diff runtime/doc/eval.txt @ 26777:629e7046ef63 v8.2.3917

patch 8.2.3917: the eval.txt help file is way too big Commit: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/1cae5a0a034d0545360387407a7a409310f1efe2 Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Mon Dec 27 21:28:34 2021 +0000 patch 8.2.3917: the eval.txt help file is way too big Problem: The eval.txt help file is way too big. Solution: Move the builtin function details to a separate file.
author Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
date Mon, 27 Dec 2021 22:30:02 +0100
parents 30972227ac8d
children eafb9fd4ec32
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/doc/eval.txt
+++ b/runtime/doc/eval.txt
@@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ Note: Expression evaluation can be disab
 done, the features in this document are not available.  See |+eval| and
-This file is about the backwards compatible Vim script.  For Vim9 script,
-which executes much faster, supports type checking and much more, see
+This file is mainly about the backwards compatible (legacy) Vim script.  For
+specifics of Vim9 script, which executes much faster, supports type checking
+and much more, see |vim9.txt|.  Where the syntax or semantics differ a remark
+is given.
 1.  Variables			|variables|
     1.1 Variable types
@@ -2533,10094 +2534,8 @@ 4. Builtin Functions					*functions*
 See |function-list| for a list grouped by what the function is used for.
-(Use CTRL-] on the function name to jump to the full explanation.)
-abs({expr})			Float or Number  absolute value of {expr}
-acos({expr})			Float	arc cosine of {expr}
-add({object}, {item})		List/Blob   append {item} to {object}
-and({expr}, {expr})		Number	bitwise AND
-append({lnum}, {text})		Number	append {text} below line {lnum}
-appendbufline({expr}, {lnum}, {text})
-				Number	append {text} below line {lnum}
-					in buffer {expr}
-argc([{winid}])			Number	number of files in the argument list
-argidx()			Number	current index in the argument list
-arglistid([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]]) Number	argument list id
-argv({nr} [, {winid}])		String	{nr} entry of the argument list
-argv([-1, {winid}])		List	the argument list
-asin({expr})			Float	arc sine of {expr}
-assert_beeps({cmd})		Number	assert {cmd} causes a beep
-assert_equal({exp}, {act} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert {exp} is equal to {act}
-assert_equalfile({fname-one}, {fname-two} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert file contents are equal
-assert_exception({error} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert {error} is in v:exception
-assert_fails({cmd} [, {error} [, {msg} [, {lnum} [, {context}]]]])
-				Number	assert {cmd} fails
-assert_false({actual} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert {actual} is false
-assert_inrange({lower}, {upper}, {actual} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert {actual} is inside the range
-assert_match({pat}, {text} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert {pat} matches {text}
-assert_nobeep({cmd})		Number	assert {cmd} does not cause a beep
-assert_notequal({exp}, {act} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert {exp} is not equal {act}
-assert_notmatch({pat}, {text} [, {msg}])
-				Number	assert {pat} not matches {text}
-assert_report({msg})		Number	report a test failure
-assert_true({actual} [, {msg}])	Number	assert {actual} is true
-atan({expr})			Float	arc tangent of {expr}
-atan2({expr1}, {expr2})		Float	arc tangent of {expr1} / {expr2}
-balloon_gettext()		String	current text in the balloon
-balloon_show({expr})		none	show {expr} inside the balloon
-balloon_split({msg})		List	split {msg} as used for a balloon
-blob2list({blob})		List	convert {blob} into a list of numbers
-browse({save}, {title}, {initdir}, {default})
-				String	put up a file requester
-browsedir({title}, {initdir})	String	put up a directory requester
-bufadd({name})			Number	add a buffer to the buffer list
-bufexists({buf})		Number	|TRUE| if buffer {buf} exists
-buflisted({buf})		Number	|TRUE| if buffer {buf} is listed
-bufload({buf})			Number	load buffer {buf} if not loaded yet
-bufloaded({buf})		Number	|TRUE| if buffer {buf} is loaded
-bufname([{buf}])		String	Name of the buffer {buf}
-bufnr([{buf} [, {create}]])	Number	Number of the buffer {buf}
-bufwinid({buf})			Number	window ID of buffer {buf}
-bufwinnr({buf})			Number	window number of buffer {buf}
-byte2line({byte})		Number	line number at byte count {byte}
-byteidx({expr}, {nr})		Number	byte index of {nr}'th char in {expr}
-byteidxcomp({expr}, {nr})	Number	byte index of {nr}'th char in {expr}
-call({func}, {arglist} [, {dict}])
-				any	call {func} with arguments {arglist}
-ceil({expr})			Float	round {expr} up
-ch_canread({handle})		Number	check if there is something to read
-ch_close({handle})		none	close {handle}
-ch_close_in({handle})		none	close in part of {handle}
-ch_evalexpr({handle}, {expr} [, {options}])
-				any	evaluate {expr} on JSON {handle}
-ch_evalraw({handle}, {string} [, {options}])
-				any	evaluate {string} on raw {handle}
-ch_getbufnr({handle}, {what})	Number	get buffer number for {handle}/{what}
-ch_getjob({channel})		Job	get the Job of {channel}
-ch_info({handle})		String	info about channel {handle}
-ch_log({msg} [, {handle}])	none	write {msg} in the channel log file
-ch_logfile({fname} [, {mode}])	none	start logging channel activity
-ch_open({address} [, {options}])
-				Channel	open a channel to {address}
-ch_read({handle} [, {options}]) String	read from {handle}
-ch_readblob({handle} [, {options}])
-				Blob	read Blob from {handle}
-ch_readraw({handle} [, {options}])
-				String	read raw from {handle}
-ch_sendexpr({handle}, {expr} [, {options}])
-				any	send {expr} over JSON {handle}
-ch_sendraw({handle}, {expr} [, {options}])
-				any	send {expr} over raw {handle}
-ch_setoptions({handle}, {options})
-				none	set options for {handle}
-ch_status({handle} [, {options}])
-				String	status of channel {handle}
-changenr()			Number	current change number
-char2nr({expr} [, {utf8}])	Number	ASCII/UTF-8 value of first char in {expr}
-charclass({string})		Number	character class of {string}
-charcol({expr})			Number	column number of cursor or mark
-charidx({string}, {idx} [, {countcc}])
-				Number	char index of byte {idx} in {string}
-chdir({dir})			String	change current working directory
-cindent({lnum})			Number	C indent for line {lnum}
-clearmatches([{win}])		none	clear all matches
-col({expr})			Number	column byte index of cursor or mark
-complete({startcol}, {matches}) none	set Insert mode completion
-complete_add({expr})		Number	add completion match
-complete_check()		Number	check for key typed during completion
-complete_info([{what}])		Dict	get current completion information
-confirm({msg} [, {choices} [, {default} [, {type}]]])
-				Number	number of choice picked by user
-copy({expr})			any	make a shallow copy of {expr}
-cos({expr})			Float	cosine of {expr}
-cosh({expr})			Float	hyperbolic cosine of {expr}
-count({comp}, {expr} [, {ic} [, {start}]])
-				Number	count how many {expr} are in {comp}
-cscope_connection([{num}, {dbpath} [, {prepend}]])
-				Number	checks existence of cscope connection
-cursor({lnum}, {col} [, {off}])
-				Number	move cursor to {lnum}, {col}, {off}
-cursor({list})			Number	move cursor to position in {list}
-debugbreak({pid})		Number	interrupt process being debugged
-deepcopy({expr} [, {noref}])	any	make a full copy of {expr}
-delete({fname} [, {flags}])	Number	delete the file or directory {fname}
-deletebufline({buf}, {first} [, {last}])
-				Number	delete lines from buffer {buf}
-did_filetype()			Number	|TRUE| if FileType autocmd event used
-diff_filler({lnum})		Number	diff filler lines about {lnum}
-diff_hlID({lnum}, {col})	Number	diff highlighting at {lnum}/{col}
-digraph_get({chars})		String	get the |digraph| of {chars}
-digraph_getlist([{listall}])	List	get all |digraph|s
-digraph_set({chars}, {digraph})	Boolean	register |digraph|
-digraph_setlist({digraphlist})	Boolean	register multiple |digraph|s
-echoraw({expr})			none	output {expr} as-is
-empty({expr})			Number	|TRUE| if {expr} is empty
-environ()			Dict	return environment variables
-escape({string}, {chars})	String	escape {chars} in {string} with '\'
-eval({string})			any	evaluate {string} into its value
-eventhandler()			Number	|TRUE| if inside an event handler
-executable({expr})		Number	1 if executable {expr} exists
-execute({command})		String	execute {command} and get the output
-exepath({expr})			String	full path of the command {expr}
-exists({expr})			Number	|TRUE| if {expr} exists
-exists_compiled({expr})		Number	|TRUE| if {expr} exists at compile time
-exp({expr})			Float	exponential of {expr}
-expand({expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list}]])
-				any	expand special keywords in {expr}
-expandcmd({expr})		String	expand {expr} like with `:edit`
-extend({expr1}, {expr2} [, {expr3}])
-				List/Dict insert items of {expr2} into {expr1}
-extendnew({expr1}, {expr2} [, {expr3}])
-				List/Dict like |extend()| but creates a new
-					List or Dictionary
-feedkeys({string} [, {mode}])	Number	add key sequence to typeahead buffer
-filereadable({file})		Number	|TRUE| if {file} is a readable file
-filewritable({file})		Number	|TRUE| if {file} is a writable file
-filter({expr1}, {expr2})	List/Dict/Blob/String
-					remove items from {expr1} where
-					{expr2} is 0
-finddir({name} [, {path} [, {count}]])
-				String	find directory {name} in {path}
-findfile({name} [, {path} [, {count}]])
-				String	find file {name} in {path}
-flatten({list} [, {maxdepth}])	List	flatten {list} up to {maxdepth} levels
-flattennew({list} [, {maxdepth}])
-				List	flatten a copy of {list}
-float2nr({expr})		Number	convert Float {expr} to a Number
-floor({expr})			Float	round {expr} down
-fmod({expr1}, {expr2})		Float	remainder of {expr1} / {expr2}
-fnameescape({fname})		String	escape special characters in {fname}
-fnamemodify({fname}, {mods})	String	modify file name
-foldclosed({lnum})		Number	first line of fold at {lnum} if closed
-foldclosedend({lnum})		Number	last line of fold at {lnum} if closed
-foldlevel({lnum})		Number	fold level at {lnum}
-foldtext()			String	line displayed for closed fold
-foldtextresult({lnum})		String	text for closed fold at {lnum}
-foreground()			Number	bring the Vim window to the foreground
-fullcommand({name})		String	get full command from {name}
-funcref({name} [, {arglist}] [, {dict}])
-				Funcref	reference to function {name}
-function({name} [, {arglist}] [, {dict}])
-				Funcref	named reference to function {name}
-garbagecollect([{atexit}])	none	free memory, breaking cyclic references
-get({list}, {idx} [, {def}])	any	get item {idx} from {list} or {def}
-get({dict}, {key} [, {def}])	any	get item {key} from {dict} or {def}
-get({func}, {what})		any	get property of funcref/partial {func}
-getbufinfo([{buf}])		List	information about buffers
-getbufline({buf}, {lnum} [, {end}])
-				List	lines {lnum} to {end} of buffer {buf}
-getbufvar({buf}, {varname} [, {def}])
-				any	variable {varname} in buffer {buf}
-getchangelist([{buf}])		List	list of change list items
-getchar([expr])			Number or String
-					get one character from the user
-getcharmod()			Number	modifiers for the last typed character
-getcharpos({expr})		List	position of cursor, mark, etc.
-getcharsearch()			Dict	last character search
-getcharstr([expr])		String	get one character from the user
-getcmdline()			String	return the current command-line
-getcmdpos()			Number	return cursor position in command-line
-getcmdtype()			String	return current command-line type
-getcmdwintype()			String	return current command-line window type
-getcompletion({pat}, {type} [, {filtered}])
-				List	list of cmdline completion matches
-getcurpos([{winnr}])		List	position of the cursor
-getcursorcharpos([{winnr}])	List	character position of the cursor
-getcwd([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]])	String	get the current working directory
-getenv({name})			String	return environment variable
-getfontname([{name}])		String	name of font being used
-getfperm({fname})		String	file permissions of file {fname}
-getfsize({fname})		Number	size in bytes of file {fname}
-getftime({fname})		Number	last modification time of file
-getftype({fname})		String	description of type of file {fname}
-getimstatus()			Number	|TRUE| if the IME status is active
-getjumplist([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]])
-				List	list of jump list items
-getline({lnum})			String	line {lnum} of current buffer
-getline({lnum}, {end})		List	lines {lnum} to {end} of current buffer
-getloclist({nr})		List	list of location list items
-getloclist({nr}, {what})	Dict	get specific location list properties
-getmarklist([{buf}])		List	list of global/local marks
-getmatches([{win}])		List	list of current matches
-getmousepos()			Dict	last known mouse position
-getpid()			Number	process ID of Vim
-getpos({expr})			List	position of cursor, mark, etc.
-getqflist()			List	list of quickfix items
-getqflist({what})		Dict	get specific quickfix list properties
-getreg([{regname} [, 1 [, {list}]]])
-				String or List   contents of a register
-getreginfo([{regname}])		Dict	information about a register
-getregtype([{regname}])		String	type of a register
-gettabinfo([{expr}])		List	list of tab pages
-gettabvar({nr}, {varname} [, {def}])
-				any	variable {varname} in tab {nr} or {def}
-gettabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {name} [, {def}])
-				any	{name} in {winnr} in tab page {tabnr}
-gettagstack([{nr}])		Dict	get the tag stack of window {nr}
-gettext({text})			String	lookup translation of {text}
-getwininfo([{winid}])		List	list of info about each window
-getwinpos([{timeout}])		List	X and Y coord in pixels of the Vim window
-getwinposx()			Number	X coord in pixels of the Vim window
-getwinposy()			Number	Y coord in pixels of the Vim window
-getwinvar({nr}, {varname} [, {def}])
-				any	variable {varname} in window {nr}
-glob({expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list} [, {alllinks}]]])
-				any	expand file wildcards in {expr}
-glob2regpat({expr})		String	convert a glob pat into a search pat
-globpath({path}, {expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list} [, {alllinks}]]])
-				String	do glob({expr}) for all dirs in {path}
-has({feature} [, {check}])	Number	|TRUE| if feature {feature} supported
-has_key({dict}, {key})		Number	|TRUE| if {dict} has entry {key}
-haslocaldir([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]])
-				Number	|TRUE| if the window executed |:lcd|
-					or |:tcd|
-hasmapto({what} [, {mode} [, {abbr}]])
-				Number	|TRUE| if mapping to {what} exists
-histadd({history}, {item})	Number	add an item to a history
-histdel({history} [, {item}])	Number	remove an item from a history
-histget({history} [, {index}])	String	get the item {index} from a history
-histnr({history})		Number	highest index of a history
-hlID({name})			Number	syntax ID of highlight group {name}
-hlexists({name})		Number	|TRUE| if highlight group {name} exists
-hlget([{name} [, {resolve}]])	List	get highlight group attributes
-hlset({list})			Number	set highlight group attributes
-hostname()			String	name of the machine Vim is running on
-iconv({expr}, {from}, {to})	String	convert encoding of {expr}
-indent({lnum})			Number	indent of line {lnum}
-index({object}, {expr} [, {start} [, {ic}]])
-				Number	index in {object} where {expr} appears
-input({prompt} [, {text} [, {completion}]])
-				String	get input from the user
-inputdialog({prompt} [, {text} [, {completion}]])
-				String	like input() but in a GUI dialog
-inputlist({textlist})		Number	let the user pick from a choice list
-inputrestore()			Number	restore typeahead
-inputsave()			Number	save and clear typeahead
-inputsecret({prompt} [, {text}]) String	like input() but hiding the text
-insert({object}, {item} [, {idx}]) List	insert {item} in {object} [before {idx}]
-interrupt()			none	interrupt script execution
-invert({expr})			Number	bitwise invert
-isdirectory({directory})	Number	|TRUE| if {directory} is a directory
-isinf({expr})			Number	determine if {expr} is infinity value
-					(positive or negative)
-islocked({expr})		Number	|TRUE| if {expr} is locked
-isnan({expr})			Number	|TRUE| if {expr} is NaN
-items({dict})			List	key-value pairs in {dict}
-job_getchannel({job})		Channel	get the channel handle for {job}
-job_info([{job}])		Dict	get information about {job}
-job_setoptions({job}, {options}) none	set options for {job}
-job_start({command} [, {options}])
-				Job	start a job
-job_status({job})		String	get the status of {job}
-job_stop({job} [, {how}])	Number	stop {job}
-join({list} [, {sep}])		String	join {list} items into one String
-js_decode({string})		any	decode JS style JSON
-js_encode({expr})		String	encode JS style JSON
-json_decode({string})		any	decode JSON
-json_encode({expr})		String	encode JSON
-keys({dict})			List	keys in {dict}
-len({expr})			Number	the length of {expr}
-libcall({lib}, {func}, {arg})	String	call {func} in library {lib} with {arg}
-libcallnr({lib}, {func}, {arg})	Number	idem, but return a Number
-line({expr} [, {winid}])	Number	line nr of cursor, last line or mark
-line2byte({lnum})		Number	byte count of line {lnum}
-lispindent({lnum})		Number	Lisp indent for line {lnum}
-list2blob({list})		Blob	turn {list} of numbers into a Blob
-list2str({list} [, {utf8}])	String	turn {list} of numbers into a String
-listener_add({callback} [, {buf}])
-				Number	add a callback to listen to changes
-listener_flush([{buf}])		none	invoke listener callbacks
-listener_remove({id})		none	remove a listener callback
-localtime()			Number	current time
-log({expr})			Float	natural logarithm (base e) of {expr}
-log10({expr})			Float	logarithm of Float {expr} to base 10
-luaeval({expr} [, {expr}])	any	evaluate |Lua| expression
-map({expr1}, {expr2})		List/Dict/Blob/String
-					change each item in {expr1} to {expr2}
-maparg({name} [, {mode} [, {abbr} [, {dict}]]])
-				String or Dict
-					rhs of mapping {name} in mode {mode}
-mapcheck({name} [, {mode} [, {abbr}]])
-				String	check for mappings matching {name}
-mapnew({expr1}, {expr2})	List/Dict/Blob/String
-					like |map()| but creates a new List or
-					Dictionary
-mapset({mode}, {abbr}, {dict})	none	restore mapping from |maparg()| result
-match({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])
-				Number	position where {pat} matches in {expr}
-matchadd({group}, {pattern} [, {priority} [, {id} [, {dict}]]])
-				Number	highlight {pattern} with {group}
-matchaddpos({group}, {pos} [, {priority} [, {id} [, {dict}]]])
-				Number	highlight positions with {group}
-matcharg({nr})			List	arguments of |:match|
-matchdelete({id} [, {win}])	Number	delete match identified by {id}
-matchend({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])
-				Number	position where {pat} ends in {expr}
-matchfuzzy({list}, {str} [, {dict}])
-				List	fuzzy match {str} in {list}
-matchfuzzypos({list}, {str} [, {dict}])
-				List	fuzzy match {str} in {list}
-matchlist({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])
-				List	match and submatches of {pat} in {expr}
-matchstr({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])
-				String	{count}'th match of {pat} in {expr}
-matchstrpos({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])
-				List	{count}'th match of {pat} in {expr}
-max({expr})			Number	maximum value of items in {expr}
-menu_info({name} [, {mode}])	Dict	get menu item information
-min({expr})			Number	minimum value of items in {expr}
-mkdir({name} [, {path} [, {prot}]])
-				Number	create directory {name}
-mode([expr])			String	current editing mode
-mzeval({expr})			any	evaluate |MzScheme| expression
-nextnonblank({lnum})		Number	line nr of non-blank line >= {lnum}
-nr2char({expr} [, {utf8}])	String	single char with ASCII/UTF-8 value {expr}
-or({expr}, {expr})		Number	bitwise OR
-pathshorten({expr} [, {len}])	String	shorten directory names in a path
-perleval({expr})		any	evaluate |Perl| expression
-popup_atcursor({what}, {options}) Number create popup window near the cursor
-popup_beval({what}, {options})	Number	create popup window for 'ballooneval'
-popup_clear()			none	close all popup windows
-popup_close({id} [, {result}])	none	close popup window {id}
-popup_create({what}, {options}) Number	create a popup window
-popup_dialog({what}, {options}) Number	create a popup window used as a dialog
-popup_filter_menu({id}, {key})  Number	filter for a menu popup window
-popup_filter_yesno({id}, {key}) Number	filter for a dialog popup window
-popup_findinfo()		Number	get window ID of info popup window
-popup_findpreview()		Number	get window ID of preview popup window
-popup_getoptions({id})		Dict	get options of popup window {id}
-popup_getpos({id})		Dict	get position of popup window {id}
-popup_hide({id})		none	hide popup menu {id}
-popup_list()			List	get a list of window IDs of all popups
-popup_locate({row}, {col})	Number	get window ID of popup at position
-popup_menu({what}, {options})	Number	create a popup window used as a menu
-popup_move({id}, {options})	none	set position of popup window {id}
-popup_notification({what}, {options})
-				Number	create a notification popup window
-popup_setoptions({id}, {options})
-				none	set options for popup window {id}
-popup_settext({id}, {text})	none	set the text of popup window {id}
-popup_show({id})		none	unhide popup window {id}
-pow({x}, {y})			Float	{x} to the power of {y}
-prevnonblank({lnum})		Number	line nr of non-blank line <= {lnum}
-printf({fmt}, {expr1}...)	String	format text
-prompt_getprompt({buf})		String	get prompt text
-prompt_setcallback({buf}, {expr}) none	set prompt callback function
-prompt_setinterrupt({buf}, {text}) none	set prompt interrupt function
-prompt_setprompt({buf}, {text}) none	set prompt text
-prop_add({lnum}, {col}, {props})  none	add one text property
-prop_add_list({props}, [[{lnum}, {col}, {end-lnum}, {end-col}], ...])
-				none	add multiple text properties
-prop_clear({lnum} [, {lnum-end} [, {props}]])
-				none	remove all text properties
-prop_find({props} [, {direction}])
-				Dict	search for a text property
-prop_list({lnum} [, {props}])	List	text properties in {lnum}
-prop_remove({props} [, {lnum} [, {lnum-end}]])
-				Number	remove a text property
-prop_type_add({name}, {props})	none	define a new property type
-prop_type_change({name}, {props})
-				none	change an existing property type
-prop_type_delete({name} [, {props}])
-				none	delete a property type
-prop_type_get({name} [, {props}])
-				Dict	get property type values
-prop_type_list([{props}])	List	get list of property types
-pum_getpos()			Dict	position and size of pum if visible
-pumvisible()			Number	whether popup menu is visible
-py3eval({expr})			any	evaluate |python3| expression
-pyeval({expr})			any	evaluate |Python| expression
-pyxeval({expr})			any	evaluate |python_x| expression
-rand([{expr}])			Number	get pseudo-random number
-range({expr} [, {max} [, {stride}]])
-				List	items from {expr} to {max}
-readblob({fname})		Blob	read a |Blob| from {fname}
-readdir({dir} [, {expr} [, {dict}]])
-				List	file names in {dir} selected by {expr}
-readdirex({dir} [, {expr} [, {dict}]])
-				List	file info in {dir} selected by {expr}
-readfile({fname} [, {type} [, {max}]])
-				List	get list of lines from file {fname}
-reduce({object}, {func} [, {initial}])
-				any	reduce {object} using {func}
-reg_executing()			String	get the executing register name
-reg_recording()			String	get the recording register name
-reltime([{start} [, {end}]])	List	get time value
-reltimefloat({time})		Float	turn the time value into a Float
-reltimestr({time})		String	turn time value into a String
-remote_expr({server}, {string} [, {idvar} [, {timeout}]])
-				String	send expression
-remote_foreground({server})	Number	bring Vim server to the foreground
-remote_peek({serverid} [, {retvar}])
-				Number	check for reply string
-remote_read({serverid} [, {timeout}])
-				String	read reply string
-remote_send({server}, {string} [, {idvar}])
-				String	send key sequence
-remote_startserver({name})	none	become server {name}
-remove({list}, {idx} [, {end}])	any/List
-					remove items {idx}-{end} from {list}
-remove({blob}, {idx} [, {end}])	Number/Blob
-					remove bytes {idx}-{end} from {blob}
-remove({dict}, {key})		any	remove entry {key} from {dict}
-rename({from}, {to})		Number	rename (move) file from {from} to {to}
-repeat({expr}, {count})		String	repeat {expr} {count} times
-resolve({filename})		String	get filename a shortcut points to
-reverse({list})			List	reverse {list} in-place
-round({expr})			Float	round off {expr}
-rubyeval({expr})		any	evaluate |Ruby| expression
-screenattr({row}, {col})	Number	attribute at screen position
-screenchar({row}, {col})	Number	character at screen position
-screenchars({row}, {col})	List	List of characters at screen position
-screencol()			Number	current cursor column
-screenpos({winid}, {lnum}, {col}) Dict	screen row and col of a text character
-screenrow()			Number	current cursor row
-screenstring({row}, {col})	String	characters at screen position
-search({pattern} [, {flags} [, {stopline} [, {timeout} [, {skip}]]]])
-				Number	search for {pattern}
-searchcount([{options}])	Dict	get or update search stats
-searchdecl({name} [, {global} [, {thisblock}]])
-				Number	search for variable declaration
-searchpair({start}, {middle}, {end} [, {flags} [, {skip} [...]]])
-				Number	search for other end of start/end pair
-searchpairpos({start}, {middle}, {end} [, {flags} [, {skip} [...]]])
-				List	search for other end of start/end pair
-searchpos({pattern} [, {flags} [, {stopline} [, {timeout} [, {skip}]]]])
-				List	search for {pattern}
-server2client({clientid}, {string})
-				Number	send reply string
-serverlist()			String	get a list of available servers
-setbufline({expr}, {lnum}, {text})
-				Number	set line {lnum} to {text} in buffer
-					{expr}
-setbufvar({buf}, {varname}, {val})
-				none	set {varname} in buffer {buf} to {val}
-setcellwidths({list})		none	set character cell width overrides
-setcharpos({expr}, {list})	Number	set the {expr} position to {list}
-setcharsearch({dict})		Dict	set character search from {dict}
-setcmdpos({pos})		Number	set cursor position in command-line
-setcursorcharpos({list})	Number	move cursor to position in {list}
-setenv({name}, {val})		none	set environment variable
-setfperm({fname}, {mode})	Number	set {fname} file permissions to {mode}
-setline({lnum}, {line})		Number	set line {lnum} to {line}
-setloclist({nr}, {list} [, {action}])
-				Number	modify location list using {list}
-setloclist({nr}, {list}, {action}, {what})
-				Number	modify specific location list props
-setmatches({list} [, {win}])	Number	restore a list of matches
-setpos({expr}, {list})		Number	set the {expr} position to {list}
-setqflist({list} [, {action}])	Number	modify quickfix list using {list}
-setqflist({list}, {action}, {what})
-				Number	modify specific quickfix list props
-setreg({n}, {v} [, {opt}])	Number	set register to value and type
-settabvar({nr}, {varname}, {val}) none	set {varname} in tab page {nr} to {val}
-settabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val})
-				none	set {varname} in window {winnr} in tab
-					page {tabnr} to {val}
-settagstack({nr}, {dict} [, {action}])
-				Number	modify tag stack using {dict}
-setwinvar({nr}, {varname}, {val}) none	set {varname} in window {nr} to {val}
-sha256({string})		String	SHA256 checksum of {string}
-shellescape({string} [, {special}])
-				String	escape {string} for use as shell
-					command argument
-shiftwidth([{col}])		Number	effective value of 'shiftwidth'
-sign_define({name} [, {dict}])	Number	define or update a sign
-sign_define({list})		List	define or update a list of signs
-sign_getdefined([{name}])	List	get a list of defined signs
-sign_getplaced([{buf} [, {dict}]])
-				List	get a list of placed signs
-sign_jump({id}, {group}, {buf})
-				Number	jump to a sign
-sign_place({id}, {group}, {name}, {buf} [, {dict}])
-				Number	place a sign
-sign_placelist({list})		List	place a list of signs
-sign_undefine([{name}])		Number	undefine a sign
-sign_undefine({list})		List	undefine a list of signs
-sign_unplace({group} [, {dict}])
-				Number	unplace a sign
-sign_unplacelist({list})	List	unplace a list of signs
-simplify({filename})		String	simplify filename as much as possible
-sin({expr})			Float	sine of {expr}
-sinh({expr})			Float	hyperbolic sine of {expr}
-slice({expr}, {start} [, {end}])  String, List or Blob
-					slice of a String, List or Blob
-sort({list} [, {func} [, {dict}]])
-				List	sort {list}, using {func} to compare
-sound_clear()			none	stop playing all sounds
-sound_playevent({name} [, {callback}])
-				Number	play an event sound
-sound_playfile({path} [, {callback}])
-				Number	play sound file {path}
-sound_stop({id})		none	stop playing sound {id}
-soundfold({word})		String	sound-fold {word}
-spellbadword()			String	badly spelled word at cursor
-spellsuggest({word} [, {max} [, {capital}]])
-				List	spelling suggestions
-split({expr} [, {pat} [, {keepempty}]])
-				List	make |List| from {pat} separated {expr}
-sqrt({expr})			Float	square root of {expr}
-srand([{expr}])			List	get seed for |rand()|
-state([{what}])			String	current state of Vim
-str2float({expr} [, {quoted}])	Float	convert String to Float
-str2list({expr} [, {utf8}])	List	convert each character of {expr} to
-					ASCII/UTF-8 value
-str2nr({expr} [, {base} [, {quoted}]])
-				Number	convert String to Number
-strcharlen({expr})		Number	character length of the String {expr}
-strcharpart({str}, {start} [, {len} [, {skipcc}]])
-				String	{len} characters of {str} at
-					character {start}
-strchars({expr} [, {skipcc}])	Number	character count of the String {expr}
-strdisplaywidth({expr} [, {col}]) Number display length of the String {expr}
-strftime({format} [, {time}])	String	format time with a specified format
-strgetchar({str}, {index})	Number	get char {index} from {str}
-stridx({haystack}, {needle} [, {start}])
-				Number	index of {needle} in {haystack}
-string({expr})			String	String representation of {expr} value
-strlen({expr})			Number	length of the String {expr}
-strpart({str}, {start} [, {len} [, {chars}]])
-				String	{len} bytes/chars of {str} at
-					byte {start}
-strptime({format}, {timestring})
-				Number	Convert {timestring} to unix timestamp
-strridx({haystack}, {needle} [, {start}])
-				Number	last index of {needle} in {haystack}
-strtrans({expr})		String	translate string to make it printable
-strwidth({expr})		Number	display cell length of the String {expr}
-submatch({nr} [, {list}])	String or List
-					specific match in ":s" or substitute()
-substitute({expr}, {pat}, {sub}, {flags})
-				String	all {pat} in {expr} replaced with {sub}
-swapinfo({fname})		Dict	information about swap file {fname}
-swapname({buf})			String	swap file of buffer {buf}
-synID({lnum}, {col}, {trans})	Number	syntax ID at {lnum} and {col}
-synIDattr({synID}, {what} [, {mode}])
-				String	attribute {what} of syntax ID {synID}
-synIDtrans({synID})		Number	translated syntax ID of {synID}
-synconcealed({lnum}, {col})	List	info about concealing
-synstack({lnum}, {col})		List	stack of syntax IDs at {lnum} and {col}
-system({expr} [, {input}])	String	output of shell command/filter {expr}
-systemlist({expr} [, {input}])	List	output of shell command/filter {expr}
-tabpagebuflist([{arg}])		List	list of buffer numbers in tab page
-tabpagenr([{arg}])		Number	number of current or last tab page
-tabpagewinnr({tabarg} [, {arg}]) Number	number of current window in tab page
-tagfiles()			List	tags files used
-taglist({expr} [, {filename}])	List	list of tags matching {expr}
-tan({expr})			Float	tangent of {expr}
-tanh({expr})			Float	hyperbolic tangent of {expr}
-tempname()			String	name for a temporary file
-term_dumpdiff({filename}, {filename} [, {options}])
-				Number  display difference between two dumps
-term_dumpload({filename} [, {options}])
-				Number	displaying a screen dump
-term_dumpwrite({buf}, {filename} [, {options}])
-				none	dump terminal window contents
-term_getaltscreen({buf})	Number	get the alternate screen flag
-term_getansicolors({buf})	List	get ANSI palette in GUI color mode
-term_getattr({attr}, {what})	Number	get the value of attribute {what}
-term_getcursor({buf})		List	get the cursor position of a terminal
-term_getjob({buf})		Job	get the job associated with a terminal
-term_getline({buf}, {row})	String	get a line of text from a terminal
-term_getscrolled({buf})		Number	get the scroll count of a terminal
-term_getsize({buf})		List	get the size of a terminal
-term_getstatus({buf})		String	get the status of a terminal
-term_gettitle({buf})		String	get the title of a terminal
-term_gettty({buf}, [{input}])	String	get the tty name of a terminal
-term_list()			List	get the list of terminal buffers
-term_scrape({buf}, {row})	List	get row of a terminal screen
-term_sendkeys({buf}, {keys})	none	send keystrokes to a terminal
-term_setansicolors({buf}, {colors})
-				none	set ANSI palette in GUI color mode
-term_setapi({buf}, {expr})	none	set |terminal-api| function name prefix
-term_setkill({buf}, {how})	none	set signal to stop job in terminal
-term_setrestore({buf}, {command}) none	set command to restore terminal
-term_setsize({buf}, {rows}, {cols})
-				none	set the size of a terminal
-term_start({cmd} [, {options}])	Number	open a terminal window and run a job
-term_wait({buf} [, {time}])	Number  wait for screen to be updated
-terminalprops()			Dict	properties of the terminal
-test_alloc_fail({id}, {countdown}, {repeat})
-				none	make memory allocation fail
-test_autochdir()		none	enable 'autochdir' during startup
-test_feedinput({string})	none	add key sequence to input buffer
-test_garbagecollect_now()	none	free memory right now for testing
-test_garbagecollect_soon()	none	free memory soon for testing
-test_getvalue({string})		any	get value of an internal variable
-test_gui_drop_files({list}, {row}, {col}, {mods})
-				none	drop a list of files in a window
-test_gui_mouse_event({button}, {row}, {col}, {repeated}, {mods})
-				none	add a mouse event to the input buffer
-test_ignore_error({expr})	none	ignore a specific error
-test_null_blob()		Blob	null value for testing
-test_null_channel()		Channel	null value for testing
-test_null_dict()		Dict	null value for testing
-test_null_function()		Funcref	null value for testing
-test_null_job()			Job	null value for testing
-test_null_list()		List	null value for testing
-test_null_partial()		Funcref	null value for testing
-test_null_string()		String	null value for testing
-test_option_not_set({name})	none	reset flag indicating option was set
-test_override({expr}, {val})	none	test with Vim internal overrides
-test_refcount({expr})		Number	get the reference count of {expr}
-test_scrollbar({which}, {value}, {dragging})
-				none	scroll in the GUI for testing
-test_setmouse({row}, {col})	none	set the mouse position for testing
-test_settime({expr})		none	set current time for testing
-test_srand_seed([seed])		none	set seed for testing srand()
-test_unknown()			any	unknown value for testing
-test_void()			any	void value for testing
-timer_info([{id}])		List	information about timers
-timer_pause({id}, {pause})	none	pause or unpause a timer
-timer_start({time}, {callback} [, {options}])
-				Number	create a timer
-timer_stop({timer})		none	stop a timer
-timer_stopall()			none	stop all timers
-tolower({expr})			String	the String {expr} switched to lowercase
-toupper({expr})			String	the String {expr} switched to uppercase
-tr({src}, {fromstr}, {tostr})	String	translate chars of {src} in {fromstr}
-					to chars in {tostr}
-trim({text} [, {mask} [, {dir}]])
-				String	trim characters in {mask} from {text}
-trunc({expr})			Float	truncate Float {expr}
-type({expr})			Number	type of value {expr}
-typename({expr})		String	representation of the type of {expr}
-undofile({name})		String	undo file name for {name}
-undotree()			List	undo file tree
-uniq({list} [, {func} [, {dict}]])
-				List	remove adjacent duplicates from a list
-values({dict})			List	values in {dict}
-virtcol({expr})			Number	screen column of cursor or mark
-visualmode([expr])		String	last visual mode used
-wildmenumode()			Number	whether 'wildmenu' mode is active
-win_execute({id}, {command} [, {silent}])
-				String	execute {command} in window {id}
-win_findbuf({bufnr})		List	find windows containing {bufnr}
-win_getid([{win} [, {tab}]])	Number	get window ID for {win} in {tab}
-win_gettype([{nr}])		String	type of window {nr}
-win_gotoid({expr})		Number	go to window with ID {expr}
-win_id2tabwin({expr})		List	get tab and window nr from window ID
-win_id2win({expr})		Number	get window nr from window ID
-win_screenpos({nr})		List	get screen position of window {nr}
-win_splitmove({nr}, {target} [, {options}])
-				Number	move window {nr} to split of {target}
-winbufnr({nr})			Number	buffer number of window {nr}
-wincol()			Number	window column of the cursor
-windowsversion()		String	MS-Windows OS version
-winheight({nr})			Number	height of window {nr}
-winlayout([{tabnr}])		List	layout of windows in tab {tabnr}
-winline()			Number	window line of the cursor
-winnr([{expr}])			Number	number of current window
-winrestcmd()			String	returns command to restore window sizes
-winrestview({dict})		none	restore view of current window
-winsaveview()			Dict	save view of current window
-winwidth({nr})			Number	width of window {nr}
-wordcount()			Dict	get byte/char/word statistics
-writefile({object}, {fname} [, {flags}])
-				Number	write |Blob| or |List| of lines to file
-xor({expr}, {expr})		Number	bitwise XOR
-abs({expr})							*abs()*
-		Return the absolute value of {expr}.  When {expr} evaluates to
-		a |Float| abs() returns a |Float|.  When {expr} can be
-		converted to a |Number| abs() returns a |Number|.  Otherwise
-		abs() gives an error message and returns -1.
-		Examples: >
-			echo abs(1.456)
-<			1.456  >
-			echo abs(-5.456)
-<			5.456  >
-			echo abs(-4)
-<			4
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->abs()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-acos({expr})							*acos()*
-		Return the arc cosine of {expr} measured in radians, as a
-		|Float| in the range of [0, pi].
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number| in the range
-		[-1, 1].
-		Examples: >
-			:echo acos(0)
-<			1.570796 >
-			:echo acos(-0.5)
-<			2.094395
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->acos()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-add({object}, {expr})					*add()*
-		Append the item {expr} to |List| or |Blob| {object}.  Returns
-		the resulting |List| or |Blob|.  Examples: >
-			:let alist = add([1, 2, 3], item)
-			:call add(mylist, "woodstock")
-<		Note that when {expr} is a |List| it is appended as a single
-		item.  Use |extend()| to concatenate |Lists|.
-		When {object} is a |Blob| then  {expr} must be a number.
-		Use |insert()| to add an item at another position.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->add(val1)->add(val2)
-and({expr}, {expr})					*and()*
-		Bitwise AND on the two arguments.  The arguments are converted
-		to a number.  A List, Dict or Float argument causes an error.
-		Example: >
-			:let flag = and(bits, 0x80)
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			:let flag = bits->and(0x80)
-append({lnum}, {text})					*append()*
-		When {text} is a |List|: Append each item of the |List| as a
-		text line below line {lnum} in the current buffer.
-		Otherwise append {text} as one text line below line {lnum} in
-		the current buffer.
-		Any type of item is accepted and converted to a String.
-		{lnum} can be zero to insert a line before the first one.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.
-		Returns 1 for failure ({lnum} out of range or out of memory),
-		0 for success.  Example: >
-			:let failed = append(line('$'), "# THE END")
-			:let failed = append(0, ["Chapter 1", "the beginning"])
-<		Can also be used as a |method| after a List, the base is
-		passed as the second argument: >
-			mylist->append(lnum)
-appendbufline({buf}, {lnum}, {text})			*appendbufline()*
-		Like |append()| but append the text in buffer {buf}.
-		This function works only for loaded buffers. First call
-		|bufload()| if needed.
-		For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()|.
-		{lnum} is used like with |append()|.  Note that using |line()|
-		would use the current buffer, not the one appending to.
-		Use "$" to append at the end of the buffer.
-		On success 0 is returned, on failure 1 is returned.
-		If {buf} is not a valid buffer or {lnum} is not valid, an
-		error message is given. Example: >
-			:let failed = appendbufline(13, 0, "# THE START")
-		Can also be used as a |method| after a List, the base is
-		passed as the second argument: >
-			mylist->appendbufline(buf, lnum)
-argc([{winid}])					*argc()*
-		The result is the number of files in the argument list.  See
-		|arglist|.
-		If {winid} is not supplied, the argument list of the current
-		window is used.
-		If {winid} is -1, the global argument list is used.
-		Otherwise {winid} specifies the window of which the argument
-		list is used: either the window number or the window ID.
-		Returns -1 if the {winid} argument is invalid.
-							*argidx()*
-argidx()	The result is the current index in the argument list.  0 is
-		the first file.  argc() - 1 is the last one.  See |arglist|.
-							*arglistid()*
-arglistid([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]])
-		Return the argument list ID.  This is a number which
-		identifies the argument list being used.  Zero is used for the
-		global argument list.  See |arglist|.
-		Returns -1 if the arguments are invalid.
-		Without arguments use the current window.
-		With {winnr} only use this window in the current tab page.
-		With {winnr} and {tabnr} use the window in the specified tab
-		page.
-		{winnr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-							*argv()*
-argv([{nr} [, {winid}]])
-		The result is the {nr}th file in the argument list.  See
-		|arglist|.  "argv(0)" is the first one.  Example: >
-	:let i = 0
-	:while i < argc()
-	:  let f = escape(fnameescape(argv(i)), '.')
-	:  exe 'amenu Arg.' . f . ' :e ' . f . '<CR>'
-	:  let i = i + 1
-	:endwhile
-<		Without the {nr} argument, or when {nr} is -1, a |List| with
-		the whole |arglist| is returned.
-		The {winid} argument specifies the window ID, see |argc()|.
-		For the Vim command line arguments see |v:argv|.
-asin({expr})						*asin()*
-		Return the arc sine of {expr} measured in radians, as a |Float|
-		in the range of [-pi/2, pi/2].
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number| in the range
-		[-1, 1].
-		Examples: >
-			:echo asin(0.8)
-<			0.927295 >
-			:echo asin(-0.5)
-<			-0.523599
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->asin()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-assert_ functions are documented here: |assert-functions-details|
-atan({expr})						*atan()*
-		Return the principal value of the arc tangent of {expr}, in
-		the range [-pi/2, +pi/2] radians, as a |Float|.
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo atan(100)
-<			1.560797 >
-			:echo atan(-4.01)
-<			-1.326405
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->atan()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-atan2({expr1}, {expr2})					*atan2()*
-		Return the arc tangent of {expr1} / {expr2}, measured in
-		radians, as a |Float| in the range [-pi, pi].
-		{expr1} and {expr2} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo atan2(-1, 1)
-<			-0.785398 >
-			:echo atan2(1, -1)
-<			2.356194
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->atan2(1)
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-balloon_gettext()					*balloon_gettext()*
-		Return the current text in the balloon.  Only for the string,
-		not used for the List.
-balloon_show({expr})					*balloon_show()*
-		Show {expr} inside the balloon.  For the GUI {expr} is used as
-		a string.  For a terminal {expr} can be a list, which contains
-		the lines of the balloon.  If {expr} is not a list it will be
-		split with |balloon_split()|.
-		If {expr} is an empty string any existing balloon is removed.
-		Example: >
-			func GetBalloonContent()
-			   " ... initiate getting the content
-			   return ''
-			endfunc
-			set balloonexpr=GetBalloonContent()
-			func BalloonCallback(result)
-			  call balloon_show(a:result)
-			endfunc
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->balloon_show()
-		The intended use is that fetching the content of the balloon
-		is initiated from 'balloonexpr'.  It will invoke an
-		asynchronous method, in which a callback invokes
-		balloon_show().  The 'balloonexpr' itself can return an
-		empty string or a placeholder.
-		When showing a balloon is not possible nothing happens, no
-		error message.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+balloon_eval| or
-		|+balloon_eval_term| feature}
-balloon_split({msg})					*balloon_split()*
-		Split String {msg} into lines to be displayed in a balloon.
-		The splits are made for the current window size and optimize
-		to show debugger output.
-		Returns a |List| with the split lines.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->balloon_split()->balloon_show()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+balloon_eval_term|
-		feature}
-blob2list({blob})					*blob2list()*
-		Return a List containing the number value of each byte in Blob
-		{blob}.  Examples: >
-			blob2list(0z0102.0304)	returns [1, 2, 3, 4]
-			blob2list(0z)		returns []
-<		Returns an empty List on error.  |list2blob()| does the
-		opposite.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBlob()->blob2list()
-							*browse()*
-browse({save}, {title}, {initdir}, {default})
-		Put up a file requester.  This only works when "has("browse")"
-		returns |TRUE| (only in some GUI versions).
-		The input fields are:
-		    {save}	when |TRUE|, select file to write
-		    {title}	title for the requester
-		    {initdir}	directory to start browsing in
-		    {default}	default file name
-		An empty string is returned when the "Cancel" button is hit,
-		something went wrong, or browsing is not possible.
-							*browsedir()*
-browsedir({title}, {initdir})
-		Put up a directory requester.  This only works when
-		"has("browse")" returns |TRUE| (only in some GUI versions).
-		On systems where a directory browser is not supported a file
-		browser is used.  In that case: select a file in the directory
-		to be used.
-		The input fields are:
-		    {title}	title for the requester
-		    {initdir}	directory to start browsing in
-		When the "Cancel" button is hit, something went wrong, or
-		browsing is not possible, an empty string is returned.
-bufadd({name})						*bufadd()*
-		Add a buffer to the buffer list with String {name}.
-		If a buffer for file {name} already exists, return that buffer
-		number.  Otherwise return the buffer number of the newly
-		created buffer.  When {name} is an empty string then a new
-		buffer is always created.
-		The buffer will not have 'buflisted' set and not be loaded
-		yet.  To add some text to the buffer use this: >
-			let bufnr = bufadd('someName')
-			call bufload(bufnr)
-			call setbufline(bufnr, 1, ['some', 'text'])
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			let bufnr = 'somename'->bufadd()
-bufexists({buf})					*bufexists()*
-		The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| if a buffer called
-		{buf} exists.
-		If the {buf} argument is a number, buffer numbers are used.
-		Number zero is the alternate buffer for the current window.
-		If the {buf} argument is a string it must match a buffer name
-		exactly.  The name can be:
-		- Relative to the current directory.
-		- A full path.
-		- The name of a buffer with 'buftype' set to "nofile".
-		- A URL name.
-		Unlisted buffers will be found.
-		Note that help files are listed by their short name in the
-		output of |:buffers|, but bufexists() requires using their
-		long name to be able to find them.
-		bufexists() may report a buffer exists, but to use the name
-		with a |:buffer| command you may need to use |expand()|.  Esp
-		for MS-Windows 8.3 names in the form "c:\DOCUME~1"
-		Use "bufexists(0)" to test for the existence of an alternate
-		file name.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			let exists = 'somename'->bufexists()
-		Obsolete name: buffer_exists().		*buffer_exists()*
-buflisted({buf})					*buflisted()*
-		The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| if a buffer called
-		{buf} exists and is listed (has the 'buflisted' option set).
-		The {buf} argument is used like with |bufexists()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			let listed = 'somename'->buflisted()
-bufload({buf})						*bufload()*
-		Ensure the buffer {buf} is loaded.  When the buffer name
-		refers to an existing file then the file is read.  Otherwise
-		the buffer will be empty.  If the buffer was already loaded
-		then there is no change.
-		If there is an existing swap file for the file of the buffer,
-		there will be no dialog, the buffer will be loaded anyway.
-		The {buf} argument is used like with |bufexists()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			eval 'somename'->bufload()
-bufloaded({buf})					*bufloaded()*
-		The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| if a buffer called
-		{buf} exists and is loaded (shown in a window or hidden).
-		The {buf} argument is used like with |bufexists()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			let loaded = 'somename'->bufloaded()
-bufname([{buf}])					*bufname()*
-		The result is the name of a buffer.  Mostly as it is displayed
-		by the `:ls` command, but not using special names such as
-		"[No Name]".
-		If {buf} is omitted the current buffer is used.
-		If {buf} is a Number, that buffer number's name is given.
-		Number zero is the alternate buffer for the current window.
-		If {buf} is a String, it is used as a |file-pattern| to match
-		with the buffer names.  This is always done like 'magic' is
-		set and 'cpoptions' is empty.  When there is more than one
-		match an empty string is returned.
-		"" or "%" can be used for the current buffer, "#" for the
-		alternate buffer.
-		A full match is preferred, otherwise a match at the start, end
-		or middle of the buffer name is accepted.  If you only want a
-		full match then put "^" at the start and "$" at the end of the
-		pattern.
-		Listed buffers are found first.  If there is a single match
-		with a listed buffer, that one is returned.  Next unlisted
-		buffers are searched for.
-		If the {buf} is a String, but you want to use it as a buffer
-		number, force it to be a Number by adding zero to it: >
-			:echo bufname("3" + 0)
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			echo bufnr->bufname()
-<		If the buffer doesn't exist, or doesn't have a name, an empty
-		string is returned. >
-	bufname("#")		alternate buffer name
-	bufname(3)		name of buffer 3
-	bufname("%")		name of current buffer
-	bufname("file2")	name of buffer where "file2" matches.
-<							*buffer_name()*
-		Obsolete name: buffer_name().
-							*bufnr()*
-bufnr([{buf} [, {create}]])
-		The result is the number of a buffer, as it is displayed by
-		the `:ls` command.  For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()|
-		above.
-		If the buffer doesn't exist, -1 is returned.  Or, if the
-		{create} argument is present and TRUE, a new, unlisted,
-		buffer is created and its number is returned.  Example: >
-			let newbuf = bufnr('Scratch001', 1)
-<		Using an empty name uses the current buffer. To create a new
-		buffer with an empty name use |bufadd()|.
-		bufnr("$") is the last buffer: >
-			:let last_buffer = bufnr("$")
-<		The result is a Number, which is the highest buffer number
-		of existing buffers.  Note that not all buffers with a smaller
-		number necessarily exist, because ":bwipeout" may have removed
-		them.  Use bufexists() to test for the existence of a buffer.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			echo bufref->bufnr()
-		Obsolete name: buffer_number().		*buffer_number()*
-							*last_buffer_nr()*
-		Obsolete name for bufnr("$"): last_buffer_nr().
-bufwinid({buf})						*bufwinid()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the |window-ID| of the first
-		window associated with buffer {buf}.  For the use of {buf},
-		see |bufname()| above.  If buffer {buf} doesn't exist or
-		there is no such window, -1 is returned.  Example: >
-	echo "A window containing buffer 1 is " . (bufwinid(1))
-		Only deals with the current tab page.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			FindBuffer()->bufwinid()
-bufwinnr({buf})						*bufwinnr()*
-		Like |bufwinid()| but return the window number instead of the
-		|window-ID|.
-		If buffer {buf} doesn't exist or there is no such window, -1
-		is returned.  Example: >
-	echo "A window containing buffer 1 is " . (bufwinnr(1))
-<		The number can be used with |CTRL-W_w| and ":wincmd w"
-		|:wincmd|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			FindBuffer()->bufwinnr()
-byte2line({byte})					*byte2line()*
-		Return the line number that contains the character at byte
-		count {byte} in the current buffer.  This includes the
-		end-of-line character, depending on the 'fileformat' option
-		for the current buffer.  The first character has byte count
-		one.
-		Also see |line2byte()|, |go| and |:goto|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetOffset()->byte2line()
-<		{not available when compiled without the |+byte_offset|
-		feature}
-byteidx({expr}, {nr})					*byteidx()*
-		Return byte index of the {nr}'th character in the String
-		{expr}.  Use zero for the first character, it then returns
-		zero.
-		If there are no multibyte characters the returned value is
-		equal to {nr}.
-		Composing characters are not counted separately, their byte
-		length is added to the preceding base character.  See
-		|byteidxcomp()| below for counting composing characters
-		separately.
-		Example : >
-			echo matchstr(str, ".", byteidx(str, 3))
-<		will display the fourth character.  Another way to do the
-		same: >
-			let s = strpart(str, byteidx(str, 3))
-			echo strpart(s, 0, byteidx(s, 1))
-<		Also see |strgetchar()| and |strcharpart()|.
-		If there are less than {nr} characters -1 is returned.
-		If there are exactly {nr} characters the length of the string
-		in bytes is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->byteidx(idx)
-byteidxcomp({expr}, {nr})					*byteidxcomp()*
-		Like byteidx(), except that a composing character is counted
-		as a separate character.  Example: >
-			let s = 'e' . nr2char(0x301)
-			echo byteidx(s, 1)
-			echo byteidxcomp(s, 1)
-			echo byteidxcomp(s, 2)
-<		The first and third echo result in 3 ('e' plus composing
-		character is 3 bytes), the second echo results in 1 ('e' is
-		one byte).
-		Only works differently from byteidx() when 'encoding' is set
-		to a Unicode encoding.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->byteidxcomp(idx)
-call({func}, {arglist} [, {dict}])			*call()* *E699*
-		Call function {func} with the items in |List| {arglist} as
-		arguments.
-		{func} can either be a |Funcref| or the name of a function.
-		a:firstline and a:lastline are set to the cursor line.
-		Returns the return value of the called function.
-		{dict} is for functions with the "dict" attribute.  It will be
-		used to set the local variable "self". |Dictionary-function|
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFunc()->call([arg, arg], dict)
-ceil({expr})							*ceil()*
-		Return the smallest integral value greater than or equal to
-		{expr} as a |Float| (round up).
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			echo ceil(1.456)
-<			2.0  >
-			echo ceil(-5.456)
-<			-5.0  >
-			echo ceil(4.0)
-<			4.0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->ceil()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-ch_ functions are documented here: |channel-functions-details|
-changenr()						*changenr()*
-		Return the number of the most recent change.  This is the same
-		number as what is displayed with |:undolist| and can be used
-		with the |:undo| command.
-		When a change was made it is the number of that change.  After
-		redo it is the number of the redone change.  After undo it is
-		one less than the number of the undone change.
-char2nr({string} [, {utf8}])					*char2nr()*
-		Return number value of the first char in {string}.
-		Examples: >
-			char2nr(" ")		returns 32
-			char2nr("ABC")		returns 65
-<		When {utf8} is omitted or zero, the current 'encoding' is used.
-		Example for "utf-8": >
-			char2nr("á")		returns 225
-			char2nr("á"[0])		returns 195
-<		When {utf8} is TRUE, always treat as UTF-8 characters.
-		A combining character is a separate character.
-		|nr2char()| does the opposite.
-		To turn a string into a list of character numbers: >
-		    let str = "ABC"
-		    let list = map(split(str, '\zs'), {_, val -> char2nr(val)})
-<		Result: [65, 66, 67]
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetChar()->char2nr()
-charclass({string})					*charclass()*
-		Return the character class of the first character in {string}.
-		The character class is one of:
-			0	blank
-			1	punctuation
-			2	word character
-			3	emoji
-			other	specific Unicode class
-		The class is used in patterns and word motions.
-charcol({expr})						*charcol()*
-		Same as |col()| but returns the character index of the column
-		position given with {expr} instead of the byte position.
-		Example:
-		With the cursor on '세' in line 5 with text "여보세요": >
-			charcol('.')		returns 3
-			col('.')		returns 7
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPos()->col()
-							*charidx()*
-charidx({string}, {idx} [, {countcc}])
-		Return the character index of the byte at {idx} in {string}.
-		The index of the first character is zero.
-		If there are no multibyte characters the returned value is
-		equal to {idx}.
-		When {countcc} is omitted or |FALSE|, then composing characters
-		are not counted separately, their byte length is
-		added to the preceding base character.
-		When {countcc} is |TRUE|, then composing characters are
-		counted as separate characters.
-		Returns -1 if the arguments are invalid or if {idx} is greater
-		than the index of the last byte in {string}.  An error is
-		given if the first argument is not a string, the second
-		argument is not a number or when the third argument is present
-		and is not zero or one.
-		See |byteidx()| and |byteidxcomp()| for getting the byte index
-		from the character index.
-		Examples: >
-			echo charidx('áb́ć', 3)		returns 1
-			echo charidx('áb́ć', 6, 1)	returns 4
-			echo charidx('áb́ć', 16)		returns -1
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->charidx(idx)
-chdir({dir})						*chdir()*
-		Change the current working directory to {dir}.  The scope of
-		the directory change depends on the directory of the current
-		window:
-			- If the current window has a window-local directory
-			  (|:lcd|), then changes the window local directory.
-			- Otherwise, if the current tabpage has a local
-			  directory (|:tcd|) then changes the tabpage local
-			  directory.
-			- Otherwise, changes the global directory.
-		{dir} must be a String.
-		If successful, returns the previous working directory.  Pass
-		this to another chdir() to restore the directory.
-		On failure, returns an empty string.
-		Example: >
-			let save_dir = chdir(newdir)
-			if save_dir != ""
-			   " ... do some work
-			   call chdir(save_dir)
-			endif
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetDir()->chdir()
-cindent({lnum})						*cindent()*
-		Get the amount of indent for line {lnum} according the C
-		indenting rules, as with 'cindent'.
-		The indent is counted in spaces, the value of 'tabstop' is
-		relevant.  {lnum} is used just like in |getline()|.
-		When {lnum} is invalid or Vim was not compiled the |+cindent|
-		feature, -1 is returned.
-		See |C-indenting|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->cindent()
-clearmatches([{win}])					*clearmatches()*
-		Clears all matches previously defined for the current window
-		by |matchadd()| and the |:match| commands.
-		If {win} is specified, use the window with this number or
-		window ID instead of the current window.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWin()->clearmatches()
-							*col()*
-col({expr})	The result is a Number, which is the byte index of the column
-		position given with {expr}.  The accepted positions are:
-		    .	    the cursor position
-		    $	    the end of the cursor line (the result is the
-			    number of bytes in the cursor line plus one)
-		    'x	    position of mark x (if the mark is not set, 0 is
-			    returned)
-		    v       In Visual mode: the start of the Visual area (the
-			    cursor is the end).  When not in Visual mode
-			    returns the cursor position.  Differs from |'<| in
-			    that it's updated right away.
-		Additionally {expr} can be [lnum, col]: a |List| with the line
-		and column number. Most useful when the column is "$", to get
-		the last column of a specific line.  When "lnum" or "col" is
-		out of range then col() returns zero.
-		To get the line number use |line()|.  To get both use
-		|getpos()|.
-		For the screen column position use |virtcol()|.  For the
-		character position use |charcol()|.
-		Note that only marks in the current file can be used.
-		Examples: >
-			col(".")		column of cursor
-			col("$")		length of cursor line plus one
-			col("'t")		column of mark t
-			col("'" . markname)	column of mark markname
-<		The first column is 1.  0 is returned for an error.
-		For an uppercase mark the column may actually be in another
-		buffer.
-		For the cursor position, when 'virtualedit' is active, the
-		column is one higher if the cursor is after the end of the
-		line.  This can be used to obtain the column in Insert mode: >
-			:imap <F2> <C-O>:let save_ve = &ve<CR>
-				\<C-O>:set ve=all<CR>
-				\<C-O>:echo col(".") . "\n" <Bar>
-				\let &ve = save_ve<CR>
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPos()->col()
-complete({startcol}, {matches})			*complete()* *E785*
-		Set the matches for Insert mode completion.
-		Can only be used in Insert mode.  You need to use a mapping
-		with CTRL-R = (see |i_CTRL-R|).  It does not work after CTRL-O
-		or with an expression mapping.
-		{startcol} is the byte offset in the line where the completed
-		text start.  The text up to the cursor is the original text
-		that will be replaced by the matches.  Use col('.') for an
-		empty string.  "col('.') - 1" will replace one character by a
-		match.
-		{matches} must be a |List|.  Each |List| item is one match.
-		See |complete-items| for the kind of items that are possible.
-		"longest" in 'completeopt' is ignored.
-		Note that the after calling this function you need to avoid
-		inserting anything that would cause completion to stop.
-		The match can be selected with CTRL-N and CTRL-P as usual with
-		Insert mode completion.  The popup menu will appear if
-		specified, see |ins-completion-menu|.
-		Example: >
-	inoremap <F5> <C-R>=ListMonths()<CR>
-	func! ListMonths()
-	  call complete(col('.'), ['January', 'February', 'March',
-		\ 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September',
-		\ 'October', 'November', 'December'])
-	  return ''
-	endfunc
-<		This isn't very useful, but it shows how it works.  Note that
-		an empty string is returned to avoid a zero being inserted.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetMatches()->complete(col('.'))
-complete_add({expr})				*complete_add()*
-		Add {expr} to the list of matches.  Only to be used by the
-		function specified with the 'completefunc' option.
-		Returns 0 for failure (empty string or out of memory),
-		1 when the match was added, 2 when the match was already in
-		the list.
-		See |complete-functions| for an explanation of {expr}.  It is
-		the same as one item in the list that 'omnifunc' would return.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMoreMatches()->complete_add()
-complete_check()				*complete_check()*
-		Check for a key typed while looking for completion matches.
-		This is to be used when looking for matches takes some time.
-		Returns |TRUE| when searching for matches is to be aborted,
-		zero otherwise.
-		Only to be used by the function specified with the
-		'completefunc' option.
-complete_info([{what}])				*complete_info()*
-		Returns a |Dictionary| with information about Insert mode
-		completion.  See |ins-completion|.
-		The items are:
-		   mode		Current completion mode name string.
-				See |complete_info_mode| for the values.
-		   pum_visible	|TRUE| if popup menu is visible.
-				See |pumvisible()|.
-		   items	List of completion matches.  Each item is a
-				dictionary containing the entries "word",
-				"abbr", "menu", "kind", "info" and "user_data".
-				See |complete-items|.
-		   selected	Selected item index.  First index is zero.
-				Index is -1 if no item is selected (showing
-				typed text only, or the last completion after
-				no item is selected when using the <Up> or
-				<Down> keys)
-		   inserted	Inserted string. [NOT IMPLEMENT YET]
-							*complete_info_mode*
-		mode values are:
-		   ""		     Not in completion mode
-		   "keyword"	     Keyword completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-N|
-		   "ctrl_x"	     Just pressed CTRL-X |i_CTRL-X|
-		   "scroll"	     Scrolling with |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-E| or
-				     |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-Y|
-		   "whole_line"	     Whole lines |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-L|
-		   "files"	     File names |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-F|
-		   "tags"	     Tags |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-]|
-		   "path_defines"    Definition completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-D|
-		   "path_patterns"   Include completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-I|
-		   "dictionary"	     Dictionary |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-K|
-		   "thesaurus"	     Thesaurus |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-T|
-		   "cmdline"	     Vim Command line |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-V|
-		   "function"	     User defined completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-U|
-		   "omni"	     Omni completion |i_CTRL-X_CTRL-O|
-		   "spell"	     Spelling suggestions |i_CTRL-X_s|
-		   "eval"	     |complete()| completion
-		   "unknown"	     Other internal modes
-		If the optional {what} list argument is supplied, then only
-		the items listed in {what} are returned.  Unsupported items in
-		{what} are silently ignored.
-		To get the position and size of the popup menu, see
-		|pum_getpos()|. It's also available in |v:event| during the
-		|CompleteChanged| event.
-		Examples: >
-			" Get all items
-			call complete_info()
-			" Get only 'mode'
-			call complete_info(['mode'])
-			" Get only 'mode' and 'pum_visible'
-			call complete_info(['mode', 'pum_visible'])
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetItems()->complete_info()
-						*confirm()*
-confirm({msg} [, {choices} [, {default} [, {type}]]])
-		confirm() offers the user a dialog, from which a choice can be
-		made.  It returns the number of the choice.  For the first
-		choice this is 1.
-		Note: confirm() is only supported when compiled with dialog
-		support, see |+dialog_con| and |+dialog_gui|.
-		{msg} is displayed in a |dialog| with {choices} as the
-		alternatives.  When {choices} is missing or empty, "&OK" is
-		used (and translated).
-		{msg} is a String, use '\n' to include a newline.  Only on
-		some systems the string is wrapped when it doesn't fit.
-		{choices} is a String, with the individual choices separated
-		by '\n', e.g. >
-			confirm("Save changes?", "&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel")
-<		The letter after the '&' is the shortcut key for that choice.
-		Thus you can type 'c' to select "Cancel".  The shortcut does
-		not need to be the first letter: >
-			confirm("file has been modified", "&Save\nSave &All")
-<		For the console, the first letter of each choice is used as
-		the default shortcut key.  Case is ignored.
-		The optional {default} argument is the number of the choice
-		that is made if the user hits <CR>.  Use 1 to make the first
-		choice the default one.  Use 0 to not set a default.  If
-		{default} is omitted, 1 is used.
-		The optional {type} String argument gives the type of dialog.
-		This is only used for the icon of the GTK, Mac, Motif and
-		Win32 GUI.  It can be one of these values: "Error",
-		"Question", "Info", "Warning" or "Generic".  Only the first
-		character is relevant.  When {type} is omitted, "Generic" is
-		used.
-		If the user aborts the dialog by pressing <Esc>, CTRL-C,
-		or another valid interrupt key, confirm() returns 0.
-		An example: >
-   :let choice = confirm("What do you want?", "&Apples\n&Oranges\n&Bananas", 2)
-   :if choice == 0
-   :	echo "make up your mind!"
-   :elseif choice == 3
-   :	echo "tasteful"
-   :else
-   :	echo "I prefer bananas myself."
-   :endif
-<		In a GUI dialog, buttons are used.  The layout of the buttons
-		depends on the 'v' flag in 'guioptions'.  If it is included,
-		the buttons are always put vertically.  Otherwise,  confirm()
-		tries to put the buttons in one horizontal line.  If they
-		don't fit, a vertical layout is used anyway.  For some systems
-		the horizontal layout is always used.
-		Can also be used as a |method|in: >
-			BuildMessage()->confirm("&Yes\n&No")
-							*copy()*
-copy({expr})	Make a copy of {expr}.  For Numbers and Strings this isn't
-		different from using {expr} directly.
-		When {expr} is a |List| a shallow copy is created.  This means
-		that the original |List| can be changed without changing the
-		copy, and vice versa.  But the items are identical, thus
-		changing an item changes the contents of both |Lists|.
-		A |Dictionary| is copied in a similar way as a |List|.
-		Also see |deepcopy()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->copy()
-cos({expr})						*cos()*
-		Return the cosine of {expr}, measured in radians, as a |Float|.
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo cos(100)
-<			0.862319 >
-			:echo cos(-4.01)
-<			-0.646043
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->cos()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-cosh({expr})						*cosh()*
-		Return the hyperbolic cosine of {expr} as a |Float| in the range
-		[1, inf].
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo cosh(0.5)
-<			1.127626 >
-			:echo cosh(-0.5)
-<			-1.127626
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->cosh()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-count({comp}, {expr} [, {ic} [, {start}]])			*count()*
-		Return the number of times an item with value {expr} appears
-		in |String|, |List| or |Dictionary| {comp}.
-		If {start} is given then start with the item with this index.
-		{start} can only be used with a |List|.
-		When {ic} is given and it's |TRUE| then case is ignored.
-		When {comp} is a string then the number of not overlapping
-		occurrences of {expr} is returned. Zero is returned when
-		{expr} is an empty string.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->count(val)
-							*cscope_connection()*
-cscope_connection([{num} , {dbpath} [, {prepend}]])
-		Checks for the existence of a |cscope| connection.  If no
-		parameters are specified, then the function returns:
-			0, if cscope was not available (not compiled in), or
-			   if there are no cscope connections;
-			1, if there is at least one cscope connection.
-		If parameters are specified, then the value of {num}
-		determines how existence of a cscope connection is checked:
-		{num}	Description of existence check
-		-----	------------------------------
-		0	Same as no parameters (e.g., "cscope_connection()").
-		1	Ignore {prepend}, and use partial string matches for
-			{dbpath}.
-		2	Ignore {prepend}, and use exact string matches for
-			{dbpath}.
-		3	Use {prepend}, use partial string matches for both
-			{dbpath} and {prepend}.
-		4	Use {prepend}, use exact string matches for both
-			{dbpath} and {prepend}.
-		Note: All string comparisons are case sensitive!
-		Examples.  Suppose we had the following (from ":cs show"): >
-  # pid    database name			prepend path
-  0 27664  cscope.out				/usr/local
-		Invocation					Return Val ~
-		----------					---------- >
-		cscope_connection()					1
-		cscope_connection(1, "out")				1
-		cscope_connection(2, "out")				0
-		cscope_connection(3, "out")				0
-		cscope_connection(3, "out", "local")			1
-		cscope_connection(4, "out")				0
-		cscope_connection(4, "out", "local")			0
-		cscope_connection(4, "cscope.out", "/usr/local")	1
-cursor({lnum}, {col} [, {off}])				*cursor()*
-		Positions the cursor at the column (byte count) {col} in the
-		line {lnum}.  The first column is one.
-		When there is one argument {list} this is used as a |List|
-		with two, three or four item:
-			[{lnum}, {col}]
-			[{lnum}, {col}, {off}]
-			[{lnum}, {col}, {off}, {curswant}]
-		This is like the return value of |getpos()| or |getcurpos()|,
-		but without the first item.
-		To position the cursor using the character count, use
-		|setcursorcharpos()|.
-		Does not change the jumplist.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.
-		If {lnum} is greater than the number of lines in the buffer,
-		the cursor will be positioned at the last line in the buffer.
-		If {lnum} is zero, the cursor will stay in the current line.
-		If {col} is greater than the number of bytes in the line,
-		the cursor will be positioned at the last character in the
-		line.
-		If {col} is zero, the cursor will stay in the current column.
-		If {curswant} is given it is used to set the preferred column
-		for vertical movement.  Otherwise {col} is used.
-		When 'virtualedit' is used {off} specifies the offset in
-		screen columns from the start of the character.  E.g., a
-		position within a <Tab> or after the last character.
-		Returns 0 when the position could be set, -1 otherwise.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetCursorPos()->cursor()
-debugbreak({pid})					*debugbreak()*
-		Specifically used to interrupt a program being debugged.  It
-		will cause process {pid} to get a SIGTRAP.  Behavior for other
-		processes is undefined. See |terminal-debugger|.
-		{only available on MS-Windows}
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPid()->debugbreak()
-deepcopy({expr} [, {noref}])				*deepcopy()* *E698*
-		Make a copy of {expr}.  For Numbers and Strings this isn't
-		different from using {expr} directly.
-		When {expr} is a |List| a full copy is created.  This means
-		that the original |List| can be changed without changing the
-		copy, and vice versa.  When an item is a |List| or
-		|Dictionary|, a copy for it is made, recursively.  Thus
-		changing an item in the copy does not change the contents of
-		the original |List|.
-		A |Dictionary| is copied in a similar way as a |List|.
-		When {noref} is omitted or zero a contained |List| or
-		|Dictionary| is only copied once.  All references point to
-		this single copy.  With {noref} set to 1 every occurrence of a
-		|List| or |Dictionary| results in a new copy.  This also means
-		that a cyclic reference causes deepcopy() to fail.
-								*E724*
-		Nesting is possible up to 100 levels.  When there is an item
-		that refers back to a higher level making a deep copy with
-		{noref} set to 1 will fail.
-		Also see |copy()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetObject()->deepcopy()
-delete({fname} [, {flags}])				*delete()*
-		Without {flags} or with {flags} empty: Deletes the file by the
-		name {fname}.  This also works when {fname} is a symbolic link.
-		When {flags} is "d": Deletes the directory by the name
-		{fname}.  This fails when directory {fname} is not empty.
-		When {flags} is "rf": Deletes the directory by the name
-		{fname} and everything in it, recursively.  BE CAREFUL!
-		Note: on MS-Windows it is not possible to delete a directory
-		that is being used.
-		A symbolic link itself is deleted, not what it points to.
-		The result is a Number, which is 0/false if the delete
-		operation was successful and -1/true when the deletion failed
-		or partly failed.
-		Use |remove()| to delete an item from a |List|.
-		To delete a line from the buffer use |:delete| or
-		|deletebufline()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->delete()
-deletebufline({buf}, {first} [, {last}])		*deletebufline()*
-		Delete lines {first} to {last} (inclusive) from buffer {buf}.
-		If {last} is omitted then delete line {first} only.
-		On success 0 is returned, on failure 1 is returned.
-		This function works only for loaded buffers. First call
-		|bufload()| if needed.
-		For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()| above.
-		{first} and {last} are used like with |getline()|. Note that
-		when using |line()| this refers to the current buffer. Use "$"
-		to refer to the last line in buffer {buf}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBuffer()->deletebufline(1)
-							*did_filetype()*
-did_filetype()	Returns |TRUE| when autocommands are being executed and the
-		FileType event has been triggered at least once.  Can be used
-		to avoid triggering the FileType event again in the scripts
-		that detect the file type. |FileType|
-		Returns |FALSE| when `:setf FALLBACK` was used.
-		When editing another file, the counter is reset, thus this
-		really checks if the FileType event has been triggered for the
-		current buffer.  This allows an autocommand that starts
-		editing another buffer to set 'filetype' and load a syntax
-		file.
-diff_filler({lnum})					*diff_filler()*
-		Returns the number of filler lines above line {lnum}.
-		These are the lines that were inserted at this point in
-		another diff'ed window.  These filler lines are shown in the
-		display but don't exist in the buffer.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.  Thus "." is the current
-		line, "'m" mark m, etc.
-		Returns 0 if the current window is not in diff mode.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->diff_filler()
-diff_hlID({lnum}, {col})				*diff_hlID()*
-		Returns the highlight ID for diff mode at line {lnum} column
-		{col} (byte index).  When the current line does not have a
-		diff change zero is returned.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.  Thus "." is the current
-		line, "'m" mark m, etc.
-		{col} is 1 for the leftmost column, {lnum} is 1 for the first
-		line.
-		The highlight ID can be used with |synIDattr()| to obtain
-		syntax information about the highlighting.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->diff_hlID(col)
-digraph_get({chars})					*digraph_get()* *E1214*
-		Return the digraph of {chars}.  This should be a string with
-		exactly two characters.  If {chars} are not just two
-		characters, or the digraph of {chars} does not exist, an error
-		is given and an empty string is returned.
-		The character will be converted from Unicode to 'encoding'
-		when needed.  This does require the conversion to be
-		available, it might fail.
-		Also see |digraph_getlist()|.
-		Examples: >
-		" Get a built-in digraph
-		:echo digraph_get('00')		" Returns '∞'
-		" Get a user-defined digraph
-		:call digraph_set('aa', 'あ')
-		:echo digraph_get('aa')		" Returns 'あ'
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetChars()->digraph_get()
-		This function works only when compiled with the |+digraphs|
-		feature.  If this feature is disabled, this function will
-		display an error message.
-digraph_getlist([{listall}])				*digraph_getlist()*
-		Return a list of digraphs.  If the {listall} argument is given
-		and it is TRUE, return all digraphs, including the default
-		digraphs.  Otherwise, return only user-defined digraphs.
-		The characters will be converted from Unicode to 'encoding'
-		when needed.  This does require the conservation to be
-		available, it might fail.
-		Also see |digraph_get()|.
-		Examples: >
-		" Get user-defined digraphs
-		:echo digraph_getlist()
-		" Get all the digraphs, including default digraphs
-		:echo digraph_getlist(1)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetNumber()->digraph_getlist()
-		This function works only when compiled with the |+digraphs|
-		feature.  If this feature is disabled, this function will
-		display an error message.
-digraph_set({chars}, {digraph})				*digraph_set()* *E1205*
-		Add digraph {chars} to the list.  {chars} must be a string
-		with two characters.  {digraph} is a string with one UTF-8
-		encoded character. Be careful, composing characters are NOT
-		ignored.  This function is similar to |:digraphs| command, but
-		useful to add digraphs start with a white space.
-		The function result is v:true if |digraph| is registered.  If
-		this fails an error message is given and v:false is returned.
-		If you want to define multiple digraphs at once, you can use
-		|digraph_setlist()|.
-		Example: >
-			call digraph_set('  ', 'あ')
-		Can be used as a |method|: >
-			GetString()->digraph_set('あ')
-		This function works only when compiled with the |+digraphs|
-		feature.  If this feature is disabled, this function will
-		display an error message.
-digraph_setlist({digraphlist})				*digraph_setlist()*
-		Similar to |digraph_set()| but this function can add multiple
-		digraphs at once.  {digraphlist} is a list composed of lists,
-		where each list contains two strings with {chars} and
-		{digraph} as in |digraph_set()|.
-		Example: >
-		    call digraph_setlist([['aa', 'あ'], ['ii', 'い']])
-		It is similar to the following: >
-		    for [chars, digraph] in [['aa', 'あ'], ['ii', 'い']]
-			  call digraph_set(chars, digraph)
-		    endfor
-<		Except that the function returns after the first error,
-		following digraphs will not be added.
-		Can be used as a |method|: >
-		    GetList()->digraph_setlist()
-		This function works only when compiled with the |+digraphs|
-		feature.  If this feature is disabled, this function will
-		display an error message.
-echoraw({string})					*echoraw()*
-		Output {string} as-is, including unprintable characters.
-		This can be used to output a terminal code. For example, to
-		disable modifyOtherKeys: >
-			call echoraw(&t_TE)
-<		and to enable it again: >
-			call echoraw(&t_TI)
-<		Use with care, you can mess up the terminal this way.
-empty({expr})						*empty()*
-		Return the Number 1 if {expr} is empty, zero otherwise.
-		- A |List| or |Dictionary| is empty when it does not have any
-		  items.
-		- A |String| is empty when its length is zero.
-		- A |Number| and |Float| are empty when their value is zero.
-		- |v:false|, |v:none| and |v:null| are empty, |v:true| is not.
-		- A |Job| is empty when it failed to start.
-		- A |Channel| is empty when it is closed.
-		- A |Blob| is empty when its length is zero.
-		For a long |List| this is much faster than comparing the
-		length with zero.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->empty()
-environ()						*environ()*
-		Return all of environment variables as dictionary. You can
-		check if an environment variable exists like this: >
-			:echo has_key(environ(), 'HOME')
-<		Note that the variable name may be CamelCase; to ignore case
-		use this: >
-			:echo index(keys(environ()), 'HOME', 0, 1) != -1
-escape({string}, {chars})				*escape()*
-		Escape the characters in {chars} that occur in {string} with a
-		backslash.  Example: >
-			:echo escape('c:\program files\vim', ' \')
-<		results in: >
-			c:\\program\ files\\vim
-<		Also see |shellescape()| and |fnameescape()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->escape(' \')
-							*eval()*
-eval({string})	Evaluate {string} and return the result.  Especially useful to
-		turn the result of |string()| back into the original value.
-		This works for Numbers, Floats, Strings, Blobs and composites
-		of them.  Also works for |Funcref|s that refer to existing
-		functions.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			argv->join()->eval()
-eventhandler()						*eventhandler()*
-		Returns 1 when inside an event handler.  That is that Vim got
-		interrupted while waiting for the user to type a character,
-		e.g., when dropping a file on Vim.  This means interactive
-		commands cannot be used.  Otherwise zero is returned.
-executable({expr})					*executable()*
-		This function checks if an executable with the name {expr}
-		exists.  {expr} must be the name of the program without any
-		arguments.
-		executable() uses the value of $PATH and/or the normal
-		searchpath for programs.		*PATHEXT*
-		On MS-Windows the ".exe", ".bat", etc. can optionally be
-		included.  Then the extensions in $PATHEXT are tried.  Thus if
-		"foo.exe" does not exist, "foo.exe.bat" can be found.  If
-		$PATHEXT is not set then ".com;.exe;.bat;.cmd" is used.  A dot
-		by itself can be used in $PATHEXT to try using the name
-		without an extension.  When 'shell' looks like a Unix shell,
-		then the name is also tried without adding an extension.
-		On MS-Windows it only checks if the file exists and is not a
-		directory, not if it's really executable.
-		On MS-Windows an executable in the same directory as Vim is
-		always found.  Since this directory is added to $PATH it
-		should also work to execute it |win32-PATH|.
-		The result is a Number:
-			1	exists
-			0	does not exist
-			-1	not implemented on this system
-		|exepath()| can be used to get the full path of an executable.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetCommand()->executable()
-execute({command} [, {silent}])					*execute()*
-		Execute an Ex command or commands and return the output as a
-		string.
-		{command} can be a string or a List.  In case of a List the
-		lines are executed one by one.
-		This is equivalent to: >
-			redir => var
-			{command}
-			redir END
-		The optional {silent} argument can have these values:
-			""		no `:silent` used
-			"silent"	`:silent` used
-			"silent!"	`:silent!` used
-		The default is "silent".  Note that with "silent!", unlike
-		`:redir`, error messages are dropped.  When using an external
-		command the screen may be messed up, use `system()` instead.
-							*E930*
-		It is not possible to use `:redir` anywhere in {command}.
-		To get a list of lines use |split()| on the result: >
-			split(execute('args'), "\n")
-<		To execute a command in another window than the current one
-		use `win_execute()`.
-		When used recursively the output of the recursive call is not
-		included in the output of the higher level call.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetCommand()->execute()
-exepath({expr})						*exepath()*
-		If {expr} is an executable and is either an absolute path, a
-		relative path or found in $PATH, return the full path.
-		Note that the current directory is used when {expr} starts
-		with "./", which may be a problem for Vim: >
-			echo exepath(v:progpath)
-<		If {expr} cannot be found in $PATH or is not executable then
-		an empty string is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetCommand()->exepath()
-							*exists()*
-exists({expr})	The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| if {expr} is defined,
-		zero otherwise.
-		Note: In a compiled |:def| function the evaluation is done at
-		runtime.  Use `exists_compiled()` to evaluate the expression
-		at compile time.
-		For checking for a supported feature use |has()|.
-		For checking if a file exists use |filereadable()|.
-		The {expr} argument is a string, which contains one of these:
-			&option-name	Vim option (only checks if it exists,
-					not if it really works)
-			+option-name	Vim option that works.
-			$ENVNAME	environment variable (could also be
-					done by comparing with an empty
-					string)
-			*funcname	built-in function (see |functions|)
-					or user defined function (see
-					|user-functions|) that is implemented.
-					Also works for a variable that is a
-					Funcref.
-			?funcname	built-in function that could be
-					implemented; to be used to check if
-					"funcname" is valid
-			varname		internal variable (see
-					|internal-variables|).  Also works
-					for |curly-braces-names|, |Dictionary|
-					entries, |List| items, etc.
-					Does not work for local variables in a
-					compiled `:def` function.
-					Beware that evaluating an index may
-					cause an error message for an invalid
-					expression.  E.g.: >
-					   :let l = [1, 2, 3]
-					   :echo exists("l[5]")
-<					   0 >
-					   :echo exists("l[xx]")
-<					   E121: Undefined variable: xx
-					   0
-			:cmdname	Ex command: built-in command, user
-					command or command modifier |:command|.
-					Returns:
-					1  for match with start of a command
-					2  full match with a command
-					3  matches several user commands
-					To check for a supported command
-					always check the return value to be 2.
-			:2match		The |:2match| command.
-			:3match		The |:3match| command.
-			#event		autocommand defined for this event
-			#event#pattern	autocommand defined for this event and
-					pattern (the pattern is taken
-					literally and compared to the
-					autocommand patterns character by
-					character)
-			#group		autocommand group exists
-			#group#event	autocommand defined for this group and
-					event.
-			#group#event#pattern
-					autocommand defined for this group,
-					event and pattern.
-			##event		autocommand for this event is
-					supported.
-		Examples: >
-			exists("&shortname")
-			exists("$HOSTNAME")
-			exists("*strftime")
-			exists("*s:MyFunc")
-			exists("bufcount")
-			exists(":Make")
-			exists("#CursorHold")
-			exists("#BufReadPre#*.gz")
-			exists("#filetypeindent")
-			exists("#filetypeindent#FileType")
-			exists("#filetypeindent#FileType#*")
-			exists("##ColorScheme")
-<		There must be no space between the symbol (&/$/*/#) and the
-		name.
-		There must be no extra characters after the name, although in
-		a few cases this is ignored.  That may become more strict in
-		the future, thus don't count on it!
-		Working example: >
-			exists(":make")
-<		NOT working example: >
-			exists(":make install")
-<		Note that the argument must be a string, not the name of the
-		variable itself.  For example: >
-			exists(bufcount)
-<		This doesn't check for existence of the "bufcount" variable,
-		but gets the value of "bufcount", and checks if that exists.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Varname()->exists()
-exists_compiled({expr})					*exists_compiled()*
-		Like `exists()` but evaluated at compile time.  This is useful
-		to skip a block where a function is used that would otherwise
-		give an error: >
-			if exists_compiled('*ThatFunction')
-			   ThatFunction('works')
-			endif
-<		If `exists()` were used then a compilation error would be
-		given if ThatFunction() is not defined.
-		{expr} must be a literal string. *E1232*
-		Can only be used in a |:def| function. *E1233*
-		This does not work to check for arguments or local variables.
-exp({expr})							*exp()*
-		Return the exponential of {expr} as a |Float| in the range
-		[0, inf].
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo exp(2)
-<			7.389056 >
-			:echo exp(-1)
-<			0.367879
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->exp()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-expand({string} [, {nosuf} [, {list}]])				*expand()*
-		Expand wildcards and the following special keywords in
-		{string}.  'wildignorecase' applies.
-		If {list} is given and it is |TRUE|, a List will be returned.
-		Otherwise the result is a String and when there are several
-		matches, they are separated by <NL> characters.  [Note: in
-		version 5.0 a space was used, which caused problems when a
-		file name contains a space]
-		If the expansion fails, the result is an empty string.  A name
-		for a non-existing file is not included, unless {string} does
-		not start with '%', '#' or '<', see below.
-		When {string} starts with '%', '#' or '<', the expansion is
-		done like for the |cmdline-special| variables with their
-		associated modifiers.  Here is a short overview:
-			%		current file name
-			#		alternate file name
-			#n		alternate file name n
-			<cfile>		file name under the cursor
-			<afile>		autocmd file name
-			<abuf>		autocmd buffer number (as a String!)
-			<amatch>	autocmd matched name
-			<cexpr>		C expression under the cursor
-			<sfile>		sourced script file or function name
-			<slnum>		sourced script line number or function
-					line number
-			<sflnum>	script file line number, also when in
-					a function
-			<SID>		"<SNR>123_"  where "123" is the
-					current script ID  |<SID>|
-			<stack>		call stack
-			<cword>		word under the cursor
-			<cWORD>		WORD under the cursor
-			<client>	the {clientid} of the last received
-					message |server2client()|
-		Modifiers:
-			:p		expand to full path
-			:h		head (last path component removed)
-			:t		tail (last path component only)
-			:r		root (one extension removed)
-			:e		extension only
-		Example: >
-			:let &tags = expand("%:p:h") . "/tags"
-<		Note that when expanding a string that starts with '%', '#' or
-		'<', any following text is ignored.  This does NOT work: >
-			:let doesntwork = expand("%:h.bak")
-<		Use this: >
-			:let doeswork = expand("%:h") . ".bak"
-<		Also note that expanding "<cfile>" and others only returns the
-		referenced file name without further expansion.  If "<cfile>"
-		is "~/.cshrc", you need to do another expand() to have the
-		"~/" expanded into the path of the home directory: >
-			:echo expand(expand("<cfile>"))
-		There cannot be white space between the variables and the
-		following modifier.  The |fnamemodify()| function can be used
-		to modify normal file names.
-		When using '%' or '#', and the current or alternate file name
-		is not defined, an empty string is used.  Using "%:p" in a
-		buffer with no name, results in the current directory, with a
-		'/' added.
-		When {string} does not start with '%', '#' or '<', it is
-		expanded like a file name is expanded on the command line.
-		'suffixes' and 'wildignore' are used, unless the optional
-		{nosuf} argument is given and it is |TRUE|.
-		Names for non-existing files are included.  The "**" item can
-		be used to search in a directory tree.  For example, to find
-		all "README" files in the current directory and below: >
-			:echo expand("**/README")
-		expand() can also be used to expand variables and environment
-		variables that are only known in a shell.  But this can be
-		slow, because a shell may be used to do the expansion.  See
-		|expr-env-expand|.
-		The expanded variable is still handled like a list of file
-		names.  When an environment variable cannot be expanded, it is
-		left unchanged.  Thus ":echo expand('$FOOBAR')" results in
-		"$FOOBAR".
-		See |glob()| for finding existing files.  See |system()| for
-		getting the raw output of an external command.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Getpattern()->expand()
-expandcmd({string})					*expandcmd()*
-		Expand special items in String {string} like what is done for
-		an Ex command such as `:edit`.  This expands special keywords,
-		like with |expand()|, and environment variables, anywhere in
-		{string}.  "~user" and "~/path" are only expanded at the
-		start.
-		Returns the expanded string.  Example: >
-			:echo expandcmd('make %<.o')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetCommand()->expandcmd()
-extend({expr1}, {expr2} [, {expr3}])			*extend()*
-		{expr1} and {expr2} must be both |Lists| or both
-		|Dictionaries|.
-		If they are |Lists|: Append {expr2} to {expr1}.
-		If {expr3} is given insert the items of {expr2} before the
-		item with index {expr3} in {expr1}.  When {expr3} is zero
-		insert before the first item.  When {expr3} is equal to
-		len({expr1}) then {expr2} is appended.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo sort(extend(mylist, [7, 5]))
-			:call extend(mylist, [2, 3], 1)
-<		When {expr1} is the same List as {expr2} then the number of
-		items copied is equal to the original length of the List.
-		E.g., when {expr3} is 1 you get N new copies of the first item
-		(where N is the original length of the List).
-		Use |add()| to concatenate one item to a list.  To concatenate
-		two lists into a new list use the + operator: >
-			:let newlist = [1, 2, 3] + [4, 5]
-		If they are |Dictionaries|:
-		Add all entries from {expr2} to {expr1}.
-		If a key exists in both {expr1} and {expr2} then {expr3} is
-		used to decide what to do:
-		{expr3} = "keep": keep the value of {expr1}
-		{expr3} = "force": use the value of {expr2}
-		{expr3} = "error": give an error message		*E737*
-		When {expr3} is omitted then "force" is assumed.
-		{expr1} is changed when {expr2} is not empty.  If necessary
-		make a copy of {expr1} first.
-		{expr2} remains unchanged.
-		When {expr1} is locked and {expr2} is not empty the operation
-		fails.
-		Returns {expr1}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->extend(otherlist)
-extendnew({expr1}, {expr2} [, {expr3}])			*extendnew()*
-		Like |extend()| but instead of adding items to {expr1} a new
-		List or Dictionary is created and returned.  {expr1} remains
-		unchanged.  Items can still be changed by {expr2}, if you
-		don't want that use |deepcopy()| first.
-feedkeys({string} [, {mode}])				*feedkeys()*
-		Characters in {string} are queued for processing as if they
-		come from a mapping or were typed by the user.
-		By default the string is added to the end of the typeahead
-		buffer, thus if a mapping is still being executed the
-		characters come after them.  Use the 'i' flag to insert before
-		other characters, they will be executed next, before any
-		characters from a mapping.
-		The function does not wait for processing of keys contained in
-		{string}.
-		To include special keys into {string}, use double-quotes
-		and "\..." notation |expr-quote|. For example,
-		feedkeys("\<CR>") simulates pressing of the <Enter> key. But
-		feedkeys('\<CR>') pushes 5 characters.
-		A special code that might be useful is <Ignore>, it exits the
-		wait for a character without doing anything.  *<Ignore>*
-		{mode} is a String, which can contain these character flags:
-		'm'	Remap keys. This is default.  If {mode} is absent,
-			keys are remapped.
-		'n'	Do not remap keys.
-		't'	Handle keys as if typed; otherwise they are handled as
-			if coming from a mapping.  This matters for undo,
-			opening folds, etc.
-		'L'	Lowlevel input.  Only works for Unix or when using the
-			GUI. Keys are used as if they were coming from the
-			terminal.  Other flags are not used.  *E980*
-			When a CTRL-C interrupts and 't' is included it sets
-			the internal "got_int" flag.
-		'i'	Insert the string instead of appending (see above).
-		'x'	Execute commands until typeahead is empty.  This is
-			similar to using ":normal!".  You can call feedkeys()
-			several times without 'x' and then one time with 'x'
-			(possibly with an empty {string}) to execute all the
-			typeahead.  Note that when Vim ends in Insert mode it
-			will behave as if <Esc> is typed, to avoid getting
-			stuck, waiting for a character to be typed before the
-			script continues.
-			Note that if you manage to call feedkeys() while
-			executing commands, thus calling it recursively, then
-			all typeahead will be consumed by the last call.
-		'!'	When used with 'x' will not end Insert mode. Can be
-			used in a test when a timer is set to exit Insert mode
-			a little later.  Useful for testing CursorHoldI.
-		Return value is always 0.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetInput()->feedkeys()
-filereadable({file})					*filereadable()*
-		The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| when a file with the
-		name {file} exists, and can be read.  If {file} doesn't exist,
-		or is a directory, the result is |FALSE|.  {file} is any
-		expression, which is used as a String.
-		If you don't care about the file being readable you can use
-		|glob()|.
-		{file} is used as-is, you may want to expand wildcards first: >
-			echo filereadable('~/.vimrc')
-			0
-			echo filereadable(expand('~/.vimrc'))
-			1
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->filereadable()
-<							*file_readable()*
-		Obsolete name: file_readable().
-filewritable({file})					*filewritable()*
-		The result is a Number, which is 1 when a file with the
-		name {file} exists, and can be written.  If {file} doesn't
-		exist, or is not writable, the result is 0.  If {file} is a
-		directory, and we can write to it, the result is 2.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->filewritable()
-filter({expr1}, {expr2})				*filter()*
-		{expr1} must be a |List|, |String|, |Blob| or |Dictionary|.
-		For each item in {expr1} evaluate {expr2} and when the result
-		is zero or false remove the item from the |List| or
-		|Dictionary|.  Similarly for each byte in a |Blob| and each
-		charactor in a |String|.
-		{expr2} must be a |string| or |Funcref|.
-		If {expr2} is a |string|, inside {expr2} |v:val| has the value
-		of the current item.  For a |Dictionary| |v:key| has the key
-		of the current item and for a |List| |v:key| has the index of
-		the current item.  For a |Blob| |v:key| has the index of the
-		current byte. For a |String| |v:key| has the index of the
-		current character.
-		Examples: >
-			call filter(mylist, 'v:val !~ "OLD"')
-<		Removes the items where "OLD" appears. >
-			call filter(mydict, 'v:key >= 8')
-<		Removes the items with a key below 8. >
-			call filter(var, 0)
-<		Removes all the items, thus clears the |List| or |Dictionary|.
-		Note that {expr2} is the result of expression and is then
-		used as an expression again.  Often it is good to use a
-		|literal-string| to avoid having to double backslashes.
-		If {expr2} is a |Funcref| it must take two arguments:
-			1. the key or the index of the current item.
-			2. the value of the current item.
-		The function must return |TRUE| if the item should be kept.
-		Example that keeps the odd items of a list: >
-			func Odd(idx, val)
-			  return a:idx % 2 == 1
-			endfunc
-			call filter(mylist, function('Odd'))
-<		It is shorter when using a |lambda|: >
-			call filter(myList, {idx, val -> idx * val <= 42})
-<		If you do not use "val" you can leave it out: >
-			call filter(myList, {idx -> idx % 2 == 1})
-		In |Vim9| script the result must be true, false, zero or one.
-		Other values will result in a type error.
-		For a |List| and a |Dictionary| the operation is done
-		in-place.  If you want it to remain unmodified make a copy
-		first: >
-			:let l = filter(copy(mylist), 'v:val =~ "KEEP"')
-<		Returns {expr1}, the |List| or |Dictionary| that was filtered,
-		or a new |Blob| or |String|. 
-		When an error is encountered while evaluating {expr2} no
-		further items in {expr1} are processed.
-		When {expr2} is a Funcref errors inside a function are ignored,
-		unless it was defined with the "abort" flag.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->filter(expr2)
-finddir({name} [, {path} [, {count}]])				*finddir()*
-		Find directory {name} in {path}.  Supports both downwards and
-		upwards recursive directory searches.  See |file-searching|
-		for the syntax of {path}.
-		Returns the path of the first found match.  When the found
-		directory is below the current directory a relative path is
-		returned.  Otherwise a full path is returned.
-		If {path} is omitted or empty then 'path' is used.
-		If the optional {count} is given, find {count}'s occurrence of
-		{name} in {path} instead of the first one.
-		When {count} is negative return all the matches in a |List|.
-		This is quite similar to the ex-command `:find`.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+file_in_path|
-		feature}
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->finddir()
-findfile({name} [, {path} [, {count}]])				*findfile()*
-		Just like |finddir()|, but find a file instead of a directory.
-		Uses 'suffixesadd'.
-		Example: >
-			:echo findfile("tags.vim", ".;")
-<		Searches from the directory of the current file upwards until
-		it finds the file "tags.vim".
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->findfile()
-flatten({list} [, {maxdepth}])					*flatten()*
-		Flatten {list} up to {maxdepth} levels.  Without {maxdepth}
-		the result is a |List| without nesting, as if {maxdepth} is
-		a very large number.
-		The {list} is changed in place, use |flattennew()| if you do
-		not want that.
-		In Vim9 script flatten() cannot be used, you must always use
-		|flattennew()|.
-								*E900*
-		{maxdepth} means how deep in nested lists changes are made.
-		{list} is not modified when {maxdepth} is 0.
-		{maxdepth} must be positive number.
-		If there is an error the number zero is returned.
-		Example: >
-			:echo flatten([1, [2, [3, 4]], 5])
-<			[1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >
-			:echo flatten([1, [2, [3, 4]], 5], 1)
-<			[1, 2, [3, 4], 5]
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->flatten()
-flattennew({list} [, {maxdepth}])			*flattennew()*
-		Like |flatten()| but first make a copy of {list}.
-float2nr({expr})					*float2nr()*
-		Convert {expr} to a Number by omitting the part after the
-		decimal point.
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a Number.
-		When the value of {expr} is out of range for a |Number| the
-		result is truncated to 0x7fffffff or -0x7fffffff (or when
-		64-bit Number support is enabled, 0x7fffffffffffffff or
-		-0x7fffffffffffffff).  NaN results in -0x80000000 (or when
-		64-bit Number support is enabled, -0x8000000000000000).
-		Examples: >
-			echo float2nr(3.95)
-<			3  >
-			echo float2nr(-23.45)
-<			-23  >
-			echo float2nr(1.0e100)
-<			2147483647  (or 9223372036854775807) >
-			echo float2nr(-1.0e150)
-<			-2147483647 (or -9223372036854775807) >
-			echo float2nr(1.0e-100)
-<			0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->float2nr()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-floor({expr})							*floor()*
-		Return the largest integral value less than or equal to
-		{expr} as a |Float| (round down).
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			echo floor(1.856)
-<			1.0  >
-			echo floor(-5.456)
-<			-6.0  >
-			echo floor(4.0)
-<			4.0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->floor()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-fmod({expr1}, {expr2})					*fmod()*
-		Return the remainder of {expr1} / {expr2}, even if the
-		division is not representable.  Returns {expr1} - i * {expr2}
-		for some integer i such that if {expr2} is non-zero, the
-		result has the same sign as {expr1} and magnitude less than
-		the magnitude of {expr2}.  If {expr2} is zero, the value
-		returned is zero.  The value returned is a |Float|.
-		{expr1} and {expr2} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo fmod(12.33, 1.22)
-<			0.13 >
-			:echo fmod(-12.33, 1.22)
-<			-0.13
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->fmod(1.22)
-		{only available when compiled with |+float| feature}
-fnameescape({string})					*fnameescape()*
-		Escape {string} for use as file name command argument.  All
-		characters that have a special meaning, such as '%' and '|'
-		are escaped with a backslash.
-		For most systems the characters escaped are
-		" \t\n*?[{`$\\%#'\"|!<".  For systems where a backslash
-		appears in a filename, it depends on the value of 'isfname'.
-		A leading '+' and '>' is also escaped (special after |:edit|
-		and |:write|).  And a "-" by itself (special after |:cd|).
-		Example: >
-			:let fname = '+some str%nge|name'
-			:exe "edit " . fnameescape(fname)
-<		results in executing: >
-			edit \+some\ str\%nge\|name
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->fnameescape()
-fnamemodify({fname}, {mods})				*fnamemodify()*
-		Modify file name {fname} according to {mods}.  {mods} is a
-		string of characters like it is used for file names on the
-		command line.  See |filename-modifiers|.
-		Example: >
-			:echo fnamemodify("main.c", ":p:h")
-<		results in: >
-			/home/mool/vim/vim/src
-<		If {mods} is empty then {fname} is returned.
-		Note: Environment variables don't work in {fname}, use
-		|expand()| first then.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->fnamemodify(':p:h')
-foldclosed({lnum})					*foldclosed()*
-		The result is a Number.  If the line {lnum} is in a closed
-		fold, the result is the number of the first line in that fold.
-		If the line {lnum} is not in a closed fold, -1 is returned.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.  Thus "." is the current
-		line, "'m" mark m, etc.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->foldclosed()
-foldclosedend({lnum})					*foldclosedend()*
-		The result is a Number.  If the line {lnum} is in a closed
-		fold, the result is the number of the last line in that fold.
-		If the line {lnum} is not in a closed fold, -1 is returned.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.  Thus "." is the current
-		line, "'m" mark m, etc.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->foldclosedend()
-foldlevel({lnum})					*foldlevel()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the foldlevel of line {lnum}
-		in the current buffer.  For nested folds the deepest level is
-		returned.  If there is no fold at line {lnum}, zero is
-		returned.  It doesn't matter if the folds are open or closed.
-		When used while updating folds (from 'foldexpr') -1 is
-		returned for lines where folds are still to be updated and the
-		foldlevel is unknown.  As a special case the level of the
-		previous line is usually available.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.  Thus "." is the current
-		line, "'m" mark m, etc.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->foldlevel()
-							*foldtext()*
-foldtext()	Returns a String, to be displayed for a closed fold.  This is
-		the default function used for the 'foldtext' option and should
-		only be called from evaluating 'foldtext'.  It uses the
-		|v:foldstart|, |v:foldend| and |v:folddashes| variables.
-		The returned string looks like this: >
-			+-- 45 lines: abcdef
-<		The number of leading dashes depends on the foldlevel.  The
-		"45" is the number of lines in the fold.  "abcdef" is the text
-		in the first non-blank line of the fold.  Leading white space,
-		"//" or "/*" and the text from the 'foldmarker' and
-		'commentstring' options is removed.
-		When used to draw the actual foldtext, the rest of the line
-		will be filled with the fold char from the 'fillchars'
-		setting.
-		{not available when compiled without the |+folding| feature}
-foldtextresult({lnum})					*foldtextresult()*
-		Returns the text that is displayed for the closed fold at line
-		{lnum}.  Evaluates 'foldtext' in the appropriate context.
-		When there is no closed fold at {lnum} an empty string is
-		returned.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.  Thus "." is the current
-		line, "'m" mark m, etc.
-		Useful when exporting folded text, e.g., to HTML.
-		{not available when compiled without the |+folding| feature}
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->foldtextresult()
-							*foreground()*
-foreground()	Move the Vim window to the foreground.  Useful when sent from
-		a client to a Vim server. |remote_send()|
-		On Win32 systems this might not work, the OS does not always
-		allow a window to bring itself to the foreground.  Use
-		|remote_foreground()| instead.
-		{only in the Win32, Athena, Motif and GTK GUI versions and the
-		Win32 console version}
-fullcommand({name})						*fullcommand()*
-		Get the full command name from a short abbreviated command
-		name; see |20.2| for details on command abbreviations.
-		The string argument {name} may start with a `:` and can
-		include a [range], these are skipped and not returned.
-		Returns an empty string if a command doesn't exist or if it's
-		ambiguous (for user-defined commands).
-		For example `fullcommand('s')`, `fullcommand('sub')`,
-		`fullcommand(':%substitute')` all return "substitute".
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->fullcommand()
-						*funcref()*
-funcref({name} [, {arglist}] [, {dict}])
-		Just like |function()|, but the returned Funcref will lookup
-		the function by reference, not by name.  This matters when the
-		function {name} is redefined later.
-		Unlike |function()|, {name} must be an existing user function.
-		Also for autoloaded functions. {name} cannot be a builtin
-		function.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFuncname()->funcref([arg])
-				*function()* *partial* *E700* *E922* *E923*
-function({name} [, {arglist}] [, {dict}])
-		Return a |Funcref| variable that refers to function {name}.
-		{name} can be the name of a user defined function or an
-		internal function.
-		{name} can also be a Funcref or a partial.  When it is a
-		partial the dict stored in it will be used and the {dict}
-		argument is not allowed. E.g.: >
-			let FuncWithArg = function(dict.Func, [arg])
-			let Broken = function(dict.Func, [arg], dict)
-		When using the Funcref the function will be found by {name},
-		also when it was redefined later.  Use |funcref()| to keep the
-		same function.
-		When {arglist} or {dict} is present this creates a partial.
-		That means the argument list and/or the dictionary is stored in
-		the Funcref and will be used when the Funcref is called.
-		The arguments are passed to the function in front of other
-		arguments, but after any argument from |method|.  Example: >
-			func Callback(arg1, arg2, name)
-			...
-			let Partial = function('Callback', ['one', 'two'])
-			...
-			call Partial('name')
-<		Invokes the function as with: >
-			call Callback('one', 'two', 'name')
-<		With a |method|: >
-			func Callback(one, two, three)
-			...
-			let Partial = function('Callback', ['two'])
-			...
-			eval 'one'->Partial('three')
-<		Invokes the function as with: >
-			call Callback('one', 'two', 'three')
-<		The function() call can be nested to add more arguments to the
-		Funcref.  The extra arguments are appended to the list of
-		arguments.  Example: >
-			func Callback(arg1, arg2, name)
-			...
-			let Func = function('Callback', ['one'])
-			let Func2 = function(Func, ['two'])
-			...
-			call Func2('name')
-<		Invokes the function as with: >
-			call Callback('one', 'two', 'name')
-<		The Dictionary is only useful when calling a "dict" function.
-		In that case the {dict} is passed in as "self". Example: >
-			function Callback() dict
-			   echo "called for " . self.name
-			endfunction
-			...
-			let context = {"name": "example"}
-			let Func = function('Callback', context)
-			...
-			call Func()	" will echo: called for example
-<		The use of function() is not needed when there are no extra
-		arguments, these two are equivalent: >
-			let Func = function('Callback', context)
-			let Func = context.Callback
-<		The argument list and the Dictionary can be combined: >
-			function Callback(arg1, count) dict
-			...
-			let context = {"name": "example"}
-			let Func = function('Callback', ['one'], context)
-			...
-			call Func(500)
-<		Invokes the function as with: >
-			call context.Callback('one', 500)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFuncname()->function([arg])
-garbagecollect([{atexit}])				*garbagecollect()*
-		Cleanup unused |Lists|, |Dictionaries|, |Channels| and |Jobs|
-		that have circular references.
-		There is hardly ever a need to invoke this function, as it is
-		automatically done when Vim runs out of memory or is waiting
-		for the user to press a key after 'updatetime'.  Items without
-		circular references are always freed when they become unused.
-		This is useful if you have deleted a very big |List| and/or
-		|Dictionary| with circular references in a script that runs
-		for a long time.
-		When the optional {atexit} argument is one, garbage
-		collection will also be done when exiting Vim, if it wasn't
-		done before.  This is useful when checking for memory leaks.
-		The garbage collection is not done immediately but only when
-		it's safe to perform.  This is when waiting for the user to
-		type a character.  To force garbage collection immediately use
-		|test_garbagecollect_now()|.
-get({list}, {idx} [, {default}])			*get()*
-		Get item {idx} from |List| {list}.  When this item is not
-		available return {default}.  Return zero when {default} is
-		omitted.
-		Preferably used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->get(idx)
-get({blob}, {idx} [, {default}])
-		Get byte {idx} from |Blob| {blob}.  When this byte is not
-		available return {default}.  Return -1 when {default} is
-		omitted.
-		Preferably used as a |method|: >
-			myblob->get(idx)
-get({dict}, {key} [, {default}])
-		Get item with key {key} from |Dictionary| {dict}.  When this
-		item is not available return {default}.  Return zero when
-		{default} is omitted.  Useful example: >
-			let val = get(g:, 'var_name', 'default')
-<		This gets the value of g:var_name if it exists, and uses
-		'default' when it does not exist.
-		Preferably used as a |method|: >
-			mydict->get(key)
-get({func}, {what})
-		Get an item with from Funcref {func}.  Possible values for
-		{what} are:
-			"name"	The function name
-			"func"	The function
-			"dict"	The dictionary
-			"args"	The list with arguments
-		Preferably used as a |method|: >
-			myfunc->get(what)
-							*getbufinfo()*
-		Get information about buffers as a List of Dictionaries.
-		Without an argument information about all the buffers is
-		returned.
-		When the argument is a |Dictionary| only the buffers matching
-		the specified criteria are returned.  The following keys can
-		be specified in {dict}:
-			buflisted	include only listed buffers.
-			bufloaded	include only loaded buffers.
-			bufmodified	include only modified buffers.
-		Otherwise, {buf} specifies a particular buffer to return
-		information for.  For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()|
-		above.  If the buffer is found the returned List has one item.
-		Otherwise the result is an empty list.
-		Each returned List item is a dictionary with the following
-		entries:
-			bufnr		Buffer number.
-			changed		TRUE if the buffer is modified.
-			changedtick	Number of changes made to the buffer.
-			hidden		TRUE if the buffer is hidden.
-			lastused	Timestamp in seconds, like
-					|localtime()|, when the buffer was
-					last used.
-					{only with the |+viminfo| feature}
-			listed		TRUE if the buffer is listed.
-			lnum		Line number used for the buffer when
-					opened in the current window.
-					Only valid if the buffer has been
-					displayed in the window in the past.
-					If you want the line number of the
-					last known cursor position in a given
-					window, use |line()|: >
-						:echo line('.', {winid})
-			linecount	Number of lines in the buffer (only
-					valid when loaded)
-			loaded		TRUE if the buffer is loaded.
-			name		Full path to the file in the buffer.
-			signs		List of signs placed in the buffer.
-					Each list item is a dictionary with
-					the following fields:
-					    id	  sign identifier
-					    lnum  line number
-					    name  sign name
-			variables	A reference to the dictionary with
-					buffer-local variables.
-			windows		List of |window-ID|s that display this
-					buffer
-			popups		List of popup |window-ID|s that
-					display this buffer
-		Examples: >
-			for buf in getbufinfo()
-			    echo buf.name
-			endfor
-			for buf in getbufinfo({'buflisted':1})
-			    if buf.changed
-				....
-			    endif
-			endfor
-		To get buffer-local options use: >
-			getbufvar({bufnr}, '&option_name')
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBufnr()->getbufinfo()
-							*getbufline()*
-getbufline({buf}, {lnum} [, {end}])
-		Return a |List| with the lines starting from {lnum} to {end}
-		(inclusive) in the buffer {buf}.  If {end} is omitted, a
-		|List| with only the line {lnum} is returned.
-		For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()| above.
-		For {lnum} and {end} "$" can be used for the last line of the
-		buffer.  Otherwise a number must be used.
-		When {lnum} is smaller than 1 or bigger than the number of
-		lines in the buffer, an empty |List| is returned.
-		When {end} is greater than the number of lines in the buffer,
-		it is treated as {end} is set to the number of lines in the
-		buffer.  When {end} is before {lnum} an empty |List| is
-		returned.
-		This function works only for loaded buffers.  For unloaded and
-		non-existing buffers, an empty |List| is returned.
-		Example: >
-			:let lines = getbufline(bufnr("myfile"), 1, "$")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBufnr()->getbufline(lnum)
-getbufvar({buf}, {varname} [, {def}])				*getbufvar()*
-		The result is the value of option or local buffer variable
-		{varname} in buffer {buf}.  Note that the name without "b:"
-		must be used.
-		The {varname} argument is a string.
-		When {varname} is empty returns a |Dictionary| with all the
-		buffer-local variables.
-		When {varname} is equal to "&" returns a |Dictionary| with all
-		the buffer-local options.
-		Otherwise, when {varname} starts with "&" returns the value of
-		a buffer-local option.
-		This also works for a global or buffer-local option, but it
-		doesn't work for a global variable, window-local variable or
-		window-local option.
-		For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()| above.
-		When the buffer or variable doesn't exist {def} or an empty
-		string is returned, there is no error message.
-		Examples: >
-			:let bufmodified = getbufvar(1, "&mod")
-			:echo "todo myvar = " . getbufvar("todo", "myvar")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBufnr()->getbufvar(varname)
-getchangelist([{buf}])					*getchangelist()*
-		Returns the |changelist| for the buffer {buf}. For the use
-		of {buf}, see |bufname()| above. If buffer {buf} doesn't
-		exist, an empty list is returned.
-		The returned list contains two entries: a list with the change
-		locations and the current position in the list.  Each
-		entry in the change list is a dictionary with the following
-		entries:
-			col		column number
-			coladd		column offset for 'virtualedit'
-			lnum		line number
-		If buffer {buf} is the current buffer, then the current
-		position refers to the position in the list. For other
-		buffers, it is set to the length of the list.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBufnr()->getchangelist()
-getchar([expr])						*getchar()*
-		Get a single character from the user or input stream.
-		If [expr] is omitted, wait until a character is available.
-		If [expr] is 0, only get a character when one is available.
-			Return zero otherwise.
-		If [expr] is 1, only check if a character is available, it is
-			not consumed.  Return zero if no character available.
-		If you prefer always getting a string use |getcharstr()|.
-		Without [expr] and when [expr] is 0 a whole character or
-		special key is returned.  If it is a single character, the
-		result is a number.  Use nr2char() to convert it to a String.
-		Otherwise a String is returned with the encoded character.
-		For a special key it's a String with a sequence of bytes
-		starting with 0x80 (decimal: 128).  This is the same value as
-		the String "\<Key>", e.g., "\<Left>".  The returned value is
-		also a String when a modifier (shift, control, alt) was used
-		that is not included in the character.
-		When [expr] is 0 and Esc is typed, there will be a short delay
-		while Vim waits to see if this is the start of an escape
-		sequence.
-		When [expr] is 1 only the first byte is returned.  For a
-		one-byte character it is the character itself as a number.
-		Use nr2char() to convert it to a String.
-		Use getcharmod() to obtain any additional modifiers.
-		When the user clicks a mouse button, the mouse event will be
-		returned.  The position can then be found in |v:mouse_col|,
-		|v:mouse_lnum|, |v:mouse_winid| and |v:mouse_win|.
-		|getmousepos()| can also be used.  Mouse move events will be
-		ignored.
-		This example positions the mouse as it would normally happen: >
-			let c = getchar()
-			if c == "\<LeftMouse>" && v:mouse_win > 0
-			  exe v:mouse_win . "wincmd w"
-			  exe v:mouse_lnum
-			  exe "normal " . v:mouse_col . "|"
-			endif
-		When using bracketed paste only the first character is
-		returned, the rest of the pasted text is dropped.
-		|xterm-bracketed-paste|.
-		There is no prompt, you will somehow have to make clear to the
-		user that a character has to be typed.  The screen is not
-		redrawn, e.g. when resizing the window.  When using a popup
-		window it should work better with a |popup-filter|.
-		There is no mapping for the character.
-		Key codes are replaced, thus when the user presses the <Del>
-		key you get the code for the <Del> key, not the raw character
-		sequence.  Examples: >
-			getchar() == "\<Del>"
-			getchar() == "\<S-Left>"
-<		This example redefines "f" to ignore case: >
-			:nmap f :call FindChar()<CR>
-			:function FindChar()
-			:  let c = nr2char(getchar())
-			:  while col('.') < col('$') - 1
-			:    normal l
-			:    if getline('.')[col('.') - 1] ==? c
-			:      break
-			:    endif
-			:  endwhile
-			:endfunction
-		You may also receive synthetic characters, such as
-		|<CursorHold>|. Often you will want to ignore this and get
-		another character: >
-			:function GetKey()
-			:  let c = getchar()
-			:  while c == "\<CursorHold>"
-			:    let c = getchar()
-			:  endwhile
-			:  return c
-			:endfunction
-getcharmod()						*getcharmod()*
-		The result is a Number which is the state of the modifiers for
-		the last obtained character with getchar() or in another way.
-		These values are added together:
-			2	shift
-			4	control
-			8	alt (meta)
-			16	meta (when it's different from ALT)
-			32	mouse double click
-			64	mouse triple click
-			96	mouse quadruple click (== 32 + 64)
-			128	command (Macintosh only)
-		Only the modifiers that have not been included in the
-		character itself are obtained.  Thus Shift-a results in "A"
-		without a modifier.
-							*getcharpos()*
-		Get the position for String {expr}. Same as |getpos()| but the
-		column number in the returned List is a character index
-		instead of a byte index.
-		If |getpos()| returns a very large column number, such as
-		2147483647, then getcharpos() will return the character index
-		of the last character.
-		Example:
-		With the cursor on '세' in line 5 with text "여보세요": >
-			getcharpos('.')		returns [0, 5, 3, 0]
-			getpos('.')		returns [0, 5, 7, 0]
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMark()->getcharpos()
-getcharsearch()						*getcharsearch()*
-		Return the current character search information as a {dict}
-		with the following entries:
-		    char	character previously used for a character
-				search (|t|, |f|, |T|, or |F|); empty string
-				if no character search has been performed
-		    forward	direction of character search; 1 for forward,
-				0 for backward
-		    until	type of character search; 1 for a |t| or |T|
-				character search, 0 for an |f| or |F|
-				character search
-		This can be useful to always have |;| and |,| search
-		forward/backward regardless of the direction of the previous
-		character search: >
-			:nnoremap <expr> ; getcharsearch().forward ? ';' : ','
-			:nnoremap <expr> , getcharsearch().forward ? ',' : ';'
-<		Also see |setcharsearch()|.
-getcharstr([expr])					*getcharstr()*
-		Get a single character from the user or input stream as a
-		string.
-		If [expr] is omitted, wait until a character is available.
-		If [expr] is 0 or false, only get a character when one is
-			available.  Return an empty string otherwise.
-		If [expr] is 1 or true, only check if a character is
-			available, it is not consumed.  Return an empty string
-			if no character is available.
-		Otherwise this works like |getchar()|, except that a number
-		result is converted to a string.
-getcmdline()						*getcmdline()*
-		Return the current command-line.  Only works when the command
-		line is being edited, thus requires use of |c_CTRL-\_e| or
-		|c_CTRL-R_=|.
-		Example: >
-			:cmap <F7> <C-\>eescape(getcmdline(), ' \')<CR>
-<		Also see |getcmdtype()|, |getcmdpos()| and |setcmdpos()|.
-		Returns an empty string when entering a password or using
-		|inputsecret()|.
-getcmdpos()						*getcmdpos()*
-		Return the position of the cursor in the command line as a
-		byte count.  The first column is 1.
-		Only works when editing the command line, thus requires use of
-		|c_CTRL-\_e| or |c_CTRL-R_=| or an expression mapping.
-		Returns 0 otherwise.
-		Also see |getcmdtype()|, |setcmdpos()| and |getcmdline()|.
-getcmdtype()						*getcmdtype()*
-		Return the current command-line type. Possible return values
-		are:
-		    :	normal Ex command
-		    >	debug mode command |debug-mode|
-		    /	forward search command
-		    ?	backward search command
-		    @	|input()| command
-		    -	|:insert| or |:append| command
-		    =	|i_CTRL-R_=|
-		Only works when editing the command line, thus requires use of
-		|c_CTRL-\_e| or |c_CTRL-R_=| or an expression mapping.
-		Returns an empty string otherwise.
-		Also see |getcmdpos()|, |setcmdpos()| and |getcmdline()|.
-getcmdwintype()						*getcmdwintype()*
-		Return the current |command-line-window| type. Possible return
-		values are the same as |getcmdtype()|. Returns an empty string
-		when not in the command-line window.
-getcompletion({pat}, {type} [, {filtered}])		*getcompletion()*
-		Return a list of command-line completion matches. The String
-		{type} argument specifies what for.  The following completion
-		types are supported:
-		arglist		file names in argument list
-		augroup		autocmd groups
-		buffer		buffer names
-		behave		:behave suboptions
-		color		color schemes
-		command		Ex command
-		cmdline		|cmdline-completion| result
-		compiler	compilers
-		cscope		|:cscope| suboptions
-		diff_buffer     |:diffget| and |:diffput| completion
-		dir		directory names
-		environment	environment variable names
-		event		autocommand events
-		expression	Vim expression
-		file		file and directory names
-		file_in_path	file and directory names in |'path'|
-		filetype	filetype names |'filetype'|
-		function	function name
-		help		help subjects
-		highlight	highlight groups
-		history		:history suboptions
-		locale		locale names (as output of locale -a)
-		mapclear	buffer argument
-		mapping		mapping name
-		menu		menus
-		messages	|:messages| suboptions
-		option		options
-		packadd		optional package |pack-add| names
-		shellcmd	Shell command
-		sign		|:sign| suboptions
-		syntax		syntax file names |'syntax'|
-		syntime		|:syntime| suboptions
-		tag		tags
-		tag_listfiles	tags, file names
-		user		user names
-		var		user variables
-		If {pat} is an empty string, then all the matches are
-		returned.  Otherwise only items matching {pat} are returned.
-		See |wildcards| for the use of special characters in {pat}.
-		If the optional {filtered} flag is set to 1, then 'wildignore'
-		is applied to filter the results.  Otherwise all the matches
-		are returned. The 'wildignorecase' option always applies.
-		If {type} is "cmdline", then the |cmdline-completion| result is
-		returned.  For example, to complete the possible values after
-		a ":call" command: >
-			echo getcompletion('call ', 'cmdline')
-		If there are no matches, an empty list is returned.  An
-		invalid value for {type} produces an error.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPattern()->getcompletion('color')
-							*getcurpos()*
-		Get the position of the cursor.  This is like getpos('.'), but
-		includes an extra "curswant" item in the list:
-		    [0, lnum, col, off, curswant] ~
-		The "curswant" number is the preferred column when moving the
-		cursor vertically.  Also see |getcursorcharpos()| and
-		|getpos()|.
-		The first "bufnum" item is always zero. The byte position of
-		the cursor is returned in 'col'. To get the character
-		position, use |getcursorcharpos()|.
-		The optional {winid} argument can specify the window.  It can
-		be the window number or the |window-ID|.  The last known
-		cursor position is returned, this may be invalid for the
-		current value of the buffer if it is not the current window.
-		If {winid} is invalid a list with zeroes is returned.
-		This can be used to save and restore the cursor position: >
-			let save_cursor = getcurpos()
-			MoveTheCursorAround
-			call setpos('.', save_cursor)
-<		Note that this only works within the window.  See
-		|winrestview()| for restoring more state.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->getcurpos()
-							*getcursorcharpos()*
-		Same as |getcurpos()| but the column number in the returned
-		List is a character index instead of a byte index.
-		Example:
-		With the cursor on '보' in line 3 with text "여보세요": >
-			getcursorcharpos()	returns [0, 3, 2, 0, 3]
-			getcurpos()		returns [0, 3, 4, 0, 3]
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->getcursorcharpos()
-<							*getcwd()*
-getcwd([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]])
-		The result is a String, which is the name of the current
-		working directory.  'autochdir' is ignored.
-		With {winnr} return the local current directory of this window
-		in the current tab page.  {winnr} can be the window number or
-		the |window-ID|.
-		If {winnr} is -1 return the name of the global working
-		directory.  See also |haslocaldir()|.
-		With {winnr} and {tabnr} return the local current directory of
-		the window in the specified tab page. If {winnr} is -1 return
-		the working directory of the tabpage.
-		If {winnr} is zero use the current window, if {tabnr} is zero
-		use the current tabpage.
-		Without any arguments, return the actual working directory of
-		the current window.
-		Return an empty string if the arguments are invalid.
-		Examples: >
-			" Get the working directory of the current window
-			:echo getcwd()
-			:echo getcwd(0)
-			:echo getcwd(0, 0)
-			" Get the working directory of window 3 in tabpage 2
-			:echo getcwd(3, 2)
-			" Get the global working directory
-			:echo getcwd(-1)
-			" Get the working directory of tabpage 3
-			:echo getcwd(-1, 3)
-			" Get the working directory of current tabpage
-			:echo getcwd(-1, 0)
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinnr()->getcwd()
-getenv({name})						*getenv()*
-		Return the value of environment variable {name}.  The {name}
-		argument is a string, without a leading '$'.  Example: >
-			myHome = getenv('HOME')
-<		When the variable does not exist |v:null| is returned.  That
-		is different from a variable set to an empty string, although
-		some systems interpret the empty value as the variable being
-		deleted.  See also |expr-env|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetVarname()->getenv()
-getfontname([{name}])					*getfontname()*
-		Without an argument returns the name of the normal font being
-		used.  Like what is used for the Normal highlight group
-		|hl-Normal|.
-		With an argument a check is done whether String {name} is a
-		valid font name.  If not then an empty string is returned.
-		Otherwise the actual font name is returned, or {name} if the
-		GUI does not support obtaining the real name.
-		Only works when the GUI is running, thus not in your vimrc or
-		gvimrc file.  Use the |GUIEnter| autocommand to use this
-		function just after the GUI has started.
-		Note that the GTK GUI accepts any font name, thus checking for
-		a valid name does not work.
-getfperm({fname})					*getfperm()*
-		The result is a String, which is the read, write, and execute
-		permissions of the given file {fname}.
-		If {fname} does not exist or its directory cannot be read, an
-		empty string is returned.
-		The result is of the form "rwxrwxrwx", where each group of
-		"rwx" flags represent, in turn, the permissions of the owner
-		of the file, the group the file belongs to, and other users.
-		If a user does not have a given permission the flag for this
-		is replaced with the string "-".  Examples: >
-			:echo getfperm("/etc/passwd")
-			:echo getfperm(expand("~/.vimrc"))
-<		This will hopefully (from a security point of view) display
-		the string "rw-r--r--" or even "rw-------".
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFilename()->getfperm()
-		For setting permissions use |setfperm()|.
-getfsize({fname})					*getfsize()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the size in bytes of the
-		given file {fname}.
-		If {fname} is a directory, 0 is returned.
-		If the file {fname} can't be found, -1 is returned.
-		If the size of {fname} is too big to fit in a Number then -2
-		is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFilename()->getfsize()
-getftime({fname})					*getftime()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the last modification time of
-		the given file {fname}.  The value is measured as seconds
-		since 1st Jan 1970, and may be passed to strftime().  See also
-		|localtime()| and |strftime()|.
-		If the file {fname} can't be found -1 is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFilename()->getftime()
-getftype({fname})					*getftype()*
-		The result is a String, which is a description of the kind of
-		file of the given file {fname}.
-		If {fname} does not exist an empty string is returned.
-		Here is a table over different kinds of files and their
-		results:
-			Normal file		"file"
-			Directory		"dir"
-			Symbolic link		"link"
-			Block device		"bdev"
-			Character device	"cdev"
-			Socket			"socket"
-			FIFO			"fifo"
-			All other		"other"
-		Example: >
-			getftype("/home")
-<		Note that a type such as "link" will only be returned on
-		systems that support it.  On some systems only "dir" and
-		"file" are returned.  On MS-Windows a symbolic link to a
-		directory returns "dir" instead of "link".
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFilename()->getftype()
-getimstatus()						*getimstatus()*
-		The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| when the IME status is
-		active.
-		See 'imstatusfunc'.
-getjumplist([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]])			*getjumplist()*
-		Returns the |jumplist| for the specified window.
-		Without arguments use the current window.
-		With {winnr} only use this window in the current tab page.
-		{winnr} can also be a |window-ID|.
-		With {winnr} and {tabnr} use the window in the specified tab
-		page.
-		The returned list contains two entries: a list with the jump
-		locations and the last used jump position number in the list.
-		Each entry in the jump location list is a dictionary with
-		the following entries:
-			bufnr		buffer number
-			col		column number
-			coladd		column offset for 'virtualedit'
-			filename	filename if available
-			lnum		line number
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinnr()->getjumplist()
-<							*getline()*
-getline({lnum} [, {end}])
-		Without {end} the result is a String, which is line {lnum}
-		from the current buffer.  Example: >
-			getline(1)
-<		When {lnum} is a String that doesn't start with a
-		digit, |line()| is called to translate the String into a Number.
-		To get the line under the cursor: >
-			getline(".")
-<		When {lnum} is a number smaller than 1 or bigger than the
-		number of lines in the buffer, an empty string is returned.
-		When {end} is given the result is a |List| where each item is
-		a line from the current buffer in the range {lnum} to {end},
-		including line {end}.
-		{end} is used in the same way as {lnum}.
-		Non-existing lines are silently omitted.
-		When {end} is before {lnum} an empty |List| is returned.
-		Example: >
-			:let start = line('.')
-			:let end = search("^$") - 1
-			:let lines = getline(start, end)
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ComputeLnum()->getline()
-<		To get lines from another buffer see |getbufline()|
-getloclist({nr} [, {what}])				*getloclist()*
-		Returns a |List| with all the entries in the location list for
-		window {nr}.  {nr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		When {nr} is zero the current window is used.
-		For a location list window, the displayed location list is
-		returned.  For an invalid window number {nr}, an empty list is
-		returned. Otherwise, same as |getqflist()|.
-		If the optional {what} dictionary argument is supplied, then
-		returns the items listed in {what} as a dictionary. Refer to
-		|getqflist()| for the supported items in {what}.
-		In addition to the items supported by |getqflist()| in {what},
-		the following item is supported by |getloclist()|:
-			filewinid	id of the window used to display files
-					from the location list. This field is
-					applicable only when called from a
-					location list window. See
-					|location-list-file-window| for more
-					details.
-		Returns a |Dictionary| with default values if there is no
-		location list for the window {nr}.
-		Returns an empty Dictionary if window {nr} does not exist.
-		Examples (See also |getqflist-examples|): >
-			:echo getloclist(3, {'all': 0})
-			:echo getloclist(5, {'filewinid': 0})
-getmarklist([{buf}])					*getmarklist()*
-		Without the {buf} argument returns a |List| with information
-		about all the global marks. |mark|
-		If the optional {buf} argument is specified, returns the
-		local marks defined in buffer {buf}.  For the use of {buf},
-		see |bufname()|.
-		Each item in the returned List is a |Dict| with the following:
-		    mark   name of the mark prefixed by "'"
-		    pos	   a |List| with the position of the mark:
-				[bufnum, lnum, col, off]
-			   Refer to |getpos()| for more information.
-		    file   file name
-		Refer to |getpos()| for getting information about a specific
-		mark.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBufnr()->getmarklist()
-getmatches([{win}])					*getmatches()*
-		Returns a |List| with all matches previously defined for the
-		current window by |matchadd()| and the |:match| commands.
-		|getmatches()| is useful in combination with |setmatches()|,
-		as |setmatches()| can restore a list of matches saved by
-		|getmatches()|.
-		If {win} is specified, use the window with this number or
-		window ID instead of the current window.
-		Example: >
-			:echo getmatches()
-<			[{'group': 'MyGroup1', 'pattern': 'TODO',
-			'priority': 10, 'id': 1}, {'group': 'MyGroup2',
-			'pattern': 'FIXME', 'priority': 10, 'id': 2}] >
-			:let m = getmatches()
-			:call clearmatches()
-			:echo getmatches()
-<			[] >
-			:call setmatches(m)
-			:echo getmatches()
-<			[{'group': 'MyGroup1', 'pattern': 'TODO',
-			'priority': 10, 'id': 1}, {'group': 'MyGroup2',
-			'pattern': 'FIXME', 'priority': 10, 'id': 2}] >
-			:unlet m
-getmousepos()						*getmousepos()*
-		Returns a |Dictionary| with the last known position of the
-		mouse.  This can be used in a mapping for a mouse click or in
-		a filter of a popup window.  The items are:
-			screenrow	screen row
-			screencol	screen column
-			winid		Window ID of the click
-			winrow		row inside "winid"
-			wincol		column inside "winid"
-			line		text line inside "winid"
-			column		text column inside "winid"
-		All numbers are 1-based.
-		If not over a window, e.g. when in the command line, then only
-		"screenrow" and "screencol" are valid, the others are zero.
-		When on the status line below a window or the vertical
-		separator right of a window, the "line" and "column" values
-		are zero.
-		When the position is after the text then "column" is the
-		length of the text in bytes plus one.
-		If the mouse is over a popup window then that window is used.
-		When using |getchar()| the Vim variables |v:mouse_lnum|,
-		|v:mouse_col| and |v:mouse_winid| also provide these values.
-							*getpid()*
-getpid()	Return a Number which is the process ID of the Vim process.
-		On Unix and MS-Windows this is a unique number, until Vim
-		exits.
-							*getpos()*
-getpos({expr})	Get the position for String {expr}.  For possible values of
-		{expr} see |line()|.  For getting the cursor position see
-		|getcurpos()|.
-		The result is a |List| with four numbers:
-		    [bufnum, lnum, col, off]
-		"bufnum" is zero, unless a mark like '0 or 'A is used, then it
-		is the buffer number of the mark.
-		"lnum" and "col" are the position in the buffer.  The first
-		column is 1.
-		The "off" number is zero, unless 'virtualedit' is used.  Then
-		it is the offset in screen columns from the start of the
-		character.  E.g., a position within a <Tab> or after the last
-		character.
-		Note that for '< and '> Visual mode matters: when it is "V"
-		(visual line mode) the column of '< is zero and the column of
-		'> is a large number.
-		The column number in the returned List is the byte position
-		within the line. To get the character position in the line,
-		use |getcharpos()|.
-		The column number can be very large, e.g. 2147483647, in which
-		case it means "after the end of the line".
-		This can be used to save and restore the position of a mark: >
-			let save_a_mark = getpos("'a")
-			...
-			call setpos("'a", save_a_mark)
-<		Also see |getcharpos()|, |getcurpos()| and |setpos()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMark()->getpos()
-getqflist([{what}])					*getqflist()*
-		Returns a |List| with all the current quickfix errors.  Each
-		list item is a dictionary with these entries:
-			bufnr	number of buffer that has the file name, use
-				bufname() to get the name
-			module	module name
-			lnum	line number in the buffer (first line is 1)
-			end_lnum
-				end of line number if the item is multiline
-			col	column number (first column is 1)
-			end_col	end of column number if the item has range
-			vcol	|TRUE|: "col" is visual column
-				|FALSE|: "col" is byte index
-			nr	error number
-			pattern	search pattern used to locate the error
-			text	description of the error
-			type	type of the error, 'E', '1', etc.
-			valid	|TRUE|: recognized error message
-		When there is no error list or it's empty, an empty list is
-		returned. Quickfix list entries with a non-existing buffer
-		number are returned with "bufnr" set to zero (Note: some
-		functions accept buffer number zero for the alternate buffer,
-		you may need to explicitly check for zero).
-		Useful application: Find pattern matches in multiple files and
-		do something with them: >
-			:vimgrep /theword/jg *.c
-			:for d in getqflist()
-			:   echo bufname(d.bufnr) ':' d.lnum '=' d.text
-			:endfor
-		If the optional {what} dictionary argument is supplied, then
-		returns only the items listed in {what} as a dictionary. The
-		following string items are supported in {what}:
-			changedtick	get the total number of changes made
-					to the list |quickfix-changedtick|
-			context	get the |quickfix-context|
-			efm	errorformat to use when parsing "lines". If
-				not present, then the 'errorformat' option
-				value is used.
-			id	get information for the quickfix list with
-				|quickfix-ID|; zero means the id for the
-				current list or the list specified by "nr"
-			idx	get information for the quickfix entry at this
-				index in the list specified by 'id' or 'nr'.
-				If set to zero, then uses the current entry.
-				See |quickfix-index|
-			items	quickfix list entries
-			lines	parse a list of lines using 'efm' and return
-				the resulting entries.  Only a |List| type is
-				accepted.  The current quickfix list is not
-				modified. See |quickfix-parse|.
-			nr	get information for this quickfix list; zero
-				means the current quickfix list and "$" means
-				the last quickfix list
-			qfbufnr number of the buffer displayed in the quickfix
-				window. Returns 0 if the quickfix buffer is
-				not present. See |quickfix-buffer|.
-			size	number of entries in the quickfix list
-			title	get the list title |quickfix-title|
-			winid	get the quickfix |window-ID|
-			all	all of the above quickfix properties
-		Non-string items in {what} are ignored. To get the value of a
-		particular item, set it to zero.
-		If "nr" is not present then the current quickfix list is used.
-		If both "nr" and a non-zero "id" are specified, then the list
-		specified by "id" is used.
-		To get the number of lists in the quickfix stack, set "nr" to
-		"$" in {what}. The "nr" value in the returned dictionary
-		contains the quickfix stack size.
-		When "lines" is specified, all the other items except "efm"
-		are ignored.  The returned dictionary contains the entry
-		"items" with the list of entries.
-		The returned dictionary contains the following entries:
-			changedtick	total number of changes made to the
-					list |quickfix-changedtick|
-			context	quickfix list context. See |quickfix-context|
-				If not present, set to "".
-			id	quickfix list ID |quickfix-ID|. If not
-				present, set to 0.
-			idx	index of the quickfix entry in the list. If not
-				present, set to 0.
-			items	quickfix list entries. If not present, set to
-				an empty list.
-			nr	quickfix list number. If not present, set to 0
-			qfbufnr	number of the buffer displayed in the quickfix
-				window. If not present, set to 0.
-			size	number of entries in the quickfix list. If not
-				present, set to 0.
-			title	quickfix list title text. If not present, set
-				to "".
-			winid	quickfix |window-ID|. If not present, set to 0
-		Examples (See also |getqflist-examples|): >
-			:echo getqflist({'all': 1})
-			:echo getqflist({'nr': 2, 'title': 1})
-			:echo getqflist({'lines' : ["F1:10:L10"]})
-getreg([{regname} [, 1 [, {list}]]])			*getreg()*
-		The result is a String, which is the contents of register
-		{regname}.  Example: >
-			:let cliptext = getreg('*')
-<		When register {regname} was not set the result is an empty
-		string.
-		The {regname} argument must be a string.
-		getreg('=') returns the last evaluated value of the expression
-		register.  (For use in maps.)
-		getreg('=', 1) returns the expression itself, so that it can
-		be restored with |setreg()|.  For other registers the extra
-		argument is ignored, thus you can always give it.
-		If {list} is present and |TRUE|, the result type is changed
-		to |List|. Each list item is one text line. Use it if you care
-		about zero bytes possibly present inside register: without
-		third argument both NLs and zero bytes are represented as NLs
-		(see |NL-used-for-Nul|).
-		When the register was not set an empty list is returned.
-		If {regname} is "", the unnamed register '"' is used.
-		If {regname} is not specified, |v:register| is used.
-		In |Vim9-script| {regname} must be one character.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRegname()->getreg()
-getreginfo([{regname}])					*getreginfo()*
-		Returns detailed information about register {regname} as a
-		Dictionary with the following entries:
-			regcontents	List of lines contained in register
-					{regname}, like
-					|getreg|({regname}, 1, 1).
-			regtype		the type of register {regname}, as in
-					|getregtype()|.
-			isunnamed	Boolean flag, v:true if this register
-					is currently pointed to by the unnamed
-					register.
-			points_to	for the unnamed register, gives the
-					single letter name of the register
-					currently pointed to (see |quotequote|).
-					For example, after deleting a line
-					with `dd`, this field will be "1",
-					which is the register that got the
-					deleted text.
-		The {regname} argument is a string.  If {regname} is invalid
-		or not set, an empty Dictionary will be returned.
-		If {regname} is "" or "@", the unnamed register '"' is used.
-		If {regname} is not specified, |v:register| is used.
-		The returned Dictionary can be passed to |setreg()|.
-		In |Vim9-script| {regname} must be one character.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRegname()->getreginfo()
-getregtype([{regname}])					*getregtype()*
-		The result is a String, which is type of register {regname}.
-		The value will be one of:
-		    "v"			for |characterwise| text
-		    "V"			for |linewise| text
-		    "<CTRL-V>{width}"	for |blockwise-visual| text
-		    ""			for an empty or unknown register
-		<CTRL-V> is one character with value 0x16.
-		The {regname} argument is a string.  If {regname} is "", the
-		unnamed register '"' is used.  If {regname} is not specified,
-		|v:register| is used.
-		In |Vim9-script| {regname} must be one character.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRegname()->getregtype()
-gettabinfo([{tabnr}])					*gettabinfo()*
-		If {tabnr} is not specified, then information about all the
-		tab pages is returned as a |List|. Each List item is a
-		|Dictionary|.  Otherwise, {tabnr} specifies the tab page
-		number and information about that one is returned.  If the tab
-		page does not exist an empty List is returned.
-		Each List item is a |Dictionary| with the following entries:
-			tabnr		tab page number.
-			variables	a reference to the dictionary with
-					tabpage-local variables
-			windows		List of |window-ID|s in the tab page.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTabnr()->gettabinfo()
-gettabvar({tabnr}, {varname} [, {def}])				*gettabvar()*
-		Get the value of a tab-local variable {varname} in tab page
-		{tabnr}. |t:var|
-		Tabs are numbered starting with one.
-		The {varname} argument is a string.  When {varname} is empty a
-		dictionary with all tab-local variables is returned.
-		Note that the name without "t:" must be used.
-		When the tab or variable doesn't exist {def} or an empty
-		string is returned, there is no error message.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTabnr()->gettabvar(varname)
-gettabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname} [, {def}])		*gettabwinvar()*
-		Get the value of window-local variable {varname} in window
-		{winnr} in tab page {tabnr}.
-		The {varname} argument is a string.  When {varname} is empty a
-		dictionary with all window-local variables is returned.
-		When {varname} is equal to "&" get the values of all
-		window-local options in a |Dictionary|.
-		Otherwise, when {varname} starts with "&" get the value of a
-		window-local option.
-		Note that {varname} must be the name without "w:".
-		Tabs are numbered starting with one.  For the current tabpage
-		use |getwinvar()|.
-		{winnr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		When {winnr} is zero the current window is used.
-		This also works for a global option, buffer-local option and
-		window-local option, but it doesn't work for a global variable
-		or buffer-local variable.
-		When the tab, window or variable doesn't exist {def} or an
-		empty string is returned, there is no error message.
-		Examples: >
-			:let list_is_on = gettabwinvar(1, 2, '&list')
-			:echo "myvar = " . gettabwinvar(3, 1, 'myvar')
-		To obtain all window-local variables use: >
-			gettabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, '&')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTabnr()->gettabwinvar(winnr, varname)
-gettagstack([{winnr}])					*gettagstack()*
-		The result is a Dict, which is the tag stack of window {winnr}.
-		{winnr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		When {winnr} is not specified, the current window is used.
-		When window {winnr} doesn't exist, an empty Dict is returned.
-		The returned dictionary contains the following entries:
-			curidx		Current index in the stack. When at
-					top of the stack, set to (length + 1).
-					Index of bottom of the stack is 1.
-			items		List of items in the stack. Each item
-					is a dictionary containing the
-					entries described below.
-			length		Number of entries in the stack.
-		Each item in the stack is a dictionary with the following
-		entries:
-			bufnr		buffer number of the current jump
-			from		cursor position before the tag jump.
-					See |getpos()| for the format of the
-					returned list.
-			matchnr		current matching tag number. Used when
-					multiple matching tags are found for a
-					name.
-			tagname		name of the tag
-		See |tagstack| for more information about the tag stack.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinnr()->gettagstack()
-gettext({text})						*gettext()*
-		Translate String {text} if possible.
-		This is mainly for use in the distributed Vim scripts.  When
-		generating message translations the {text} is extracted by
-		xgettext, the translator can add the translated message in the
-		.po file and Vim will lookup the translation when gettext() is
-		called.
-		For {text} double quoted strings are preferred, because
-		xgettext does not understand escaping in single quoted
-		strings.
-getwininfo([{winid}])					*getwininfo()*
-		Returns information about windows as a |List| with Dictionaries.
-		If {winid} is given Information about the window with that ID
-		is returned, as a |List| with one item.  If the window does not
-		exist the result is an empty list.
-		Without {winid} information about all the windows in all the
-		tab pages is returned.
-		Each List item is a |Dictionary| with the following entries:
-			botline		last complete displayed buffer line
-			bufnr		number of buffer in the window
-			height		window height (excluding winbar)
-			loclist		1 if showing a location list
-					{only with the +quickfix feature}
-			quickfix	1 if quickfix or location list window
-					{only with the +quickfix feature}
-			terminal	1 if a terminal window
-					{only with the +terminal feature}
-			tabnr		tab page number
-			topline		first displayed buffer line
-			variables	a reference to the dictionary with
-					window-local variables
-			width		window width
-			winbar		1 if the window has a toolbar, 0
-					otherwise
-			wincol		leftmost screen column of the window;
-					"col" from |win_screenpos()|
-			textoff		number of columns occupied by any
-					'foldcolumn', 'signcolumn' and line
-					number in front of the text
-			winid		|window-ID|
-			winnr		window number
-			winrow		topmost screen line of the window;
-					"row" from |win_screenpos()|
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinnr()->getwininfo()
-getwinpos([{timeout}])					*getwinpos()*
-		The result is a |List| with two numbers, the result of
-		|getwinposx()| and |getwinposy()| combined:
-			[x-pos, y-pos]
-		{timeout} can be used to specify how long to wait in msec for
-		a response from the terminal.  When omitted 100 msec is used.
-		Use a longer time for a remote terminal.
-		When using a value less than 10 and no response is received
-		within that time, a previously reported position is returned,
-		if available.  This can be used to poll for the position and
-		do some work in the meantime: >
-			while 1
-			  let res = getwinpos(1)
-			  if res[0] >= 0
-			    break
-			  endif
-			  " Do some work here
-			endwhile
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTimeout()->getwinpos()
-							*getwinposx()*
-getwinposx()	The result is a Number, which is the X coordinate in pixels of
-		the left hand side of the GUI Vim window. Also works for an
-		xterm (uses a timeout of 100 msec).
-		The result will be -1 if the information is not available.
-		The value can be used with `:winpos`.
-							*getwinposy()*
-getwinposy()	The result is a Number, which is the Y coordinate in pixels of
-		the top of the GUI Vim window.  Also works for an xterm (uses
-		a timeout of 100 msec).
-		The result will be -1 if the information is not available.
-		The value can be used with `:winpos`.
-getwinvar({winnr}, {varname} [, {def}])				*getwinvar()*
-		Like |gettabwinvar()| for the current tabpage.
-		Examples: >
-			:let list_is_on = getwinvar(2, '&list')
-			:echo "myvar = " . getwinvar(1, 'myvar')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinnr()->getwinvar(varname)
-glob({expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list} [, {alllinks}]]])		*glob()*
-		Expand the file wildcards in {expr}.  See |wildcards| for the
-		use of special characters.
-		Unless the optional {nosuf} argument is given and is |TRUE|,
-		the 'suffixes' and 'wildignore' options apply: Names matching
-		one of the patterns in 'wildignore' will be skipped and
-		'suffixes' affect the ordering of matches.
-		'wildignorecase' always applies.
-		When {list} is present and it is |TRUE| the result is a |List|
-		with all matching files. The advantage of using a List is,
-		you also get filenames containing newlines correctly.
-		Otherwise the result is a String and when there are several
-		matches, they are separated by <NL> characters.
-		If the expansion fails, the result is an empty String or List.
-		You can also use |readdir()| if you need to do complicated
-		things, such as limiting the number of matches.
-		A name for a non-existing file is not included.  A symbolic
-		link is only included if it points to an existing file.
-		However, when the {alllinks} argument is present and it is
-		|TRUE| then all symbolic links are included.
-		For most systems backticks can be used to get files names from
-		any external command.  Example: >
-			:let tagfiles = glob("`find . -name tags -print`")
-			:let &tags = substitute(tagfiles, "\n", ",", "g")
-<		The result of the program inside the backticks should be one
-		item per line.  Spaces inside an item are allowed.
-		See |expand()| for expanding special Vim variables.  See
-		|system()| for getting the raw output of an external command.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->glob()
-glob2regpat({string})					 *glob2regpat()*
-		Convert a file pattern, as used by glob(), into a search
-		pattern.  The result can be used to match with a string that
-		is a file name.  E.g. >
-			if filename =~ glob2regpat('Make*.mak')
-<		This is equivalent to: >
-			if filename =~ '^Make.*\.mak$'
-<		When {string} is an empty string the result is "^$", match an
-		empty string.
-		Note that the result depends on the system.  On MS-Windows
-		a backslash usually means a path separator.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->glob2regpat()
-<								*globpath()*
-globpath({path}, {expr} [, {nosuf} [, {list} [, {alllinks}]]])
-		Perform glob() for String {expr} on all directories in {path}
-		and concatenate the results.  Example: >
-			:echo globpath(&rtp, "syntax/c.vim")
-		{path} is a comma-separated list of directory names.  Each
-		directory name is prepended to {expr} and expanded like with
-		|glob()|.  A path separator is inserted when needed.
-		To add a comma inside a directory name escape it with a
-		backslash.  Note that on MS-Windows a directory may have a
-		trailing backslash, remove it if you put a comma after it.
-		If the expansion fails for one of the directories, there is no
-		error message.
-		Unless the optional {nosuf} argument is given and is |TRUE|,
-		the 'suffixes' and 'wildignore' options apply: Names matching
-		one of the patterns in 'wildignore' will be skipped and
-		'suffixes' affect the ordering of matches.
-		When {list} is present and it is |TRUE| the result is a |List|
-		with all matching files. The advantage of using a List is, you
-		also get filenames containing newlines correctly. Otherwise
-		the result is a String and when there are several matches,
-		they are separated by <NL> characters.  Example: >
-			:echo globpath(&rtp, "syntax/c.vim", 0, 1)
-		{alllinks} is used as with |glob()|.
-		The "**" item can be used to search in a directory tree.
-		For example, to find all "README.txt" files in the directories
-		in 'runtimepath' and below: >
-			:echo globpath(&rtp, "**/README.txt")
-<		Upwards search and limiting the depth of "**" is not
-		supported, thus using 'path' will not always work properly.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetExpr()->globpath(&rtp)
-							*has()*
-has({feature} [, {check}])
-		When {check} is omitted or is zero: The result is a Number,
-		which is 1 if the feature {feature} is supported, zero
-		otherwise.  The {feature} argument is a string, case is
-		ignored.  See |feature-list| below.
-		When {check} is present and not zero: The result is a Number,
-		which is 1 if the feature {feature} could ever be supported,
-		zero otherwise.  This is useful to check for a typo in
-		{feature} and to detect dead code.  Keep in mind that an older
-		Vim version will not know about a feature added later and
-		features that have been abandoned will not be known by the
-		current Vim version.
-		Also see |exists()| and |exists_compiled()|.
-		Note that to skip code that has a syntax error when the
-		feature is not available, Vim may skip the rest of the line
-		and miss a following `endif`.  Therefore put the `endif` on a
-		separate line: >
-			if has('feature')
-			  let x = this->breaks->without->the->feature
-			endif
-<		If the `endif` would be moved to the second line as "| endif" it
-		would not be found.
-has_key({dict}, {key})					*has_key()*
-		The result is a Number, which is TRUE if |Dictionary| {dict}
-		has an entry with key {key}.  FALSE otherwise. The {key}
-		argument is a string.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mydict->has_key(key)
-haslocaldir([{winnr} [, {tabnr}]])			*haslocaldir()*
-		The result is a Number:
-		    1   when the window has set a local directory via |:lcd|
-		    2   when the tab-page has set a local directory via |:tcd|
-		    0   otherwise.
-		Without arguments use the current window.
-		With {winnr} use this window in the current tab page.
-		With {winnr} and {tabnr} use the window in the specified tab
-		page.
-		{winnr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		If {winnr} is -1 it is ignored and only the tabpage is used.
-		Return 0 if the arguments are invalid.
-		Examples: >
-			if haslocaldir() == 1
-			  " window local directory case
-			elseif haslocaldir() == 2
-			  " tab-local directory case
-			else
-			  " global directory case
-			endif
-			" current window
-			:echo haslocaldir()
-			:echo haslocaldir(0)
-			:echo haslocaldir(0, 0)
-			" window n in current tab page
-			:echo haslocaldir(n)
-			:echo haslocaldir(n, 0)
-			" window n in tab page m
-			:echo haslocaldir(n, m)
-			" tab page m
-			:echo haslocaldir(-1, m)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinnr()->haslocaldir()
-hasmapto({what} [, {mode} [, {abbr}]])			*hasmapto()*
-		The result is a Number, which is TRUE if there is a mapping
-		that contains {what} in somewhere in the rhs (what it is
-		mapped to) and this mapping exists in one of the modes
-		indicated by {mode}.
-		The arguments {what} and {mode} are strings.
-		When {abbr} is there and it is |TRUE| use abbreviations
-		instead of mappings.  Don't forget to specify Insert and/or
-		Command-line mode.
-		Both the global mappings and the mappings local to the current
-		buffer are checked for a match.
-		If no matching mapping is found FALSE is returned.
-		The following characters are recognized in {mode}:
-			n	Normal mode
-			v	Visual and Select mode
-			x	Visual mode
-			s	Select mode
-			o	Operator-pending mode
-			i	Insert mode
-			l	Language-Argument ("r", "f", "t", etc.)
-			c	Command-line mode
-		When {mode} is omitted, "nvo" is used.
-		This function is useful to check if a mapping already exists
-		to a function in a Vim script.  Example: >
-			:if !hasmapto('\ABCdoit')
-			:   map <Leader>d \ABCdoit
-			:endif
-<		This installs the mapping to "\ABCdoit" only if there isn't
-		already a mapping to "\ABCdoit".
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRHS()->hasmapto()
-histadd({history}, {item})				*histadd()*
-		Add the String {item} to the history {history} which can be
-		one of:					*hist-names*
-			"cmd"	 or ":"	  command line history
-			"search" or "/"   search pattern history
-			"expr"	 or "="   typed expression history
-			"input"  or "@"	  input line history
-			"debug"  or ">"   debug command history
-			empty		  the current or last used history
-		The {history} string does not need to be the whole name, one
-		character is sufficient.
-		If {item} does already exist in the history, it will be
-		shifted to become the newest entry.
-		The result is a Number: TRUE if the operation was successful,
-		otherwise FALSE is returned.
-		Example: >
-			:call histadd("input", strftime("%Y %b %d"))
-			:let date=input("Enter date: ")
-<		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetHistory()->histadd('search')
-histdel({history} [, {item}])				*histdel()*
-		Clear {history}, i.e. delete all its entries.  See |hist-names|
-		for the possible values of {history}.
-		If the parameter {item} evaluates to a String, it is used as a
-		regular expression.  All entries matching that expression will
-		be removed from the history (if there are any).
-		Upper/lowercase must match, unless "\c" is used |/\c|.
-		If {item} evaluates to a Number, it will be interpreted as
-		an index, see |:history-indexing|.  The respective entry will
-		be removed if it exists.
-		The result is TRUE for a successful operation, otherwise FALSE
-		is returned.
-		Examples:
-		Clear expression register history: >
-			:call histdel("expr")
-		Remove all entries starting with "*" from the search history: >
-			:call histdel("/", '^\*')
-		The following three are equivalent: >
-			:call histdel("search", histnr("search"))
-			:call histdel("search", -1)
-			:call histdel("search", '^'.histget("search", -1).'$')
-		To delete the last search pattern and use the last-but-one for
-		the "n" command and 'hlsearch': >
-			:call histdel("search", -1)
-			:let @/ = histget("search", -1)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetHistory()->histdel()
-histget({history} [, {index}])				*histget()*
-		The result is a String, the entry with Number {index} from
-		{history}.  See |hist-names| for the possible values of
-		{history}, and |:history-indexing| for {index}.  If there is
-		no such entry, an empty String is returned.  When {index} is
-		omitted, the most recent item from the history is used.
-		Examples:
-		Redo the second last search from history. >
-			:execute '/' . histget("search", -2)
-<		Define an Ex command ":H {num}" that supports re-execution of
-		the {num}th entry from the output of |:history|. >
-			:command -nargs=1 H execute histget("cmd", 0+<args>)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetHistory()->histget()
-histnr({history})					*histnr()*
-		The result is the Number of the current entry in {history}.
-		See |hist-names| for the possible values of {history}.
-		If an error occurred, -1 is returned.
-		Example: >
-			:let inp_index = histnr("expr")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetHistory()->histnr()
-hlexists({name})					*hlexists()*
-		The result is a Number, which is TRUE if a highlight group
-		called {name} exists.  This is when the group has been
-		defined in some way.  Not necessarily when highlighting has
-		been defined for it, it may also have been used for a syntax
-		item.
-							*highlight_exists()*
-		Obsolete name: highlight_exists().
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->hlexists()
-hlget([{name} [, {resolve}]])				*hlget()*
-		Returns a List of all the highlight group attributes.  If the
-		optional {name} is specified, then returns a List with only
-		the attributes of the specified highlight group.  Returns an
-		empty List if the highlight group {name} is not present.
-		If the optional {resolve} argument is set to v:true and the
-		highlight group {name} is linked to another group, then the
-		link is resolved recursively and the attributes of the
-		resolved highlight group are returned.
-		Each entry in the returned List is a Dictionary with the
-		following items:
-			cleared	boolean flag, set to v:true if the highlight
-				group attributes are cleared or not yet
-				specified.  See |highlight-clear|.
-			cterm	cterm attributes. See |highlight-cterm|.
-			ctermbg	cterm background color.
-				See |highlight-ctermbg|.
-			ctermfg	cterm foreground color.
-				See |highlight-ctermfg|.
-			ctermul	cterm underline color.  See |highlight-ctermul|.
-			default boolean flag, set to v:true if the highlight
-				group link is a default link. See
-				|highlight-default|.
-			font	highlight group font.  See |highlight-font|.
-			gui	gui attributes. See |highlight-gui|.
-			guibg	gui background color.  See |highlight-guibg|.
-			guifg	gui foreground color.  See |highlight-guifg|.
-			guisp	gui special color.  See |highlight-guisp|.
-			id	highlight group ID.
-			linksto	linked highlight group name.
-				See |:highlight-link|.
-			name	highlight group name. See |group-name|.
-			start	start terminal keycode.  See |highlight-start|.
-			stop	stop terminal keycode.  See |highlight-stop|.
-			term	term attributes.  See |highlight-term|.
-		The 'term', 'cterm' and 'gui' items in the above Dictionary
-		have a dictionary value with the following optional boolean
-		items: 'bold', 'standout', 'underline', 'undercurl', 'italic',
-		'reverse', 'inverse' and 'strikethrough'.
-		Example(s): >
-			:echo hlget()
-			:echo hlget('ModeMsg')
-			:echo hlget('Number', v:true)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->hlget()
-hlset({list})						*hlset()*
-		Creates or modifies the attributes of a List of highlight
-		groups.  Each item in {list} is a dictionary containing the
-		attributes of a highlight group. See |hlget()| for the list of
-		supported items in this dictionary.
-		In addition to the items described in |hlget()|, the following
-		additional items are supported in the dictionary:
-			force		boolean flag to force the creation of
-					a link for an existing highlight group
-					with attributes.
-		The highlight group is identified using the 'name' item and
-		the 'id' item (if supplied) is ignored.  If a highlight group
-		with a specified name doesn't exist, then it is created.
-		Otherwise the attributes of an existing highlight group are
-		modified.
-		If an empty dictionary value is used for the 'term' or 'cterm'
-		or 'gui' entries, then the corresponding attributes are
-		cleared.  If the 'cleared' item is set to v:true, then all the
-		attributes of the highlight group are cleared.
-		The 'linksto' item can be used to link a highlight group to
-		another highlight group.  See |:highlight-link|.
-		Returns zero for success, -1 for failure.
-		Example(s): >
-			" add bold attribute to the Visual highlight group
-			:call hlset([#{name: 'Visual',
-					\ term: #{reverse: 1 , bold: 1}}])
-			:call hlset([#{name: 'Type', guifg: 'DarkGreen'}])
-			:let l = hlget()
-			:call hlset(l)
-			" clear the Search highlight group
-			:call hlset([#{name: 'Search', cleared: v:true}])
-			" clear the 'term' attributes for a highlight group
-			:call hlset([#{name: 'Title', term: {}}])
-			" create the MyHlg group linking it to DiffAdd
-			:call hlset([#{name: 'MyHlg', linksto: 'DiffAdd'}])
-			" remove the MyHlg group link
-			:call hlset([#{name: 'MyHlg', linksto: 'NONE'}])
-			" clear the attributes and a link
-			:call hlset([#{name: 'MyHlg', cleared: v:true,
-					\ linksto: 'NONE'}])
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetAttrList()->hlset()
-							*hlID()*
-hlID({name})	The result is a Number, which is the ID of the highlight group
-		with name {name}.  When the highlight group doesn't exist,
-		zero is returned.
-		This can be used to retrieve information about the highlight
-		group.  For example, to get the background color of the
-		"Comment" group: >
-	:echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(hlID("Comment")), "bg")
-<							*highlightID()*
-		Obsolete name: highlightID().
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->hlID()
-hostname()						*hostname()*
-		The result is a String, which is the name of the machine on
-		which Vim is currently running.  Machine names greater than
-		256 characters long are truncated.
-iconv({string}, {from}, {to})				*iconv()*
-		The result is a String, which is the text {string} converted
-		from encoding {from} to encoding {to}.
-		When the conversion completely fails an empty string is
-		returned.  When some characters could not be converted they
-		are replaced with "?".
-		The encoding names are whatever the iconv() library function
-		can accept, see ":!man 3 iconv".
-		Most conversions require Vim to be compiled with the |+iconv|
-		feature.  Otherwise only UTF-8 to latin1 conversion and back
-		can be done.
-		This can be used to display messages with special characters,
-		no matter what 'encoding' is set to.  Write the message in
-		UTF-8 and use: >
-			echo iconv(utf8_str, "utf-8", &enc)
-<		Note that Vim uses UTF-8 for all Unicode encodings, conversion
-		from/to UCS-2 is automatically changed to use UTF-8.  You
-		cannot use UCS-2 in a string anyway, because of the NUL bytes.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->iconv('latin1', 'utf-8')
-							*indent()*
-indent({lnum})	The result is a Number, which is indent of line {lnum} in the
-		current buffer.  The indent is counted in spaces, the value
-		of 'tabstop' is relevant.  {lnum} is used just like in
-		|getline()|.
-		When {lnum} is invalid -1 is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->indent()
-index({object}, {expr} [, {start} [, {ic}]])			*index()*
-		If {object} is a |List| return the lowest index where the item
-		has a value equal to {expr}.  There is no automatic
-		conversion, so the String "4" is different from the Number 4.
-		And the number 4 is different from the Float 4.0.  The value
-		of 'ignorecase' is not used here, case always matters.
-		If {object} is |Blob| return the lowest index where the byte
-		value is equal to {expr}.
-		If {start} is given then start looking at the item with index
-		{start} (may be negative for an item relative to the end).
-		When {ic} is given and it is |TRUE|, ignore case.  Otherwise
-		case must match.
-		-1 is returned when {expr} is not found in {object}.
-		Example: >
-			:let idx = index(words, "the")
-			:if index(numbers, 123) >= 0
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetObject()->index(what)
-input({prompt} [, {text} [, {completion}]])		*input()*
-		The result is a String, which is whatever the user typed on
-		the command-line.  The {prompt} argument is either a prompt
-		string, or a blank string (for no prompt).  A '\n' can be used
-		in the prompt to start a new line.
-		The highlighting set with |:echohl| is used for the prompt.
-		The input is entered just like a command-line, with the same
-		editing commands and mappings.  There is a separate history
-		for lines typed for input().
-		Example: >
-			:if input("Coffee or beer? ") == "beer"
-			:  echo "Cheers!"
-			:endif
-		If the optional {text} argument is present and not empty, this
-		is used for the default reply, as if the user typed this.
-		Example: >
-			:let color = input("Color? ", "white")
-<		The optional {completion} argument specifies the type of
-		completion supported for the input.  Without it completion is
-		not performed.  The supported completion types are the same as
-		that can be supplied to a user-defined command using the
-		"-complete=" argument.  Refer to |:command-completion| for
-		more information.  Example: >
-			let fname = input("File: ", "", "file")
-		NOTE: This function must not be used in a startup file, for
-		the versions that only run in GUI mode (e.g., the Win32 GUI).
-		Note: When input() is called from within a mapping it will
-		consume remaining characters from that mapping, because a
-		mapping is handled like the characters were typed.
-		Use |inputsave()| before input() and |inputrestore()|
-		after input() to avoid that.  Another solution is to avoid
-		that further characters follow in the mapping, e.g., by using
-		|:execute| or |:normal|.
-		Example with a mapping: >
-			:nmap \x :call GetFoo()<CR>:exe "/" . Foo<CR>
-			:function GetFoo()
-			:  call inputsave()
-			:  let g:Foo = input("enter search pattern: ")
-			:  call inputrestore()
-			:endfunction
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPrompt()->input()
-inputdialog({prompt} [, {text} [, {cancelreturn}]])		*inputdialog()*
-		Like |input()|, but when the GUI is running and text dialogs
-		are supported, a dialog window pops up to input the text.
-		Example: >
-		   :let n = inputdialog("value for shiftwidth", shiftwidth())
-		   :if n != ""
-		   :  let &sw = n
-		   :endif
-<		When the dialog is cancelled {cancelreturn} is returned.  When
-		omitted an empty string is returned.
-		Hitting <Enter> works like pressing the OK button.  Hitting
-		<Esc> works like pressing the Cancel button.
-		NOTE: Command-line completion is not supported.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPrompt()->inputdialog()
-inputlist({textlist})					*inputlist()*
-		{textlist} must be a |List| of strings.  This |List| is
-		displayed, one string per line.  The user will be prompted to
-		enter a number, which is returned.
-		The user can also select an item by clicking on it with the
-		mouse, if the mouse is enabled in the command line ('mouse' is
-		"a" or includes "c").  For the first string 0 is returned.
-		When clicking above the first item a negative number is
-		returned.  When clicking on the prompt one more than the
-		length of {textlist} is returned.
-		Make sure {textlist} has less than 'lines' entries, otherwise
-		it won't work.  It's a good idea to put the entry number at
-		the start of the string.  And put a prompt in the first item.
-		Example: >
-			let color = inputlist(['Select color:', '1. red',
-				\ '2. green', '3. blue'])
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetChoices()->inputlist()
-inputrestore()						*inputrestore()*
-		Restore typeahead that was saved with a previous |inputsave()|.
-		Should be called the same number of times inputsave() is
-		called.  Calling it more often is harmless though.
-		Returns TRUE when there is nothing to restore, FALSE otherwise.
-inputsave()						*inputsave()*
-		Preserve typeahead (also from mappings) and clear it, so that
-		a following prompt gets input from the user.  Should be
-		followed by a matching inputrestore() after the prompt.  Can
-		be used several times, in which case there must be just as
-		many inputrestore() calls.
-		Returns TRUE when out of memory, FALSE otherwise.
-inputsecret({prompt} [, {text}])			*inputsecret()*
-		This function acts much like the |input()| function with but
-		two exceptions:
-		a) the user's response will be displayed as a sequence of
-		asterisks ("*") thereby keeping the entry secret, and
-		b) the user's response will not be recorded on the input
-		|history| stack.
-		The result is a String, which is whatever the user actually
-		typed on the command-line in response to the issued prompt.
-		NOTE: Command-line completion is not supported.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPrompt()->inputsecret()
-insert({object}, {item} [, {idx}])			*insert()*
-		When {object} is a |List| or a |Blob| insert {item} at the start
-		of it.
-		If {idx} is specified insert {item} before the item with index
-		{idx}.  If {idx} is zero it goes before the first item, just
-		like omitting {idx}.  A negative {idx} is also possible, see
-		|list-index|.  -1 inserts just before the last item.
-		Returns the resulting |List| or |Blob|.  Examples: >
-			:let mylist = insert([2, 3, 5], 1)
-			:call insert(mylist, 4, -1)
-			:call insert(mylist, 6, len(mylist))
-<		The last example can be done simpler with |add()|.
-		Note that when {item} is a |List| it is inserted as a single
-		item.  Use |extend()| to concatenate |Lists|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->insert(item)
-interrupt()						*interrupt()*
-		Interrupt script execution.  It works more or less like the
-		user typing CTRL-C, most commands won't execute and control
-		returns to the user.  This is useful to abort execution
-		from lower down, e.g. in an autocommand.  Example: >
-		:function s:check_typoname(file)
-		:   if fnamemodify(a:file, ':t') == '['
-		:       echomsg 'Maybe typo'
-		:       call interrupt()
-		:   endif
-		:endfunction
-		:au BufWritePre * call s:check_typoname(expand('<amatch>'))
-invert({expr})						*invert()*
-		Bitwise invert.  The argument is converted to a number.  A
-		List, Dict or Float argument causes an error.  Example: >
-			:let bits = invert(bits)
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			:let bits = bits->invert()
-isdirectory({directory})				*isdirectory()*
-		The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| when a directory
-		with the name {directory} exists.  If {directory} doesn't
-		exist, or isn't a directory, the result is |FALSE|.  {directory}
-		is any expression, which is used as a String.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->isdirectory()
-isinf({expr})						*isinf()*
-		Return 1 if {expr} is a positive infinity, or -1 a negative
-		infinity, otherwise 0. >
-			:echo isinf(1.0 / 0.0)
-<			1 >
-			:echo isinf(-1.0 / 0.0)
-<			-1
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->isinf()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-islocked({expr})					*islocked()* *E786*
-		The result is a Number, which is |TRUE| when {expr} is the
-		name of a locked variable.
-		The string argument {expr} must be the name of a variable,
-		|List| item or |Dictionary| entry, not the variable itself!
-		Example: >
-			:let alist = [0, ['a', 'b'], 2, 3]
-			:lockvar 1 alist
-			:echo islocked('alist')		" 1
-			:echo islocked('alist[1]')	" 0
-<		When {expr} is a variable that does not exist you get an error
-		message.  Use |exists()| to check for existence.
-		In Vim9 script it does not work for local variables.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->islocked()
-isnan({expr})						*isnan()*
-		Return |TRUE| if {expr} is a float with value NaN. >
-			echo isnan(0.0 / 0.0)
-<			1
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->isnan()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-items({dict})						*items()*
-		Return a |List| with all the key-value pairs of {dict}.  Each
-		|List| item is a list with two items: the key of a {dict}
-		entry and the value of this entry.  The |List| is in arbitrary
-		order.  Also see |keys()| and |values()|.
-		Example: >
-			for [key, value] in items(mydict)
-			   echo key . ': ' . value
-			endfor
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mydict->items()
-job_ functions are documented here: |job-functions-details|
-join({list} [, {sep}])					*join()*
-		Join the items in {list} together into one String.
-		When {sep} is specified it is put in between the items.  If
-		{sep} is omitted a single space is used.
-		Note that {sep} is not added at the end.  You might want to
-		add it there too: >
-			let lines = join(mylist, "\n") . "\n"
-<		String items are used as-is.  |Lists| and |Dictionaries| are
-		converted into a string like with |string()|.
-		The opposite function is |split()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->join()
-js_decode({string})					*js_decode()*
-		This is similar to |json_decode()| with these differences:
-		- Object key names do not have to be in quotes.
-		- Strings can be in single quotes.
-		- Empty items in an array (between two commas) are allowed and
-		  result in v:none items.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ReadObject()->js_decode()
-js_encode({expr})					*js_encode()*
-		This is similar to |json_encode()| with these differences:
-		- Object key names are not in quotes.
-		- v:none items in an array result in an empty item between
-		  commas.
-		For example, the Vim object:
-			[1,v:none,{"one":1},v:none] ~
-		Will be encoded as:
-			[1,,{one:1},,] ~
-		While json_encode() would produce:
-			[1,null,{"one":1},null] ~
-		This encoding is valid for JavaScript. It is more efficient
-		than JSON, especially when using an array with optional items.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetObject()->js_encode()
-json_decode({string})					*json_decode()*
-		This parses a JSON formatted string and returns the equivalent
-		in Vim values.  See |json_encode()| for the relation between
-		JSON and Vim values.
-		The decoding is permissive:
-		- A trailing comma in an array and object is ignored, e.g.
-		  "[1, 2, ]" is the same as "[1, 2]".
-		- Integer keys are accepted in objects, e.g. {1:2} is the
-		  same as {"1":2}.
-		- More floating point numbers are recognized, e.g. "1." for
-		  "1.0", or "001.2" for "1.2". Special floating point values
-		  "Infinity", "-Infinity" and "NaN" (capitalization ignored)
-		  are accepted.
-		- Leading zeroes in integer numbers are ignored, e.g. "012"
-		  for "12" or "-012" for "-12".
-		- Capitalization is ignored in literal names null, true or
-		  false, e.g. "NULL" for "null", "True" for "true".
-		- Control characters U+0000 through U+001F which are not
-		  escaped in strings are accepted, e.g. "	" (tab
-		  character in string) for "\t".
-		- An empty JSON expression or made of only spaces is accepted
-		  and results in v:none.
-		- Backslash in an invalid 2-character sequence escape is
-		  ignored, e.g. "\a" is decoded as "a".
-		- A correct surrogate pair in JSON strings should normally be
-		  a 12 character sequence such as "\uD834\uDD1E", but
-		  json_decode() silently accepts truncated surrogate pairs
-		  such as "\uD834" or "\uD834\u"
-								*E938*
-		A duplicate key in an object, valid in rfc7159, is not
-		accepted by json_decode() as the result must be a valid Vim
-		type, e.g. this fails: {"a":"b", "a":"c"}
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ReadObject()->json_decode()
-json_encode({expr})					*json_encode()*
-		Encode {expr} as JSON and return this as a string.
-		The encoding is specified in:
-		https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7159.html
-		Vim values are converted as follows:
-		   |Number|		decimal number
-		   |Float|		floating point number
-		   Float nan		"NaN"
-		   Float inf		"Infinity"
-		   Float -inf		"-Infinity"
-		   |String|		in double quotes (possibly null)
-		   |Funcref|		not possible, error
-		   |List|		as an array (possibly null); when
-					used recursively: []
-		   |Dict|		as an object (possibly null); when
-					used recursively: {}
-		   |Blob|		as an array of the individual bytes
-		   v:false		"false"
-		   v:true		"true"
-		   v:none		"null"
-		   v:null		"null"
-		Note that NaN and Infinity are passed on as values.  This is
-		missing in the JSON standard, but several implementations do
-		allow it.  If not then you will get an error.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetObject()->json_encode()
-keys({dict})						*keys()*
-		Return a |List| with all the keys of {dict}.  The |List| is in
-		arbitrary order.  Also see |items()| and |values()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mydict->keys()
-<							*len()* *E701*
-len({expr})	The result is a Number, which is the length of the argument.
-		When {expr} is a String or a Number the length in bytes is
-		used, as with |strlen()|.
-		When {expr} is a |List| the number of items in the |List| is
-		returned.
-		When {expr} is a |Blob| the number of bytes is returned.
-		When {expr} is a |Dictionary| the number of entries in the
-		|Dictionary| is returned.
-		Otherwise an error is given.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->len()
-<						*libcall()* *E364* *E368*
-libcall({libname}, {funcname}, {argument})
-		Call function {funcname} in the run-time library {libname}
-		with single argument {argument}.
-		This is useful to call functions in a library that you
-		especially made to be used with Vim.  Since only one argument
-		is possible, calling standard library functions is rather
-		limited.
-		The result is the String returned by the function.  If the
-		function returns NULL, this will appear as an empty string ""
-		to Vim.
-		If the function returns a number, use libcallnr()!
-		If {argument} is a number, it is passed to the function as an
-		int; if {argument} is a string, it is passed as a
-		null-terminated string.
-		This function will fail in |restricted-mode|.
-		libcall() allows you to write your own 'plug-in' extensions to
-		Vim without having to recompile the program.  It is NOT a
-		means to call system functions!  If you try to do so Vim will
-		very probably crash.
-		For Win32, the functions you write must be placed in a DLL
-		and use the normal C calling convention (NOT Pascal which is
-		used in Windows System DLLs).  The function must take exactly
-		one parameter, either a character pointer or a long integer,
-		and must return a character pointer or NULL.  The character
-		pointer returned must point to memory that will remain valid
-		after the function has returned (e.g. in static data in the
-		DLL).  If it points to allocated memory, that memory will
-		leak away.  Using a static buffer in the function should work,
-		it's then freed when the DLL is unloaded.
-		WARNING: If the function returns a non-valid pointer, Vim may
-		crash!	This also happens if the function returns a number,
-		because Vim thinks it's a pointer.
-		For Win32 systems, {libname} should be the filename of the DLL
-		without the ".DLL" suffix.  A full path is only required if
-		the DLL is not in the usual places.
-		For Unix: When compiling your own plugins, remember that the
-		object code must be compiled as position-independent ('PIC').
-		{only in Win32 and some Unix versions, when the |+libcall|
-		feature is present}
-		Examples: >
-			:echo libcall("libc.so", "getenv", "HOME")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		third argument: >
-			GetValue()->libcall("libc.so", "getenv")
-							*libcallnr()*
-libcallnr({libname}, {funcname}, {argument})
-		Just like |libcall()|, but used for a function that returns an
-		int instead of a string.
-		{only in Win32 on some Unix versions, when the |+libcall|
-		feature is present}
-		Examples: >
-			:echo libcallnr("/usr/lib/libc.so", "getpid", "")
-			:call libcallnr("libc.so", "printf", "Hello World!\n")
-			:call libcallnr("libc.so", "sleep", 10)
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		third argument: >
-			GetValue()->libcallnr("libc.so", "printf")
-line({expr} [, {winid}])				*line()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the line number of the file
-		position given with {expr}.  The {expr} argument is a string.
-		The accepted positions are:
-		    .	    the cursor position
-		    $	    the last line in the current buffer
-		    'x	    position of mark x (if the mark is not set, 0 is
-			    returned)
-		    w0	    first line visible in current window (one if the
-			    display isn't updated, e.g. in silent Ex mode)
-		    w$	    last line visible in current window (this is one
-			    less than "w0" if no lines are visible)
-		    v	    In Visual mode: the start of the Visual area (the
-			    cursor is the end).  When not in Visual mode
-			    returns the cursor position.  Differs from |'<| in
-			    that it's updated right away.
-		Note that a mark in another file can be used.  The line number
-		then applies to another buffer.
-		To get the column number use |col()|.  To get both use
-		|getpos()|.
-		With the optional {winid} argument the values are obtained for
-		that window instead of the current window.
-		Examples: >
-			line(".")		line number of the cursor
-			line(".", winid)	idem, in window "winid"
-			line("'t")		line number of mark t
-			line("'" . marker)	line number of mark marker
-		To jump to the last known position when opening a file see
-		|last-position-jump|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetValue()->line()
-line2byte({lnum})					*line2byte()*
-		Return the byte count from the start of the buffer for line
-		{lnum}.  This includes the end-of-line character, depending on
-		the 'fileformat' option for the current buffer.  The first
-		line returns 1. 'encoding' matters, 'fileencoding' is ignored.
-		This can also be used to get the byte count for the line just
-		below the last line: >
-			line2byte(line("$") + 1)
-<		This is the buffer size plus one.  If 'fileencoding' is empty
-		it is the file size plus one.  {lnum} is used like with
-		|getline()|.  When {lnum} is invalid, or the |+byte_offset|
-		feature has been disabled at compile time, -1 is returned.
-		Also see |byte2line()|, |go| and |:goto|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->line2byte()
-lispindent({lnum})					*lispindent()*
-		Get the amount of indent for line {lnum} according the lisp
-		indenting rules, as with 'lisp'.
-		The indent is counted in spaces, the value of 'tabstop' is
-		relevant.  {lnum} is used just like in |getline()|.
-		When {lnum} is invalid or Vim was not compiled the
-		|+lispindent| feature, -1 is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->lispindent()
-list2blob({list})					*list2blob()*
-		Return a Blob concatenating all the number values in {list}.
-		Examples: >
-			list2blob([1, 2, 3, 4])	returns 0z01020304
-			list2blob([])		returns 0z
-<		Returns an empty Blob on error.  If one of the numbers is
-		negative or more than 255 error *E1239* is given.
-		|blob2list()| does the opposite.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetList()->list2blob()
-list2str({list} [, {utf8}])				*list2str()*
-		Convert each number in {list} to a character string can
-		concatenate them all.  Examples: >
-			list2str([32])		returns " "
-			list2str([65, 66, 67])	returns "ABC"
-<		The same can be done (slowly) with: >
-			join(map(list, {nr, val -> nr2char(val)}), '')
-<		|str2list()| does the opposite.
-		When {utf8} is omitted or zero, the current 'encoding' is used.
-		When {utf8} is TRUE, always return UTF-8 characters.
-		With UTF-8 composing characters work as expected: >
-			list2str([97, 769])	returns "á"
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetList()->list2str()
-listener_add({callback} [, {buf}])			*listener_add()*
-		Add a callback function that will be invoked when changes have
-		been made to buffer {buf}.
-		{buf} refers to a buffer name or number. For the accepted
-		values, see |bufname()|.  When {buf} is omitted the current
-		buffer is used.
-		Returns a unique ID that can be passed to |listener_remove()|.
-		The {callback} is invoked with five arguments:
-		    a:bufnr	the buffer that was changed
-		    a:start	first changed line number
-		    a:end	first line number below the change
-		    a:added	number of lines added, negative if lines were
-				deleted
-		    a:changes	a List of items with details about the changes
-		Example: >
-	    func Listener(bufnr, start, end, added, changes)
-	      echo 'lines ' .. a:start .. ' until ' .. a:end .. ' changed'
-	    endfunc
-	    call listener_add('Listener', bufnr)
-<		The List cannot be changed.  Each item in a:changes is a
-		dictionary with these entries:
-		    lnum	the first line number of the change
-		    end		the first line below the change
-		    added	number of lines added; negative if lines were
-				deleted
-		    col		first column in "lnum" that was affected by
-				the change; one if unknown or the whole line
-				was affected; this is a byte index, first
-				character has a value of one.
-		When lines are inserted the values are:
-		    lnum	line above which the new line is added
-		    end		equal to "lnum"
-		    added	number of lines inserted
-		    col		1
-		When lines are deleted the values are:
-		    lnum	the first deleted line
-		    end		the line below the first deleted line, before
-				the deletion was done
-		    added	negative, number of lines deleted
-		    col		1
-		When lines are changed:
-		    lnum	the first changed line
-		    end		the line below the last changed line
-		    added	0
-		    col		first column with a change or 1
-		The entries are in the order the changes were made, thus the
-		most recent change is at the end.  The line numbers are valid
-		when the callback is invoked, but later changes may make them
-		invalid, thus keeping a copy for later might not work.
-		The {callback} is invoked just before the screen is updated,
-		when |listener_flush()| is called or when a change is being
-		made that changes the line count in a way it causes a line
-		number in the list of changes to become invalid.
-		The {callback} is invoked with the text locked, see
-		|textlock|.  If you do need to make changes to the buffer, use
-		a timer to do this later |timer_start()|.
-		The {callback} is not invoked when the buffer is first loaded.
-		Use the |BufReadPost| autocmd event to handle the initial text
-		of a buffer.
-		The {callback} is also not invoked when the buffer is
-		unloaded, use the |BufUnload| autocmd event for that.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetBuffer()->listener_add(callback)
-listener_flush([{buf}])					*listener_flush()*
-		Invoke listener callbacks for buffer {buf}.  If there are no
-		pending changes then no callbacks are invoked.
-		{buf} refers to a buffer name or number. For the accepted
-		values, see |bufname()|.  When {buf} is omitted the current
-		buffer is used.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBuffer()->listener_flush()
-listener_remove({id})					*listener_remove()*
-		Remove a listener previously added with listener_add().
-		Returns FALSE when {id} could not be found, TRUE when {id} was
-		removed.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetListenerId()->listener_remove()
-localtime()						*localtime()*
-		Return the current time, measured as seconds since 1st Jan
-		1970.  See also |strftime()|, |strptime()| and |getftime()|.
-log({expr})						*log()*
-		Return the natural logarithm (base e) of {expr} as a |Float|.
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number| in the range
-		(0, inf].
-		Examples: >
-			:echo log(10)
-<			2.302585 >
-			:echo log(exp(5))
-<			5.0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->log()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-log10({expr})						*log10()*
-		Return the logarithm of Float {expr} to base 10 as a |Float|.
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo log10(1000)
-<			3.0 >
-			:echo log10(0.01)
-<			-2.0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->log10()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-luaeval({expr} [, {expr}])					*luaeval()*
-		Evaluate Lua expression {expr} and return its result converted
-		to Vim data structures. Second {expr} may hold additional
-		argument accessible as _A inside first {expr}.
-		Strings are returned as they are.
-		Boolean objects are converted to numbers.
-		Numbers are converted to |Float| values if vim was compiled
-		with |+float| and to numbers otherwise.
-		Dictionaries and lists obtained by vim.eval() are returned
-		as-is.
-		Other objects are returned as zero without any errors.
-		See |lua-luaeval| for more details.
-		Note that in a `:def` function local variables are not visible
-		to {expr}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->luaeval()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+lua| feature}
-map({expr1}, {expr2})					*map()*
-		{expr1} must be a |List|, |String|, |Blob| or |Dictionary|.
-		When {expr1} is a |List|| or |Dictionary|, replace each
-		item in {expr1} with the result of evaluating {expr2}.
-		For a |Blob| each byte is replaced.
-		For a |String|, each character, including composing
-		characters, is replaced.
-		If the item type changes you may want to use |mapnew()| to
-		create a new List or Dictionary.  This is required when using
-		Vim9 script.
-		{expr2} must be a |String| or |Funcref|.
-		If {expr2} is a |String|, inside {expr2} |v:val| has the value
-		of the current item.  For a |Dictionary| |v:key| has the key
-		of the current item and for a |List| |v:key| has the index of
-		the current item.  For a |Blob| |v:key| has the index of the
-		current byte. For a |String| |v:key| has the index of the
-		current character.
-		Example: >
-			:call map(mylist, '"> " . v:val . " <"')
-<		This puts "> " before and " <" after each item in "mylist".
-		Note that {expr2} is the result of an expression and is then
-		used as an expression again.  Often it is good to use a
-		|literal-string| to avoid having to double backslashes.  You
-		still have to double ' quotes
-		If {expr2} is a |Funcref| it is called with two arguments:
-			1. The key or the index of the current item.
-			2. the value of the current item.
-		The function must return the new value of the item. Example
-		that changes each value by "key-value": >
-			func KeyValue(key, val)
-			  return a:key . '-' . a:val
-			endfunc
-			call map(myDict, function('KeyValue'))
-<		It is shorter when using a |lambda|: >
-			call map(myDict, {key, val -> key . '-' . val})
-<		If you do not use "val" you can leave it out: >
-			call map(myDict, {key -> 'item: ' . key})
-<		If you do not use "key" you can use a short name: >
-			call map(myDict, {_, val -> 'item: ' . val})
-		The operation is done in-place for a |List| and |Dictionary|.
-		If you want it to remain unmodified make a copy first: >
-			:let tlist = map(copy(mylist), ' v:val . "\t"')
-<		Returns {expr1}, the |List| or |Dictionary| that was filtered,
-		or a new |Blob| or |String|.
-		When an error is encountered while evaluating {expr2} no
-		further items in {expr1} are processed.
-		When {expr2} is a Funcref errors inside a function are ignored,
-		unless it was defined with the "abort" flag.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->map(expr2)
-maparg({name} [, {mode} [, {abbr} [, {dict}]]])			*maparg()*
-		When {dict} is omitted or zero: Return the rhs of mapping
-		{name} in mode {mode}.  The returned String has special
-		characters translated like in the output of the ":map" command
-		listing.
-		When there is no mapping for {name}, an empty String is
-		returned.  When the mapping for {name} is empty, then "<Nop>"
-		is returned.
-		The {name} can have special key names, like in the ":map"
-		command.
-		{mode} can be one of these strings:
-			"n"	Normal
-			"v"	Visual (including Select)
-			"o"	Operator-pending
-			"i"	Insert
-			"c"	Cmd-line
-			"s"	Select
-			"x"	Visual
-			"l"	langmap |language-mapping|
-			"t"	Terminal-Job
-			""	Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
-		When {mode} is omitted, the modes for "" are used.
-		When {abbr} is there and it is |TRUE| use abbreviations
-		instead of mappings.
-		When {dict} is there and it is |TRUE| return a dictionary
-		containing all the information of the mapping with the
-		following items:
-		  "lhs"	     The {lhs} of the mapping as it would be typed
-		  "lhsraw"   The {lhs} of the mapping as raw bytes
-		  "lhsrawalt" The {lhs} of the mapping as raw bytes, alternate
-			      form, only present when it differs from "lhsraw"
-		  "rhs"	     The {rhs} of the mapping as typed.
-		  "silent"   1 for a |:map-silent| mapping, else 0.
-		  "noremap"  1 if the {rhs} of the mapping is not remappable.
-		  "script"   1 if mapping was defined with <script>.
-		  "expr"     1 for an expression mapping (|:map-<expr>|).
-		  "buffer"   1 for a buffer local mapping (|:map-local|).
-		  "mode"     Modes for which the mapping is defined. In
-			     addition to the modes mentioned above, these
-			     characters will be used:
-			     " "     Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
-			     "!"     Insert and Commandline mode
-				     (|mapmode-ic|)
-		  "sid"	     The script local ID, used for <sid> mappings
-			     (|<SID>|).
-		  "lnum"     The line number in "sid", zero if unknown.
-		  "nowait"   Do not wait for other, longer mappings.
-			     (|:map-<nowait>|).
-		The dictionary can be used to restore a mapping with
-		|mapset()|.
-		The mappings local to the current buffer are checked first,
-		then the global mappings.
-		This function can be used to map a key even when it's already
-		mapped, and have it do the original mapping too.  Sketch: >
-			exe 'nnoremap <Tab> ==' . maparg('<Tab>', 'n')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetKey()->maparg('n')
-mapcheck({name} [, {mode} [, {abbr}]])			*mapcheck()*
-		Check if there is a mapping that matches with {name} in mode
-		{mode}.  See |maparg()| for {mode} and special names in
-		{name}.
-		When {abbr} is there and it is |TRUE| use abbreviations
-		instead of mappings.
-		A match happens with a mapping that starts with {name} and
-		with a mapping which is equal to the start of {name}.
-			matches mapping "a"	"ab"	"abc" ~
-		   mapcheck("a")	yes	yes	 yes
-		   mapcheck("abc")	yes	yes	 yes
-		   mapcheck("ax")	yes	no	 no
-		   mapcheck("b")	no	no	 no
-		The difference with maparg() is that mapcheck() finds a
-		mapping that matches with {name}, while maparg() only finds a
-		mapping for {name} exactly.
-		When there is no mapping that starts with {name}, an empty
-		String is returned.  If there is one, the RHS of that mapping
-		is returned.  If there are several mappings that start with
-		{name}, the RHS of one of them is returned.  This will be
-		"<Nop>" if the RHS is empty.
-		The mappings local to the current buffer are checked first,
-		then the global mappings.
-		This function can be used to check if a mapping can be added
-		without being ambiguous.  Example: >
-	:if mapcheck("_vv") == ""
-	:   map _vv :set guifont=7x13<CR>
-	:endif
-<		This avoids adding the "_vv" mapping when there already is a
-		mapping for "_v" or for "_vvv".
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetKey()->mapcheck('n')
-mapnew({expr1}, {expr2})					*mapnew()*
-		Like |map()| but instead of replacing items in {expr1} a new
-		List or Dictionary is created and returned.  {expr1} remains
-		unchanged.  Items can still be changed by {expr2}, if you
-		don't want that use |deepcopy()| first.
-mapset({mode}, {abbr}, {dict})					*mapset()*
-		Restore a mapping from a dictionary returned by |maparg()|.
-		{mode} and {abbr} should be the same as for the call to
-		|maparg()|. *E460*
-		{mode} is used to define the mode in which the mapping is set,
-		not the "mode" entry in {dict}.
-		Example for saving and restoring a mapping: >
-			let save_map = maparg('K', 'n', 0, 1)
-			nnoremap K somethingelse
-			...
-			call mapset('n', 0, save_map)
-<		Note that if you are going to replace a map in several modes,
-		e.g. with `:map!`, you need to save the mapping for all of
-		them, since they can differ.
-match({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])			*match()*
-		When {expr} is a |List| then this returns the index of the
-		first item where {pat} matches.  Each item is used as a
-		String, |Lists| and |Dictionaries| are used as echoed.
-		Otherwise, {expr} is used as a String.  The result is a
-		Number, which gives the index (byte offset) in {expr} where
-		{pat} matches.
-		A match at the first character or |List| item returns zero.
-		If there is no match -1 is returned.
-		For getting submatches see |matchlist()|.
-		Example: >
-			:echo match("testing", "ing")	" results in 4
-			:echo match([1, 'x'], '\a')	" results in 1
-<		See |string-match| for how {pat} is used.
-								*strpbrk()*
-		Vim doesn't have a strpbrk() function.  But you can do: >
-			:let sepidx = match(line, '[.,;: \t]')
-<								*strcasestr()*
-		Vim doesn't have a strcasestr() function.  But you can add
-		"\c" to the pattern to ignore case: >
-			:let idx = match(haystack, '\cneedle')
-		If {start} is given, the search starts from byte index
-		{start} in a String or item {start} in a |List|.
-		The result, however, is still the index counted from the
-		first character/item.  Example: >
-			:echo match("testing", "ing", 2)
-<		result is again "4". >
-			:echo match("testing", "ing", 4)
-<		result is again "4". >
-			:echo match("testing", "t", 2)
-<		result is "3".
-		For a String, if {start} > 0 then it is like the string starts
-		{start} bytes later, thus "^" will match at {start}.  Except
-		when {count} is given, then it's like matches before the
-		{start} byte are ignored (this is a bit complicated to keep it
-		backwards compatible).
-		For a String, if {start} < 0, it will be set to 0.  For a list
-		the index is counted from the end.
-		If {start} is out of range ({start} > strlen({expr}) for a
-		String or {start} > len({expr}) for a |List|) -1 is returned.
-		When {count} is given use the {count}'th match.  When a match
-		is found in a String the search for the next one starts one
-		character further.  Thus this example results in 1: >
-			echo match("testing", "..", 0, 2)
-<		In a |List| the search continues in the next item.
-		Note that when {count} is added the way {start} works changes,
-		see above.
-		See |pattern| for the patterns that are accepted.
-		The 'ignorecase' option is used to set the ignore-caseness of
-		the pattern.  'smartcase' is NOT used.  The matching is always
-		done like 'magic' is set and 'cpoptions' is empty.
-		Note that a match at the start is preferred, thus when the
-		pattern is using "*" (any number of matches) it tends to find
-		zero matches at the start instead of a number of matches
-		further down in the text.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->match('word')
-			GetList()->match('word')
-				*matchadd()* *E798* *E799* *E801* *E957*
-matchadd({group}, {pattern} [, {priority} [, {id} [, {dict}]]])
-		Defines a pattern to be highlighted in the current window (a
-		"match").  It will be highlighted with {group}.  Returns an
-		identification number (ID), which can be used to delete the
-		match using |matchdelete()|.  The ID is bound to the window.
-		Matching is case sensitive and magic, unless case sensitivity
-		or magicness are explicitly overridden in {pattern}.  The
-		'magic', 'smartcase' and 'ignorecase' options are not used.
-		The "Conceal" value is special, it causes the match to be
-		concealed.
-		The optional {priority} argument assigns a priority to the
-		match.  A match with a high priority will have its
-		highlighting overrule that of a match with a lower priority.
-		A priority is specified as an integer (negative numbers are no
-		exception).  If the {priority} argument is not specified, the
-		default priority is 10.  The priority of 'hlsearch' is zero,
-		hence all matches with a priority greater than zero will
-		overrule it.  Syntax highlighting (see 'syntax') is a separate
-		mechanism, and regardless of the chosen priority a match will
-		always overrule syntax highlighting.
-		The optional {id} argument allows the request for a specific
-		match ID.  If a specified ID is already taken, an error
-		message will appear and the match will not be added.  An ID
-		is specified as a positive integer (zero excluded).  IDs 1, 2
-		and 3 are reserved for |:match|, |:2match| and |:3match|,
-		respectively.  If the {id} argument is not specified or -1,
-		|matchadd()| automatically chooses a free ID.
-		The optional {dict} argument allows for further custom
-		values. Currently this is used to specify a match specific
-		conceal character that will be shown for |hl-Conceal|
-		highlighted matches. The dict can have the following members:
-			conceal	    Special character to show instead of the
-				    match (only for |hl-Conceal| highlighted
-				    matches, see |:syn-cchar|)
-			window	    Instead of the current window use the
-				    window with this number or window ID.
-		The number of matches is not limited, as it is the case with
-		the |:match| commands.
-		Example: >
-			:highlight MyGroup ctermbg=green guibg=green
-			:let m = matchadd("MyGroup", "TODO")
-<		Deletion of the pattern: >
-			:call matchdelete(m)
-<		A list of matches defined by |matchadd()| and |:match| are
-		available from |getmatches()|.  All matches can be deleted in
-		one operation by |clearmatches()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetGroup()->matchadd('TODO')
-							*matchaddpos()*
-matchaddpos({group}, {pos} [, {priority} [, {id} [, {dict}]]])
-		Same as |matchadd()|, but requires a list of positions {pos}
-		instead of a pattern. This command is faster than |matchadd()|
-		because it does not require to handle regular expressions and
-		sets buffer line boundaries to redraw screen. It is supposed
-		to be used when fast match additions and deletions are
-		required, for example to highlight matching parentheses.
-		{pos} is a list of positions.  Each position can be one of
-		these:
-		- A number.  This whole line will be highlighted.  The first
-		  line has number 1.
-		- A list with one number, e.g., [23]. The whole line with this
-		  number will be highlighted.
-		- A list with two numbers, e.g., [23, 11]. The first number is
-		  the line number, the second one is the column number (first
-		  column is 1, the value must correspond to the byte index as
-		  |col()| would return).  The character at this position will
-		  be highlighted.
-		- A list with three numbers, e.g., [23, 11, 3]. As above, but
-		  the third number gives the length of the highlight in bytes.
-		The maximum number of positions in {pos} is 8.
-		Example: >
-			:highlight MyGroup ctermbg=green guibg=green
-			:let m = matchaddpos("MyGroup", [[23, 24], 34])
-<		Deletion of the pattern: >
-			:call matchdelete(m)
-<		Matches added by |matchaddpos()| are returned by
-		|getmatches()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetGroup()->matchaddpos([23, 11])
-matcharg({nr})							*matcharg()*
-		Selects the {nr} match item, as set with a |:match|,
-		|:2match| or |:3match| command.
-		Return a |List| with two elements:
-			The name of the highlight group used
-			The pattern used.
-		When {nr} is not 1, 2 or 3 returns an empty |List|.
-		When there is no match item set returns ['', ''].
-		This is useful to save and restore a |:match|.
-		Highlighting matches using the |:match| commands are limited
-		to three matches. |matchadd()| does not have this limitation.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMatch()->matcharg()
-matchdelete({id} [, {win})		       *matchdelete()* *E802* *E803*
-		Deletes a match with ID {id} previously defined by |matchadd()|
-		or one of the |:match| commands.  Returns 0 if successful,
-		otherwise -1.  See example for |matchadd()|.  All matches can
-		be deleted in one operation by |clearmatches()|.
-		If {win} is specified, use the window with this number or
-		window ID instead of the current window.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMatch()->matchdelete()
-matchend({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])			*matchend()*
-		Same as |match()|, but return the index of first character
-		after the match.  Example: >
-			:echo matchend("testing", "ing")
-<		results in "7".
-							*strspn()* *strcspn()*
-		Vim doesn't have a strspn() or strcspn() function, but you can
-		do it with matchend(): >
-			:let span = matchend(line, '[a-zA-Z]')
-			:let span = matchend(line, '[^a-zA-Z]')
-<		Except that -1 is returned when there are no matches.
-		The {start}, if given, has the same meaning as for |match()|. >
-			:echo matchend("testing", "ing", 2)
-<		results in "7". >
-			:echo matchend("testing", "ing", 5)
-<		result is "-1".
-		When {expr} is a |List| the result is equal to |match()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->matchend('word')
-matchfuzzy({list}, {str} [, {dict}])			*matchfuzzy()*
-		If {list} is a list of strings, then returns a |List| with all
-		the strings in {list} that fuzzy match {str}. The strings in
-		the returned list are sorted based on the matching score.
-		The optional {dict} argument always supports the following
-		items:
-		    matchseq	When this item is present and {str} contains
-				multiple words separated by white space, then
-				returns only matches that contain the words in
-				the given sequence.
-		If {list} is a list of dictionaries, then the optional {dict}
-		argument supports the following additional items:
-		    key		key of the item which is fuzzy matched against
-				{str}. The value of this item should be a
-				string.
-		    text_cb	|Funcref| that will be called for every item
-				in {list} to get the text for fuzzy matching.
-				This should accept a dictionary item as the
-				argument and return the text for that item to
-				use for fuzzy matching.
-		{str} is treated as a literal string and regular expression
-		matching is NOT supported.  The maximum supported {str} length
-		is 256.
-		When {str} has multiple words each separated by white space,
-		then the list of strings that have all the words is returned.
-		If there are no matching strings or there is an error, then an
-		empty list is returned. If length of {str} is greater than
-		256, then returns an empty list.
-		Refer to |fuzzy-match| for more information about fuzzy
-		matching strings.
-		Example: >
-		   :echo matchfuzzy(["clay", "crow"], "cay")
-<		results in ["clay"]. >
-		   :echo getbufinfo()->map({_, v -> v.name})->matchfuzzy("ndl")
-<		results in a list of buffer names fuzzy matching "ndl". >
-		   :echo getbufinfo()->matchfuzzy("ndl", {'key' : 'name'})
-<		results in a list of buffer information dicts with buffer
-		names fuzzy matching "ndl". >
-		   :echo getbufinfo()->matchfuzzy("spl",
-						\ {'text_cb' : {v -> v.name}})
-<		results in a list of buffer information dicts with buffer
-		names fuzzy matching "spl". >
-		   :echo v:oldfiles->matchfuzzy("test")
-<		results in a list of file names fuzzy matching "test". >
-		   :let l = readfile("buffer.c")->matchfuzzy("str")
-<		results in a list of lines in "buffer.c" fuzzy matching "str". >
-		   :echo ['one two', 'two one']->matchfuzzy('two one')
-<		results in ['two one', 'one two']. >
-		   :echo ['one two', 'two one']->matchfuzzy('two one',
-						\ {'matchseq': 1})
-<		results in ['two one'].
-matchfuzzypos({list}, {str} [, {dict}])			*matchfuzzypos()*
-		Same as |matchfuzzy()|, but returns the list of matched
-		strings, the list of character positions where characters
-		in {str} matches and a list of matching scores.  You can
-		use |byteidx()| to convert a character position to a byte
-		position.
-		If {str} matches multiple times in a string, then only the
-		positions for the best match is returned.
-		If there are no matching strings or there is an error, then a
-		list with three empty list items is returned.
-		Example: >
-			:echo matchfuzzypos(['testing'], 'tsg')
-<		results in [['testing'], [[0, 2, 6]], [99]] >
-			:echo matchfuzzypos(['clay', 'lacy'], 'la')
-<		results in [['lacy', 'clay'], [[0, 1], [1, 2]], [153, 133]] >
-			:echo [{'text': 'hello', 'id' : 10}]->matchfuzzypos('ll', {'key' : 'text'})
-<		results in [[{'id': 10, 'text': 'hello'}], [[2, 3]], [127]]
-matchlist({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])		*matchlist()*
-		Same as |match()|, but return a |List|.  The first item in the
-		list is the matched string, same as what matchstr() would
-		return.  Following items are submatches, like "\1", "\2", etc.
-		in |:substitute|.  When an optional submatch didn't match an
-		empty string is used.  Example: >
-			echo matchlist('acd', '\(a\)\?\(b\)\?\(c\)\?\(.*\)')
-<		Results in: ['acd', 'a', '', 'c', 'd', '', '', '', '', '']
-		When there is no match an empty list is returned.
-		You can pass in a List, but that is not very useful.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->matchlist('word')
-matchstr({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])			*matchstr()*
-		Same as |match()|, but return the matched string.  Example: >
-			:echo matchstr("testing", "ing")
-<		results in "ing".
-		When there is no match "" is returned.
-		The {start}, if given, has the same meaning as for |match()|. >
-			:echo matchstr("testing", "ing", 2)
-<		results in "ing". >
-			:echo matchstr("testing", "ing", 5)
-<		result is "".
-		When {expr} is a |List| then the matching item is returned.
-		The type isn't changed, it's not necessarily a String.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->matchstr('word')
-matchstrpos({expr}, {pat} [, {start} [, {count}]])		*matchstrpos()*
-		Same as |matchstr()|, but return the matched string, the start
-		position and the end position of the match.  Example: >
-			:echo matchstrpos("testing", "ing")
-<		results in ["ing", 4, 7].
-		When there is no match ["", -1, -1] is returned.
-		The {start}, if given, has the same meaning as for |match()|. >
-			:echo matchstrpos("testing", "ing", 2)
-<		results in ["ing", 4, 7]. >
-			:echo matchstrpos("testing", "ing", 5)
-<		result is ["", -1, -1].
-		When {expr} is a |List| then the matching item, the index
-		of first item where {pat} matches, the start position and the
-		end position of the match are returned. >
-			:echo matchstrpos([1, '__x'], '\a')
-<		result is ["x", 1, 2, 3].
-		The type isn't changed, it's not necessarily a String.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->matchstrpos('word')
-							*max()*
-max({expr})	Return the maximum value of all items in {expr}. Example: >
-			echo max([apples, pears, oranges])
-<		{expr} can be a |List| or a |Dictionary|.  For a Dictionary,
-		it returns the maximum of all values in the Dictionary.
-		If {expr} is neither a List nor a Dictionary, or one of the
-		items in {expr} cannot be used as a Number this results in
-		an error.  An empty |List| or |Dictionary| results in zero.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->max()
-menu_info({name} [, {mode}])				*menu_info()*
-		Return information about the specified menu {name} in
-		mode {mode}. The menu name should be specified without the
-		shortcut character ('&'). If {name} is "", then the top-level
-		menu names are returned.
-		{mode} can be one of these strings:
-			"n"	Normal
-			"v"	Visual (including Select)
-			"o"	Operator-pending
-			"i"	Insert
-			"c"	Cmd-line
-			"s"	Select
-			"x"	Visual
-			"t"	Terminal-Job
-			""	Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
-			"!"	Insert and Cmd-line
-		When {mode} is omitted, the modes for "" are used.
-		Returns a |Dictionary| containing the following items:
-		  accel		menu item accelerator text |menu-text|
-		  display	display name (name without '&')
-		  enabled	v:true if this menu item is enabled
-				Refer to |:menu-enable|
-		  icon		name of the icon file (for toolbar)
-				|toolbar-icon|
-		  iconidx	index of a built-in icon
-		  modes		modes for which the menu is defined. In
-				addition to the modes mentioned above, these
-				characters will be used:
-				" "	Normal, Visual and Operator-pending
-		  name		menu item name.
-		  noremenu	v:true if the {rhs} of the menu item is not
-				remappable else v:false.
-		  priority	menu order priority |menu-priority|
-		  rhs		right-hand-side of the menu item. The returned
-				string has special characters translated like
-				in the output of the ":menu" command listing.
-				When the {rhs} of a menu item is empty, then
-				"<Nop>" is returned.
-		  script	v:true if script-local remapping of {rhs} is
-				allowed else v:false.  See |:menu-script|.
-		  shortcut	shortcut key (character after '&' in
-				the menu name) |menu-shortcut|
-		  silent	v:true if the menu item is created
-				with <silent> argument |:menu-silent|
-		  submenus	|List| containing the names of
-				all the submenus.  Present only if the menu
-				item has submenus.
-		Returns an empty dictionary if the menu item is not found.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo menu_info('Edit.Cut')
-			:echo menu_info('File.Save', 'n')
-			" Display the entire menu hierarchy in a buffer
-			func ShowMenu(name, pfx)
-			  let m = menu_info(a:name)
-			  call append(line('$'), a:pfx .. m.display)
-			  for child in m->get('submenus', [])
-			    call ShowMenu(a:name .. '.' .. escape(child, '.'),
-							\ a:pfx .. '    ')
-			  endfor
-			endfunc
-			new
-			for topmenu in menu_info('').submenus
-			  call ShowMenu(topmenu, '')
-			endfor
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMenuName()->menu_info('v')
-<							*min()*
-min({expr})	Return the minimum value of all items in {expr}. Example:  >
-			echo min([apples, pears, oranges])
-<		{expr} can be a |List| or a |Dictionary|.  For a Dictionary,
-		it returns the minimum of all values in the Dictionary.
-		If {expr} is neither a List nor a Dictionary, or one of the
-		items in {expr} cannot be used as a Number this results in
-		an error.  An empty |List| or |Dictionary| results in zero.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->min()
-<							*mkdir()* *E739*
-mkdir({name} [, {path} [, {prot}]])
-		Create directory {name}.
-		If {path} is "p" then intermediate directories are created as
-		necessary.  Otherwise it must be "".
-		If {prot} is given it is used to set the protection bits of
-		the new directory.  The default is 0o755 (rwxr-xr-x: r/w for
-		the user, readable for others).  Use 0o700 to make it
-		unreadable for others.  This is only used for the last part of
-		{name}.  Thus if you create /tmp/foo/bar then /tmp/foo will be
-		created with 0o755.
-		Example: >
-			:call mkdir($HOME . "/tmp/foo/bar", "p", 0o700)
-<		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		There is no error if the directory already exists and the "p"
-		flag is passed (since patch 8.0.1708).  However, without the
-		"p" option the call will fail.
-		The function result is a Number, which is TRUE if the call was
-		successful or FALSE if the directory creation failed or partly
-		failed.
-		Not available on all systems.  To check use: >
-			:if exists("*mkdir")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->mkdir()
-							*mode()*
-mode([expr])	Return a string that indicates the current mode.
-		If [expr] is supplied and it evaluates to a non-zero Number or
-		a non-empty String (|non-zero-arg|), then the full mode is
-		returned, otherwise only the first letter is returned.
-		Also see |state()|.
-		   n	    Normal
-		   no	    Operator-pending
-		   nov	    Operator-pending (forced characterwise |o_v|)
-		   noV	    Operator-pending (forced linewise |o_V|)
-		   noCTRL-V Operator-pending (forced blockwise |o_CTRL-V|);
-				CTRL-V is one character
-		   niI	    Normal using |i_CTRL-O| in |Insert-mode|
-		   niR	    Normal using |i_CTRL-O| in |Replace-mode|
-		   niV	    Normal using |i_CTRL-O| in |Virtual-Replace-mode|
-		   nt	    Terminal-Normal (insert goes to Terminal-Job mode)
-		   v	    Visual by character
-		   vs	    Visual by character using |v_CTRL-O| in Select mode
-		   V	    Visual by line
-		   Vs	    Visual by line using |v_CTRL-O| in Select mode
-		   CTRL-V   Visual blockwise
-		   CTRL-Vs  Visual blockwise using |v_CTRL-O| in Select mode
-		   s	    Select by character
-		   S	    Select by line
-		   CTRL-S   Select blockwise
-		   i	    Insert
-		   ic	    Insert mode completion |compl-generic|
-		   ix	    Insert mode |i_CTRL-X| completion
-		   R	    Replace |R|
-		   Rc	    Replace mode completion |compl-generic|
-		   Rx	    Replace mode |i_CTRL-X| completion
-		   Rv	    Virtual Replace |gR|
-		   Rvc	    Virtual Replace mode completion |compl-generic|
-		   Rvx	    Virtual Replace mode |i_CTRL-X| completion
-		   c	    Command-line editing
-		   cv	    Vim Ex mode |gQ|
-		   ce	    Normal Ex mode |Q|
-		   r	    Hit-enter prompt
-		   rm	    The -- more -- prompt
-		   r?	    A |:confirm| query of some sort
-		   !	    Shell or external command is executing
-		   t	    Terminal-Job mode: keys go to the job
-		This is useful in the 'statusline' option or when used
-		with |remote_expr()| In most other places it always returns
-		"c" or "n".
-		Note that in the future more modes and more specific modes may
-		be added. It's better not to compare the whole string but only
-		the leading character(s).
-		Also see |visualmode()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			DoFull()->mode()
-mzeval({expr})							*mzeval()*
-		Evaluate MzScheme expression {expr} and return its result
-		converted to Vim data structures.
-		Numbers and strings are returned as they are.
-		Pairs (including lists and improper lists) and vectors are
-		returned as Vim |Lists|.
-		Hash tables are represented as Vim |Dictionary| type with keys
-		converted to strings.
-		All other types are converted to string with display function.
-		Examples: >
-		    :mz (define l (list 1 2 3))
-		    :mz (define h (make-hash)) (hash-set! h "list" l)
-		    :echo mzeval("l")
-		    :echo mzeval("h")
-		Note that in a `:def` function local variables are not visible
-		to {expr}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->mzeval()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+mzscheme| feature}
-nextnonblank({lnum})					*nextnonblank()*
-		Return the line number of the first line at or below {lnum}
-		that is not blank.  Example: >
-			if getline(nextnonblank(1)) =~ "Java"
-<		When {lnum} is invalid or there is no non-blank line at or
-		below it, zero is returned.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.
-		See also |prevnonblank()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->nextnonblank()
-nr2char({expr} [, {utf8}])				*nr2char()*
-		Return a string with a single character, which has the number
-		value {expr}.  Examples: >
-			nr2char(64)		returns "@"
-			nr2char(32)		returns " "
-<		When {utf8} is omitted or zero, the current 'encoding' is used.
-		Example for "utf-8": >
-			nr2char(300)		returns I with bow character
-<		When {utf8} is TRUE, always return UTF-8 characters.
-		Note that a NUL character in the file is specified with
-		nr2char(10), because NULs are represented with newline
-		characters.  nr2char(0) is a real NUL and terminates the
-		string, thus results in an empty string.
-		To turn a list of character numbers into a string: >
-		    let list = [65, 66, 67]
-		    let str = join(map(list, {_, val -> nr2char(val)}), '')
-<		Result: "ABC"
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetNumber()->nr2char()
-or({expr}, {expr})					*or()*
-		Bitwise OR on the two arguments.  The arguments are converted
-		to a number.  A List, Dict or Float argument causes an error.
-		Example: >
-			:let bits = or(bits, 0x80)
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			:let bits = bits->or(0x80)
-pathshorten({path} [, {len}])				*pathshorten()*
-		Shorten directory names in the path {path} and return the
-		result.  The tail, the file name, is kept as-is.  The other
-		components in the path are reduced to {len} letters in length.
-		If {len} is omitted or smaller than 1 then 1 is used (single
-		letters).  Leading '~' and '.' characters are kept.  Examples: >
-			:echo pathshorten('~/.vim/autoload/myfile.vim')
-<			~/.v/a/myfile.vim ~
-			:echo pathshorten('~/.vim/autoload/myfile.vim', 2)
-<			~/.vi/au/myfile.vim ~
-		It doesn't matter if the path exists or not.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetDirectories()->pathshorten()
-perleval({expr})					*perleval()*
-		Evaluate Perl expression {expr} in scalar context and return
-		its result converted to Vim data structures. If value can't be
-		converted, it is returned as a string Perl representation.
-		Note: If you want an array or hash, {expr} must return a
-		reference to it.
-		Example: >
-			:echo perleval('[1 .. 4]')
-<			[1, 2, 3, 4]
-		Note that in a `:def` function local variables are not visible
-		to {expr}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->perleval()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+perl| feature}
-popup_ functions are documented here: |popup-functions|
-pow({x}, {y})						*pow()*
-		Return the power of {x} to the exponent {y} as a |Float|.
-		{x} and {y} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo pow(3, 3)
-<			27.0 >
-			:echo pow(2, 16)
-<			65536.0 >
-			:echo pow(32, 0.20)
-<			2.0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->pow(3)
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-prevnonblank({lnum})					*prevnonblank()*
-		Return the line number of the first line at or above {lnum}
-		that is not blank.  Example: >
-			let ind = indent(prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1))
-<		When {lnum} is invalid or there is no non-blank line at or
-		above it, zero is returned.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.
-		Also see |nextnonblank()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetLnum()->prevnonblank()
-printf({fmt}, {expr1} ...)				*printf()*
-		Return a String with {fmt}, where "%" items are replaced by
-		the formatted form of their respective arguments.  Example: >
-			printf("%4d: E%d %.30s", lnum, errno, msg)
-<		May result in:
-			"  99: E42 asdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfasdfas" ~
-		When used as a |method| the base is passed as the second
-		argument: >
-			Compute()->printf("result: %d")
-<		Often used items are:
-		  %s	string
-		  %6S	string right-aligned in 6 display cells
-		  %6s	string right-aligned in 6 bytes
-		  %.9s	string truncated to 9 bytes
-		  %c	single byte
-		  %d	decimal number
-		  %5d	decimal number padded with spaces to 5 characters
-		  %x	hex number
-		  %04x	hex number padded with zeros to at least 4 characters
-		  %X	hex number using upper case letters
-		  %o	octal number
-		  %08b	binary number padded with zeros to at least 8 chars
-		  %f	floating point number as 12.23, inf, -inf or nan
-		  %F	floating point number as 12.23, INF, -INF or NAN
-		  %e	floating point number as 1.23e3, inf, -inf or nan
-		  %E	floating point number as 1.23E3, INF, -INF or NAN
-		  %g	floating point number, as %f or %e depending on value
-		  %G	floating point number, as %F or %E depending on value
-		  %%	the % character itself
-		Conversion specifications start with '%' and end with the
-		conversion type.  All other characters are copied unchanged to
-		the result.
-		The "%" starts a conversion specification.  The following
-		arguments appear in sequence:
-			%  [flags]  [field-width]  [.precision]  type
-		flags
-			Zero or more of the following flags:
-		    #	      The value should be converted to an "alternate
-			      form".  For c, d, and s conversions, this option
-			      has no effect.  For o conversions, the precision
-			      of the number is increased to force the first
-			      character of the output string to a zero (except
-			      if a zero value is printed with an explicit
-			      precision of zero).
-			      For b and B conversions, a non-zero result has
-			      the string "0b" (or "0B" for B conversions)
-			      prepended to it.
-			      For x and X conversions, a non-zero result has
-			      the string "0x" (or "0X" for X conversions)
-			      prepended to it.
-		    0 (zero)  Zero padding.  For all conversions the converted
-			      value is padded on the left with zeros rather
-			      than blanks.  If a precision is given with a
-			      numeric conversion (d, b, B, o, x, and X), the 0
-			      flag is ignored.
-		    -	      A negative field width flag; the converted value
-			      is to be left adjusted on the field boundary.
-			      The converted value is padded on the right with
-			      blanks, rather than on the left with blanks or
-			      zeros.  A - overrides a 0 if both are given.
-		    ' ' (space)  A blank should be left before a positive
-			      number produced by a signed conversion (d).
-		    +	      A sign must always be placed before a number
-			      produced by a signed conversion.  A + overrides
-			      a space if both are used.
-		field-width
-			An optional decimal digit string specifying a minimum
-			field width.  If the converted value has fewer bytes
-			than the field width, it will be padded with spaces on
-			the left (or right, if the left-adjustment flag has
-			been given) to fill out the field width.  For the S
-			conversion the count is in cells.
-		.precision
-			An optional precision, in the form of a period '.'
-			followed by an optional digit string.  If the digit
-			string is omitted, the precision is taken as zero.
-			This gives the minimum number of digits to appear for
-			d, o, x, and X conversions, the maximum number of
-			bytes to be printed from a string for s conversions,
-			or the maximum number of cells to be printed from a
-			string for S conversions.
-			For floating point it is the number of digits after
-			the decimal point.
-		type
-			A character that specifies the type of conversion to
-			be applied, see below.
-		A field width or precision, or both, may be indicated by an
-		asterisk '*' instead of a digit string.  In this case, a
-		Number argument supplies the field width or precision.  A
-		negative field width is treated as a left adjustment flag
-		followed by a positive field width; a negative precision is
-		treated as though it were missing.  Example: >
-			:echo printf("%d: %.*s", nr, width, line)
-<		This limits the length of the text used from "line" to
-		"width" bytes.
-		The conversion specifiers and their meanings are:
-				*printf-d* *printf-b* *printf-B* *printf-o*
-				*printf-x* *printf-X*
-		dbBoxX	The Number argument is converted to signed decimal
-			(d), unsigned binary (b and B), unsigned octal (o), or
-			unsigned hexadecimal (x and X) notation.  The letters
-			"abcdef" are used for x conversions; the letters
-			"ABCDEF" are used for X conversions.
-			The precision, if any, gives the minimum number of
-			digits that must appear; if the converted value
-			requires fewer digits, it is padded on the left with
-			zeros.
-			In no case does a non-existent or small field width
-			cause truncation of a numeric field; if the result of
-			a conversion is wider than the field width, the field
-			is expanded to contain the conversion result.
-			The 'h' modifier indicates the argument is 16 bits.
-			The 'l' modifier indicates the argument is 32 bits.
-			The 'L' modifier indicates the argument is 64 bits.
-			Generally, these modifiers are not useful. They are
-			ignored when type is known from the argument.
-		i	alias for d
-		D	alias for ld
-		U	alias for lu
-		O	alias for lo
-							*printf-c*
-		c	The Number argument is converted to a byte, and the
-			resulting character is written.
-							*printf-s*
-		s	The text of the String argument is used.  If a
-			precision is specified, no more bytes than the number
-			specified are used.
-			If the argument is not a String type, it is
-			automatically converted to text with the same format
-			as ":echo".
-							*printf-S*
-		S	The text of the String argument is used.  If a
-			precision is specified, no more display cells than the
-			number specified are used.
-							*printf-f* *E807*
-		f F	The Float argument is converted into a string of the
-			form 123.456.  The precision specifies the number of
-			digits after the decimal point.  When the precision is
-			zero the decimal point is omitted.  When the precision
-			is not specified 6 is used.  A really big number
-			(out of range or dividing by zero) results in "inf"
-			or "-inf" with %f (INF or -INF with %F).
-			"0.0 / 0.0" results in "nan" with %f (NAN with %F).
-			Example: >
-				echo printf("%.2f", 12.115)
-<				12.12
-			Note that roundoff depends on the system libraries.
-			Use |round()| when in doubt.
-							*printf-e* *printf-E*
-		e E	The Float argument is converted into a string of the
-			form 1.234e+03 or 1.234E+03 when using 'E'.  The
-			precision specifies the number of digits after the
-			decimal point, like with 'f'.
-							*printf-g* *printf-G*
-		g G	The Float argument is converted like with 'f' if the
-			value is between 0.001 (inclusive) and 10000000.0
-			(exclusive).  Otherwise 'e' is used for 'g' and 'E'
-			for 'G'.  When no precision is specified superfluous
-			zeroes and '+' signs are removed, except for the zero
-			immediately after the decimal point.  Thus 10000000.0
-			results in 1.0e7.
-							*printf-%*
-		%	A '%' is written.  No argument is converted.  The
-			complete conversion specification is "%%".
-		When a Number argument is expected a String argument is also
-		accepted and automatically converted.
-		When a Float or String argument is expected a Number argument
-		is also accepted and automatically converted.
-		Any other argument type results in an error message.
-							*E766* *E767*
-		The number of {exprN} arguments must exactly match the number
-		of "%" items.  If there are not sufficient or too many
-		arguments an error is given.  Up to 18 arguments can be used.
-prompt_getprompt({buf})					*prompt_getprompt()*
-		Returns the effective prompt text for buffer {buf}.  {buf} can
-		be a buffer name or number.  See |prompt-buffer|.
-		If the buffer doesn't exist or isn't a prompt buffer, an empty
-		string is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBuffer()->prompt_getprompt()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+channel| feature}
-prompt_setcallback({buf}, {expr})			*prompt_setcallback()*
-		Set prompt callback for buffer {buf} to {expr}.  When {expr}
-		is an empty string the callback is removed.  This has only
-		effect if {buf} has 'buftype' set to "prompt".
-		The callback is invoked when pressing Enter.  The current
-		buffer will always be the prompt buffer.  A new line for a
-		prompt is added before invoking the callback, thus the prompt
-		for which the callback was invoked will be in the last but one
-		line.
-		If the callback wants to add text to the buffer, it must
-		insert it above the last line, since that is where the current
-		prompt is.  This can also be done asynchronously.
-		The callback is invoked with one argument, which is the text
-		that was entered at the prompt.  This can be an empty string
-		if the user only typed Enter.
-		Example: >
-		   call prompt_setcallback(bufnr(), function('s:TextEntered'))
-		   func s:TextEntered(text)
-		     if a:text == 'exit' || a:text == 'quit'
-		       stopinsert
-		       close
-		     else
-		       call append(line('$') - 1, 'Entered: "' . a:text . '"')
-		       " Reset 'modified' to allow the buffer to be closed.
-		       set nomodified
-		     endif
-		   endfunc
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBuffer()->prompt_setcallback(callback)
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+channel| feature}
-prompt_setinterrupt({buf}, {expr})			*prompt_setinterrupt()*
-		Set a callback for buffer {buf} to {expr}.  When {expr} is an
-		empty string the callback is removed.  This has only effect if
-		{buf} has 'buftype' set to "prompt".
-		This callback will be invoked when pressing CTRL-C in Insert
-		mode.  Without setting a callback Vim will exit Insert mode,
-		as in any buffer.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBuffer()->prompt_setinterrupt(callback)
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+channel| feature}
-prompt_setprompt({buf}, {text})				*prompt_setprompt()*
-		Set prompt for buffer {buf} to {text}.  You most likely want
-		{text} to end in a space.
-		The result is only visible if {buf} has 'buftype' set to
-		"prompt".  Example: >
-			call prompt_setprompt(bufnr(), 'command: ')
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBuffer()->prompt_setprompt('command: ')
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+channel| feature}
-prop_ functions are documented here: |text-prop-functions|
-pum_getpos()						*pum_getpos()*
-		If the popup menu (see |ins-completion-menu|) is not visible,
-		returns an empty |Dictionary|, otherwise, returns a
-		|Dictionary| with the following keys:
-			height		nr of items visible
-			width		screen cells
-			row		top screen row (0 first row)
-			col		leftmost screen column (0 first col)
-			size		total nr of items
-			scrollbar	|TRUE| if scrollbar is visible
-		The values are the same as in |v:event| during
-		|CompleteChanged|.
-pumvisible()						*pumvisible()*
-		Returns non-zero when the popup menu is visible, zero
-		otherwise.  See |ins-completion-menu|.
-		This can be used to avoid some things that would remove the
-		popup menu.
-py3eval({expr})						*py3eval()*
-		Evaluate Python expression {expr} and return its result
-		converted to Vim data structures.
-		Numbers and strings are returned as they are (strings are
-		copied though, Unicode strings are additionally converted to
-		'encoding').
-		Lists are represented as Vim |List| type.
-		Dictionaries are represented as Vim |Dictionary| type with
-		keys converted to strings.
-		Note that in a `:def` function local variables are not visible
-		to {expr}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->py3eval()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+python3| feature}
-							*E858* *E859*
-pyeval({expr})						*pyeval()*
-		Evaluate Python expression {expr} and return its result
-		converted to Vim data structures.
-		Numbers and strings are returned as they are (strings are
-		copied though).
-		Lists are represented as Vim |List| type.
-		Dictionaries are represented as Vim |Dictionary| type,
-		non-string keys result in error.
-		Note that in a `:def` function local variables are not visible
-		to {expr}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->pyeval()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+python| feature}
-pyxeval({expr})						*pyxeval()*
-		Evaluate Python expression {expr} and return its result
-		converted to Vim data structures.
-		Uses Python 2 or 3, see |python_x| and 'pyxversion'.
-		See also: |pyeval()|, |py3eval()|
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->pyxeval()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+python| or the
-		|+python3| feature}
-rand([{expr}])						*rand()* *random*
-		Return a pseudo-random Number generated with an xoshiro128**
-		algorithm using seed {expr}.  The returned number is 32 bits,
-		also on 64 bits systems, for consistency.
-		{expr} can be initialized by |srand()| and will be updated by
-		rand().  If {expr} is omitted, an internal seed value is used
-		and updated.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo rand()
-			:let seed = srand()
-			:echo rand(seed)
-			:echo rand(seed) % 16  " random number 0 - 15
-							*E726* *E727*
-range({expr} [, {max} [, {stride}]])				*range()*
-		Returns a |List| with Numbers:
-		- If only {expr} is specified: [0, 1, ..., {expr} - 1]
-		- If {max} is specified: [{expr}, {expr} + 1, ..., {max}]
-		- If {stride} is specified: [{expr}, {expr} + {stride}, ...,
-		  {max}] (increasing {expr} with {stride} each time, not
-		  producing a value past {max}).
-		When the maximum is one before the start the result is an
-		empty list.  When the maximum is more than one before the
-		start this is an error.
-		Examples: >
-			range(4)		" [0, 1, 2, 3]
-			range(2, 4)		" [2, 3, 4]
-			range(2, 9, 3)		" [2, 5, 8]
-			range(2, -2, -1)	" [2, 1, 0, -1, -2]
-			range(0)		" []
-			range(2, 0)		" error!
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetExpr()->range()
-readblob({fname})					*readblob()*
-		Read file {fname} in binary mode and return a |Blob|.
-		When the file can't be opened an error message is given and
-		the result is an empty |Blob|.
-		Also see |readfile()| and |writefile()|.
-readdir({directory} [, {expr} [, {dict}]])			*readdir()*
-		Return a list with file and directory names in {directory}.
-		You can also use |glob()| if you don't need to do complicated
-		things, such as limiting the number of matches.
-		The list will be sorted (case sensitive), see the {dict}
-		argument below for changing the sort order.
-		When {expr} is omitted all entries are included.
-		When {expr} is given, it is evaluated to check what to do:
-			If {expr} results in -1 then no further entries will
-			be handled.
-			If {expr} results in 0 then this entry will not be
-			added to the list.
-			If {expr} results in 1 then this entry will be added
-			to the list.
-		The entries "." and ".." are always excluded.
-		Each time {expr} is evaluated |v:val| is set to the entry name.
-		When {expr} is a function the name is passed as the argument.
-		For example, to get a list of files ending in ".txt": >
-		  readdir(dirname, {n -> n =~ '.txt$'})
-<		To skip hidden and backup files: >
-		  readdir(dirname, {n -> n !~ '^\.\|\~$'})
-<		The optional {dict} argument allows for further custom
-		values. Currently this is used to specify if and how sorting
-		should be performed. The dict can have the following members:
-		    sort    How to sort the result returned from the system.
-			    Valid values are:
-				"none"	    do not sort (fastest method)
-				"case"	    sort case sensitive (byte value of
-					    each character, technically, using
-					    strcmp()) (default)
-				"icase"	    sort case insensitive (technically
-					    using strcasecmp())
-				"collate"   sort using the collation order
-					    of the "POSIX" or "C" |locale|
-					    (technically using strcoll())
-			    Other values are silently ignored.
-		For example, to get a list of all files in the current
-		directory without sorting the individual entries: >
-		  readdir('.', '1', #{sort: 'none'})
-<		If you want to get a directory tree: >
-		  function! s:tree(dir)
-		      return {a:dir : map(readdir(a:dir),
-		      \ {_, x -> isdirectory(x) ?
-		      \		 {x : s:tree(a:dir . '/' . x)} : x})}
-		  endfunction
-		  echo s:tree(".")
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetDirName()->readdir()
-readdirex({directory} [, {expr} [, {dict}]])			*readdirex()*
-		Extended version of |readdir()|.
-		Return a list of Dictionaries with file and directory
-		information in {directory}.
-		This is useful if you want to get the attributes of file and
-		directory at the same time as getting a list of a directory.
-		This is much faster than calling |readdir()| then calling
-		|getfperm()|, |getfsize()|, |getftime()| and |getftype()| for
-		each file and directory especially on MS-Windows.
-		The list will by default be sorted by name (case sensitive),
-		the sorting can be changed by using the optional {dict}
-		argument, see |readdir()|.
-		The Dictionary for file and directory information has the
-		following items:
-			group	Group name of the entry. (Only on Unix)
-			name	Name of the entry.
-			perm	Permissions of the entry. See |getfperm()|.
-			size	Size of the entry. See |getfsize()|.
-			time	Timestamp of the entry. See |getftime()|.
-			type	Type of the entry.
-				On Unix, almost same as |getftype()| except:
-				    Symlink to a dir	"linkd"
-				    Other symlink	"link"
-				On MS-Windows:
-				    Normal file		"file"
-				    Directory		"dir"
-				    Junction		"junction"
-				    Symlink to a dir	"linkd"
-				    Other symlink	"link"
-				    Other reparse point	"reparse"
-			user	User name of the entry's owner. (Only on Unix)
-		On Unix, if the entry is a symlink, the Dictionary includes
-		the information of the target (except the "type" item).
-		On MS-Windows, it includes the information of the symlink
-		itself because of performance reasons.
-		When {expr} is omitted all entries are included.
-		When {expr} is given, it is evaluated to check what to do:
-			If {expr} results in -1 then no further entries will
-			be handled.
-			If {expr} results in 0 then this entry will not be
-			added to the list.
-			If {expr} results in 1 then this entry will be added
-			to the list.
-		The entries "." and ".." are always excluded.
-		Each time {expr} is evaluated |v:val| is set to a |Dictionary|
-		of the entry.
-		When {expr} is a function the entry is passed as the argument.
-		For example, to get a list of files ending in ".txt": >
-		  readdirex(dirname, {e -> e.name =~ '.txt$'})
-		For example, to get a list of all files in the current
-		directory without sorting the individual entries: >
-		  readdirex(dirname, '1', #{sort: 'none'})
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetDirName()->readdirex()
-							*readfile()*
-readfile({fname} [, {type} [, {max}]])
-		Read file {fname} and return a |List|, each line of the file
-		as an item.  Lines are broken at NL characters.  Macintosh
-		files separated with CR will result in a single long line
-		(unless a NL appears somewhere).
-		All NUL characters are replaced with a NL character.
-		When {type} contains "b" binary mode is used:
-		- When the last line ends in a NL an extra empty list item is
-		  added.
-		- No CR characters are removed.
-		Otherwise:
-		- CR characters that appear before a NL are removed.
-		- Whether the last line ends in a NL or not does not matter.
-		- When 'encoding' is Unicode any UTF-8 byte order mark is
-		  removed from the text.
-		When {max} is given this specifies the maximum number of lines
-		to be read.  Useful if you only want to check the first ten
-		lines of a file: >
-			:for line in readfile(fname, '', 10)
-			:  if line =~ 'Date' | echo line | endif
-			:endfor
-<		When {max} is negative -{max} lines from the end of the file
-		are returned, or as many as there are.
-		When {max} is zero the result is an empty list.
-		Note that without {max} the whole file is read into memory.
-		Also note that there is no recognition of encoding.  Read a
-		file into a buffer if you need to.
-		Deprecated (use |readblob()| instead): When {type} contains
-		"B" a |Blob| is returned with the binary data of the file
-		unmodified.
-		When the file can't be opened an error message is given and
-		the result is an empty list.
-		Also see |writefile()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFileName()->readfile()
-reduce({object}, {func} [, {initial}])			*reduce()* *E998*
-		{func} is called for every item in {object}, which can be a
-		|String|, |List| or a |Blob|.  {func} is called with two
-		arguments: the result so far and current item.  After
-		processing all items the result is returned.
-		{initial} is the initial result.  When omitted, the first item
-		in {object} is used and {func} is first called for the second
-		item.  If {initial} is not given and {object} is empty no
-		result can be computed, an E998 error is given.
-		Examples: >
-			echo reduce([1, 3, 5], { acc, val -> acc + val })
-			echo reduce(['x', 'y'], { acc, val -> acc .. val }, 'a')
-			echo reduce(0z1122, { acc, val -> 2 * acc + val })
-			echo reduce('xyz', { acc, val -> acc .. ',' .. val })
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			echo mylist->reduce({ acc, val -> acc + val }, 0)
-reg_executing()						*reg_executing()*
-		Returns the single letter name of the register being executed.
-		Returns an empty string when no register is being executed.
-		See |@|.
-reg_recording()						*reg_recording()*
-		Returns the single letter name of the register being recorded.
-		Returns an empty string when not recording.  See |q|.
-reltime([{start} [, {end}]])				*reltime()*
-		Return an item that represents a time value.  The item is a
-		list with items that depend on the system.  In Vim 9 script
-		list<any> can be used.
-		The item can be passed to |reltimestr()| to convert it to a
-		string or |reltimefloat()| to convert to a Float.
-		Without an argument reltime() returns the current time.
-		With one argument is returns the time passed since the time
-		specified in the argument.
-		With two arguments it returns the time passed between {start}
-		and {end}.
-		The {start} and {end} arguments must be values returned by
-		reltime().  If there is an error zero is returned in legacy
-		script, in Vim9 script an error is given.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetStart()->reltime()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+reltime| feature}
-reltimefloat({time})				*reltimefloat()*
-		Return a Float that represents the time value of {time}.
-		Example: >
-			let start = reltime()
-			call MyFunction()
-			let seconds = reltimefloat(reltime(start))
-<		See the note of reltimestr() about overhead.
-		Also see |profiling|.
-		If there is an error 0.0 is returned in legacy script, in Vim9
-		script an error is given.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			reltime(start)->reltimefloat()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+reltime| feature}
-reltimestr({time})				*reltimestr()*
-		Return a String that represents the time value of {time}.
-		This is the number of seconds, a dot and the number of
-		microseconds.  Example: >
-			let start = reltime()
-			call MyFunction()
-			echo reltimestr(reltime(start))
-<		Note that overhead for the commands will be added to the time.
-		The accuracy depends on the system.
-		Leading spaces are used to make the string align nicely.  You
-		can use split() to remove it. >
-			echo split(reltimestr(reltime(start)))[0]
-<		Also see |profiling|.
-		If there is an error an empty string is returned in legacy
-		script, in Vim9 script an error is given.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			reltime(start)->reltimestr()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+reltime| feature}
-							*remote_expr()* *E449*
-remote_expr({server}, {string} [, {idvar} [, {timeout}]])
-		Send the {string} to {server}.  The string is sent as an
-		expression and the result is returned after evaluation.
-		The result must be a String or a |List|.  A |List| is turned
-		into a String by joining the items with a line break in
-		between (not at the end), like with join(expr, "\n").
-		If {idvar} is present and not empty, it is taken as the name
-		of a variable and a {serverid} for later use with
-		|remote_read()| is stored there.
-		If {timeout} is given the read times out after this many
-		seconds.  Otherwise a timeout of 600 seconds is used.
-		See also |clientserver| |RemoteReply|.
-		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+clientserver| feature}
-		Note: Any errors will cause a local error message to be issued
-		and the result will be the empty string.
-		Variables will be evaluated in the global namespace,
-		independent of a function currently being active.  Except
-		when in debug mode, then local function variables and
-		arguments can be evaluated.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo remote_expr("gvim", "2+2")
-			:echo remote_expr("gvim1", "b:current_syntax")
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ServerName()->remote_expr(expr)
-remote_foreground({server})				*remote_foreground()*
-		Move the Vim server with the name {server} to the foreground.
-		The {server} argument is a string.
-		This works like: >
-			remote_expr({server}, "foreground()")
-<		Except that on Win32 systems the client does the work, to work
-		around the problem that the OS doesn't always allow the server
-		to bring itself to the foreground.
-		Note: This does not restore the window if it was minimized,
-		like foreground() does.
-		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ServerName()->remote_foreground()
-<		{only in the Win32, Athena, Motif and GTK GUI versions and the
-		Win32 console version}
-remote_peek({serverid} [, {retvar}])		*remote_peek()*
-		Returns a positive number if there are available strings
-		from {serverid}.  Copies any reply string into the variable
-		{retvar} if specified.  {retvar} must be a string with the
-		name of a variable.
-		Returns zero if none are available.
-		Returns -1 if something is wrong.
-		See also |clientserver|.
-		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+clientserver| feature}
-		Examples: >
-			:let repl = ""
-			:echo "PEEK: ".remote_peek(id, "repl").": ".repl
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ServerId()->remote_peek()
-remote_read({serverid}, [{timeout}])			*remote_read()*
-		Return the oldest available reply from {serverid} and consume
-		it.  Unless a {timeout} in seconds is given, it blocks until a
-		reply is available.
-		See also |clientserver|.
-		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+clientserver| feature}
-		Example: >
-			:echo remote_read(id)
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ServerId()->remote_read()
-							*remote_send()* *E241*
-remote_send({server}, {string} [, {idvar}])
-		Send the {string} to {server}.  The string is sent as input
-		keys and the function returns immediately.  At the Vim server
-		the keys are not mapped |:map|.
-		If {idvar} is present, it is taken as the name of a variable
-		and a {serverid} for later use with remote_read() is stored
-		there.
-		See also |clientserver| |RemoteReply|.
-		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+clientserver| feature}
-		Note: Any errors will be reported in the server and may mess
-		up the display.
-		Examples: >
-		:echo remote_send("gvim", ":DropAndReply ".file, "serverid").
-		 \ remote_read(serverid)
-		:autocmd NONE RemoteReply *
-		 \ echo remote_read(expand("<amatch>"))
-		:echo remote_send("gvim", ":sleep 10 | echo ".
-		 \ 'server2client(expand("<client>"), "HELLO")<CR>')
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ServerName()->remote_send(keys)
-					*remote_startserver()* *E941* *E942*
-		Become the server {name}.  This fails if already running as a
-		server, when |v:servername| is not empty.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			ServerName()->remote_startserver()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+clientserver| feature}
-remove({list}, {idx} [, {end}])				*remove()*
-		Without {end}: Remove the item at {idx} from |List| {list} and
-		return the item.
-		With {end}: Remove items from {idx} to {end} (inclusive) and
-		return a |List| with these items.  When {idx} points to the same
-		item as {end} a list with one item is returned.  When {end}
-		points to an item before {idx} this is an error.
-		See |list-index| for possible values of {idx} and {end}.
-		Example: >
-			:echo "last item: " . remove(mylist, -1)
-			:call remove(mylist, 0, 9)
-		Use |delete()| to remove a file.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->remove(idx)
-remove({blob}, {idx} [, {end}])
-		Without {end}: Remove the byte at {idx} from |Blob| {blob} and
-		return the byte.
-		With {end}: Remove bytes from {idx} to {end} (inclusive) and
-		return a |Blob| with these bytes.  When {idx} points to the same
-		byte as {end} a |Blob| with one byte is returned.  When {end}
-		points to a byte before {idx} this is an error.
-		Example: >
-			:echo "last byte: " . remove(myblob, -1)
-			:call remove(mylist, 0, 9)
-remove({dict}, {key})
-		Remove the entry from {dict} with key {key} and return it.
-		Example: >
-			:echo "removed " . remove(dict, "one")
-<		If there is no {key} in {dict} this is an error.
-rename({from}, {to})					*rename()*
-		Rename the file by the name {from} to the name {to}.  This
-		should also work to move files across file systems.  The
-		result is a Number, which is 0 if the file was renamed
-		successfully, and non-zero when the renaming failed.
-		NOTE: If {to} exists it is overwritten without warning.
-		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetOldName()->rename(newname)
-repeat({expr}, {count})					*repeat()*
-		Repeat {expr} {count} times and return the concatenated
-		result.  Example: >
-			:let separator = repeat('-', 80)
-<		When {count} is zero or negative the result is empty.
-		When {expr} is a |List| the result is {expr} concatenated
-		{count} times.  Example: >
-			:let longlist = repeat(['a', 'b'], 3)
-<		Results in ['a', 'b', 'a', 'b', 'a', 'b'].
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->repeat(count)
-resolve({filename})					*resolve()* *E655*
-		On MS-Windows, when {filename} is a shortcut (a .lnk file),
-		returns the path the shortcut points to in a simplified form.
-		When {filename} is a symbolic link or junction point, return
-		the full path to the target. If the target of junction is
-		removed, return {filename}.
-		On Unix, repeat resolving symbolic links in all path
-		components of {filename} and return the simplified result.
-		To cope with link cycles, resolving of symbolic links is
-		stopped after 100 iterations.
-		On other systems, return the simplified {filename}.
-		The simplification step is done as by |simplify()|.
-		resolve() keeps a leading path component specifying the
-		current directory (provided the result is still a relative
-		path name) and also keeps a trailing path separator.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->resolve()
-reverse({object})					*reverse()*
-		Reverse the order of items in {object} in-place.
-		{object} can be a |List| or a |Blob|.
-		Returns {object}.
-		If you want an object to remain unmodified make a copy first: >
-			:let revlist = reverse(copy(mylist))
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->reverse()
-round({expr})							*round()*
-		Round off {expr} to the nearest integral value and return it
-		as a |Float|.  If {expr} lies halfway between two integral
-		values, then use the larger one (away from zero).
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			echo round(0.456)
-<			0.0  >
-			echo round(4.5)
-<			5.0 >
-			echo round(-4.5)
-<			-5.0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->round()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-rubyeval({expr})					*rubyeval()*
-		Evaluate Ruby expression {expr} and return its result
-		converted to Vim data structures.
-		Numbers, floats and strings are returned as they are (strings
-		are copied though).
-		Arrays are represented as Vim |List| type.
-		Hashes are represented as Vim |Dictionary| type.
-		Other objects are represented as strings resulted from their
-		"Object#to_s" method.
-		Note that in a `:def` function local variables are not visible
-		to {expr}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRubyExpr()->rubyeval()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+ruby| feature}
-screenattr({row}, {col})					*screenattr()*
-		Like |screenchar()|, but return the attribute.  This is a rather
-		arbitrary number that can only be used to compare to the
-		attribute at other positions.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRow()->screenattr(col)
-screenchar({row}, {col})					*screenchar()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the character at position
-		[row, col] on the screen.  This works for every possible
-		screen position, also status lines, window separators and the
-		command line.  The top left position is row one, column one
-		The character excludes composing characters.  For double-byte
-		encodings it may only be the first byte.
-		This is mainly to be used for testing.
-		Returns -1 when row or col is out of range.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRow()->screenchar(col)
-screenchars({row}, {col})					*screenchars()*
-		The result is a |List| of Numbers.  The first number is the same
-		as what |screenchar()| returns.  Further numbers are
-		composing characters on top of the base character.
-		This is mainly to be used for testing.
-		Returns an empty List when row or col is out of range.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRow()->screenchars(col)
-screencol()							*screencol()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the current screen column of
-		the cursor. The leftmost column has number 1.
-		This function is mainly used for testing.
-		Note: Always returns the current screen column, thus if used
-		in a command (e.g. ":echo screencol()") it will return the
-		column inside the command line, which is 1 when the command is
-		executed. To get the cursor position in the file use one of
-		the following mappings: >
-			nnoremap <expr> GG ":echom ".screencol()."\n"
-			nnoremap <silent> GG :echom screencol()<CR>
-			nnoremap GG <Cmd>echom screencol()<CR>
-screenpos({winid}, {lnum}, {col})				*screenpos()*
-		The result is a Dict with the screen position of the text
-		character in window {winid} at buffer line {lnum} and column
-		{col}.  {col} is a one-based byte index.
-		The Dict has these members:
-			row	screen row
-			col	first screen column
-			endcol	last screen column
-			curscol	cursor screen column
-		If the specified position is not visible, all values are zero.
-		The "endcol" value differs from "col" when the character
-		occupies more than one screen cell.  E.g. for a Tab "col" can
-		be 1 and "endcol" can be 8.
-		The "curscol" value is where the cursor would be placed.  For
-		a Tab it would be the same as "endcol", while for a double
-		width character it would be the same as "col".
-		The |conceal| feature is ignored here, the column numbers are
-		as if 'conceallevel' is zero.  You can set the cursor to the
-		right position and use |screencol()| to get the value with
-		|conceal| taken into account.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->screenpos(lnum, col)
-screenrow()							*screenrow()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the current screen row of the
-		cursor.  The top line has number one.
-		This function is mainly used for testing.
-		Alternatively you can use |winline()|.
-		Note: Same restrictions as with |screencol()|.
-screenstring({row}, {col})					*screenstring()*
-		The result is a String that contains the base character and
-		any composing characters at position [row, col] on the screen.
-		This is like |screenchars()| but returning a String with the
-		characters.
-		This is mainly to be used for testing.
-		Returns an empty String when row or col is out of range.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetRow()->screenstring(col)
-								*search()*
-search({pattern} [, {flags} [, {stopline} [, {timeout} [, {skip}]]]])
-		Search for regexp pattern {pattern}.  The search starts at the
-		cursor position (you can use |cursor()| to set it).
-		When a match has been found its line number is returned.
-		If there is no match a 0 is returned and the cursor doesn't
-		move.  No error message is given.
-		{flags} is a String, which can contain these character flags:
-		'b'	search Backward instead of forward
-		'c'	accept a match at the Cursor position
-		'e'	move to the End of the match
-		'n'	do Not move the cursor
-		'p'	return number of matching sub-Pattern (see below)
-		's'	Set the ' mark at the previous location of the cursor
-		'w'	Wrap around the end of the file
-		'W'	don't Wrap around the end of the file
-		'z'	start searching at the cursor column instead of zero
-		If neither 'w' or 'W' is given, the 'wrapscan' option applies.
-		If the 's' flag is supplied, the ' mark is set, only if the
-		cursor is moved. The 's' flag cannot be combined with the 'n'
-		flag.
-		'ignorecase', 'smartcase' and 'magic' are used.
-		When the 'z' flag is not given, forward searching always
-		starts in column zero and then matches before the cursor are
-		skipped.  When the 'c' flag is present in 'cpo' the next
-		search starts after the match.  Without the 'c' flag the next
-		search starts one column further.  This matters for
-		overlapping matches.
-		When searching backwards and the 'z' flag is given then the
-		search starts in column zero, thus no match in the current
-		line will be found (unless wrapping around the end of the
-		file).
-		When the {stopline} argument is given then the search stops
-		after searching this line.  This is useful to restrict the
-		search to a range of lines.  Examples: >
-			let match = search('(', 'b', line("w0"))
-			let end = search('END', '', line("w$"))
-<		When {stopline} is used and it is not zero this also implies
-		that the search does not wrap around the end of the file.
-		A zero value is equal to not giving the argument.
-		When the {timeout} argument is given the search stops when
-		more than this many milliseconds have passed.  Thus when
-		{timeout} is 500 the search stops after half a second.
-		The value must not be negative.  A zero value is like not
-		giving the argument.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+reltime| feature}
-		If the {skip} expression is given it is evaluated with the
-		cursor positioned on the start of a match.  If it evaluates to
-		non-zero this match is skipped.  This can be used, for
-		example, to skip a match in a comment or a string.
-		{skip} can be a string, which is evaluated as an expression, a
-		function reference or a lambda.
-		When {skip} is omitted or empty, every match is accepted.
-		When evaluating {skip} causes an error the search is aborted
-		and -1 returned.
-							*search()-sub-match*
-		With the 'p' flag the returned value is one more than the
-		first sub-match in \(\).  One if none of them matched but the
-		whole pattern did match.
-		To get the column number too use |searchpos()|.
-		The cursor will be positioned at the match, unless the 'n'
-		flag is used.
-		Example (goes over all files in the argument list): >
-		    :let n = 1
-		    :while n <= argc()	    " loop over all files in arglist
-		    :  exe "argument " . n
-		    :  " start at the last char in the file and wrap for the
-		    :  " first search to find match at start of file
-		    :  normal G$
-		    :  let flags = "w"
-		    :  while search("foo", flags) > 0
-		    :	 s/foo/bar/g
-		    :	 let flags = "W"
-		    :  endwhile
-		    :  update		    " write the file if modified
-		    :  let n = n + 1
-		    :endwhile
-		Example for using some flags: >
-		    :echo search('\<if\|\(else\)\|\(endif\)', 'ncpe')
-<		This will search for the keywords "if", "else", and "endif"
-		under or after the cursor.  Because of the 'p' flag, it
-		returns 1, 2, or 3 depending on which keyword is found, or 0
-		if the search fails.  With the cursor on the first word of the
-		line:
-		    if (foo == 0) | let foo = foo + 1 | endif ~
-		the function returns 1.  Without the 'c' flag, the function
-		finds the "endif" and returns 3.  The same thing happens
-		without the 'e' flag if the cursor is on the "f" of "if".
-		The 'n' flag tells the function not to move the cursor.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPattern()->search()
-searchcount([{options}])					*searchcount()*
-		Get or update the last search count, like what is displayed
-		without the "S" flag in 'shortmess'.  This works even if
-		'shortmess' does contain the "S" flag.
-		This returns a |Dictionary|. The dictionary is empty if the
-		previous pattern was not set and "pattern" was not specified.
-		  key		type		meaning ~
-		  current	|Number|	current position of match;
-						0 if the cursor position is
-						before the first match
-		  exact_match	|Boolean|	1 if "current" is matched on
-						"pos", otherwise 0
-		  total		|Number|	total count of matches found
-		  incomplete	|Number|	0: search was fully completed
-						1: recomputing was timed out
-						2: max count exceeded
-		For {options} see further down.
-		To get the last search count when |n| or |N| was pressed, call
-		this function with `recompute: 0` . This sometimes returns
-		wrong information because |n| and |N|'s maximum count is 99.
-		If it exceeded 99 the result must be max count + 1 (100). If
-		you want to get correct information, specify `recompute: 1`: >
-			" result == maxcount + 1 (100) when many matches
-			let result = searchcount(#{recompute: 0})
-			" Below returns correct result (recompute defaults
-			" to 1)
-			let result = searchcount()
-		The function is useful to add the count to |statusline|: >
-			function! LastSearchCount() abort
-			  let result = searchcount(#{recompute: 0})
-			  if empty(result)
-			    return ''
-			  endif
-			  if result.incomplete ==# 1     " timed out
-			    return printf(' /%s [?/??]', @/)
-			  elseif result.incomplete ==# 2 " max count exceeded
-			    if result.total > result.maxcount &&
-			    \  result.current > result.maxcount
-			      return printf(' /%s [>%d/>%d]', @/,
-			      \		    result.current, result.total)
-			    elseif result.total > result.maxcount
-			      return printf(' /%s [%d/>%d]', @/,
-			      \		    result.current, result.total)
-			    endif
-			  endif
-			  return printf(' /%s [%d/%d]', @/,
-			  \		result.current, result.total)
-			endfunction
-			let &statusline .= '%{LastSearchCount()}'
-			" Or if you want to show the count only when
-			" 'hlsearch' was on
-			" let &statusline .=
-			" \   '%{v:hlsearch ? LastSearchCount() : ""}'
-		You can also update the search count, which can be useful in a
-		|CursorMoved| or |CursorMovedI| autocommand: >
-			autocmd CursorMoved,CursorMovedI *
-			  \ let s:searchcount_timer = timer_start(
-			  \   200, function('s:update_searchcount'))
-			function! s:update_searchcount(timer) abort
-			  if a:timer ==# s:searchcount_timer
-			    call searchcount(#{
-			    \ recompute: 1, maxcount: 0, timeout: 100})
-			    redrawstatus
-			  endif
-			endfunction
-		This can also be used to count matched texts with specified
-		pattern in the current buffer using "pattern":  >
-			" Count '\<foo\>' in this buffer
-			" (Note that it also updates search count)
-			let result = searchcount(#{pattern: '\<foo\>'})
-			" To restore old search count by old pattern,
-			" search again
-			call searchcount()
-		{options} must be a |Dictionary|. It can contain:
-		  key		type		meaning ~
-		  recompute	|Boolean|	if |TRUE|, recompute the count
-						like |n| or |N| was executed.
-						otherwise returns the last
-						computed result (when |n| or
-						|N| was used when "S" is not
-						in 'shortmess', or this
-						function was called).
-						(default: |TRUE|)
-		  pattern	|String|	recompute if this was given
-						and different with |@/|.
-						this works as same as the
-						below command is executed
-						before calling this function >
-						  let @/ = pattern
-<						(default: |@/|)
-		  timeout	|Number|	0 or negative number is no
-						timeout. timeout milliseconds
-						for recomputing the result
-						(default: 0)
-		  maxcount	|Number|	0 or negative number is no
-						limit. max count of matched
-						text while recomputing the
-						result.  if search exceeded
-						total count, "total" value
-						becomes `maxcount + 1`
-						(default: 99)
-		  pos		|List|		`[lnum, col, off]` value
-						when recomputing the result.
-						this changes "current" result
-						value. see |cursor()|,
-						|getpos()|
-						(default: cursor's position)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetSearchOpts()->searchcount()
-searchdecl({name} [, {global} [, {thisblock}]])			*searchdecl()*
-		Search for the declaration of {name}.
-		With a non-zero {global} argument it works like |gD|, find
-		first match in the file.  Otherwise it works like |gd|, find
-		first match in the function.
-		With a non-zero {thisblock} argument matches in a {} block
-		that ends before the cursor position are ignored.  Avoids
-		finding variable declarations only valid in another scope.
-		Moves the cursor to the found match.
-		Returns zero for success, non-zero for failure.
-		Example: >
-			if searchdecl('myvar') == 0
-			   echo getline('.')
-			endif
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->searchdecl()
-							*searchpair()*
-searchpair({start}, {middle}, {end} [, {flags} [, {skip}
-				[, {stopline} [, {timeout}]]]])
-		Search for the match of a nested start-end pair.  This can be
-		used to find the "endif" that matches an "if", while other
-		if/endif pairs in between are ignored.
-		The search starts at the cursor.  The default is to search
-		forward, include 'b' in {flags} to search backward.
-		If a match is found, the cursor is positioned at it and the
-		line number is returned.  If no match is found 0 or -1 is
-		returned and the cursor doesn't move.  No error message is
-		given.
-		{start}, {middle} and {end} are patterns, see |pattern|.  They
-		must not contain \( \) pairs.  Use of \%( \) is allowed.  When
-		{middle} is not empty, it is found when searching from either
-		direction, but only when not in a nested start-end pair.  A
-		typical use is: >
-			searchpair('\<if\>', '\<else\>', '\<endif\>')
-<		By leaving {middle} empty the "else" is skipped.
-		{flags} 'b', 'c', 'n', 's', 'w' and 'W' are used like with
-		|search()|.  Additionally:
-		'r'	Repeat until no more matches found; will find the
-			outer pair.  Implies the 'W' flag.
-		'm'	Return number of matches instead of line number with
-			the match; will be > 1 when 'r' is used.
-		Note: it's nearly always a good idea to use the 'W' flag, to
-		avoid wrapping around the end of the file.
-		When a match for {start}, {middle} or {end} is found, the
-		{skip} expression is evaluated with the cursor positioned on
-		the start of the match.  It should return non-zero if this
-		match is to be skipped.  E.g., because it is inside a comment
-		or a string.
-		When {skip} is omitted or empty, every match is accepted.
-		When evaluating {skip} causes an error the search is aborted
-		and -1 returned.
-		{skip} can be a string, a lambda, a funcref or a partial.
-		Anything else makes the function fail.
-		In a `:def` function when the {skip} argument is a string
-		constant it is compiled into instructions.
-		For {stopline} and {timeout} see |search()|.
-		The value of 'ignorecase' is used.  'magic' is ignored, the
-		patterns are used like it's on.
-		The search starts exactly at the cursor.  A match with
-		{start}, {middle} or {end} at the next character, in the
-		direction of searching, is the first one found.  Example: >
-			if 1
-			  if 2
-			  endif 2
-			endif 1
-<		When starting at the "if 2", with the cursor on the "i", and
-		searching forwards, the "endif 2" is found.  When starting on
-		the character just before the "if 2", the "endif 1" will be
-		found.  That's because the "if 2" will be found first, and
-		then this is considered to be a nested if/endif from "if 2" to
-		"endif 2".
-		When searching backwards and {end} is more than one character,
-		it may be useful to put "\zs" at the end of the pattern, so
-		that when the cursor is inside a match with the end it finds
-		the matching start.
-		Example, to find the "endif" command in a Vim script: >
-	:echo searchpair('\<if\>', '\<el\%[seif]\>', '\<en\%[dif]\>', 'W',
-			\ 'getline(".") =~ "^\\s*\""')
-<		The cursor must be at or after the "if" for which a match is
-		to be found.  Note that single-quote strings are used to avoid
-		having to double the backslashes.  The skip expression only
-		catches comments at the start of a line, not after a command.
-		Also, a word "en" or "if" halfway a line is considered a
-		match.
-		Another example, to search for the matching "{" of a "}": >
-	:echo searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW')
-<		This works when the cursor is at or before the "}" for which a
-		match is to be found.  To reject matches that syntax
-		highlighting recognized as strings: >
-	:echo searchpair('{', '', '}', 'bW',
-	     \ 'synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name") =~? "string"')
-							*searchpairpos()*
-searchpairpos({start}, {middle}, {end} [, {flags} [, {skip}
-				[, {stopline} [, {timeout}]]]])
-		Same as |searchpair()|, but returns a |List| with the line and
-		column position of the match. The first element of the |List|
-		is the line number and the second element is the byte index of
-		the column position of the match.  If no match is found,
-		returns [0, 0]. >
-			:let [lnum,col] = searchpairpos('{', '', '}', 'n')
-		See |match-parens| for a bigger and more useful example.
-							*searchpos()*
-searchpos({pattern} [, {flags} [, {stopline} [, {timeout} [, {skip}]]]])
-		Same as |search()|, but returns a |List| with the line and
-		column position of the match. The first element of the |List|
-		is the line number and the second element is the byte index of
-		the column position of the match. If no match is found,
-		returns [0, 0].
-		Example: >
-	:let [lnum, col] = searchpos('mypattern', 'n')
-<		When the 'p' flag is given then there is an extra item with
-		the sub-pattern match number |search()-sub-match|.  Example: >
-	:let [lnum, col, submatch] = searchpos('\(\l\)\|\(\u\)', 'np')
-<		In this example "submatch" is 2 when a lowercase letter is
-		found |/\l|, 3 when an uppercase letter is found |/\u|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPattern()->searchpos()
-server2client({clientid}, {string})			*server2client()*
-		Send a reply string to {clientid}.  The most recent {clientid}
-		that sent a string can be retrieved with expand("<client>").
-		{only available when compiled with the |+clientserver| feature}
-		Returns zero for success, -1 for failure.
-		Note:
-		This id has to be stored before the next command can be
-		received.  I.e. before returning from the received command and
-		before calling any commands that waits for input.
-		See also |clientserver|.
-		Example: >
-			:echo server2client(expand("<client>"), "HELLO")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetClientId()->server2client(string)
-serverlist()					*serverlist()*
-		Return a list of available server names, one per line.
-		When there are no servers or the information is not available
-		an empty string is returned.  See also |clientserver|.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+clientserver| feature}
-		Example: >
-			:echo serverlist()
-setbufline({buf}, {lnum}, {text})			*setbufline()*
-		Set line {lnum} to {text} in buffer {buf}.  This works like
-		|setline()| for the specified buffer.
-		This function works only for loaded buffers. First call
-		|bufload()| if needed.
-		To insert lines use |appendbufline()|.
-		Any text properties in {lnum} are cleared.
-		{text} can be a string to set one line, or a list of strings
-		to set multiple lines.  If the list extends below the last
-		line then those lines are added.
-		For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()| above.
-		{lnum} is used like with |setline()|.
-		Use "$" to refer to the last line in buffer {buf}.
-		When {lnum} is just below the last line the {text} will be
-		added below the last line.
-		When {buf} is not a valid buffer, the buffer is not loaded or
-		{lnum} is not valid then 1 is returned.  On success 0 is
-		returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		third argument: >
-			GetText()->setbufline(buf, lnum)
-setbufvar({buf}, {varname}, {val})			*setbufvar()*
-		Set option or local variable {varname} in buffer {buf} to
-		{val}.
-		This also works for a global or local window option, but it
-		doesn't work for a global or local window variable.
-		For a local window option the global value is unchanged.
-		For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()| above.
-		The {varname} argument is a string.
-		Note that the variable name without "b:" must be used.
-		Examples: >
-			:call setbufvar(1, "&mod", 1)
-			:call setbufvar("todo", "myvar", "foobar")
-<		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		third argument: >
-			GetValue()->setbufvar(buf, varname)
-setcellwidths({list})					*setcellwidths()*
-		Specify overrides for cell widths of character ranges.  This
-		tells Vim how wide characters are, counted in screen cells.
-		This overrides 'ambiwidth'.  Example: >
-		   setcellwidths([[0xad, 0xad, 1],
-				\ [0x2194, 0x2199, 2]])
-<					*E1109* *E1110* *E1111* *E1112* *E1113*
-		The {list} argument is a list of lists with each three
-		numbers. These three numbers are [low, high, width].  "low"
-		and "high" can be the same, in which case this refers to one
-		character. Otherwise it is the range of characters from "low"
-		to "high" (inclusive).  "width" is either 1 or 2, indicating
-		the character width in screen cells.
-		An error is given if the argument is invalid, also when a
-		range overlaps with another.
-		Only characters with value 0x100 and higher can be used.
-		If the new value causes 'fillchars' or 'listchars' to become
-		invalid it is rejected and an error is given.
-		To clear the overrides pass an empty list: >
-		   setcellwidths([]);
-<		You can use the script $VIMRUNTIME/tools/emoji_list.vim to see
-		the effect for known emoji characters.
-setcharpos({expr}, {list})				*setcharpos()*
-		Same as |setpos()| but uses the specified column number as the
-		character index instead of the byte index in the line.
-		Example:
-		With the text "여보세요" in line 8: >
-			call setcharpos('.', [0, 8, 4, 0])
-<		positions the cursor on the fourth character '요'. >
-			call setpos('.', [0, 8, 4, 0])
-<		positions the cursor on the second character '보'.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPosition()->setcharpos('.')
-setcharsearch({dict})					*setcharsearch()*
-		Set the current character search information to {dict},
-		which contains one or more of the following entries:
-		    char	character which will be used for a subsequent
-				|,| or |;| command; an empty string clears the
-				character search
-		    forward	direction of character search; 1 for forward,
-				0 for backward
-		    until	type of character search; 1 for a |t| or |T|
-				character search, 0 for an |f| or |F|
-				character search
-		This can be useful to save/restore a user's character search
-		from a script: >
-			:let prevsearch = getcharsearch()
-			:" Perform a command which clobbers user's search
-			:call setcharsearch(prevsearch)
-<		Also see |getcharsearch()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			SavedSearch()->setcharsearch()
-setcmdpos({pos})					*setcmdpos()*
-		Set the cursor position in the command line to byte position
-		{pos}.  The first position is 1.
-		Use |getcmdpos()| to obtain the current position.
-		Only works while editing the command line, thus you must use
-		|c_CTRL-\_e|, |c_CTRL-R_=| or |c_CTRL-R_CTRL-R| with '='.  For
-		|c_CTRL-\_e| and |c_CTRL-R_CTRL-R| with '=' the position is
-		set after the command line is set to the expression.  For
-		|c_CTRL-R_=| it is set after evaluating the expression but
-		before inserting the resulting text.
-		When the number is too big the cursor is put at the end of the
-		line.  A number smaller than one has undefined results.
-		Returns FALSE when successful, TRUE when not editing the
-		command line.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPos()->setcmdpos()
-setcursorcharpos({lnum}, {col} [, {off}])		*setcursorcharpos()*
-		Same as |cursor()| but uses the specified column number as the
-		character index instead of the byte index in the line.
-		Example:
-		With the text "여보세요" in line 4: >
-			call setcursorcharpos(4, 3)
-<		positions the cursor on the third character '세'. >
-			call cursor(4, 3)
-<		positions the cursor on the first character '여'.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetCursorPos()->setcursorcharpos()
-setenv({name}, {val})						*setenv()*
-		Set environment variable {name} to {val}.  Example: >
-			call setenv('HOME', '/home/myhome')
-<		When {val} is |v:null| the environment variable is deleted.
-		See also |expr-env|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetPath()->setenv('PATH')
-setfperm({fname}, {mode})				*setfperm()* *chmod*
-		Set the file permissions for {fname} to {mode}.
-		{mode} must be a string with 9 characters.  It is of the form
-		"rwxrwxrwx", where each group of "rwx" flags represent, in
-		turn, the permissions of the owner of the file, the group the
-		file belongs to, and other users.  A '-' character means the
-		permission is off, any other character means on.  Multi-byte
-		characters are not supported.
-		For example "rw-r-----" means read-write for the user,
-		readable by the group, not accessible by others.  "xx-x-----"
-		would do the same thing.
-		Returns non-zero for success, zero for failure.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFilename()->setfperm(mode)
-		To read permissions see |getfperm()|.
-setline({lnum}, {text})					*setline()*
-		Set line {lnum} of the current buffer to {text}.  To insert
-		lines use |append()|. To set lines in another buffer use
-		|setbufline()|.  Any text properties in {lnum} are cleared.
-		{lnum} is used like with |getline()|.
-		When {lnum} is just below the last line the {text} will be
-		added below the last line.
-		{text} can be any type or a List of any type, each item is
-		converted to a String.
-		If this succeeds, FALSE is returned.  If this fails (most likely
-		because {lnum} is invalid) TRUE is returned.
-		Example: >
-			:call setline(5, strftime("%c"))
-<		When {text} is a |List| then line {lnum} and following lines
-		will be set to the items in the list.  Example: >
-			:call setline(5, ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'])
-<		This is equivalent to: >
-			:for [n, l] in [[5, 'aaa'], [6, 'bbb'], [7, 'ccc']]
-			:  call setline(n, l)
-			:endfor
-<		Note: The '[ and '] marks are not set.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetText()->setline(lnum)
-setloclist({nr}, {list} [, {action} [, {what}]])		*setloclist()*
-		Create or replace or add to the location list for window {nr}.
-		{nr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		When {nr} is zero the current window is used.
-		For a location list window, the displayed location list is
-		modified.  For an invalid window number {nr}, -1 is returned.
-		Otherwise, same as |setqflist()|.
-		Also see |location-list|.
-		For {action} see |setqflist-action|.
-		If the optional {what} dictionary argument is supplied, then
-		only the items listed in {what} are set. Refer to |setqflist()|
-		for the list of supported keys in {what}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetLoclist()->setloclist(winnr)
-setmatches({list} [, {win}])				*setmatches()*
-		Restores a list of matches saved by |getmatches()| for the
-		current window.  Returns 0 if successful, otherwise -1.  All
-		current matches are cleared before the list is restored.  See
-		example for |getmatches()|.
-		If {win} is specified, use the window with this number or
-		window ID instead of the current window.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMatches()->setmatches()
-							*setpos()*
-setpos({expr}, {list})
-		Set the position for String {expr}.  Possible values:
-			.	the cursor
-			'x	mark x
-		{list} must be a |List| with four or five numbers:
-		    [bufnum, lnum, col, off]
-		    [bufnum, lnum, col, off, curswant]
-		"bufnum" is the buffer number.  Zero can be used for the
-		current buffer.  When setting an uppercase mark "bufnum" is
-		used for the mark position.  For other marks it specifies the
-		buffer to set the mark in.  You can use the |bufnr()| function
-		to turn a file name into a buffer number.
-		For setting the cursor and the ' mark "bufnum" is ignored,
-		since these are associated with a window, not a buffer.
-		Does not change the jumplist.
-		"lnum" and "col" are the position in the buffer.  The first
-		column is 1.  Use a zero "lnum" to delete a mark.  If "col" is
-		smaller than 1 then 1 is used. To use the character count
-		instead of the byte count, use |setcharpos()|.
-		The "off" number is only used when 'virtualedit' is set. Then
-		it is the offset in screen columns from the start of the
-		character.  E.g., a position within a <Tab> or after the last
-		character.
-		The "curswant" number is only used when setting the cursor
-		position.  It sets the preferred column for when moving the
-		cursor vertically.  When the "curswant" number is missing the
-		preferred column is not set.  When it is present and setting a
-		mark position it is not used.
-		Note that for '< and '> changing the line number may result in
-		the marks to be effectively be swapped, so that '< is always
-		before '>.
-		Returns 0 when the position could be set, -1 otherwise.
-		An error message is given if {expr} is invalid.
-		Also see |setcharpos()|, |getpos()| and |getcurpos()|.
-		This does not restore the preferred column for moving
-		vertically; if you set the cursor position with this, |j| and
-		|k| motions will jump to previous columns!  Use |cursor()| to
-		also set the preferred column.  Also see the "curswant" key in
-		|winrestview()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPosition()->setpos('.')
-setqflist({list} [, {action} [, {what}]])		*setqflist()*
-		Create or replace or add to the quickfix list.
-		If the optional {what} dictionary argument is supplied, then
-		only the items listed in {what} are set. The first {list}
-		argument is ignored.  See below for the supported items in
-		{what}.
-							*setqflist-what*
-		When {what} is not present, the items in {list} are used.  Each
-		item must be a dictionary.  Non-dictionary items in {list} are
-		ignored.  Each dictionary item can contain the following
-		entries:
-		    bufnr	buffer number; must be the number of a valid
-				buffer
-		    filename	name of a file; only used when "bufnr" is not
-				present or it is invalid.
-		    module	name of a module; if given it will be used in
-				quickfix error window instead of the filename.
-		    lnum	line number in the file
-		    pattern	search pattern used to locate the error
-		    col		column number
-		    vcol	when non-zero: "col" is visual column
-				when zero: "col" is byte index
-		    nr		error number
-		    text	description of the error
-		    type	single-character error type, 'E', 'W', etc.
-		    valid	recognized error message
-		The "col", "vcol", "nr", "type" and "text" entries are
-		optional.  Either "lnum" or "pattern" entry can be used to
-		locate a matching error line.
-		If the "filename" and "bufnr" entries are not present or
-		neither the "lnum" or "pattern" entries are present, then the
-		item will not be handled as an error line.
-		If both "pattern" and "lnum" are present then "pattern" will
-		be used.
-		If the "valid" entry is not supplied, then the valid flag is
-		set when "bufnr" is a valid buffer or "filename" exists.
-		If you supply an empty {list}, the quickfix list will be
-		cleared.
-		Note that the list is not exactly the same as what
-		|getqflist()| returns.
-		{action} values:		*setqflist-action* *E927*
-		'a'	The items from {list} are added to the existing
-			quickfix list. If there is no existing list, then a
-			new list is created.
-		'r'	The items from the current quickfix list are replaced
-			with the items from {list}.  This can also be used to
-			clear the list: >
-				:call setqflist([], 'r')
-		'f'	All the quickfix lists in the quickfix stack are
-			freed.
-		If {action} is not present or is set to ' ', then a new list
-		is created. The new quickfix list is added after the current
-		quickfix list in the stack and all the following lists are
-		freed. To add a new quickfix list at the end of the stack,
-		set "nr" in {what} to "$".
-		The following items can be specified in dictionary {what}:
-		    context	quickfix list context. See |quickfix-context|
-		    efm		errorformat to use when parsing text from
-				"lines". If this is not present, then the
-				'errorformat' option value is used.
-				See |quickfix-parse|
-		    id		quickfix list identifier |quickfix-ID|
-		    idx		index of the current entry in the quickfix
-				list specified by 'id' or 'nr'. If set to '$',
-				then the last entry in the list is set as the
-				current entry.  See |quickfix-index|
-		    items	list of quickfix entries. Same as the {list}
-				argument.
-		    lines	use 'errorformat' to parse a list of lines and
-				add the resulting entries to the quickfix list
-				{nr} or {id}.  Only a |List| value is supported.
-				See |quickfix-parse|
-		    nr		list number in the quickfix stack; zero
-				means the current quickfix list and "$" means
-				the last quickfix list.
-		    quickfixtextfunc
-				function to get the text to display in the
-				quickfix window.  The value can be the name of
-				a function or a funcref or a lambda.  Refer to
-				|quickfix-window-function| for an explanation
-				of how to write the function and an example.
-		    title	quickfix list title text. See |quickfix-title|
-		Unsupported keys in {what} are ignored.
-		If the "nr" item is not present, then the current quickfix list
-		is modified. When creating a new quickfix list, "nr" can be
-		set to a value one greater than the quickfix stack size.
-		When modifying a quickfix list, to guarantee that the correct
-		list is modified, "id" should be used instead of "nr" to
-		specify the list.
-		Examples (See also |setqflist-examples|): >
-		   :call setqflist([], 'r', {'title': 'My search'})
-		   :call setqflist([], 'r', {'nr': 2, 'title': 'Errors'})
-		   :call setqflist([], 'a', {'id':qfid, 'lines':["F1:10:L10"]})
-		Returns zero for success, -1 for failure.
-		This function can be used to create a quickfix list
-		independent of the 'errorformat' setting.  Use a command like
-		`:cc 1` to jump to the first position.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetErrorlist()->setqflist()
-							*setreg()*
-setreg({regname}, {value} [, {options}])
-		Set the register {regname} to {value}.
-		If {regname} is "" or "@", the unnamed register '"' is used.
-		The {regname} argument is a string.  In |Vim9-script|
-		{regname} must be one character.
-		{value} may be any value returned by |getreg()| or
-		|getreginfo()|, including a |List| or |Dict|.
-		If {options} contains "a" or {regname} is upper case,
-		then the value is appended.
-		{options} can also contain a register type specification:
-		    "c" or "v"	      |characterwise| mode
-		    "l" or "V"	      |linewise| mode
-		    "b" or "<CTRL-V>" |blockwise-visual| mode
-		If a number immediately follows "b" or "<CTRL-V>" then this is
-		used as the width of the selection - if it is not specified
-		then the width of the block is set to the number of characters
-		in the longest line (counting a <Tab> as 1 character).
-		If {options} contains no register settings, then the default
-		is to use character mode unless {value} ends in a <NL> for
-		string {value} and linewise mode for list {value}. Blockwise
-		mode is never selected automatically.
-		Returns zero for success, non-zero for failure.
-							*E883*
-		Note: you may not use |List| containing more than one item to
-		      set search and expression registers. Lists containing no
-		      items act like empty strings.
-		Examples: >
-			:call setreg(v:register, @*)
-			:call setreg('*', @%, 'ac')
-			:call setreg('a', "1\n2\n3", 'b5')
-			:call setreg('"', { 'points_to': 'a'})
-<		This example shows using the functions to save and restore a
-		register: >
-			:let var_a = getreginfo()
-			:call setreg('a', var_a)
-<		or: >
-			:let var_a = getreg('a', 1, 1)
-			:let var_amode = getregtype('a')
-			    ....
-			:call setreg('a', var_a, var_amode)
-<		Note: you may not reliably restore register value
-		without using the third argument to |getreg()| as without it
-		newlines are represented as newlines AND Nul bytes are
-		represented as newlines as well, see |NL-used-for-Nul|.
-		You can also change the type of a register by appending
-		nothing: >
-			:call setreg('a', '', 'al')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetText()->setreg('a')
-settabvar({tabnr}, {varname}, {val})			*settabvar()*
-		Set tab-local variable {varname} to {val} in tab page {tabnr}.
-		|t:var|
-		The {varname} argument is a string.
-		Note that autocommands are blocked, side effects may not be
-		triggered, e.g. when setting 'filetype'.
-		Note that the variable name without "t:" must be used.
-		Tabs are numbered starting with one.
-		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		third argument: >
-			GetValue()->settabvar(tab, name)
-settabwinvar({tabnr}, {winnr}, {varname}, {val})	*settabwinvar()*
-		Set option or local variable {varname} in window {winnr} to
-		{val}.
-		Tabs are numbered starting with one.  For the current tabpage
-		use |setwinvar()|.
-		{winnr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		When {winnr} is zero the current window is used.
-		Note that autocommands are blocked, side effects may not be
-		triggered, e.g. when setting 'filetype' or 'syntax'.
-		This also works for a global or local buffer option, but it
-		doesn't work for a global or local buffer variable.
-		For a local buffer option the global value is unchanged.
-		Note that the variable name without "w:" must be used.
-		Examples: >
-			:call settabwinvar(1, 1, "&list", 0)
-			:call settabwinvar(3, 2, "myvar", "foobar")
-<		This function is not available in the |sandbox|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		fourth argument: >
-			GetValue()->settabwinvar(tab, winnr, name)
-settagstack({nr}, {dict} [, {action}])			*settagstack()*
-		Modify the tag stack of the window {nr} using {dict}.
-		{nr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		For a list of supported items in {dict}, refer to
-		|gettagstack()|. "curidx" takes effect before changing the tag
-		stack.
-							*E962*
-		How the tag stack is modified depends on the {action}
-		argument:
-		- If {action} is not present or is set to 'r', then the tag
-		  stack is replaced.
-		- If {action} is set to 'a', then new entries from {dict} are
-		  pushed (added) onto the tag stack.
-		- If {action} is set to 't', then all the entries from the
-		  current entry in the tag stack or "curidx" in {dict} are
-		  removed and then new entries are pushed to the stack.
-		The current index is set to one after the length of the tag
-		stack after the modification.
-		Returns zero for success, -1 for failure.
-		Examples (for more examples see |tagstack-examples|):
-		    Empty the tag stack of window 3: >
-			call settagstack(3, {'items' : []})
-<		    Save and restore the tag stack: >
-			let stack = gettagstack(1003)
-			" do something else
-			call settagstack(1003, stack)
-			unlet stack
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetStack()->settagstack(winnr)
-setwinvar({winnr}, {varname}, {val})			*setwinvar()*
-		Like |settabwinvar()| for the current tab page.
-		Examples: >
-			:call setwinvar(1, "&list", 0)
-			:call setwinvar(2, "myvar", "foobar")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		third argument: >
-			GetValue()->setwinvar(winnr, name)
-sha256({string})						*sha256()*
-		Returns a String with 64 hex characters, which is the SHA256
-		checksum of {string}.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->sha256()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+cryptv| feature}
-shellescape({string} [, {special}])			*shellescape()*
-		Escape {string} for use as a shell command argument.
-		When the 'shell' contains powershell (MS-Windows) or pwsh
-		(MS-Windows, Linux, and MacOS) then it will enclose {string}
-		in single quotes and will double up all internal single
-		quotes.
-		On MS-Windows, when 'shellslash' is not set, it will enclose
-		{string} in double quotes and double all double quotes within
-		{string}.
-		Otherwise it will enclose {string} in single quotes and
-		replace all "'" with "'\''".
-		When the {special} argument is present and it's a non-zero
-		Number or a non-empty String (|non-zero-arg|), then special
-		items such as "!", "%", "#" and "<cword>" will be preceded by
-		a backslash.  This backslash will be removed again by the |:!|
-		command.
-		The "!" character will be escaped (again with a |non-zero-arg|
-		{special}) when 'shell' contains "csh" in the tail.  That is
-		because for csh and tcsh "!" is used for history replacement
-		even when inside single quotes.
-		With a |non-zero-arg| {special} the <NL> character is also
-		escaped.  When 'shell' containing "csh" in the tail it's
-		escaped a second time.
-		The "\" character will be escaped when 'shell' contains "fish"
-		in the tail. That is because for fish "\" is used as an escape
-		character inside single quotes.
-		Example of use with a |:!| command: >
-		    :exe '!dir ' . shellescape(expand('<cfile>'), 1)
-<		This results in a directory listing for the file under the
-		cursor.  Example of use with |system()|: >
-		    :call system("chmod +w -- " . shellescape(expand("%")))
-<		See also |::S|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetCommand()->shellescape()
-shiftwidth([{col}])						*shiftwidth()*
-		Returns the effective value of 'shiftwidth'. This is the
-		'shiftwidth' value unless it is zero, in which case it is the
-		'tabstop' value.  This function was introduced with patch
-		7.3.694 in 2012, everybody should have it by now (however it
-		did not allow for the optional {col} argument until 8.1.542).
-		When there is one argument {col} this is used as column number
-		for which to return the 'shiftwidth' value. This matters for the
-		'vartabstop' feature. If the 'vartabstop' setting is enabled and
-		no {col} argument is given, column 1 will be assumed.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetColumn()->shiftwidth()
-sign_ functions are documented here: |sign-functions-details|
-simplify({filename})					*simplify()*
-		Simplify the file name as much as possible without changing
-		the meaning.  Shortcuts (on MS-Windows) or symbolic links (on
-		Unix) are not resolved.  If the first path component in
-		{filename} designates the current directory, this will be
-		valid for the result as well.  A trailing path separator is
-		not removed either. On Unix "//path" is unchanged, but
-		"///path" is simplified to "/path" (this follows the Posix
-		standard).
-		Example: >
-			simplify("./dir/.././/file/") == "./file/"
-<		Note: The combination "dir/.." is only removed if "dir" is
-		a searchable directory or does not exist.  On Unix, it is also
-		removed when "dir" is a symbolic link within the same
-		directory.  In order to resolve all the involved symbolic
-		links before simplifying the path name, use |resolve()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetName()->simplify()
-sin({expr})						*sin()*
-		Return the sine of {expr}, measured in radians, as a |Float|.
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo sin(100)
-<			-0.506366 >
-			:echo sin(-4.01)
-<			0.763301
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->sin()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-sinh({expr})						*sinh()*
-		Return the hyperbolic sine of {expr} as a |Float| in the range
-		[-inf, inf].
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo sinh(0.5)
-<			0.521095 >
-			:echo sinh(-0.9)
-<			-1.026517
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->sinh()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-slice({expr}, {start} [, {end}])			*slice()*
-		Similar to using a |slice| "expr[start : end]", but "end" is
-		used exclusive.  And for a string the indexes are used as
-		character indexes instead of byte indexes, like in
-		|vim9script|.  Also, composing characters are not counted.
-		When {end} is omitted the slice continues to the last item.
-		When {end} is -1 the last item is omitted.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetList()->slice(offset)
-sort({list} [, {func} [, {dict}]])			*sort()* *E702*
-		Sort the items in {list} in-place.  Returns {list}.
-		If you want a list to remain unmodified make a copy first: >
-			:let sortedlist = sort(copy(mylist))
-<		When {func} is omitted, is empty or zero, then sort() uses the
-		string representation of each item to sort on.  Numbers sort
-		after Strings, |Lists| after Numbers.  For sorting text in the
-		current buffer use |:sort|.
-		When {func} is given and it is '1' or 'i' then case is
-		ignored.
-		When {func} is given and it is 'l' then the current collation
-		locale is used for ordering. Implementation details: strcoll()
-		is used to compare strings. See |:language| check or set the
-		collation locale. |v:collate| can also be used to check the
-		current locale. Sorting using the locale typically ignores
-		case. Example: >
-			" ö is sorted similarly to o with English locale.
-			:language collate en_US.UTF8
-			:echo sort(['n', 'o', 'O', 'ö', 'p', 'z'], 'l')
-<			['n', 'o', 'O', 'ö', 'p', 'z'] ~
-			" ö is sorted after z with Swedish locale.
-			:language collate sv_SE.UTF8
-			:echo sort(['n', 'o', 'O', 'ö', 'p', 'z'], 'l')
-<			['n', 'o', 'O', 'p', 'z', 'ö'] ~
-		This does not work properly on Mac.
-		When {func} is given and it is 'n' then all items will be
-		sorted numerical (Implementation detail: this uses the
-		strtod() function to parse numbers, Strings, Lists, Dicts and
-		Funcrefs will be considered as being 0).
-		When {func} is given and it is 'N' then all items will be
-		sorted numerical. This is like 'n' but a string containing
-		digits will be used as the number they represent.
-		When {func} is given and it is 'f' then all items will be
-		sorted numerical. All values must be a Number or a Float.
-		When {func} is a |Funcref| or a function name, this function
-		is called to compare items.  The function is invoked with two
-		items as argument and must return zero if they are equal, 1 or
-		bigger if the first one sorts after the second one, -1 or
-		smaller if the first one sorts before the second one.
-		{dict} is for functions with the "dict" attribute.  It will be
-		used to set the local variable "self". |Dictionary-function|
-		The sort is stable, items which compare equal (as number or as
-		string) will keep their relative position. E.g., when sorting
-		on numbers, text strings will sort next to each other, in the
-		same order as they were originally.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->sort()
-<		Also see |uniq()|.
-		Example: >
-			func MyCompare(i1, i2)
-			   return a:i1 == a:i2 ? 0 : a:i1 > a:i2 ? 1 : -1
-			endfunc
-			eval mylist->sort("MyCompare")
-<		A shorter compare version for this specific simple case, which
-		ignores overflow: >
-			func MyCompare(i1, i2)
-			   return a:i1 - a:i2
-			endfunc
-<		For a simple expression you can use a lambda: >
-			eval mylist->sort({i1, i2 -> i1 - i2})
-sound_clear()						*sound_clear()*
-		Stop playing all sounds.
-		On some Linux systems you may need the libcanberra-pulse
-		package, otherwise sound may not stop.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+sound| feature}
-							*sound_playevent()*
-sound_playevent({name} [, {callback}])
-		Play a sound identified by {name}.  Which event names are
-		supported depends on the system.  Often the XDG sound names
-		are used.  On Ubuntu they may be found in
-		/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo.  Example: >
-			call sound_playevent('bell')
-<		On MS-Windows, {name} can be SystemAsterisk, SystemDefault,
-		SystemExclamation, SystemExit, SystemHand, SystemQuestion,
-		SystemStart, SystemWelcome, etc.
-		When {callback} is specified it is invoked when the sound is
-		finished.  The first argument is the sound ID, the second
-		argument is the status:
-			0	sound was played to the end
-			1	sound was interrupted
-			2	error occurred after sound started
-		Example: >
-		   func Callback(id, status)
-		     echomsg "sound " .. a:id .. " finished with " .. a:status
-		   endfunc
-		   call sound_playevent('bell', 'Callback')
-<		MS-Windows: {callback} doesn't work for this function.
-		Returns the sound ID, which can be passed to `sound_stop()`.
-		Returns zero if the sound could not be played.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetSoundName()->sound_playevent()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+sound| feature}
-							*sound_playfile()*
-sound_playfile({path} [, {callback}])
-		Like `sound_playevent()` but play sound file {path}.  {path}
-		must be a full path.  On Ubuntu you may find files to play
-		with this command: >
-		    :!find /usr/share/sounds -type f | grep -v index.theme
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetSoundPath()->sound_playfile()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+sound| feature}
-sound_stop({id})					*sound_stop()*
-		Stop playing sound {id}.  {id} must be previously returned by
-		`sound_playevent()` or `sound_playfile()`.
-		On some Linux systems you may need the libcanberra-pulse
-		package, otherwise sound may not stop.
-		On MS-Windows, this does not work for event sound started by
-		`sound_playevent()`. To stop event sounds, use `sound_clear()`.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			soundid->sound_stop()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+sound| feature}
-							*soundfold()*
-		Return the sound-folded equivalent of {word}.  Uses the first
-		language in 'spelllang' for the current window that supports
-		soundfolding.  'spell' must be set.  When no sound folding is
-		possible the {word} is returned unmodified.
-		This can be used for making spelling suggestions.  Note that
-		the method can be quite slow.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWord()->soundfold()
-							*spellbadword()*
-		Without argument: The result is the badly spelled word under
-		or after the cursor.  The cursor is moved to the start of the
-		bad word.  When no bad word is found in the cursor line the
-		result is an empty string and the cursor doesn't move.
-		With argument: The result is the first word in {sentence} that
-		is badly spelled.  If there are no spelling mistakes the
-		result is an empty string.
-		The return value is a list with two items:
-		- The badly spelled word or an empty string.
-		- The type of the spelling error:
-			"bad"		spelling mistake
-			"rare"		rare word
-			"local"		word only valid in another region
-			"caps"		word should start with Capital
-		Example: >
-			echo spellbadword("the quik brown fox")
-<			['quik', 'bad'] ~
-		The spelling information for the current window and the value
-		of 'spelllang' are used.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->spellbadword()
-							*spellsuggest()*
-spellsuggest({word} [, {max} [, {capital}]])
-		Return a |List| with spelling suggestions to replace {word}.
-		When {max} is given up to this number of suggestions are
-		returned.  Otherwise up to 25 suggestions are returned.
-		When the {capital} argument is given and it's non-zero only
-		suggestions with a leading capital will be given.  Use this
-		after a match with 'spellcapcheck'.
-		{word} can be a badly spelled word followed by other text.
-		This allows for joining two words that were split.  The
-		suggestions also include the following text, thus you can
-		replace a line.
-		{word} may also be a good word.  Similar words will then be
-		returned.  {word} itself is not included in the suggestions,
-		although it may appear capitalized.
-		The spelling information for the current window is used.  The
-		values of 'spelllang' and 'spellsuggest' are used.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWord()->spellsuggest()
-split({string} [, {pattern} [, {keepempty}]])			*split()*
-		Make a |List| out of {string}.  When {pattern} is omitted or
-		empty each white-separated sequence of characters becomes an
-		item.
-		Otherwise the string is split where {pattern} matches,
-		removing the matched characters. 'ignorecase' is not used
-		here, add \c to ignore case. |/\c|
-		When the first or last item is empty it is omitted, unless the
-		{keepempty} argument is given and it's non-zero.
-		Other empty items are kept when {pattern} matches at least one
-		character or when {keepempty} is non-zero.
-		Example: >
-			:let words = split(getline('.'), '\W\+')
-<		To split a string in individual characters: >
-			:for c in split(mystring, '\zs')
-<		If you want to keep the separator you can also use '\zs' at
-		the end of the pattern: >
-			:echo split('abc:def:ghi', ':\zs')
-<			['abc:', 'def:', 'ghi'] ~
-		Splitting a table where the first element can be empty: >
-			:let items = split(line, ':', 1)
-<		The opposite function is |join()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetString()->split()
-sqrt({expr})						*sqrt()*
-		Return the non-negative square root of Float {expr} as a
-		|Float|.
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.  When {expr}
-		is negative the result is NaN (Not a Number).
-		Examples: >
-			:echo sqrt(100)
-<			10.0 >
-			:echo sqrt(-4.01)
-<			nan
-		"nan" may be different, it depends on system libraries.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->sqrt()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-srand([{expr}])						*srand()*
-		Initialize seed used by |rand()|:
-		- If {expr} is not given, seed values are initialized by
-		  reading from /dev/urandom, if possible, or using time(NULL)
-		  a.k.a. epoch time otherwise; this only has second accuracy.
-		- If {expr} is given it must be a Number.  It is used to
-		  initialize the seed values.  This is useful for testing or
-		  when a predictable sequence is intended.
-		Examples: >
-			:let seed = srand()
-			:let seed = srand(userinput)
-			:echo rand(seed)
-state([{what}])						*state()*
-		Return a string which contains characters indicating the
-		current state.  Mostly useful in callbacks that want to do
-		work that may not always be safe.  Roughly this works like:
-		- callback uses state() to check if work is safe to do.
-		  Yes: then do it right away.
-		  No:  add to work queue and add a |SafeState| and/or
-		       |SafeStateAgain| autocommand (|SafeState| triggers at
-		       toplevel, |SafeStateAgain| triggers after handling
-		       messages and callbacks).
-		- When SafeState or SafeStateAgain is triggered and executes
-		  your autocommand, check with `state()` if the work can be
-		  done now, and if yes remove it from the queue and execute.
-		  Remove the autocommand if the queue is now empty.
-		Also see |mode()|.
-		When {what} is given only characters in this string will be
-		added.  E.g, this checks if the screen has scrolled: >
-			if state('s') == ''
-			   " screen has not scrolled
-		These characters indicate the state, generally indicating that
-		something is busy:
-		    m	halfway a mapping, :normal command, feedkeys() or
-			stuffed command
-		    o	operator pending, e.g. after |d|
-		    a	Insert mode autocomplete active
-		    x	executing an autocommand
-		    w	blocked on waiting, e.g. ch_evalexpr(), ch_read() and
-			ch_readraw() when reading json
-		    S	not triggering SafeState or SafeStateAgain, e.g. after
-			|f| or a count
-		    c	callback invoked, including timer (repeats for
-			recursiveness up to "ccc")
-		    s	screen has scrolled for messages
-str2float({string} [, {quoted}])				*str2float()*
-		Convert String {string} to a Float.  This mostly works the
-		same as when using a floating point number in an expression,
-		see |floating-point-format|.  But it's a bit more permissive.
-		E.g., "1e40" is accepted, while in an expression you need to
-		write "1.0e40".  The hexadecimal form "0x123" is also
-		accepted, but not others, like binary or octal.
-		When {quoted} is present and non-zero then embedded single
-		quotes before the dot are ignored, thus "1'000.0" is a
-		thousand.
-		Text after the number is silently ignored.
-		The decimal point is always '.', no matter what the locale is
-		set to.  A comma ends the number: "12,345.67" is converted to
-		12.0.  You can strip out thousands separators with
-		|substitute()|: >
-			let f = str2float(substitute(text, ',', '', 'g'))
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			let f = text->substitute(',', '', 'g')->str2float()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-str2list({string} [, {utf8}])					*str2list()*
-		Return a list containing the number values which represent
-		each character in String {string}.  Examples: >
-			str2list(" ")		returns [32]
-			str2list("ABC")		returns [65, 66, 67]
-<		|list2str()| does the opposite.
-		When {utf8} is omitted or zero, the current 'encoding' is used.
-		When {utf8} is TRUE, always treat the String as UTF-8
-		characters.  With UTF-8 composing characters are handled
-		properly: >
-			str2list("á")		returns [97, 769]
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetString()->str2list()
-str2nr({string} [, {base} [, {quoted}]])			*str2nr()*
-		Convert string {string} to a number.
-		{base} is the conversion base, it can be 2, 8, 10 or 16.
-		When {quoted} is present and non-zero then embedded single
-		quotes are ignored, thus "1'000'000" is a million.
-		When {base} is omitted base 10 is used.  This also means that
-		a leading zero doesn't cause octal conversion to be used, as
-		with the default String to Number conversion.  Example: >
-			let nr = str2nr('0123')
-		When {base} is 16 a leading "0x" or "0X" is ignored.  With a
-		different base the result will be zero.  Similarly, when
-		{base} is 8 a leading "0", "0o" or "0O" is ignored, and when
-		{base} is 2 a leading "0b" or "0B" is ignored.
-		Text after the number is silently ignored.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->str2nr()
-strcharlen({string})					*strcharlen()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the number of characters
-		in String {string}.  Composing characters are ignored.
-		|strchars()| can count the number of characters, counting
-		composing characters separately.
-		Also see |strlen()|, |strdisplaywidth()| and |strwidth()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->strcharlen()
-strcharpart({src}, {start} [, {len} [, {skipcc}]])		*strcharpart()*
-		Like |strpart()| but using character index and length instead
-		of byte index and length.
-		When {skipcc} is omitted or zero, composing characters are
-		counted separately.
-		When {skipcc} set to 1, Composing characters are ignored,
-		similar to  |slice()|.
-		When a character index is used where a character does not
-		exist it is omitted and counted as one character.  For
-		example: >
-			strcharpart('abc', -1, 2)
-<		results in 'a'.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->strcharpart(5)
-strchars({string} [, {skipcc}])					*strchars()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the number of characters
-		in String {string}.
-		When {skipcc} is omitted or zero, composing characters are
-		counted separately.
-		When {skipcc} set to 1, Composing characters are ignored.
-		|strcharlen()| always does this.
-		Also see |strlen()|, |strdisplaywidth()| and |strwidth()|.
-		{skipcc} is only available after 7.4.755.  For backward
-		compatibility, you can define a wrapper function: >
-		    if has("patch-7.4.755")
-		      function s:strchars(str, skipcc)
-			return strchars(a:str, a:skipcc)
-		      endfunction
-		    else
-		      function s:strchars(str, skipcc)
-			if a:skipcc
-			  return strlen(substitute(a:str, ".", "x", "g"))
-			else
-			  return strchars(a:str)
-			endif
-		      endfunction
-		    endif
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->strchars()
-strdisplaywidth({string} [, {col}])			*strdisplaywidth()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the number of display cells
-		String {string} occupies on the screen when it starts at {col}
-		(first column is zero).  When {col} is omitted zero is used.
-		Otherwise it is the screen column where to start.  This
-		matters for Tab characters.
-		The option settings of the current window are used.  This
-		matters for anything that's displayed differently, such as
-		'tabstop' and 'display'.
-		When {string} contains characters with East Asian Width Class
-		Ambiguous, this function's return value depends on 'ambiwidth'.
-		Also see |strlen()|, |strwidth()| and |strchars()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->strdisplaywidth()
-strftime({format} [, {time}])				*strftime()*
-		The result is a String, which is a formatted date and time, as
-		specified by the {format} string.  The given {time} is used,
-		or the current time if no time is given.  The accepted
-		{format} depends on your system, thus this is not portable!
-		See the manual page of the C function strftime() for the
-		format.  The maximum length of the result is 80 characters.
-		See also |localtime()|, |getftime()| and |strptime()|.
-		The language can be changed with the |:language| command.
-		Examples: >
-		  :echo strftime("%c")		   Sun Apr 27 11:49:23 1997
-		  :echo strftime("%Y %b %d %X")	   1997 Apr 27 11:53:25
-		  :echo strftime("%y%m%d %T")	   970427 11:53:55
-		  :echo strftime("%H:%M")	   11:55
-		  :echo strftime("%c", getftime("file.c"))
-						   Show mod time of file.c.
-<		Not available on all systems.  To check use: >
-			:if exists("*strftime")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFormat()->strftime()
-strgetchar({str}, {index})				*strgetchar()*
-		Get character {index} from {str}.  This uses a character
-		index, not a byte index.  Composing characters are considered
-		separate characters here.
-		Also see |strcharpart()| and |strchars()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->strgetchar(5)
-stridx({haystack}, {needle} [, {start}])		*stridx()*
-		The result is a Number, which gives the byte index in
-		{haystack} of the first occurrence of the String {needle}.
-		If {start} is specified, the search starts at index {start}.
-		This can be used to find a second match: >
-			:let colon1 = stridx(line, ":")
-			:let colon2 = stridx(line, ":", colon1 + 1)
-<		The search is done case-sensitive.
-		For pattern searches use |match()|.
-		-1 is returned if the {needle} does not occur in {haystack}.
-		See also |strridx()|.
-		Examples: >
-		  :echo stridx("An Example", "Example")	     3
-		  :echo stridx("Starting point", "Start")    0
-		  :echo stridx("Starting point", "start")   -1
-<						*strstr()* *strchr()*
-		stridx() works similar to the C function strstr().  When used
-		with a single character it works similar to strchr().
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetHaystack()->stridx(needle)
-							*string()*
-string({expr})	Return {expr} converted to a String.  If {expr} is a Number,
-		Float, String, Blob or a composition of them, then the result
-		can be parsed back with |eval()|.
-			{expr} type	result ~
-			String		'string' (single quotes are doubled)
-			Number		123
-			Float		123.123456 or 1.123456e8
-			Funcref		function('name')
-			Blob		0z00112233.44556677.8899
-			List		[item, item]
-			Dictionary	{key: value, key: value}
-		When a |List| or |Dictionary| has a recursive reference it is
-		replaced by "[...]" or "{...}".  Using eval() on the result
-		will then fail.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->string()
-<		Also see |strtrans()|.
-strlen({string})						*strlen()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the length of the String
-		{string} in bytes.
-		If the argument is a Number it is first converted to a String.
-		For other types an error is given.
-		If you want to count the number of multibyte characters use
-		|strchars()|.
-		Also see |len()|, |strdisplaywidth()| and |strwidth()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetString()->strlen()
-strpart({src}, {start} [, {len} [, {chars}]])			*strpart()*
-		The result is a String, which is part of {src}, starting from
-		byte {start}, with the byte length {len}.
-		When {chars} is present and TRUE then {len} is the number of
-		characters positions (composing characters are not counted
-		separately, thus "1" means one base character and any
-		following composing characters).
-		To count {start} as characters instead of bytes use
-		|strcharpart()|.
-		When bytes are selected which do not exist, this doesn't
-		result in an error, the bytes are simply omitted.
-		If {len} is missing, the copy continues from {start} till the
-		end of the {src}. >
-			strpart("abcdefg", 3, 2)    == "de"
-			strpart("abcdefg", -2, 4)   == "ab"
-			strpart("abcdefg", 5, 4)    == "fg"
-			strpart("abcdefg", 3)	    == "defg"
-<		Note: To get the first character, {start} must be 0.  For
-		example, to get the character under the cursor: >
-			strpart(getline("."), col(".") - 1, 1, v:true)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->strpart(5)
-strptime({format}, {timestring})				*strptime()*
-		The result is a Number, which is a unix timestamp representing
-		the date and time in {timestring}, which is expected to match
-		the format specified in {format}.
-		The accepted {format} depends on your system, thus this is not
-		portable!  See the manual page of the C function strptime()
-		for the format.  Especially avoid "%c".  The value of $TZ also
-		matters.
-		If the {timestring} cannot be parsed with {format} zero is
-		returned.  If you do not know the format of {timestring} you
-		can try different {format} values until you get a non-zero
-		result.
-		See also |strftime()|.
-		Examples: >
-		  :echo strptime("%Y %b %d %X", "1997 Apr 27 11:49:23")
-<		  862156163 >
-		  :echo strftime("%c", strptime("%y%m%d %T", "970427 11:53:55"))
-<		  Sun Apr 27 11:53:55 1997 >
-		  :echo strftime("%c", strptime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", "19970427115355") + 3600)
-<		  Sun Apr 27 12:53:55 1997
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFormat()->strptime(timestring)
-		Not available on all systems.  To check use: >
-			:if exists("*strptime")
-strridx({haystack}, {needle} [, {start}])			*strridx()*
-		The result is a Number, which gives the byte index in
-		{haystack} of the last occurrence of the String {needle}.
-		When {start} is specified, matches beyond this index are
-		ignored.  This can be used to find a match before a previous
-		match: >
-			:let lastcomma = strridx(line, ",")
-			:let comma2 = strridx(line, ",", lastcomma - 1)
-<		The search is done case-sensitive.
-		For pattern searches use |match()|.
-		-1 is returned if the {needle} does not occur in {haystack}.
-		If the {needle} is empty the length of {haystack} is returned.
-		See also |stridx()|.  Examples: >
-		  :echo strridx("an angry armadillo", "an")	     3
-<							*strrchr()*
-		When used with a single character it works similar to the C
-		function strrchr().
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetHaystack()->strridx(needle)
-strtrans({string})					*strtrans()*
-		The result is a String, which is {string} with all unprintable
-		characters translated into printable characters |'isprint'|.
-		Like they are shown in a window.  Example: >
-			echo strtrans(@a)
-<		This displays a newline in register a as "^@" instead of
-		starting a new line.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetString()->strtrans()
-strwidth({string})					*strwidth()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the number of display cells
-		String {string} occupies.  A Tab character is counted as one
-		cell, alternatively use |strdisplaywidth()|.
-		When {string} contains characters with East Asian Width Class
-		Ambiguous, this function's return value depends on 'ambiwidth'.
-		Also see |strlen()|, |strdisplaywidth()| and |strchars()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetString()->strwidth()
-submatch({nr} [, {list}])			*submatch()* *E935*
-		Only for an expression in a |:substitute| command or
-		substitute() function.
-		Returns the {nr}'th submatch of the matched text.  When {nr}
-		is 0 the whole matched text is returned.
-		Note that a NL in the string can stand for a line break of a
-		multi-line match or a NUL character in the text.
-		Also see |sub-replace-expression|.
-		If {list} is present and non-zero then submatch() returns
-		a list of strings, similar to |getline()| with two arguments.
-		NL characters in the text represent NUL characters in the
-		text.
-		Only returns more than one item for |:substitute|, inside
-		|substitute()| this list will always contain one or zero
-		items, since there are no real line breaks.
-		When substitute() is used recursively only the submatches in
-		the current (deepest) call can be obtained.
-		Examples: >
-			:s/\d\+/\=submatch(0) + 1/
-			:echo substitute(text, '\d\+', '\=submatch(0) + 1', '')
-<		This finds the first number in the line and adds one to it.
-		A line break is included as a newline character.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetNr()->submatch()
-substitute({string}, {pat}, {sub}, {flags})		*substitute()*
-		The result is a String, which is a copy of {string}, in which
-		the first match of {pat} is replaced with {sub}.
-		When {flags} is "g", all matches of {pat} in {string} are
-		replaced.  Otherwise {flags} should be "".
-		This works like the ":substitute" command (without any flags).
-		But the matching with {pat} is always done like the 'magic'
-		option is set and 'cpoptions' is empty (to make scripts
-		portable).  'ignorecase' is still relevant, use |/\c| or |/\C|
-		if you want to ignore or match case and ignore 'ignorecase'.
-		'smartcase' is not used.  See |string-match| for how {pat} is
-		used.
-		A "~" in {sub} is not replaced with the previous {sub}.
-		Note that some codes in {sub} have a special meaning
-		|sub-replace-special|.  For example, to replace something with
-		"\n" (two characters), use "\\\\n" or '\\n'.
-		When {pat} does not match in {string}, {string} is returned
-		unmodified.
-		Example: >
-		   :let &path = substitute(&path, ",\\=[^,]*$", "", "")
-<		This removes the last component of the 'path' option. >
-		   :echo substitute("testing", ".*", "\\U\\0", "")
-<		results in "TESTING".
-		When {sub} starts with "\=", the remainder is interpreted as
-		an expression. See |sub-replace-expression|.  Example: >
-		   :echo substitute(s, '%\(\x\x\)',
-			   \ '\=nr2char("0x" . submatch(1))', 'g')
-<		When {sub} is a Funcref that function is called, with one
-		optional argument.  Example: >
-		   :echo substitute(s, '%\(\x\x\)', SubNr, 'g')
-<		The optional argument is a list which contains the whole
-		matched string and up to nine submatches, like what
-		|submatch()| returns.  Example: >
-		   :echo substitute(s, '%\(\x\x\)', {m -> '0x' . m[1]}, 'g')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetString()->substitute(pat, sub, flags)
-swapinfo({fname})					*swapinfo()*
-		The result is a dictionary, which holds information about the
-		swapfile {fname}. The available fields are:
-			version Vim version
-			user	user name
-			host	host name
-			fname	original file name
-			pid	PID of the Vim process that created the swap
-				file
-			mtime	last modification time in seconds
-			inode	Optional: INODE number of the file
-			dirty	1 if file was modified, 0 if not
-		Note that "user" and "host" are truncated to at most 39 bytes.
-		In case of failure an "error" item is added with the reason:
-			Cannot open file: file not found or in accessible
-			Cannot read file: cannot read first block
-			Not a swap file: does not contain correct block ID
-			Magic number mismatch: Info in first block is invalid
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFilename()->swapinfo()
-swapname({buf})						*swapname()*
-		The result is the swap file path of the buffer {expr}.
-		For the use of {buf}, see |bufname()| above.
-		If buffer {buf} is the current buffer, the result is equal to
-		|:swapname| (unless there is no swap file).
-		If buffer {buf} has no swap file, returns an empty string.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBufname()->swapname()
-synID({lnum}, {col}, {trans})				*synID()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the syntax ID at the position
-		{lnum} and {col} in the current window.
-		The syntax ID can be used with |synIDattr()| and
-		|synIDtrans()| to obtain syntax information about text.
-		{col} is 1 for the leftmost column, {lnum} is 1 for the first
-		line.  'synmaxcol' applies, in a longer line zero is returned.
-		Note that when the position is after the last character,
-		that's where the cursor can be in Insert mode, synID() returns
-		zero.  {lnum} is used like with |getline()|.
-		When {trans} is |TRUE|, transparent items are reduced to the
-		item that they reveal.  This is useful when wanting to know
-		the effective color.  When {trans} is |FALSE|, the transparent
-		item is returned.  This is useful when wanting to know which
-		syntax item is effective (e.g. inside parens).
-		Warning: This function can be very slow.  Best speed is
-		obtained by going through the file in forward direction.
-		Example (echoes the name of the syntax item under the cursor): >
-			:echo synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name")
-synIDattr({synID}, {what} [, {mode}])			*synIDattr()*
-		The result is a String, which is the {what} attribute of
-		syntax ID {synID}.  This can be used to obtain information
-		about a syntax item.
-		{mode} can be "gui", "cterm" or "term", to get the attributes
-		for that mode.  When {mode} is omitted, or an invalid value is
-		used, the attributes for the currently active highlighting are
-		used (GUI, cterm or term).
-		Use synIDtrans() to follow linked highlight groups.
-		{what}		result
-		"name"		the name of the syntax item
-		"fg"		foreground color (GUI: color name used to set
-				the color, cterm: color number as a string,
-				term: empty string)
-		"bg"		background color (as with "fg")
-		"font"		font name (only available in the GUI)
-				|highlight-font|
-		"sp"		special color for the GUI (as with "fg")
-				|highlight-guisp|
-		"ul"		underline color for cterm: number as a string
-		"fg#"		like "fg", but for the GUI and the GUI is
-				running the name in "#RRGGBB" form
-		"bg#"		like "fg#" for "bg"
-		"sp#"		like "fg#" for "sp"
-		"bold"		"1" if bold
-		"italic"	"1" if italic
-		"reverse"	"1" if reverse
-		"inverse"	"1" if inverse (= reverse)
-		"standout"	"1" if standout
-		"underline"	"1" if underlined
-		"undercurl"	"1" if undercurled
-		"strike"	"1" if strikethrough
-		Example (echoes the color of the syntax item under the
-		cursor): >
-	:echo synIDattr(synIDtrans(synID(line("."), col("."), 1)), "fg")
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-	:echo synID(line("."), col("."), 1)->synIDtrans()->synIDattr("fg")
-synIDtrans({synID})					*synIDtrans()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the translated syntax ID of
-		{synID}.  This is the syntax group ID of what is being used to
-		highlight the character.  Highlight links given with
-		":highlight link" are followed.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-	:echo synID(line("."), col("."), 1)->synIDtrans()->synIDattr("fg")
-synconcealed({lnum}, {col})				*synconcealed()*
-		The result is a |List| with currently three items:
-		1. The first item in the list is 0 if the character at the
-		   position {lnum} and {col} is not part of a concealable
-		   region, 1 if it is.  {lnum} is used like with |getline()|.
-		2. The second item in the list is a string. If the first item
-		   is 1, the second item contains the text which will be
-		   displayed in place of the concealed text, depending on the
-		   current setting of 'conceallevel' and 'listchars'.
-		3. The third and final item in the list is a number
-		   representing the specific syntax region matched in the
-		   line. When the character is not concealed the value is
-		   zero. This allows detection of the beginning of a new
-		   concealable region if there are two consecutive regions
-		   with the same replacement character.  For an example, if
-		   the text is "123456" and both "23" and "45" are concealed
-		   and replaced by the character "X", then:
-			call			returns ~
-			synconcealed(lnum, 1)   [0, '', 0]
-			synconcealed(lnum, 2)   [1, 'X', 1]
-			synconcealed(lnum, 3)   [1, 'X', 1]
-			synconcealed(lnum, 4)   [1, 'X', 2]
-			synconcealed(lnum, 5)   [1, 'X', 2]
-			synconcealed(lnum, 6)   [0, '', 0]
-synstack({lnum}, {col})					*synstack()*
-		Return a |List|, which is the stack of syntax items at the
-		position {lnum} and {col} in the current window.  {lnum} is
-		used like with |getline()|.  Each item in the List is an ID
-		like what |synID()| returns.
-		The first item in the List is the outer region, following are
-		items contained in that one.  The last one is what |synID()|
-		returns, unless not the whole item is highlighted or it is a
-		transparent item.
-		This function is useful for debugging a syntax file.
-		Example that shows the syntax stack under the cursor: >
-			for id in synstack(line("."), col("."))
-			   echo synIDattr(id, "name")
-			endfor
-<		When the position specified with {lnum} and {col} is invalid
-		nothing is returned.  The position just after the last
-		character in a line and the first column in an empty line are
-		valid positions.
-system({expr} [, {input}])				*system()* *E677*
-		Get the output of the shell command {expr} as a |String|.  See
-		|systemlist()| to get the output as a |List|.
-		When {input} is given and is a |String| this string is written
-		to a file and passed as stdin to the command.  The string is
-		written as-is, you need to take care of using the correct line
-		separators yourself.
-		If {input} is given and is a |List| it is written to the file
-		in a way |writefile()| does with {binary} set to "b" (i.e.
-		with a newline between each list item with newlines inside
-		list items converted to NULs).
-		When {input} is given and is a number that is a valid id for
-		an existing buffer then the content of the buffer is written
-		to the file line by line, each line terminated by a NL and
-		NULs characters where the text has a NL.
-		Pipes are not used, the 'shelltemp' option is not used.
-		When prepended by |:silent| the terminal will not be set to
-		cooked mode.  This is meant to be used for commands that do
-		not need the user to type.  It avoids stray characters showing
-		up on the screen which require |CTRL-L| to remove. >
-			:silent let f = system('ls *.vim')
-		Note: Use |shellescape()| or |::S| with |expand()| or
-		|fnamemodify()| to escape special characters in a command
-		argument.  Newlines in {expr} may cause the command to fail.
-		The characters in 'shellquote' and 'shellxquote' may also
-		cause trouble.
-		This is not to be used for interactive commands.
-		The result is a String.  Example: >
-		    :let files = system("ls " .  shellescape(expand('%:h')))
-		    :let files = system('ls ' . expand('%:h:S'))
-<		To make the result more system-independent, the shell output
-		is filtered to replace <CR> with <NL> for Macintosh, and
-		<CR><NL> with <NL> for DOS-like systems.
-		To avoid the string being truncated at a NUL, all NUL
-		characters are replaced with SOH (0x01).
-		The command executed is constructed using several options:
-	'shell' 'shellcmdflag' 'shellxquote' {expr} 'shellredir' {tmp} 'shellxquote'
-		({tmp} is an automatically generated file name).
-		For Unix, braces are put around {expr} to allow for
-		concatenated commands.
-		The command will be executed in "cooked" mode, so that a
-		CTRL-C will interrupt the command (on Unix at least).
-		The resulting error code can be found in |v:shell_error|.
-		This function will fail in |restricted-mode|.
-		Note that any wrong value in the options mentioned above may
-		make the function fail.  It has also been reported to fail
-		when using a security agent application.
-		Unlike ":!cmd" there is no automatic check for changed files.
-		Use |:checktime| to force a check.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			:echo GetCmd()->system()
-systemlist({expr} [, {input}])				*systemlist()*
-		Same as |system()|, but returns a |List| with lines (parts of
-		output separated by NL) with NULs transformed into NLs. Output
-		is the same as |readfile()| will output with {binary} argument
-		set to "b", except that there is no extra empty item when the
-		result ends in a NL.
-		Note that on MS-Windows you may get trailing CR characters.
-		To see the difference between "echo hello" and "echo -n hello"
-		use |system()| and |split()|: >
-			echo system('echo hello')->split('\n', 1)
-		Returns an empty string on error.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			:echo GetCmd()->systemlist()
-tabpagebuflist([{arg}])					*tabpagebuflist()*
-		The result is a |List|, where each item is the number of the
-		buffer associated with each window in the current tab page.
-		{arg} specifies the number of the tab page to be used. When
-		omitted the current tab page is used.
-		When {arg} is invalid the number zero is returned.
-		To get a list of all buffers in all tabs use this: >
-			let buflist = []
-			for i in range(tabpagenr('$'))
-			   call extend(buflist, tabpagebuflist(i + 1))
-			endfor
-<		Note that a buffer may appear in more than one window.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTabpage()->tabpagebuflist()
-tabpagenr([{arg}])					*tabpagenr()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the number of the current
-		tab page.  The first tab page has number 1.
-		The optional argument {arg} supports the following values:
-			$	the number of the last tab page (the tab page
-				count).
-			#	the number of the last accessed tab page
-				(where |g<Tab>| goes to). if there is no
-				previous tab page 0 is returned.
-		The number can be used with the |:tab| command.
-tabpagewinnr({tabarg} [, {arg}])			*tabpagewinnr()*
-		Like |winnr()| but for tab page {tabarg}.
-		{tabarg} specifies the number of tab page to be used.
-		{arg} is used like with |winnr()|:
-		- When omitted the current window number is returned.  This is
-		  the window which will be used when going to this tab page.
-		- When "$" the number of windows is returned.
-		- When "#" the previous window nr is returned.
-		Useful examples: >
-		    tabpagewinnr(1)	    " current window of tab page 1
-		    tabpagewinnr(4, '$')    " number of windows in tab page 4
-<		When {tabarg} is invalid zero is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTabpage()->tabpagewinnr()
-							*tagfiles()*
-tagfiles()	Returns a |List| with the file names used to search for tags
-		for the current buffer.  This is the 'tags' option expanded.
-taglist({expr} [, {filename}])				*taglist()*
-		Returns a |List| of tags matching the regular expression {expr}.
-		If {filename} is passed it is used to prioritize the results
-		in the same way that |:tselect| does. See |tag-priority|.
-		{filename} should be the full path of the file.
-		Each list item is a dictionary with at least the following
-		entries:
-			name		Name of the tag.
-			filename	Name of the file where the tag is
-					defined.  It is either relative to the
-					current directory or a full path.
-			cmd		Ex command used to locate the tag in
-					the file.
-			kind		Type of the tag.  The value for this
-					entry depends on the language specific
-					kind values.  Only available when
-					using a tags file generated by
-					Exuberant ctags or hdrtag.
-			static		A file specific tag.  Refer to
-					|static-tag| for more information.
-		More entries may be present, depending on the content of the
-		tags file: access, implementation, inherits and signature.
-		Refer to the ctags documentation for information about these
-		fields.  For C code the fields "struct", "class" and "enum"
-		may appear, they give the name of the entity the tag is
-		contained in.
-		The ex-command "cmd" can be either an ex search pattern, a
-		line number or a line number followed by a byte number.
-		If there are no matching tags, then an empty list is returned.
-		To get an exact tag match, the anchors '^' and '$' should be
-		used in {expr}.  This also make the function work faster.
-		Refer to |tag-regexp| for more information about the tag
-		search regular expression pattern.
-		Refer to |'tags'| for information about how the tags file is
-		located by Vim. Refer to |tags-file-format| for the format of
-		the tags file generated by the different ctags tools.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTagpattern()->taglist()
-tan({expr})						*tan()*
-		Return the tangent of {expr}, measured in radians, as a |Float|
-		in the range [-inf, inf].
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo tan(10)
-<			0.648361 >
-			:echo tan(-4.01)
-<			-1.181502
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->tan()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-tanh({expr})						*tanh()*
-		Return the hyperbolic tangent of {expr} as a |Float| in the
-		range [-1, 1].
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			:echo tanh(0.5)
-<			0.462117 >
-			:echo tanh(-1)
-<			-0.761594
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->tanh()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-tempname()					*tempname()* *temp-file-name*
-		The result is a String, which is the name of a file that
-		doesn't exist.  It can be used for a temporary file.  The name
-		is different for at least 26 consecutive calls.  Example: >
-			:let tmpfile = tempname()
-			:exe "redir > " . tmpfile
-<		For Unix, the file will be in a private directory |tempfile|.
-		For MS-Windows forward slashes are used when the 'shellslash'
-		option is set, or when 'shellcmdflag' starts with '-' and
-		'shell' does not contain powershell or pwsh.
-term_ functions are documented here: |terminal-function-details|
-terminalprops()						*terminalprops()*
-		Returns a |Dictionary| with properties of the terminal that Vim
-		detected from the response to |t_RV| request.  See
-		|v:termresponse| for the response itself.  If |v:termresponse|
-		is empty most values here will be 'u' for unknown.
-		   cursor_style		whether sending |t_RS| works  **
-		   cursor_blink_mode	whether sending |t_RC| works  **
-		   underline_rgb	whether |t_8u| works **
-		   mouse		mouse type supported
-		** value 'u' for unknown, 'y' for yes, 'n' for no
-		If the |+termresponse| feature is missing then the result is
-		an empty dictionary.
-		If "cursor_style" is 'y' then |t_RS| will be sent to request the
-		current cursor style.
-		If "cursor_blink_mode" is 'y' then |t_RC| will be sent to
-		request the cursor blink status.
-		"cursor_style" and "cursor_blink_mode" are also set if |t_u7|
-		is not empty, Vim will detect the working of sending |t_RS|
-		and |t_RC| on startup.
-		When "underline_rgb" is not 'y', then |t_8u| will be made empty.
-		This avoids sending it to xterm, which would clear the colors.
-		For "mouse" the value 'u' is unknown
-		Also see:
-		- 'ambiwidth' - detected by using |t_u7|.
-		- |v:termstyleresp| and |v:termblinkresp| for the response to
-		  |t_RS| and |t_RC|.
-test_ functions are documented here: |test-functions-details|
-							*timer_info()*
-		Return a list with information about timers.
-		When {id} is given only information about this timer is
-		returned.  When timer {id} does not exist an empty list is
-		returned.
-		When {id} is omitted information about all timers is returned.
-		For each timer the information is stored in a |Dictionary| with
-		these items:
-		    "id"	    the timer ID
-		    "time"	    time the timer was started with
-		    "remaining"	    time until the timer fires
-		    "repeat"	    number of times the timer will still fire;
-				    -1 means forever
-		    "callback"	    the callback
-		    "paused"	    1 if the timer is paused, 0 otherwise
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTimer()->timer_info()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+timers| feature}
-timer_pause({timer}, {paused})				*timer_pause()*
-		Pause or unpause a timer.  A paused timer does not invoke its
-		callback when its time expires.  Unpausing a timer may cause
-		the callback to be invoked almost immediately if enough time
-		has passed.
-		Pausing a timer is useful to avoid the callback to be called
-		for a short time.
-		If {paused} evaluates to a non-zero Number or a non-empty
-		String, then the timer is paused, otherwise it is unpaused.
-		See |non-zero-arg|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTimer()->timer_pause(1)
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+timers| feature}
-						*timer_start()* *timer* *timers*
-timer_start({time}, {callback} [, {options}])
-		Create a timer and return the timer ID.
-		{time} is the waiting time in milliseconds. This is the
-		minimum time before invoking the callback.  When the system is
-		busy or Vim is not waiting for input the time will be longer.
-		{callback} is the function to call.  It can be the name of a
-		function or a |Funcref|.  It is called with one argument, which
-		is the timer ID.  The callback is only invoked when Vim is
-		waiting for input.
-		If you want to show a message look at |popup_notification()|
-		to avoid interfering with what the user is doing.
-		{options} is a dictionary.  Supported entries:
-		   "repeat"	Number of times to repeat calling the
-				callback.  -1 means forever.  When not present
-				the callback will be called once.
-				If the timer causes an error three times in a
-				row the repeat is cancelled.  This avoids that
-				Vim becomes unusable because of all the error
-				messages.
-		Example: >
-			func MyHandler(timer)
-			  echo 'Handler called'
-			endfunc
-			let timer = timer_start(500, 'MyHandler',
-				\ {'repeat': 3})
-<		This will invoke MyHandler() three times at 500 msec
-		intervals.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetMsec()->timer_start(callback)
-<		Not available in the |sandbox|.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+timers| feature}
-timer_stop({timer})					*timer_stop()*
-		Stop a timer.  The timer callback will no longer be invoked.
-		{timer} is an ID returned by timer_start(), thus it must be a
-		Number.  If {timer} does not exist there is no error.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTimer()->timer_stop()
-<		{only available when compiled with the |+timers| feature}
-timer_stopall()						*timer_stopall()*
-		Stop all timers.  The timer callbacks will no longer be
-		invoked.  Useful if a timer is misbehaving.  If there are no
-		timers there is no error.
-		{only available when compiled with the |+timers| feature}
-tolower({expr})						*tolower()*
-		The result is a copy of the String given, with all uppercase
-		characters turned into lowercase (just like applying |gu| to
-		the string).
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->tolower()
-toupper({expr})						*toupper()*
-		The result is a copy of the String given, with all lowercase
-		characters turned into uppercase (just like applying |gU| to
-		the string).
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->toupper()
-tr({src}, {fromstr}, {tostr})				*tr()*
-		The result is a copy of the {src} string with all characters
-		which appear in {fromstr} replaced by the character in that
-		position in the {tostr} string.  Thus the first character in
-		{fromstr} is translated into the first character in {tostr}
-		and so on.  Exactly like the unix "tr" command.
-		This code also deals with multibyte characters properly.
-		Examples: >
-			echo tr("hello there", "ht", "HT")
-<		returns "Hello THere" >
-			echo tr("<blob>", "<>", "{}")
-<		returns "{blob}"
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->tr(from, to)
-trim({text} [, {mask} [, {dir}]])				*trim()*
-		Return {text} as a String where any character in {mask} is
-		removed from the beginning and/or end of {text}.
-		If {mask} is not given, {mask} is all characters up to 0x20,
-		which includes Tab, space, NL and CR, plus the non-breaking
-		space character 0xa0.
-		The optional {dir} argument specifies where to remove the
-		characters:
-			0	remove from the beginning and end of {text}
-			1	remove only at the beginning of {text}
-			2	remove only at the end of {text}
-		When omitted both ends are trimmed.
-		This function deals with multibyte characters properly.
-		Examples: >
-			echo trim("   some text ")
-<		returns "some text" >
-			echo trim("  \r\t\t\r RESERVE \t\n\x0B\xA0") . "_TAIL"
-<		returns "RESERVE_TAIL" >
-			echo trim("rm<Xrm<>X>rrm", "rm<>")
-<		returns "Xrm<>X" (characters in the middle are not removed) >
-			echo trim("  vim  ", " ", 2)
-<		returns "  vim"
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->trim()
-trunc({expr})							*trunc()*
-		Return the largest integral value with magnitude less than or
-		equal to {expr} as a |Float| (truncate towards zero).
-		{expr} must evaluate to a |Float| or a |Number|.
-		Examples: >
-			echo trunc(1.456)
-<			1.0  >
-			echo trunc(-5.456)
-<			-5.0  >
-			echo trunc(4.0)
-<			4.0
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			Compute()->trunc()
-		{only available when compiled with the |+float| feature}
-							*type()*
-type({expr})	The result is a Number representing the type of {expr}.
-		Instead of using the number directly, it is better to use the
-		v:t_ variable that has the value:
-			Number:	    0  |v:t_number|
-			String:	    1  |v:t_string|
-			Funcref:    2  |v:t_func|
-			List:	    3  |v:t_list|
-			Dictionary: 4  |v:t_dict|
-			Float:	    5  |v:t_float|
-			Boolean:    6  |v:t_bool| (v:false and v:true)
-			None:	    7  |v:t_none| (v:null and v:none)
-			Job:	    8  |v:t_job|
-			Channel:    9  |v:t_channel|
-			Blob:	   10  |v:t_blob|
-		For backward compatibility, this method can be used: >
-			:if type(myvar) == type(0)
-			:if type(myvar) == type("")
-			:if type(myvar) == type(function("tr"))
-			:if type(myvar) == type([])
-			:if type(myvar) == type({})
-			:if type(myvar) == type(0.0)
-			:if type(myvar) == type(v:false)
-			:if type(myvar) == type(v:none)
-<		To check if the v:t_ variables exist use this: >
-			:if exists('v:t_number')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->type()
-typename({expr})					*typename()*
-		Return a string representation of the type of {expr}.
-		Example: >
-			echo typename([1, 2, 3])
-			list<number>
-undofile({name})					*undofile()*
-		Return the name of the undo file that would be used for a file
-		with name {name} when writing.  This uses the 'undodir'
-		option, finding directories that exist.  It does not check if
-		the undo file exists.
-		{name} is always expanded to the full path, since that is what
-		is used internally.
-		If {name} is empty undofile() returns an empty string, since a
-		buffer without a file name will not write an undo file.
-		Useful in combination with |:wundo| and |:rundo|.
-		When compiled without the |+persistent_undo| option this always
-		returns an empty string.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetFilename()->undofile()
-undotree()						*undotree()*
-		Return the current state of the undo tree in a dictionary with
-		the following items:
-		  "seq_last"	The highest undo sequence number used.
-		  "seq_cur"	The sequence number of the current position in
-				the undo tree.  This differs from "seq_last"
-				when some changes were undone.
-		  "time_cur"	Time last used for |:earlier| and related
-				commands.  Use |strftime()| to convert to
-				something readable.
-		  "save_last"	Number of the last file write.  Zero when no
-				write yet.
-		  "save_cur"	Number of the current position in the undo
-				tree.
-		  "synced"	Non-zero when the last undo block was synced.
-				This happens when waiting from input from the
-				user.  See |undo-blocks|.
-		  "entries"	A list of dictionaries with information about
-				undo blocks.
-		The first item in the "entries" list is the oldest undo item.
-		Each List item is a |Dictionary| with these items:
-		  "seq"		Undo sequence number.  Same as what appears in
-				|:undolist|.
-		  "time"	Timestamp when the change happened.  Use
-				|strftime()| to convert to something readable.
-		  "newhead"	Only appears in the item that is the last one
-				that was added.  This marks the last change
-				and where further changes will be added.
-		  "curhead"	Only appears in the item that is the last one
-				that was undone.  This marks the current
-				position in the undo tree, the block that will
-				be used by a redo command.  When nothing was
-				undone after the last change this item will
-				not appear anywhere.
-		  "save"	Only appears on the last block before a file
-				write.  The number is the write count.  The
-				first write has number 1, the last one the
-				"save_last" mentioned above.
-		  "alt"		Alternate entry.  This is again a List of undo
-				blocks.  Each item may again have an "alt"
-				item.
-uniq({list} [, {func} [, {dict}]])			*uniq()* *E882*
-		Remove second and succeeding copies of repeated adjacent
-		{list} items in-place.  Returns {list}.  If you want a list
-		to remain unmodified make a copy first: >
-			:let newlist = uniq(copy(mylist))
-<		The default compare function uses the string representation of
-		each item.  For the use of {func} and {dict} see |sort()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mylist->uniq()
-values({dict})						*values()*
-		Return a |List| with all the values of {dict}.  The |List| is
-		in arbitrary order.  Also see |items()| and |keys()|.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			mydict->values()
-virtcol({expr})						*virtcol()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the screen column of the file
-		position given with {expr}.  That is, the last screen position
-		occupied by the character at that position, when the screen
-		would be of unlimited width.  When there is a <Tab> at the
-		position, the returned Number will be the column at the end of
-		the <Tab>.  For example, for a <Tab> in column 1, with 'ts'
-		set to 8, it returns 8. |conceal| is ignored.
-		For the byte position use |col()|.
-		For the use of {expr} see |col()|.
-		When 'virtualedit' is used {expr} can be [lnum, col, off], where
-		"off" is the offset in screen columns from the start of the
-		character.  E.g., a position within a <Tab> or after the last
-		character.  When "off" is omitted zero is used.
-		When Virtual editing is active in the current mode, a position
-		beyond the end of the line can be returned. |'virtualedit'|
-		The accepted positions are:
-		    .	    the cursor position
-		    $	    the end of the cursor line (the result is the
-			    number of displayed characters in the cursor line
-			    plus one)
-		    'x	    position of mark x (if the mark is not set, 0 is
-			    returned)
-		    v       In Visual mode: the start of the Visual area (the
-			    cursor is the end).  When not in Visual mode
-			    returns the cursor position.  Differs from |'<| in
-			    that it's updated right away.
-		Note that only marks in the current file can be used.
-		Examples: >
-  virtcol(".")	   with text "foo^Lbar", with cursor on the "^L", returns 5
-  virtcol("$")	   with text "foo^Lbar", returns 9
-  virtcol("'t")    with text "	  there", with 't at 'h', returns 6
-<		The first column is 1.  0 is returned for an error.
-		A more advanced example that echoes the maximum length of
-		all lines: >
-		    echo max(map(range(1, line('$')), "virtcol([v:val, '$'])"))
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetPos()->virtcol()
-visualmode([{expr}])						*visualmode()*
-		The result is a String, which describes the last Visual mode
-		used in the current buffer.  Initially it returns an empty
-		string, but once Visual mode has been used, it returns "v",
-		"V", or "<CTRL-V>" (a single CTRL-V character) for
-		character-wise, line-wise, or block-wise Visual mode
-		respectively.
-		Example: >
-			:exe "normal " . visualmode()
-<		This enters the same Visual mode as before.  It is also useful
-		in scripts if you wish to act differently depending on the
-		Visual mode that was used.
-		If Visual mode is active, use |mode()| to get the Visual mode
-		(e.g., in a |:vmap|).
-		If {expr} is supplied and it evaluates to a non-zero Number or
-		a non-empty String, then the Visual mode will be cleared and
-		the old value is returned.  See |non-zero-arg|.
-wildmenumode()					*wildmenumode()*
-		Returns |TRUE| when the wildmenu is active and |FALSE|
-		otherwise.  See 'wildmenu' and 'wildmode'.
-		This can be used in mappings to handle the 'wildcharm' option
-		gracefully. (Makes only sense with |mapmode-c| mappings).
-		For example to make <c-j> work like <down> in wildmode, use: >
-    :cnoremap <expr> <C-j> wildmenumode() ? "\<Down>\<Tab>" : "\<c-j>"
-		(Note, this needs the 'wildcharm' option set appropriately).
-win_execute({id}, {command} [, {silent}])		*win_execute()*
-		Like `execute()` but in the context of window {id}.
-		The window will temporarily be made the current window,
-		without triggering autocommands or changing directory.  When
-		executing {command} autocommands will be triggered, this may
-		have unexpected side effects.  Use |:noautocmd| if needed.
-		Example: >
-			call win_execute(winid, 'set syntax=python')
-<		Doing the same with `setwinvar()` would not trigger
-		autocommands and not actually show syntax highlighting.
-							*E994*
-		Not all commands are allowed in popup windows.
-		When window {id} does not exist then no error is given and
-		an empty string is returned.
-		Can also be used as a |method|, the base is passed as the
-		second argument: >
-			GetCommand()->win_execute(winid)
-win_findbuf({bufnr})					*win_findbuf()*
-		Returns a |List| with |window-ID|s for windows that contain
-		buffer {bufnr}.  When there is none the list is empty.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetBufnr()->win_findbuf()
-win_getid([{win} [, {tab}]])				*win_getid()*
-		Get the |window-ID| for the specified window.
-		When {win} is missing use the current window.
-		With {win} this is the window number.  The top window has
-		number 1.
-		Without {tab} use the current tab, otherwise the tab with
-		number {tab}.  The first tab has number one.
-		Return zero if the window cannot be found.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinnr()->win_getid()
-win_gettype([{nr}])					*win_gettype()*
-		Return the type of the window:
-			"autocmd"	autocommand window. Temporary window
-					used to execute autocommands.
-			"command"	command-line window |cmdwin|
-			(empty)		normal window
-			"loclist"	|location-list-window|
-			"popup"		popup window |popup|
-			"preview"	preview window |preview-window|
-			"quickfix"	|quickfix-window|
-			"unknown"	window {nr} not found
-		When {nr} is omitted return the type of the current window.
-		When {nr} is given return the type of this window by number or
-		|window-ID|.
-		Also see the 'buftype' option.  When running a terminal in a
-		popup window then 'buftype' is "terminal" and win_gettype()
-		returns "popup".
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->win_gettype()
-win_gotoid({expr})					*win_gotoid()*
-		Go to window with ID {expr}.  This may also change the current
-		tabpage.
-		Return TRUE if successful, FALSE if the window cannot be found.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->win_gotoid()
-win_id2tabwin({expr})					*win_id2tabwin()*
-		Return a list with the tab number and window number of window
-		with ID {expr}: [tabnr, winnr].
-		Return [0, 0] if the window cannot be found.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->win_id2tabwin()
-win_id2win({expr})					*win_id2win()*
-		Return the window number of window with ID {expr}.
-		Return 0 if the window cannot be found in the current tabpage.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->win_id2win()
-win_screenpos({nr})					*win_screenpos()*
-		Return the screen position of window {nr} as a list with two
-		numbers: [row, col].  The first window always has position
-		[1, 1], unless there is a tabline, then it is [2, 1].
-		{nr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.  Use zero
-		for the current window.
-		Returns [0, 0] if the window cannot be found in the current
-		tabpage.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->win_screenpos()
-win_splitmove({nr}, {target} [, {options}])		*win_splitmove()*
-		Move the window {nr} to a new split of the window {target}.
-		This is similar to moving to {target}, creating a new window
-		using |:split| but having the same contents as window {nr}, and
-		then closing {nr}.
-		Both {nr} and {target} can be window numbers or |window-ID|s.
-		Both must be in the current tab page.
-		Returns zero for success, non-zero for failure.
-		{options} is a |Dictionary| with the following optional entries:
-		  "vertical"	When TRUE, the split is created vertically,
-				like with |:vsplit|.
-		  "rightbelow"	When TRUE, the split is made below or to the
-				right (if vertical).  When FALSE, it is done
-				above or to the left (if vertical).  When not
-				present, the values of 'splitbelow' and
-				'splitright' are used.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->win_splitmove(target)
-							*winbufnr()*
-winbufnr({nr})	The result is a Number, which is the number of the buffer
-		associated with window {nr}.  {nr} can be the window number or
-		the |window-ID|.
-		When {nr} is zero, the number of the buffer in the current
-		window is returned.
-		When window {nr} doesn't exist, -1 is returned.
-		Example: >
-  :echo "The file in the current window is " . bufname(winbufnr(0))
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			FindWindow()->winbufnr()->bufname()
-							*wincol()*
-wincol()	The result is a Number, which is the virtual column of the
-		cursor in the window.  This is counting screen cells from the
-		left side of the window.  The leftmost column is one.
-							*windowsversion()*
-		The result is a String.  For MS-Windows it indicates the OS
-		version.  E.g, Windows 10 is "10.0", Windows 8 is "6.2",
-		Windows XP is "5.1".  For non-MS-Windows systems the result is
-		an empty string.
-winheight({nr})						*winheight()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the height of window {nr}.
-		{nr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		When {nr} is zero, the height of the current window is
-		returned.  When window {nr} doesn't exist, -1 is returned.
-		An existing window always has a height of zero or more.
-		This excludes any window toolbar line.
-		Examples: >
-  :echo "The current window has " . winheight(0) . " lines."
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->winheight()
-winlayout([{tabnr}])					*winlayout()*
-		The result is a nested List containing the layout of windows
-		in a tabpage.
-		Without {tabnr} use the current tabpage, otherwise the tabpage
-		with number {tabnr}. If the tabpage {tabnr} is not found,
-		returns an empty list.
-		For a leaf window, it returns:
-			['leaf', {winid}]
-		For horizontally split windows, which form a column, it
-		returns:
-			['col', [{nested list of windows}]]
-		For vertically split windows, which form a row, it returns:
-			['row', [{nested list of windows}]]
-		Example: >
-			" Only one window in the tab page
-			:echo winlayout()
-			['leaf', 1000]
-			" Two horizontally split windows
-			:echo winlayout()
-			['col', [['leaf', 1000], ['leaf', 1001]]]
-			" The second tab page, with three horizontally split
-			" windows, with two vertically split windows in the
-			" middle window
-			:echo winlayout(2)
-			['col', [['leaf', 1002], ['row', [['leaf', 1003],
-					    ['leaf', 1001]]], ['leaf', 1000]]]
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetTabnr()->winlayout()
-							*winline()*
-winline()	The result is a Number, which is the screen line of the cursor
-		in the window.  This is counting screen lines from the top of
-		the window.  The first line is one.
-		If the cursor was moved the view on the file will be updated
-		first, this may cause a scroll.
-							*winnr()*
-winnr([{arg}])	The result is a Number, which is the number of the current
-		window.  The top window has number 1.
-		Returns zero for a popup window.
-		The optional argument {arg} supports the following values:
-			$	the number of the last window (the window
-				count).
-			#	the number of the last accessed window (where
-				|CTRL-W_p| goes to).  If there is no previous
-				window or it is in another tab page 0 is
-				returned.
-			{N}j	the number of the Nth window below the
-				current window (where |CTRL-W_j| goes to).
-			{N}k	the number of the Nth window above the current
-				window (where |CTRL-W_k| goes to).
-			{N}h	the number of the Nth window left of the
-				current window (where |CTRL-W_h| goes to).
-			{N}l	the number of the Nth window right of the
-				current window (where |CTRL-W_l| goes to).
-		The number can be used with |CTRL-W_w| and ":wincmd w"
-		|:wincmd|.
-		Also see |tabpagewinnr()| and |win_getid()|.
-		Examples: >
-			let window_count = winnr('$')
-			let prev_window = winnr('#')
-			let wnum = winnr('3k')
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinval()->winnr()
-							*winrestcmd()*
-winrestcmd()	Returns a sequence of |:resize| commands that should restore
-		the current window sizes.  Only works properly when no windows
-		are opened or closed and the current window and tab page is
-		unchanged.
-		Example: >
-			:let cmd = winrestcmd()
-			:call MessWithWindowSizes()
-			:exe cmd
-							*winrestview()*
-		Uses the |Dictionary| returned by |winsaveview()| to restore
-		the view of the current window.
-		Note: The {dict} does not have to contain all values, that are
-		returned by |winsaveview()|. If values are missing, those
-		settings won't be restored. So you can use: >
-		    :call winrestview({'curswant': 4})
-		This will only set the curswant value (the column the cursor
-		wants to move on vertical movements) of the cursor to column 5
-		(yes, that is 5), while all other settings will remain the
-		same. This is useful, if you set the cursor position manually.
-		If you have changed the values the result is unpredictable.
-		If the window size changed the result won't be the same.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetView()->winrestview()
-							*winsaveview()*
-winsaveview()	Returns a |Dictionary| that contains information to restore
-		the view of the current window.  Use |winrestview()| to
-		restore the view.
-		This is useful if you have a mapping that jumps around in the
-		buffer and you want to go back to the original view.
-		This does not save fold information.  Use the 'foldenable'
-		option to temporarily switch off folding, so that folds are
-		not opened when moving around. This may have side effects.
-		The return value includes:
-			lnum		cursor line number
-			col		cursor column (Note: the first column
-					zero, as opposed to what getpos()
-					returns)
-			coladd		cursor column offset for 'virtualedit'
-			curswant	column for vertical movement
-			topline		first line in the window
-			topfill		filler lines, only in diff mode
-			leftcol		first column displayed; only used when
-					'wrap' is off
-			skipcol		columns skipped
-		Note that no option values are saved.
-winwidth({nr})						*winwidth()*
-		The result is a Number, which is the width of window {nr}.
-		{nr} can be the window number or the |window-ID|.
-		When {nr} is zero, the width of the current window is
-		returned.  When window {nr} doesn't exist, -1 is returned.
-		An existing window always has a width of zero or more.
-		Examples: >
-  :echo "The current window has " . winwidth(0) . " columns."
-  :if winwidth(0) <= 50
-  :  50 wincmd |
-  :endif
-<		For getting the terminal or screen size, see the 'columns'
-		option.
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetWinid()->winwidth()
-wordcount()						*wordcount()*
-		The result is a dictionary of byte/chars/word statistics for
-		the current buffer.  This is the same info as provided by
-		|g_CTRL-G|
-		The return value includes:
-			bytes		Number of bytes in the buffer
-			chars		Number of chars in the buffer
-			words		Number of words in the buffer
-			cursor_bytes    Number of bytes before cursor position
-					(not in Visual mode)
-			cursor_chars    Number of chars before cursor position
-					(not in Visual mode)
-			cursor_words    Number of words before cursor position
-					(not in Visual mode)
-			visual_bytes    Number of bytes visually selected
-					(only in Visual mode)
-			visual_chars    Number of chars visually selected
-					(only in Visual mode)
-			visual_words    Number of words visually selected
-					(only in Visual mode)
-							*writefile()*
-writefile({object}, {fname} [, {flags}])
-		When {object} is a |List| write it to file {fname}.  Each list
-		item is separated with a NL.  Each list item must be a String
-		or Number.
-		When {flags} contains "b" then binary mode is used: There will
-		not be a NL after the last list item.  An empty item at the
-		end does cause the last line in the file to end in a NL.
-		When {object} is a |Blob| write the bytes to file {fname}
-		unmodified.
-		When {flags} contains "a" then append mode is used, lines are
-		appended to the file: >
-			:call writefile(["foo"], "event.log", "a")
-			:call writefile(["bar"], "event.log", "a")
-		When {flags} contains "s" then fsync() is called after writing
-		the file.  This flushes the file to disk, if possible.  This
-		takes more time but avoids losing the file if the system
-		crashes.
-		When {flags} does not contain "S" or "s" then fsync() is
-		called if the 'fsync' option is set.
-		When {flags} contains "S" then fsync() is not called, even
-		when 'fsync' is set.
-		All NL characters are replaced with a NUL character.
-		Inserting CR characters needs to be done before passing {list}
-		to writefile().
-		An existing file is overwritten, if possible.
-		When the write fails -1 is returned, otherwise 0.  There is an
-		error message if the file can't be created or when writing
-		fails.
-		Also see |readfile()|.
-		To copy a file byte for byte: >
-			:let fl = readfile("foo", "b")
-			:call writefile(fl, "foocopy", "b")
-<		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			GetText()->writefile("thefile")
-xor({expr}, {expr})					*xor()*
-		Bitwise XOR on the two arguments.  The arguments are converted
-		to a number.  A List, Dict or Float argument causes an error.
-		Example: >
-			:let bits = xor(bits, 0x80)
-		Can also be used as a |method|: >
-			:let bits = bits->xor(0x80)
-							*feature-list*
-There are three types of features:
-1.  Features that are only supported when they have been enabled when Vim
-    was compiled |+feature-list|.  Example: >
-	:if has("cindent")
-<							*gui_running*
-2.  Features that are only supported when certain conditions have been met.
-    Example: >
-	:if has("gui_running")
-<							*has-patch*
-3.  Beyond a certain version or at a certain version and including a specific
-    patch.  The "patch-7.4.248" feature means that the Vim version is 7.5 or
-    later, or it is version 7.4 and patch 248 was included.  Example: >
-	:if has("patch-7.4.248")
-<    Note that it's possible for patch 248 to be omitted even though 249 is
-    included.  Only happens when cherry-picking patches.
-    Note that this form only works for patch 7.4.237 and later, before that
-    you need to check for the patch and the  v:version.  Example (checking
-    version 6.2.148 or later): >
-	:if v:version > 602 || (v:version == 602 && has("patch148"))
-Hint: To find out if Vim supports backslashes in a file name (MS-Windows),
-use: `if exists('+shellslash')`
-acl			Compiled with |ACL| support.
-all_builtin_terms	Compiled with all builtin terminals enabled.
-amiga			Amiga version of Vim.
-arabic			Compiled with Arabic support |Arabic|.
-arp			Compiled with ARP support (Amiga).
-autocmd			Compiled with autocommand support. (always true)
-autochdir		Compiled with support for 'autochdir'
-autoservername		Automatically enable |clientserver|
-balloon_eval		Compiled with |balloon-eval| support.
-balloon_multiline	GUI supports multiline balloons.
-beos			BeOS version of Vim.
-browse			Compiled with |:browse| support, and browse() will
-			work.
-browsefilter		Compiled with support for |browsefilter|.
-bsd			Compiled on an OS in the BSD family (excluding macOS).
-builtin_terms		Compiled with some builtin terminals.
-byte_offset		Compiled with support for 'o' in 'statusline'
-channel			Compiled with support for |channel| and |job|
-cindent			Compiled with 'cindent' support.
-clientserver		Compiled with remote invocation support |clientserver|.
-clipboard		Compiled with 'clipboard' support.
-clipboard_working	Compiled with 'clipboard' support and it can be used.
-cmdline_compl		Compiled with |cmdline-completion| support.
-cmdline_hist		Compiled with |cmdline-history| support.
-cmdline_info		Compiled with 'showcmd' and 'ruler' support.
-comments		Compiled with |'comments'| support.
-compatible		Compiled to be very Vi compatible.
-conpty			Platform where |ConPTY| can be used.
-cryptv			Compiled with encryption support |encryption|.
-cscope			Compiled with |cscope| support.
-cursorbind		Compiled with |'cursorbind'| (always true)
-debug			Compiled with "DEBUG" defined.
-dialog_con		Compiled with console dialog support.
-dialog_gui		Compiled with GUI dialog support.
-diff			Compiled with |vimdiff| and 'diff' support.
-digraphs		Compiled with support for digraphs.
-directx			Compiled with support for DirectX and 'renderoptions'.
-dnd			Compiled with support for the "~ register |quote_~|.
-drop_file		Compiled with |drop_file| support.
-ebcdic			Compiled on a machine with ebcdic character set.
-emacs_tags		Compiled with support for Emacs tags.
-eval			Compiled with expression evaluation support.  Always
-			true, of course!
-ex_extra		|+ex_extra| (always true)
-extra_search		Compiled with support for |'incsearch'| and
-			|'hlsearch'|
-farsi			Support for Farsi was removed |farsi|.
-file_in_path		Compiled with support for |gf| and |<cfile>|
-filterpipe		When 'shelltemp' is off pipes are used for shell
-			read/write/filter commands
-find_in_path		Compiled with support for include file searches
-			|+find_in_path|.
-float			Compiled with support for |Float|.
-fname_case		Case in file names matters (for Amiga and MS-Windows
-			this is not present).
-folding			Compiled with |folding| support.
-footer			Compiled with GUI footer support. |gui-footer|
-fork			Compiled to use fork()/exec() instead of system().
-gettext			Compiled with message translation |multi-lang|
-gui			Compiled with GUI enabled.
-gui_athena		Compiled with Athena GUI.
-gui_gnome		Compiled with Gnome support (gui_gtk is also defined).
-gui_gtk			Compiled with GTK+ GUI (any version).
-gui_gtk2		Compiled with GTK+ 2 GUI (gui_gtk is also defined).
-gui_gtk3		Compiled with GTK+ 3 GUI (gui_gtk is also defined).
-gui_haiku		Compiled with Haiku GUI.
-gui_mac			Compiled with Macintosh GUI.
-gui_motif		Compiled with Motif GUI.
-gui_photon		Compiled with Photon GUI.
-gui_running		Vim is running in the GUI, or it will start soon.
-gui_win32		Compiled with MS-Windows Win32 GUI.
-gui_win32s		idem, and Win32s system being used (Windows 3.1)
-haiku			Haiku version of Vim.
-hangul_input		Compiled with Hangul input support. |hangul|
-hpux			HP-UX version of Vim.
-iconv			Can use iconv() for conversion.
-insert_expand		Compiled with support for CTRL-X expansion commands in
-			Insert mode. (always true)
-job			Compiled with support for |channel| and |job|
-ipv6			Compiled with support for IPv6 networking in |channel|.
-jumplist		Compiled with |jumplist| support.
-keymap			Compiled with 'keymap' support.
-lambda			Compiled with |lambda| support.
-langmap			Compiled with 'langmap' support.
-libcall			Compiled with |libcall()| support.
-linebreak		Compiled with 'linebreak', 'breakat', 'showbreak' and
-			'breakindent' support.
-linux			Linux version of Vim.
-lispindent		Compiled with support for lisp indenting.
-listcmds		Compiled with commands for the buffer list |:files|
-			and the argument list |arglist|.
-localmap		Compiled with local mappings and abbr. |:map-local|
-lua			Compiled with Lua interface |Lua|.
-mac			Any Macintosh version of Vim  cf. osx
-macunix			Synonym for osxdarwin
-menu			Compiled with support for |:menu|.
-mksession		Compiled with support for |:mksession|.
-modify_fname		Compiled with file name modifiers. |filename-modifiers|
-			(always true)
-mouse			Compiled with support for mouse.
-mouse_dec		Compiled with support for Dec terminal mouse.
-mouse_gpm		Compiled with support for gpm (Linux console mouse)
-mouse_gpm_enabled	GPM mouse is working
-mouse_netterm		Compiled with support for netterm mouse.
-mouse_pterm		Compiled with support for qnx pterm mouse.
-mouse_sysmouse		Compiled with support for sysmouse (*BSD console mouse)
-mouse_sgr		Compiled with support for sgr mouse.
-mouse_urxvt		Compiled with support for urxvt mouse.
-mouse_xterm		Compiled with support for xterm mouse.
-mouseshape		Compiled with support for 'mouseshape'.
-multi_byte		Compiled with support for 'encoding' (always true)
-multi_byte_encoding	'encoding' is set to a multibyte encoding.
-multi_byte_ime		Compiled with support for IME input method.
-multi_lang		Compiled with support for multiple languages.
-mzscheme		Compiled with MzScheme interface |mzscheme|.
-nanotime		Compiled with sub-second time stamp checks.
-netbeans_enabled	Compiled with support for |netbeans| and connected.
-netbeans_intg		Compiled with support for |netbeans|.
-num64			Compiled with 64-bit |Number| support.
-ole			Compiled with OLE automation support for Win32.
-osx			Compiled for macOS  cf. mac
-osxdarwin		Compiled for macOS, with |mac-darwin-feature|
-packages		Compiled with |packages| support.
-path_extra		Compiled with up/downwards search in 'path' and 'tags'
-perl			Compiled with Perl interface.
-persistent_undo		Compiled with support for persistent undo history.
-postscript		Compiled with PostScript file printing.
-printer			Compiled with |:hardcopy| support.
-profile			Compiled with |:profile| support.
-python			Python 2.x interface available. |has-python|
-python_compiled		Compiled with Python 2.x interface. |has-python|
-python_dynamic		Python 2.x interface is dynamically loaded. |has-python|
-python3			Python 3.x interface available. |has-python|
-python3_compiled	Compiled with Python 3.x interface. |has-python|
-python3_dynamic		Python 3.x interface is dynamically loaded. |has-python|
-pythonx			Python 2.x and/or 3.x interface available. |python_x|
-qnx			QNX version of Vim.
-quickfix		Compiled with |quickfix| support.
-reltime			Compiled with |reltime()| support.
-rightleft		Compiled with 'rightleft' support.
-ruby			Compiled with Ruby interface |ruby|.
-scrollbind		Compiled with 'scrollbind' support. (always true)
-showcmd			Compiled with 'showcmd' support.
-signs			Compiled with |:sign| support.
-smartindent		Compiled with 'smartindent' support.
-sodium			Compiled with libsodium for better crypt support
-sound			Compiled with sound support, e.g. `sound_playevent()`
-spell			Compiled with spell checking support |spell|.
-startuptime		Compiled with |--startuptime| support.
-statusline		Compiled with support for 'statusline', 'rulerformat'
-			and special formats of 'titlestring' and 'iconstring'.
-sun			SunOS version of Vim.
-sun_workshop		Support for Sun |workshop| has been removed.
-syntax			Compiled with syntax highlighting support |syntax|.
-syntax_items		There are active syntax highlighting items for the
-			current buffer.
-system			Compiled to use system() instead of fork()/exec().
-tag_binary		Compiled with binary searching in tags files
-			|tag-binary-search|.
-tag_old_static		Support for old static tags was removed, see
-			|tag-old-static|.
-tcl			Compiled with Tcl interface.
-termguicolors		Compiled with true color in terminal support.
-terminal		Compiled with |terminal| support.
-terminfo		Compiled with terminfo instead of termcap.
-termresponse		Compiled with support for |t_RV| and |v:termresponse|.
-textobjects		Compiled with support for |text-objects|.
-textprop		Compiled with support for |text-properties|.
-tgetent			Compiled with tgetent support, able to use a termcap
-			or terminfo file.
-timers			Compiled with |timer_start()| support.
-title			Compiled with window title support |'title'|.
-toolbar			Compiled with support for |gui-toolbar|.
-ttyin			input is a terminal (tty)
-ttyout			output is a terminal (tty)
-unix			Unix version of Vim. *+unix*
-unnamedplus		Compiled with support for "unnamedplus" in 'clipboard'
-user_commands		User-defined commands. (always true)
-vartabs			Compiled with variable tabstop support |'vartabstop'|.
-vcon			Win32: Virtual console support is working, can use
-			'termguicolors'. Also see |+vtp|.
-vertsplit		Compiled with vertically split windows |:vsplit|.
-			(always true)
-vim_starting		True while initial source'ing takes place. |startup|
-			*vim_starting*
-viminfo			Compiled with viminfo support.
-vimscript-1		Compiled Vim script version 1 support
-vimscript-2		Compiled Vim script version 2 support
-vimscript-3		Compiled Vim script version 3 support
-virtualedit		Compiled with 'virtualedit' option. (always true)
-visual			Compiled with Visual mode. (always true)
-visualextra		Compiled with extra Visual mode commands. (always
-			true) |blockwise-operators|.
-vms			VMS version of Vim.
-vreplace		Compiled with |gR| and |gr| commands. (always true)
-vtp			Compiled for vcon support |+vtp| (check vcon to find
-			out if it works in the current console).
-wildignore		Compiled with 'wildignore' option.
-wildmenu		Compiled with 'wildmenu' option.
-win16			old version for MS-Windows 3.1 (always false)
-win32			Win32 version of Vim (MS-Windows 95 and later, 32 or
-			64 bits)
-win32unix		Win32 version of Vim, using Unix files (Cygwin)
-win64			Win64 version of Vim (MS-Windows 64 bit).
-win95			Win32 version for MS-Windows 95/98/ME (always false)
-winaltkeys		Compiled with 'winaltkeys' option.
-windows			Compiled with support for more than one window.
-			(always true)
-writebackup		Compiled with 'writebackup' default on.
-xfontset		Compiled with X fontset support |xfontset|.
-xim			Compiled with X input method support |xim|.
-xpm			Compiled with pixmap support.
-xpm_w32			Compiled with pixmap support for Win32. (Only for
-			backward compatibility. Use "xpm" instead.)
-xsmp			Compiled with X session management support.
-xsmp_interact		Compiled with interactive X session management support.
-xterm_clipboard		Compiled with support for xterm clipboard.
-xterm_save		Compiled with support for saving and restoring the
-			xterm screen.
-x11			Compiled with X11 support.
-							*string-match*
-Matching a pattern in a String
-A regexp pattern as explained at |pattern| is normally used to find a match in
-the buffer lines.  When a pattern is used to find a match in a String, almost
-everything works in the same way.  The difference is that a String is handled
-like it is one line.  When it contains a "\n" character, this is not seen as a
-line break for the pattern.  It can be matched with a "\n" in the pattern, or
-with ".".  Example: >
-	:let a = "aaaa\nxxxx"
-	:echo matchstr(a, "..\n..")
-	aa
-	xx
-	:echo matchstr(a, "a.x")
-	a
-	x
-Don't forget that "^" will only match at the first character of the String and
-"$" at the last character of the string.  They don't match after or before a
+The alphabetic list of all builtin functions and details are in a separate
+help file: |builtin-functions|.
 5. Defining functions					*user-functions*