view runtime/syntax/jess.vim @ 7688:f56cebad5ba2

Added tag v7.4.1142 for changeset 61354fabf8a27cabd9903240db733f96a127a8a5
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Tue, 19 Jan 2016 22:30:07 +0100
parents 3fc0f57ecb91
children 43efa4f5a8ea
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:	Jess
" Maintainer:	Paul Baleme <>
" Last change:	September 14, 2000
" Based on lisp.vim by : Dr. Charles E. Campbell, Jr.

" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
  syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")

if version < 600
  set iskeyword=42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_
  setlocal iskeyword=42,43,45,47-58,60-62,64-90,97-122,_

" Lists
syn match	jessSymbol	![^()'`,"; \t]\+!	contained
syn match	jessBarSymbol	!|..\{-}|!		contained
syn region	jessList matchgroup=Delimiter start="(" skip="|.\{-}|" matchgroup=Delimiter end=")" contains=jessAtom,jessBQList,jessConcat,jessDeclaration,jessList,jessNumber,jessSymbol,jessSpecial,jessFunc,jessKey,jessAtomMark,jessString,jessComment,jessBarSymbol,jessAtomBarSymbol,jessVar
syn region	jessBQList	matchgroup=PreProc   start="`("	skip="|.\{-}|" matchgroup=PreProc   end=")" contains=jessAtom,jessBQList,jessConcat,jessDeclaration,jessList,jessNumber,jessSpecial,jessSymbol,jessFunc,jessKey,jessVar,jessAtomMark,jessString,jessComment,jessBarSymbol,jessAtomBarSymbol

" Atoms
syn match	jessAtomMark	"'"
syn match	jessAtom	"'("me=e-1	contains=jessAtomMark	nextgroup=jessAtomList
syn match	jessAtom	"'[^ \t()]\+"	contains=jessAtomMark
syn match	jessAtomBarSymbol	!'|..\{-}|!	contains=jessAtomMark
syn region	jessAtom	start=+'"+	skip=+\\"+ end=+"+
syn region	jessAtomList	matchgroup=Special start="("	skip="|.\{-}|" matchgroup=Special end=")"	contained contains=jessAtomList,jessAtomNmbr0,jessString,jessComment,jessAtomBarSymbol
syn match	jessAtomNmbr	"\<[0-9]\+"			contained

" Standard jess Functions and Macros
syn keyword jessFunc    *   +   **	-   /   <   >   <=  >=  <>  =
syn keyword jessFunc    long	    longp
syn keyword jessFunc    abs	    agenda	      and
syn keyword jessFunc    assert	    assert-string       bag
syn keyword jessFunc    batch	    bind	      bit-and
syn keyword jessFunc    bit-not	    bit-or	      bload
syn keyword jessFunc    bsave	    build	      call
syn keyword jessFunc    clear	    clear-storage       close
syn keyword jessFunc    complement$     context	      count-query-results
syn keyword jessFunc    create$
syn keyword jessFunc    delete$	    div
syn keyword jessFunc    do-backward-chaining	      e
syn keyword jessFunc    engine	    eq	      eq*
syn keyword jessFunc    eval	    evenp	      exit
syn keyword jessFunc    exp	    explode$	      external-addressp
syn keyword jessFunc    fact-slot-value facts	      fetch
syn keyword jessFunc    first$	    float	      floatp
syn keyword jessFunc    foreach	    format	      gensym*
syn keyword jessFunc    get	    get-fact-duplication
syn keyword jessFunc    get-member	    get-multithreaded-io
syn keyword jessFunc    get-reset-globals	      get-salience-evaluation
syn keyword jessFunc    halt	    if	      implode$
syn keyword jessFunc    import	    insert$	      integer
syn keyword jessFunc    integerp	    intersection$       jess-version-number
syn keyword jessFunc    jess-version-string	      length$
syn keyword jessFunc    lexemep	    list-function$      load-facts
syn keyword jessFunc    load-function   load-package	      log
syn keyword jessFunc    log10	    lowcase	      matches
syn keyword jessFunc    max	    member$	      min
syn keyword jessFunc    mod	    modify	      multifieldp
syn keyword jessFunc    neq	    new	      not
syn keyword jessFunc    nth$	    numberp	      oddp
syn keyword jessFunc    open	    or	      pi
syn keyword jessFunc    ppdeffunction   ppdefglobal	      ddpefrule
syn keyword jessFunc    printout	    random	      read
syn keyword jessFunc    readline	    replace$	      reset
syn keyword jessFunc    rest$	    retract	      retract-string
syn keyword jessFunc    return	    round	      rules
syn keyword jessFunc    run	    run-query	      run-until-halt
syn keyword jessFunc    save-facts	    set	      set-fact-duplication
syn keyword jessFunc    set-factory     set-member	      set-multithreaded-io
syn keyword jessFunc    set-node-index-hash	      set-reset-globals
syn keyword jessFunc    set-salience-evaluation	      set-strategy
syn keyword jessFunc    setgen	    show-deffacts       show-deftemplates
syn keyword jessFunc    show-jess-listeners	      socket
syn keyword jessFunc    sqrt	    store	      str-cat
syn keyword jessFunc    str-compare     str-index	      str-length
syn keyword jessFunc    stringp	    sub-string	      subseq$
syn keyword jessFunc    subsetp	    sym-cat	      symbolp
syn keyword jessFunc    system	    throw	      time
syn keyword jessFunc    try	    undefadvice	      undefinstance
syn keyword jessFunc    undefrule	    union$	      unwatch
syn keyword jessFunc    upcase	    view	      watch
syn keyword jessFunc    while
syn match   jessFunc	"\<c[ad]\+r\>"

" jess Keywords (modifiers)
syn keyword jessKey	    defglobal	  deffunction	    defrule
syn keyword jessKey	    deffacts
syn keyword jessKey	    defadvice	  defclass	    definstance

" Standard jess Variables
syn region	jessVar	start="?"	end="[^a-zA-Z0-9]"me=e-1

" Strings
syn region	jessString	start=+"+	skip=+\\"+ end=+"+

" Shared with Declarations, Macros, Functions
"syn keyword	jessDeclaration

syn match	jessNumber	"[0-9]\+"

syn match	jessSpecial	"\*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9-]*\*"
syn match	jessSpecial	!#|[^()'`,"; \t]\+|#!
syn match	jessSpecial	!#x[0-9a-fA-F]\+!
syn match	jessSpecial	!#o[0-7]\+!
syn match	jessSpecial	!#b[01]\+!
syn match	jessSpecial	!#\\[ -\~]!
syn match	jessSpecial	!#[':][^()'`,"; \t]\+!
syn match	jessSpecial	!#([^()'`,"; \t]\+)!

syn match	jessConcat	"\s\.\s"
syntax match	jessParenError	")"

" Comments
syn match	jessComment	";.*$"

" synchronization
syn sync lines=100

" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_jess_syntax_inits")
  if version < 508
    let did_jess_syntax_inits = 1
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>

  HiLink jessAtomNmbr	jessNumber
  HiLink jessAtomMark	jessMark

  HiLink jessAtom		Identifier
  HiLink jessAtomBarSymbol	Special
  HiLink jessBarSymbol	Special
  HiLink jessComment	Comment
  HiLink jessConcat	Statement
  HiLink jessDeclaration	Statement
  HiLink jessFunc		Statement
  HiLink jessKey		Type
  HiLink jessMark		Delimiter
  HiLink jessNumber	Number
  HiLink jessParenError	Error
  HiLink jessSpecial	Type
  HiLink jessString	String
  HiLink jessVar		Identifier

  delcommand HiLink

let b:current_syntax = "jess"

" vim: ts=18