view src/testdir/test_syn_attr.vim @ 20788:072ad890c227 v8.2.0946

patch 8.2.0946: cannot use "q" to cancel a number prompt Commit: Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Wed Jun 10 15:45:57 2020 +0200 patch 8.2.0946: cannot use "q" to cancel a number prompt Problem: Cannot use "q" to cancel a number prompt. Solution: Recognize "q" instead of ignoring it.
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Wed, 10 Jun 2020 16:00:05 +0200
parents 546bdeef35f1
children 60977de70684
line wrap: on
line source

" Test syntax highlighting functions.

func Test_missing_attr()
  hi Mine term=bold cterm=italic
  call assert_equal('Mine', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "name"))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr("Mine"->hlID(), "bg", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr("Mine"->hlID(), "fg", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr("Mine"->hlID(), "sp", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "bold", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "italic", 'cterm'))
  hi Mine term=reverse cterm=inverse
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "reverse", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "inverse", 'cterm'))
  hi Mine term=underline cterm=standout gui=undercurl
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "underline", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "standout", 'cterm'))
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr("Mine"->hlID(), "undercurl", 'gui'))
  hi Mine gui=strikethrough
  call assert_equal('1', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "strikethrough", 'gui'))
  hi Mine term=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "bold", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "italic", 'cterm'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "reverse", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "inverse", 'cterm'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "underline", 'term'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "standout", 'cterm'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "undercurl", 'gui'))
  call assert_equal('', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "strikethrough", 'gui'))

  if has('gui')
    let fontname = getfontname()
    if fontname == ''
      let fontname = 'something'
    exe "hi Mine guifg=blue guibg=red font='" . fontname . "'"
    call assert_equal('blue', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "fg", 'gui'))
    call assert_equal('red', synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "bg", 'gui'))
    call assert_equal(fontname, synIDattr(hlID("Mine"), "font", 'gui'))

func Test_color_names()
  let colors = [
	\ 'AliceBlue',
	\ 'AntiqueWhite',
	\ 'AntiqueWhite1',
	\ 'AntiqueWhite2',
	\ 'AntiqueWhite3',
	\ 'AntiqueWhite4',
	\ 'BlanchedAlmond',
	\ 'BlueViolet',
	\ 'CadetBlue',
	\ 'CadetBlue1',
	\ 'CadetBlue2',
	\ 'CadetBlue3',
	\ 'CadetBlue4',
	\ 'CornflowerBlue',
	\ 'DarkBlue',
	\ 'DarkCyan',
	\ 'DarkGoldenrod',
	\ 'DarkGoldenrod1',
	\ 'DarkGoldenrod2',
	\ 'DarkGoldenrod3',
	\ 'DarkGoldenrod4',
	\ 'DarkGray',
	\ 'DarkGreen',
	\ 'DarkGrey',
	\ 'DarkKhaki',
	\ 'DarkMagenta',
	\ 'DarkOliveGreen',
	\ 'DarkOliveGreen1',
	\ 'DarkOliveGreen2',
	\ 'DarkOliveGreen3',
	\ 'DarkOliveGreen4',
	\ 'DarkOrange',
	\ 'DarkOrange1',
	\ 'DarkOrange2',
	\ 'DarkOrange3',
	\ 'DarkOrange4',
	\ 'DarkOrchid',
	\ 'DarkOrchid1',
	\ 'DarkOrchid2',
	\ 'DarkOrchid3',
	\ 'DarkOrchid4',
	\ 'DarkRed',
	\ 'DarkSalmon',
	\ 'DarkSeaGreen',
	\ 'DarkSeaGreen1',
	\ 'DarkSeaGreen2',
	\ 'DarkSeaGreen3',
	\ 'DarkSeaGreen4',
	\ 'DarkSlateBlue',
	\ 'DarkSlateGray',
	\ 'DarkSlateGray1',
	\ 'DarkSlateGray2',
	\ 'DarkSlateGray3',
	\ 'DarkSlateGray4',
	\ 'DarkSlateGrey',
	\ 'DarkTurquoise',
	\ 'DarkViolet',
	\ 'DeepPink',
	\ 'DeepPink1',
	\ 'DeepPink2',
	\ 'DeepPink3',
	\ 'DeepPink4',
	\ 'DeepSkyBlue',
	\ 'DeepSkyBlue1',
	\ 'DeepSkyBlue2',
	\ 'DeepSkyBlue3',
	\ 'DeepSkyBlue4',
	\ 'DimGray',
	\ 'DimGrey',
	\ 'DodgerBlue',
	\ 'DodgerBlue1',
	\ 'DodgerBlue2',
	\ 'DodgerBlue3',
	\ 'DodgerBlue4',
	\ 'FloralWhite',
	\ 'ForestGreen',
	\ 'GhostWhite',
	\ 'GreenYellow',
	\ 'HotPink',
	\ 'HotPink1',
	\ 'HotPink2',
	\ 'HotPink3',
	\ 'HotPink4',
	\ 'IndianRed',
	\ 'IndianRed1',
	\ 'IndianRed2',
	\ 'IndianRed3',
	\ 'IndianRed4',
	\ 'LavenderBlush',
	\ 'LavenderBlush1',
	\ 'LavenderBlush2',
	\ 'LavenderBlush3',
	\ 'LavenderBlush4',
	\ 'LawnGreen',
	\ 'LemonChiffon',
	\ 'LemonChiffon1',
	\ 'LemonChiffon2',
	\ 'LemonChiffon3',
	\ 'LemonChiffon4',
	\ 'LightBlue',
	\ 'LightBlue1',
	\ 'LightBlue2',
	\ 'LightBlue3',
	\ 'LightBlue4',
	\ 'LightCoral',
	\ 'LightCyan',
	\ 'LightCyan1',
	\ 'LightCyan2',
	\ 'LightCyan3',
	\ 'LightCyan4',
	\ 'LightGoldenrod',
	\ 'LightGoldenrod1',
	\ 'LightGoldenrod2',
	\ 'LightGoldenrod3',
	\ 'LightGoldenrod4',
	\ 'LightGoldenrodYellow',
	\ 'LightGray',
	\ 'LightGreen',
	\ 'LightGrey',
	\ 'LightPink',
	\ 'LightPink1',
	\ 'LightPink2',
	\ 'LightPink3',
	\ 'LightPink4',
	\ 'LightSalmon',
	\ 'LightSalmon1',
	\ 'LightSalmon2',
	\ 'LightSalmon3',
	\ 'LightSalmon4',
	\ 'LightSeaGreen',
	\ 'LightSkyBlue',
	\ 'LightSkyBlue1',
	\ 'LightSkyBlue2',
	\ 'LightSkyBlue3',
	\ 'LightSkyBlue4',
	\ 'LightSlateBlue',
	\ 'LightSlateGray',
	\ 'LightSlateGrey',
	\ 'LightSteelBlue',
	\ 'LightSteelBlue1',
	\ 'LightSteelBlue2',
	\ 'LightSteelBlue3',
	\ 'LightSteelBlue4',
	\ 'LightYellow',
	\ 'LightYellow1',
	\ 'LightYellow2',
	\ 'LightYellow3',
	\ 'LightYellow4',
	\ 'LimeGreen',
	\ 'MediumAquamarine',
	\ 'MediumBlue',
	\ 'MediumOrchid',
	\ 'MediumOrchid1',
	\ 'MediumOrchid2',
	\ 'MediumOrchid3',
	\ 'MediumOrchid4',
	\ 'MediumPurple',
	\ 'MediumPurple1',
	\ 'MediumPurple2',
	\ 'MediumPurple3',
	\ 'MediumPurple4',
	\ 'MediumSeaGreen',
	\ 'MediumSlateBlue',
	\ 'MediumSpringGreen',
	\ 'MediumTurquoise',
	\ 'MediumVioletRed',
	\ 'MidnightBlue',
	\ 'MintCream',
	\ 'MistyRose',
	\ 'MistyRose1',
	\ 'MistyRose2',
	\ 'MistyRose3',
	\ 'MistyRose4',
	\ 'NavajoWhite',
	\ 'NavajoWhite1',
	\ 'NavajoWhite2',
	\ 'NavajoWhite3',
	\ 'NavajoWhite4',
	\ 'NavyBlue',
	\ 'OldLace',
	\ 'OliveDrab',
	\ 'OliveDrab1',
	\ 'OliveDrab2',
	\ 'OliveDrab3',
	\ 'OliveDrab4',
	\ 'OrangeRed',
	\ 'OrangeRed1',
	\ 'OrangeRed2',
	\ 'OrangeRed3',
	\ 'OrangeRed4',
	\ 'PaleGoldenrod',
	\ 'PaleGreen',
	\ 'PaleGreen1',
	\ 'PaleGreen2',
	\ 'PaleGreen3',
	\ 'PaleGreen4',
	\ 'PaleTurquoise',
	\ 'PaleTurquoise1',
	\ 'PaleTurquoise2',
	\ 'PaleTurquoise3',
	\ 'PaleTurquoise4',
	\ 'PaleVioletRed',
	\ 'PaleVioletRed1',
	\ 'PaleVioletRed2',
	\ 'PaleVioletRed3',
	\ 'PaleVioletRed4',
	\ 'PapayaWhip',
	\ 'PeachPuff',
	\ 'PeachPuff1',
	\ 'PeachPuff2',
	\ 'PeachPuff3',
	\ 'PeachPuff4',
	\ 'PowderBlue',
	\ 'RosyBrown',
	\ 'RosyBrown1',
	\ 'RosyBrown2',
	\ 'RosyBrown3',
	\ 'RosyBrown4',
	\ 'RoyalBlue',
	\ 'RoyalBlue1',
	\ 'RoyalBlue2',
	\ 'RoyalBlue3',
	\ 'RoyalBlue4',
	\ 'SaddleBrown',
	\ 'SandyBrown',
	\ 'SeaGreen',
	\ 'SeaGreen1',
	\ 'SeaGreen2',
	\ 'SeaGreen3',
	\ 'SeaGreen4',
	\ 'SkyBlue',
	\ 'SkyBlue1',
	\ 'SkyBlue2',
	\ 'SkyBlue3',
	\ 'SkyBlue4',
	\ 'SlateBlue',
	\ 'SlateBlue1',
	\ 'SlateBlue2',
	\ 'SlateBlue3',
	\ 'SlateBlue4',
	\ 'SlateGray',
	\ 'SlateGray1',
	\ 'SlateGray2',
	\ 'SlateGray3',
	\ 'SlateGray4',
	\ 'SlateGrey',
	\ 'SpringGreen',
	\ 'SpringGreen1',
	\ 'SpringGreen2',
	\ 'SpringGreen3',
	\ 'SpringGreen4',
	\ 'SteelBlue',
	\ 'SteelBlue1',
	\ 'SteelBlue2',
	\ 'SteelBlue3',
	\ 'SteelBlue4',
	\ 'VioletRed',
	\ 'VioletRed1',
	\ 'VioletRed2',
	\ 'VioletRed3',
	\ 'VioletRed4',
	\ 'WhiteSmoke',
	\ 'YellowGreen',
	\ 'alice blue',
	\ 'antique white',
	\ 'aquamarine',
	\ 'aquamarine1',
	\ 'aquamarine2',
	\ 'aquamarine3',
	\ 'aquamarine4',
	\ 'azure',
	\ 'azure1',
	\ 'azure2',
	\ 'azure3',
	\ 'azure4',
	\ 'beige',
	\ 'bisque',
	\ 'bisque1',
	\ 'bisque2',
	\ 'bisque3',
	\ 'bisque4',
	\ 'black',
	\ 'blanched almond',
	\ 'blue violet',
	\ 'blue',
	\ 'blue1',
	\ 'blue2',
	\ 'blue3',
	\ 'blue4',
	\ 'brown',
	\ 'brown1',
	\ 'brown2',
	\ 'brown3',
	\ 'brown4',
	\ 'burlywood',
	\ 'burlywood1',
	\ 'burlywood2',
	\ 'burlywood3',
	\ 'burlywood4',
	\ 'cadet blue',
	\ 'chartreuse',
	\ 'chartreuse1',
	\ 'chartreuse2',
	\ 'chartreuse3',
	\ 'chartreuse4',
	\ 'chocolate',
	\ 'chocolate1',
	\ 'chocolate2',
	\ 'chocolate3',
	\ 'chocolate4',
	\ 'coral',
	\ 'coral1',
	\ 'coral2',
	\ 'coral3',
	\ 'coral4',
	\ 'cornflower blue',
	\ 'cornsilk',
	\ 'cornsilk1',
	\ 'cornsilk2',
	\ 'cornsilk3',
	\ 'cornsilk4',
	\ 'cyan',
	\ 'cyan1',
	\ 'cyan2',
	\ 'cyan3',
	\ 'cyan4',
	\ 'dark blue',
	\ 'dark cyan',
	\ 'dark goldenrod',
	\ 'dark gray',
	\ 'dark green',
	\ 'dark grey',
	\ 'dark khaki',
	\ 'dark magenta',
	\ 'dark olive green',
	\ 'dark orange',
	\ 'dark orchid',
	\ 'dark red',
	\ 'dark salmon',
	\ 'dark sea green',
	\ 'dark slate blue',
	\ 'dark slate gray',
	\ 'dark slate grey',
	\ 'dark turquoise',
	\ 'dark violet',
	\ 'darkblue',
	\ 'darkcyan',
	\ 'darkgray',
	\ 'darkgreen',
	\ 'darkgrey',
	\ 'darkmagenta',
	\ 'darkred',
	\ 'darkyellow',
	\ 'deep pink',
	\ 'deep sky blue',
	\ 'dim gray',
	\ 'dim grey',
	\ 'dodger blue',
	\ 'firebrick',
	\ 'firebrick1',
	\ 'firebrick2',
	\ 'firebrick3',
	\ 'firebrick4',
	\ 'floral white',
	\ 'forest green',
	\ 'gainsboro',
	\ 'ghost white',
	\ 'gold',
	\ 'gold1',
	\ 'gold2',
	\ 'gold3',
	\ 'gold4',
	\ 'goldenrod',
	\ 'goldenrod1',
	\ 'goldenrod2',
	\ 'goldenrod3',
	\ 'goldenrod4',
	\ 'gray',
	\ 'gray0',
	\ 'gray1',
	\ 'gray10',
	\ 'gray100',
	\ 'gray11',
	\ 'gray12',
	\ 'gray13',
	\ 'gray14',
	\ 'gray15',
	\ 'gray16',
	\ 'gray17',
	\ 'gray18',
	\ 'gray19',
	\ 'gray2',
	\ 'gray20',
	\ 'gray21',
	\ 'gray22',
	\ 'gray23',
	\ 'gray24',
	\ 'gray25',
	\ 'gray26',
	\ 'gray27',
	\ 'gray28',
	\ 'gray29',
	\ 'gray3',
	\ 'gray30',
	\ 'gray31',
	\ 'gray32',
	\ 'gray33',
	\ 'gray34',
	\ 'gray35',
	\ 'gray36',
	\ 'gray37',
	\ 'gray38',
	\ 'gray39',
	\ 'gray4',
	\ 'gray40',
	\ 'gray41',
	\ 'gray42',
	\ 'gray43',
	\ 'gray44',
	\ 'gray45',
	\ 'gray46',
	\ 'gray47',
	\ 'gray48',
	\ 'gray49',
	\ 'gray5',
	\ 'gray50',
	\ 'gray51',
	\ 'gray52',
	\ 'gray53',
	\ 'gray54',
	\ 'gray55',
	\ 'gray56',
	\ 'gray57',
	\ 'gray58',
	\ 'gray59',
	\ 'gray6',
	\ 'gray60',
	\ 'gray61',
	\ 'gray62',
	\ 'gray63',
	\ 'gray64',
	\ 'gray65',
	\ 'gray66',
	\ 'gray67',
	\ 'gray68',
	\ 'gray69',
	\ 'gray7',
	\ 'gray70',
	\ 'gray71',
	\ 'gray72',
	\ 'gray73',
	\ 'gray74',
	\ 'gray75',
	\ 'gray76',
	\ 'gray77',
	\ 'gray78',
	\ 'gray79',
	\ 'gray8',
	\ 'gray80',
	\ 'gray81',
	\ 'gray82',
	\ 'gray83',
	\ 'gray84',
	\ 'gray85',
	\ 'gray86',
	\ 'gray87',
	\ 'gray88',
	\ 'gray89',
	\ 'gray9',
	\ 'gray90',
	\ 'gray91',
	\ 'gray92',
	\ 'gray93',
	\ 'gray94',
	\ 'gray95',
	\ 'gray96',
	\ 'gray97',
	\ 'gray98',
	\ 'gray99',
	\ 'green yellow',
	\ 'green',
	\ 'green1',
	\ 'green2',
	\ 'green3',
	\ 'green4',
	\ 'grey',
	\ 'grey0',
	\ 'grey1',
	\ 'grey10',
	\ 'grey100',
	\ 'grey11',
	\ 'grey12',
	\ 'grey13',
	\ 'grey14',
	\ 'grey15',
	\ 'grey16',
	\ 'grey17',
	\ 'grey18',
	\ 'grey19',
	\ 'grey2',
	\ 'grey20',
	\ 'grey21',
	\ 'grey22',
	\ 'grey23',
	\ 'grey24',
	\ 'grey25',
	\ 'grey26',
	\ 'grey27',
	\ 'grey28',
	\ 'grey29',
	\ 'grey3',
	\ 'grey30',
	\ 'grey31',
	\ 'grey32',
	\ 'grey33',
	\ 'grey34',
	\ 'grey35',
	\ 'grey36',
	\ 'grey37',
	\ 'grey38',
	\ 'grey39',
	\ 'grey4',
	\ 'grey40',
	\ 'grey41',
	\ 'grey42',
	\ 'grey43',
	\ 'grey44',
	\ 'grey45',
	\ 'grey46',
	\ 'grey47',
	\ 'grey48',
	\ 'grey49',
	\ 'grey5',
	\ 'grey50',
	\ 'grey51',
	\ 'grey52',
	\ 'grey53',
	\ 'grey54',
	\ 'grey55',
	\ 'grey56',
	\ 'grey57',
	\ 'grey58',
	\ 'grey59',
	\ 'grey6',
	\ 'grey60',
	\ 'grey61',
	\ 'grey62',
	\ 'grey63',
	\ 'grey64',
	\ 'grey65',
	\ 'grey66',
	\ 'grey67',
	\ 'grey68',
	\ 'grey69',
	\ 'grey7',
	\ 'grey70',
	\ 'grey71',
	\ 'grey72',
	\ 'grey73',
	\ 'grey74',
	\ 'grey75',
	\ 'grey76',
	\ 'grey77',
	\ 'grey78',
	\ 'grey79',
	\ 'grey8',
	\ 'grey80',
	\ 'grey81',
	\ 'grey82',
	\ 'grey83',
	\ 'grey84',
	\ 'grey85',
	\ 'grey86',
	\ 'grey87',
	\ 'grey88',
	\ 'grey89',
	\ 'grey9',
	\ 'grey90',
	\ 'grey91',
	\ 'grey92',
	\ 'grey93',
	\ 'grey94',
	\ 'grey95',
	\ 'grey96',
	\ 'grey97',
	\ 'grey98',
	\ 'grey99',
	\ 'honeydew',
	\ 'honeydew1',
	\ 'honeydew2',
	\ 'honeydew3',
	\ 'honeydew4',
	\ 'hot pink',
	\ 'indian red',
	\ 'ivory',
	\ 'ivory1',
	\ 'ivory2',
	\ 'ivory3',
	\ 'ivory4',
	\ 'khaki',
	\ 'khaki1',
	\ 'khaki2',
	\ 'khaki3',
	\ 'khaki4',
	\ 'lavender blush',
	\ 'lavender',
	\ 'lawn green',
	\ 'lemon chiffon',
	\ 'light blue',
	\ 'light coral',
	\ 'light cyan',
	\ 'light goldenrod yellow',
	\ 'light goldenrod',
	\ 'light gray',
	\ 'light green',
	\ 'light grey',
	\ 'light pink',
	\ 'light salmon',
	\ 'light sea green',
	\ 'light sky blue',
	\ 'light slate blue',
	\ 'light slate gray',
	\ 'light slate grey',
	\ 'light steel blue',
	\ 'light yellow',
	\ 'lightblue',
	\ 'lightcyan',
	\ 'lightgray',
	\ 'lightgreen',
	\ 'lightgrey',
	\ 'lightmagenta',
	\ 'lightred',
	\ 'lightyellow',
	\ 'lime green',
	\ 'linen',
	\ 'magenta',
	\ 'magenta1',
	\ 'magenta2',
	\ 'magenta3',
	\ 'magenta4',
	\ 'maroon',
	\ 'maroon1',
	\ 'maroon2',
	\ 'maroon3',
	\ 'maroon4',
	\ 'medium aquamarine',
	\ 'medium blue',
	\ 'medium orchid',
	\ 'medium purple',
	\ 'medium sea green',
	\ 'medium slate blue',
	\ 'medium spring green',
	\ 'medium turquoise',
	\ 'medium violet red',
	\ 'midnight blue',
	\ 'mint cream',
	\ 'misty rose',
	\ 'moccasin',
	\ 'navajo white',
	\ 'navy blue',
	\ 'navy',
	\ 'old lace',
	\ 'olive drab',
	\ 'orange red',
	\ 'orange',
	\ 'orange1',
	\ 'orange2',
	\ 'orange3',
	\ 'orange4',
	\ 'orchid',
	\ 'orchid1',
	\ 'orchid2',
	\ 'orchid3',
	\ 'orchid4',
	\ 'pale goldenrod',
	\ 'pale green',
	\ 'pale turquoise',
	\ 'pale violet red',
	\ 'papaya whip',
	\ 'peach puff',
	\ 'peru',
	\ 'pink',
	\ 'pink1',
	\ 'pink2',
	\ 'pink3',
	\ 'pink4',
	\ 'plum',
	\ 'plum1',
	\ 'plum2',
	\ 'plum3',
	\ 'plum4',
	\ 'powder blue',
	\ 'purple',
	\ 'purple1',
	\ 'purple2',
	\ 'purple3',
	\ 'purple4',
	\ 'red',
	\ 'red1',
	\ 'red2',
	\ 'red3',
	\ 'red4',
	\ 'rosy brown',
	\ 'royal blue',
	\ 'saddle brown',
	\ 'salmon',
	\ 'salmon1',
	\ 'salmon2',
	\ 'salmon3',
	\ 'salmon4',
	\ 'sandy brown',
	\ 'sea green',
	\ 'seagreen',
	\ 'seashell',
	\ 'seashell1',
	\ 'seashell2',
	\ 'seashell3',
	\ 'seashell4',
	\ 'sienna',
	\ 'sienna1',
	\ 'sienna2',
	\ 'sienna3',
	\ 'sienna4',
	\ 'sky blue',
	\ 'slate blue',
	\ 'slate gray',
	\ 'slate grey',
	\ 'slateblue',
	\ 'snow',
	\ 'snow1',
	\ 'snow2',
	\ 'snow3',
	\ 'snow4',
	\ 'spring green',
	\ 'steel blue',
	\ 'tan',
	\ 'tan1',
	\ 'tan2',
	\ 'tan3',
	\ 'tan4',
	\ 'thistle',
	\ 'thistle1',
	\ 'thistle2',
	\ 'thistle3',
	\ 'thistle4',
	\ 'tomato',
	\ 'tomato1',
	\ 'tomato2',
	\ 'tomato3',
	\ 'tomato4',
	\ 'turquoise',
	\ 'turquoise1',
	\ 'turquoise2',
	\ 'turquoise3',
	\ 'turquoise4',
	\ 'violet red',
	\ 'violet',
	\ 'wheat',
	\ 'wheat1',
	\ 'wheat2',
	\ 'wheat3',
	\ 'wheat4',
	\ 'white smoke',
	\ 'white',
	\ 'yellow green',
	\ 'yellow',
	\ 'yellow1',
	\ 'yellow2',
	\ 'yellow3',
	\ 'yellow4',
	\ ]
  for color in colors
    " just test that the color name can be found.
    exe "hi Mine guifg='" . color . "'"

  " case is ignored
  hi Mine guifg=blanchedalmond
  hi Mine guifg=BLANCHEDALMOND

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab