view src/libvterm/doc/seqs.txt @ 29237:c7aa0c46acd5 v8.2.5137

patch 8.2.5137: cannot build without the +channel feature Commit: Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Mon Jun 20 11:23:01 2022 +0100 patch 8.2.5137: cannot build without the +channel feature Problem: Cannot build without the +channel feature. (Dominique Pell?) Solution: Add #ifdef around ch_log() calls. (closes
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Mon, 20 Jun 2022 12:30:07 +0200
parents f93337ae0612
children 2d2758ffd959
line wrap: on
line source

Sequences documented in parens are implicit ones from parser.c, which move
between states.

1 = VT100
2 = VT220
3 = VT320
x = xterm

    C0 controls

123    0x00             = NUL
123x   0x07             = BEL
123x   0x08             = BS
123x   0x09             = HT
123x   0x0A             = LF
123x   0x0B             = VT
123x   0x0C             = FF
123x   0x0D             = CR
123x   0x0E             = LS1
123x   0x0F             = LS0
      (0x18             = CAN)
      (0x1A             = SUB)
      (0x1B             = ESC)

123    0x7f             = DEL (ignored)

    C1 controls

123x   0x84             = IND
123x   0x85             = NEL
123x   0x88             = HTS
123x   0x8D             = RI
 23x   0x8E             = SS2
 23x   0x8F             = SS3
      (0x90             = DCS)
      (0x98             = SOS)
      (0x9B             = CSI)
      (0x9C             = ST)
      (0x9D             = OSC)
      (0x9E             = PM)
      (0x9F             = APC)

    Escape sequences
     - excluding sequences that are C1 aliases

123x   ESC (            = SCS, select character set G0
123x   ESC )            = SCS, select character set G1
 23x   ESC *            = SCS, select character set G2
 23x   ESC +            = SCS, select character set G3
123x   ESC 7            = DECSC - save cursor
123x   ESC 8            = DECRC - restore cursor
123x   ESC # 3          = DECDHL, double-height line (top half)
123x   ESC # 4          = DECDHL, double-height line (bottom half)
123x   ESC # 5          = DECSWL, single-width single-height line
123x   ESC # 6          = DECDWL, double-width single-height line
123x   ESC # 8          = DECALN
123    ESC <            = Ignored (used by VT100 to exit VT52 mode)
123x   ESC =            = DECKPAM, keypad application mode
123x   ESC >            = DECKPNM, keypad numeric mode
 23x   ESC Sp F         = S7C1T
 23x   ESC Sp G         = S8C1T
      (ESC P            = DCS)
      (ESC X            = SOS)
      (ESC [            = CSI)
      (ESC \            = ST)
      (ESC ]            = OSC)
      (ESC ^            = PM)
      (ESC _            = APC)
123x   ESC c            = RIS, reset initial state
  3x   ESC n            = LS2
  3x   ESC o            = LS3
  3x   ESC |            = LS3R
  3x   ESC }            = LS2R
  3x   ESC ~            = LS1R


  3x   DCS $ q      ST  = DECRQSS
  3x           m        =   Request SGR
   x           Sp q     =   Request DECSCUSR
  3x           " q      =   Request DECSCA
  3x           r        =   Request DECSTBM
   x           s        =   Request DECSLRM

 23x   CSI @            = ICH
123x   CSI A            = CUU
123x   CSI B            = CUD
123x   CSI C            = CUF
123x   CSI D            = CUB
   x   CSI E            = CNL
   x   CSI F            = CPL
   x   CSI G            = CHA
123x   CSI H            = CUP
   x   CSI I            = CHT
123x   CSI J            = ED
 23x   CSI ? J          = DECSED, selective erase in display
123x   CSI K            = EL
 23x   CSI ? K          = DECSEL, selective erase in line
 23x   CSI L            = IL
 23x   CSI M            = DL
 23x   CSI P            = DCH
   x   CSI S            = SU
   x   CSI T            = SD
 23x   CSI X            = ECH
   x   CSI Z            = CBT
   x   CSI `            = HPA
   x   CSI a            = HPR
   x   CSI b            = REP
123x   CSI   c          = DA, device attributes
123        0            =   DA
 23x   CSI >   c        = DECSDA
 23          0          =   SDA
   x   CSI d            = VPA
   x   CSI e            = VPR
123x   CSI f            = HVP
123x   CSI g            = TBC
123x   CSI h            = SM, Set mode
123x   CSI ? h          = DECSM, DEC set mode
       CSI j            = HPB
       CSI k            = VPB
123x   CSI l            = RM, Reset mode
123x   CSI ? l          = DECRM, DEC reset mode
123x   CSI m            = SGR, Set Graphic Rendition
123x   CSI   n          = DSR, Device Status Report
 23x       5            =   operating status
 23x       6            =   CPR = cursor position
 23x   CSI ? n          = DECDSR; behaves as DSR but uses CSI ? instead of CSI to respond
 23x   CSI ! p          = DECSTR, soft terminal reset
  3x   CSI ? $ p        = DECRQM, request private mode
   x   CSI   Sp q       = DECSCUSR (odd numbers blink, even numbers solid)
           1 or 2       =   block
           3 or 4       =   underline
           5 or 6       =   I-beam to left
 23x   CSI " q          = DECSCA, select character attributes
123x   CSI r            = DECSTBM
   x   CSI s            = DECSLRM
   x   CSI ' }          = DECIC
   x   CSI ' ~          = DECDC


   x   OSC 0;           = Set icon name and title
   x   OSC 1;           = Set icon name
   x   OSC 2;           = Set title
   x   OSC 52;          = Selection management

    Standard modes

 23x   SM 4             = IRM
123x   SM 20            = NLM, linefeed/newline

    DEC modes

123x   DECSM 1          = DECCKM, cursor keys
123x   DECSM 5          = DECSCNM, screen
123x   DECSM 6          = DECOM, origin
123x   DECSM 7          = DECAWM, autowrap
   x   DECSM 12         = Cursor blink
 23x   DECSM 25         = DECTCEM, text cursor enable
   x   DECSM 69         = DECVSSM, vertical screen split
   x   DECSM 1000       = Mouse click/release tracking
   x   DECSM 1002       = Mouse click/release/drag tracking
   x   DECSM 1003       = Mouse all movements tracking
   x   DECSM 1004       = Focus in/out reporting
   x   DECSM 1005       = Mouse protocol extended (UTF-8) - not recommended
   x   DECSM 1006       = Mouse protocol SGR
   x   DECSM 1015       = Mouse protocol rxvt
   x   DECSM 1047       = Altscreen
   x   DECSM 1048       = Save cursor
   x   DECSM 1049       = 1047 + 1048
   x   DECSM 2004       = Bracketed paste

    Graphic Renditions

123x   SGR 0            = Reset
123x   SGR 1            = Bold on
   x   SGR 3            = Italic on
123x   SGR 4            = Underline single
       SGR 4:x          = Underline style
123x   SGR 5            = Blink on
123x   SGR 7            = Reverse on
   x   SGR 8            = Conceal on
   x   SGR 9            = Strikethrough on
       SGR 10-19        = Select font
   x   SGR 21           = Underline double
 23x   SGR 22           = Bold off
   x   SGR 23           = Italic off
 23x   SGR 24           = Underline off
 23x   SGR 25           = Blink off
 23x   SGR 27           = Reverse off
   x   SGR 28           = Conceal off
   x   SGR 29           = Strikethrough off
   x   SGR 30-37        = Foreground ANSI
   x   SGR 38           = Foreground alternative palette
   x   SGR 39           = Foreground default
   x   SGR 40-47        = Background ANSI
   x   SGR 48           = Background alternative palette
   x   SGR 49           = Background default
   x   SGR 90-97        = Foreground ANSI high-intensity
   x   SGR 100-107      = Background ANSI high-intensity

The state storage used by ESC 7 and DECSM 1048/1049 is shared.

    Unimplemented sequences:

The following sequences are not recognised by libvterm.

123x   0x05             = ENQ
  3    0x11             = DC1 (XON)
  3    0x13             = DC3 (XOFF)
   x   ESC % @          = Select default character set
   x   ESC % G          = Select UTF-8 character set
   x   ESC 6            = DECBI, Back Index
12     ESC Z            = DECID, identify terminal
   x   DCS + Q          = XTGETXRES, Request resource values
       DCS $ q          = [DECRQSS]
  3x           " p      =   Request DECSCL
   x           t        =   Request DECSLPP
   x           $ |      =   Request DECSCPP
   x           * |      =   Request DECSLNS
  3            $ }      =   Request DECSASD
  3            $ ~      =   Request DECSSDT
   x   DCS + p          = XTSETTCAP, set termcap/terminfo data
   x   DCS + q          = XTGETTCAP, request termcap/terminfo
 23    DCS {            = DECDLD, down-line-loadable character set
 23x   DCS |            = DECUDK, user-defined key
   x   CSI Sp @         = Shift left columns
   x   CSI Sp A         = Shift right columns
   x   CSI # P          = XTPUSHCOLORS, push current dynamic colours to stack
   x   CSI # Q          = XTPOPCOLORS, pop dynamic colours from stack
   x   CSI # R          = XTREPORTCOLORS, report current entry on palette stack
   x   CSI ? S          = XTSMGRAPHICS, set/request graphics attribute
   x   CSI > T          = XTRMTITLE, reset title mode features
 23x   CSI i            = DEC printer control
   x   CSI > m          = XTMODKEYS, set key modifier options
   x   CSI > n          = (XTMODKEYS), reset key modifier options
   x   CSI $ p          = DECRQM, request ANSI mode
 23x   CSI " p          = DECSCL, set compatibility level
   x   CSI > p          = XTSMPOINTER, set resource value pointer mode
1  x   CSI q            = DECLL, load LEDs
   x   CSI ? r          = XTRESTORE, restore DEC private mode values
   x   CSI $ r          = DECCARA, change attributes in rectangular area
   x   CSI > s          = XTSHIFTESCAPE, set/reset shift-escape options
   x   CSI ? s          = XTSAVE, save DEC private mode values
   x   CSI t            = XTWINOPS, window operations
   x   CSI > t          = XTSMTITLE, set title mode features
   x   CSI $ t          = DECRARA, reset attributes in rectangular area
  3    CSI   $ u        = DECRQTSR, request terminal state report
  3        1            =   terminal state report
  3    CSI & u          = DECRQUPSS, request user-preferred supplemental set
   x   CSI $ v          = DECCRA, copy rectangular area
  3x   CSI   $ w        = DECRQPSR, request presentation state report
  3x       1            =   cursor information report
  3x       2            =   tab stop report
   x   CSI ' w          = DECEFR, enable filter rectangle
1  x   CSI x            = DECREQTPARM, request terminal parameters
   x   CSI * x          = DECSACE, select attribute change extent
   x   CSI $ x          = DECFRA, fill rectangular area
123    CSI y            = DECTST, invoke confidence test
   x   CSI $ z          = DECERA, erase rectangular area
   x   CSI # {          = XTPUSHSGR, push video attributes onto stack
   x   CSI $ {          = DECSERA, selective erase in rectangular area
   x   CSI # |          = XTREPORTSGR, report selected graphic rendition
   x   CSI $ |          = DECSCPP, select columns per page
   x   CSI # }          = XTPOPSGR, pop video attributes from stack
  3    CSI $ }          = DECSASD, select active status display
  3    CSI $ ~          = DECSSDT, select status line type
 23    SM 2             = KAM, keyboard action
123    SM 12            = SRM, send/receive
123    DECSM 2          = DECANM, ANSI/VT52
123    DECSM 3          = DECCOLM, 132 column
123    DECSM 4          = DECSCLM, scrolling
123    DECSM 8          = DECARM, auto-repeat
12     DECSM 9          = DECINLM, interlace
 23    DECSM 18         = DECPFF, print form feed
 23    DECSM 19         = DECPEX, print extent
 23    DECSM 42         = DECNRCM, national/multinational character