view src/testdir/test_indent.vim @ 33399:95db67c7b754 v9.0.1958

patch 9.0.1958: cannot complete option values Commit: Author: Yee Cheng Chin <> Date: Fri Sep 29 20:42:32 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1958: cannot complete option values Problem: cannot complete option values Solution: Add completion functions for several options Add cmdline tab-completion for setting string options Add tab-completion for setting string options on the cmdline using `:set=` (along with `:set+=` and `:set-=`). The existing tab completion for setting options currently only works when nothing is typed yet, and it only fills in with the existing value, e.g. when the user does `:set diffopt=<Tab>` it will be completed to `set diffopt=internal,filler,closeoff` and nothing else. This isn't too useful as a user usually wants auto-complete to suggest all the possible values, such as 'iblank', or 'algorithm:patience'. For set= and set+=, this adds a new optional callback function for each option that can be invoked when doing completion. This allows for each option to have control over how completion works. For example, in 'diffopt', it will suggest the default enumeration, but if `algorithm:` is selected, it will further suggest different algorithm types like 'meyers' and 'patience'. When using set=, the existing option value will be filled in as the first choice to preserve the existing behavior. When using set+= this won't happen as it doesn't make sense. For flag list options (e.g. 'mouse' and 'guioptions'), completion will take into account existing typed values (and in the case of set+=, the existing option value) to make sure it doesn't suggest duplicates. For set-=, there is a new `ExpandSettingSubtract` function which will handle flag list and comma-separated options smartly, by only suggesting values that currently exist in the option. Note that Vim has some existing code that adds special handling for 'filetype', 'syntax', and misc dir options like 'backupdir'. This change preserves them as they already work, instead of converting to the new callback API for each option. closes: #13182 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: Yee Cheng Chin <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Fri, 29 Sep 2023 20:45:04 +0200
parents dbec60b8c253
children 872c07d5befe
line wrap: on
line source

" Test for various indent options

func Test_preserveindent()
  " Test for autoindent copying indent from the previous line
  setlocal autoindent
  call setline(1, [repeat(' ', 16) .. 'line1'])
  call feedkeys("A\nline2", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("\t\tline2", getline(2))
  setlocal autoindent&

  " Test for using CTRL-T with and without 'preserveindent'
  set shiftwidth=4
  call cursor(1, 1)
  call setline(1, "    \t    ")
  call feedkeys("Al\<C-T>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("\t\tl", getline(1))
  set preserveindent
  call setline(1, "    \t    ")
  call feedkeys("Al\<C-T>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("    \t    \tl", getline(1))
  set pi& sw&

  " Test for using CTRL-T with 'expandtab' and 'preserveindent'
  call cursor(1, 1)
  call setline(1, "\t    \t")
  set shiftwidth=4 expandtab preserveindent
  call feedkeys("Al\<C-T>", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("\t    \t    l", getline(1))
  set sw& et& pi&


" Test for indent()
func Test_indent_func()
  call assert_equal(-1, indent(-1))
  call setline(1, "\tabc")
  call assert_equal(8, indent(1))
  call setline(1, "    abc")
  call assert_equal(4, indent(1))
  call setline(1, "    \t    abc")
  call assert_equal(12, indent(1))

" Test for reindenting a line using the '=' operator
func Test_reindent()
  call setline(1, 'abc')
  set nomodifiable
  call assert_fails('normal ==', 'E21:')
  set modifiable

  call setline(1, ['foo', 'bar'])
  call feedkeys('ggVG=', 'xt')
  call assert_equal(['foo', 'bar'], getline(1, 2))

" Test indent operator creating one undo entry
func Test_indent_operator_undo()
  call setline(1, range(12)->map('"\t" .. v:val'))
  func FoldExpr()
    let g:foldcount += 1
    return '='
  set foldmethod=expr foldexpr=FoldExpr()
  let g:foldcount = 0
  call assert_equal(12, g:foldcount)
  normal gg=G
  call assert_equal(24, g:foldcount)
  call assert_equal(38, g:foldcount)

  set foldmethod& foldexpr=
  delfunc FoldExpr
  unlet g:foldcount

" Test for shifting a line with a preprocessor directive ('#')
func Test_preproc_indent()
  set sw=4
  call setline(1, '#define FOO 1')
  normal >>
  call assert_equal('    #define FOO 1', getline(1))

  " with 'smartindent'
  call setline(1, '#define FOO 1')
  set smartindent
  normal >>
  call assert_equal('#define FOO 1', getline(1))
  set smartindent&

  " with 'cindent'
  set cindent
  normal >>
  call assert_equal('#define FOO 1', getline(1))
  set cindent&


" Test for 'copyindent'
func Test_copyindent()
  set shiftwidth=4 autoindent expandtab copyindent
  call setline(1, "    \t    abc")
  call feedkeys("ol", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("    \t    l", getline(2))
  set noexpandtab
  call setline(1, "    \t    abc")
  call feedkeys("ol", 'xt')
  call assert_equal("    \t    l", getline(2))
  set sw& ai& et& ci&

" Test for changing multiple lines with lisp indent
func Test_lisp_indent_change_multiline()
  setlocal lisp autoindent
  call setline(1, ['(if a', '  (if b', '    (return 5)))'])
  normal! jc2j(return 4))
  call assert_equal('  (return 4))', getline(2))

func Test_lisp_indent()
  setlocal lisp autoindent
  call setline(1, ['(if a', '  ;; comment', '  \ abc', '', '  " str1\', '  " st\b', '  (return 5)'])
  normal! jo;; comment
  normal! jo\ abc
  normal! jo;; ret
  normal! jostr1"
  normal! jostr2"
  call assert_equal(['  ;; comment', '  ;; comment', '  \ abc', '  \ abc', '', '  ;; ret', '  " str1\', '  str1"', '  " st\b', '  str2"'], getline(2, 11))

func Test_lisp_indent_quoted()
  " This was going past the end of the line
  setlocal lisp autoindent
  call setline(1, ['"[', '='])
  normal Gvk=


" Test for setting the 'indentexpr' from a modeline
func Test_modeline_indent_expr()
  let modeline = &modeline
  set modeline
  func GetIndent()
    return line('.') * 2
  call writefile(['# vim: indentexpr=GetIndent()'], 'Xmlfile.txt', 'D')
  set modelineexpr
  new Xmlfile.txt
  call assert_equal('GetIndent()', &indentexpr)
  exe "normal Oa\nb\n"
  call assert_equal(['  a', '    b'], getline(1, 2))

  set modelineexpr&
  delfunc GetIndent
  let &modeline = modeline

func Test_indent_func_with_gq()

  function GetTeXIndent()
    " Sample indent expression for TeX files
    let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
    " At the start of the file use zero indent.
    if lnum == 0
      return 0
    let line = getline(lnum)
    let ind = indent(lnum)
    " Add a 'shiftwidth' after beginning of environments.
    if line =~ '\\begin{center}'
      let ind = ind + shiftwidth()
    return ind

  setl et sw=2 sts=2 ts=2 tw=50 indentexpr=GetTeXIndent()
  put =[  '\documentclass{article}', '', '\begin{document}', '',
        \ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut enim non',
        \ 'libero efficitur aliquet. Maecenas metus justo, facilisis convallis blandit',
        \ 'non, semper eu urna. Suspendisse diam diam, iaculis faucibus lorem eu,',
        \ 'fringilla condimentum lectus. Quisque euismod diam at convallis vulputate.',
        \ 'Pellentesque laoreet tortor sit amet mauris euismod ornare. Sed varius',
        \ 'bibendum orci vel vehicula. Pellentesque tempor, ipsum et auctor accumsan,',
        \ 'metus lectus ultrices odio, sed elementum mi ante at arcu.', '', '\begin{center}', '',
        \ 'Proin nec risus consequat nunc dapibus consectetur. Mauris lacinia est a augue',
        \ 'tristique accumsan. Morbi pretium, felis molestie eleifend condimentum, arcu',
        \ 'ipsum congue nisl, quis euismod purus libero in ante.', '',
        \ 'Donec id semper purus.',
        \ 'Suspendisse eget aliquam nunc. Maecenas fringilla mauris vitae maximus',
        \ 'condimentum. Cras a quam in mi dictum eleifend at a lorem. Sed convallis',
        \ 'ante a commodo facilisis. Nam suscipit vulputate odio, vel dapibus nisl',
        \ 'dignissim facilisis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et',
        \ 'ultrices posuere cubilia curae;', '', '']
  call cursor(5, 1)
  call cursor(14, 1)
  norm! 'agqap
  norm! 'bgqG
  let expected = [ '\documentclass{article}', '', '\begin{document}', '',
        \ 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing',
        \ 'elit. Fusce ut enim non libero efficitur aliquet.',
        \ 'Maecenas metus justo, facilisis convallis blandit',
        \ 'non, semper eu urna. Suspendisse diam diam,',
        \ 'iaculis faucibus lorem eu, fringilla condimentum',
        \ 'lectus. Quisque euismod diam at convallis',
        \ 'vulputate.  Pellentesque laoreet tortor sit amet',
        \ 'mauris euismod ornare. Sed varius bibendum orci',
        \ 'vel vehicula. Pellentesque tempor, ipsum et auctor',
        \ 'accumsan, metus lectus ultrices odio, sed',
        \ 'elementum mi ante at arcu.', '', '\begin{center}', '',
        \ '  Proin nec risus consequat nunc dapibus',
        \ '  consectetur. Mauris lacinia est a augue',
        \ '  tristique accumsan. Morbi pretium, felis',
        \ '  molestie eleifend condimentum, arcu ipsum congue',
        \ '  nisl, quis euismod purus libero in ante.',
        \ '',
        \ '  Donec id semper purus.  Suspendisse eget aliquam',
        \ '  nunc. Maecenas fringilla mauris vitae maximus',
        \ '  condimentum. Cras a quam in mi dictum eleifend',
        \ '  at a lorem. Sed convallis ante a commodo',
        \ '  facilisis. Nam suscipit vulputate odio, vel',
        \ '  dapibus nisl dignissim facilisis. Vestibulum',
        \ '  ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et',
        \ '  ultrices posuere cubilia curae;', '', '']
  call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))

  delmark ab
  delfunction GetTeXIndent

func Test_formatting_keeps_first_line_indent()
  let lines =<< trim END
          int x;         // manually positioned
                         // more text that will be formatted
                         // but not reindented
  call setline(1, lines)
  setlocal sw=4 cindent tw=45 et
  normal! 4Ggqj
  let expected =<< trim END
          int x;         // manually positioned
                         // more text that will be
                         // formatted but not
                         // reindented
  call assert_equal(expected, getline(1, '$'))

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab