view src/testdir/test_quotestar.vim @ 32962:7771cb060685 v9.0.1781

patch 9.0.1781: Problems when setting bin/paste option Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Tue Aug 22 21:44:10 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.1781: Problems when setting bin/paste option Problem: Problems when setting bin/paste option Solution: When setting binary/paste, remember that this also affects depending options, so that :verbose set returns the right location. Mention if depending options for 'binary' or 'paste' have been reset indirectly. Add a test to verify it works. Also noticed as small bug, that the global option value for expandtab was not reset when paste option is set, so fix that while at it. closes: #12837 closes: #12879 Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <> Co-authored-by: zeertzjq <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Tue, 22 Aug 2023 22:00:03 +0200
parents 9849df834f1d
children 995b539939c4
line wrap: on
line source

" *-register (quotestar) tests

source shared.vim
source check.vim

CheckFeature clipboard_working

func Do_test_quotestar_for_macunix()
  if empty(exepath('pbcopy')) || empty(exepath('pbpaste'))
    return 'Test requires pbcopy(1) and pbpaste(1)'

  let @* = ''

  " Test #1: Pasteboard to Vim
  let test_msg = "text from pasteboard to vim via quotestar"
  " Write a piece of text to the pasteboard.
  call system('/bin/echo -n "' . test_msg . '" | pbcopy')
  " See if the *-register is changed as expected.
  call assert_equal(test_msg, @*)

  " Test #2: Vim to Pasteboard
  let test_msg = "text from vim to pasteboard via quotestar"
  " Write a piece of text to the *-register.
  let @* = test_msg
  " See if the pasteboard is changed as expected.
  call assert_equal(test_msg, system('pbpaste'))

  return ''

func Do_test_quotestar_for_x11()
  if !has('clientserver') || !has('job')
    return 'Test requires the client-server and job features'

  let cmd = GetVimCommand()
  if cmd == ''
    throw 'GetVimCommand() failed'
    call remote_send('xxx', '')
    if v:exception =~ 'E240:'
      " No connection to the X server, give up.
    " ignore other errors

  let name = 'XVIMCLIPBOARD'

  " Make sure a previous server has exited
    call remote_send(name, ":qa!\<CR>")
  catch /E241:/
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notmatch(name, serverlist())})

  let cmd .= ' --servername ' . name
  let job = job_start(cmd, {'stoponexit': 'kill', 'out_io': 'null'})
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("run", job_status(job))})

  " Takes a short while for the server to be active.
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match(name, serverlist())})

  " Wait for the server to be up and answering requests.  One second is not
  " always sufficient.
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', remote_expr(name, "v:version", "", 2))})

  " Clear the *-register of this vim instance and wait for it to be picked up
  " by the server.
  let @* = 'no'
  call remote_foreground(name)
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("no", remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 1))})

  " Set the * register on the server.
  call remote_send(name, ":let @* = 'yes'\<CR>")
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("yes", remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 1))})

  " Check that the *-register of this vim instance is changed as expected.
  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("yes", @*)})

  " Handle the large selection over 262040 byte.
  let length = 262044
  let sample = 'a' . repeat('b', length - 2) . 'c'
  let @* = sample
  call WaitFor('remote_expr("' . name . '", "len(@*) >= ' . length . '", "", 1)')
  let res = remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 2)
  call assert_equal(length, len(res))
  " Check length to prevent a large amount of output at assertion failure.
  if length == len(res)
    call assert_equal(sample, res)

  if has('unix') && has('gui') && !has('gui_running')
    let @* = ''

    " Running in a terminal and the GUI is available: Tell the server to open
    " the GUI and check that the remote command still works.
    if has('gui_motif')
      " For those GUIs, ignore the 'failed to create input context' error.
      call remote_send(name, ":call test_ignore_error('E285') | gui -f\<CR>")
      call remote_send(name, ":gui -f\<CR>")
    " Wait for the server in the GUI to be up and answering requests.
    " First need to wait for the GUI to start up, otherwise the send hangs in
    " trying to send to the terminal window.
    " On some systems and with valgrind this can be very slow.
    sleep 1
    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match("1", remote_expr(name, "has('gui_running')", "", 1))}, 10000)

    call remote_send(name, ":let @* = 'maybe'\<CR>")
    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("maybe", remote_expr(name, "@*", "", 2))})

    call assert_equal('maybe', @*)

  call remote_send(name, ":qa!\<CR>")
    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
    if job_status(job) != 'dead'
      call assert_report('Server did not exit')
      call job_stop(job, 'kill')

  return ''

func Test_quotestar()
  let g:test_is_flaky = 1
  let skipped = ''

  let quotestar_saved = @*

  if has('macunix')
    let skipped = Do_test_quotestar_for_macunix()
  elseif has('x11')
    if empty($DISPLAY)
      let skipped = "Test can only run when $DISPLAY is set."
      let skipped = Do_test_quotestar_for_x11()
    let skipped = "Test is not implemented yet for this platform."

  let @* = quotestar_saved

  if !empty(skipped)
    throw 'Skipped: ' . skipped

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab