and channel. Set references in items referred by them. Go through all jobs and channels to find unreferenced items. Also, decrement reference counts when garbage collecting.
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Fri, 08 Apr 2016 17:15:06 +0200
parents 3fc0f57ecb91
line wrap: on
line source

//  Microsoft Windows
//  Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992-2000.
//  File: dimm.idl
//  Contents: ActiveIMM interface definitions

cpp_quote("// dimm.h")
cpp_quote("// (C) Copyright 1995-1998 Microsoft Corporation.  All Rights Reserved.")
cpp_quote("// PARTICULAR PURPOSE.")
cpp_quote("#pragma comment(lib,\"uuid.lib\")")
cpp_quote("// IActiveIMM Interfaces.")

Disable a warning about lack of polymorphic type support for the following reasons
- the only reason to have library block in the file is to make midl accept coclass
  statement and generate CLSID for CActiveIMM.
- the generated dimm_i.c has the clsid and that file is used to have clsid available
- the dimm.tlb is not used at all
- on top of it, there is no plans to port the app using dimm.idl to 64b platform.
 * midl_pragma is unsupported in midl version 3.01 shipped with VC5.0.
 * It is supported in midl version 5.01 shipped with VC6.0
 * I could not produce message 2395. Is this needed? W.Briscoe 2001-08-14
#if (__midl >= 501)
midl_pragma warning( disable: 2395) // polymorphic types not supported in the TLB

import "unknwn.idl";

library ActiveIMM

    cpp_quote("#include <imm.h>")

    cpp_quote("#if 0")

    typedef WORD LANGID;

    typedef struct
        LPSTR   lpReading;
        LPSTR   lpWord;

    typedef struct
        LPWSTR   lpReading;
        LPWSTR   lpWord;

    #define LF_FACESIZE         32

    typedef struct
        LONG      lfHeight;
        LONG      lfWidth;
        LONG      lfEscapement;
        LONG      lfOrientation;
        LONG      lfWeight;
        BYTE      lfItalic;
        BYTE      lfUnderline;
        BYTE      lfStrikeOut;
        BYTE      lfCharSet;
        BYTE      lfOutPrecision;
        BYTE      lfClipPrecision;
        BYTE      lfQuality;
        BYTE      lfPitchAndFamily;
        CHAR      lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];

    typedef struct
        LONG      lfHeight;
        LONG      lfWidth;
        LONG      lfEscapement;
        LONG      lfOrientation;
        LONG      lfWeight;
        BYTE      lfItalic;
        BYTE      lfUnderline;
        BYTE      lfStrikeOut;
        BYTE      lfCharSet;
        BYTE      lfOutPrecision;
        BYTE      lfClipPrecision;
        BYTE      lfQuality;
        BYTE      lfPitchAndFamily;
        WCHAR     lfFaceName[LF_FACESIZE];

    typedef DWORD     HIMC;
    typedef DWORD     HIMCC;

    typedef struct
        DWORD dwIndex;
        DWORD dwStyle;
        POINT ptCurrentPos;
        RECT  rcArea;

    typedef struct
        DWORD dwStyle;
        POINT ptCurrentPos;
        RECT  rcArea;

    typedef struct
        DWORD dwSize;
        DWORD dwStyle;
        DWORD dwCount;
        DWORD dwSelection;
        DWORD dwPageStart;
        DWORD dwPageSize;
        DWORD dwOffset[1];


    typedef struct
        DWORD       dwStyle;
        CHAR        szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];

    typedef struct
        DWORD       dwStyle;
        WCHAR       szDescription[STYLE_DESCRIPTION_SIZE];

    typedef WORD ATOM;


    cpp_quote("#if (WINVER < 0x040A)")


    typedef struct
        UINT        cbSize;
        UINT        fType;
        UINT        fState;
        UINT        wID;
        HBITMAP     hbmpChecked;
        HBITMAP     hbmpUnchecked;
        DWORD       dwItemData;
        CHAR        szString[IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE];
        HBITMAP     hbmpItem;

    typedef struct
        UINT        cbSize;
        UINT        fType;
        UINT        fState;
        UINT        wID;
        HBITMAP     hbmpChecked;
        HBITMAP     hbmpUnchecked;
        DWORD       dwItemData;
        WCHAR       szString[IMEMENUITEM_STRING_SIZE];
        HBITMAP     hbmpItem;


    cpp_quote("#ifndef _DDKIMM_H_")

    typedef struct
        HWND                hWnd;
        BOOL                fOpen;
        POINT               ptStatusWndPos;
        POINT               ptSoftKbdPos;
        DWORD               fdwConversion;
        DWORD               fdwSentence;
            LOGFONTA        A;
            LOGFONTW        W;
        } lfFont;
        COMPOSITIONFORM     cfCompForm;
        CANDIDATEFORM       cfCandForm[4];
        HIMCC               hCompStr;
        HIMCC               hCandInfo;
        HIMCC               hGuideLine;
        HIMCC               hPrivate;
        DWORD               dwNumMsgBuf;
        HIMCC               hMsgBuf;
        DWORD               fdwInit;
        DWORD               dwReserve[3];

    typedef struct
        DWORD       dwPrivateDataSize;
        DWORD       fdwProperty;
        DWORD       fdwConversionCaps;
        DWORD       fdwSentenceCaps;
        DWORD       fdwUICaps;
        DWORD       fdwSCSCaps;
        DWORD       fdwSelectCaps;
    } IMEINFO;


    interface IEnumRegisterWordA : IUnknown
        HRESULT Clone([out] IEnumRegisterWordA **ppEnum);
        HRESULT Next([in] ULONG ulCount, [out] REGISTERWORDA *rgRegisterWord, [out] ULONG *pcFetched);
        HRESULT Reset();
        HRESULT Skip([in] ULONG ulCount);

    interface IEnumRegisterWordW : IUnknown
        HRESULT Clone([out] IEnumRegisterWordW **ppEnum);
        HRESULT Next([in] ULONG ulCount, [out] REGISTERWORDW *rgRegisterWord, [out] ULONG *pcFetched);
        HRESULT Reset();
        HRESULT Skip([in] ULONG ulCount);

    interface IEnumInputContext : IUnknown
        HRESULT Clone([out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum);
        HRESULT Next([in] ULONG ulCount, [out] HIMC *rgInputContext, [out] ULONG *pcFetched);
        HRESULT Reset();
        HRESULT Skip([in] ULONG ulCount);

    interface IActiveIMMRegistrar : IUnknown
        HRESULT RegisterIME([in] REFCLSID rclsid, [in] LANGID lgid, [in] LPCWSTR pszIconFile, [in] LPCWSTR pszDesc);
        HRESULT UnregisterIME([in] REFCLSID rclsid);

    interface IActiveIMMMessagePumpOwner : IUnknown
        HRESULT Start();
        HRESULT End();
        HRESULT OnTranslateMessage([in] const MSG *pMsg);
        HRESULT Pause([out] DWORD *pdwCookie);
        HRESULT Resume([in] DWORD dwCookie);

    interface IActiveIMMApp : IUnknown
        HRESULT AssociateContext([in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIME, [out] HIMC *phPrev);
        HRESULT ConfigureIMEA([in] HKL hKL, [in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwMode, [in] REGISTERWORDA *pData);
        HRESULT ConfigureIMEW([in] HKL hKL, [in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwMode, [in] REGISTERWORDW *pData);
        HRESULT CreateContext([out] HIMC *phIMC);
        HRESULT DestroyContext([in] HIMC hIME);
        HRESULT EnumRegisterWordA([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szRegister, [in] LPVOID pData, [out] IEnumRegisterWordA **pEnum);
        HRESULT EnumRegisterWordW([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szRegister, [in] LPVOID pData, [out] IEnumRegisterWordW **pEnum);
        HRESULT EscapeA([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uEscape, [in, out] LPVOID pData, [out] LRESULT *plResult);
        HRESULT EscapeW([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uEscape, [in, out] LPVOID pData, [out] LRESULT *plResult);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListCountA([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwListSize, [out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListCountW([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwListSize, [out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
        HRESULT GetCandidateWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [out] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
        HRESULT GetCompositionFontA([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] LOGFONTA *plf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionFontW([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] LOGFONTW *plf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionStringA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LONG *plCopied, [out] LPVOID pBuf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionStringW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LONG *plCopied, [out] LPVOID pBuf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
        HRESULT GetContext([in] HWND hWnd, [out] HIMC *phIMC);
        HRESULT GetConversionListA([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LPSTR pSrc, [in] UINT uBufLen, [in] UINT uFlag, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetConversionListW([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LPWSTR pSrc, [in] UINT uBufLen, [in] UINT uFlag, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetConversionStatus([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pfdwConversion, [out] DWORD *pfdwSentence);
        HRESULT GetDefaultIMEWnd([in] HWND hWnd, [out] HWND *phDefWnd);
        HRESULT GetDescriptionA([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPSTR szDescription, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetDescriptionW([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPWSTR szDescription, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetGuideLineA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LPSTR pBuf, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT GetGuideLineW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LPWSTR pBuf, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT GetIMEFileNameA([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPSTR szFileName, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetIMEFileNameW([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPWSTR szFileName, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetOpenStatus([in] HIMC hIMC);
        HRESULT GetProperty([in] HKL hKL, [in] DWORD fdwIndex, [out] DWORD *pdwProperty);
        HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleA([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT nItem, [out] STYLEBUFA *pStyleBuf, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleW([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT nItem, [out] STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetStatusWindowPos([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] POINT *pptPos);
        HRESULT GetVirtualKey([in] HWND hWnd, [out] UINT *puVirtualKey);
        HRESULT InstallIMEA([in] LPSTR szIMEFileName, [in] LPSTR szLayoutText, [out] HKL *phKL);
        HRESULT InstallIMEW([in] LPWSTR szIMEFileName, [in] LPWSTR szLayoutText, [out] HKL *phKL);
        HRESULT IsIME([in] HKL hKL);
        HRESULT IsUIMessageA([in] HWND hWndIME, [in] UINT msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam);
        HRESULT IsUIMessageW([in] HWND hWndIME, [in] UINT msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam);
        HRESULT NotifyIME([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwAction, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwValue);
        HRESULT RegisterWordA([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szRegister);
        HRESULT RegisterWordW([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szRegister);
        HRESULT ReleaseContext([in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIMC);
        HRESULT SetCandidateWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
        HRESULT SetCompositionFontA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LOGFONTA *plf);
        HRESULT SetCompositionFontW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LOGFONTW *plf);
        HRESULT SetCompositionStringA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] LPVOID pComp, [in] DWORD dwCompLen, [in] LPVOID pRead, [in] DWORD dwReadLen);
        HRESULT SetCompositionStringW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] LPVOID pComp, [in] DWORD dwCompLen, [in] LPVOID pRead, [in] DWORD dwReadLen);
        HRESULT SetCompositionWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
        HRESULT SetConversionStatus([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD fdwConversion, [in] DWORD fdwSentence);
        HRESULT SetOpenStatus([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] BOOL fOpen);
        HRESULT SetStatusWindowPos([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] POINT *pptPos);
        HRESULT SimulateHotKey([in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwHotKeyID);
        HRESULT UnregisterWordA([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szUnregister);
        HRESULT UnregisterWordW([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szUnregister);

        HRESULT Activate([in] BOOL fRestoreLayout);
        HRESULT Deactivate();

        HRESULT OnDefWindowProc([in] HWND hWnd, [in] UINT Msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam, [out] LRESULT *plResult);

        HRESULT FilterClientWindows([in] ATOM *aaClassList, [in] UINT uSize);

        HRESULT GetCodePageA([in] HKL hKL, [out] UINT *uCodePage);
        HRESULT GetLangId([in] HKL hKL, [out] LANGID *plid);

        // win98/nt5 apis
        HRESULT AssociateContextEx([in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags);
        HRESULT DisableIME([in] DWORD idThread);
        HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwType, [in] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeParentMenu, [out] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeMenu, [in] DWORD dwSize, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwType, [in] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeParentMenu, [out] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeMenu, [in] DWORD dwSize, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT EnumInputContext([in] DWORD idThread, [out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum);

    interface IActiveIMMIME : IUnknown
        HRESULT AssociateContext([in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIME, [out] HIMC *phPrev);
        HRESULT ConfigureIMEA([in] HKL hKL, [in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwMode, [in] REGISTERWORDA *pData);
        HRESULT ConfigureIMEW([in] HKL hKL, [in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwMode, [in] REGISTERWORDW *pData);
        HRESULT CreateContext([out] HIMC *phIMC);
        HRESULT DestroyContext([in] HIMC hIME);
        HRESULT EnumRegisterWordA([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szRegister, [in] LPVOID pData, [out] IEnumRegisterWordA **pEnum);
        HRESULT EnumRegisterWordW([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szRegister, [in] LPVOID pData, [out] IEnumRegisterWordW **pEnum);
        HRESULT EscapeA([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uEscape, [in, out] LPVOID pData, [out] LRESULT *plResult);
        HRESULT EscapeW([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uEscape, [in, out] LPVOID pData, [out] LRESULT *plResult);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pCandList, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListCountA([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwListSize, [out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
        HRESULT GetCandidateListCountW([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwListSize, [out] DWORD *pdwBufLen);
        HRESULT GetCandidateWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [out] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
        HRESULT GetCompositionFontA([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] LOGFONTA *plf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionFontW([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] LOGFONTW *plf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionStringA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LONG *plCopied, [out] LPVOID pBuf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionStringW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LONG *plCopied, [out] LPVOID pBuf);
        HRESULT GetCompositionWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
        HRESULT GetContext([in] HWND hWnd, [out] HIMC *phIMC);
        HRESULT GetConversionListA([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LPSTR pSrc, [in] UINT uBufLen, [in] UINT uFlag, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetConversionListW([in] HKL hKL, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LPWSTR pSrc, [in] UINT uBufLen, [in] UINT uFlag, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pDst, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetConversionStatus([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pfdwConversion, [out] DWORD *pfdwSentence);
        HRESULT GetDefaultIMEWnd([in] HWND hWnd, [out] HWND *phDefWnd);
        HRESULT GetDescriptionA([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPSTR szDescription, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetDescriptionW([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPWSTR szDescription, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetGuideLineA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LPSTR pBuf, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT GetGuideLineW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwBufLen, [out] LPWSTR pBuf, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT GetIMEFileNameA([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPSTR szFileName, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetIMEFileNameW([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] LPWSTR szFileName, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetOpenStatus([in] HIMC hIMC);
        HRESULT GetProperty([in] HKL hKL, [in] DWORD fdwIndex, [out] DWORD *pdwProperty);
        HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleA([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT nItem, [out] STYLEBUFA *pStyleBuf, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyleW([in] HKL hKL, [in] UINT nItem, [out] STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT GetStatusWindowPos([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] POINT *pptPos);
        HRESULT GetVirtualKey([in] HWND hWnd, [out] UINT *puVirtualKey);
        HRESULT InstallIMEA([in] LPSTR szIMEFileName, [in] LPSTR szLayoutText, [out] HKL *phKL);
        HRESULT InstallIMEW([in] LPWSTR szIMEFileName, [in] LPWSTR szLayoutText, [out] HKL *phKL);
        HRESULT IsIME([in] HKL hKL);
        HRESULT IsUIMessageA([in] HWND hWndIME, [in] UINT msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam);
        HRESULT IsUIMessageW([in] HWND hWndIME, [in] UINT msg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam);
        HRESULT NotifyIME([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwAction, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwValue);
        HRESULT RegisterWordA([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szRegister);
        HRESULT RegisterWordW([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szRegister);
        HRESULT ReleaseContext([in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIMC);
        HRESULT SetCandidateWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] CANDIDATEFORM *pCandidate);
        HRESULT SetCompositionFontA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LOGFONTA *plf);
        HRESULT SetCompositionFontW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LOGFONTW *plf);
        HRESULT SetCompositionStringA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] LPVOID pComp, [in] DWORD dwCompLen, [in] LPVOID pRead, [in] DWORD dwReadLen);
        HRESULT SetCompositionStringW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] LPVOID pComp, [in] DWORD dwCompLen, [in] LPVOID pRead, [in] DWORD dwReadLen);
        HRESULT SetCompositionWindow([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] COMPOSITIONFORM *pCompForm);
        HRESULT SetConversionStatus([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD fdwConversion, [in] DWORD fdwSentence);
        HRESULT SetOpenStatus([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] BOOL fOpen);
        HRESULT SetStatusWindowPos([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] POINT *pptPos);
        HRESULT SimulateHotKey([in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwHotKeyID);
        HRESULT UnregisterWordA([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPSTR szUnregister);
        HRESULT UnregisterWordW([in] HKL hKL, [in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szUnregister);

        // ime helper methods
        HRESULT GenerateMessage([in] HIMC hIMC);

        // HIMC and HIMCC management api's
        HRESULT LockIMC([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] INPUTCONTEXT **ppIMC);
        HRESULT UnlockIMC([in] HIMC hIMC);
        HRESULT GetIMCLockCount([in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwLockCount);
        HRESULT CreateIMCC([in] DWORD dwSize, [out] HIMCC *phIMCC);
        HRESULT DestroyIMCC([in] HIMCC hIMCC);
        HRESULT LockIMCC([in] HIMCC hIMCC, [out] void **ppv);
        HRESULT UnlockIMCC([in] HIMCC hIMCC);
        HRESULT ReSizeIMCC([in] HIMCC hIMCC, [in] DWORD dwSize, [out] HIMCC *phIMCC);
        HRESULT GetIMCCSize([in] HIMCC hIMCC, [out] DWORD *pdwSize);
        HRESULT GetIMCCLockCount([in] HIMCC hIMCC, [out] DWORD *pdwLockCount);

        // hot key manipulation api's
        HRESULT GetHotKey([in] DWORD dwHotKeyID, [out] UINT *puModifiers, [out] UINT *puVKey, [out] HKL *phKL);
        HRESULT SetHotKey([in] DWORD dwHotKeyID, [in] UINT uModifiers, [in] UINT uVKey, [in] HKL hKL);

        // soft keyboard api's
        HRESULT CreateSoftKeyboard([in] UINT uType, [in] HWND hOwner, [in] int x, [in] int y, [out] HWND *phSoftKbdWnd);
        HRESULT DestroySoftKeyboard([in] HWND hSoftKbdWnd);
        HRESULT ShowSoftKeyboard([in] HWND hSoftKbdWnd, [in] int nCmdShow);

        HRESULT GetCodePageA([in] HKL hKL, [out] UINT *uCodePage);
        HRESULT GetLangId([in] HKL hKL, [out] LANGID *plid);

        HRESULT KeybdEvent([in] LANGID lgidIME, [in] BYTE bVk, [in] BYTE bScan, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwExtraInfo);

        HRESULT LockModal();
        HRESULT UnlockModal();

        // win98/nt5 apis
        HRESULT AssociateContextEx([in] HWND hWnd, [in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags);
        HRESULT DisableIME([in] DWORD idThread);
        HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwType, [in] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeParentMenu, [out] IMEMENUITEMINFOA *pImeMenu, [in] DWORD dwSize, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT GetImeMenuItemsW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwFlags, [in] DWORD dwType, [in] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeParentMenu, [out] IMEMENUITEMINFOW *pImeMenu, [in] DWORD dwSize, [out] DWORD *pdwResult);
        HRESULT EnumInputContext([in] DWORD idThread, [out] IEnumInputContext **ppEnum);
        HRESULT RequestMessageA([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam, [out] LRESULT *plResult);
        HRESULT RequestMessageW([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam, [out] LRESULT *plResult);

        HRESULT SendIMCA([in] HWND hWnd, [in] UINT uMsg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam, [out] LRESULT *plResult);
        HRESULT SendIMCW([in] HWND hWnd, [in] UINT uMsg, [in] WPARAM wParam, [in] LPARAM lParam, [out] LRESULT *plResult);

        HRESULT IsSleeping();

    interface IActiveIME : IUnknown
        HRESULT Inquire([in] DWORD dwSystemInfoFlags, [out] IMEINFO *pIMEInfo, [out] LPWSTR szWndClass, [out] DWORD *pdwPrivate);
        HRESULT ConversionList([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] LPWSTR szSource, [in] UINT uFlag, [in] UINT uBufLen, [out] CANDIDATELIST *pDest, [out] UINT *puCopied);
        HRESULT Configure([in] HKL hKL, [in] HWND hWnd, [in] DWORD dwMode, [in] REGISTERWORDW *pRegisterWord);
        HRESULT Destroy([in] UINT uReserved);
        HRESULT Escape([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uEscape, [in, out] void *pData, [out] LRESULT *plResult);
        HRESULT SetActiveContext([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] BOOL fFlag);
        HRESULT ProcessKey([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] UINT uVirKey, [in] DWORD lParam, [in] BYTE *pbKeyState);
        HRESULT Notify([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwAction, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] DWORD dwValue);
        HRESULT Select([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] BOOL fSelect);
        HRESULT SetCompositionString([in] HIMC hIMC, [in] DWORD dwIndex, [in] void *pComp, [in] DWORD dwCompLen, [in] void *pRead, [in] DWORD dwReadLen);
        HRESULT ToAsciiEx([in] UINT uVirKey, [in] UINT uScanCode, [in] BYTE *pbKeyState, [in] UINT fuState, [in] HIMC hIMC, [out] DWORD *pdwTransBuf, [out] UINT *puSize);
        HRESULT RegisterWord([in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szString);
        HRESULT UnregisterWord([in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD  dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szString);
        HRESULT GetRegisterWordStyle([in] UINT nItem, [out] STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf, [out] UINT *puBufSize);
        HRESULT EnumRegisterWord([in] LPWSTR szReading, [in] DWORD dwStyle, [in] LPWSTR szRegister, [in] LPVOID pData, [out] IEnumRegisterWordW **ppEnum);
        HRESULT GetCodePageA([out] UINT *uCodePage);
        HRESULT GetLangId([out] LANGID *plid);

    interface IActiveIME2 : IActiveIME
        HRESULT Sleep();
        HRESULT Unsleep([in] BOOL fDead);

    coclass CActiveIMM
        [default] interface IActiveIMMApp;
        interface IActiveIMMIME;
        interface IActiveIMMRegistrar;
        interface IActiveIMMMessagePumpOwner;