view src/terminal.c @ 11757:74abb6c84984 v8.0.0761

patch 8.0.0761: options not set properly for a terminal buffer commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sun Jul 23 19:51:01 2017 +0200 patch 8.0.0761: options not set properly for a terminal buffer Problem: Options of a buffer for a terminal window are not set properly. Solution: Add "terminal" value for 'buftype'. Make 'buftype' and 'bufhidden' not depend on the quickfix feature. Also set the buffer name and show "running" or "finished" in the window title.
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 23 Jul 2017 20:00:05 +0200
parents 12fa6072977a
children b82dad3fa176
line wrap: on
line source

/* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 noet:
 * VIM - Vi IMproved	by Bram Moolenaar
 * Do ":help uganda"  in Vim to read copying and usage conditions.
 * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
 * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.

 * Terminal window support, see ":help :terminal".
 * There are three parts:
 * 1. Generic code for all systems.
 *    Uses libvterm for the terminal emulator.
 * 2. The MS-Windows implementation.
 *    Uses winpty.
 * 3. The Unix-like implementation.
 *    Uses pseudo-tty's (pty's).
 * For each terminal one VTerm is constructed.  This uses libvterm.  A copy of
 * that library is in the libvterm directory.
 * When a terminal window is opened, a job is started that will be connected to
 * the terminal emulator.
 * If the terminal window has keyboard focus, typed keys are converted to the
 * terminal encoding and writting to the job over a channel.
 * If the job produces output, it is written to the terminal emulator.  The
 * terminal emulator invokes callbacks when its screen content changes.  The
 * line range is stored in tl_dirty_row_start and tl_dirty_row_end.  Once in a
 * while, if the terminal window is visible, the screen contents is drawn.
 * TODO:
 * - do not store terminal buffer in viminfo
 * - put terminal title in the statusline
 * - Add a scrollback buffer (contains lines to scroll off the top).
 *   Can use the buf_T lines, store attributes somewhere else?
 * - When the job ends:
 *   - Write "-- JOB ENDED --" in the terminal.
 *   - Put the terminal contents in the scrollback buffer.
 *   - Free the terminal emulator.
 *   - Display the scrollback buffer (but with attributes).
 *     Make the buffer not modifiable, drop attributes when making changes.
 * - when closing window and job has not ended, make terminal hidden?
 * - don't allow exiting Vim when a terminal is still running a job
 * - use win_del_lines() to make scroll-up efficient.
 * - command line completion for :terminal
 * - add test for giving error for invalid 'termsize' value.
 * - support minimal size when 'termsize' is "rows*cols".
 * - support minimal size when 'termsize' is empty?
 * - implement "term" for job_start(): more job options when starting a
 *   terminal.
 * - implement term_list()			list of buffers with a terminal
 * - implement term_getsize(buf)
 * - implement term_setsize(buf)
 * - implement term_sendkeys(buf, keys)		send keystrokes to a terminal
 * - implement term_wait(buf)			wait for screen to be updated
 * - implement term_scrape(buf, row)		inspect terminal screen
 * - implement term_open(command, options)	open terminal window
 * - implement term_getjob(buf)
 * - implement 'termkey'
 * - when 'encoding' is not utf-8, or the job is using another encoding, setup
 *   conversions.

#include "vim.h"


#ifdef WIN3264
# define MIN(x,y) (x < y ? x : y)
# define MAX(x,y) (x > y ? x : y)

#include "libvterm/include/vterm.h"

/* typedef term_T in structs.h */
struct terminal_S {
    term_T	*tl_next;

#ifdef WIN3264
    void	*tl_winpty_config;
    void	*tl_winpty;
    VTerm	*tl_vterm;
    job_T	*tl_job;
    buf_T	*tl_buffer;

    /* last known vterm size */
    int		tl_rows;
    int		tl_cols;
    /* vterm size does not follow window size */
    int		tl_rows_fixed;
    int		tl_cols_fixed;

    /* Range of screen rows to update.  Zero based. */
    int		tl_dirty_row_start; /* -1 if nothing dirty */
    int		tl_dirty_row_end;   /* row below last one to update */

    pos_T	tl_cursor;

 * List of all active terminals.
static term_T *first_term = NULL;

#define MAX_ROW 999999	    /* used for tl_dirty_row_end to update all rows */
#define KEY_BUF_LEN 200

 * Functions with separate implementation for MS-Windows and Unix-like systems.
static int term_and_job_init(term_T *term, int rows, int cols, char_u *cmd);
static void term_report_winsize(term_T *term, int rows, int cols);
static void term_free(term_T *term);

 * 1. Generic code for all systems.

 * Determine the terminal size from 'termsize' and the current window.
 * Assumes term->tl_rows and term->tl_cols are zero.
    static void
set_term_and_win_size(term_T *term)
    if (*curwin->w_p_tms != NUL)
	char_u *p = vim_strchr(curwin->w_p_tms, 'x') + 1;

	term->tl_rows = atoi((char *)curwin->w_p_tms);
	term->tl_cols = atoi((char *)p);
    if (term->tl_rows == 0)
	term->tl_rows = curwin->w_height;
	win_setheight_win(term->tl_rows, curwin);
	term->tl_rows_fixed = TRUE;
    if (term->tl_cols == 0)
	term->tl_cols = curwin->w_width;
	win_setwidth_win(term->tl_cols, curwin);
	term->tl_cols_fixed = TRUE;

 * ":terminal": open a terminal window and execute a job in it.
ex_terminal(exarg_T *eap)
    exarg_T	split_ea;
    win_T	*old_curwin = curwin;
    term_T	*term;
    char_u	*cmd = eap->arg;

    if (check_restricted() || check_secure())

    term = (term_T *)alloc_clear(sizeof(term_T));
    if (term == NULL)
    term->tl_dirty_row_end = MAX_ROW;

    /* Open a new window or tab. */
    vim_memset(&split_ea, 0, sizeof(split_ea));
    split_ea.cmdidx = CMD_new;
    split_ea.cmd = (char_u *)"new";
    split_ea.arg = (char_u *)"";
    if (curwin == old_curwin)
	/* split failed */
    term->tl_buffer = curbuf;
    curbuf->b_term = term;

    /* Link the new terminal in the list of active terminals. */
    term->tl_next = first_term;
    first_term = term;

    if (buflist_findname(cmd) == NULL)
	curbuf->b_ffname = vim_strsave(cmd);
	int	i;
	size_t	len = STRLEN(cmd) + 10;
	char_u	*p = alloc(len);

	for (i = 1; p != NULL; ++i)
	    vim_snprintf((char *)p, len, "%s (%d)", cmd, i);
	    if (buflist_findname(p) == NULL)
		curbuf->b_ffname = p;
    curbuf->b_fname = curbuf->b_ffname;

    /* Mark the buffer as changed, so that it's not easy to abandon the job. */
    curbuf->b_changed = TRUE;
    curbuf->b_p_ma = FALSE;
    set_string_option_direct((char_u *)"buftype", -1,
				  (char_u *)"terminal", OPT_FREE|OPT_LOCAL, 0);


    if (cmd == NULL || *cmd == NUL)
	cmd = p_sh;

    /* System dependent: setup the vterm and start the job in it. */
    if (term_and_job_init(term, term->tl_rows, term->tl_cols, cmd) == OK)
	/* store the size we ended up with */
	vterm_get_size(term->tl_vterm, &term->tl_rows, &term->tl_cols);
	curbuf->b_term = NULL;

	/* Wiping out the buffer will also close the window and call
	 * free_terminal(). */

    /* TODO: Setup pty, see mch_call_shell(). */

 * Free a terminal and everything it refers to.
 * Kills the job if there is one.
 * Called when wiping out a buffer.
free_terminal(term_T *term)
    term_T	*tp;

    if (term == NULL)
    if (first_term == term)
	first_term = term->tl_next;
	for (tp = first_term; tp->tl_next != NULL; tp = tp->tl_next)
	    if (tp->tl_next == term)
		tp->tl_next = term->tl_next;

    if (term->tl_job != NULL)
	if (term->tl_job->jv_status != JOB_ENDED
				      && term->tl_job->jv_status != JOB_FAILED)
	    job_stop(term->tl_job, NULL, "kill");


 * Write job output "msg[len]" to the vterm.
    static void
term_write_job_output(term_T *term, char_u *msg, size_t len)
    VTerm	*vterm = term->tl_vterm;
    char_u	*p;
    size_t	done;
    size_t	len_now;

    for (done = 0; done < len; done += len_now)
	for (p = msg + done; p < msg + len; )
	    if (*p == NL)
	    p += utf_ptr2len_len(p, len - (p - msg));
	len_now = p - msg - done;
	vterm_input_write(vterm, (char *)msg + done, len_now);
	if (p < msg + len && *p == NL)
	    /* Convert NL to CR-NL, that appears to work best. */
	    vterm_input_write(vterm, "\r\n", 2);

    /* this invokes the damage callbacks */

 * Invoked when "msg" output from a job was received.  Write it to the terminal
 * of "buffer".
write_to_term(buf_T *buffer, char_u *msg, channel_T *channel)
    size_t	len = STRLEN(msg);
    term_T	*term = buffer->b_term;

    ch_logn(channel, "writing %d bytes to terminal", (int)len);
    term_write_job_output(term, msg, len);

    /* TODO: only update once in a while. */

 * Convert typed key "c" into bytes to send to the job.
 * Return the number of bytes in "buf".
    static int
term_convert_key(int c, char *buf)
    VTerm	    *vterm = curbuf->b_term->tl_vterm;
    VTermKey	    key = VTERM_KEY_NONE;
    VTermModifier   mod = VTERM_MOD_NONE;

    switch (c)
	case CAR:		key = VTERM_KEY_ENTER; break;
	case ESC:		key = VTERM_KEY_ESCAPE; break;
				/* VTERM_KEY_BACKSPACE becomes 0x7f DEL */
	case K_BS:		c = BS; break;
	case K_DEL:		key = VTERM_KEY_DEL; break;
	case K_DOWN:		key = VTERM_KEY_DOWN; break;
	case K_END:		key = VTERM_KEY_END; break;
	case K_F10:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(10); break;
	case K_F11:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(11); break;
	case K_F12:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(12); break;
	case K_F1:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(1); break;
	case K_F2:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(2); break;
	case K_F3:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(3); break;
	case K_F4:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(4); break;
	case K_F5:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(5); break;
	case K_F6:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(6); break;
	case K_F7:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(7); break;
	case K_F8:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(8); break;
	case K_F9:		key = VTERM_KEY_FUNCTION(9); break;
	case K_HOME:		key = VTERM_KEY_HOME; break;
	case K_INS:		key = VTERM_KEY_INS; break;
	case K_K0:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_0; break;
	case K_K1:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_1; break;
	case K_K2:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_2; break;
	case K_K3:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_3; break;
	case K_K4:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_4; break;
	case K_K5:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_5; break;
	case K_K6:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_6; break;
	case K_K7:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_7; break;
	case K_K8:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_8; break;
	case K_K9:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_9; break;
	case K_KDEL:		key = VTERM_KEY_DEL; break; /* TODO */
	case K_KDIVIDE:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_DIVIDE; break;
	case K_KEND:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_1; break; /* TODO */
	case K_KENTER:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_ENTER; break;
	case K_KHOME:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_7; break; /* TODO */
	case K_KINS:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_0; break; /* TODO */
	case K_KMINUS:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_MINUS; break;
	case K_KMULTIPLY:	key = VTERM_KEY_KP_MULT; break;
	case K_KPAGEDOWN:	key = VTERM_KEY_KP_3; break; /* TODO */
	case K_KPAGEUP:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_9; break; /* TODO */
	case K_KPLUS:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_PLUS; break;
	case K_KPOINT:		key = VTERM_KEY_KP_PERIOD; break;
	case K_LEFT:		key = VTERM_KEY_LEFT; break;
	case K_PAGEDOWN:	key = VTERM_KEY_PAGEDOWN; break;
	case K_PAGEUP:		key = VTERM_KEY_PAGEUP; break;
	case K_RIGHT:		key = VTERM_KEY_RIGHT; break;
	case K_UP:		key = VTERM_KEY_UP; break;
	case TAB:		key = VTERM_KEY_TAB; break;

	case K_MOUSEUP:		/* TODO */ break;
	case K_MOUSEDOWN:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_MOUSELEFT:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_MOUSERIGHT:	/* TODO */ break;

	case K_LEFTMOUSE:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_LEFTMOUSE_NM:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_LEFTDRAG:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_LEFTRELEASE:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_LEFTRELEASE_NM:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_MIDDLEMOUSE:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_MIDDLEDRAG:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_MIDDLERELEASE:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_RIGHTMOUSE:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_RIGHTDRAG:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_RIGHTRELEASE:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_X1MOUSE:		/* TODO */ break;
	case K_X1DRAG:		/* TODO */ break;
	case K_X1RELEASE:	/* TODO */ break;
	case K_X2MOUSE:		/* TODO */ break;
	case K_X2DRAG:		/* TODO */ break;
	case K_X2RELEASE:	/* TODO */ break;

        /* TODO: handle all special keys and modifiers that terminal_loop()
	 * does not handle. */

     * Convert special keys to vterm keys:
     * - Write keys to vterm: vterm_keyboard_key()
     * - Write output to channel.
    if (key != VTERM_KEY_NONE)
	/* Special key, let vterm convert it. */
	vterm_keyboard_key(vterm, key, mod);
	/* Normal character, let vterm convert it. */
	vterm_keyboard_unichar(vterm, c, mod);

    /* Read back the converted escape sequence. */
    return vterm_output_read(vterm, buf, KEY_BUF_LEN);

 * Wait for input and send it to the job.
 * Return when the start of a CTRL-W command is typed or anything else that
 * should be handled as a Normal mode command.
    char	buf[KEY_BUF_LEN];
    int		c;
    size_t	len;
    static int	mouse_was_outside = FALSE;
    int		dragging_outside = FALSE;

    for (;;)
	/* TODO: skip screen update when handling a sequence of keys. */
	got_int = FALSE;
	c = vgetc();

	/* Catch keys that need to be handled as in Normal mode. */
	switch (c)
	    case Ctrl_W:
	    case NUL:
	    case K_ZERO:

	    case K_IGNORE: continue;

	    case K_LEFTDRAG:
	    case K_MIDDLEDRAG:
	    case K_RIGHTDRAG:
	    case K_X1DRAG:
	    case K_X2DRAG:
		dragging_outside = mouse_was_outside;
	    case K_LEFTMOUSE:
	    case K_LEFTMOUSE_NM:
	    case K_LEFTRELEASE:
	    case K_MIDDLEMOUSE:
	    case K_RIGHTMOUSE:
	    case K_X1MOUSE:
	    case K_X1RELEASE:
	    case K_X2MOUSE:
	    case K_X2RELEASE:
		if (mouse_row < W_WINROW(curwin)
			|| mouse_row >= (W_WINROW(curwin) + curwin->w_height)
			|| mouse_col < W_WINCOL(curwin)
			|| mouse_col >= W_ENDCOL(curwin)
			|| dragging_outside)
		    /* click outside the current window */
		    mouse_was_outside = TRUE;
	mouse_was_outside = FALSE;

	/* Convert the typed key to a sequence of bytes for the job. */
	len = term_convert_key(c, buf);
	if (len > 0)
	    /* TODO: if FAIL is returned, stop? */
	    channel_send(curbuf->b_term->tl_job->jv_channel, PART_IN,
						     (char_u *)buf, len, NULL);

 * Called when a job has finished.
term_job_ended(job_T *job)
    if (curbuf->b_term != NULL && curbuf->b_term->tl_job == job)

 * Return TRUE if the job for "buf" is still running.
term_job_running(buf_T *buf)
    return buf->b_term != NULL && buf->b_term->tl_job != NULL
	&& buf->b_term->tl_job->jv_status == JOB_STARTED;

    static void
position_cursor(win_T *wp, VTermPos *pos)
    wp->w_wrow = MIN(pos->row, MAX(0, wp->w_height - 1));
    wp->w_wcol = MIN(pos->col, MAX(0, wp->w_width - 1));

static int handle_damage(VTermRect rect, void *user);
static int handle_moverect(VTermRect dest, VTermRect src, void *user);
static int handle_movecursor(VTermPos pos, VTermPos oldpos, int visible, void *user);
static int handle_resize(int rows, int cols, void *user);

static VTermScreenCallbacks screen_callbacks = {
  handle_damage,	/* damage */
  handle_moverect,	/* moverect */
  handle_movecursor,	/* movecursor */
  NULL,			/* settermprop */
  NULL,			/* bell */
  handle_resize,	/* resize */
  NULL,			/* sb_pushline */
  NULL			/* sb_popline */

    static int
handle_damage(VTermRect rect, void *user)
    term_T *term = (term_T *)user;

    term->tl_dirty_row_start = MIN(term->tl_dirty_row_start, rect.start_row);
    term->tl_dirty_row_end = MAX(term->tl_dirty_row_end, rect.end_row);
    redraw_buf_later(term->tl_buffer, NOT_VALID);
    return 1;

    static int
handle_moverect(VTermRect dest UNUSED, VTermRect src UNUSED, void *user)
    term_T	*term = (term_T *)user;

    /* TODO */
    redraw_buf_later(term->tl_buffer, NOT_VALID);
    return 1;

    static int
	VTermPos pos,
	VTermPos oldpos UNUSED,
	int visible UNUSED,
	void *user)
    term_T	*term = (term_T *)user;
    win_T	*wp;
    int		is_current = FALSE;

	if (wp->w_buffer == term->tl_buffer)
	    position_cursor(wp, &pos);
	    if (wp == curwin)
		is_current = TRUE;

    if (is_current)

    return 1;

 * The job running in the terminal resized the terminal.
    static int
handle_resize(int rows, int cols, void *user)
    term_T	*term = (term_T *)user;
    win_T	*wp;

    term->tl_rows = rows;
    term->tl_cols = cols;
	if (wp->w_buffer == term->tl_buffer)
	    win_setheight_win(rows, wp);
	    win_setwidth_win(cols, wp);

    redraw_buf_later(term->tl_buffer, NOT_VALID);
    return 1;

 * Reverse engineer the RGB value into a cterm color index.
 * First color is 1.  Return 0 if no match found.
    static int
color2index(VTermColor *color)
    int red = color->red;
    int blue = color->blue;
    int green = color->green;

    if (red == 0)
	if (green == 0)
	    if (blue == 0)
		return 1; /* black */
	    if (blue == 224)
		return 5; /* blue */
	else if (green == 224)
	    if (blue == 0)
		return 3; /* green */
	    if (blue == 224)
		return 7; /* cyan */
    else if (red == 224)
	if (green == 0)
	    if (blue == 0)
		return 2; /* red */
	    if (blue == 224)
		return 6; /* magenta */
	else if (green == 224)
	    if (blue == 0)
		return 4; /* yellow */
	    if (blue == 224)
		return 8; /* white */
    else if (red == 128)
	if (green == 128 && blue == 128)
	    return 9; /* high intensity bladk */
    else if (red == 255)
	if (green == 64)
	    if (blue == 64)
		return 10;  /* high intensity red */
	    if (blue == 255)
		return 14;  /* high intensity magenta */
	else if (green == 255)
	    if (blue == 64)
		return 12;  /* high intensity yellow */
	    if (blue == 255)
		return 16;  /* high intensity white */
    else if (red == 64)
	if (green == 64)
	    if (blue == 255)
		return 13;  /* high intensity blue */
	else if (green == 255)
	    if (blue == 64)
		return 11;  /* high intensity green */
	    if (blue == 255)
		return 15;  /* high intensity cyan */
    if (t_colors >= 256)
	if (red == blue && red == green)
	    /* 24-color greyscale */
	    static int cutoff[23] = {
		0x05, 0x10, 0x1B, 0x26, 0x31, 0x3C, 0x47, 0x52,
		0x5D, 0x68, 0x73, 0x7F, 0x8A, 0x95, 0xA0, 0xAB,
		0xB6, 0xC1, 0xCC, 0xD7, 0xE2, 0xED, 0xF9};
	    int i;

	    for (i = 0; i < 23; ++i)
		if (red < cutoff[i])
		    return i + 233;
	    return 256;

	/* 216-color cube */
	return 17 + ((red + 25) / 0x33) * 36
	          + ((green + 25) / 0x33) * 6
		  + (blue + 25) / 0x33;
    return 0;

 * Convert the attributes of a vterm cell into an attribute index.
    static int
cell2attr(VTermScreenCell *cell)
    int attr = 0;

    if (cell->attrs.bold)
	attr |= HL_BOLD;
    if (cell->attrs.underline)
	attr |= HL_UNDERLINE;
    if (cell->attrs.italic)
	attr |= HL_ITALIC;
    if (cell->attrs.strike)
	attr |= HL_STANDOUT;
    if (cell->attrs.reverse)
	attr |= HL_INVERSE;
    if (cell->attrs.strike)
	attr |= HL_UNDERLINE;

#ifdef FEAT_GUI
    if (gui.in_use)
	guicolor_T fg, bg;

	fg = gui_mch_get_rgb_color(cell->, cell->, cell->;
	bg = gui_mch_get_rgb_color(cell->, cell->, cell->;
	return get_gui_attr_idx(attr, fg, bg);
    if (p_tgc)
	guicolor_T fg, bg;

	fg = gui_get_rgb_color_cmn(cell->, cell->, cell->;
	bg = gui_get_rgb_color_cmn(cell->, cell->, cell->;

	return get_tgc_attr_idx(attr, fg, bg);
	return get_cterm_attr_idx(attr, color2index(&cell->fg),
    return 0;

 * Called to update the window that contains the terminal.
term_update_window(win_T *wp)
    term_T	*term = wp->w_buffer->b_term;
    VTerm	*vterm = term->tl_vterm;
    VTermScreen *screen = vterm_obtain_screen(vterm);
    VTermState	*state = vterm_obtain_state(vterm);
    VTermPos	pos;

     * If the window was resized a redraw will be triggered and we get here.
     * Adjust the size of the vterm unless 'termsize' specifies a fixed size.
    if ((!term->tl_rows_fixed && term->tl_rows != wp->w_height)
	    || (!term->tl_cols_fixed && term->tl_cols != wp->w_width))
	int rows = term->tl_rows_fixed ? term->tl_rows : wp->w_height;
	int cols = term->tl_cols_fixed ? term->tl_cols : wp->w_width;

	vterm_set_size(vterm, rows, cols);
	ch_logn(term->tl_job->jv_channel, "Resizing terminal to %d lines",
	term_report_winsize(term, rows, cols);

    /* The cursor may have been moved when resizing. */
    vterm_state_get_cursorpos(state, &pos);
    position_cursor(wp, &pos);

    /* TODO: Only redraw what changed. */
    for (pos.row = 0; pos.row < wp->w_height; ++pos.row)
	int off = screen_get_current_line_off();
	int max_col = MIN(wp->w_width, term->tl_cols);

	if (pos.row < term->tl_rows)
	    for (pos.col = 0; pos.col < max_col; )
		VTermScreenCell cell;
		int		c;

		if (vterm_screen_get_cell(screen, pos, &cell) == 0)
		    vim_memset(&cell, 0, sizeof(cell));

		/* TODO: composing chars */
		c = cell.chars[0];
		if (c == NUL)
		    ScreenLines[off] = ' ';
		    ScreenLinesUC[off] = NUL;
#if defined(FEAT_MBYTE)
		    if (enc_utf8 && c >= 0x80)
			ScreenLines[off] = ' ';
			ScreenLinesUC[off] = c;
			ScreenLines[off] = c;
			ScreenLinesUC[off] = NUL;
		    ScreenLines[off] = c;
		ScreenAttrs[off] = cell2attr(&cell);

		if (cell.width == 2)
		    ScreenLines[off] = NUL;
		    ScreenLinesUC[off] = NUL;
	    pos.col = 0;

	screen_line(wp->w_winrow + pos.row, wp->w_wincol,
						  pos.col, wp->w_width, FALSE);

 * Set job options common for Unix and MS-Windows.
    static void
setup_job_options(jobopt_T *opt, int rows, int cols)
    opt->jo_mode = MODE_RAW;
    opt->jo_out_mode = MODE_RAW;
    opt->jo_err_mode = MODE_RAW;
    opt->jo_set = JO_MODE | JO_OUT_MODE | JO_ERR_MODE;

    opt->jo_io[PART_OUT] = JIO_BUFFER;
    opt->jo_io[PART_ERR] = JIO_BUFFER;
    opt->jo_set |= JO_OUT_IO + JO_ERR_IO;

    opt->jo_modifiable[PART_OUT] = 0;
    opt->jo_modifiable[PART_ERR] = 0;

    opt->jo_io_buf[PART_OUT] = curbuf->b_fnum;
    opt->jo_io_buf[PART_ERR] = curbuf->b_fnum;
    opt->jo_pty = TRUE;
    opt->jo_set |= JO_OUT_BUF + JO_ERR_BUF;

    opt->jo_term_rows = rows;
    opt->jo_term_cols = cols;

 * Create a new vterm and initialize it.
    static void
create_vterm(term_T *term, int rows, int cols)
    VTerm	    *vterm;
    VTermScreen	    *screen;

    vterm = vterm_new(rows, cols);
    term->tl_vterm = vterm;
    screen = vterm_obtain_screen(vterm);
    vterm_screen_set_callbacks(screen, &screen_callbacks, term);
    /* TODO: depends on 'encoding'. */
    vterm_set_utf8(vterm, 1);

    /* Vterm uses a default black background.  Set it to white when
     * 'background' is "light". */
    if (*p_bg == 'l')
	VTermColor	fg, bg; = = = 0; = = = 255;
	vterm_state_set_default_colors(vterm_obtain_state(vterm), &fg, &bg);

    /* Required to initialize most things. */
    vterm_screen_reset(screen, 1 /* hard */);

# ifdef WIN3264


void* (*winpty_config_new)(int, void*);
void* (*winpty_open)(void*, void*);
void* (*winpty_spawn_config_new)(int, void*, LPCWSTR, void*, void*, void*);
BOOL (*winpty_spawn)(void*, void*, HANDLE*, HANDLE*, DWORD*, void*);
void (*winpty_config_set_initial_size)(void*, int, int);
LPCWSTR (*winpty_conin_name)(void*);
LPCWSTR (*winpty_conout_name)(void*);
LPCWSTR (*winpty_conerr_name)(void*);
void (*winpty_free)(void*);
void (*winpty_config_free)(void*);
void (*winpty_spawn_config_free)(void*);
void (*winpty_error_free)(void*);
LPCWSTR (*winpty_error_msg)(void*);
BOOL (*winpty_set_size)(void*, int, int, void*);

 * 2. MS-Windows implementation.

#define WINPTY_DLL "winpty.dll"


    int i;
    static struct
	char	    *name;
	FARPROC	    *ptr;
    } winpty_entry[] =
	{"winpty_conerr_name", (FARPROC*)&winpty_conerr_name},
	{"winpty_config_free", (FARPROC*)&winpty_config_free},
	{"winpty_config_new", (FARPROC*)&winpty_config_new},
	{"winpty_config_set_initial_size", (FARPROC*)&winpty_config_set_initial_size},
	{"winpty_conin_name", (FARPROC*)&winpty_conin_name},
	{"winpty_conout_name", (FARPROC*)&winpty_conout_name},
	{"winpty_error_free", (FARPROC*)&winpty_error_free},
	{"winpty_free", (FARPROC*)&winpty_free},
	{"winpty_open", (FARPROC*)&winpty_open},
	{"winpty_spawn", (FARPROC*)&winpty_spawn},
	{"winpty_spawn_config_free", (FARPROC*)&winpty_spawn_config_free},
	{"winpty_spawn_config_new", (FARPROC*)&winpty_spawn_config_new},
	{"winpty_error_msg", (FARPROC*)&winpty_error_msg},
	{"winpty_set_size", (FARPROC*)&winpty_set_size},

    /* No need to initialize twice. */
    if (hWinPtyDLL)
	return 1;
    /* Load winpty.dll */
    hWinPtyDLL = vimLoadLib(WINPTY_DLL);
    if (!hWinPtyDLL)
	EMSG2(_(e_loadlib), WINPTY_DLL);
	return 0;
    for (i = 0; winpty_entry[i].name != NULL
					 && winpty_entry[i].ptr != NULL; ++i)
	if ((*winpty_entry[i].ptr = (FARPROC)GetProcAddress(hWinPtyDLL,
					      winpty_entry[i].name)) == NULL)
	    EMSG2(_(e_loadfunc), winpty_entry[i].name);
	    return 0;

    return 1;

 * Create a new terminal of "rows" by "cols" cells.
 * Store a reference in "term".
 * Return OK or FAIL.
    static int
term_and_job_init(term_T *term, int rows, int cols, char_u *cmd)
    WCHAR	    *p = enc_to_utf16(cmd, NULL);
    channel_T	    *channel = NULL;
    job_T	    *job = NULL;
    jobopt_T	    opt;
    DWORD	    error;
    HANDLE	    jo = NULL, child_process_handle, child_thread_handle;
    void	    *winpty_err;
    void	    *spawn_config;

    if (!dyn_winpty_init())
	return FAIL;

    if (p == NULL)
	return FAIL;

    job = job_alloc();
    if (job == NULL)
	goto failed;

    channel = add_channel();
    if (channel == NULL)
	goto failed;

    term->tl_winpty_config = winpty_config_new(0, &winpty_err);
    if (term->tl_winpty_config == NULL)
	goto failed;

    winpty_config_set_initial_size(term->tl_winpty_config, cols, rows);
    term->tl_winpty = winpty_open(term->tl_winpty_config, &winpty_err);
    if (term->tl_winpty == NULL)
	goto failed;

    spawn_config = winpty_spawn_config_new(
    if (spawn_config == NULL)
	goto failed;

    channel = add_channel();
    if (channel == NULL)
	goto failed;

    job = job_alloc();
    if (job == NULL)
	goto failed;

    if (!winpty_spawn(term->tl_winpty, spawn_config, &child_process_handle,
	    &child_thread_handle, &error, &winpty_err))
	goto failed;

	(sock_T) CreateFileW(
	(sock_T) CreateFileW(
	(sock_T) CreateFileW(

    jo = CreateJobObject(NULL, NULL);
    if (jo == NULL)
	goto failed;

    if (!AssignProcessToJobObject(jo, child_process_handle))
	goto failed;


    create_vterm(term, rows, cols);

    setup_job_options(&opt, rows, cols);
    channel_set_job(channel, job, &opt);

    job->jv_channel = channel;
    job->jv_proc_info.hProcess = child_process_handle;
    job->jv_proc_info.dwProcessId = GetProcessId(child_process_handle);
    job->jv_job_object = jo;
    job->jv_status = JOB_STARTED;
    term->tl_job = job;

    return OK;

    if (channel != NULL)
    if (job != NULL)
	job->jv_channel = NULL;
    term->tl_job = NULL;
    if (jo != NULL)
    if (term->tl_winpty != NULL)
    term->tl_winpty = NULL;
    if (term->tl_winpty_config != NULL)
    term->tl_winpty_config = NULL;
    if (winpty_err != NULL)
	char_u *msg = utf16_to_enc(
				(short_u *)winpty_error_msg(winpty_err), NULL);

    return FAIL;

 * Free the terminal emulator part of "term".
    static void
term_free(term_T *term)
    if (term->tl_winpty != NULL)
    if (term->tl_winpty_config != NULL)
    if (term->tl_vterm != NULL)

 * Request size to terminal.
    static void
term_report_winsize(term_T *term, int rows, int cols)
    winpty_set_size(term->tl_winpty, cols, rows, NULL);

# else

 * 3. Unix-like implementation.

 * Create a new terminal of "rows" by "cols" cells.
 * Start job for "cmd".
 * Store the pointers in "term".
 * Return OK or FAIL.
    static int
term_and_job_init(term_T *term, int rows, int cols, char_u *cmd)
    typval_T	argvars[2];
    jobopt_T	opt;

    create_vterm(term, rows, cols);

    argvars[0].v_type = VAR_STRING;
    argvars[0].vval.v_string = cmd;
    setup_job_options(&opt, rows, cols);
    term->tl_job = job_start(argvars, &opt);

    return term->tl_job != NULL
	&& term->tl_job->jv_channel != NULL
	&& term->tl_job->jv_status != JOB_FAILED ? OK : FAIL;

 * Free the terminal emulator part of "term".
    static void
term_free(term_T *term)
    if (term->tl_vterm != NULL)

 * Request size to terminal.
    static void
term_report_winsize(term_T *term, int rows, int cols)
    /* Use an ioctl() to report the new window size to the job. */
    if (term->tl_job != NULL && term->tl_job->jv_channel != NULL)
	int fd = -1;
	int part;

	for (part = PART_OUT; part < PART_COUNT; ++part)
	    fd = term->tl_job->jv_channel->ch_part[part].ch_fd;
	    if (isatty(fd))
	if (part < PART_COUNT && mch_report_winsize(fd, rows, cols) == OK)
	    mch_stop_job(term->tl_job, (char_u *)"winch");

# endif

#endif /* FEAT_TERMINAL */