diff runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim @ 625:81fe2ccc1207 v7.0179

updated for version 7.0179
author vimboss
date Thu, 12 Jan 2006 23:22:24 +0000
children 8a99b25de218
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/syntaxcomplete.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+" Vim completion script
+" Language:    All languages, uses existing syntax highlighting rules
+" Maintainer:  David Fishburn <fishburn@ianywhere.com>
+" Version:     1.0
+" Last Change: Sun Jan 08 2006 10:17:51 PM
+" Set completion with CTRL-X CTRL-O to autoloaded function.
+if exists('&ofu')
+    setlocal ofu=syntaxcomplete#Complete
+if exists('g:loaded_syntax_completion')
+    finish 
+let g:loaded_syntax_completion = 1
+" This script will build a completion list based on the syntax
+" elements defined by the files in $VIMRUNTIME/syntax.
+let s:syn_remove_words = 'match,matchgroup=,contains,'.
+            \ 'links to,start=,end=,nextgroup='
+let s:cache_name = []
+let s:cache_list = []
+" This function is used for the 'omnifunc' option.
+function! syntaxcomplete#Complete(findstart, base)
+    if a:findstart
+        " Locate the start of the item, including "."
+        let line = getline('.')
+        let start = col('.') - 1
+        let lastword = -1
+        while start > 0
+            if line[start - 1] =~ '\w'
+                let start -= 1
+            elseif line[start - 1] =~ '\.'
+                " The user must be specifying a column name
+                if lastword == -1
+                    let lastword = start
+                endif
+                let start -= 1
+                let b:sql_compl_type = 'column'
+            else
+                break
+            endif
+        endwhile
+        " Return the column of the last word, which is going to be changed.
+        " Remember the text that comes before it in s:prepended.
+        if lastword == -1
+            let s:prepended = ''
+            return start
+        endif
+        let s:prepended = strpart(line, start, lastword - start)
+        return lastword
+    endif
+    let base = s:prepended . a:base
+    let list_idx = index(s:cache_name, &filetype, 0, &ignorecase)
+    if list_idx > -1
+        let compl_list = s:cache_list[list_idx]
+    else
+        let compl_list = s:SyntaxList()
+        let s:cache_name  = add( s:cache_name,  &filetype )
+        let s:cache_list  = add( s:cache_list,  compl_list )
+    endif
+    " Return list of matches.
+    if base =~ '\w'
+        let compstr = join(compl_list, ' ')
+        let compstr = substitute(compstr, '\<\%('.base.'\)\@!\w\+\s*', '', 'g')
+        let compl_list = split(compstr, '\s\+')
+    endif
+    return compl_list
+function! s:SyntaxList()
+    let saveL = @l
+    " Loop through all the syntax groupnames, and build a
+    " syntax file which contains these names.  This can 
+    " work generically for any filetype that does not already
+    " have a plugin defined.
+    " This ASSUMES the syntax groupname BEGINS with the name
+    " of the filetype.  From my casual viewing of the vim7\sytax 
+    " directory.
+    redir @l
+    silent! exec 'syntax list '
+    redir END
+    let syntax_groups = @l
+    let @l = saveL
+    if syntax_groups =~ 'E28' 
+                \ || syntax_groups =~ 'E411'
+                \ || syntax_groups =~ 'E415'
+                \ || syntax_groups =~ 'No sytax items'
+        return -1
+    endif
+    " Abort names - match, links to, matchgroup=, start=, contains=, contained,
+    "               cluster=, nextgroup=, end=
+    let next_group_regex = '\n' .
+                \ '\zs'.&filetype.'\w\+\ze'.
+                \ '\s\+xxx\s\+'.
+                \ '\<\('.
+                \ substitute(s:syn_remove_words, ',', '\\|', 'g').
+                \ '\)\@!'
+    let syn_list = ''
+    let index    = 0
+    let index    = match(syntax_groups, next_group_regex, index)
+    while index > 0
+        let group_name = matchstr( syntax_groups, '\w\+', index )
+        let extra_syn_list = s:SyntaxGroupItems(group_name)
+        let syn_list = syn_list . extra_syn_list . "\n"
+        let index = index + strlen(group_name)
+        let index = match(syntax_groups, next_group_regex, index)
+    endwhile
+    return sort(split(syn_list))
+function! s:SyntaxGroupItems( group_name )
+    let saveL = @l
+    " Generate (based on the syntax highlight rules) a list of
+    " the Statements, functions, keywords and so on available
+    " If this needs updating, the syntax\sql.vim file should be
+    " updated
+    redir @l
+    silent! exec 'syntax list ' . a:group_name
+    redir END
+    if @l !~ 'E28'
+        " let syn_list = substitute( @l, '^.*xxx\s*\%(contained\s*\)\?', "", '' )
+        let syn_list = substitute( @l, '^.*xxx\s*', "", '' )
+        " We only want the words for the lines begining with
+        " containedin, but there could be other items.
+        " Tried to remove all lines that do not begin with contained
+        " but this does not work in all cases since you can have
+        "    contained nextgroup=...
+        " So this will strip off the ending of lines with known
+        " keywords.
+        let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '\<\('.
+                    \ substitute(
+                    \ escape( s:syn_remove_words, '\\/.*$^~[]')
+                    \ , ',', '\\|', 'g').
+                    \ '\).\{-}\%($\|'."\n".'\)'
+                    \ , "\n", 'g' )
+        " Now strip off the newline + blank space + contained
+        let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '\%(^\|\n\)\@<=\s*\<\('.
+                    \ 'contained\)'
+                    \ , "", 'g' )
+        " There are a number of items which have non-word characters in
+        " them, *'T_F1'*.  vim.vim is one such file.
+        " This will replace non-word characters with spaces.
+        let syn_list = substitute( syn_list, '[^0-9A-Za-z_ ]', ' ', 'g' )
+    else
+        let syn_list = ''
+    endif
+    let @l = saveL
+    return syn_list