diff runtime/doc/usr_41.txt @ 28862:82244cfc4694

Update runtime files, new color schemes Commit: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/30ab04e16e1e9e6133590181197b3f8e70cb495e Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Sat May 14 13:33:50 2022 +0100 Update runtime files, new color schemes
author Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
date Sat, 14 May 2022 14:45:04 +0200
parents 0f0fed554cdc
children c5862dfaf0bd
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/usr_41.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 8.2.  Last change: 2022 May 09
+*usr_41.txt*	For Vim version 8.2.  Last change: 2022 May 13
 		     VIM USER MANUAL - by Bram Moolenaar
@@ -19,12 +19,6 @@ script.  There are a lot of them, thus t
 |41.8|	Lists and Dictionaries
 |41.9|	Exceptions
 |41.10|	Various remarks
-|41.11|	Writing a plugin
-|41.12|	Writing a filetype plugin
-|41.13|	Writing a compiler plugin
-|41.14|	Writing a plugin that loads quickly
-|41.15|	Writing library scripts
-|41.16|	Distributing Vim scripts
      Next chapter: |usr_42.txt|  Add new menus
  Previous chapter: |usr_40.txt|  Make new commands
@@ -42,14 +36,10 @@ Syntax files are also Vim scripts.  As a
 specific file type.  A complicated macro can be defined by a separate Vim
 script file.  You can think of other uses yourself.
-	If you are familiar with Python, you can find a comparison between
-	Python and Vim script here, with pointers to other documents:
-	   https://gist.github.com/yegappan/16d964a37ead0979b05e655aa036cad0
-	And if you are familiar with JavaScript:
-	   https://w0rp.com/blog/post/vim-script-for-the-javascripter/
 Vim script comes in two flavors: legacy and |Vim9|.  Since this help file is
 for new users, we'll teach you the newer and more convenient |Vim9| syntax.
+While legacy script is particular for Vim, |Vim9| script looks more like other
+languages, such as JavaScript and TypeScript.
 To try out Vim script the best way is to edit a script file and source it.
 Basically: >
@@ -1929,839 +1919,6 @@ If you split your plugin into parts, you
 share items between those parts.  See `:export` for the details.
-*41.11*	Writing a plugin				*write-plugin*
-You can write a Vim script in such a way that many people can use it.  This is
-called a plugin.  Vim users can drop your script in their plugin directory and
-use its features right away |add-plugin|.
-There are actually two types of plugins:
-  global plugins: For all types of files.
-filetype plugins: Only for files of a specific type.
-In this section the first type is explained.  Most items are also relevant for
-writing filetype plugins.  The specifics for filetype plugins are in the next
-section |write-filetype-plugin|.
-First of all you must choose a name for your plugin.  The features provided
-by the plugin should be clear from its name.  And it should be unlikely that
-someone else writes a plugin with the same name but which does something
-A script that corrects typing mistakes could be called "typecorrect.vim".  We
-will use it here as an example.
-For the plugin to work for everybody, it should follow a few guidelines.  This
-will be explained step-by-step.  The complete example plugin is at the end.
-Let's start with the body of the plugin, the lines that do the actual work: >
- 14	iabbrev teh the
- 15	iabbrev otehr other
- 16	iabbrev wnat want
- 17	iabbrev synchronisation
- 18		\ synchronization
-The actual list should be much longer, of course.
-The line numbers have only been added to explain a few things, don't put them
-in your plugin file!
-  1	vim9script noclear
-You need to use `vimscript` as the very first command.  Best is to put it in
-the very first line.
-The script we are writing will have a `finish` command to bail out when it is
-loaded a second time.  To avoid the items defined in the script are lost the
-"noclear" argument is used.  More info about this at |vim9-reload|.
-You will probably add new corrections to the plugin and soon have several
-versions lying around.  And when distributing this file, people will want to
-know who wrote this wonderful plugin and where they can send remarks.
-Therefore, put a header at the top of your plugin: >
-  2	# Vim global plugin for correcting typing mistakes
-  3	# Last Change:	2021 Dec 30
-  4	# Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
-About copyright and licensing: Since plugins are very useful and it's hardly
-worth restricting their distribution, please consider making your plugin
-either public domain or use the Vim |license|.  A short note about this near
-the top of the plugin should be sufficient.  Example: >
-  5	# License:	This file is placed in the public domain.
-In line 18 above, the line-continuation mechanism is used |line-continuation|.
-Users with 'compatible' set will run into trouble here, they will get an error
-message.  We can't just reset 'compatible', because that has a lot of side
-effects.  Instead, we will set the 'cpoptions' option to its Vim default
-value and restore it later.  That will allow the use of line-continuation and
-make the script work for most people.  It is done like this: >
- 11	var save_cpo = &cpo
- 12	set cpo&vim
- ..
- 42	&cpo = save_cpo
-We first store the old value of 'cpoptions' in the "save_cpo" variable.  At
-the end of the plugin this value is restored.
-Notice that "save_cpo" is a script-local variable.  A global variable could
-already be in use for something else.  Always use script-local variables for
-things that are only used in the script.
-It is possible that a user doesn't always want to load this plugin.  Or the
-system administrator has dropped it in the system-wide plugin directory, but a
-user has his own plugin he wants to use.  Then the user must have a chance to
-disable loading this specific plugin.  These lines will make it possible: >
-  7	if exists("g:loaded_typecorrect")
-  8	  finish
-  9	endif
- 10	g:loaded_typecorrect = 1
-This also avoids that when the script is loaded twice it would pointlessly
-redefine functions and cause trouble for autocommands that are added twice.
-The name is recommended to start with "g:loaded_" and then the file name of
-the plugin, literally.  The "g:" is prepended to make the variable global, so
-that other places can check whether its functionality is available.  Without
-"g:" it would be local to the script.
-Using `finish` stops Vim from reading the rest of the file, it's much quicker
-than using if-endif around the whole file, since Vim would still need to parse
-the commands to find the `endif`.
-Now let's make the plugin more interesting: We will add a mapping that adds a
-correction for the word under the cursor.  We could just pick a key sequence
-for this mapping, but the user might already use it for something else.  To
-allow the user to define which keys a mapping in a plugin uses, the <Leader>
-item can be used: >
- 22	  map <unique> <Leader>a  <Plug>TypecorrAdd;
-The "<Plug>TypecorrAdd;" thing will do the work, more about that further on.
-The user can set the "g:mapleader" variable to the key sequence that he wants
-plugin mappings to start with.  Thus if the user has done: >
-	g:mapleader = "_"
-the mapping will define "_a".  If the user didn't do this, the default value
-will be used, which is a backslash.  Then a map for "\a" will be defined.
-Note that <unique> is used, this will cause an error message if the mapping
-already happened to exist. |:map-<unique>|
-But what if the user wants to define his own key sequence?  We can allow that
-with this mechanism: >
- 21	if !hasmapto('<Plug>TypecorrAdd;')
- 22	  map <unique> <Leader>a  <Plug>TypecorrAdd;
- 23	endif
-This checks if a mapping to "<Plug>TypecorrAdd;" already exists, and only
-defines the mapping from "<Leader>a" if it doesn't.  The user then has a
-chance of putting this in his vimrc file: >
-	map ,c  <Plug>TypecorrAdd;
-Then the mapped key sequence will be ",c" instead of "_a" or "\a".
-If a script gets longer, you often want to break up the work in pieces.  You
-can use functions or mappings for this.  But you don't want these functions
-and mappings to interfere with the ones from other scripts.  For example, you
-could define a function Add(), but another script could try to define the same
-function.  To avoid this, we define the function local to the script.
-Fortunately, in |Vim9| script this is the default.  In a legacy script you
-would need to prefix the name with "s:".
-We will define a function that adds a new typing correction: >
- 30	def Add(from: string, correct: bool)
- 31	  var to = input("type the correction for " .. from .. ": ")
- 32	  exe ":iabbrev " .. from .. " " .. to
- ..
- 36	enddef
-Now we can call the function Add() from within this script.  If another
-script also defines Add(), it will be local to that script and can only
-be called from that script.  There can also be a global g:Add() function,
-which is again another function.
-<SID> can be used with mappings.  It generates a script ID, which identifies
-the current script.  In our typing correction plugin we use it like this: >
- 24	noremap <unique> <script> <Plug>TypecorrAdd;  <SID>Add
- ..
- 28	noremap <SID>Add  :call <SID>Add(expand("<cword>"), true)<CR>
-Thus when a user types "\a", this sequence is invoked: >
-	\a  ->  <Plug>TypecorrAdd;  ->  <SID>Add  ->  :call <SID>Add(...)
-If another script also maps <SID>Add, it will get another script ID and
-thus define another mapping.
-Note that instead of Add() we use <SID>Add() here.  That is because the
-mapping is typed by the user, thus outside of the script context.  The <SID>
-is translated to the script ID, so that Vim knows in which script to look for
-the Add() function.
-This is a bit complicated, but it's required for the plugin to work together
-with other plugins.  The basic rule is that you use <SID>Add() in mappings and
-Add() in other places (the script itself, autocommands, user commands).
-We can also add a menu entry to do the same as the mapping: >
- 26	noremenu <script> Plugin.Add\ Correction      <SID>Add
-The "Plugin" menu is recommended for adding menu items for plugins.  In this
-case only one item is used.  When adding more items, creating a submenu is
-recommended.  For example, "Plugin.CVS" could be used for a plugin that offers
-CVS operations "Plugin.CVS.checkin", "Plugin.CVS.checkout", etc.
-Note that in line 28 ":noremap" is used to avoid that any other mappings cause
-trouble.  Someone may have remapped ":call", for example.  In line 24 we also
-use ":noremap", but we do want "<SID>Add" to be remapped.  This is why
-"<script>" is used here.  This only allows mappings which are local to the
-script. |:map-<script>|  The same is done in line 26 for ":noremenu".
-<SID> AND <Plug>					*using-<Plug>*
-Both <SID> and <Plug> are used to avoid that mappings of typed keys interfere
-with mappings that are only to be used from other mappings.  Note the
-difference between using <SID> and <Plug>:
-<Plug>	is visible outside of the script.  It is used for mappings which the
-	user might want to map a key sequence to.  <Plug> is a special code
-	that a typed key will never produce.
-	To make it very unlikely that other plugins use the same sequence of
-	characters, use this structure: <Plug> scriptname mapname
-	In our example the scriptname is "Typecorr" and the mapname is "Add".
-	We add a semicolon as the terminator.  This results in
-	"<Plug>TypecorrAdd;".  Only the first character of scriptname and
-	mapname is uppercase, so that we can see where mapname starts.
-<SID>	is the script ID, a unique identifier for a script.
-	Internally Vim translates <SID> to "<SNR>123_", where "123" can be any
-	number.  Thus a function "<SID>Add()" will have a name "<SNR>11_Add()"
-	in one script, and "<SNR>22_Add()" in another.  You can see this if
-	you use the ":function" command to get a list of functions.  The
-	translation of <SID> in mappings is exactly the same, that's how you
-	can call a script-local function from a mapping.
-Now let's add a user command to add a correction: >
- 38	if !exists(":Correct")
- 39	  command -nargs=1  Correct  :call Add(<q-args>, false)
- 40	endif
-The user command is defined only if no command with the same name already
-exists.  Otherwise we would get an error here.  Overriding the existing user
-command with ":command!" is not a good idea, this would probably make the user
-wonder why the command he defined himself doesn't work.  |:command|
-If it did happen you can find out who to blame with: >
-	verbose command Correct
-When a variable starts with "s:" it is a script variable.  It can only be used
-inside a script.  Outside the script it's not visible.  This avoids trouble
-with using the same variable name in different scripts.  The variables will be
-kept as long as Vim is running.  And the same variables are used when sourcing
-the same script again. |s:var|
-The nice thing about |Vim9| script is that variables are local to the script
-by default.  You can prepend "s:" if you like, but you do not need to.  And
-functions in the script can also use the script variables without a prefix.
-Script-local variables can also be used in functions, autocommands and user
-commands that are defined in the script.  Thus they are the perfect way to
-share information between parts of your plugin, without it leaking out.  In
-our example we can add a few lines to count the number of corrections: >
- 19	var count = 4
- ..
- 30	def Add(from: string, correct: bool)
- ..
- 34	  count += 1
- 35	  echo "you now have " .. count .. " corrections"
- 36	enddef
-"count" is declared and initialized to 4 in the script itself.  When later
-the Add() function is called, it increments "count".  It doesn't matter from
-where the function was called, since it has been defined in the script, it
-will use the local variables from this script.
-Here is the resulting complete example: >
-  1	vim9script noclear
-  2	# Vim global plugin for correcting typing mistakes
-  3	# Last Change:	2021 Dec 30
-  4	# Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
-  5	# License:	This file is placed in the public domain.
-  6
-  7	if exists("g:loaded_typecorrect")
-  8	  finish
-  9	endif
- 10	g:loaded_typecorrect = 1
- 11	var save_cpo = &cpo
- 12	set cpo&vim
- 13
- 14	iabbrev teh the
- 15	iabbrev otehr other
- 16	iabbrev wnat want
- 17	iabbrev synchronisation
- 18		\ synchronization
- 19	var count = 4
- 20
- 21	if !hasmapto('<Plug>TypecorrAdd;')
- 22	  map <unique> <Leader>a  <Plug>TypecorrAdd;
- 23	endif
- 24	noremap <unique> <script> <Plug>TypecorrAdd;  <SID>Add
- 25
- 26	noremenu <script> Plugin.Add\ Correction      <SID>Add
- 27
- 28	noremap <SID>Add  :call <SID>Add(expand("<cword>"), true)<CR>
- 29
- 30	def Add(from: string, correct: bool)
- 31	  var to = input("type the correction for " .. from .. ": ")
- 32	  exe ":iabbrev " .. from .. " " .. to
- 33	  if correct | exe "normal viws\<C-R>\" \b\e" | endif
- 34	  count += 1
- 35	  echo "you now have " .. count .. " corrections"
- 36	enddef
- 37
- 38	if !exists(":Correct")
- 39	  command -nargs=1  Correct  call Add(<q-args>, false)
- 40	endif
- 41
- 42	&cpo = save_cpo
-Line 33 wasn't explained yet.  It applies the new correction to the word under
-the cursor.  The |:normal| command is used to use the new abbreviation.  Note
-that mappings and abbreviations are expanded here, even though the function
-was called from a mapping defined with ":noremap".
-DOCUMENTATION						*write-local-help*
-It's a good idea to also write some documentation for your plugin.  Especially
-when its behavior can be changed by the user.  See |add-local-help| for how
-they are installed.
-Here is a simple example for a plugin help file, called "typecorrect.txt": >
-  1	*typecorrect.txt*	Plugin for correcting typing mistakes
-  2
-  3	If you make typing mistakes, this plugin will have them corrected
-  4	automatically.
-  5
-  6	There are currently only a few corrections.  Add your own if you like.
-  7
-  8	Mappings:
-  9	<Leader>a   or   <Plug>TypecorrAdd;
- 10		Add a correction for the word under the cursor.
- 11
- 12	Commands:
- 13	:Correct {word}
- 14		Add a correction for {word}.
- 15
- 16							*typecorrect-settings*
- 17	This plugin doesn't have any settings.
-The first line is actually the only one for which the format matters.  It will
-be extracted from the help file to be put in the "LOCAL ADDITIONS:" section of
-help.txt |local-additions|.  The first "*" must be in the first column of the
-first line.  After adding your help file do ":help" and check that the entries
-line up nicely.
-You can add more tags inside ** in your help file.  But be careful not to use
-existing help tags.  You would probably use the name of your plugin in most of
-them, like "typecorrect-settings" in the example.
-Using references to other parts of the help in || is recommended.  This makes
-it easy for the user to find associated help.
-FILETYPE DETECTION					*plugin-filetype*
-If your filetype is not already detected by Vim, you should create a filetype
-detection snippet in a separate file.  It is usually in the form of an
-autocommand that sets the filetype when the file name matches a pattern.
-Example: >
-	au BufNewFile,BufRead *.foo		setlocal filetype=foofoo
-Write this single-line file as "ftdetect/foofoo.vim" in the first directory
-that appears in 'runtimepath'.  For Unix that would be
-"~/.vim/ftdetect/foofoo.vim".  The convention is to use the name of the
-filetype for the script name.
-You can make more complicated checks if you like, for example to inspect the
-contents of the file to recognize the language.  Also see |new-filetype|.
-SUMMARY							*plugin-special*
-Summary of special things to use in a plugin:
-var name		Variable local to the script.
-<SID>			Script-ID, used for mappings and functions local to
-			the script.
-hasmapto()		Function to test if the user already defined a mapping
-			for functionality the script offers.
-<Leader>		Value of "mapleader", which the user defines as the
-			keys that plugin mappings start with.
-map <unique>		Give a warning if a mapping already exists.
-noremap <script>	Use only mappings local to the script, not global
-			mappings.
-exists(":Cmd")		Check if a user command already exists.
-*41.12*	Writing a filetype plugin	*write-filetype-plugin* *ftplugin*
-A filetype plugin is like a global plugin, except that it sets options and
-defines mappings for the current buffer only.  See |add-filetype-plugin| for
-how this type of plugin is used.
-First read the section on global plugins above |41.11|.  All that is said there
-also applies to filetype plugins.  There are a few extras, which are explained
-here.  The essential thing is that a filetype plugin should only have an
-effect on the current buffer.
-If you are writing a filetype plugin to be used by many people, they need a
-chance to disable loading it.  Put this at the top of the plugin: >
-	# Only do this when not done yet for this buffer
-	if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
-	  finish
-	endif
-	b:did_ftplugin = 1
-This also needs to be used to avoid that the same plugin is executed twice for
-the same buffer (happens when using an ":edit" command without arguments).
-Now users can disable loading the default plugin completely by making a
-filetype plugin with only these lines: >
-	vim9script
-	b:did_ftplugin = 1
-This does require that the filetype plugin directory comes before $VIMRUNTIME
-in 'runtimepath'!
-If you do want to use the default plugin, but overrule one of the settings,
-you can write the different setting in a script: >
-	setlocal textwidth=70
-Now write this in the "after" directory, so that it gets sourced after the
-distributed "vim.vim" ftplugin |after-directory|.  For Unix this would be
-"~/.vim/after/ftplugin/vim.vim".  Note that the default plugin will have set
-"b:did_ftplugin", but it is ignored here.
-To make sure the filetype plugin only affects the current buffer use the >
-	setlocal
-command to set options.  And only set options which are local to a buffer (see
-the help for the option to check that).  When using `:setlocal` for global
-options or options local to a window, the value will change for many buffers,
-and that is not what a filetype plugin should do.
-When an option has a value that is a list of flags or items, consider using
-"+=" and "-=" to keep the existing value.  Be aware that the user may have
-changed an option value already.  First resetting to the default value and
-then changing it is often a good idea.  Example: >
-	setlocal formatoptions& formatoptions+=ro
-To make sure mappings will only work in the current buffer use the >
-	map <buffer>
-command.  This needs to be combined with the two-step mapping explained above.
-An example of how to define functionality in a filetype plugin: >
-	if !hasmapto('<Plug>JavaImport;')
-	  map <buffer> <unique> <LocalLeader>i <Plug>JavaImport;
-	endif
-	noremap <buffer> <unique> <Plug>JavaImport; oimport ""<Left><Esc>
-|hasmapto()| is used to check if the user has already defined a map to
-<Plug>JavaImport;.  If not, then the filetype plugin defines the default
-mapping.  This starts with |<LocalLeader>|, which allows the user to select
-the key(s) he wants filetype plugin mappings to start with.  The default is a
-"<unique>" is used to give an error message if the mapping already exists or
-overlaps with an existing mapping.
-|:noremap| is used to avoid that any other mappings that the user has defined
-interferes.  You might want to use ":noremap <script>" to allow remapping
-mappings defined in this script that start with <SID>.
-The user must have a chance to disable the mappings in a filetype plugin,
-without disabling everything.  Here is an example of how this is done for a
-plugin for the mail filetype: >
-	# Add mappings, unless the user didn't want this.
-	if !exists("g:no_plugin_maps") && !exists("g:no_mail_maps")
-	  # Quote text by inserting "> "
-	  if !hasmapto('<Plug>MailQuote;')
-	    vmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>q <Plug>MailQuote;
-	    nmap <buffer> <LocalLeader>q <Plug>MailQuote;
-	  endif
-	  vnoremap <buffer> <Plug>MailQuote; :s/^/> /<CR>
-	  nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>MailQuote; :.,$s/^/> /<CR>
-	endif
-Two global variables are used:
-|g:no_plugin_maps|	disables mappings for all filetype plugins
-|g:no_mail_maps|	disables mappings for the "mail" filetype
-To add a user command for a specific file type, so that it can only be used in
-one buffer, use the "-buffer" argument to |:command|.  Example: >
-	command -buffer  Make  make %:r.s
-A filetype plugin will be sourced for each buffer of the type it's for.  Local
-script variables will be shared between all invocations.  Use local buffer
-variables |b:var| if you want a variable specifically for one buffer.
-When defining a function, this only needs to be done once.  But the filetype
-plugin will be sourced every time a file with this filetype will be opened.
-This construct makes sure the function is only defined once: >
-	if !exists("*Func")
-	  def Func(arg)
-	    ...
-	  enddef
-	endif
-UNDO						*undo_indent* *undo_ftplugin*
-When the user does ":setfiletype xyz" the effect of the previous filetype
-should be undone.  Set the b:undo_ftplugin variable to the commands that will
-undo the settings in your filetype plugin.  Example: >
-	let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal fo< com< tw< commentstring<"
-		\ .. "| unlet b:match_ignorecase b:match_words b:match_skip"
-Using ":setlocal" with "<" after the option name resets the option to its
-global value.  That is mostly the best way to reset the option value.
-This does require removing the "C" flag from 'cpoptions' to allow line
-continuation, as mentioned above |use-cpo-save|.
-For undoing the effect of an indent script, the b:undo_indent variable should
-be set accordingly.
-Both these variables use legacy script syntax, not |Vim9| syntax.
-The filetype must be included in the file name |ftplugin-name|.  Use one of
-these three forms:
-	.../ftplugin/stuff.vim
-	.../ftplugin/stuff_foo.vim
-	.../ftplugin/stuff/bar.vim
-"stuff" is the filetype, "foo" and "bar" are arbitrary names.
-SUMMARY							*ftplugin-special*
-Summary of special things to use in a filetype plugin:
-<LocalLeader>		Value of "maplocalleader", which the user defines as
-			the keys that filetype plugin mappings start with.
-map <buffer>		Define a mapping local to the buffer.
-noremap <script>	Only remap mappings defined in this script that start
-			with <SID>.
-setlocal		Set an option for the current buffer only.
-command -buffer	Define a user command local to the buffer.
-exists("*s:Func")	Check if a function was already defined.
-Also see |plugin-special|, the special things used for all plugins.
-*41.13*	Writing a compiler plugin		*write-compiler-plugin*
-A compiler plugin sets options for use with a specific compiler.  The user can
-load it with the |:compiler| command.  The main use is to set the
-'errorformat' and 'makeprg' options.
-Easiest is to have a look at examples.  This command will edit all the default
-compiler plugins: >
-	next $VIMRUNTIME/compiler/*.vim
-Type `:next` to go to the next plugin file.
-There are two special items about these files.  First is a mechanism to allow
-a user to overrule or add to the default file.  The default files start with: >
-	vim9script
-	if exists("g:current_compiler")
-	  finish
-	endif
-	g:current_compiler = "mine"
-When you write a compiler file and put it in your personal runtime directory
-(e.g., ~/.vim/compiler for Unix), you set the "current_compiler" variable to
-make the default file skip the settings.
-							*:CompilerSet*
-The second mechanism is to use ":set" for ":compiler!" and ":setlocal" for
-":compiler".  Vim defines the ":CompilerSet" user command for this.  However,
-older Vim versions don't, thus your plugin should define it then.  This is an
-example: >
-  if exists(":CompilerSet") != 2
-    command -nargs=* CompilerSet setlocal <args>
-  endif
-  CompilerSet errorformat&		" use the default 'errorformat'
-  CompilerSet makeprg=nmake
-When you write a compiler plugin for the Vim distribution or for a system-wide
-runtime directory, use the mechanism mentioned above.  When
-"current_compiler" was already set by a user plugin nothing will be done.
-When you write a compiler plugin to overrule settings from a default plugin,
-don't check "current_compiler".  This plugin is supposed to be loaded
-last, thus it should be in a directory at the end of 'runtimepath'.  For Unix
-that could be ~/.vim/after/compiler.
-*41.14*	Writing a plugin that loads quickly	*write-plugin-quickload*
-A plugin may grow and become quite long.  The startup delay may become
-noticeable, while you hardly ever use the plugin.  Then it's time for a
-quickload plugin.
-The basic idea is that the plugin is loaded twice.  The first time user
-commands and mappings are defined that offer the functionality.  The second
-time the functions that implement the functionality are defined.
-It may sound surprising that quickload means loading a script twice.  What we
-mean is that it loads quickly the first time, postponing the bulk of the
-script to the second time, which only happens when you actually use it.  When
-you always use the functionality it actually gets slower!
-This uses a FuncUndefined autocommand.  Since Vim 7 there is an alternative:
-use the |autoload| functionality |41.15|.  That will also use |Vim9| script
-instead of legacy script that is used here.
-The following example shows how it's done: >
-	" Vim global plugin for demonstrating quick loading
-	" Last Change:	2005 Feb 25
-	" Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
-	" License:	This file is placed in the public domain.
-	if !exists("s:did_load")
-		command -nargs=* BNRead  call BufNetRead(<f-args>)
-		map <F19> :call BufNetWrite('something')<CR>
-		let s:did_load = 1
-		exe 'au FuncUndefined BufNet* source ' .. expand('<sfile>')
-		finish
-	endif
-	function BufNetRead(...)
-		echo 'BufNetRead(' .. string(a:000) .. ')'
-		" read functionality here
-	endfunction
-	function BufNetWrite(...)
-		echo 'BufNetWrite(' .. string(a:000) .. ')'
-		" write functionality here
-	endfunction
-When the script is first loaded "s:did_load" is not set.  The commands between
-the "if" and "endif" will be executed.  This ends in a |:finish| command, thus
-the rest of the script is not executed.
-The second time the script is loaded "s:did_load" exists and the commands
-after the "endif" are executed.  This defines the (possible long)
-BufNetRead() and BufNetWrite() functions.
-If you drop this script in your plugin directory Vim will execute it on
-startup.  This is the sequence of events that happens:
-1. The "BNRead" command is defined and the <F19> key is mapped when the script
-   is sourced at startup.  A |FuncUndefined| autocommand is defined.  The
-   ":finish" command causes the script to terminate early.
-2. The user types the BNRead command or presses the <F19> key.  The
-   BufNetRead() or BufNetWrite() function will be called.
-3. Vim can't find the function and triggers the |FuncUndefined| autocommand
-   event.  Since the pattern "BufNet*" matches the invoked function, the
-   command "source fname" will be executed.  "fname" will be equal to the name
-   of the script, no matter where it is located, because it comes from
-   expanding "<sfile>" (see |expand()|).
-4. The script is sourced again, the "s:did_load" variable exists and the
-   functions are defined.
-Notice that the functions that are loaded afterwards match the pattern in the
-|FuncUndefined| autocommand.  You must make sure that no other plugin defines
-functions that match this pattern.
-*41.15*	Writing library scripts			*write-library-script*
-Some functionality will be required in several places.  When this becomes more
-than a few lines you will want to put it in one script and use it from many
-scripts.  We will call that one script a library script.
-Manually loading a library script is possible, so long as you avoid loading it
-when it's already done.  You can do this with the |exists()| function.
-Example: >
-	if !exists('*MyLibFunction')
-	   runtime library/mylibscript.vim
-	endif
-	MyLibFunction(arg)
-Here you need to know that MyLibFunction() is defined in a script
-"library/mylibscript.vim" in one of the directories in 'runtimepath'.
-To make this a bit simpler Vim offers the autoload mechanism.  Then the
-example looks like this: >
-	mylib#myfunction(arg)
-That's a lot simpler, isn't it?  Vim will recognize the function name by the
-embedded "#" character and when it's not defined search for the script
-"autoload/mylib.vim" in 'runtimepath'.  That script must define the
-"mylib#myfunction()" function.
-You can put many other functions in the mylib.vim script, you are free to
-organize your functions in library scripts.  But you must use function names
-where the part before the '#' matches the script name.  Otherwise Vim would
-not know what script to load.
-If you get really enthusiastic and write lots of library scripts, you may
-want to use subdirectories.  Example: >
-	netlib#ftp#read('somefile')
-For Unix the library script used for this could be:
-	~/.vim/autoload/netlib/ftp.vim
-Where the function is defined like this: >
-	def netlib#ftp#read(fname: string)
-		#  Read the file fname through ftp
-	enddef
-Notice that the name the function is defined with is exactly the same as the
-name used for calling the function.  And the part before the last '#'
-exactly matches the subdirectory and script name.
-You can use the same mechanism for variables: >
-	var weekdays = dutch#weekdays
-This will load the script "autoload/dutch.vim", which should contain something
-like: >
-	var dutch#weekdays = ['zondag', 'maandag', 'dinsdag', 'woensdag',
-		\ 'donderdag', 'vrijdag', 'zaterdag']
-Further reading: |autoload|.
-*41.16*	Distributing Vim scripts			*distribute-script*
-Vim users will look for scripts on the Vim website: http://www.vim.org.
-If you made something that is useful for others, share it!
-Another place is github.  But there you need to know where to find it!  The
-advantage is that most plugin managers fetch plugins from github.  You'll have
-to use your favorite search engine to find them.
-Vim scripts can be used on any system.  However, there might not be a tar or
-gzip command.  If you want to pack files together and/or compress them the
-"zip" utility is recommended.
-For utmost portability use Vim itself to pack scripts together.  This can be
-done with the Vimball utility.  See |vimball|.
-It's good if you add a line to allow automatic updating.  See |glvs-plugins|.
 Next chapter: |usr_42.txt|  Add new menus