view src/testdir/ @ 615:7fe13e0f5dce v7.0175

updated for version 7.0175
author vimboss
date Thu, 22 Dec 2005 22:47:02 +0000
children 1797ca316f1c
line wrap: on
line source

Tests for the exists() function.  vim: set ft=vim :

:so small.vim
:function! RunTest(str, result)
    if exists(a:str) == a:result
	echo "OK"
	echo "FAILED: Checking for " . a:str
:function! TestExists()
    augroup myagroup
	autocmd! BufEnter *.my echo 'myfile edited'
    augroup END
    redir! > test.out

    " valid autocmd group
    call RunTest('#myagroup', 1)

    " Valid autocmd group and event
    call RunTest('#myagroup#BufEnter', 1)

    " Valid autocmd group, event and pattern
    call RunTest('#myagroup#BufEnter#*.my', 1)

    " Valid autocmd event
    call RunTest('#BufEnter', 1)

    " Valid autocmd event and pattern
    call RunTest('#BufEnter#*.my', 1)

    " Non-existing autocmd group or event
    call RunTest('#xyzagroup', 0)

    " Non-existing autocmd group and valid autocmd event
    call RunTest('#xyzagroup#BufEnter', 0)

    " Valid autocmd group and autocmd event with no matching pattern
    call RunTest('#myagroup#CmdwinEnter', 0)

    " Valid autocmd group and non-existing autocmd event
    call RunTest('#myagroup#xyzacmd', 0)

    " Valid autocmd group and event and non-matching pattern
    call RunTest('#myagroup#BufEnter#xyzpat', 0)

    " Valid autocmd event and non-matching pattern
    call RunTest('#BufEnter#xyzpat', 0)

    " Empty autocmd group, event and pattern
    call RunTest('###', 0)

    " Empty autocmd group and event or event and pattern
    call RunTest('##', 0)

    " Testing support for event name that exists.
    call RunTest('##SwapExists', 1)

    " Testing support for event name that doesn't exist.
    call RunTest('##SwapNotExists', 0)

    redir END
:call TestExists()
:edit! test.out
:set ff=unix