diff runtime/syntax/psf.vim @ 7:3fc0f57ecb91 v7.0001

updated for version 7.0001
author vimboss
date Sun, 13 Jun 2004 20:20:40 +0000
children 43efa4f5a8ea
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/syntax/psf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language:	Software Distributor product specification file
+"		(POSIX 1387.2-1995).
+" Maintainer:	Rex Barzee <rex_barzee@hp.com>
+" Last change:	25 Apr 2001
+if version < 600
+  " Remove any old syntax stuff hanging around
+  syn clear
+elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
+  finish
+" Product specification files are case sensitive
+syn case match
+syn keyword psfObject bundle category control_file depot distribution
+syn keyword psfObject end file fileset host installed_software media
+syn keyword psfObject product root subproduct vendor
+syn match  psfUnquotString +[^"# 	][^#]*+ contained
+syn region psfQuotString   start=+"+ skip=+\\"+ end=+"+ contained
+syn match  psfObjTag    "\<[-_+A-Z0-9a-z]\+\(\.[-_+A-Z0-9a-z]\+\)*" contained
+syn match  psfAttAbbrev ",\<\(fa\|fr\|[aclqrv]\)\(<\|>\|<=\|>=\|=\|==\)[^,]\+" contained
+syn match  psfObjTags   "\<[-_+A-Z0-9a-z]\+\(\.[-_+A-Z0-9a-z]\+\)*\(\s\+\<[-_+A-Z0-9a-z]\+\(\.[-_+A-Z0-9a-z]\+\)*\)*" contained
+syn match  psfNumber    "\<\d\+\>" contained
+syn match  psfFloat     "\<\d\+\>\(\.\<\d\+\>\)*" contained
+syn match  psfLongDate  "\<\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\.\d\d\>" contained
+syn keyword psfState    available configured corrupt installed transient contained
+syn keyword psfPState   applied committed superseded contained
+syn keyword psfBoolean  false true contained
+"Some of the attributes covered by attUnquotString and attQuotString:
+" architecture category_tag control_directory copyright
+" create_date description directory file_permissions install_source
+" install_type location machine_type mod_date number os_name os_release
+" os_version pose_as_os_name pose_as_os_release readme revision
+" share_link title vendor_tag
+syn region psfAttUnquotString matchgroup=psfAttrib start=~^\s*[^# 	]\+\s\+[^#" 	]~rs=e-1 contains=psfUnquotString,psfComment end=~$~ keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttQuotString matchgroup=psfAttrib start=~^\s*[^# 	]\+\s\+"~rs=e-1 contains=psfQuotString,psfComment skip=~\\"~ matchgroup=psfQuotString end=~"~ keepend
+" These regions are defined in attempt to do syntax checking for some
+" of the attributes.
+syn region psfAttTag matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*tag\s\+" contains=psfObjTag,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttSpec matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*\(ancestor\|applied_patches\|applied_to\|contents\|corequisites\|exrequisites\|prerequisites\|software_spec\|supersedes\|superseded_by\)\s\+" contains=psfObjTag,psfAttAbbrev,psfComment end="$" keepend
+syn region psfAttTags matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*all_filesets\s\+" contains=psfObjTags,psfComment end="$" keepend
+syn region psfAttNumber matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*\(compressed_size\|instance_id\|media_sequence_number\|sequence_number\|size\)\s\+" contains=psfNumber,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttTime matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*\(create_time\|ctime\|mod_time\|mtime\|timestamp\)\s\+" contains=psfNumber,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttFloat matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*\(data_model_revision\|layout_version\)\s\+" contains=psfFloat,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttLongDate matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*install_date\s\+" contains=psfLongDate,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttState matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*\(state\)\s\+" contains=psfState,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttPState matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*\(patch_state\)\s\+" contains=psfPState,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn region psfAttBoolean matchgroup=psfAttrib start="^\s*\(is_kernel\|is_locatable\|is_patch\|is_protected\|is_reboot\|is_reference\|is_secure\|is_sparse\)\s\+" contains=psfBoolean,psfComment end="$" keepend oneline
+syn match  psfComment "#.*$"
+" Define the default highlighting.
+" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
+" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
+if version >= 508 || !exists("did_psf_syntax_inits")
+  if version < 508
+    let did_psf_syntax_inits = 1
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
+  else
+    command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
+  endif
+  HiLink psfObject       Statement
+  HiLink psfAttrib       Type
+  HiLink psfQuotString   String
+  HiLink psfObjTag       Identifier
+  HiLink psfAttAbbrev    PreProc
+  HiLink psfObjTags      Identifier
+  HiLink psfComment      Comment
+  delcommand HiLink
+" Long descriptions and copyrights confuse the syntax highlighting, so
+" force vim to backup at least 100 lines before the top visible line
+" looking for a sync location.
+syn sync lines=100
+let b:current_syntax = "psf"