view runtime/ftplugin/mf.vim @ 33404:9b35b4c6df4c v9.0.1960

patch 9.0.1960: Make CI checks more strict Commit: Author: Yee Cheng Chin <> Date: Sat Sep 30 12:28:50 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1960: Make CI checks more strict Problem: Make CI checks more strict Solution: Add -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes to CI, fix uncovered problems Add -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes warnings check to CI Add two new warnings to CI, silence some Perl related build-warnings: - `strict-prototypes` helps prevent declaring a function with an empty argument list, e.g. `int func()`. In C++, that's equivalent to `int func(void)`, but in C, that means a function that can take any number of arguments which is rarely what we want. - `missing-prototypes` makes sure we use `static` for file-only internal functions. Non-static functions should have been declared on a prototype file. - Add `no-compound-token-split-by-macro` to the perl cflags, since it throws out a bunch of perl-related warnings that make the CI log unnecessary verbose and hard to read. This seems to happen only with clang 12 and above. When applying those changes, it already uncovered a few warnings, so fix up the code as well (fix prototypes, make the code static, remove shadowed var declaration) GTK header needs to have #pragma warning suppressiong because GTK2 headers will warn on `-Wstrict-prototypes`, and it's included by gui.h and so we can't just turn off the warning in a couple files. closes: #13223 closes: #13226 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Yee Cheng Chin <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sat, 30 Sep 2023 12:45:05 +0200
parents 2acb87ee55fc
children 8ae680be2a51
line wrap: on
line source


# Vim filetype plugin file
# Language:           METAFONT
# Maintainer:         Nicola Vitacolonna <>
# Former Maintainers: Nikolai Weibull <>
# Latest Revision:    2022 Aug 12

if exists("b:did_ftplugin")

b:did_ftplugin = 1
b:undo_ftplugin = "setl com< cms< fo< sua< inc< def< ofu<"

setlocal comments=:%
setlocal commentstring=%\ %s
setlocal formatoptions+=cjroql2
setlocal formatoptions-=t
setlocal omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete

&l:include = '\<input\>'
&l:define = '\<\%(let\|newinternal\|interim\|def\|vardef\)\>\|\<\%(primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>\s*[^ .]\+'

g:omni_syntax_group_include_mf = 'mf\w\+'
g:omni_syntax_group_exclude_mf = 'mfTodoComment'

if exists("g:loaded_matchit") && !exists("b:match_words")
  b:match_ignorecase = 0
  b:match_skip = 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~# "mf\\(Comment\\|String\\)$"'
  b:match_words = '\<if\>:\<else\%[if]\>:\<fi\>,'
  ..              '\<for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\>:\<exit\%(if\|unless\)\>:\<endfor\>,'
  ..              '\<\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\>:\<enddef\>,'
  ..              '\<begingroup\>:\<endgroup\>,'
  ..              '\<begin\%(logo\)\?char\>:\<endchar\>'
  b:undo_ftplugin ..= "| unlet! b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"

if !get(g:, 'no_mf_maps', 0) && !get(g:, 'no_plugin_maps', 0)
  const mf_regex = {
    'beginsection': '^\s*\%(\%(\|var\|primary\|secondary\|tertiary\)def\|beginchar\|beginlogochar\)\>',
    'endsection':   '^\s*\%(enddef\|endchar\)\>',
    'beginblock':   '^\s*\%(begingroup\|if\|for\%(\|suffixes\|ever\)\)\>',
    'endblock':     '^\s*\%(endgroup\|fi\|endfor\)\>'}

  def MoveAround(count: number, what: string, flags: string)
    search(mf_regex[what], flags .. 's')  # 's' sets previous context mark
    var i = 2
    while i <= count
      search(mf_regex[what], flags)
      i += 1

  # Macros to move around
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> [[ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "bW")<cr>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginsection", "W") <cr>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection",   "bW")<cr>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> [] <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection",   "bW")<cr>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection",   "W") <cr>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> ][ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endsection",   "W") <cr>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock",   "bW")<cr>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> [{ <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "beginblock",   "bW")<cr>
  nnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock",     "W") <cr>
  vnoremap <silent><buffer> ]} <scriptcmd>MoveAround(v:count1, "endblock",     "W") <cr>

  for mapping in ["[[", "]]", "[]", "][", "[{", "]}"]
    b:undo_ftplugin ..= printf(" | silent! execute 'nunmap <buffer> %s'", mapping)
    b:undo_ftplugin ..= printf(" | silent! execute 'vunmap <buffer> %s'", mapping)

if (has('gui_win32') || has('gui_gtk')) && !exists('b:browsefilter')
  b:browsefilter = "METAFONT Source Files (*.mf)\t*.mf\n"
  ..                   "All Files (*.*)\t*.*\n"
  b:undo_ftplugin ..= ' | unlet! b:browsefilter'

# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker