view src/testdir/test_scriptnames.vim @ 33811:06219b3bdaf3 v9.0.2121

patch 9.0.2121: [security]: use-after-free in ex_substitute Commit: Author: Christian Brabandt <> Date: Wed Nov 22 21:26:41 2023 +0100 patch 9.0.2121: [security]: use-after-free in ex_substitute Problem: [security]: use-after-free in ex_substitute Solution: always allocate memory closes: #13552 A recursive :substitute command could cause a heap-use-after free in Vim (CVE-2023-48706). The whole reproducible test is a bit tricky, I can only reproduce this reliably when no previous substitution command has been used yet (which is the reason, the test needs to run as first one in the test_substitute.vim file) and as a combination of the `:~` command together with a :s command that contains the special substitution atom `~\=` which will make use of a sub-replace special atom and calls a vim script function. There was a comment in the existing :s code, that already makes the `sub` variable allocate memory so that a recursive :s call won't be able to cause any issues here, so this was known as a potential problem already. But for the current test-case that one does not work, because the substitution does not start with `\=` but with `~\=` (and since there does not yet exist a previous substitution atom, Vim will simply increment the `sub` pointer (which then was not allocated dynamically) and later one happily use a sub-replace special expression (which could then free the `sub` var). The following commit fixes this, by making the sub var always using allocated memory, which also means we need to free the pointer whenever we leave the function. Since sub is now always an allocated variable, we also do no longer need the sub_copy variable anymore, since this one was used to indicated when sub pointed to allocated memory (and had therefore to be freed on exit) and when not. Github Security Advisory: Signed-off-by: Christian Brabandt <>
author Christian Brabandt <>
date Wed, 22 Nov 2023 22:15:05 +0100
parents 730eebd56f48
line wrap: on
line source

" Test for the :scriptnames command
func Test_scriptnames()
  call writefile(['let did_load_script = 123'], 'Xscripting', 'D')
  source Xscripting
  call assert_equal(123, g:did_load_script)

  let scripts = split(execute('scriptnames'), "\n")
  let last = scripts[-1]
  call assert_match('\<Xscripting\>', last)
  let lastnr = substitute(last, '\D*\(\d\+\):.*', '\1', '')
  exe 'script ' . lastnr
  call assert_equal('Xscripting', expand('%:t'))

  call assert_fails('script ' . (lastnr + 1), 'E474:')
  call assert_fails('script 0', 'E939:')

  call setline(1, 'nothing')
  call assert_fails('script ' . lastnr, 'E37:')
  exe 'script! ' . lastnr
  call assert_equal('Xscripting', expand('%:t'))


  let msgs = execute('messages')
  call assert_equal(msgs, execute('messages'))

" Test for the getscriptinfo() function
func Test_getscriptinfo()
  let lines =<< trim END
    scriptversion 3
    let g:loaded_script_id = expand("<SID>")
    let s:XscriptVar = [1, #{v: 2}]
    func s:XgetScriptVar()
      return s:XscriptVar
    func s:Xscript_legacy_func1()
    def s:Xscript_def_func1()
    func Xscript_legacy_func2()
    def Xscript_def_func2()
  call writefile(lines, 'X22script91', 'D')
  source X22script91
  let l = getscriptinfo()
  call assert_match('X22script91$', l[-1].name)
  call assert_equal(g:loaded_script_id, $"<SNR>{l[-1].sid}_")
  call assert_equal(3, l[-1].version)
  call assert_equal(0, has_key(l[-1], 'variables'))
  call assert_equal(0, has_key(l[-1], 'functions'))

  " Get script information using script name
  let l = getscriptinfo(#{name: '22script91'})
  call assert_equal(1, len(l))
  call assert_match('22script91$', l[0].name)
  let sid = l[0].sid

  " Get script information using script-ID
  let l = getscriptinfo({'sid': sid})
  call assert_equal(#{XscriptVar: [1, {'v': 2}]}, l[0].variables)
  let funcs = ['Xscript_legacy_func2',
        \ $"<SNR>{sid}_Xscript_legacy_func1",
        \ $"<SNR>{sid}_Xscript_def_func1",
        \ 'Xscript_def_func2',
        \ $"<SNR>{sid}_XgetScriptVar"]
  for f in funcs
    call assert_true(index(l[0].functions, f) != -1)

  " Verify that a script-local variable cannot be modified using the dict
  " returned by getscriptinfo()
  let l[0].variables.XscriptVar = ['n']
  let funcname = $"<SNR>{sid}_XgetScriptVar"
  call assert_equal([1, {'v': 2}], call(funcname, []))

  let l = getscriptinfo({'name': 'foobar'})
  call assert_equal(0, len(l))
  let l = getscriptinfo({'name': ''})
  call assert_true(len(l) > 1)

  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo({'name': []})", 'E730:')
  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo({'name': '\\@'})", 'E866:')
  let l = getscriptinfo({'name': test_null_string()})
  call assert_true(len(l) > 1)
  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo('foobar')", 'E1206:')

  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo({'sid': []})", 'E745:')
  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo({'sid': {}})", 'E728:')
  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo({'sid': 0})", 'E475:')
  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo({'sid': -1})", 'E475:')
  call assert_fails("echo getscriptinfo({'sid': -999})", 'E475:')

  echo getscriptinfo({'sid': '1'})
  call assert_fails("vim9cmd echo getscriptinfo({'sid': '1'})", 'E1030:')

  let max_sid = max(map(getscriptinfo(), { k, v -> v.sid }))
  call assert_equal([], getscriptinfo({'sid': max_sid + 1}))

" vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab