view runtime/tools/ @ 33480:f8dd278ab05f v9.0.1991

patch 9.0.1991: no cmdline completion for setting the font Commit: Author: Yee Cheng Chin <> Date: Thu Oct 5 20:54:21 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1991: no cmdline completion for setting the font Problem: no cmdline completion for setting the font Solution: enable it on Win32 and GTK builds Add guifont cmdline completion (for Windows and GTK) For Windows, auto-complete will only suggest monospace fonts as that's the only types allowed. Will also suggest font options after the colon, including suggesting the current font size for convenience, and misc charset and quality options like `cANSI` and `qCLEARTYPE`. For GTK, auto-complete will suggest only monospace fonts for `guifont` but will include all fonts for `guifontwide`. The completion code doesn't currently suggest the current font size, as the GTK guifont format does not have a clear delimiter (':' for other platforms). closes: #13264 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Yee Cheng Chin <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 05 Oct 2023 21:00:07 +0200
parents 3fc0f57ecb91
line wrap: on
line source

#!/usr/bin/env perl

# pltags - create a tags file for Perl code, for use by vi(m)
# Distributed with Vim <>, latest version always available
# at <>
# Version 2.3, 28 February 2002
# Written by Michael Schaap <>.  Suggestions for improvement
# are very welcome!
# This script will not work with Perl 4 or below!
# Revision history:
#  1.0  1997?     Original version, quickly hacked together
#  2.0  1999?     Completely rewritten, better structured and documented,
#		  support for variables, packages, Exuberant Ctags extensions
#  2.1	Jun 2000  Fixed critical bug (typo in comment) ;-)
#		  Support multiple level packages (e.g. Archive::Zip::Member)
#  2.2	Jul 2001  'Glob' wildcards - especially useful under Windows
#		  (thanks to Serge Sivkov and Jason King)
#		  Bug fix: reset package name for each file
#  2.21 Jul 2001  Oops... bug in variable detection (/local../ -> /^local.../)
#  2.3	Feb 2002  Support variables declared with "our"
#		  (thanks to Lutz Mende)

# Complain about undeclared variables
use strict;

# Used modules
use Getopt::Long;

# Options with their defaults
my $do_subs = 1;    # --subs, --nosubs    include subs in tags file?
my $do_vars = 1;    # --vars, --novars    include variables in tags file?
my $do_pkgs = 1;    # --pkgs, --nopkgs    include packages in tags file?
my $do_exts = 1;    # --extensions, --noextensions
		    #			  include Exuberant Ctags extensions

# Global variables
my $VERSION = "2.21";	# pltags version
my $status = 0;		# GetOptions return value
my $file = "";		# File being processed
my @tags = ();		# List of produced tags
my $is_pkg = 0;		# Are we tagging a package?
my $has_subs = 0;	# Has this file any subs yet?
my $package_name = "";	# Name of current package
my $var_continues = 0;	# Variable declaration continues on last line
my $line = "";		# Current line in file
my $stmt = "";		# Current Perl statement
my @vars = ();		# List of variables in declaration
my $var = "";		# Variable in declaration
my $tagline = "";	# Tag file line

# Create a tag file line and push it on the list of found tags
sub MakeTag($$$$$)
    my ($tag,		# Tag name
	$type,		# Type of tag
	$is_static,	# Is this a static tag?
	$file,		# File in which tag appears
	$line) = @_;	# Line in which tag appears

    my $tagline = "";   # Created tag line

    # Only process tag if not empty
    if ($tag)
	# Get rid of \n, and escape / and \ in line
	chomp $line;
	$line =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
	$line =~ s/\//\\\//g;

	# Create a tag line
	$tagline = "$tag\t$file\t/^$line\$/";

	# If we're told to do so, add extensions
	if ($do_exts)
	    $tagline .= ";\"\t$type"
			    . ($is_static ? "\tfile:" : "")
			    . ($package_name ? "\tclass:$package_name" : "");

	# Push it on the stack
	push (@tags, $tagline);

# Parse package name from statement
sub PackageName($)
    my ($stmt) = @_;    # Statement

    # Look for the argument to "package".  Return it if found, else return ""
    if ($stmt =~ /^package\s+([\w:]+)/)
	my $pkgname = $1;

	# Remove any parent package name(s)
	$pkgname =~ s/.*://;
	return $pkgname;
	return "";

# Parse sub name from statement
sub SubName($)
    my ($stmt) = @_;    # Statement

    # Look for the argument to "sub".  Return it if found, else return ""
    if ($stmt =~ /^sub\s+([\w:]+)/)
	my $subname = $1;

	# Remove any parent package name(s)
	$subname =~ s/.*://;
	return $subname;
	return "";

# Parse all variable names from statement
sub VarNames($)
    my ($stmt) = @_;

    # Remove my or local from statement, if present
    $stmt =~ s/^(my|our|local)\s+//;

    # Remove any assignment piece
    $stmt =~ s/\s*=.*//;

    # Now find all variable names, i.e. "words" preceded by $, @ or %
    @vars = ($stmt =~ /[\$\@\%]([\w:]+)\b/g);

    # Remove any parent package name(s)
    map(s/.*://, @vars);

    return (@vars);

############### Start ###############

print "\npltags $VERSION by Michael Schaap <mscha\>\n\n";

# Get options
$status = GetOptions("subs!" => \$do_subs,
		     "vars!" => \$do_vars,
		     "pkgs!" => \$do_pkgs,
		     "extensions!" => \$do_exts);

# Usage if error in options or no arguments given
unless ($status && @ARGV)
    print "\n" unless ($status);
    print "  Usage: $0 [options] filename ...\n\n";
    print "  Where options can be:\n";
    print "    --subs (--nosubs)     (don't) include sub declarations in tag file\n";
    print "    --vars (--novars)     (don't) include variable declarations in tag file\n";
    print "    --pkgs (--nopkgs)     (don't) include package declarations in tag file\n";
    print "    --extensions (--noextensions)\n";
    print "                          (don't) include Exuberant Ctags / Vim style\n";
    print "                          extensions in tag file\n\n";
    print "  Default options: ";
    print ($do_subs ? "--subs " : "--nosubs ");
    print ($do_vars ? "--vars " : "--novars ");
    print ($do_pkgs ? "--pkgs " : "--nopkgs ");
    print ($do_exts ? "--extensions\n\n" : "--noextensions\n\n");
    print "  Example: $0 *.pl *.pm ../shared/*.pm\n\n";

# Loop through files on command line - 'glob' any wildcards, since Windows
# doesn't do this for us
foreach $file (map { glob } @ARGV)
    # Skip if this is not a file we can open.  Also skip tags files and backup
    # files
    next unless ((-f $file) && (-r $file) && ($file !~ /tags$/)
		 && ($file !~ /~$/));

    print "Tagging file $file...\n";

    $is_pkg = 0;
    $package_name = "";
    $has_subs = 0;
    $var_continues = 0;

    open (IN, $file) or die "Can't open file '$file': $!";

    # Loop through file
    foreach $line (<IN>)
	# Statement is line with comments and whitespace trimmed
	($stmt = $line) =~ s/#.*//;
	$stmt =~ s/^\s*//;
	$stmt =~ s/\s*$//;

	# Nothing left? Never mind.
	next unless ($stmt);

	# This is a variable declaration if one was started on the previous
	# line, or if this line starts with my or local
	if ($var_continues or ($stmt =~/^my\b/)
			    or ($stmt =~/^our\b/) or ($stmt =~/^local\b/))
	    # The declaration continues if the line does not end with ;
	    $var_continues = ($stmt !~ /;$/);

	    # Loop through all variable names in the declaration
	    foreach $var (VarNames($stmt))
		# Make a tag for this variable unless we're told not to.  We
		# assume that a variable is always static, unless it appears
		# in a package before any sub.	(Not necessarily true, but
		# it's ok for most purposes and Vim works fine even if it is
		# incorrect)
		if ($do_vars)
		    MakeTag($var, "v", (!$is_pkg or $has_subs), $file, $line);

	# This is a package declaration if the line starts with package
	elsif ($stmt =~/^package\b/)
	    # Get name of the package
	    $package_name = PackageName($stmt);

	    if ($package_name)
		# Remember that we're doing a package
		$is_pkg = 1;

		# Make a tag for this package unless we're told not to.  A
		# package is never static.
		if ($do_pkgs)
		    MakeTag($package_name, "p", 0, $file, $line);

	# This is a sub declaration if the line starts with sub
	elsif ($stmt =~/^sub\b/)
	    # Remember that this file has subs
	    $has_subs = 1;

	    # Make a tag for this sub unless we're told not to.  We assume
	    # that a sub is static, unless it appears in a package.  (Not
	    # necessarily true, but it's ok for most purposes and Vim works
	    # fine even if it is incorrect)
	    if ($do_subs)
		MakeTag(SubName($stmt), "s", (!$is_pkg), $file, $line);
    close (IN);

# Do we have any tags?  If so, write them to the tags file
if (@tags)
    # Add some tag file extensions if we're told to
    if ($do_exts)
	push (@tags, "!_TAG_FILE_FORMAT\t2\t/extended format/");
	push (@tags, "!_TAG_FILE_SORTED\t1\t/0=unsorted, 1=sorted/");
	push (@tags, "!_TAG_PROGRAM_AUTHOR\tMichael Schaap\t/mscha\");
	push (@tags, "!_TAG_PROGRAM_NAME\tpltags\t//");
	push (@tags, "!_TAG_PROGRAM_VERSION\t$VERSION\t/supports multiple tags and extended format/");

    print "\nWriting tags file.\n";

    open (OUT, ">tags") or die "Can't open tags file: $!";

    foreach $tagline (sort @tags)
	print OUT "$tagline\n";

    close (OUT);
    print "\nNo tags found.\n";