diff src/Make_mvc.mak @ 7:3fc0f57ecb91 v7.0001

updated for version 7.0001
author vimboss
date Sun, 13 Jun 2004 20:20:40 +0000
children bdeee1504ac1
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Make_mvc.mak
@@ -0,0 +1,888 @@
+# Makefile for Vim on Win32 (Windows NT and Windows 95), using the
+# Microsoft Visual C++ 2.x and MSVC 4.x compilers (or newer).
+# It builds on Windows 95 and all four NT platforms: i386, Alpha, MIPS, and
+# PowerPC.  The NT/i386 binary and the Windows 95 binary are identical.
+# This makefile can build the console, GUI, OLE-enable, Perl-enabled and
+# Python-enabled versions of vim for Win32 platforms.
+# When compiling different versions, do "nmake clean" first!
+# The basic command line to build vim is:
+#	nmake -f Make_mvc.mak
+# This will build the console version of vim with no additional interfaces.
+# To add interfaces, define any of the following:
+#	GUI interface: GUI=yes (default is no)
+#	OLE interface: OLE=yes (usually with GUI=yes)
+#	Multibyte support: MBYTE=yes
+#	IME support: IME=yes	(requires GUI=yes)
+#	  DYNAMIC_IME=[yes or no]  (to load the imm32.dll dynamically, default
+#	  is yes)
+#	Global IME support: GIME=yes (requires GUI=yes)
+#	Perl interface:
+#	  PERL=[Path to Perl directory]
+#	  DYNAMIC_PERL=yes (to load the Perl DLL dynamically)
+#	  PERL_VER=[Perl version, in the form 55 (5.005), 56 (5.6.x), etc] (default is 56)
+#	Python interface:
+#	  PYTHON=[Path to Python directory]
+#	  DYNAMIC_PYTHON=yes (to load the Python DLL dynamically)
+#	  PYTHON_VER=[Python version, eg 15, 20]  (default is 22)
+#	Ruby interface:
+#	  RUBY=[Path to Ruby directory]
+#	  DYNAMIC_RUBY=yes (to load the Ruby DLL dynamically)
+#	  RUBY_VER=[Ruby version, eg 16, 17] (default is 18)
+#	  RUBY_VER_LONG=[Ruby version, eg 1.6, 1.7] (default is 1.8)
+#	    You must set RUBY_VER_LONG when change RUBY_VER.
+#	Tcl interface:
+#	  TCL=[Path to Tcl directory]
+#	  DYNAMIC_TCL=yes (to load the Tcl DLL dynamically)
+#	  TCL_VER=[Tcl version, e.g. 80, 83]  (default is 83)
+#	  TCL_VER_LONG=[Tcl version, eg 8.3] (default is 8.3)
+#	    You must set TCL_VER_LONG when you set TCL_VER.
+#	Debug version: DEBUG=yes
+#	Mapfile: MAP=[no, yes or lines] (default is yes)
+#	  no:    Don't write a mapfile.
+#	  yes:   Write a normal mapfile.
+#	  lines: Write a mapfile with line numbers (only for VC6 and later)
+#	SNiFF+ interface: SNIFF=yes
+#	Cscope support: CSCOPE=yes
+#	Iconv library support (always dynamically loaded):
+#	  ICONV=[yes or no]  (default is yes)
+#	Intl library support (always dynamically loaded):
+#	  GETTEXT=[yes or no]  (default is yes)
+#	See http://sourceforge.net/projects/gettext/
+#       PostScript printing: POSTSCRIPT=yes (default is no)
+#       Feature Set: FEATURES=[TINY, SMALL, NORMAL, BIG, or HUGE] (default is BIG)
+#       Version Support: WINVER=[0x0400, 0x0500] (default is 0x0400)
+#       Processor Version: CPUNR=[i386, i486, i586, i686] (default is i386)
+#       Optimization: OPTIMIZE=[SPACE, SPEED, MAXSPEED] (default is MAXSPEED)
+#       Netbeans Support: NETBEANS=[yes or no] (default is yes if GUI is yes)
+#       XPM Image Support: XPM=[path to XPM directory]
+# You can combine any of these interfaces
+# Example: To build the non-debug, GUI version with Perl interface:
+#	nmake -f Make_mvc.mak GUI=yes PERL=C:\Perl
+# To build using Borland C++, use Make_bc3.mak or Make_bc5.mak.
+# DEBUG with Make_mvc.mak and Make_dvc.mak:
+#	This makefile gives a fineness of control which is not supported in
+#	Visual C++ configuration files.  Therefore, debugging requires a bit of
+#	extra work.
+#	Make_dvc.mak is a Visual C++ project to access that support.
+#	To use Make_dvc.mak:
+#	1) Build Vim with Make_mvc.mak.
+#	     Use a "DEBUG=yes" argument to build Vim with debug support.
+#	     E.g. the following builds gvimd.exe:
+#		nmake -f Make_mvc.mak debug=yes gui=yes
+#	2) Use MS Devstudio and set it up to allow that file to be debugged:
+#	    i) Pass Make_dvc.mak to the IDE.
+#		 Use the "open workspace" menu entry to load Make_dvc.mak.
+#		 Alternatively, from the command line:
+#			msdev /nologo Make_dvc.mak
+#		Note: Make_dvc.mak is in VC4.0 format. Later VC versions see
+#		this and offer to convert it to their own format. Accept that.
+#		It creates a file called Make_dvc.dsw which can then be used
+#		for further operations.  E.g.
+#		    msdev /nologo Make_dvc.dsw
+#	    ii) Set the built executable for debugging:
+#		a) Alt+F7/Debug takes you to the Debug dialog.
+#		b) Fill "Executable for debug session". e.g. gvimd.exe
+#		c) Fill "Program arguments". e.g. -R dosinst.c
+#		d) Complete the dialog
+#	3) You can now debug the executable you built with Make_mvc.mak
+#	Note: Make_dvc.mak builds vimrun.exe, because it must build something
+#	to be a valid makefile..
+### See feature.h for a list of optionals.
+# If you want to build some optional features without modifying the source,
+# you can set DEFINES on the command line, e.g.,
+#	nmake -f makefile.mvc "DEFINES=-DEMACS_TAGS"
+# Build on both Windows NT and Windows 95
+# Select one of eight object code directories, depends on GUI, OLE and DEBUG.
+# If you change something else, do "make clean" first!
+!if "$(GUI)" == "yes"
+OBJDIR = .\ObjG
+OBJDIR = .\ObjC
+!if "$(OLE)" == "yes"
+!if "$(DEBUG)" == "yes"
+# ntwin32.mak requires that CPU be set appropriately
+# We're on Windows NT or using VC 6
+! if "$(CPU)" == "x86"
+CPU = i386
+! endif
+# We're on Windows 95
+CPU = i386
+# Build a retail version by default
+!if "$(DEBUG)" != "yes"
+# Build a multithreaded version for the Windows 95 dead keys hack
+# Commented out because it doesn't work.
+# Get all sorts of useful, standard macros from the SDK.  (Note that
+# MSVC 2.2 does not install <ntwin32.mak> in the \msvc20\include
+# directory, but you can find it in \msvc20\include on the CD-ROM.
+# You may also need <win32.mak> from the same place.)
+!include <ntwin32.mak>
+#>>>>> path of the compiler and linker; name of include and lib directories
+# PATH = c:\msvc20\bin;$(PATH)
+# INCLUDE = c:\msvc20\include
+# LIB = c:\msvc20\lib
+!ifndef CTAGS
+CTAGS = ctags
+!if "$(SNIFF)" == "yes"
+# SNIFF - Include support for SNiFF+.
+SNIFF_INCL  = if_sniff.h
+SNIFF_OBJ   = $(OBJDIR)/if_sniff.obj
+SNIFF_LIB    = shell32.lib
+# The SNiFF integration needs multithreaded libraries!
+!ifndef CSCOPE
+CSCOPE = yes
+!if "$(CSCOPE)" == "yes"
+# CSCOPE - Include support for Cscope
+CSCOPE_INCL  = if_cscope.h
+CSCOPE_OBJ   = $(OBJDIR)/if_cscope.obj
+!ifndef NETBEANS
+!if "$(NETBEANS)" == "yes"
+# NETBEANS - Include support for Netbeans integration
+NETBEANS_PRO	= proto/netbeans.pro
+NETBEANS_OBJ	= $(OBJDIR)/netbeans.obj $(OBJDIR)/gui_beval.obj
+!if "$(DEBUG)" == "yes"
+NBDEBUG_INCL	= nbdebug.h
+NBDEBUG_SRC	= nbdebug.c
+NETBEANS_LIB   = WSock32.lib
+!ifdef XPM
+# XPM - Include support for XPM signs
+# you can get xpm.lib from http://iamphet.nm.ru/xpm or create it yourself
+XPM_OBJ   = $(OBJDIR)/xpm_w32.obj
+XPM_LIB   = $(XPM)\lib\libXpm.lib
+XPM_INC	  = -I $(XPM)\include
+!if defined(USE_MSVCRT)
+CVARS = $(cvarsdll)
+!elseif defined(MULTITHREADED)
+CVARS = $(cvarsmt)
+CVARS = $(cvars)
+# need advapi32.lib for GetUserName()
+# need shell32.lib for ExtractIcon()
+# gdi32.lib and comdlg32.lib for printing support
+# ole32.lib and uuid.lib are needed for FEAT_SHORTCUT
+CON_LIB = advapi32.lib shell32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib ole32.lib uuid.lib
+!if "$(VC6)" == "yes"
+CON_LIB = $(CON_LIB) /DELAYLOAD:comdlg32.dll /DELAYLOAD:ole32.dll DelayImp.lib
+### Set the default $(WINVER) to make it work with VC++7.0 (VS.NET)
+#  When set to 0x0500 ":browse" stops working.
+!ifndef WINVER
+WINVER = 0x0400
+# If you have a fixed directory for $VIM or $VIMRUNTIME, other than the normal
+# default, use these lines.
+#VIMRCLOC = somewhere
+#VIMRUNTIMEDIR = somewhere
+CFLAGS = -c /W3 /nologo $(CVARS) -I. -Iproto -DHAVE_PATHDEF -DWIN32 \
+#>>>>> end of choices
+!ifdef OS
+OS_TYPE	= winnt
+DEL_TREE = rmdir /s /q
+OS_TYPE	= win95
+DEL_TREE = deltree /y
+# Convert processor ID to MVC-compatible number
+!if "$(CPUNR)" == "i386"
+!elseif "$(CPUNR)" == "i486"
+!elseif "$(CPUNR)" == "i586"
+!elseif "$(CPUNR)" == "i686"
+!ifdef NODEBUG
+VIM = vim
+!if "$(OPTIMIZE)" == "SPACE"
+!elseif "$(OPTIMIZE)" == "SPEED"
+!else # MAXSPEED
+RCFLAGS = $(rcflags) $(rcvars) -DNDEBUG
+PDB = /Fd$(OUTDIR)/
+! ifdef USE_MSVCRT
+LIBC = msvcrt.lib
+! elseif defined(MULTITHREADED)
+LIBC = libcmt.lib
+! else
+LIBC = libc.lib
+! endif
+!else  # DEBUG
+VIM = vimd
+# MSVC 4.1
+PDB = /Fd$(OUTDIR)/
+# MSVC 2.2
+# PDB = /Fd$(OUTDIR)/vim.pdb
+# LINK_PDB = /PDB:$(OUTDIR)/vim.pdb
+RCFLAGS = $(rcflags) $(rcvars) -D_DEBUG -DDEBUG
+# The /fixed:no is needed for Quantify. Assume not 4.? as unsupported in VC4.0.
+! if "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
+! else
+LIBC = /fixed:no
+! endif
+! ifndef USE_MSVCRT
+LIBC = $(LIBC) libcd.lib
+! else
+LIBC = $(LIBC) msvcrtd.lib
+! endif
+!endif # DEBUG
+INCL =	vim.h os_win32.h ascii.h feature.h globals.h keymap.h macros.h \
+	proto.h option.h structs.h term.h $(SNIFF_INCL) $(CSCOPE_INCL) \
+OBJ = \
+	$(OUTDIR)\buffer.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\charset.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\diff.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\digraph.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\edit.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\eval.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\ex_cmds.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\ex_cmds2.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\ex_docmd.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\ex_eval.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\ex_getln.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\fileio.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\fold.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\getchar.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\main.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\mark.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\mbyte.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\memfile.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\memline.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\menu.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\message.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\misc1.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\misc2.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\move.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\normal.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\ops.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\option.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\os_mswin.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\os_win32.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\pathdef.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\quickfix.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\regexp.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\screen.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\search.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\syntax.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\tag.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\term.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\ui.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\undo.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\window.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\vim.res
+!if "$(OLE)" == "yes"
+OLE_OBJ = $(OUTDIR)\if_ole.obj
+OLE_IDL = if_ole.idl
+OLE_LIB = oleaut32.lib
+!if "$(IME)" == "yes"
+!ifndef DYNAMIC_IME
+!if "$(DYNAMIC_IME)" == "yes"
+IME_LIB = imm32.lib
+!if "$(GIME)" == "yes"
+OBJ = $(OBJ) $(OUTDIR)\dimm_i.obj $(OUTDIR)\glbl_ime.obj
+MBYTE = yes
+!if "$(MBYTE)" == "yes"
+!if "$(GUI)" == "yes"
+SUBSYSTEM = windows
+VIM = g$(VIM)
+	gui.h \
+	regexp.h \
+	ascii.h \
+	ex_cmds.h \
+	farsi.h \
+	feature.h \
+	globals.h \
+	keymap.h \
+	macros.h \
+	option.h \
+	os_dos.h \
+	os_win32.h
+GUI_OBJ = \
+	$(OUTDIR)\gui.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\gui_w32.obj \
+	$(OUTDIR)\os_w32exe.obj
+GUI_LIB = \
+	oldnames.lib kernel32.lib gdi32.lib $(IME_LIB) \
+	winspool.lib comctl32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib \
+	/machine:$(CPU) /nodefaultlib
+SUBSYSTEM = console
+# iconv.dll library (dynamically loaded)
+!ifndef ICONV
+ICONV = yes
+!if "$(ICONV)" == "yes"
+# libintl.dll library
+!ifndef GETTEXT
+GETTEXT = yes
+!if "$(GETTEXT)" == "yes"
+# TCL interface
+!ifdef TCL
+!ifndef TCL_VER
+TCL_VER = 83
+!message Tcl requested (version $(TCL_VER)) - root dir is "$(TCL)"
+!if "$(DYNAMIC_TCL)" == "yes"
+!message Tcl DLL will be loaded dynamically
+TCL_DLL = tcl$(TCL_VER).dll
+TCL_OBJ	= $(OUTDIR)\if_tcl.obj
+TCL_INC	= /I "$(TCL)\Include" /I "$(TCL)"
+TCL_LIB = $(TCL)\lib\tclstub$(TCL_VER).lib
+TCL_OBJ	= $(OUTDIR)\if_tcl.obj
+TCL_INC	= /I "$(TCL)\Include" /I "$(TCL)"
+TCL_LIB = $(TCL)\lib\tcl$(TCL_VER)vc.lib
+# PYTHON interface
+!ifdef PYTHON
+!ifndef PYTHON_VER
+!message Python requested (version $(PYTHON_VER)) - root dir is "$(PYTHON)"
+!if "$(DYNAMIC_PYTHON)" == "yes"
+!message Python DLL will be loaded dynamically
+PYTHON_OBJ = $(OUTDIR)\if_python.obj
+PYTHON_INC = /I "$(PYTHON)\Include" /I "$(PYTHON)\PC"
+!if "$(DYNAMIC_PYTHON)" == "yes"
+PYTHON_LIB = /nodefaultlib:python$(PYTHON_VER).lib
+PYTHON_LIB = $(PYTHON)\libs\python$(PYTHON_VER).lib
+# Perl interface
+!ifdef PERL
+!ifndef PERL_VER
+PERL_VER = 56
+!message Perl requested (version $(PERL_VER)) - root dir is "$(PERL)"
+!if "$(DYNAMIC_PERL)" == "yes"
+!if $(PERL_VER) >= 56
+!message Perl DLL will be loaded dynamically
+!message Dynamic loading is not supported for Perl versions earlier than 5.6.0
+!message Reverting to static loading...
+# Is Perl installed in architecture-specific directories?
+!if exist($(PERL)\Bin\MSWin32-x86)
+PERL_ARCH = \MSWin32-x86
+# Version-dependent stuff
+!if $(PERL_VER) == 55
+PERL_LIB = $(PERL_INCDIR)\perl.lib
+PERL_DLL = perl$(PERL_VER).dll
+# Do we want to load Perl dynamically?
+!if "$(DYNAMIC_PERL)" == "yes"
+!undef PERL_LIB
+PERL_EXE = $(PERL)\Bin$(PERL_ARCH)\perl
+PERL_OBJ = $(OUTDIR)\if_perl.obj $(OUTDIR)\if_perlsfio.obj
+XSUBPP = $(PERL)\lib\ExtUtils\xsubpp
+XSUBPP_TYPEMAP = $(PERL)\lib\ExtUtils\typemap
+# Support Ruby interface
+!ifdef RUBY
+#  Set default value
+!ifndef RUBY_VER
+RUBY_VER = 18
+!ifndef RUBY_VER_LONG
+!if $(RUBY_VER) >= 18
+RUBY_PLATFORM = i386-mswin32
+RUBY_PLATFORM = i586-mswin32
+RUBY_INSTALL_NAME = mswin32-ruby$(RUBY_VER)
+!endif # $(RUBY_VER) >= 18
+!message Ruby requested (version $(RUBY_VER)) - root dir is "$(RUBY)"
+RUBY_OBJ = $(OUTDIR)\if_ruby.obj
+# Do we want to load Ruby dynamically?
+!if "$(DYNAMIC_RUBY)" == "yes"
+!message Ruby DLL will be loaded dynamically
+!undef RUBY_LIB
+!endif # RUBY
+# Support PostScript printing
+!if "$(POSTSCRIPT)" == "yes"
+!endif # POSTSCRIPT
+!if "$(FEATURES)"==""
+# End extra featuare include
+conflags = /nologo /subsystem:$(SUBSYSTEM) /incremental:no
+!IF "$(MAP)" == "yes"
+# "/map" is for debugging
+conflags = $(conflags) /map
+!ELSEIF "$(MAP)" == "lines"
+# "/mapinfo:lines" is for debugging, only works for VC6 and later
+conflags = $(conflags) /map /mapinfo:lines
+LINKARGS1 = $(linkdebug) $(conflags) /nodefaultlib:libc
+LINKARGS2 = $(CON_LIB) $(GUI_LIB) $(LIBC) $(OLE_LIB)  user32.lib $(SNIFF_LIB) \
+all:	$(VIM) vimrun.exe install.exe uninstal.exe xxd/xxd.exe GvimExt/gvimext.dll
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS)  version.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/version.obj $(PDB)
+	$(link) $(LINKARGS1) -out:$*.exe $(OBJ) $(GUI_OBJ) $(OLE_OBJ) \
+		$(OUTDIR)\version.obj $(LINKARGS2)
+$(VIM).exe: $(VIM)
+	if not exist $(OUTDIR)/nul    mkdir $(OUTDIR)
+install.exe: dosinst.c
+	$(CC) /nologo -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 dosinst.c kernel32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib advapi32.lib uuid.lib
+	- if exist install.exe del install.exe
+	ren dosinst.exe install.exe
+uninstal.exe: uninstal.c
+	$(CC) /nologo -DNDEBUG -DWIN32 uninstal.c shell32.lib advapi32.lib
+vimrun.exe: vimrun.c
+	$(CC) /nologo -DNDEBUG vimrun.c
+xxd/xxd.exe: xxd/xxd.c
+	cd xxd
+	$(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_mvc.mak
+	cd ..
+GvimExt/gvimext.dll: GvimExt/gvimext.cpp GvimExt/gvimext.rc GvimExt/gvimext.h
+	cd GvimExt
+	cd ..
+tags: notags
+	$(CTAGS) *.c *.cpp *.h if_perl.xs proto\*.pro
+	- if exist tags del tags
+	- $(DEL_TREE) $(OUTDIR) auto
+	- if exist *.obj del *.obj
+	- if exist $(VIM).exe del $(VIM).exe
+	- if exist $(VIM).ilk del $(VIM).ilk
+	- if exist $(VIM).pdb del $(VIM).pdb
+	- if exist $(VIM).map del $(VIM).map
+	- if exist $(VIM).ncb del $(VIM).ncb
+	- if exist vimrun.exe del vimrun.exe
+	- if exist install.exe del install.exe
+	- if exist uninstal.exe del uninstal.exe
+	- if exist if_perl.c del if_perl.c
+	- if exist dimm.h del dimm.h
+	- if exist dimm_i.c del dimm_i.c
+	- if exist dimm.tlb del dimm.tlb
+	- if exist dosinst.exe del dosinst.exe
+	cd xxd
+	$(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_mvc.mak clean
+	cd ..
+	cd GvimExt
+	$(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Makefile clean
+	cd ..
+	cd GvimExt
+	$(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Makefile clean
+	cd ..
+	- if exist testdir\*.out del testdir\*.out
+	cd testdir
+	$(MAKE) /NOLOGO -f Make_dos.mak win32
+	cd ..
+# Create a default rule for transforming .c files to .obj files in $(OUTDIR)
+# Batch compilation is supported by nmake 1.62 (part of VS 5.0) and later)
+!IF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo$(OUTDIR)/ $(PDB) $<
+# Create a default rule for transforming .cpp files to .obj files in $(OUTDIR)
+# Batch compilation is supported by nmake 1.62 (part of VS 5.0) and later)
+!IF "$(_NMAKE_VER)" == ""
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo$(OUTDIR)/ $(PDB) $<
+$(OUTDIR)/buffer.obj:	$(OUTDIR) buffer.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/charset.obj:	$(OUTDIR) charset.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/diff.obj:	$(OUTDIR) diff.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/digraph.obj:	$(OUTDIR) digraph.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/edit.obj:	$(OUTDIR) edit.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/eval.obj:	$(OUTDIR) eval.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/ex_cmds.obj:	$(OUTDIR) ex_cmds.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/ex_cmds2.obj:	$(OUTDIR) ex_cmds2.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/ex_docmd.obj:	$(OUTDIR) ex_docmd.c  $(INCL) ex_cmds.h
+$(OUTDIR)/ex_eval.obj:	$(OUTDIR) ex_eval.c  $(INCL) ex_cmds.h
+$(OUTDIR)/ex_getln.obj:	$(OUTDIR) ex_getln.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/fileio.obj:	$(OUTDIR) fileio.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/fold.obj:	$(OUTDIR) fold.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/getchar.obj:	$(OUTDIR) getchar.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/gui.obj:	$(OUTDIR) gui.c  $(INCL) $(GUI_INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/gui_w32.obj:	$(OUTDIR) gui_w32.c gui_w48.c $(INCL) $(GUI_INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/if_cscope.obj: $(OUTDIR) if_cscope.c  $(INCL)
+if_perl.c : if_perl.xs typemap
+	$(PERL_EXE) $(XSUBPP) -prototypes -typemap $(XSUBPP_TYPEMAP) -typemap typemap if_perl.xs > if_perl.c
+$(OUTDIR)/if_perl.obj: $(OUTDIR) if_perl.c  $(INCL)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PERL_INC) if_perl.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/if_perl.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/if_perlsfio.obj: $(OUTDIR) if_perlsfio.c  $(INCL)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PERL_INC) if_perlsfio.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/if_perlsfio.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/if_python.obj: $(OUTDIR) if_python.c  $(INCL)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PYTHON_INC) if_python.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/if_python.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/if_ole.obj: $(OUTDIR) if_ole.cpp  $(INCL) if_ole.h
+$(OUTDIR)/if_ruby.obj: $(OUTDIR) if_ruby.c  $(INCL)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(RUBY_INC) if_ruby.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/if_ruby.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/if_sniff.obj:	$(OUTDIR) if_sniff.c  $(INCL)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) if_sniff.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/if_sniff.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/if_tcl.obj: $(OUTDIR) if_tcl.c  $(INCL)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TCL_INC) if_tcl.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/if_tcl.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/main.obj:	$(OUTDIR) main.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/mark.obj:	$(OUTDIR) mark.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/memfile.obj:	$(OUTDIR) memfile.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/memline.obj:	$(OUTDIR) memline.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/menu.obj:	$(OUTDIR) menu.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/message.obj:	$(OUTDIR) message.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/misc1.obj:	$(OUTDIR) misc1.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/misc2.obj:	$(OUTDIR) misc2.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/move.obj:	$(OUTDIR) move.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/mbyte.obj: $(OUTDIR) mbyte.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/netbeans.obj: $(OUTDIR) netbeans.c $(NBDEBUG_SRC) $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/normal.obj:	$(OUTDIR) normal.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/option.obj:	$(OUTDIR) option.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/ops.obj:	$(OUTDIR) ops.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/os_mswin.obj:	$(OUTDIR) os_mswin.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/os_win32.obj:	$(OUTDIR) os_win32.c  $(INCL) os_win32.h
+$(OUTDIR)/os_w32exe.obj:	$(OUTDIR) os_w32exe.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/pathdef.obj:	$(OUTDIR) auto/pathdef.c  $(INCL)
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) auto/pathdef.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/pathdef.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/quickfix.obj:	$(OUTDIR) quickfix.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/regexp.obj:	$(OUTDIR) regexp.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/screen.obj:	$(OUTDIR) screen.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/search.obj:	$(OUTDIR) search.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/syntax.obj:	$(OUTDIR) syntax.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/tag.obj:	$(OUTDIR) tag.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/term.obj:	$(OUTDIR) term.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/ui.obj:	$(OUTDIR) ui.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/undo.obj:	$(OUTDIR) undo.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/window.obj:	$(OUTDIR) window.c  $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/xpm_w32.obj: $(OUTDIR) xpm_w32.c
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(XPM_INC) xpm_w32.c /Fo$(OUTDIR)/xpm_w32.obj $(PDB)
+$(OUTDIR)/vim.res:	$(OUTDIR) vim.rc version.h tools.bmp tearoff.bmp vim.ico vim_error.ico vim_alert.ico vim_info.ico vim_quest.ico
+	$(RC) /l 0x409 /Fo$(OUTDIR)/vim.res $(RCFLAGS) vim.rc
+iid_ole.c if_ole.h vim.tlb: if_ole.idl $(INTDIR) $(OUTDIR)
+	midl /nologo /proxy nul /iid iid_ole.c /tlb vim.tlb /header if_ole.h if_ole.idl
+dimm.h dimm_i.c: dimm.idl
+	midl /nologo /proxy nul dimm.idl
+$(OUTDIR)/dimm_i.obj: $(OUTDIR) dimm_i.c $(INCL)
+$(OUTDIR)/glbl_ime.obj:	$(OUTDIR) glbl_ime.cpp  dimm.h $(INCL)
+auto/pathdef.c: auto
+	@echo creating auto/pathdef.c
+	@echo /* pathdef.c */ > auto\pathdef.c
+	@echo #include "vim.h" >> auto\pathdef.c
+	@echo char_u *default_vim_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRCLOC:\=\\)"; >> auto\pathdef.c
+	@echo char_u *default_vimruntime_dir = (char_u *)"$(VIMRUNTIMEDIR:\=\\)"; >> auto\pathdef.c
+	@echo char_u *all_cflags = (char_u *)"$(CC:\=\\) $(CFLAGS)"; >> auto\pathdef.c
+	@echo char_u *all_lflags = (char_u *)"$(link:\=\\) $(LINKARGS1:\=\\) $(LINKARGS2:\=\\)"; >> auto\pathdef.c
+	@echo char_u *compiled_user = (char_u *)"$(USERNAME)"; >> auto\pathdef.c
+	@echo char_u *compiled_sys = (char_u *)"$(USERDOMAIN)"; >> auto\pathdef.c
+	if not exist auto/nul mkdir auto
+# End Custom Build
+proto.h: \
+	proto/buffer.pro \
+	proto/charset.pro \
+	proto/diff.pro \
+	proto/digraph.pro \
+	proto/edit.pro \
+	proto/eval.pro \
+	proto/ex_cmds.pro \
+	proto/ex_cmds2.pro \
+	proto/ex_docmd.pro \
+	proto/ex_eval.pro \
+	proto/ex_getln.pro \
+	proto/fileio.pro \
+	proto/getchar.pro \
+	proto/main.pro \
+	proto/mark.pro \
+	proto/memfile.pro \
+	proto/memline.pro \
+	proto/menu.pro \
+	proto/message.pro \
+	proto/misc1.pro \
+	proto/misc2.pro \
+	proto/move.pro \
+	proto/mbyte.pro \
+	proto/normal.pro \
+	proto/ops.pro \
+	proto/option.pro \
+	proto/os_mswin.pro \
+	proto/os_win32.pro \
+	proto/quickfix.pro \
+	proto/regexp.pro \
+	proto/screen.pro \
+	proto/search.pro \
+	proto/syntax.pro \
+	proto/tag.pro \
+	proto/term.pro \
+	proto/ui.pro \
+	proto/undo.pro \
+	proto/window.pro \
+# vim: set noet sw=8 ts=8 sts=0 wm=0 tw=0: