view runtime/scripts.vim @ 4444:ccecb03e5e8b v7.3.970

updated for version 7.3.970 Problem: Syntax highlighting can be slow. Solution: Include the NFA regexp engine. Add the 'regexpengine' option to select which one is used. (various authors, including Ken Takata, Andrei Aiordachioaie, Russ Cox, Xiaozhou Liua, Ian Young)
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sun, 19 May 2013 19:40:29 +0200
parents 04592728474a
children 2eb30f341e8d
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim support file to detect file types in scripts
" Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <>
" Last change:	2012 Aug 30

" This file is called by an autocommand for every file that has just been
" loaded into a buffer.  It checks if the type of file can be recognized by
" the file contents.  The autocommand is in $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim.

" Only do the rest when the FileType autocommand has not been triggered yet.
if did_filetype()

" Load the user defined scripts file first
" Only do this when the FileType autocommand has not been triggered yet
if exists("myscriptsfile") && filereadable(expand(myscriptsfile))
  execute "source " . myscriptsfile
  if did_filetype()

" Line continuation is used here, remove 'C' from 'cpoptions'
let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

let s:line1 = getline(1)

if s:line1 =~ "^#!"
  " A script that starts with "#!".

  " Check for a line like "#!/usr/bin/env VAR=val bash".  Turn it into
  " "#!/usr/bin/bash" to make matching easier.
  if s:line1 =~ '^#!\s*\S*\<env\s'
    let s:line1 = substitute(s:line1, '\S\+=\S\+', '', 'g')
    let s:line1 = substitute(s:line1, '\<env\s\+', '', '')

  " Get the program name.
  " Only accept spaces in PC style paths: "#!c:/program files/perl [args]".
  " If the word env is used, use the first word after the space:
  " "#!/usr/bin/env perl [path/args]"
  " If there is no path use the first word: "#!perl [path/args]".
  " Otherwise get the last word after a slash: "#!/usr/bin/perl [path/args]".
  if s:line1 =~ '^#!\s*\a:[/\\]'
    let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!.*[/\\]\(\i\+\).*', '\1', '')
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^#!.*\<env\>'
    let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!.*\<env\>\s\+\(\i\+\).*', '\1', '')
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^#!\s*[^/\\ ]*\>\([^/\\]\|$\)'
    let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!\s*\([^/\\ ]*\>\).*', '\1', '')
    let s:name = substitute(s:line1, '^#!\s*\S*[/\\]\(\i\+\).*', '\1', '')

  " tcl scripts may have #!/bin/sh in the first line and "exec wish" in the
  " third line.  Suggested by Steven Atkinson.
  if getline(3) =~ '^exec wish'
    let s:name = 'wish'

  " Bourne-like shell scripts: bash bash2 ksh ksh93 sh
  if s:name =~ '^\(bash\d*\|\|ksh\d*\|sh\)\>'
    call SetFileTypeSH(s:line1)	" defined in filetype.vim

    " csh scripts
  elseif s:name =~ '^csh\>'
    if exists("g:filetype_csh")
      call SetFileTypeShell(g:filetype_csh)
      call SetFileTypeShell("csh")

    " tcsh scripts
  elseif s:name =~ '^tcsh\>'
    call SetFileTypeShell("tcsh")

    " Z shell scripts
  elseif s:name =~ '^zsh\>'
    set ft=zsh

    " TCL scripts
  elseif s:name =~ '^\(tclsh\|wish\|expectk\|itclsh\|itkwish\)\>'
    set ft=tcl

    " Expect scripts
  elseif s:name =~ '^expect\>'
    set ft=expect

    " Gnuplot scripts
  elseif s:name =~ '^gnuplot\>'
    set ft=gnuplot

    " Makefiles
  elseif s:name =~ 'make\>'
    set ft=make

    " Lua
  elseif s:name =~ 'lua'
    set ft=lua

    " Perl 6
  elseif s:name =~ 'perl6'
    set ft=perl6

    " Perl
  elseif s:name =~ 'perl'
    set ft=perl

    " PHP
  elseif s:name =~ 'php'
    set ft=php

    " Python
  elseif s:name =~ 'python'
    set ft=python

    " Groovy
  elseif s:name =~ '^groovy\>'
    set ft=groovy

    " Ruby
  elseif s:name =~ 'ruby'
    set ft=ruby

    " BC calculator
  elseif s:name =~ '^bc\>'
    set ft=bc

    " sed
  elseif s:name =~ 'sed\>'
    set ft=sed

    " OCaml-scripts
  elseif s:name =~ 'ocaml'
    set ft=ocaml

    " Awk scripts
  elseif s:name =~ 'awk\>'
    set ft=awk

    " Website MetaLanguage
  elseif s:name =~ 'wml'
    set ft=wml

    " Scheme scripts
  elseif s:name =~ 'scheme'
    set ft=scheme

    " CFEngine scripts
  elseif s:name =~ 'cfengine'
    set ft=cfengine

  unlet s:name

  " File does not start with "#!".

  let s:line2 = getline(2)
  let s:line3 = getline(3)
  let s:line4 = getline(4)
  let s:line5 = getline(5)

  " Bourne-like shell scripts: sh ksh bash bash2
  if s:line1 =~ '^:$'
    call SetFileTypeSH(s:line1)	" defined in filetype.vim

    " Z shell scripts
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^#compdef\>' || s:line1 =~ '^#autoload\>' ||
        \ "\n".s:line1."\n".s:line2."\n".s:line3."\n".s:line4."\n".s:line5 =~ '\n\s*emulate\s\+\%(-[LR]\s\+\)\=[ckz]\=sh\>'
    set ft=zsh

  " ELM Mail files
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^From \([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z_0-9\.=-]*\(@[^ ]*\)\=\|-\) .* \(19\|20\)\d\d$'
    set ft=mail

    " Mason
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^<[%&].*>'
    set ft=mason

    " Vim scripts (must have '" vim' as the first line to trigger this)
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^" *[vV]im$'
    set ft=vim

    " MOO
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\*\* LambdaMOO Database, Format Version \%([1-3]\>\)\@!\d\+ \*\*$'
    set ft=moo

    " Diff file:
    " - "diff" in first line (context diff)
    " - "Only in " in first line
    " - "--- " in first line and "+++ " in second line (unified diff).
    " - "*** " in first line and "--- " in second line (context diff).
    " - "# It was generated by makepatch " in the second line (makepatch diff).
    " - "Index: <filename>" in the first line (CVS file)
    " - "=== ", line of "=", "---", "+++ " (SVK diff)
    " - "=== ", "--- ", "+++ " (bzr diff, common case)
    " - "=== (removed|added|renamed|modified)" (bzr diff, alternative)
    " - "# HG changeset patch" in first line (Mercurial export format)
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\(diff\>\|Only in \|\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=[cda]\d\+\>\|# It was generated by makepatch \|Index:\s\+\f\+\r\=$\|===== \f\+ \d\+\.\d\+ vs edited\|==== //\f\+#\d\+\|# HG changeset patch\)'
	\ || (s:line1 =~ '^--- ' && s:line2 =~ '^+++ ')
	\ || (s:line1 =~ '^\* looking for ' && s:line2 =~ '^\* comparing to ')
	\ || (s:line1 =~ '^\*\*\* ' && s:line2 =~ '^--- ')
	\ || (s:line1 =~ '^=== ' && ((s:line2 =~ '^=\{66\}' && s:line3 =~ '^--- ' && s:line4 =~ '^+++') || (s:line2 =~ '^--- ' && s:line3 =~ '^+++ ')))
	\ || (s:line1 =~ '^=== \(removed\|added\|renamed\|modified\)')
    set ft=diff

    " PostScript Files (must have %!PS as the first line, like a2ps output)
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^%![ \t]*PS'
    set ft=postscr

    " M4 scripts: Guess there is a line that starts with "dnl".
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\s*dnl\>'
	\ || s:line2 =~ '^\s*dnl\>'
	\ || s:line3 =~ '^\s*dnl\>'
	\ || s:line4 =~ '^\s*dnl\>'
	\ || s:line5 =~ '^\s*dnl\>'
    set ft=m4

    " AmigaDos scripts
  elseif $TERM == "amiga"
	\ && (s:line1 =~ "^;" || s:line1 =~ '^\.[bB][rR][aA]')
    set ft=amiga

    " SiCAD scripts (must have procn or procd as the first line to trigger this)
  elseif s:line1 =~? '^ *proc[nd] *$'
    set ft=sicad

    " Purify log files start with "****  Purify"
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\*\*\*\*  Purify'
    set ft=purifylog

    " XML
  elseif s:line1 =~ '<?\s*xml.*?>'
    set ft=xml

    " XHTML (e.g.: PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN")
  elseif s:line1 =~ '\<DTD\s\+XHTML\s'
    set ft=xhtml

    " HTML (e.g.: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN")
  elseif s:line1 =~? '\<DOCTYPE\s\+html\>'
    set ft=html

    " PDF
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^%PDF-'
    set ft=pdf

    " XXD output
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\x\{7}: \x\{2} \=\x\{2} \=\x\{2} \=\x\{2} '
    set ft=xxd

    " RCS/CVS log output
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^RCS file:' || s:line2 =~ '^RCS file:'
    set ft=rcslog

    " CVS commit
  elseif s:line2 =~ '^CVS:' || getline("$") =~ '^CVS: '
    set ft=cvs

    " Prescribe
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^!R!'
    set ft=prescribe

    " Send-pr
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^SEND-PR:'
    set ft=sendpr

    " SNNS files
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^SNNS network definition file'
    set ft=snnsnet
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^SNNS pattern definition file'
    set ft=snnspat
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^SNNS result file'
    set ft=snnsres

    " Virata
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
	\ || s:line2 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
	\ || s:line3 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
	\ || s:line4 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
	\ || s:line5 =~ '^%.\{-}[Vv]irata'
    set ft=virata

    " Strace
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\(\[pid \d\+\] \)\=[0-9:.]* *execve(' || s:line1 =~ '^__libc_start_main'
    set ft=strace

    " VSE JCL
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\* $$ JOB\>' || s:line1 =~ '^// *JOB\>'
    set ft=vsejcl

    " TAK and SINDA
  elseif s:line4 =~ 'K & K  Associates' || s:line2 =~ 'TAK 2000'
    set ft=takout
  elseif s:line3 =~ 'S Y S T E M S   I M P R O V E D '
    set ft=sindaout
  elseif getline(6) =~ 'Run Date: '
    set ft=takcmp
  elseif getline(9) =~ 'Node    File  1'
    set ft=sindacmp

    " DNS zone files
  elseif s:line1.s:line2.s:line3.s:line4 =~ '^; <<>> DiG [0-9.]\+ <<>>\|BIND.*named\|$ORIGIN\|$TTL\|IN\s\+SOA'
    set ft=bindzone

    " BAAN
  elseif s:line1 =~ '|\*\{1,80}' && s:line2 =~ 'VRC '
	\ || s:line2 =~ '|\*\{1,80}' && s:line3 =~ 'VRC '
    set ft=baan

  " Valgrind
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^==\d\+== valgrind' || s:line3 =~ '^==\d\+== Using valgrind'
    set ft=valgrind

  " Renderman Interface Bytestream
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^##RenderMan'
    set ft=rib

  " Scheme scripts
  elseif s:line1 =~ 'exec\s\+\S*scheme' || s:line2 =~ 'exec\s\+\S*scheme'
    set ft=scheme

  " Git output
  elseif s:line1 =~ '^\(commit\|tree\|object\) \x\{40\}\>\|^tag \S\+$'
    set ft=git

  " CVS diff
    let s:lnum = 1
    while getline(s:lnum) =~ "^? " && s:lnum < line("$")
      let s:lnum += 1
    if getline(s:lnum) =~ '^Index:\s\+\f\+$'
      set ft=diff

      " locale input files: Formal Definitions of Cultural Conventions
      " filename must be like en_US, fr_FR@euro or en_US.UTF-8
    elseif expand("%") =~ '\a\a_\a\a\($\|[.@]\)\|i18n$\|POSIX$\|translit_'
      let s:lnum = 1
      while s:lnum < 100 && s:lnum < line("$")
	  setf fdcc
	let s:lnum += 1
    unlet s:lnum


  unlet s:line2 s:line3 s:line4 s:line5


" Restore 'cpoptions'
let &cpo = s:cpo_save

unlet s:cpo_save s:line1