view runtime/syntax/ppwiz.vim @ 10048:43efa4f5a8ea

commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Tue Aug 30 23:26:57 2016 +0200 Updated runtime files. Remove version checks for Vim older than 6.0.
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Tue, 30 Aug 2016 23:30:09 +0200
parents 3fc0f57ecb91
children 46763b01cd9a
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:     PPWizard (preprocessor by Dennis Bareis)
" Maintainer:   Stefan Schwarzer <>
" URL:
" Last Change:  2003 May 11
" Filename:     ppwiz.vim

" Remove old syntax stuff
" quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if exists("b:current_syntax")

syn case ignore

if !exists("ppwiz_highlight_defs")
    let ppwiz_highlight_defs = 1

if !exists("ppwiz_with_html")
    let ppwiz_with_html = 1

" comments
syn match   ppwizComment  "^;.*$"
syn match   ppwizComment  ";;.*$"
if ppwiz_with_html > 0
    syn region ppwizHTML  start="<" end=">" contains=ppwizArg,ppwizMacro
    syn match  ppwizHTML  "\&\w\+;"
" define, evaluate etc.
if ppwiz_highlight_defs == 1
    syn match  ppwizDef   "^\s*\#\S\+\s\+\S\+" contains=ALL
    syn match  ppwizDef   "^\s*\#\(if\|else\|endif\)" contains=ALL
    syn match  ppwizDef   "^\s*\#\({\|break\|continue\|}\)" contains=ALL
" elseif ppwiz_highlight_defs == 2
"     syn region ppwizDef   start="^\s*\#" end="[^\\]$" end="^$" keepend contains=ALL
    syn region ppwizDef   start="^\s*\#" end="[^\\]$" end="^$" keepend contains=ppwizCont
syn match   ppwizError    "\s.\\$"
syn match   ppwizCont     "\s\([+\-%]\|\)\\$"
" macros to execute
syn region  ppwizMacro    start="<\$" end=">" contains=@ppwizArgVal,ppwizCont
" macro arguments
syn region  ppwizArg      start="{" end="}" contains=ppwizEqual,ppwizString
syn match   ppwizEqual    "=" contained
syn match   ppwizOperator "<>\|=\|<\|>" contained
" standard variables (builtin)
syn region  ppwizStdVar   start="<?[^?]" end=">" contains=@ppwizArgVal
" Rexx variables
syn region  ppwizRexxVar  start="<??" end=">" contains=@ppwizArgVal
" Constants
syn region  ppwizString   start=+"+ end=+"+ contained contains=ppwizMacro,ppwizArg,ppwizHTML,ppwizCont,ppwizStdVar,ppwizRexxVar
syn region  ppwizString   start=+'+ end=+'+ contained contains=ppwizMacro,ppwizArg,ppwizHTML,ppwizCont,ppwizStdVar,ppwizRexxVar
syn match   ppwizInteger  "\d\+" contained

" Clusters
syn cluster ppwizArgVal add=ppwizString,ppwizInteger

" Define the default highlighting.
" Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>

HiLink ppwizSpecial  Special
HiLink ppwizEqual    ppwizSpecial
HiLink ppwizOperator ppwizSpecial
HiLink ppwizComment  Comment
HiLink ppwizDef      PreProc
HiLink ppwizMacro    Statement
HiLink ppwizArg      Identifier
HiLink ppwizStdVar   Identifier
HiLink ppwizRexxVar  Identifier
HiLink ppwizString   Constant
HiLink ppwizInteger  Constant
HiLink ppwizCont     ppwizSpecial
HiLink ppwizError    Error
HiLink ppwizHTML     Type

delcommand HiLink

let b:current_syntax = "ppwiz"

" vim: ts=4