view ci/appveyor.bat @ 33664:06b59278bfcf v9.0.2070

patch 9.0.2070: [security] disallow setting env in restricted mode Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Thu Oct 26 22:14:17 2023 +0200 patch 9.0.2070: [security] disallow setting env in restricted mode Problem: [security] disallow setting env in restricted mode Solution: Setting environment variables in restricted mode could potentially be used to execute shell commands. Disallow this. restricted mode: disable allow setting of environment variables Setting environment variables in restricted mode, may have some unwanted consequences. So, for example by setting $GCONV_PATH in restricted mode and then calling the iconv() function, one may be able to execute some unwanted payload, because the `iconv_open()` function internally uses the `$GCONV_PATH` variable to find its conversion data. So let's disable setting environment variables, even so this is no complete protection, since we are not clearing the existing environment. I tried a few ways but wasn't successful :( One could also argue to disable the iconv() function completely in restricted mode, but who knows what other API functions can be influenced by setting some other unrelated environment variables. So let's leave it as it is currently. closes: #13394 See: Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Thu, 26 Oct 2023 22:30:03 +0200
parents 0c7d833308c7
line wrap: on
line source

@echo off
:: Batch file for building/testing Vim on AppVeyor
set target=%1


:: Python3
set PYTHON3_VER=311
set PYTHON3_RELEASE=3.11.1
set PYTHON3_DIR=C:\python%PYTHON3_VER%-x64

set "VSWHERE=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe"

if exist "%VSWHERE%" (
  for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (
    `"%VSWHERE%" -products * -latest -property installationPath`
  ) do (
    set "VCVARSALL=%%i\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat"

if not exist "%VCVARSALL%" (
  set "VCVARSALL=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat"
call "%VCVARSALL%" x64

goto %target%
echo Unknown build target.
exit 1

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo on
if not exist downloads mkdir downloads

:: Python 3
if not exist %PYTHON3_DIR% (
  call :downloadfile %PYTHON3_URL% downloads\python3.exe
  cmd /c start /wait downloads\python3.exe /quiet TargetDir=%PYTHON3_DIR% ^
      Include_pip=0 Include_tcltk=0 Include_test=0 Include_tools=0 ^
      AssociateFiles=0 Shortcuts=0 Include_doc=0 Include_launcher=0 ^
@echo off
goto :eof

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

cd src

echo "Building MSVC 64bit console Version"
nmake -f Make_mvc.mak CPU=AMD64 ^
    OLE=no GUI=no IME=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no ^
if not exist vim.exe (
    echo Build failure.
    exit 1

:: build MSVC huge version with python and channel support
:: GUI needs to be last, so that testing works
echo "Building MSVC 64bit GUI Version"
if "%FEATURE%" == "HUGE" (
    nmake -f Make_mvc.mak CPU=AMD64 ^
        OLE=no GUI=yes IME=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no POSTSCRIPT=yes ^
        PYTHON_VER=27 DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes PYTHON=C:\Python27-x64 ^
) ELSE (
    nmake -f Make_mvc.mak CPU=AMD64 ^
        OLE=no GUI=yes IME=yes ICONV=yes DEBUG=no ^
if not exist gvim.exe (
    echo Build failure.
    exit 1
.\gvim -u NONE -c "redir @a | ver |0put a | wq" ver_msvc.txt || exit 1

echo "version output MSVC console"
.\vim --version || exit 1
echo "version output MSVC GUI"
type ver_msvc.txt || exit 1

goto :eof

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@echo on
cd src/testdir
:: Testing with MSVC gvim
nmake -f Make_mvc.mak VIMPROG=..\gvim
nmake -f Make_mvc.mak clean
:: Testing with MSVC console version
nmake -f Make_mvc.mak VIMPROG=..\vim

@echo off
goto :eof

:: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: call :downloadfile <URL> <localfile>
if not exist %2 (
	curl -f -L %1 -o %2
	rem Retry once.
	curl -f -L %1 -o %2 || exit 1
@goto :eof