view runtime/compiler/ant.vim @ 19774:00a1b89256ea v8.2.0443

patch 8.2.0443: clipboard code is spread out Commit: Author: Bram Moolenaar <> Date: Tue Mar 24 21:42:01 2020 +0100 patch 8.2.0443: clipboard code is spread out Problem: Clipboard code is spread out. Solution: Move clipboard code to its own file. (Yegappan Lakshmanan, closes #5827)
author Bram Moolenaar <>
date Tue, 24 Mar 2020 21:45:04 +0100
parents 4707450c2b33
children e1df51f68736
line wrap: on
line source

" Vim Compiler File
" Compiler:	ant
" Maintainer:	Johannes Zellner <>
" Last Change:	Mi, 13 Apr 2005 22:50:07 CEST

if exists("current_compiler")
let current_compiler = "ant"

if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2		" older Vim always used :setlocal
  command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>

let s:cpo_save = &cpo
set cpo&vim

CompilerSet makeprg=ant

" first  line:
"     ant with jikes +E, which assumes  the following
"     two property lines in your 'build.xml':
"         <property name = "build.compiler"       value = "jikes"/>
"         <property name = "build.compiler.emacs" value = "true"/>
" second line:
"     ant with javac
" note that this will work also for tasks like [wtkbuild]
CompilerSet errorformat=\ %#[%.%#]\ %#%f:%l:%v:%*\\d:%*\\d:\ %t%[%^:]%#:%m,
    \%A\ %#[%.%#]\ %f:%l:\ %m,%-Z\ %#[%.%#]\ %p^,%C\ %#[%.%#]\ %#%m

" ,%-C%.%#

let &cpo = s:cpo_save
unlet s:cpo_save