view src/Make_vms.mms @ 2894:fe9c7da98b5e v7.3.220

updated for version 7.3.220 Problem: Python 3: vim.error is a 'str' instead of an 'Exception' object, so 'except' or 'raise' it causes a 'SystemError' exception. Buffer objects do not support slice assignment. When exchanging text between Vim and Python, multibyte texts become gabage or cause Unicode Expceptions, etc. 'py3file' tries to read in the file as Unicode, sometimes causes UnicodeDecodeException Solution: Fix the problems. (lilydjwg)
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sun, 19 Jun 2011 00:27:51 +0200
parents 620a42739426
children 04736b4030ec
line wrap: on
line source

# Makefile for Vim on OpenVMS
# Maintainer:   Zoltan Arpadffy <>
# Last change:  2008 Aug 16
# This has script been tested on VMS 6.2 to 8.2 on DEC Alpha, VAX and IA64
# with MMS and MMK
# The following could be built:
#	vim.exe:	standard (terminal, GUI/Motif, GUI/GTK)
#	dvim.exe:	debug
# Edit the lines in the Configuration section below for fine tuning.
# To build:    mms/descrip=Make_vms.mms /ignore=warning
# To clean up: mms/descrip=Make_vms.mms clean
# Hints and detailed description could be found in INSTALLVMS.TXT file.
# Configuration section.
# VMS version
# Uncomment if you use VMS version 6.2 or older

# Compiler selection.
# Comment out if you use the VAXC compiler

# Build model selection
# TINY   - Almost no features enabled, not even multiple windows
# SMALL  - Few features enabled, as basic as possible
# NORMAL - A default selection of features enabled
# BIG    - Many features enabled, as rich as possible. (default)
# HUGE   - All possible featues enabled.
# Please select one of these alternatives above.

# GUI or terminal mode executable.
# Comment out if you want just the character terminal mode only.
# GUI with Motif

# GUI with GTK
# If you have GTK installed you might want to enable this option.
# NOTE: you will need to properly define GTK_DIR below

# GUI/Motif with XPM
# If you have XPM installed you might want to build Motif version with toolbar

# Comment out if you want the compiler version with :ver command.
# NOTE: This part can make some complications if you're using some
# predefined symbols/flags for your compiler. If does, just leave behind
# the comment varialbe CCVER.

# Uncomment if want a debug version. Resulting executable is DVIM.EXE
# Development purpose only! Normally, it should not be defined. !!!

# Languages support for Perl, Python, TCL etc.
# If you don't need it really, leave them behind the comment.
# You will need related libraries, include files etc.
# VIM_TCL    = YES

# X Input Method.  For entering special languages like chinese and
# Japanese. Please define just one: VIM_XIM or VIM_HANGULIN
# If you don't need it really, leave it behind the comment.

# Internal Hangul input method. GUI only.
# If you don't need it really, leave it behind the comment.

# Allow any white space to separate the fields in a tags file
# When not defined, only a TAB is allowed.


# Directory, library and include files configuration section.
# Normally you need not to change anything below. !
# These may need to be defined if things are not in standard locations
# You can find some explanation in INSTALLVMS.TXT

# Compiler setup

.IFDEF DECC	     # VAX with DECC
CC_DEF  = cc # /decc # some system requires this switch but when it is not required /ver might fail
PREFIX  = /prefix=all
.ELSE		     # VAX with VAXC
CC_DEF	= cc
.ELSE		     # AXP wixh DECC
CC_DEF  = cc
PREFIX  = /prefix=all

LD_DEF  = link
C_INC   = [.proto]


TARGET    = dvim.exe
CFLAGS    = /debug/noopt$(PREFIX)
LDFLAGS   = /debug
TARGET    = vim.exe
CFLAGS    = /opt$(PREFIX)

# Predefined VIM directories
# Please, use $VIM and $VIMRUNTIME logicals instead
VIMLOC  = ""
VIMRUN  = ""

CONFIG_H = os_vms_conf.h

# GTK or XPM but not both
XPM = ""

GTK = ""

# X/Motif/GTK executable  (also works in terminal mode )

# NOTE: you need to set up your GTK_DIR (GTK root directory), because it is
# unique on every system - logicals are not accepted
# please note: directory should end with . in order to /trans=conc work
# This value for GTK_DIR is an example.
GUI_FLAG = /name=(as_is,short)/float=ieee/ieee=denorm
GUI_SRC  = gui.c gui_gtk.c gui_gtk_f.c gui_gtk_x11.c gui_beval.c pty.c
GUI_OBJ  = gui.obj gui_gtk.obj gui_gtk_f.obj gui_gtk_x11.obj gui_beval.obj pty.obj
GUI_INC  = ,"/gtk_root/gtk","/gtk_root/glib"
# GUI_INC_VER is used just for :ver information
# this string should escape from C and DCL in the same time
GUI_INC_VER= ,\""/gtk_root/gtk\"",\""/gtk_root/glib\""
GUI_SRC  = gui.c gui_motif.c gui_x11.c gui_beval.c gui_xmdlg.c gui_xmebw.c
GUI_OBJ  = gui.obj gui_motif.obj gui_x11.obj gui_beval.obj gui_xmdlg.obj gui_xmebw.obj

# You need to define these variables if you do not have DECW files
# at standard location
GUI_INC_DIR = ,decw$include:
# GUI_LIB_DIR = ,sys$library:

# Character terminal only executable

# Perl related setup.
PERL	 = perl
PERL_SRC = if_perlsfio.c if_perl.xs
PERL_OBJ = if_perlsfio.obj if_perl.obj
PERL_INC = ,dka0:[perlbuild.perl.lib.vms_axp.5_6_1.core]

# Python related setup.
PYTHON_SRC = if_python.c
PYTHON_OBJ = if_python.obj

# TCL related setup.
TCL_SRC = if_tcl.c
TCL_OBJ = if_tcl.obj
TCL_INC = ,dka0:[tcl80.generic]

# SNIFF related setup.
SNIFF_SRC = if_sniff.c
SNIFF_OBJ = if_sniff.obj

# RUBY related setup.
RUBY_SRC = if_ruby.c
RUBY_OBJ = if_ruby.obj

# XIM related setup.

# HANGULIN related setup.
HANGULIN_SRC = hangulin.c
HANGULIN_OBJ = hangulin.obj

# TAG_ANYWHITE related setup.

# MZSCHEME related setup
MZSCH_SRC = if_mzsch.c 
MZSCH_OBJ = if_mzsch.obj

# End of configuration section.
# Please, do not change anything below without programming experience.


# These go into pathdef.c

.SUFFIXES : .obj .c


# CFLAGS displayed in :ver information
# It is specially formated for correct display of unix like includes
# as $(GUI_INC) - replaced with $(GUI_INC_VER)
# Otherwise should not be any other difference.


SRC =	blowfish.c buffer.c charset.c diff.c digraph.c edit.c eval.c ex_cmds.c ex_cmds2.c \
	ex_docmd.c ex_eval.c ex_getln.c if_xcmdsrv.c fileio.c fold.c getchar.c \
	hardcopy.c hashtab.c main.c mark.c menu.c mbyte.c memfile.c memline.c message.c misc1.c \
	misc2.c move.c normal.c ops.c option.c popupmnu.c quickfix.c regexp.c search.c sha256.c\
	spell.c syntax.c tag.c term.c termlib.c ui.c undo.c version.c screen.c \
	window.c os_unix.c os_vms.c pathdef.c \

OBJ =	blowfish.obj buffer.obj charset.obj diff.obj digraph.obj edit.obj eval.obj \
	ex_cmds.obj ex_cmds2.obj ex_docmd.obj ex_eval.obj ex_getln.obj \
	if_xcmdsrv.obj fileio.obj fold.obj getchar.obj hardcopy.obj hashtab.obj main.obj mark.obj \
	menu.obj memfile.obj memline.obj message.obj misc1.obj misc2.obj \
	move.obj mbyte.obj normal.obj ops.obj option.obj popupmnu.obj quickfix.obj \
	regexp.obj search.obj sha256.obj spell.obj syntax.obj tag.obj term.obj termlib.obj \
	ui.obj undo.obj screen.obj version.obj window.obj os_unix.obj \
	os_vms.obj pathdef.obj if_mzsch.obj\

# Default target is making the executable
all : [.auto]config.h mmk_compat motif_env gtk_env perl_env python_env tcl_env ruby_env $(TARGET)
	! $@

[.auto]config.h : $(CONFIG_H)
	copy/nolog $(CONFIG_H) [.auto]config.h

mmk_compat :
	-@ open/write pd pathdef.c
	-@ write pd "/* Empty file to satisfy MMK depend.  */"
	-@ write pd "/* It will be overwritten later on... */"
	-@ close pd
clean :
	-@ if "''F$SEARCH("*.exe")'" .NES. "" then delete/noconfirm/nolog *.exe;*
	-@ if "''F$SEARCH("*.obj")'" .NES. "" then delete/noconfirm/nolog *.obj;*
	-@ if "''F$SEARCH("[.auto]config.h")'" .NES. "" then delete/noconfirm/nolog [.auto]config.h;*
	-@ if "''F$SEARCH("pathdef.c")'" .NES. "" then delete/noconfirm/nolog pathdef.c;*
	-@ if "''F$SEARCH("if_perl.c")'" .NES. "" then delete/noconfirm/nolog if_perl.c;*
	-@ if "''F$SEARCH("*.opt")'" .NES. "" then delete/noconfirm/nolog *.opt;*

# Link the target
$(TARGET) : $(OBJ)
	$(LD_DEF) $(LDFLAGS) /exe=$(TARGET) $+ $(ALL_LIBS)

.c.obj :

pathdef.c : check_ccver $(CONFIG_H)
	-@ write sys$output "creating PATHDEF.C file."
	-@ open/write pd pathdef.c
	-@ write pd "/* pathdef.c -- DO NOT EDIT! */"
	-@ write pd "/* This file is automatically created by MAKE_VMS.MMS"
	-@ write pd " * Change the file MAKE_VMS.MMS Only. */"
	-@ write pd "typedef unsigned char   char_u;"
	-@ write pd "char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMLOC)";"
	-@ write pd "char_u *default_vimruntime_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRUN)";"
	-@ write pd "char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)""$(CC_DEF)$(ALL_CFLAGS_VER)"";"
	-@ write pd "char_u *all_lflags = (char_u *)""$(LD_DEF)$(LDFLAGS) /exe=$(TARGET) *.OBJ $(ALL_LIBS)"";"
	-@ write pd "char_u *compiler_version = (char_u *) ""''CC_VER'"";"
	-@ write pd "char_u *compiled_user = (char_u *) "$(VIMUSER)";"
	-@ write pd "char_u *compiled_sys  = (char_u *) "$(VIMHOST)";"
	-@ write pd "char_u *compiled_arch = (char_u *) ""$(MMSARCH_NAME)"";"
	-@ close pd

if_perl.c : if_perl.xs
	-@ $(PERL) PERL_ROOT:[LIB.ExtUtils]xsubpp -prototypes -typemap -
 PERL_ROOT:[LIB.ExtUtils]typemap if_perl.xs >> $@

make_vms.mms :
	-@ write sys$output "The name of the makefile MUST be <MAKE_VMS.MMS> !!!"

# This part can make some complications if you're using some predefined
# symbols/flags for your compiler. If does, just comment out CCVER variable
check_ccver :
	-@ define sys$output cc_ver.tmp
	-@ $(CC_DEF)/version
	-@ deassign sys$output
	-@ open/read file cc_ver.tmp
	-@ read file CC_VER
	-@ close file
	-@ delete/noconfirm/nolog cc_ver.tmp.*
check_ccver :
	-@ !

motif_env :
	-@ write sys$output "using DECW/Motif/XPM environment."
	-@ write sys$output "using DECW/Motif environment."
	-@ write sys$output "creating OS_VMS_MOTIF.OPT file."
	-@ open/write opt_file OS_VMS_MOTIF.OPT
	-@ write opt_file "sys$share:decw$xmlibshr12.exe/share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "sys$share:decw$xtlibshrr5.exe/share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share"
	-@ close opt_file
motif_env :
	-@ !

gtk_env :
	-@ write sys$output "using GTK environment:"
	-@ define/nolog gtk_root /trans=conc $(GTK_DIR)
	-@ show logical gtk_root
	-@ write sys$output "    include path: "$(GUI_INC)""
	-@ write sys$output "creating OS_VMS_GTK.OPT file."
	-@ open/write opt_file OS_VMS_GTK.OPT
	-@ write opt_file "gtk_root:[glib]libglib.exe /share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "gtk_root:[glib.gmodule]libgmodule.exe /share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "gtk_root:[gtk.gdk]libgdk.exe /share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "gtk_root:[gtk.gtk]libgtk.exe /share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "sys$share:decw$xmlibshr12.exe/share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "sys$share:decw$xtlibshrr5.exe/share,-"
	-@ write opt_file "sys$share:decw$xlibshr.exe/share"
	-@ close opt_file
gtk_env :
	-@ !

perl_env :
	-@ write sys$output "using PERL environment:"
	-@ show logical PERLSHR
	-@ write sys$output "    include path: ""$(PERL_INC)"""
	-@ show symbol perl
	-@ open/write pd if_perl.c
	-@ write pd "/* Empty file to satisfy MMK depend.  */"
	-@ write pd "/* It will be overwritten later on... */"
	-@ close pd
	-@ write sys$output "creating OS_VMS_PERL.OPT file."
	-@ open/write opt_file OS_VMS_PERL.OPT
	-@ write opt_file "PERLSHR /share"
	-@ close opt_file
perl_env :
	-@ !

python_env :
	-@ write sys$output "using PYTHON environment:"
	-@ show logical PYTHON_INCLUDE
	-@ show logical PYTHON_OLB
	-@ write sys$output "creating OS_VMS_PYTHON.OPT file."
	-@ open/write opt_file OS_VMS_PYTHON.OPT
	-@ write opt_file "PYTHON_OLB:PYTHON.OLB /share"
	-@ close opt_file
python_env :
	-@ !

tcl_env :
	-@ write sys$output "using TCL environment:"
	-@ show logical TCLSHR
	-@ write sys$output "    include path: ""$(TCL_INC)"""
	-@ write sys$output "creating OS_VMS_TCL.OPT file."
	-@ open/write opt_file OS_VMS_TCL.OPT
	-@ write opt_file "TCLSHR /share"
	-@ close opt_file
tcl_env :
	-@ !

ruby_env :
	-@ write sys$output "using RUBY environment:"
	-@ write sys$output "    include path: ""$(RUBY_INC)"""
	-@ write sys$output "creating OS_VMS_RUBY.OPT file."
	-@ open/write opt_file OS_VMS_RUBY.OPT
	-@ write opt_file "RUBYSHR /share"
	-@ close opt_file
ruby_env :
	-@ !

buffer.obj : buffer.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h
charset.obj : charset.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
diff.obj : diff.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
digraph.obj : digraph.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
edit.obj : edit.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
eval.obj : eval.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
 arabic.h version.h
ex_cmds.obj : ex_cmds.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h
ex_cmds2.obj : ex_cmds2.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h
ex_docmd.obj : ex_docmd.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
ex_eval.obj : ex_eval.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
ex_getln.obj : ex_getln.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
fileio.obj : fileio.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
fold.obj : fold.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
getchar.obj : getchar.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
hardcopy.obj : hardcopy.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
hashtab.obj : hashtab.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
if_cscope.obj : if_cscope.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h if_cscope.h
if_xcmdsrv.obj : if_xcmdsrv.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h
if_mzsch.obj : if_mzsch.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h option.h structs.h \
 regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h if_mzsch.h 
main.obj : main.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
 arabic.h farsi.c arabic.c
mark.obj : mark.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
memfile.obj : memfile.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
memline.obj : memline.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
menu.obj : menu.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
message.obj : message.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
misc1.obj : misc1.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
 arabic.h version.h
misc2.obj : misc2.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
move.obj : move.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
mbyte.obj : mbyte.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
normal.obj : normal.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
ops.obj : ops.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
option.obj : option.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
os_unix.obj : os_unix.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h os_unixx.h
os_vms.obj : os_vms.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h os_unixx.h
pathdef.obj : pathdef.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
popupmnu.obj : popupmnu.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
quickfix.obj : quickfix.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
regexp.obj : regexp.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
screen.obj : screen.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
search.obj : search.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
spell.obj : spell.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
syntax.obj : syntax.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
tag.obj : tag.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
term.obj : term.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
termlib.obj : termlib.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
ui.obj : ui.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
undo.obj : undo.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
version.obj : version.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h
window.obj : window.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
gui.obj : gui.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
gui_gtk.obj : gui_gtk.c gui_gtk_f.h vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h \
 os_unix.h   ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h \
 regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h \
 proto.h globals.h farsi.h arabic.h [-.pixmaps]stock_icons.h
gui_gtk_f.obj : gui_gtk_f.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h gui_gtk_f.h
gui_motif.obj : gui_motif.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h [-.pixmaps]alert.xpm [-.pixmaps]error.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]generic.xpm [-.pixmaps]info.xpm [-.pixmaps]quest.xpm
gui_athena.obj : gui_athena.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h gui_at_sb.h
gui_gtk_x11.obj : gui_gtk_x11.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h gui_gtk_f.h [-.runtime]vim32x32.xpm \
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gui_x11.obj : gui_x11.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h [-.runtime]vim32x32.xpm \
 [-.runtime]vim16x16.xpm [-.runtime]vim48x48.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_new.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_open.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_close.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_save.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_print.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_cut.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_copy.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_paste.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_find.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_find_next.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_find_prev.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_find_help.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_exit.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_undo.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_redo.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_help.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_macro.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_make.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_save_all.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_jump.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_ctags.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_load_session.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_save_session.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_new_session.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_blank.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_maximize.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_split.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_minimize.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_shell.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_replace.xpm \
 [-.pixmaps]tb_vsplit.xpm [-.pixmaps]tb_maxwidth.xpm \
gui_at_sb.obj : gui_at_sb.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h gui_at_sb.h
gui_at_fs.obj : gui_at_fs.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h gui_at_sb.h
pty.obj : pty.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h   \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h \
 [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h globals.h farsi.h \
hangulin.obj : hangulin.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
if_perl.obj : [.auto]if_perl.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
if_perlsfio.obj : if_perlsfio.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
if_python.obj : if_python.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
if_tcl.obj : if_tcl.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
if_ruby.obj : if_ruby.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h
if_sniff.obj : if_sniff.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h os_unixx.h
gui_beval.obj : gui_beval.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h
workshop.obj : workshop.c [.auto]config.h integration.h vim.h feature.h \
 os_unix.h ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h \
 regexp.h gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h \
 proto.h globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h workshop.h
wsdebug.obj : wsdebug.c
integration.obj : integration.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h integration.h
netbeans.obj : netbeans.c vim.h [.auto]config.h feature.h os_unix.h \
 ascii.h keymap.h term.h macros.h structs.h regexp.h \
 gui.h gui_beval.h [.proto] option.h ex_cmds.h proto.h \
 globals.h farsi.h arabic.h version.h
gui_xmdlg.obj : gui_xmdlg.c
gui_xmebw.obj : gui_xmebw.c