view src/testdir/test_syntax.vim @ 32962:7771cb060685 v9.0.1781

patch 9.0.1781: Problems when setting bin/paste option Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Tue Aug 22 21:44:10 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1781: Problems when setting bin/paste option Problem: Problems when setting bin/paste option Solution: When setting binary/paste, remember that this also affects depending options, so that :verbose set returns the right location. Mention if depending options for 'binary' or 'paste' have been reset indirectly. Add a test to verify it works. Also noticed as small bug, that the global option value for expandtab was not reset when paste option is set, so fix that while at it. closes: #12837 closes: #12879 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: zeertzjq <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:00:03 +0200
parents 97bb0811cfd4
children d6b9d567433f
line wrap: on
line source

" Test for syntax and syntax iskeyword option

source check.vim
CheckFeature syntax

source view_util.vim
source screendump.vim

func GetSyntaxItem(pat)
  let c = ''
  let a = ['a', getreg('a'), getregtype('a')]
  call search(a:pat, 'W')
  let synid = synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
  while synid == synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
    norm! v"ay
    " stop at whitespace
    if @a =~# '\s'
    let c .= @a
    norm! l
  call call('setreg', a)
  return c

func AssertHighlightGroups(lnum, startcol, expected, trans = 1, msg = "")
  " Assert that the characters starting at a given (line, col)
  " sequentially match the expected highlight groups.
  " If groups are provided as a string, each character is assumed to be a
  " group and spaces represent no group, useful for visually describing tests.
  let l:expectedGroups = type(a:expected) == v:t_string
        \ ? a:expected->split('\zs')->map({_, v -> trim(v)})
        \ : a:expected
  let l:errors = 0
  let l:msg = (a:msg->empty() ? "" : a:msg .. ": ")
        \ .. "Wrong highlight group at " .. a:lnum .. ","

  for l:i in range(a:startcol, a:startcol + l:expectedGroups->len() - 1)
    let l:errors += synID(a:lnum, l:i, a:trans)
          \ ->synIDattr("name")
          \ ->assert_equal(l:expectedGroups[l:i - 1],
          \    l:msg .. l:i)

func Test_syn_iskeyword()
  call setline(1, [
	\ '    DLTD_BY VARCHAR2(100)',
	\ ');',
	\ ''])

  syntax on
  set ft=sql
  syn match SYN /C\k\+\>/
  hi link SYN ErrorMsg
  call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', GetSyntaxItem('DLTD'))
  /\<D\k\+\>/:norm! ygn
  call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', @0)
  redir @c
  syn iskeyword
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword not set", @c)

  syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255
  redir @c
  syn iskeyword
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255", @c)

  setlocal isk-=_
  call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', GetSyntaxItem('DLTD'))
  /\<D\k\+\>/:norm! ygn
  let b2 = @0
  call assert_equal('DLTD', @0)

  syn iskeyword clear
  redir @c
  syn iskeyword
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword not set", @c)


func Test_syntax_after_reload()
  split Xsomefile
  call setline(1, ['hello', 'there'])
  setl filetype=hello
  au FileType hello let g:gotit = 1
  call assert_false(exists('g:gotit'))
  edit other
  buf Xsomefile
  call assert_equal('hello', &filetype)
  call assert_true(exists('g:gotit'))
  call delete('Xsomefile')

func Test_syntime()
  CheckFeature profile

  syntax on
  syntime on
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)

  let a = execute('syntime clear')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)

  view ../memfile_test.c
  setfiletype cpp
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_match('^  TOTAL *COUNT *MATCH *SLOWEST *AVERAGE *NAME *PATTERN', a)
  call assert_match(' \d*\.\d* \+[^0]\d* .* cppRawString ', a)
  call assert_match(' \d*\.\d* \+[^0]\d* .* cppNumber ', a)

  syntime off
  syntime clear
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_match('^  TOTAL *COUNT *MATCH *SLOWEST *AVERAGE *NAME *PATTERN', a)
  call assert_notmatch('.* cppRawString *', a)
  call assert_notmatch('.* cppNumber*', a)
  call assert_notmatch('[1-9]', a)

  call assert_fails('syntime abc', 'E475:')

  syntax clear
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)


func Test_syntime_completion()
  CheckFeature profile

  call feedkeys(":syntime \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syntime clear off on report', @:)

func Test_syntax_list()
  syntax on
  let a = execute('syntax list')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)

  view ../memfile_test.c
  setfiletype c

  let a = execute('syntax list')
  call assert_match('cInclude*', a)
  call assert_match('cDefine', a)

  let a = execute('syntax list cDefine')
  call assert_notmatch('cInclude*', a)
  call assert_match('cDefine', a)
  call assert_match(' links to Macro$', a)

  call assert_fails('syntax list ABCD', 'E28:')
  call assert_fails('syntax list @ABCD', 'E392:')

  syntax clear
  let a = execute('syntax list')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)

  syntax keyword Type int containedin=g1 skipwhite skipempty skipnl nextgroup=Abc
  let exp = "Type           xxx containedin=g1  nextgroup=Abc  skipnl skipwhite skipempty int"
  call assert_equal(exp, split(execute("syntax list"), "\n")[1])


func Test_syntax_completion()
  call feedkeys(":syn \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn case clear cluster conceal enable foldlevel include iskeyword keyword list manual match off on region reset spell sync', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn case \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn case ignore match', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn spell \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn spell default notoplevel toplevel', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn sync \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn sync ccomment clear fromstart linebreaks= linecont lines= match maxlines= minlines= region', @:)

  " Check that clearing "Aap" avoids it showing up before Boolean.
  hi Aap ctermfg=blue
  call feedkeys(":syn list \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_match('^"syn list Aap Boolean Character ', @:)
  hi clear Aap

  call feedkeys(":syn list \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_match('^"syn list Boolean Character ', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn match \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_match('^"syn match Boolean Character ', @:)

  syn cluster Aax contains=Aap
  call feedkeys(":syn list @A\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_match('^"syn list @Aax', @:)

func Test_echohl_completion()
  call feedkeys(":echohl no\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"echohl NonText Normal none', @:)

func Test_syntax_arg_skipped()
  syn clear
  syntax case ignore
  if 0
    syntax case match
  call assert_match('case ignore', execute('syntax case'))

  syn keyword Foo foo
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  syn clear
  call assert_match('case match', execute('syntax case'))
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))

  if has('conceal')
    syn clear
    syntax conceal on
    if 0
      syntax conceal off
    call assert_match('conceal on', execute('syntax conceal'))
    syn clear
    call assert_match('conceal off', execute('syntax conceal'))

    syntax conceal on
    syntax conceal off
    call assert_match('conceal off', execute('syntax conceal'))

  syntax region Bar start=/</ end=/>/
  if 0
    syntax region NotTest start=/</ end=/>/ contains=@Spell
  call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('NotTest', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))

  hi Foo ctermfg=blue
  let a = execute('hi Foo')
  if 0
    syntax rest
  call assert_equal(a, execute('hi Foo'))
  hi clear Bar
  hi clear Foo

  set ft=tags
  syn off
  if 0
    syntax enable
  call assert_match('No Syntax items defined', execute('syntax'))
  syntax enable
  call assert_match('tagComment', execute('syntax'))
  set ft=

  syn clear
  if 0
    syntax include @Spell nothing
  call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))

  syn clear
  syn iskeyword 48-57,$,_
  call assert_match('48-57,$,_', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
  if 0
    syn clear
    syn iskeyword clear
  call assert_match('48-57,$,_', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
  syn iskeyword clear
  call assert_match('not set', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
  syn iskeyword 48-57,$,_
  syn clear
  call assert_match('not set', execute('syntax iskeyword'))

  syn clear
  syn keyword Foo foo
  if 0
    syn keyword NotAdded bar
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('NotAdded', execute('highlight'))

  syn clear
  syn keyword Foo foo
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax list'))
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('if 0 | syntax | endif'))
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('if 0 | syntax list | endif'))

  syn clear
  syn match Fopi /asdf/
  if 0
    syn match Fopx /asdf/
  call assert_match('Fopi', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('Fopx', execute('syntax'))

  syn clear
  syn spell toplevel
  call assert_match('spell toplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
  if 0
    syn spell notoplevel
  call assert_match('spell toplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
  syn spell notoplevel
  call assert_match('spell notoplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
  syn spell default
  call assert_match('spell default', execute('syntax spell'))

  syn clear
  if 0
    syntax cluster Spell
  call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))

  syn clear
  syn keyword Foo foo
  syn sync ccomment
  syn sync maxlines=5
  if 0
    syn sync maxlines=11
  call assert_match('on C-style comments', execute('syntax sync'))
  call assert_match('maximal 5 lines', execute('syntax sync'))
  syn sync clear
  if 0
    syn sync ccomment
  call assert_notmatch('on C-style comments', execute('syntax sync'))
  syn sync fromstart
  call assert_match('syncing starts at the first line', execute('syntax sync'))

  syn clear

" Check for an error. Used when multiple errors are thrown and we are checking
" for an earliest error.
func AssertFails(cmd, errcode)
  let save_exception = ''
    exe a:cmd
    let save_exception = v:exception
  call assert_match(a:errcode, save_exception)

func Test_syntax_invalid_arg()
  call assert_fails('syntax case asdf', 'E390:')
  if has('conceal')
    call assert_fails('syntax conceal asdf', 'E390:')
  call assert_fails('syntax spell asdf', 'E390:')
  call assert_fails('syntax clear @ABCD', 'E391:')
  call assert_fails('syntax include random_file', 'E484:')
  call assert_fails('syntax include <afile>', 'E495:')
  call assert_fails('syntax sync x', 'E404:')
  call assert_fails('syntax keyword Abc a[', 'E789:')
  call assert_fails('syntax keyword Abc a[bc]d', 'E890:')
  call assert_fails('syntax cluster Abc add=A add=', 'E406:')

  " Test for too many \z\( and unmatched \z\(
  " Not able to use assert_fails() here because both E50:/E879: and E475:
  " messages are emitted.
  set regexpengine=1
  call AssertFails("syntax region MyRegion start='\\z\\(' end='\\*/'", 'E52:')

  let cmd = "syntax region MyRegion start='"
  let cmd ..= repeat("\\z\\(.\\)", 10) .. "' end='\*/'"
  call AssertFails(cmd, 'E50:')

  set regexpengine=2
  call AssertFails("syntax region MyRegion start='\\z\\(' end='\\*/'", 'E54:')

  let cmd = "syntax region MyRegion start='"
  let cmd ..= repeat("\\z\\(.\\)", 10) .. "' end='\*/'"
  call AssertFails(cmd, 'E879:')
  set regexpengine&

  call AssertFails('syntax keyword cMyItem grouphere G1', 'E393:')
  call AssertFails('syntax sync match Abc grouphere MyItem "abc"', 'E394:')
  call AssertFails('syn keyword Type contains int', 'E395:')
  call assert_fails('syntax include @Xxx', 'E397:')
  call AssertFails('syntax region X start', 'E398:')
  call assert_fails('syntax region X start="{"', 'E399:')
  call AssertFails('syntax cluster contains=Abc', 'E400:')
  call AssertFails("syntax match Character /'.'", 'E401:')
  call AssertFails("syntax match Character /'.'/a", 'E402:')
  call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont /\%(/', 'E53:')
  call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont /pat', 'E404:')
  call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont', 'E404:')
  call assert_fails('syntax sync linecont /pat1/ linecont /pat2/', 'E403:')
  call assert_fails('syntax sync minlines=a', 'E404:')
  call AssertFails('syntax match ABC /x/ contains=', 'E406:')
  call AssertFails("syntax match Character contains /'.'/", 'E405:')
  call AssertFails('syntax match ccFoo "Foo" nextgroup=ALLBUT,F', 'E407:')
  call AssertFails('syntax region Block start="{" contains=F,ALLBUT', 'E408:')
  call AssertFails("syntax match Characters contains=a.*x /'.'/", 'E409:')
  call assert_fails('syntax match Search /abc/ contains=ALLBUT,/\%(/', 'E53:')

func Test_syn_sync()
  syntax region HereGroup start=/this/ end=/that/
  syntax sync match SyncHere grouphere HereGroup "pattern"
  call assert_match('SyncHere', execute('syntax sync'))
  syn sync clear
  call assert_notmatch('SyncHere', execute('syntax sync'))
  syn clear

func Test_syn_clear()
  syntax keyword Foo foo
  syntax keyword Bar tar
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
  syn clear Foo
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
  syn clear Foo Bar
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  hi clear Foo
  call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
  hi clear Bar
  call assert_fails('syntax clear invalid_syngroup', 'E28:')

func Test_invalid_name()
  syn clear
  syn keyword Nop yes
  call assert_fails("syntax keyword Wr\x17ong bar", 'E669:')
  syntax keyword @Wrong bar
  call assert_match('W18:', execute('1messages'))
  syn clear
  hi clear Nop
  hi clear @Wrong

func Test_ownsyntax()
  new XfooOwnSyntax
  call setline(1, '#define FOO')
  syntax on
  set filetype=c

  ownsyntax perl
  " this should not crash

  call assert_equal('perlComment', synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name'))
  call assert_equal('c',    b:current_syntax)
  call assert_equal('perl', w:current_syntax)

  " A new split window should have the original syntax.
  call assert_equal('cDefine', synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name'))
  call assert_equal('c', b:current_syntax)
  call assert_equal(0, exists('w:current_syntax'))

  wincmd x
  call assert_equal('perlComment', synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name"))

  syntax off
  set filetype&

func Test_ownsyntax_completion()
  call feedkeys(":ownsyntax java\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"ownsyntax java javacc javascript javascriptreact', @:)

func Test_highlight_invalid_arg()
  if has('gui_running')
    call assert_fails('hi XXX guifg=xxx', 'E254:')
  call assert_fails('hi DoesNotExist', 'E411:')
  call assert_fails('hi link', 'E412:')
  call assert_fails('hi link a', 'E412:')
  call assert_fails('hi link a b c', 'E413:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX =', 'E415:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm', 'E416:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm=', 'E417:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm=DoesNotExist', 'E418:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX ctermfg=DoesNotExist', 'E421:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX xxx=White', 'E423:')

func Test_bg_detection()

  " auto-detection of &bg, make sure it isn't set anywhere before this test
  hi Normal ctermbg=0
  call assert_equal('dark', &bg)
  hi Normal ctermbg=4
  call assert_equal('dark', &bg)
  hi Normal ctermbg=12
  call assert_equal('light', &bg)
  hi Normal ctermbg=15
  call assert_equal('light', &bg)

  " manually-set &bg takes precedence over auto-detection
  set bg=light
  hi Normal ctermbg=4
  call assert_equal('light', &bg)
  set bg=dark
  hi Normal ctermbg=12
  call assert_equal('dark', &bg)

  hi Normal ctermbg=NONE

func Test_syntax_hangs()
  CheckFunction reltimefloat
  CheckFeature syntax

  " So, it turns out the Windows 7 implements TimerQueue timers differently
  " and they can expire *before* the requested time has elapsed. So allow for
  " the timeout occurring after 80 ms (5 * 16 (the typical clock tick)).
  if has("win32")
    let min_timeout = 0.08
    let min_timeout = 0.1

  " This pattern takes a long time to match, it should timeout.
  call setline(1, ['aaa', repeat('abc ', 1000), 'ccc'])
  let start = reltime()
  set nolazyredraw redrawtime=101
  syn match Error /\%#=1a*.*X\@<=b*/
  let elapsed = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
  call assert_inrange(min_timeout, 1.0, elapsed)

  " second time syntax HL is disabled
  let start = reltime()
  let elapsed = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
  call assert_inrange(0, 0.1, elapsed)

  " after CTRL-L the timeout flag is reset
  let start = reltime()
  exe "normal \<C-L>"
  let elapsed = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
  call assert_inrange(min_timeout, 1.0, elapsed)

  set redrawtime&

func Test_conceal()
  CheckFeature conceal

  call setline(1, ['', '123456'])
  syn match test23 "23" conceal cchar=X
  syn match test45 "45" conceal

  set conceallevel=0
  call assert_equal('123456 ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
  call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))

  set conceallevel=1
  call assert_equal('1X 6   ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
  call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'X', 1], [1, ' ', 2], [1, ' ', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))

  set conceallevel=1
  set listchars=conceal:Y
  call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'Y', 2], [1, 'Y', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))
  call assert_equal('1XY6   ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])

  set conceallevel=2
  call assert_match('1X6    ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
  call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, 'X', 1], [1, 'X', 1], [1, '', 2], [1, '', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))

  set conceallevel=3
  call assert_match('16     ', ScreenLines(2, 7)[0])
  call assert_equal([[0, '', 0], [1, '', 1], [1, '', 1], [1, '', 2], [1, '', 2], [0, '', 0]], map(range(1, 6), 'synconcealed(2, v:val)'))

  call AssertFails("syntax match Entity '&amp;' conceal cchar=\<Tab>", 'E844:')

  syn clear
  set conceallevel&

func Test_synstack_synIDtrans()
  setfiletype c
  syntax on
  call setline(1, ' /* A comment with a TODO */')

  call assert_equal([], synstack(1, 1))

  norm f/
  eval synstack(line("."), col("."))->map('synIDattr(v:val, "name")')->assert_equal(['cComment', 'cCommentStart'])
  eval synstack(line("."), col("."))->map('synIDattr(synIDtrans(v:val), "name")')->assert_equal(['Comment', 'Comment'])

  norm fA
  call assert_equal(['cComment'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")'))
  call assert_equal(['Comment'],  map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(synIDtrans(v:val), "name")'))

  norm fT
  call assert_equal(['cComment', 'cTodo'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")'))
  call assert_equal(['Comment', 'Todo'],   map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(synIDtrans(v:val), "name")'))

  call assert_fails("let n=synIDtrans([])", 'E745:')

  syn clear

" Check highlighting for a small piece of C code with a screen dump.
func Test_syntax_c()
  call writefile([
	\ '/* comment line at the top */',
	\ 'int main(int argc, char **argv) { // another comment',
	\ '#if 0',
	\ '   int   not_used;',
	\ '#else',
	\ '   int   used;',
	\ '#endif',
	\ '   printf("Just an example piece of C code\n");',
	\ '   return 0x0ff;',
	\ '}',
	\ "\t\t ",
	\ '   static void',
	\ 'myFunction(const double count, struct nothing, long there) {',
	\ "\t// 123: nothing to endif here",
	\ "\tfor (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {",
	\ "\t   break;",
	\ "\t}",
	\ "\tNote: asdf",
	\ '}',
	\ ], 'Xtest.c', 'D')

  " This makes the default for 'background' use "dark", check that the
  " response to t_RB corrects it to "light".
  let $COLORFGBG = '15;0'

  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest.c', {})
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":syn keyword Search Note\r")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":syn match Error /^\\s\\+$/\r")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set hlsearch\r")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "/endif\r")
  call term_sendkeys(buf, "vjfC")
  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_syntax_c_01', {})

  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<Esc>")
  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)

  let $COLORFGBG = ''

" Test \z(...) along with \z1
func Test_syn_zsub()
  syntax on
  call setline(1,  'xxx start foo xxx not end foo xxx end foo xxx')

  for l:re in [0, 1, 2]
    " Example taken from :help :syn-ext-match
    syntax region Z start="start \z(\I\i*\)" skip="not end \z1" end="end \z1"
    eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, 'regexp=' .. l:re)
    syntax clear Z

  set re&

" Using \z() in a region with NFA failing should not crash.
func Test_syn_wrong_z_one()
  call setline(1, ['just some text', 'with foo and bar to match with'])
  syn region FooBar start="foo\z(.*\)bar" end="\z1"
  call test_override("nfa_fail", 1)
  call test_override("ALL", 0)

func Test_syntax_after_bufdo()
  call writefile(['/* aaa comment */'], 'Xaaa.c', 'D')
  call writefile(['/* bbb comment */'], 'Xbbb.c', 'D')
  call writefile(['/* ccc comment */'], 'Xccc.c', 'D')
  call writefile(['/* ddd comment */'], 'Xddd.c', 'D')

  let bnr = bufnr('%')
  new Xaaa.c
  badd Xbbb.c
  badd Xccc.c
  badd Xddd.c
  exe "bwipe " . bnr
  let l = []
  bufdo call add(l, bufnr('%'))
  call assert_equal(4, len(l))

  syntax on

  " This used to only enable syntax HL in the last buffer.
  bufdo tab split
  for tab in range(1, 4)
    norm fm
    call assert_equal(['cComment'], map(synstack(line("."), col(".")), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")'))

  bwipe! Xaaa.c
  bwipe! Xbbb.c
  bwipe! Xccc.c
  bwipe! Xddd.c
  syntax off

func Test_syntax_foldlevel()
  call setline(1, [
   \ 'void f(int a)',
   \ '{',
   \ '    if (a == 1) {',
   \ '        a = 0;',
   \ '    } else if (a == 2) {',
   \ '        a = 1;',
   \ '    } else {',
   \ '        a = 2;',
   \ '    }',
   \ '    if (a > 0) {',
   \ '        if (a == 1) {',
   \ '            a = 0;',
   \ '        } /* missing newline */ } /* end of outer if */ else {',
   \ '        a = 1;',
   \ '    }',
   \ '    if (a == 1)',
   \ '    {',
   \ '        a = 0;',
   \ '    }',
   \ '    else if (a == 2)',
   \ '    {',
   \ '        a = 1;',
   \ '    }',
   \ '    else',
   \ '    {',
   \ '        a = 2;',
   \ '    }',
   \ '}',
   \ ])
  setfiletype c
  syntax on
  set foldmethod=syntax

  call assert_fails('syn foldlevel start start', 'E390:')
  call assert_fails('syn foldlevel not_an_option', 'E390:')

  set foldlevel=1

  syn foldlevel start
  redir @c
  syn foldlevel
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax foldlevel start", @c)
  syn sync fromstart
  call assert_match('from the first line$', execute('syn sync'))
  let a = map(range(3,9), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  call assert_equal([3,3,3,3,3,3,3], a) " attached cascade folds together
  let a = map(range(10,15), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  call assert_equal([10,10,10,10,10,10], a) " over-attached 'else' hidden
  let a = map(range(16,27), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  let unattached_results = [-1,17,17,17,-1,21,21,21,-1,25,25,25]
  call assert_equal(unattached_results, a) " unattached cascade folds separately

  syn foldlevel minimum
  redir @c
  syn foldlevel
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax foldlevel minimum", @c)
  syn sync fromstart
  let a = map(range(3,9), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  call assert_equal([3,3,5,5,7,7,7], a) " attached cascade folds separately
  let a = map(range(10,15), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  call assert_equal([10,10,10,13,13,13], a) " over-attached 'else' visible
  let a = map(range(16,27), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  call assert_equal(unattached_results, a) " unattached cascade folds separately

  set foldlevel=2

  syn foldlevel start
  syn sync fromstart
  let a = map(range(11,14), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  call assert_equal([11,11,11,-1], a) " over-attached 'else' hidden

  syn foldlevel minimum
  syn sync fromstart
  let a = map(range(11,14), 'foldclosed(v:val)')
  call assert_equal([11,11,-1,-1], a) " over-attached 'else' visible


func Test_search_syntax_skip()
  let lines =<< trim END

        /* This is VIM */
        Another Text for VIM
         let a = "VIM"
  call setline(1, lines)
  syntax on
  syntax match Comment "^/\*.*\*/"
  syntax match String '".*"'

  " Skip argument using string evaluation.
  call search('VIM', 'w', '', 0, 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~? "comment"')
  call assert_equal('Another Text for VIM', getline('.'))

  call search('VIM', 'cw', '', 0, 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") !~? "string"')
  call assert_equal(' let a = "VIM"', getline('.'))

  " Skip argument using Lambda.
  call search('VIM', 'w', '', 0, { -> synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~? "comment"})
  call assert_equal('Another Text for VIM', getline('.'))

  call search('VIM', 'cw', '', 0, { -> synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") !~? "string"})
  call assert_equal(' let a = "VIM"', getline('.'))

  " Skip argument using funcref.
  func InComment()
    return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") =~? "comment"
  func NotInString()
    return synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") !~? "string"

  call search('VIM', 'w', '', 0, function('InComment'))
  call assert_equal('Another Text for VIM', getline('.'))

  call search('VIM', 'cw', '', 0, function('NotInString'))
  call assert_equal(' let a = "VIM"', getline('.'))

  delfunc InComment
  delfunc NotInString

func Test_syn_contained_transparent()
  " Comments starting with "Regression:" show the result when the highlighting
  " span of the containing item is assigned to the contained region.
  syntax on

  let l:case = "Transparent region contained in region"
  syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
  syntax region Y start=/(/ end=/)/ contains=X

  call setline(1,  "==(--[~~]--)==")
  let l:expected = "  YYYYYYYYYY  "
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
  syntax clear Y X

  let l:case = "Transparent region extends region"
  syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
  syntax region Y start=/(/ end=/)/ end=/e/ contains=X

  call setline(1,  "==(--[~~e~~]--)==")
  let l:expected = "  YYYYYYYYYYYYY  "
  " Regression:    "  YYYYYYY   YYY  "
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
  syntax clear Y X

  let l:case = "Nested transparent regions extend region"
  syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
  syntax region Y start=/(/ end=/)/ end=/e/ contains=X

  call setline(1,  "==(--[~~e~~[~~e~~]~~e~~]--)==")
  let l:expected = "  YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY  "
  " Regression:    "  YYYYYYY         YYYYYYYYY  "
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
  syntax clear Y X

  let l:case = "Transparent region contained in match"
  syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
  syntax match Y /(.\{-})/ contains=X

  call setline(1,  "==(--[~~]--)==")
  let l:expected = "  YYYYYYYYYY  "
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
  syntax clear Y X

  let l:case = "Transparent region extends match"
  syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
  syntax match Y /(.\{-}[e)]/ contains=X

  call setline(1,  "==(--[~~e~~]--)==")
  let l:expected = "  YYYYYYYYYY     "
  " Regression:    "  YYYYYYY        "
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
  syntax clear Y X

  let l:case = "Nested transparent regions extend match"
  syntax region X start=/\[/ end=/\]/ contained transparent
  syntax match Y /(.\{-}[e)]/ contains=X

  call setline(1,  "==(--[~~e~~[~~e~~]~~e~~]--)==")
  let l:expected = "  YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY     "
  " Regression:    "  YYYYYYY         YYYYYY     "
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(1, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
  syntax clear Y X

func Test_syn_include_contains_TOP()
  let l:case = "TOP in included syntax means its group list name"
  syntax include @INCLUDED syntax/c.vim
  syntax region FencedCodeBlockC start=/```c/ end=/```/ contains=@INCLUDED

  call setline(1,  ['```c', '#if 0', 'int', '#else', 'int', '#endif', '```' ])
  let l:expected = ["cCppOutIf2"]
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(3, 1, l:expected, 1)
  " cCppOutElse has contains=TOP
  let l:expected = ["cType"]
  eval AssertHighlightGroups(5, 1, l:expected, 1, l:case)
  syntax clear

" This was using freed memory
func Test_WinEnter_synstack_synID()
  autocmd WinEnter * call synstack(line("."), col("."))
  autocmd WinEnter * call synID(line('.'), col('.') - 1, 1)
  call setline(1, 'aaaaa')
  normal! $

  au! WinEnter

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab