view runtime/syntax/ia64.vim @ 35288:e0701cae97d4

Added tag v9.1.0448 for changeset b68266606e8434409a5b8fd532bc7d801b292737
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Wed, 29 May 2024 08:00:05 +0200
parents 17c4178f26ea
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:		IA-64 (Itanium) assembly language
" Maintainer:		Doug Kearns <>
" Previous Maintainer:	Parth Malwankar <>
" File Version:		0.8
" Last Change:		2020 Sep 25

" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")

"ignore case for assembly
syn case ignore

syn sync minlines=5

" Read the MASM syntax to start with
" This is needed as both IA-64 as well as IA-32 instructions are supported
source <sfile>:p:h/masm.vim

"  Identifier Keyword characters (defines \k)
syn iskeyword @,48-57,#,$,.,:,?,@-@,_,~

syn region ia64Comment start="//"  end="$"   contains=ia64Todo
syn region ia64Comment start="/\*" end="\*/" contains=ia64Todo

syn match ia64Identifier	"[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z0-9_$]*"
syn match ia64Directive		"\.[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$.]\+"
syn match ia64Label		"[a-zA-Z_$.][a-zA-Z0-9_$.]*\s\=:\>"he=e-1
syn match ia64Label		"[a-zA-Z_$.][a-zA-Z0-9_$.]*\s\=::\>"he=e-2
syn match ia64Label		"[a-zA-Z_$.][a-zA-Z0-9_$.]*\s\=#\>"he=e-1
syn region ia64string		start=+L\="+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+
syn match ia64Octal		"0[0-7_]*\>"
syn match ia64Binary		"0[bB][01_]*\>"
syn match ia64Hex		"0[xX][0-9a-fA-F_]*\>"
syn match ia64Decimal		"[1-9_][0-9_]*\>"
syn match ia64Float		"[0-9_]*\.[0-9_]*\([eE][+-]\=[0-9_]*\)\=\>"

"simple instructions
syn keyword ia64opcode add adds addl addp4 alloc and andcm cover epc
syn keyword ia64opcode fabs fand fandcm fc flushrs fneg fnegabs for
syn keyword ia64opcode fpabs fpack fpneg fpnegabs fselect fand fabdcm
syn keyword ia64opcode fc fwb fxor loadrs movl mux1 mux2 or padd4
syn keyword ia64opcode pavgsub1 pavgsub2 popcnt psad1 pshl2 pshl4 pshladd2
syn keyword ia64opcode pshradd2 psub4 rfi rsm rum shl shladd shladdp4
syn keyword ia64opcode shrp ssm sub sum sync.i tak thash
syn keyword ia64opcode tpa ttag xor

"put to override these being recognized as floats. They are orignally from masm.vim
"put here to avoid confusion with float
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.186"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.286"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.286c"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.286p"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.287"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.386"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.386c"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.386p"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.387"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.486"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.486c"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.486p"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.8086"
syn match   ia64Directive       "\.8087"

syn match ia64delimiter ";;"

syn match ia64operators "[\[\]()#,]"
syn match ia64operators "\(+\|-\|=\)"

syn match ia64Todo      "\(TODO\|XXX\|FIXME\|NOTE\)"

"What follows is a long list of regular expressions for parsing the
"ia64 instructions that use many completers

syn match ia64opcode "br\(\(\.\(cond\|call\|ret\|ia\|cloop\|ctop\|cexit\|wtop\|wexit\)\)\=\(\.\(spnt\|dpnt\|sptk\|dptk\)\)\=\(\.few\|\.many\)\=\(\.clr\)\=\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "break\(\.[ibmfx]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "brp\(\.\(sptk\|dptk\|loop\|exit\)\)\(\.imp\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "brp\.ret\(\.\(sptk\|dptk\)\)\{1}\(\.imp\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "bsw\.[01]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "chk\.\(s\(\.[im]\)\=\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "chk\.a\.\(clr\|nc\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "clrrrb\(\.pr\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "cmp4\=\.\(eq\|ne\|l[te]\|g[te]\|[lg]tu\|[lg]eu\)\(\.unc\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "cmp4\=\.\(eq\|[lgn]e\|[lg]t\)\.\(\(or\(\.andcm\|cm\)\=\)\|\(and\(\(\.or\)\=cm\)\=\)\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "cmpxchg[1248]\.\(acq\|rel\)\(\.nt1\|\.nta\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "czx[12]\.[lr]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "dep\(\.z\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "extr\(\.u\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fadd\(\.[sd]\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fa\(max\|min\)\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "f\(chkf\|max\|min\)\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fclass\(\.n\=m\)\(\.unc\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "f\(clrf\|pamax\|pamin\)\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fcmp\.\(n\=[lg][te]\|n\=eq\|\(un\)\=ord\)\(\.unc\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fcvt\.\(\(fxu\=\(\.trunc\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\)\|\(xf\|xuf\(\.[sd]\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\)\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fetchadd[48]\.\(acq\|rel\)\(\.nt1\|\.nta\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fm\([as]\|py\)\(\.[sd]\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fp\=merge\.\(ns\|se\=\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fmix\.\(lr\|[lr]\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fn\(ma\|mpy\|orm\)\(\.[sd]\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fpcmp\.\(n\=[lg][te]\|n\=eq\|\(un\)\=ord\)\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fpcvt\.fxu\=\(\(\.trunc\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fp\(max\=\|min\|n\=mpy\|ms\|nma\|rcpa\|sqrta\)\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fr\(cpa\|sqrta\)\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "f\(setc\|amin\|chkf\)\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fsub\(\.[sd]\)\=\(\.s[0-3]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fswap\(\.n[lr]\=\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "fsxt\.[lr]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "getf\.\([sd]\|exp\|sig\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "invala\(\.[ae]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "it[cr]\.[id]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "ld[1248]\>\|ld[1248]\(\.\(sa\=\|a\|c\.\(nc\|clr\(\.acq\)\=\)\|acq\|bias\)\)\=\(\.nt[1a]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "ld8\.fill\(\.nt[1a]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "ldf[sde8]\(\(\.\(sa\=\|a\|c\.\(nc\|clr\)\)\)\=\(\.nt[1a]\)\=\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "ldf\.fill\(\.nt[1a]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "ldfp[sd8]\(\(\.\(sa\=\|a\|c\.\(nc\|clr\)\)\)\=\(\.nt[1a]\)\=\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "lfetch\(\.fault\(\.excl\)\=\|\.excl\)\=\(\.nt[12a]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "mf\(\.a\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "mix[124]\.[lr]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "mov\(\.[im]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "mov\(\.ret\)\=\(\(\.sptk\|\.dptk\)\=\(\.imp\)\=\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "nop\(\.[ibmfx]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "pack\(2\.[su]ss\|4\.sss\)\>"
"padd //padd4 added to keywords
syn match ia64opcode "padd[12]\(\.\(sss\|uus\|uuu\)\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "pavg[12]\(\.raz\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "pcmp[124]\.\(eq\|gt\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "pm\(ax\|in\)\(\(1\.u\)\|2\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "pmpy2\.[rl]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "pmpyshr2\(\.u\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "probe\.[rw]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "probe\.\(\(r\|w\|rw\)\.fault\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "pshr[24]\(\.u\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "psub[12]\(\.\(sss\|uu[su]\)\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "ptc\.\(l\|e\|ga\=\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "ptr\.\(d\|i\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "setf\.\(s\|d\|exp\|sig\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "shr\(\.u\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "srlz\(\.[id]\)\>"
syn match ia64opcode "st[1248]\(\.rel\)\=\(\.nta\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "st8\.spill\(\.nta\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "stf[1248]\(\.nta\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "stf\.spill\(\.nta\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "sxt[124]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "t\(bit\|nat\)\(\.nz\|\.z\)\=\(\.\(unc\|or\(\.andcm\|cm\)\=\|and\(\.orcm\|cm\)\=\)\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "unpack[124]\.[lh]\>"
syn match ia64opcode "xchg[1248]\(\.nt[1a]\)\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "xm\(a\|py\)\.[lh]u\=\>"
syn match ia64opcode "zxt[124]\>"

"The regex for different ia64 registers are given below

"limits the rXXX and fXXX and cr suffix in the range 0-127
syn match ia64registers "\([fr]\|cr\)\([0-9]\|[1-9][0-9]\|1[0-1][0-9]\|12[0-7]\)\{1}\>"
"branch ia64registers
syn match ia64registers "b[0-7]\>"
"predicate ia64registers
syn match ia64registers "p\([0-9]\|[1-5][0-9]\|6[0-3]\)\>"
"application ia64registers
syn match ia64registers "ar\.\(fpsr\|mat\|unat\|rnat\|pfs\|bsp\|bspstore\|rsc\|lc\|ec\|ccv\|itc\|k[0-7]\)\>"
"ia32 AR's
syn match ia64registers "ar\.\(eflag\|fcr\|csd\|ssd\|cflg\|fsr\|fir\|fdr\)\>"
syn keyword ia64registers sp gp pr pr.rot rp ip tp
syn match ia64registers "\(in\|out\|loc\)\([0-9]\|[1-8][0-9]\|9[0-5]\)\>"
"argument ia64registers
syn match ia64registers "farg[0-7]\>"
"return value ia64registers
syn match ia64registers "fret[0-7]\>"
syn match ia64registers "psr\(\.\(l\|um\)\)\=\>"
syn match ia64registers "cr\.\(dcr\|itm\|iva\|pta\|ipsr\|isr\|ifa\|iip\|itir\|iipa\|ifs\|iim\|iha\|lid\|ivr\|tpr\|eoi\|irr[0-3]\|itv\|pmv\|lrr[01]\|cmcv\)\>"
"Indirect registers
syn match ia64registers "\(cpuid\|dbr\|ibr\|pkr\|pmc\|pmd\|rr\|itr\|dtr\)\>"
"MUX permutations for 8-bit elements
syn match ia64registers "\(@rev\|@mix\|@shuf\|@alt\|@brcst\)\>"
"floating point classes
syn match ia64registers "\(@nat\|@qnan\|@snan\|@pos\|@neg\|@zero\|@unorm\|@norm\|@inf\)\>"
"link relocation operators
syn match ia64registers "\(@\(\(\(gp\|sec\|seg\|image\)rel\)\|ltoff\|fptr\|ptloff\|ltv\|section\)\)\>"

"Data allocation syntax
syn match ia64data "data[1248]\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"
syn match ia64data "real\([48]\|1[06]\)\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"
syn match ia64data "stringz\=\(\(\(\.ua\)\=\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\)\|\(\(\.msb\|\.lsb\)\=\(\.ua\)\=\)\)\=\>"

" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet

"put masm groups with our groups
hi def link masmOperator	ia64operator
hi def link masmDirective	ia64Directive
hi def link masmOpcode		ia64Opcode
hi def link masmIdentifier	ia64Identifier
hi def link masmFloat		ia64Float

"ia64 specific stuff
hi def link ia64Label		Define
hi def link ia64Comment		Comment
hi def link ia64Directive	Type
hi def link ia64opcode		Statement
hi def link ia64registers	Operator
hi def link ia64string		String
hi def link ia64Hex		Number
hi def link ia64Binary		Number
hi def link ia64Octal		Number
hi def link ia64Float		Float
hi def link ia64Decimal		Number
hi def link ia64Identifier	Identifier
hi def link ia64data		Type
hi def link ia64delimiter	Delimiter
hi def link ia64operator	Operator
hi def link ia64Todo		Todo

let b:current_syntax = "ia64"

" vim: ts=8 sw=2