diff src/testdir/test_terminal.vim @ 21126:a35036006352 v8.2.1114

patch 8.2.1114: terminal test sometimes times out Commit: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/1112c0febb509d0cb219f3a2479fd36833507167 Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Wed Jul 1 21:53:50 2020 +0200 patch 8.2.1114: terminal test sometimes times out Problem: Terminal test sometimes times out. Solution: Split the test in two parts.
author Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
date Wed, 01 Jul 2020 22:00:04 +0200
parents 1e2e81dbb958
children ffa6b82fa993
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
+++ b/src/testdir/test_terminal.vim
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
 " Tests for the terminal window.
+" This is split in two, because it can take a lot of time.
+" See test_terminal2.vim for further tests.
 source check.vim
 CheckFeature terminal
@@ -6,33 +8,11 @@ CheckFeature terminal
 source shared.vim
 source screendump.vim
 source mouse.vim
+source term_util.vim
 let s:python = PythonProg()
-" Open a terminal with a shell, assign the job to g:job and return the buffer
-" number.
-func Run_shell_in_terminal(options)
-  if has('win32')
-    let buf = term_start([&shell,'/k'], a:options)
-  else
-    let buf = term_start(&shell, a:options)
-  endif
-  let g:test_is_flaky = 1
-  let termlist = term_list()
-  call assert_equal(1, len(termlist))
-  call assert_equal(buf, termlist[0])
-  let g:job = term_getjob(buf)
-  call assert_equal(v:t_job, type(g:job))
-  let string = string({'job': buf->term_getjob()})
-  call assert_match("{'job': 'process \\d\\+ run'}", string)
-  return buf
 func Test_terminal_basic()
   au TerminalOpen * let b:done = 'yes'
   let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
@@ -1355,924 +1335,6 @@ func Test_terminal_dumpdiff_options()
   set laststatus&
-func Api_drop_common(options)
-  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
-  " Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
-  call writefile([
-	\ 'set title',
-	\ 'exe "set t_ts=\<Esc>]51; t_fs=\x07"',
-	\ 'let &titlestring = ''["drop","Xtextfile"' . a:options . ']''',
-	\ 'redraw',
-	\ "set t_ts=",
-	\ ], 'Xscript')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {})
-  call WaitFor({-> bufnr('Xtextfile') > 0})
-  call assert_equal('Xtextfile', expand('%:t'))
-  call assert_true(winnr('$') >= 3)
-  return buf
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = Api_drop_common('')
-  call assert_equal(0, &bin)
-  call assert_equal('', &fenc)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_bin()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"bin":1}')
-  call assert_equal(1, &bin)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_binary()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"binary":1}')
-  call assert_equal(1, &bin)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_nobin()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  set binary
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"nobin":1}')
-  call assert_equal(0, &bin)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-  set nobinary
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_nobinary()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  set binary
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"nobinary":1}')
-  call assert_equal(0, &bin)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-  set nobinary
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_ff()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"ff":"dos"}')
-  call assert_equal("dos", &ff)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_fileformat()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"fileformat":"dos"}')
-  call assert_equal("dos", &ff)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_enc()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"enc":"utf-16"}')
-  call assert_equal("utf-16", &fenc)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_newwin_encoding()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = Api_drop_common(',{"encoding":"utf-16"}')
-  call assert_equal("utf-16", &fenc)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Test_terminal_api_drop_oldwin()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let firstwinid = win_getid()
-  split Xtextfile
-  let textfile_winid = win_getid()
-  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
-  call win_gotoid(firstwinid)
-  " Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
-  call writefile([
-	\ 'set title',
-	\ 'exe "set t_ts=\<Esc>]51; t_fs=\x07"',
-	\ 'let &titlestring = ''["drop","Xtextfile"]''',
-	\ 'redraw',
-	\ "set t_ts=",
-	\ ], 'Xscript')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'rows': 10})
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('Xtextfile', expand('%:t'))})
-  call assert_equal(textfile_winid, win_getid())
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  bwipe Xtextfile
-func Tapi_TryThis(bufnum, arg)
-  let g:called_bufnum = a:bufnum
-  let g:called_arg = a:arg
-func WriteApiCall(funcname)
-  " Use the title termcap entries to output the escape sequence.
-  call writefile([
-	\ 'set title',
-	\ 'exe "set t_ts=\<Esc>]51; t_fs=\x07"',
-	\ 'let &titlestring = ''["call","' . a:funcname . '",["hello",123]]''',
-	\ 'redraw',
-	\ "set t_ts=",
-	\ ], 'Xscript')
-func Test_terminal_api_call()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum
-  unlet! g:called_arg
-  call WriteApiCall('Tapi_TryThis')
-  " Default
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {})
-  call WaitFor({-> exists('g:called_bufnum')})
-  call assert_equal(buf, g:called_bufnum)
-  call assert_equal(['hello', 123], g:called_arg)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum
-  unlet! g:called_arg
-  " Enable explicitly
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'term_api': 'Tapi_Try'})
-  call WaitFor({-> exists('g:called_bufnum')})
-  call assert_equal(buf, g:called_bufnum)
-  call assert_equal(['hello', 123], g:called_arg)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum
-  unlet! g:called_arg
-  func! ApiCall_TryThis(bufnum, arg)
-    let g:called_bufnum2 = a:bufnum
-    let g:called_arg2 = a:arg
-  endfunc
-  call WriteApiCall('ApiCall_TryThis')
-  " Use prefix match
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'term_api': 'ApiCall_'})
-  call WaitFor({-> exists('g:called_bufnum2')})
-  call assert_equal(buf, g:called_bufnum2)
-  call assert_equal(['hello', 123], g:called_arg2)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call assert_fails("call term_start('ls', {'term_api' : []})", 'E475:')
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum2
-  unlet! g:called_arg2
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  delfunction! ApiCall_TryThis
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum2
-  unlet! g:called_arg2
-func Test_terminal_api_call_fails()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  func! TryThis(bufnum, arg)
-    let g:called_bufnum3 = a:bufnum
-    let g:called_arg3 = a:arg
-  endfunc
-  call WriteApiCall('TryThis')
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum3
-  unlet! g:called_arg3
-  " Not permitted
-  call ch_logfile('Xlog', 'w')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'term_api': ''})
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('Unpermitted function: TryThis', string(readfile('Xlog')))})
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_bufnum3'))
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_arg3'))
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  " No match
-  call ch_logfile('Xlog', 'w')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'term_api': 'TryThat'})
-  call WaitFor({-> string(readfile('Xlog')) =~ 'Unpermitted function: TryThis'})
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_bufnum3'))
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_arg3'))
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  call ch_logfile('')
-  call delete('Xlog')
-  delfunction! TryThis
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum3
-  unlet! g:called_arg3
-let s:caught_e937 = 0
-func Tapi_Delete(bufnum, arg)
-  try
-    execute 'bdelete!' a:bufnum
-  catch /E937:/
-    let s:caught_e937 = 1
-  endtry
-func Test_terminal_api_call_fail_delete()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  call WriteApiCall('Tapi_Delete')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {})
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, s:caught_e937)})
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  call ch_logfile('', '')
-func Test_terminal_ansicolors_default()
-  CheckFunction term_getansicolors
-  let colors = [
-	\ '#000000', '#e00000',
-	\ '#00e000', '#e0e000',
-	\ '#0000e0', '#e000e0',
-	\ '#00e0e0', '#e0e0e0',
-	\ '#808080', '#ff4040',
-	\ '#40ff40', '#ffff40',
-	\ '#4040ff', '#ff40ff',
-	\ '#40ffff', '#ffffff',
-	\]
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  call assert_equal(colors, term_getansicolors(buf))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  call assert_equal([], term_getansicolors(buf))
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-let s:test_colors = [
-	\ '#616e64', '#0d0a79',
-	\ '#6d610d', '#0a7373',
-	\ '#690d0a', '#6d696e',
-	\ '#0d0a6f', '#616e0d',
-	\ '#0a6479', '#6d0d0a',
-	\ '#617373', '#0d0a69',
-	\ '#6d690d', '#0a6e6f',
-	\ '#610d0a', '#6e6479',
-	\]
-func Test_terminal_ansicolors_global()
-  CheckFeature termguicolors
-  CheckFunction term_getansicolors
-  let g:terminal_ansi_colors = reverse(copy(s:test_colors))
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  call assert_equal(g:terminal_ansi_colors, term_getansicolors(buf))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-  unlet g:terminal_ansi_colors
-func Test_terminal_ansicolors_func()
-  CheckFeature termguicolors
-  CheckFunction term_getansicolors
-  let g:terminal_ansi_colors = reverse(copy(s:test_colors))
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({'ansi_colors': s:test_colors})
-  call assert_equal(s:test_colors, term_getansicolors(buf))
-  call term_setansicolors(buf, g:terminal_ansi_colors)
-  call assert_equal(g:terminal_ansi_colors, buf->term_getansicolors())
-  let colors = [
-	\ 'ivory', 'AliceBlue',
-	\ 'grey67', 'dark goldenrod',
-	\ 'SteelBlue3', 'PaleVioletRed4',
-	\ 'MediumPurple2', 'yellow2',
-	\ 'RosyBrown3', 'OrangeRed2',
-	\ 'white smoke', 'navy blue',
-	\ 'grey47', 'gray97',
-	\ 'MistyRose2', 'DodgerBlue4',
-	\]
-  eval buf->term_setansicolors(colors)
-  let colors[4] = 'Invalid'
-  call assert_fails('call term_setansicolors(buf, colors)', 'E474:')
-  call assert_fails('call term_setansicolors(buf, {})', 'E714:')
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  call assert_equal(0, term_setansicolors(buf, []))
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-func Test_terminal_all_ansi_colors()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  " Use all the ANSI colors.
-  call writefile([
-	\ 'hi Tblack ctermfg=0 ctermbg=8',
-	\ 'hi Tdarkred ctermfg=1 ctermbg=9',
-	\ 'hi Tdarkgreen ctermfg=2 ctermbg=10',
-	\ 'hi Tbrown ctermfg=3 ctermbg=11',
-	\ 'hi Tdarkblue ctermfg=4 ctermbg=12',
-	\ 'hi Tdarkmagenta ctermfg=5 ctermbg=13',
-	\ 'hi Tdarkcyan ctermfg=6 ctermbg=14',
-	\ 'hi Tlightgrey ctermfg=7 ctermbg=15',
-	\ 'hi Tdarkgrey ctermfg=8 ctermbg=0',
-	\ 'hi Tred ctermfg=9 ctermbg=1',
-	\ 'hi Tgreen ctermfg=10 ctermbg=2',
-	\ 'hi Tyellow ctermfg=11 ctermbg=3',
-	\ 'hi Tblue ctermfg=12 ctermbg=4',
-	\ 'hi Tmagenta ctermfg=13 ctermbg=5',
-	\ 'hi Tcyan ctermfg=14 ctermbg=6',
-	\ 'hi Twhite ctermfg=15 ctermbg=7',
-	\ 'hi TdarkredBold ctermfg=1 cterm=bold',
-	\ 'hi TgreenBold ctermfg=10 cterm=bold',
-	\ 'hi TmagentaBold ctermfg=13 cterm=bold ctermbg=5',
-	\ '',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tblack", "A")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tdarkred", "B")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tdarkgreen", "C")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tbrown", "D")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tdarkblue", "E")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tdarkmagenta", "F")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tdarkcyan", "G")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tlightgrey", "H")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tdarkgrey", "I")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tred", "J")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tgreen", "K")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tyellow", "L")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tblue", "M")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tmagenta", "N")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Tcyan", "O")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("Twhite", "P")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("TdarkredBold", "X")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("TgreenBold", "Y")',
-	\ 'call  matchadd("TmagentaBold", "Z")',
-	\ 'redraw',
-	\ ], 'Xcolorscript')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xcolorscript', {'rows': 10})
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_all_ansi_colors', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":q\<CR>")
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xcolorscript')
-func Test_terminal_termwinsize_option_fixed()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  set termwinsize=6x40
-  let text = []
-  for n in range(10)
-    call add(text, repeat(n, 50))
-  endfor
-  call writefile(text, 'Xwinsize')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xwinsize', {})
-  let win = bufwinid(buf)
-  call assert_equal([6, 40], term_getsize(buf))
-  call assert_equal(6, winheight(win))
-  call assert_equal(40, winwidth(win))
-  " resizing the window doesn't resize the terminal.
-  resize 10
-  vertical resize 60
-  call assert_equal([6, 40], term_getsize(buf))
-  call assert_equal(10, winheight(win))
-  call assert_equal(60, winwidth(win))
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xwinsize')
-  call assert_fails('set termwinsize=40', 'E474')
-  call assert_fails('set termwinsize=10+40', 'E474')
-  call assert_fails('set termwinsize=abc', 'E474')
-  set termwinsize=
-func Test_terminal_termwinsize_option_zero()
-  set termwinsize=0x0
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  let win = bufwinid(buf)
-  call assert_equal([winheight(win), winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-  set termwinsize=7x0
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  let win = bufwinid(buf)
-  call assert_equal([7, winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-  set termwinsize=0x33
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  let win = bufwinid(buf)
-  call assert_equal([winheight(win), 33], term_getsize(buf))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-  set termwinsize=
-func Test_terminal_termwinsize_minimum()
-  set termwinsize=10*50
-  vsplit
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  let win = bufwinid(buf)
-  call assert_inrange(10, 1000, winheight(win))
-  call assert_inrange(50, 1000, winwidth(win))
-  call assert_equal([winheight(win), winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf))
-  resize 15
-  vertical resize 60
-  redraw
-  call assert_equal([15, 60], term_getsize(buf))
-  call assert_equal(15, winheight(win))
-  call assert_equal(60, winwidth(win))
-  resize 7
-  vertical resize 30
-  redraw
-  call assert_equal([10, 50], term_getsize(buf))
-  call assert_equal(7, winheight(win))
-  call assert_equal(30, winwidth(win))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-  set termwinsize=0*0
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  let win = bufwinid(buf)
-  call assert_equal([winheight(win), winwidth(win)], term_getsize(buf))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-  set termwinsize=
-func Test_terminal_termwinkey()
-  " make three tabpages, terminal in the middle
-  0tabnew
-  tabnext
-  tabnew
-  tabprev
-  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
-  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr())
-  let thiswin = win_getid()
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  let termwin = bufwinid(buf)
-  set termwinkey=<C-L>
-  call feedkeys("\<C-L>w", 'tx')
-  call assert_equal(thiswin, win_getid())
-  call feedkeys("\<C-W>w", 'tx')
-  call assert_equal(termwin, win_getid())
-  if has('langmap')
-    set langmap=xjyk
-    call feedkeys("\<C-L>x", 'tx')
-    call assert_equal(thiswin, win_getid())
-    call feedkeys("\<C-W>y", 'tx')
-    call assert_equal(termwin, win_getid())
-    set langmap=
-  endif
-  call feedkeys("\<C-L>gt", "xt")
-  call assert_equal(3, tabpagenr())
-  tabprev
-  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr())
-  call assert_equal(termwin, win_getid())
-  call feedkeys("\<C-L>gT", "xt")
-  call assert_equal(1, tabpagenr())
-  tabnext
-  call assert_equal(2, tabpagenr())
-  call assert_equal(termwin, win_getid())
-  let job = term_getjob(buf)
-  call feedkeys("\<C-L>\<C-C>", 'tx')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
-  set termwinkey&
-  tabnext
-  tabclose
-  tabprev
-  tabclose
-func Test_terminal_out_err()
-  CheckUnix
-  call writefile([
-	\ '#!/bin/sh',
-	\ 'echo "this is standard error" >&2',
-	\ 'echo "this is standard out" >&1',
-	\ ], 'Xechoerrout.sh')
-  call setfperm('Xechoerrout.sh', 'rwxrwx---')
-  let outfile = 'Xtermstdout'
-  let buf = term_start(['./Xechoerrout.sh'], {'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': outfile})
-  call WaitFor({-> !empty(readfile(outfile)) && !empty(term_getline(buf, 1))})
-  call assert_equal(['this is standard out'], readfile(outfile))
-  call assert_equal('this is standard error', term_getline(buf, 1))
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('dead', job_status(term_getjob(buf)))})
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
-  call delete('Xechoerrout.sh')
-  call delete(outfile)
-func Test_termwinscroll()
-  CheckUnix
-  " Let the terminal output more than 'termwinscroll' lines, some at the start
-  " will be dropped.
-  exe 'set termwinscroll=' . &lines
-  let buf = term_start('/bin/sh')
-  for i in range(1, &lines)
-    call feedkeys("echo " . i . "\<CR>", 'xt')
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match(string(i), term_getline(buf, term_getcursor(buf)[0] - 1))})
-  endfor
-  " Go to Terminal-Normal mode to update the buffer.
-  call feedkeys("\<C-W>N", 'xt')
-  call assert_inrange(&lines, &lines * 110 / 100 + winheight(0), line('$'))
-  " Every "echo nr" must only appear once
-  let lines = getline(1, line('$'))
-  for i in range(&lines - len(lines) / 2 + 2, &lines)
-    let filtered = filter(copy(lines), {idx, val -> val =~ 'echo ' . i . '\>'})
-    call assert_equal(1, len(filtered), 'for "echo ' . i . '"')
-  endfor
-  exe buf . 'bwipe!'
-" Resizing the terminal window caused an ml_get error.
-" TODO: This does not reproduce the original problem.
-func Test_terminal_resize()
-  set statusline=x
-  terminal
-  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
-  " Fill the terminal with text.
-  if has('win32')
-    call feedkeys("dir\<CR>", 'xt')
-  else
-    call feedkeys("ls\<CR>", 'xt')
-  endif
-  " Go to Terminal-Normal mode for a moment.
-  call feedkeys("\<C-W>N", 'xt')
-  " Open a new window
-  call feedkeys("i\<C-W>n", 'xt')
-  call assert_equal(3, winnr('$'))
-  redraw
-  close
-  call assert_equal(2, winnr('$'))
-  call feedkeys("exit\<CR>", 'xt')
-  set statusline&
-" must be nearly the last, we can't go back from GUI to terminal
-func Test_zz1_terminal_in_gui()
-  CheckCanRunGui
-  " Ignore the "failed to create input context" error.
-  call test_ignore_error('E285:')
-  gui -f
-  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({'term_finish': 'close'})
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  " closing window wipes out the terminal buffer a with finished job
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))})
-  call assert_equal("", bufname(buf))
-  unlet g:job
-func Test_zz2_terminal_guioptions_bang()
-  CheckGui
-  set guioptions+=!
-  let filename = 'Xtestscript'
-  if has('win32')
-    let filename .= '.bat'
-    let prefix = ''
-    let contents = ['@echo off', 'exit %1']
-  else
-    let filename .= '.sh'
-    let prefix = './'
-    let contents = ['#!/bin/sh', 'exit $1']
-  endif
-  call writefile(contents, filename)
-  call setfperm(filename, 'rwxrwx---')
-  " Check if v:shell_error is equal to the exit status.
-  let exitval = 0
-  execute printf(':!%s%s %d', prefix, filename, exitval)
-  call assert_equal(exitval, v:shell_error)
-  let exitval = 9
-  execute printf(':!%s%s %d', prefix, filename, exitval)
-  call assert_equal(exitval, v:shell_error)
-  set guioptions&
-  call delete(filename)
-func Test_terminal_hidden()
-  CheckUnix
-  term ++hidden cat
-  let bnr = bufnr('$')
-  call assert_equal('terminal', getbufvar(bnr, '&buftype'))
-  exe 'sbuf ' . bnr
-  call assert_equal('terminal', &buftype)
-  call term_sendkeys(bnr, "asdf\<CR>")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('asdf', term_getline(bnr, 2))})
-  call term_sendkeys(bnr, "\<C-D>")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('finished', bnr->term_getstatus())})
-  bwipe!
-func Test_terminal_switch_mode()
-  term
-  let bnr = bufnr('$')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("\<C-W>N", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running,normal', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("A", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("\<C-\>\<C-N>", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running,normal', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("I", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("\<C-W>Nv", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running,normal', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("I", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("\<C-W>Nv", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running,normal', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  call feedkeys("A", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('running', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-  bwipe!
-func Test_terminal_normal_mode()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  " Run Vim in a terminal and open a terminal window to run Vim in.
-  let lines =<< trim END
-    call setline(1, range(11111, 11122))
-    3
-  END
-  call writefile(lines, 'XtermNormal')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtermNormal', {'rows': 8})
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>N")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set number cursorline culopt=both\r")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_normal_1', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set culopt=number\r")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_normal_2', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set culopt=line\r")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_normal_3', {})
-  call assert_fails('call term_sendkeys(buf, [])', 'E730:')
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "a:q!\<CR>:q\<CR>:q\<CR>")
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('XtermNormal')
-func Test_terminal_hidden_and_close()
-  CheckUnix
-  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
-  term ++hidden ++close ls
-  let bnr = bufnr('$')
-  call assert_equal('terminal', getbufvar(bnr, '&buftype'))
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_false(bufexists(bnr))})
-  call assert_equal(1, winnr('$'))
-func Test_terminal_does_not_truncate_last_newlines()
-  " This test does not pass through ConPTY.
-  if has('conpty')
-    return
-  endif
-  let contents = [
-  \   [ 'One', '', 'X' ],
-  \   [ 'Two', '', '' ],
-  \   [ 'Three' ] + repeat([''], 30)
-  \ ]
-  for c in contents
-    call writefile(c, 'Xfile')
-    if has('win32')
-      term cmd /c type Xfile
-    else
-      term cat Xfile
-    endif
-    let bnr = bufnr('$')
-    call assert_equal('terminal', getbufvar(bnr, '&buftype'))
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('finished', term_getstatus(bnr))})
-    sleep 100m
-    call assert_equal(c, getline(1, line('$')))
-    quit
-  endfor
-  call delete('Xfile')
-func Test_terminal_no_job()
-  if has('win32')
-    let cmd = 'cmd /c ""'
-  else
-    CheckExecutable false
-    let cmd = 'false'
-  endif
-  let term = term_start(cmd, {'term_finish': 'close'})
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(v:null, term_getjob(term)) })
-func Test_term_getcursor()
-  CheckUnix
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  " Wait for the shell to display a prompt.
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 1))})
-  " Hide the cursor.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[?25l'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(0, term_getcursor(buf)[2].visible)})
-  " Show the cursor.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[?25h'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, buf->term_getcursor()[2].visible)})
-  " Change color of cursor.
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('', term_getcursor(buf)[2].color)})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033]12;blue\\007'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('blue', term_getcursor(buf)[2].color)})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033]12;green\\007'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('green', term_getcursor(buf)[2].color)})
-  " Make cursor a blinking block.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[1 q'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal([1, 1],
-  \ [term_getcursor(buf)[2].blink, term_getcursor(buf)[2].shape])})
-  " Make cursor a steady block.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[2 q'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal([0, 1],
-  \ [term_getcursor(buf)[2].blink, term_getcursor(buf)[2].shape])})
-  " Make cursor a blinking underline.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[3 q'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal([1, 2],
-  \ [term_getcursor(buf)[2].blink, term_getcursor(buf)[2].shape])})
-  " Make cursor a steady underline.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[4 q'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal([0, 2],
-  \ [term_getcursor(buf)[2].blink, term_getcursor(buf)[2].shape])})
-  " Make cursor a blinking vertical bar.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[5 q'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal([1, 3],
-  \ [term_getcursor(buf)[2].blink, term_getcursor(buf)[2].shape])})
-  " Make cursor a steady vertical bar.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "echo -e '\\033[6 q'\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal([0, 3],
-  \ [term_getcursor(buf)[2].blink, term_getcursor(buf)[2].shape])})
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-" Test for term_gettitle()
-func Test_term_gettitle()
-  " term_gettitle() returns an empty string for a non-terminal buffer
-  " and for a non-existing buffer.
-  call assert_equal('', bufnr('%')->term_gettitle())
-  call assert_equal('', term_gettitle(bufnr('$') + 1))
-  if !has('title') || empty(&t_ts)
-    throw "Skipped: can't get/set title"
-  endif
-  let term = term_start([GetVimProg(), '--clean', '-c', 'set noswapfile', '-c', 'set title'])
-  if has('autoservername')
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^\[No Name\] - VIM\d\+$', term_gettitle(term)) })
-    call term_sendkeys(term, ":e Xfoo\r")
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Xfoo (.*[/\\]testdir) - VIM\d\+$', term_gettitle(term)) })
-  else
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('[No Name] - VIM', term_gettitle(term)) })
-    call term_sendkeys(term, ":e Xfoo\r")
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('^Xfoo (.*[/\\]testdir) - VIM$', term_gettitle(term)) })
-  endif
-  call term_sendkeys(term, ":set titlestring=foo\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('foo', term_gettitle(term)) })
-  exe term . 'bwipe!'
-func Test_term_gettty()
-  let buf = Run_shell_in_terminal({})
-  let gettty = term_gettty(buf)
-  if has('unix') && executable('tty')
-    " Find tty using the tty shell command.
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 1))})
-    call term_sendkeys(buf, "tty\r")
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_notequal('', term_getline(buf, 3))})
-    let tty = term_getline(buf, 2)
-    call assert_equal(tty, gettty)
-  endif
-  let gettty0 = term_gettty(buf, 0)
-  let gettty1 = term_gettty(buf, 1)
-  call assert_equal(gettty, gettty0)
-  call assert_equal(job_info(g:job).tty_out, gettty0)
-  call assert_equal(job_info(g:job).tty_in,  gettty1)
-  if has('unix')
-    " For unix, term_gettty(..., 0) and term_gettty(..., 1)
-    " are identical according to :help term_gettty()
-    call assert_equal(gettty0, gettty1)
-    call assert_match('^/dev/', gettty)
-  else
-    " ConPTY works on anonymous pipe.
-    if !has('conpty')
-      call assert_match('^\\\\.\\pipe\\', gettty0)
-      call assert_match('^\\\\.\\pipe\\', gettty1)
-    endif
-  endif
-  call assert_fails('call term_gettty(buf, 2)', 'E475:')
-  call assert_fails('call term_gettty(buf, -1)', 'E475:')
-  call assert_equal('', term_gettty(buf + 1))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  exe buf . 'bwipe'
 " When drawing the statusline the cursor position may not have been updated
 " yet.
 " 1. create a terminal, make it show 2 lines
@@ -2297,619 +1359,5 @@ func Test_terminal_statusline()
   set statusline=
-func Test_terminal_getwinpos()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  " split, go to the bottom-right window
-  split
-  wincmd j
-  set splitright
-  call writefile([
-	\ 'echo getwinpos()',
-	\ ], 'XTest_getwinpos')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_getwinpos', {'cols': 60})
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  " Find the output of getwinpos() in the bottom line.
-  let rows = term_getsize(buf)[0]
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('\[\d\+, \d\+\]', term_getline(buf, rows))})
-  let line = term_getline(buf, rows)
-  let xpos = str2nr(substitute(line, '\[\(\d\+\), \d\+\]', '\1', ''))
-  let ypos = str2nr(substitute(line, '\[\d\+, \(\d\+\)\]', '\1', ''))
-  " Position must be bigger than the getwinpos() result of Vim itself.
-  " The calculation in the console assumes a 10 x 7 character cell.
-  " In the GUI it can be more, let's assume a 20 x 14 cell.
-  " And then add 100 / 200 tolerance.
-  let [xroot, yroot] = getwinpos()
-  let winpos = 50->getwinpos()
-  call assert_equal(xroot, winpos[0])
-  call assert_equal(yroot, winpos[1])
-  let [winrow, wincol] = win_screenpos('.')
-  let xoff = wincol * (has('gui_running') ? 14 : 7) + 100
-  let yoff = winrow * (has('gui_running') ? 20 : 10) + 200
-  call assert_inrange(xroot + 2, xroot + xoff, xpos)
-  call assert_inrange(yroot + 2, yroot + yoff, ypos)
-  call TermWait(buf)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":q\<CR>")
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('XTest_getwinpos')
-  exe buf . 'bwipe!'
-  set splitright&
-  only!
-func Test_terminal_altscreen()
-  " somehow doesn't work on MS-Windows
-  CheckUnix
-  let cmd = "cat Xtext\<CR>"
-  let buf = term_start(&shell, {})
-  call writefile(["\<Esc>[?1047h"], 'Xtext')
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, cmd)
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(1, term_getaltscreen(buf))})
-  call writefile(["\<Esc>[?1047l"], 'Xtext')
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, cmd)
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(0, term_getaltscreen(buf))})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "exit\r")
-  exe buf . "bwipe!"
-  call delete('Xtext')
-func Test_terminal_shell_option()
-  if has('unix')
-    " exec is a shell builtin command, should fail without a shell.
-    term exec ls runtest.vim
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('job failed', term_getline(bufnr(), 1))})
-    bwipe!
-    term ++shell exec ls runtest.vim
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('runtest.vim', term_getline(bufnr(), 1))})
-    bwipe!
-  elseif has('win32')
-    " dir is a shell builtin command, should fail without a shell.
-    try
-      term dir /b runtest.vim
-      call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('job failed\|cannot access .*: No such file or directory', term_getline(bufnr(), 1))})
-    catch /CreateProcess/
-      " ignore
-    endtry
-    bwipe!
-    term ++shell dir /b runtest.vim
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('runtest.vim', term_getline(bufnr(), 1))})
-    bwipe!
-  endif
-func Test_terminal_setapi_and_call()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  call WriteApiCall('Tapi_TryThis')
-  call ch_logfile('Xlog', 'w')
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum
-  unlet! g:called_arg
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S Xscript', {'term_api': ''})
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('Unpermitted function: Tapi_TryThis', string(readfile('Xlog')))})
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_bufnum'))
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_arg'))
-  eval buf->term_setapi('Tapi_')
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set notitle\<CR>")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":source Xscript\<CR>")
-  call WaitFor({-> exists('g:called_bufnum')})
-  call assert_equal(buf, g:called_bufnum)
-  call assert_equal(['hello', 123], g:called_arg)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  call ch_logfile('')
-  call delete('Xlog')
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum
-  unlet! g:called_arg
-func Test_terminal_api_arg()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  call WriteApiCall('Tapi_TryThis')
-  call ch_logfile('Xlog', 'w')
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum
-  unlet! g:called_arg
-  execute 'term ++api= ' .. GetVimCommandCleanTerm() .. '-S Xscript'
-  let buf = bufnr('%')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_match('Unpermitted function: Tapi_TryThis', string(readfile('Xlog')))})
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_bufnum'))
-  call assert_false(exists('g:called_arg'))
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call ch_logfile('Xlog', 'w')
-  execute 'term ++api=Tapi_ ' .. GetVimCommandCleanTerm() .. '-S Xscript'
-  let buf = bufnr('%')
-  call WaitFor({-> exists('g:called_bufnum')})
-  call assert_equal(buf, g:called_bufnum)
-  call assert_equal(['hello', 123], g:called_arg)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xscript')
-  call ch_logfile('')
-  call delete('Xlog')
-  unlet! g:called_bufnum
-  unlet! g:called_arg
-func Test_terminal_invalid_arg()
-  call assert_fails('terminal ++xyz', 'E181:')
-func Test_terminal_in_popup()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let text =<< trim END
-    some text
-    to edit
-    in a popup window
-  END
-  call writefile(text, 'Xtext')
-  let cmd = GetVimCommandCleanTerm()
-  let lines = [
-	\ 'call setline(1, range(20))',
-	\ 'hi PopTerm ctermbg=grey',
-	\ 'func OpenTerm(setColor)',
-	\ "  set noruler",
-	\ "  let s:buf = term_start('" .. cmd .. " Xtext', #{hidden: 1, term_finish: 'close'})",
-	\ '  let g:winid = popup_create(s:buf, #{minwidth: 45, minheight: 7, border: [], drag: 1, resize: 1})',
-	\ '  if a:setColor',
-	\ '    call win_execute(g:winid, "set wincolor=PopTerm")',
-	\ '  endif',
-	\ 'endfunc',
-	\ 'func HidePopup()',
-	\ '  call popup_hide(g:winid)',
-	\ 'endfunc',
-	\ 'func ClosePopup()',
-	\ '  call popup_close(g:winid)',
-	\ 'endfunc',
-	\ 'func ReopenPopup()',
-	\ '  call popup_create(s:buf, #{minwidth: 40, minheight: 6, border: []})',
-	\ 'endfunc',
-	\ ]
-  call writefile(lines, 'XtermPopup')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtermPopup', #{rows: 15})
-  call TermWait(buf, 100)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call OpenTerm(0)\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 100)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 100)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>:echo getwinvar(g:winid, \"&buftype\") win_gettype(g:winid)\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_1', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":q\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_2', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call OpenTerm(1)\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 150)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set hlsearch\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 100)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "/edit\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_3', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>:call HidePopup()\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_4', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>:call ClosePopup()\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_5', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>:call ReopenPopup()\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_6', {})
-  " Go to terminal-Normal mode and visually select text.
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-W>Ngg/in\<CR>vww")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_7', {})
-  " Back to job mode, redraws
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "A")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_8', {})
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":q\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 150)  " wait for terminal to vanish
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xtext')
-  call delete('XtermPopup')
-" Check a terminal in popup window uses the default mininum size.
-func Test_terminal_in_popup_min_size()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let text =<< trim END
-    another text
-    to show
-    in a popup window
-  END
-  call writefile(text, 'Xtext')
-  let lines = [
-	\ 'call setline(1, range(20))',
-	\ 'func OpenTerm()',
-	\ "  let s:buf = term_start('cat Xtext', #{hidden: 1})",
-	\ '  let g:winid = popup_create(s:buf, #{ border: []})',
-	\ 'endfunc',
-	\ ]
-  call writefile(lines, 'XtermPopup')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtermPopup', #{rows: 15})
-  call TermWait(buf, 100)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set noruler\<CR>")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call OpenTerm()\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_m1', {})
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":q\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)  " wait for terminal to vanish
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('Xtext')
-  call delete('XtermPopup')
-" Check a terminal in popup window with different colors
-func Terminal_in_popup_colored(group_name, highlight_cmd, highlight_opt)
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  CheckUnix
-  let lines = [
-	\ 'call setline(1, range(20))',
-	\ 'func OpenTerm()',
-	\ "  let s:buf = term_start('cat', #{hidden: 1, "
-	\ .. a:highlight_opt .. "})",
-	\ '  let g:winid = popup_create(s:buf, #{ border: []})',
-	\ 'endfunc',
-	\ a:highlight_cmd,
-	\ ]
-  call writefile(lines, 'XtermPopup')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XtermPopup', #{rows: 15})
-  call TermWait(buf, 100)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set noruler\<CR>")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call OpenTerm()\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "hello\<CR>")
-  call VerifyScreenDump(buf, 'Test_terminal_popup_' .. a:group_name, {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-D>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":q\<CR>")
-  call TermWait(buf, 50)  " wait for terminal to vanish
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('XtermPopup')
-func Test_terminal_in_popup_colored_Terminal()
-  call Terminal_in_popup_colored("Terminal", "highlight Terminal ctermfg=blue ctermbg=yellow", "")
-func Test_terminal_in_popup_colored_group()
-  call Terminal_in_popup_colored("MyTermCol", "highlight MyTermCol ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=lightblue", "term_highlight: 'MyTermCol',")
-func Test_double_popup_terminal()
-  let buf1 = term_start(&shell, #{hidden: 1})
-  let win1 = popup_create(buf1, {})
-  let buf2 = term_start(&shell, #{hidden: 1})
-  call assert_fails('call popup_create(buf2, {})', 'E861:')
-  call popup_close(win1)
-  exe buf1 .. 'bwipe!'
-  exe buf2 .. 'bwipe!'
-func Test_issue_5607()
-  let wincount = winnr('$')
-  exe 'terminal' &shell &shellcmdflag 'exit'
-  let job = term_getjob(bufnr())
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("dead", job_status(job))})
-  let old_wincolor = &wincolor
-  try
-    set wincolor=
-  finally
-    let &wincolor = old_wincolor
-    bw!
-  endtry
-func Test_hidden_terminal()
-  let buf = term_start(&shell, #{hidden: 1})
-  call assert_equal('', bufname('^$'))
-  call StopShellInTerminal(buf)
-func Test_term_nasty_callback()
-  CheckExecutable sh
-  set hidden
-  let g:buf0 = term_start('sh', #{hidden: 1, term_finish: 'close'})
-  call popup_create(g:buf0, {})
-  call assert_fails("call term_start(['sh', '-c'], #{curwin: 1})", 'E863:')
-  call popup_clear(1)
-  set hidden&
-func Test_term_and_startinsert()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  CheckUnix
-  let lines =<< trim EOL
-     put='some text'
-     term
-     startinsert
-  EOL
-  call writefile(lines, 'XTest_startinsert')
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('-S XTest_startinsert', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "exit\r")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("some text", term_getline(buf, 1))})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "0l")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "A<\<Esc>")
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal("some text<", term_getline(buf, 1))})
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  call delete('XTest_startinsert')
-" Test for passing invalid arguments to terminal functions
-func Test_term_func_invalid_arg()
-  call assert_fails('let b = term_getaltscreen([])', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('let a = term_getattr(1, [])', 'E730:')
-  call assert_fails('let c = term_getcursor([])', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('let l = term_getline([], 1)', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('let l = term_getscrolled([])', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('let s = term_getsize([])', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('let s = term_getstatus([])', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('let s = term_scrape([], 1)', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('call term_sendkeys([], "a")', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('call term_setapi([], "")', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('call term_setrestore([], "")', 'E745:')
-  call assert_fails('call term_setkill([], "")', 'E745:')
-  if has('gui') || has('termguicolors')
-    call assert_fails('let p = term_getansicolors([])', 'E745:')
-    call assert_fails('call term_setansicolors([], [])', 'E745:')
-  endif
-" Test for sending various special keycodes to a terminal
-func Test_term_keycode_translation()
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nocompatible\<CR>")
-  let keys = ["\<F1>", "\<F2>", "\<F3>", "\<F4>", "\<F5>", "\<F6>", "\<F7>",
-        \ "\<F8>", "\<F9>", "\<F10>", "\<F11>", "\<F12>", "\<Home>",
-        \ "\<S-Home>", "\<C-Home>", "\<End>", "\<S-End>", "\<C-End>",
-	\ "\<Ins>", "\<Del>", "\<Left>", "\<S-Left>", "\<C-Left>", "\<Right>",
-        \ "\<S-Right>", "\<C-Right>", "\<Up>", "\<S-Up>", "\<Down>",
-        \ "\<S-Down>"]
-  let output = ['<F1>', '<F2>', '<F3>', '<F4>', '<F5>', '<F6>', '<F7>',
-        \ '<F8>', '<F9>', '<F10>', '<F11>', '<F12>', '<Home>', '<S-Home>',
-        \ '<C-Home>', '<End>', '<S-End>', '<C-End>', '<Insert>', '<Del>',
-        \ '<Left>', '<S-Left>', '<C-Left>', '<Right>', '<S-Right>',
-        \ '<C-Right>', '<Up>', '<S-Up>', '<Down>', '<S-Down>']
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "i")
-  for i in range(len(keys))
-    call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-U>\<C-K>" .. keys[i])
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(output[i], term_getline(buf, 1))})
-  endfor
-  let keypad_keys = ["\<k0>", "\<k1>", "\<k2>", "\<k3>", "\<k4>", "\<k5>",
-        \ "\<k6>", "\<k7>", "\<k8>", "\<k9>", "\<kPoint>", "\<kPlus>",
-        \ "\<kMinus>", "\<kMultiply>", "\<kDivide>"]
-  let keypad_output = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5',
-        \ '6', '7', '8', '9', '.', '+',
-        \ '-', '*', '/']
-  for i in range(len(keypad_keys))
-    " TODO: Mysteriously keypad 3 and 9 do not work on some systems.
-    if keypad_output[i] == '3' || keypad_output[i] == '9'
-      continue
-    endif
-    call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<C-U>" .. keypad_keys[i])
-    call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal(keypad_output[i], term_getline(buf, 1))})
-  endfor
-  call feedkeys("\<C-U>\<kEnter>\<BS>one\<C-W>.two", 'xt')
-  call WaitForAssert({-> assert_equal('two', term_getline(buf, 1))})
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-" Test for using the mouse in a terminal
-func Test_term_mouse()
-  CheckNotGui
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  let save_mouse = &mouse
-  let save_term = &term
-  let save_ttymouse = &ttymouse
-  let save_clipboard = &clipboard
-  set mouse=a term=xterm ttymouse=sgr mousetime=200 clipboard=
-  let lines =<< trim END
-    one two three four five
-    red green yellow red blue
-    vim emacs sublime nano
-  END
-  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_mouse')
-  " Create a terminal window running Vim for the test with mouse enabled
-  let prev_win = win_getid()
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest_mouse -n', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nocompatible\<CR>")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set mouse=a term=xterm ttymouse=sgr\<CR>")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set clipboard=\<CR>")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set mousemodel=extend\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf)
-  redraw!
-  " Use the mouse to enter the terminal window
-  call win_gotoid(prev_win)
-  call feedkeys(MouseLeftClickCode(1, 1), 'x')
-  call feedkeys(MouseLeftReleaseCode(1, 1), 'x')
-  call assert_equal(1, getwininfo(win_getid())[0].terminal)
-  " Test for <LeftMouse> click/release
-  call test_setmouse(2, 5)
-  call feedkeys("\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>", 'xt')
-  call test_setmouse(3, 8)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call writefile([json_encode(getpos('.'))], 'Xbuf')\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  let pos = json_decode(readfile('Xbuf')[0])
-  call assert_equal([3, 8], pos[1:2])
-  " Test for selecting text using mouse
-  call delete('Xbuf')
-  call test_setmouse(2, 11)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftMouse>")
-  call test_setmouse(2, 16)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftRelease>y")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call writefile([@\"], 'Xbuf')\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call assert_equal('yellow', readfile('Xbuf')[0])
-  " Test for selecting text using doubleclick
-  call delete('Xbuf')
-  call test_setmouse(1, 11)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>\<LeftMouse>")
-  call test_setmouse(1, 17)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftRelease>y")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call writefile([@\"], 'Xbuf')\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call assert_equal('three four', readfile('Xbuf')[0])
-  " Test for selecting a line using triple click
-  call delete('Xbuf')
-  call test_setmouse(3, 2)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>y")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call writefile([@\"], 'Xbuf')\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call assert_equal("vim emacs sublime nano\n", readfile('Xbuf')[0])
-  " Test for selecting a block using qudraple click
-  call delete('Xbuf')
-  call test_setmouse(1, 11)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>\<LeftMouse>")
-  call test_setmouse(3, 13)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftRelease>y")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call writefile([@\"], 'Xbuf')\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call assert_equal("ree\nyel\nsub", readfile('Xbuf')[0])
-  " Test for extending a selection using right click
-  call delete('Xbuf')
-  call test_setmouse(2, 9)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<LeftMouse>\<LeftRelease>")
-  call test_setmouse(2, 16)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\<RightMouse>\<RightRelease>y")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call writefile([@\"], 'Xbuf')\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call assert_equal("n yellow", readfile('Xbuf')[0])
-  " Test for pasting text using middle click
-  call delete('Xbuf')
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":let @r='bright '\<CR>")
-  call test_setmouse(2, 22)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, "\"r\<MiddleMouse>\<MiddleRelease>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":call writefile([getline(2)], 'Xbuf')\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf, 50)
-  call assert_equal("red bright blue", readfile('Xbuf')[0][-15:])
-  " cleanup
-  call term_wait(buf)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  let &mouse = save_mouse
-  let &term = save_term
-  let &ttymouse = save_ttymouse
-  let &clipboard = save_clipboard
-  set mousetime&
-  call delete('Xtest_mouse')
-  call delete('Xbuf')
-" Test for modeless selection in a terminal
-func Test_term_modeless_selection()
-  CheckUnix
-  CheckNotGui
-  CheckRunVimInTerminal
-  CheckFeature clipboard_working
-  let save_mouse = &mouse
-  let save_term = &term
-  let save_ttymouse = &ttymouse
-  set mouse=a term=xterm ttymouse=sgr mousetime=200
-  set clipboard=autoselectml
-  let lines =<< trim END
-    one two three four five
-    red green yellow red blue
-    vim emacs sublime nano
-  END
-  call writefile(lines, 'Xtest_modeless')
-  " Create a terminal window running Vim for the test with mouse disabled
-  let prev_win = win_getid()
-  let buf = RunVimInTerminal('Xtest_modeless -n', {})
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set nocompatible\<CR>")
-  call term_sendkeys(buf, ":set mouse=\<CR>")
-  call term_wait(buf)
-  redraw!
-  " Use the mouse to enter the terminal window
-  call win_gotoid(prev_win)
-  call feedkeys(MouseLeftClickCode(1, 1), 'x')
-  call feedkeys(MouseLeftReleaseCode(1, 1), 'x')
-  call term_wait(buf)
-  call assert_equal(1, getwininfo(win_getid())[0].terminal)
-  " Test for copying a modeless selection to clipboard
-  let @* = 'clean'
-  " communicating with X server may take a little time
-  sleep 100m
-  call feedkeys(MouseLeftClickCode(2, 3), 'x')
-  call feedkeys(MouseLeftDragCode(2, 11), 'x')
-  call feedkeys(MouseLeftReleaseCode(2, 11), 'x')
-  call assert_equal("d green y", @*)
-  " cleanup
-  call term_wait(buf)
-  call StopVimInTerminal(buf)
-  let &mouse = save_mouse
-  let &term = save_term
-  let &ttymouse = save_ttymouse
-  set mousetime& clipboard&
-  call delete('Xtest_modeless')
-  new | only!
 " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab