view runtime/syntax/wast.vim @ 22974:3f8025537dd9

Added tag v8.2.2033 for changeset 4c97c074701751ea529f56ca5b823bba54bf1cd6
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Sun, 22 Nov 2020 18:30:06 +0100
parents 172f18a3a6cd
children 2023f0835f75
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim syntax file
" Language:     WebAssembly
" Maintainer:   rhysd <>
" Last Change:  Jul 29, 2018
" For bugs, patches and license go to

if exists("b:current_syntax")

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

syn cluster wastCluster       contains=wastModule,wastInstWithType,wastInstGeneral,wastParamInst,wastControlInst,wastString,wastNamedVar,wastUnnamedVar,wastFloat,wastNumber,wastComment,wastList,wastType

" Instructions
" Note: memarg (align=,offset=) can be added to memory instructions
syn match   wastInstWithType  "\%((\s*\)\@<=\<\%(i32\|i64\|f32\|f64\|memory\)\.[[:alnum:]_]\+\%(/\%(i32\|i64\|f32\|f64\)\)\=\>\%(\s\+\%(align\|offset\)=\)\=" contained display
syn match   wastInstGeneral   "\%((\s*\)\@<=\<[[:alnum:]_]\+\>" contained display
syn match   wastControlInst   "\%((\s*\)\@<=\<\%(block\|end\|loop\|if\|else\|unreachable\|nop\|br\|br_if\|br_table\|return\|call\|call_indirect\)\>" contained display
syn match   wastParamInst     "\%((\s*\)\@<=\<\%(drop\|select\)\>" contained display

" Identifiers
syn match   wastNamedVar      "$\+[[:alnum:]!#$%&'∗./:=><?@\\^_`~+-]*" contained display
syn match   wastUnnamedVar    "$\+\d\+[[:alnum:]!#$%&'∗./:=><?@\\^_`~+-]\@!" contained display

" String literals
syn region  wastString        start=+"+ skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+ contained contains=wastStringSpecial
syn match   wastStringSpecial "\\\x\x\|\\[tnr'\\\"]\|\\u\x\+" contained containedin=wastString

" Float literals
syn match   wastFloat         "\<-\=\d\%(_\=\d\)*\%(\.\d\%(_\=\d\)*\)\=\%([eE][-+]\=\d\%(_\=\d\)*\)\=" display contained
syn match   wastFloat         "\<-\=0x\x\%(_\=\d\)*\%(\.\x\%(_\=\x\)*\)\=\%([pP][-+]\=\d\%(_\=\d\)*\)\=" display contained
syn keyword wastFloat         inf nan contained

" Integer literals
syn match   wastNumber        "\<-\=\d\%(_\=\d\)*\>" display contained
syn match   wastNumber        "\<-\=0x\x\%(_\=\x\)*\>" display contained

" Comments
syn region  wastComment       start=";;" end="$" display
syn region  wastComment       start="(;;\@!" end=";)"

syn region  wastList          matchgroup=wastListDelimiter start="(;\@!" matchgroup=wastListDelimiter end=";\@<!)" contains=@wastCluster

" Types
syn keyword wastType          i64 i32 f64 f32 param result anyfunc mut contained
syn match   wastType          "\%((\_s*\)\@<=func\%(\_s*[()]\)\@=" display contained

" Modules
syn keyword wastModule        module type export import table memory global data elem contained
syn match   wastModule        "\%((\_s*\)\@<=func\%(\_s\+\$\)\@=" display contained

syn sync lines=100

hi def link wastModule        PreProc
hi def link wastListDelimiter Delimiter
hi def link wastInstWithType  Operator
hi def link wastInstGeneral   Operator
hi def link wastControlInst   Statement
hi def link wastParamInst     Conditional
hi def link wastString        String
hi def link wastStringSpecial Special
hi def link wastNamedVar      Identifier
hi def link wastUnnamedVar    PreProc
hi def link wastFloat         Float
hi def link wastNumber        Number
hi def link wastComment       Comment
hi def link wastType          Type

let b:current_syntax = "wast"

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save