view src/testdir/test_filter_map.vim @ 33471:baa62f464436 v9.0.1988

patch 9.0.1988: Vim9: potential use-after-free for class members Commit: Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan <> Date: Thu Oct 5 20:24:18 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1988: Vim9: potential use-after-free for class members Problem: Vim9: potential use-after-free for class members Solution: Use the class-related grow array for storing the member type instead of using a temporary type list grow array Use the type list grow array associated with the class than using a temporary type list grow array to allocate the class member type. For simple types, a predefined type is used. For complex types, the type is dynamically allocated from a grow array. For class variables, the type grow array in the class should be used. So that the lifetime of the type is same as the lifetime of the class. closes: #13279 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Yegappan Lakshmanan <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 05 Oct 2023 20:30:11 +0200
parents 5848a0867b26
children da670b1549b3
line wrap: on
line source

" Test filter() and map()

import './vim9.vim' as v9

" list with expression string
func Test_filter_map_list_expr_string()
  " filter()
  call assert_equal([2, 3, 4], filter([1, 2, 3, 4], 'v:val > 1'))
  call assert_equal([3, 4], filter([1, 2, 3, 4], 'v:key > 1'))
  call assert_equal([], filter([1, 2, 3, 4], 0))

  " map()
  call assert_equal([2, 4, 6, 8], map([1, 2, 3, 4], 'v:val * 2'))
  call assert_equal([0, 2, 4, 6], map([1, 2, 3, 4], 'v:key * 2'))
  call assert_equal([9, 9, 9, 9], map([1, 2, 3, 4], 9))
  call assert_equal([7, 7, 7], map([1, 2, 3], ' 7 '))

" dict with expression string
func Test_filter_map_dict_expr_string()
  let dict = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}

  " filter()
  call assert_equal({"bar": 2, "baz": 3}, filter(copy(dict), 'v:val > 1'))
  call assert_equal({"foo": 1, "baz": 3}, filter(copy(dict), 'v:key > "bar"'))
  call assert_equal({}, filter(copy(dict), 0))

  " map()
  call assert_equal({"foo": 2, "bar": 4, "baz": 6}, map(copy(dict), 'v:val * 2'))
  call assert_equal({"foo": "f", "bar": "b", "baz": "b"}, map(copy(dict), 'v:key[0]'))
  call assert_equal({"foo": 9, "bar": 9, "baz": 9}, map(copy(dict), 9))

" list with funcref
func Test_filter_map_list_expr_funcref()
  " filter()
  func! s:filter1(index, val) abort
    return a:val > 1
  call assert_equal([2, 3, 4], filter([1, 2, 3, 4], function('s:filter1')))

  func! s:filter2(index, val) abort
    return a:index > 1
  call assert_equal([3, 4], filter([1, 2, 3, 4], function('s:filter2')))

  " map()
  func! s:filter3(index, val) abort
    return a:val * 2
  call assert_equal([2, 4, 6, 8], map([1, 2, 3, 4], function('s:filter3')))

  func! s:filter4(index, val) abort
    return a:index * 2
  call assert_equal([0, 2, 4, 6], map([1, 2, 3, 4], function('s:filter4')))

func Test_filter_map_nested()
  let x = {"x":10}
  let r = map(range(2), 'filter(copy(x), "1")')
  call assert_equal([x, x], r)

  let r = map(copy(x), 'filter(copy(x), "1")')
  call assert_equal({"x": x}, r)

" dict with funcref
func Test_filter_map_dict_expr_funcref()
  let dict = {"foo": 1, "bar": 2, "baz": 3}

  " filter()
  func! s:filter1(key, val) abort
    return a:val > 1
  call assert_equal({"bar": 2, "baz": 3}, filter(copy(dict), function('s:filter1')))

  func! s:filter2(key, val) abort
    return a:key > "bar"
  call assert_equal({"foo": 1, "baz": 3}, filter(copy(dict), function('s:filter2')))

  " map()
  func! s:filter3(key, val) abort
    return a:val * 2
  call assert_equal({"foo": 2, "bar": 4, "baz": 6}, map(copy(dict), function('s:filter3')))

  func! s:filter4(key, val) abort
    return a:key[0]
  call assert_equal({"foo": "f", "bar": "b", "baz": "b"}, map(copy(dict), function('s:filter4')))

func Test_map_filter_fails()
  call assert_fails('call map([1], "42 +")', 'E15:')
  call assert_fails('call filter([1], "42 +")', 'E15:')
  call assert_fails("let l = filter([1, 2, 3], '{}')", 'E728:')
  call assert_fails("let l = filter({'k' : 10}, '{}')", 'E728:')
  call assert_fails("let l = filter([1, 2], {})", 'E731:')
  call assert_equal(test_null_list(), filter(test_null_list(), 0))
  call assert_equal(test_null_dict(), filter(test_null_dict(), 0))
  call assert_equal(test_null_list(), map(test_null_list(), '"> " .. v:val'))
  call assert_equal(test_null_dict(), map(test_null_dict(), '"> " .. v:val'))
  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], filter([1, 2, 3], test_null_function()))
  call assert_fails("let l = filter([1, 2], function('min'))", 'E118:')
  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], filter([1, 2, 3], test_null_partial()))
  call assert_fails("let l = filter([1, 2], {a, b, c -> 1})", 'E119:')

func Test_map_and_modify()
  let l = ["abc"]
  " cannot change the list halfway a map()
  call assert_fails('call map(l, "remove(l, 0)[0]")', 'E741:')

  let d = #{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}
  call assert_fails('call map(d, "remove(d, v:key)[0]")', 'E741:')
  call assert_fails('echo map(d, {k,v -> remove(d, k)})', 'E741:')

  let b = 0z1234
  call assert_fails('call filter(b, "remove(b, 0)")', 'E741:')

func Test_filter_and_modify()
  let l = [0]
  " cannot change the list halfway a map()
  call assert_fails('call filter(l, "remove(l, 0)")', 'E741:')

  let d = #{a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}
  call assert_fails('call filter(d, "remove(d, v:key)")', 'E741:')

  let b = 0z1234
  call assert_fails('call filter(b, "remove(b, 0)")', 'E741:')

func Test_mapnew_dict()
  let din = #{one: 1, two: 2}
  let dout = mapnew(din, {k, v -> string(v)})
  call assert_equal(#{one: 1, two: 2}, din)
  call assert_equal(#{one: '1', two: '2'}, dout)

  const dconst = #{one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}
  call assert_equal(#{one: 2, two: 3, three: 4}, mapnew(dconst, {_, v -> v + 1}))

func Test_mapnew_list()
  let lin = [1, 2, 3]
  let lout = mapnew(lin, {k, v -> string(v)})
  call assert_equal([1, 2, 3], lin)
  call assert_equal(['1', '2', '3'], lout)

  const lconst = [1, 2, 3]
  call assert_equal([2, 3, 4], mapnew(lconst, {_, v -> v + 1}))

func Test_mapnew_blob()
  let bin = 0z123456
  let bout = mapnew(bin, {k, v -> k == 1 ? 0x99 : v})
  call assert_equal(0z123456, bin)
  call assert_equal(0z129956, bout)

" Test for using map(), filter() and mapnew() with a string
func Test_filter_map_string()
  " filter()
  let lines =<< trim END
    VAR s = "abc"
    call filter(s, '"b" != v:val')
    call assert_equal('abc', s)
    call assert_equal('ac', filter('abc', '"b" != v:val'))
    call assert_equal('あいうえお', filter('あxいxうxえxお', '"x" != v:val'))
    call assert_equal('あa😊💕💕b💕', filter('あxax😊x💕💕b💕x', '"x" != v:val'))
    call assert_equal('xxxx', filter('あxax😊x💕💕b💕x', '"x" == v:val'))
    VAR t = "%),:;>?]}’”†‡…‰,‱‼⁇⁈⁉℃℉,、。〉》」,』】〕〗〙〛,!),.:,;?,]}"
    VAR u = "%):;>?]}’”†‡…‰‱‼⁇⁈⁉℃℉、。〉》」』】〕〗〙〛!),.:;?]}"
    call assert_equal(u, filter(t, '"," != v:val'))
    call assert_equal('', filter('abc', '0'))
    call assert_equal('ac', filter('abc', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE "b" != x LEND))
    call assert_equal('あいうえお', filter('あxいxうxえxお', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE "x" != x LEND))
    call assert_equal('', filter('abc', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE v:false LEND))
    call assert_equal('', filter('', "v:val == 'a'"))
    call assert_equal('', filter(test_null_string(), "v:val == 'a'"))
  call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)

  " map()
  let lines =<< trim END
    VAR s = "abc"
    call map(s, 'nr2char(char2nr(v:val) + 2)')
    call assert_equal('abc', s)
    call assert_equal('cde', map('abc', 'nr2char(char2nr(v:val) + 2)'))
    call assert_equal('[あ][i][う][え][お]', map('あiうえお', '"[" .. v:val .. "]"'))
    call assert_equal('[あ][a][😊][,][‱][‼][⁇][⁈][⁉][💕][b][💕][c][💕]', map('あa😊,‱‼⁇⁈⁉💕b💕c💕', '"[" .. v:val .. "]"'))
    call assert_equal('', map('abc', '""'))
    call assert_equal('cde', map('abc', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE nr2char(char2nr(x) + 2) LEND))
    call assert_equal('[あ][i][う][え][お]', map('あiうえお', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE '[' .. x .. ']' LEND))
    call assert_equal('', map('abc', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE '' LEND))
    call assert_equal('', map('', "v:val == 'a'"))
    call assert_equal('', map(test_null_string(), "v:val == 'a'"))
    call assert_fails('echo map("abc", "10")', 'E928:')
    call assert_fails('echo map("abc", "a10")', 'E121:')
  call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)

  " mapnew()
  let lines =<< trim END
    VAR s = "abc"
    call mapnew(s, 'nr2char(char2nr(v:val) + 2)')
    call assert_equal('abc', s)
    call assert_equal('cde', mapnew('abc', 'nr2char(char2nr(v:val) + 2)'))
    call assert_equal('[あ][i][う][え][お]', mapnew('あiうえお', '"[" .. v:val .. "]"'))
    call assert_equal('[あ][a][😊][,][‱][‼][⁇][⁈][⁉][💕][b][💕][c][💕]', mapnew('あa😊,‱‼⁇⁈⁉💕b💕c💕', '"[" .. v:val .. "]"'))
    call assert_equal('', mapnew('abc', '""'))
    call assert_equal('cde', mapnew('abc', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE nr2char(char2nr(x) + 2) LEND))
    call assert_equal('[あ][i][う][え][お]', mapnew('あiうえお', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE '[' .. x .. ']' LEND))
    call assert_equal('', mapnew('abc', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE '' LEND))
    call assert_equal('', mapnew('', "v:val == 'a'"))
    call assert_equal('', mapnew(test_null_string(), "v:val == 'a'"))
  call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)

  let lines =<< trim END
    #" map() and filter()
    call assert_equal('[あ][⁈][a][😊][⁉][💕][💕][b][💕]', map(filter('あx⁈ax😊x⁉💕💕b💕x', '"x" != v:val'), '"[" .. v:val .. "]"'))

    #" patterns-composing(\Z)
    call assert_equal('ॠॠ', filter('ऊॠॡ,ऊॠॡ', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Z' .. nr2char(0x0960) LEND))
    call assert_equal('àà', filter('càt,càt', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Za' LEND))
    call assert_equal('ÅÅ', filter('Åström,Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Z' .. nr2char(0xc5) LEND))
    call assert_equal('öö', filter('Åström,Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Z' .. nr2char(0xf6) LEND))
    call assert_equal('ऊ@ॡ', map('ऊॠॡ', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Z' .. nr2char(0x0960) ? '@' : x LEND))
    call assert_equal('c@t', map('càt', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Za' ? '@' : x LEND))
    call assert_equal('@ström', map('Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Z' .. nr2char(0xc5) ? '@' : x LEND))
    call assert_equal('Åstr@m', map('Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ '\Z' .. nr2char(0xf6) ? '@' : x LEND))

    #" patterns-composing(\%C)
    call assert_equal('ॠॠ', filter('ऊॠॡ,ऊॠॡ', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ nr2char(0x0960) .. '\%C' LEND))
    call assert_equal('àà', filter('càt,càt', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ 'a' .. '\%C' LEND))
    call assert_equal('ÅÅ', filter('Åström,Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ nr2char(0xc5) .. '\%C' LEND))
    call assert_equal('öö', filter('Åström,Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ nr2char(0xf6) .. '\%C' LEND))
    call assert_equal('ऊ@ॡ', map('ऊॠॡ', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ nr2char(0x0960) .. '\%C' ? '@' : x LEND))
    call assert_equal('c@t', map('càt', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ 'a' .. '\%C' ? '@' : x LEND))
    call assert_equal('@ström', map('Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ nr2char(0xc5) .. '\%C' ? '@' : x LEND))
    call assert_equal('Åstr@m', map('Åström', LSTART i, x LMIDDLE x =~ nr2char(0xf6) .. '\%C' ? '@' : x LEND))
  call v9.CheckLegacyAndVim9Success(lines)

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab