view src/testdir/test_syntax.vim @ 11416:32aed0993813 v8.0.0592

patch 8.0.0592: if a job writes to a buffer screen is not updated commit Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Sun Apr 30 19:39:39 2017 +0200 patch 8.0.0592: if a job writes to a buffer screen is not updated Problem: If a job writes to a buffer and the user is typing a command, the screen isn't updated. When a message is displayed the changed buffer may cause it to be cleared. (Ramel Eshed) Solution: Update the screen and then the command line if the screen didn't scroll. Avoid inserting screen lines, as it clears any message. Update the status line when the buffer changed.
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Sun, 30 Apr 2017 19:45:03 +0200
parents 129077fb57e6
children 7cbcba782c4e
line wrap: on
line source

" Test for syntax and syntax iskeyword option

if !has("syntax")

func GetSyntaxItem(pat)
  let c = ''
  let a = ['a', getreg('a'), getregtype('a')]
  call search(a:pat, 'W')
  let synid = synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
  while synid == synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1)
    norm! v"ay
    " stop at whitespace
    if @a =~# '\s'
    let c .= @a
    norm! l
  call call('setreg', a)
  return c

func Test_syn_iskeyword()
  call setline(1, [
	\ '    DLTD_BY VARCHAR2(100)',
	\ ');',
  	\ ''])

  syntax on
  set ft=sql
  syn match SYN /C\k\+\>/
  hi link SYN ErrorMsg
  call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', GetSyntaxItem('DLTD'))
  /\<D\k\+\>/:norm! ygn
  call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', @0)
  redir @c
  syn iskeyword
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword not set", @c)

  syn iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255
  redir @c
  syn iskeyword
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword @,48-57,_,192-255", @c)

  setlocal isk-=_
  call assert_equal('DLTD_BY', GetSyntaxItem('DLTD'))
  /\<D\k\+\>/:norm! ygn
  let b2 = @0
  call assert_equal('DLTD', @0)

  syn iskeyword clear
  redir @c
  syn iskeyword
  redir END
  call assert_equal("\nsyntax iskeyword not set", @c)


func Test_syntax_after_reload()
  split Xsomefile
  call setline(1, ['hello', 'there'])
  setl filetype=hello
  au FileType hello let g:gotit = 1
  call assert_false(exists('g:gotit'))
  edit other
  buf Xsomefile
  call assert_equal('hello', &filetype)
  call assert_true(exists('g:gotit'))
  call delete('Xsomefile')

func Test_syntime()
  if !has('profile')

  syntax on
  syntime on
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)

  view ../memfile_test.c
  setfiletype cpp
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_match('^  TOTAL *COUNT *MATCH *SLOWEST *AVERAGE *NAME *PATTERN', a)
  call assert_match(' \d*\.\d* \+[^0]\d* .* cppRawString ', a)
  call assert_match(' \d*\.\d* \+[^0]\d* .* cppNumber ', a)

  syntime off
  syntime clear
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_match('^  TOTAL *COUNT *MATCH *SLOWEST *AVERAGE *NAME *PATTERN', a)
  call assert_notmatch('.* cppRawString *', a)
  call assert_notmatch('.* cppNumber*', a)
  call assert_notmatch('[1-9]', a)

  call assert_fails('syntime abc', 'E475')

  syntax clear
  let a = execute('syntime report')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)


func Test_syntax_list()
  syntax on
  let a = execute('syntax list')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)

  view ../memfile_test.c
  setfiletype c

  let a = execute('syntax list')
  call assert_match('cInclude*', a)
  call assert_match('cDefine', a)

  let a = execute('syntax list cDefine')
  call assert_notmatch('cInclude*', a)
  call assert_match('cDefine', a)
  call assert_match(' links to Macro$', a)

  call assert_fails('syntax list ABCD', 'E28:')
  call assert_fails('syntax list @ABCD', 'E392:')

  syntax clear
  let a = execute('syntax list')
  call assert_equal("\nNo Syntax items defined for this buffer", a)


func Test_syntax_completion()
  call feedkeys(":syn \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn case clear cluster conceal enable include iskeyword keyword list manual match off on region reset spell sync', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn case \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn case ignore match', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn spell \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn spell default notoplevel toplevel', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn sync \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"syn sync ccomment clear fromstart linebreaks= linecont lines= match maxlines= minlines= region', @:)

  " Check that clearing "Aap" avoids it showing up before Boolean.
  hi Aap ctermfg=blue
  call feedkeys(":syn list \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_match('^"syn list Aap Boolean Character ', @:)
  hi clear Aap

  call feedkeys(":syn list \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_match('^"syn list Boolean Character ', @:)

  call feedkeys(":syn match \<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_match('^"syn match Boolean Character ', @:)

func Test_syntax_arg_skipped()
  syn clear
  syntax case ignore
  if 0
    syntax case match
  call assert_match('case ignore', execute('syntax case'))

  syn keyword Foo foo
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  syn clear
  call assert_match('case match', execute('syntax case'))
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))

  if has('conceal')
    syn clear
    syntax conceal on
    if 0
      syntax conceal off
    call assert_match('conceal on', execute('syntax conceal'))
    syn clear
    call assert_match('conceal off', execute('syntax conceal'))

    syntax conceal on
    syntax conceal off
    call assert_match('conceal off', execute('syntax conceal'))

  syntax region Bar start=/</ end=/>/
  if 0
    syntax region NotTest start=/</ end=/>/ contains=@Spell
  call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('NotTest', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))

  hi Foo ctermfg=blue
  let a = execute('hi Foo')
  if 0
    syntax rest
  call assert_equal(a, execute('hi Foo'))
  hi clear Bar
  hi clear Foo

  set ft=tags
  syn off
  if 0
    syntax enable
  call assert_match('No Syntax items defined', execute('syntax'))
  syntax enable
  call assert_match('tagComment', execute('syntax'))
  set ft=

  syn clear
  if 0
    syntax include @Spell nothing
  call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))

  syn clear
  syn iskeyword 48-57,$,_
  call assert_match('48-57,$,_', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
  if 0
    syn clear
    syn iskeyword clear
  call assert_match('48-57,$,_', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
  syn iskeyword clear
  call assert_match('not set', execute('syntax iskeyword'))
  syn iskeyword 48-57,$,_
  syn clear
  call assert_match('not set', execute('syntax iskeyword'))

  syn clear
  syn keyword Foo foo
  if 0
    syn keyword NotAdded bar
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('NotAdded', execute('highlight'))

  syn clear
  syn keyword Foo foo
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax list'))
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('if 0 | syntax | endif'))
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('if 0 | syntax list | endif'))

  syn clear
  syn match Fopi /asdf/
  if 0
    syn match Fopx /asdf/
  call assert_match('Fopi', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('Fopx', execute('syntax'))

  syn clear
  syn spell toplevel
  call assert_match('spell toplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
  if 0
    syn spell notoplevel
  call assert_match('spell toplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
  syn spell notoplevel
  call assert_match('spell notoplevel', execute('syntax spell'))
  syn spell default
  call assert_match('spell default', execute('syntax spell'))

  syn clear
  if 0
    syntax cluster Spell
  call assert_notmatch('Spell', execute('syntax'))

  syn clear
  syn keyword Foo foo
  syn sync ccomment
  syn sync maxlines=5
  if 0
    syn sync maxlines=11
  call assert_match('on C-style comments', execute('syntax sync'))
  call assert_match('maximal 5 lines', execute('syntax sync'))
  syn sync clear
  if 0
    syn sync ccomment
  call assert_notmatch('on C-style comments', execute('syntax sync'))

  syn clear

func Test_syntax_invalid_arg()
  call assert_fails('syntax case asdf', 'E390:')
  if has('conceal')
    call assert_fails('syntax conceal asdf', 'E390:')
  call assert_fails('syntax spell asdf', 'E390:')
  call assert_fails('syntax clear @ABCD', 'E391:')
  call assert_fails('syntax include @Xxx', 'E397:')
  call assert_fails('syntax region X start="{"', 'E399:')
  call assert_fails('syntax sync x', 'E404:')
  call assert_fails('syntax keyword Abc a[', 'E789:')
  call assert_fails('syntax keyword Abc a[bc]d', 'E890:')

func Test_syn_sync()
  syntax region HereGroup start=/this/ end=/that/
  syntax sync match SyncHere grouphere HereGroup "pattern"
  call assert_match('SyncHere', execute('syntax sync'))
  syn sync clear
  call assert_notmatch('SyncHere', execute('syntax sync'))
  syn clear

func Test_syn_clear()
  syntax keyword Foo foo
  syntax keyword Bar tar
  call assert_match('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
  syn clear Foo
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_match('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
  syn clear Foo Bar
  call assert_notmatch('Foo', execute('syntax'))
  call assert_notmatch('Bar', execute('syntax'))
  hi clear Foo
  call assert_equal('Foo', synIDattr(hlID("Foo"), "name"))
  hi clear Bar

func Test_invalid_name()
  syn clear
  syn keyword Nop yes
  call assert_fails("syntax keyword Wr\x17ong bar", 'E669:')
  syntax keyword @Wrong bar
  call assert_match('W18:', execute('1messages'))
  syn clear
  hi clear Nop
  hi clear @Wrong

func Test_ownsyntax()
  new Xfoo
  call setline(1, '#define FOO')
  syntax on
  set filetype=c
  ownsyntax perl
  call assert_equal('perlComment', synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name'))
  call assert_equal('c',    b:current_syntax)
  call assert_equal('perl', w:current_syntax)

  " A new split window should have the original syntax.
  call assert_equal('cDefine', synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name'))
  call assert_equal('c', b:current_syntax)
  call assert_equal(0, exists('w:current_syntax'))

  wincmd x
  call assert_equal('perlComment', synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name"))

  syntax off
  set filetype&

func Test_ownsyntax_completion()
  call feedkeys(":ownsyntax java\<C-A>\<C-B>\"\<CR>", 'tx')
  call assert_equal('"ownsyntax java javacc javascript', @:)

func Test_highlight_invalid_arg()
  if has('gui_running')
    call assert_fails('hi XXX guifg=xxx', 'E254:')
  call assert_fails('hi DoesNotExist', 'E411:')
  call assert_fails('hi link', 'E412:')
  call assert_fails('hi link a', 'E412:')
  call assert_fails('hi link a b c', 'E413:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX =', 'E415:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm', 'E416:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm=', 'E417:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX cterm=DoesNotExist', 'E418:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX ctermfg=DoesNotExist', 'E421:')
  call assert_fails('hi XXX xxx=White', 'E423:')