diff runtime/syntax/vim.vim @ 28620:4d76b3e07c07

Update runtime files Commit: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/ce001a337e28fa368f40ac6422835d730fb8ebb1 Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Wed Apr 27 15:25:03 2022 +0100 Update runtime files
author Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
date Wed, 27 Apr 2022 16:30:04 +0200
parents f73a9bdff3a3
children b96ceb97e896
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 " Vim syntax file
 " Language:	Vim 8.2 script
 " Maintainer:	Charles E. Campbell <NcampObell@SdrPchip.AorgM-NOSPAM>
-" Last Change:	April 10, 2022
-" Version:	8.2-34
+" Last Change:	April 26, 2022
+" Version:	8.2-36
 " URL:	http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#SYNTAX_VIM
 " Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ syn keyword vimCommand contained	abstrac
 syn keyword vimCommand contained	addd arge[dit] bN[ext] bel[owright] bp[revious] bro[wse] cNf[ile] cadde[xpr] cbe[fore] cdo cg[etfile] checkt[ime] clo[se] co[py] con[tinue] cq[uit] cuna[bbrev] defc[ompile] deletl dep diffpu[t] dj[ump] dp earlier el[se] endenum ene[w] export filt[er] fo[ld] fu[nction] gvim helpt[ags] iabc[lear] import isp[lit] keepa l[ist] laf[ter] lbel[ow] lcscope lf[ile] lgr[ep] lli[st] lnf[ile] lol[der] lt[ag] lw[indow] menut[ranslate] mkvie[w] nbc[lose] noh[lsearch] ol[dfiles] pa[ckadd] po[p] prof[ile] pta[g] ptr[ewind] py3f[ile] pythonx quita[ll] redraws[tatus] rew[ind] rubyf[ile] sIg sa[rgument] sba[ll] sbr[ewind] scl scscope sfir[st] sgl sic sin sm[ap] snoreme spelld[ump] spellw[rong] srg sta[g] stopi[nsert] sunmenu sync tab tabfir[st] tabp[revious] tcl th[row] tlnoremenu tn[ext] ts[elect] undoj[oin] up[date] vi[sual] viu[sage] wh[ile] wp[revious] xa[ll] xprop z[^.=]
 syn keyword vimCommand contained	al[l]
 syn match   vimCommand contained	"\<z[-+^.=]\=\>"
-syn keyword vimStdPlugin contained	Arguments Asm Break Cfilter Clear Continue DiffOrig Evaluate Finish Gdb Lfilter Man N[ext] Over P[rint] Program Run S Source Step Stop Termdebug TermdebugCommand TOhtml Winbar XMLent XMLns
+syn keyword vimStdPlugin contained	Arguments Asm Break Cfilter Clear Continue DiffOrig Evaluate Finish Gdb Lfilter Man N[ext] Over P[rint] Program Run S Source Step Stop Termdebug TermdebugCommand TOhtml Until Winbar XMLent XMLns
 " vimOptions are caught only when contained in a vimSet {{{2
 syn keyword vimOption contained	acd ambw arshape aw backupskip beval bk bri bufhidden cdh ci cinsd cms commentstring conceallevel cpt cscopetagorder csto cursorlineopt dg dir ed enc errorfile fcl fdn ffs fillchars fo foldmarker formatoptions gdefault gp guifontwide helpheight history hlsearch imaf ims includeexpr infercase iskeyword keywordprg laststatus lispwords lrm magic maxfuncdepth menuitems mm modifiable mousemev mps nu opendevice paste pex pmbfn printencoding pt pythonhome quoteescape renderoptions rlc ruf scb scrolloff selectmode shellquote shiftwidth showmode sj sn spellfile spo st su swf ta taglength tbis termguicolors textmode thesaurusfunc titlestring tpm ttimeoutlen ttyscroll tx undolevels vartabstop vfile virtualedit warn wfh wildchar wim winminheight wmh write
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ syn match vimHLGroup contained	"Conceal"
 syn case match
 " Function Names {{{2
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	abs argc assert_equal assert_match atan browse bufloaded byteidx charclass chdir ch_log ch_sendexpr col copy debugbreak diff_hlID empty execute expandcmd filter floor foldlevel function getchangelist getcmdline getcursorcharpos getftime getmarklist getreg gettabwinvar getwinposx globpath histadd hlget indent inputrestore invert items job_status json_decode libcallnr list2str log mapcheck matchaddpos matchfuzzypos menu_info nextnonblank popup_atcursor popup_dialog popup_getoptions popup_menu popup_show prompt_setcallback prop_clear prop_type_change pumvisible range reduce reltimestr remote_send resolve screenchar screenstring searchpairpos setbufvar setcursorcharpos setmatches settabwinvar shiftwidth sign_place simplify sound_clear spellbadword state strcharpart stridx strridx swapinfo synIDtrans tabpagenr tanh term_getaltscreen term_getline term_gettty term_setansicolors term_start test_garbagecollect_now test_null_blob test_null_list test_refcount test_void timer_stopall trunc uniq winbufnr win_getid win_id2win winnr win_splitmove
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	acos argidx assert_equalfile assert_nobeep atan2 browsedir bufname byteidxcomp charcol ch_evalexpr ch_logfile ch_sendraw complete cos deepcopy digraph_get environ exepath extend finddir fmod foldtext garbagecollect getchar getcmdpos getcwd getftype getmatches getreginfo gettagstack getwinposy has histdel hlID index inputsave isdirectory job_getchannel job_stop json_encode line listener_add log10 mapnew matcharg matchlist min nr2char popup_beval popup_filter_menu popup_getpos popup_move pow prompt_setinterrupt prop_find prop_type_delete py3eval readblob reg_executing remote_expr remote_startserver reverse screenchars search searchpos setcellwidths setenv setpos settagstack sign_define sign_placelist sin soundfold spellsuggest str2float strchars string strtrans swapname synstack tabpagewinnr tempname term_getansicolors term_getscrolled terminalprops term_setapi term_wait test_garbagecollect_soon test_null_channel test_null_partial test_setmouse timer_info tolower type values wincol win_gettype winlayout winrestcmd winwidth
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	add arglistid assert_exception assert_notequal balloon_gettext bufadd bufnr call charidx ch_evalraw ch_open ch_setoptions complete_add cosh delete digraph_getlist escape exists extendnew findfile fnameescape foldtextresult get getcharmod getcmdtype getenv getimstatus getmousepos getregtype gettext getwinvar has_key histget hlset input inputsecret isinf job_info join keys line2byte listener_flush luaeval mapset matchdelete matchstr mkdir or popup_clear popup_filter_yesno popup_hide popup_notification prevnonblank prompt_setprompt prop_list prop_type_get pyeval readdir reg_recording remote_foreground remove round screencol searchcount server2client setcharpos setfperm setqflist setwinvar sign_getdefined sign_undefine sinh sound_playevent split str2list strdisplaywidth strlen strwidth synconcealed system tagfiles term_dumpdiff term_getattr term_getsize term_list term_setkill test_alloc_fail test_getvalue test_null_dict test_null_string test_settime timer_pause toupper typename virtcol windowsversion win_gotoid winline winrestview wordcount
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	and argv assert_fails assert_notmatch balloon_show bufexists bufwinid ceil ch_canread ch_getbufnr ch_read ch_status complete_check count deletebufline digraph_set eval exists_compiled feedkeys flatten fnamemodify foreground getbufinfo getcharpos getcmdwintype getfontname getjumplist getpid gettabinfo getwininfo glob haslocaldir histnr hostname inputdialog insert islocked job_setoptions js_decode len lispindent listener_remove map match matchend matchstrpos mode pathshorten popup_close popup_findinfo popup_list popup_setoptions printf prop_add prop_remove prop_type_list pyxeval readdirex reltime remote_peek rename rubyeval screenpos searchdecl serverlist setcharsearch setline setreg sha256 sign_getplaced sign_unplace slice sound_playfile sqrt str2nr strftime strpart submatch synID systemlist taglist term_dumpload term_getcursor term_getstatus term_scrape term_setrestore test_autochdir test_gui_event test_null_function test_option_not_set test_srand_seed timer_start tr undofile visualmode win_execute winheight win_move_separator winsaveview writefile
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	append asin assert_false assert_report balloon_split buflisted bufwinnr changenr ch_close ch_getjob ch_readblob cindent complete_info cscope_connection did_filetype digraph_setlist eventhandler exp filereadable flattennew foldclosed fullcommand getbufline getcharsearch getcompletion getfperm getline getpos gettabvar getwinpos glob2regpat hasmapto hlexists iconv inputlist interrupt isnan job_start js_encode libcall list2blob localtime maparg matchadd matchfuzzy max mzeval perleval popup_create popup_findpreview popup_locate popup_settext prompt_getprompt prop_add_list prop_type_add pum_getpos rand readfile reltimefloat remote_read repeat screenattr screenrow searchpair setbufline setcmdpos setloclist settabvar shellescape sign_jump sign_unplacelist sort sound_stop srand strcharlen strgetchar strptime substitute synIDattr tabpagebuflist tan term_dumpwrite term_getjob term_gettitle term_sendkeys term_setsize test_feedinput test_ignore_error test_null_job test_override test_unknown timer_stop trim undotree wildmenumode win_findbuf win_id2tabwin win_move_statusline win_screenpos xor
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	appendbufline assert_beeps assert_inrange assert_true blob2list bufload byte2line char2nr ch_close_in ch_info ch_readraw clearmatches confirm cursor diff_filler echoraw executable expand filewritable float2nr foldclosedend funcref getbufvar getcharstr getcurpos getfsize getloclist getqflist
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	abs argc assert_equal assert_match atan browse bufloaded byteidx charclass chdir ch_log ch_sendexpr col copy debugbreak diff_hlID empty execute expandcmd filter floor foldlevel function getchangelist getcmdline getcursorcharpos getftime getmarklist getreg gettagstack getwinposy has histdel hlID index inputsave isdirectory job_getchannel job_stop json_encode line listener_add log10 maplist matchaddpos matchfuzzypos menu_info nextnonblank popup_atcursor popup_dialog popup_getoptions popup_menu popup_show prompt_setcallback prop_clear prop_type_change pumvisible range reduce reltimestr remote_send resolve screenchar screenstring searchpairpos setbufvar setcursorcharpos setmatches settabwinvar shiftwidth sign_place simplify sound_clear spellbadword state strcharpart stridx strridx swapinfo synIDtrans tabpagenr tanh term_getaltscreen term_getline term_gettty term_setansicolors term_start test_garbagecollect_now test_null_blob test_null_list test_refcount test_void timer_stopall trunc uniq winbufnr win_getid win_id2win winnr win_splitmove
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	acos argidx assert_equalfile assert_nobeep atan2 browsedir bufname byteidxcomp charcol ch_evalexpr ch_logfile ch_sendraw complete cos deepcopy digraph_get environ exepath extend finddir fmod foldtext garbagecollect getchar getcmdpos getcwd getftype getmatches getreginfo gettext getwinvar has_key histget hlset input inputsecret isinf job_info join keys line2byte listener_flush luaeval mapnew matcharg matchlist min nr2char popup_beval popup_filter_menu popup_getpos popup_move pow prompt_setinterrupt prop_find prop_type_delete py3eval readblob reg_executing remote_expr remote_startserver reverse screenchars search searchpos setcellwidths setenv setpos settagstack sign_define sign_placelist sin soundfold spellsuggest str2float strchars string strtrans swapname synstack tabpagewinnr tempname term_getansicolors term_getscrolled terminalprops term_setapi term_wait test_garbagecollect_soon test_null_channel test_null_partial test_setmouse timer_info tolower type values wincol win_gettype winlayout winrestcmd winwidth
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	add arglistid assert_exception assert_notequal balloon_gettext bufadd bufnr call charidx ch_evalraw ch_open ch_setoptions complete_add cosh delete digraph_getlist escape exists extendnew findfile fnameescape foldtextresult get getcharmod getcmdtype getenv getimstatus getmousepos getregtype getwininfo glob haslocaldir histnr hostname inputdialog insert islocked job_setoptions js_decode len lispindent listener_remove map mapset matchdelete matchstr mkdir or popup_clear popup_filter_yesno popup_hide popup_notification prevnonblank prompt_setprompt prop_list prop_type_get pyeval readdir reg_recording remote_foreground remove round screencol searchcount server2client setcharpos setfperm setqflist setwinvar sign_getdefined sign_undefine sinh sound_playevent split str2list strdisplaywidth strlen strwidth synconcealed system tagfiles term_dumpdiff term_getattr term_getsize term_list term_setkill test_alloc_fail test_getvalue test_null_dict test_null_string test_settime timer_pause toupper typename virtcol windowsversion win_gotoid winline winrestview wordcount
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	and argv assert_fails assert_notmatch balloon_show bufexists bufwinid ceil ch_canread ch_getbufnr ch_read ch_status complete_check count deletebufline digraph_set eval exists_compiled feedkeys flatten fnamemodify foreground getbufinfo getcharpos getcmdwintype getfontname getjumplist getpid gettabinfo getwinpos glob2regpat hasmapto hlexists iconv inputlist interrupt isnan job_start js_encode libcall list2blob localtime maparg match matchend matchstrpos mode pathshorten popup_close popup_findinfo popup_list popup_setoptions printf prop_add prop_remove prop_type_list pyxeval readdirex reltime remote_peek rename rubyeval screenpos searchdecl serverlist setcharsearch setline setreg sha256 sign_getplaced sign_unplace slice sound_playfile sqrt str2nr strftime strpart submatch synID systemlist taglist term_dumpload term_getcursor term_getstatus term_scrape term_setrestore test_autochdir test_gui_event test_null_function test_option_not_set test_srand_seed timer_start tr undofile visualmode win_execute winheight win_move_separator winsaveview writefile
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	append asin assert_false assert_report balloon_split buflisted bufwinnr changenr ch_close ch_getjob ch_readblob cindent complete_info cscope_connection did_filetype digraph_setlist eventhandler exp filereadable flattennew foldclosed fullcommand getbufline getcharsearch getcompletion getfperm getline getpos gettabvar getwinposx globpath histadd hlget indent inputrestore invert items job_status json_decode libcallnr list2str log mapcheck matchadd matchfuzzy max mzeval perleval popup_create popup_findpreview popup_locate popup_settext prompt_getprompt prop_add_list prop_type_add pum_getpos rand readfile reltimefloat remote_read repeat screenattr screenrow searchpair setbufline setcmdpos setloclist settabvar shellescape sign_jump sign_unplacelist sort sound_stop srand strcharlen strgetchar strptime substitute synIDattr tabpagebuflist tan term_dumpwrite term_getjob term_gettitle term_sendkeys term_setsize test_feedinput test_ignore_error test_null_job test_override test_unknown timer_stop trim undotree wildmenumode win_findbuf win_id2tabwin win_move_statusline win_screenpos xor
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	appendbufline assert_beeps assert_inrange assert_true blob2list bufload byte2line char2nr ch_close_in ch_info ch_readraw clearmatches confirm cursor diff_filler echoraw executable expand filewritable float2nr foldclosedend funcref getbufvar getcharstr getcurpos getfsize getloclist getqflist gettabwinvar
 "--- syntax here and above generated by mkvimvim ---
 " Special Vim Highlighting (not automatic) {{{1