diff runtime/doc/quickfix.txt @ 7:3fc0f57ecb91 v7.0001

updated for version 7.0001
author vimboss
date Sun, 13 Jun 2004 20:20:40 +0000
children 4102fb4ea781
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/doc/quickfix.txt
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+*quickfix.txt*  For Vim version 7.0aa.  Last change: 2004 May 20
+		  VIM REFERENCE MANUAL    by Bram Moolenaar
+This subject is introduced in section |30.1| of the user manual.
+1. Using QuickFix commands		|quickfix|
+2. The error window			|quickfix-window|
+3. Using more than one list of errors	|quickfix-error-lists|
+4. Using :make				|:make_makeprg|
+5. Using :grep				|grep|
+6. Selecting a compiler			|compiler-select|
+7. The error format			|error-file-format|
+8. The directory stack			|quickfix-directory-stack|
+9. Specific error file formats		|errorformats|
+{Vi does not have any of these commands}
+The quickfix commands are not available when the |+quickfix| feature was
+disabled at compile time.
+1. Using QuickFix commands			*quickfix* *Quickfix* *E42*
+Vim has a special mode to speedup the edit-compile-edit cycle.  This is
+inspired by the quickfix option of the Manx's Aztec C compiler on the Amiga.
+The idea is to save the error messages from the compiler in a file and use Vim
+to jump to the errors one by one.  You can examine each problem and fix it,
+without having to remember all the error messages.
+If you are using Manx's Aztec C compiler on the Amiga look here for how to use
+it with Vim: |quickfix-manx|.  If you are using another compiler you should
+save the error messages in a file and start Vim with "vim -q filename".  An
+easy way to do this is with the |:make| command (see below).  The
+'errorformat' option should be set to match the error messages from your
+compiler (see |errorformat| below).
+The following quickfix commands can be used:
+							*:cc*
+:cc[!] [nr]		Display error [nr].  If [nr] is omitted, the same
+			error is displayed again.  Without [!] this doesn't
+			work when jumping to another buffer, the current buffer
+			has been changed, there is the only window for the
+			buffer and both 'hidden' and 'autowrite' are off.
+			When jumping to another buffer with [!] any changes to
+			the current buffer are lost, unless 'hidden' is set or
+			there is another window for this buffer.
+			The 'switchbuf' settings are respected when jumping
+			to a buffer.
+							*:cn* *:cnext* *E553*
+:[count]cn[ext][!]	Display the [count] next error in the list that
+			includes a file name.  If there are no file names at
+			all, go to the [count] next error.  See |:cc| for
+			[!] and 'switchbuf'.
+:[count]cN[ext][!]			*:cp* *:cprevious* *:cN* *:cNext*
+:[count]cp[revious][!]	Display the [count] previous error in the list that
+			includes a file name.  If there are no file names at
+			all, go to the [count] previous error.  See |:cc| for
+			[!] and 'switchbuf'.
+							*:cnf* *:cnfile*
+:[count]cnf[ile][!]	Display the first error in the [count] next file in
+			the list that includes a file name.  If there are no
+			file names at all or if there is no next file, go to
+			the [count] next error.  See |:cc| for [!] and
+			'switchbuf'.
+:[count]cNf[ile][!]			*:cpf* *:cpfile* *:cNf* *:cNfile*
+:[count]cpf[ile][!]	Display the last error in the [count] previous file in
+			the list that includes a file name.  If there are no
+			file names at all or if there is no next file, go to
+			the [count] previous error.  See |:cc| for [!] and
+			'switchbuf'.
+							*:crewind* *:cr*
+:cr[ewind][!] [nr]	Display error [nr].  If [nr] is omitted, the FIRST
+			error is displayed.  See |:cc|.
+							*:cfirst* *:cfir*
+:cfir[st][!] [nr]	Same as ":crewind".
+							*:clast* *:cla*
+:cla[st][!] [nr]	Display error [nr].  If [nr] is omitted, the LAST
+			error is displayed.  See |:cc|.
+							*:cq* *:cquit*
+:cq[uit]		Quit Vim with an error code, so that the compiler
+			will not compile the same file again.
+							*:cf* *:cfile*
+:cf[ile][!] [errorfile]	Read the error file and jump to the first error.
+			This is done automatically when Vim is started with
+			the -q option.  You can use this command when you
+			keep Vim running while compiling.  If you give the
+			name of the errorfile, the 'errorfile' option will
+			be set to [errorfile].  See |:cc| for [!].
+							*:cg* *:cgetfile*
+:cg[etfile][!] [errorfile]
+			Read the error file.  Just like ":cfile" but don't
+			jump to the first error.
+							*:cl* *:clist*
+:cl[ist] [from] [, [to]]
+			List all errors that are valid |quickfix-valid|.
+			If numbers [from] and/or [to] are given, the respective
+			range of errors is listed. A negative number counts
+			from the last error backwards, -1 being the last error.
+			The 'switchbuf' settings are respected when jumping
+			to a buffer.
+:cl[ist]! [from] [, [to]]
+			List all errors.
+If you insert or delete lines, mostly the correct error location is still
+found because hidden marks are used.  Sometimes, when the mark has been
+deleted for some reason, the message "line changed" is shown to warn you that
+the error location may not be correct.  If you quit Vim and start again the
+marks are lost and the error locations may not be correct anymore.
+2. The error window					*quickfix-window*
+							*:cope* *:copen*
+:cope[n] [height]	Open a window to show the current list of errors.
+			When [height] is given, the window becomes that high
+			(if there is room).  Otherwise the window is made ten
+			lines high.
+			The window will contain a special buffer, with
+			'buftype' equal to "quickfix".  Don't change this!
+			If there already is a quickfix window, it will be made
+			the current window.  It is not possible to open a
+			second quickfix window.
+							*:ccl* *:cclose*
+:ccl[ose]		Close the quickfix window.
+							*:cw* *:cwindow*
+:cw[indow] [height]	Open the quickfix window when there are recognized
+			errors.  If the window is already open and there are
+			no recognized errors, close the window.
+Normally the quickfix window is at the bottom of the screen.  If there are
+vertical splits, it's at the bottom of the rightmost column of windows.  To
+make it always occupy the full width: >
+	:botright cwindow
+You can move the window around with |window-moving| commands.
+For example, to move it to the top: CTRL-W K
+The 'winfixheight' option will be set, which means that the window will mostly
+keep its height, ignoring 'winheight' and 'equalalways'.  You can change the
+height manually (e.g., by dragging the status line above it with the mouse).
+In the quickfix window, each line is one error.  The line number is equal to
+the error number.  You can use ":.cc" to jump to the error under the cursor.
+Hitting the <CR> key or double-clicking the mouse on a line has the same
+effect.  The file containing the error is opened in the window above the
+quickfix window.  If there already is a window for that file, it is used
+instead.  If the buffer in the used window has changed, and the error is in
+another file, jumping to the error will fail.  You will first have to make
+sure the window contains a buffer which can be abandoned.
+When the quickfix window has been filled, two autocommand events are
+triggered.  First the 'filetype' option is set to "qf", which triggers the
+FileType event.  Then the BufReadPost event is triggered.  This can be used to
+perform some action on the listed errors.  Example: >
+	au BufReadPost quickfix  setlocal nomodifiable
+		\ | silent g/^/s//\=line(".")." "/
+		\ | setlocal modifiable
+This prepends the line number to each line.  Note the use of "\=" in the
+substitute string of the ":s" command, which is used to evaluate an
+Note: Making changes in the quickfix window has no effect on the list of
+errors.  'modifiable' is off to avoid making changes.  If you delete or insert
+lines anyway, the relation between the text and the error number is messed up.
+If you really want to do this, you could write the contents of the quickfix
+window to a file and use ":cfile" to have it parsed and used as the new error
+3. Using more than one list of errors			*quickfix-error-lists*
+So far has been assumed that there is only one list of errors.  Actually the
+ten last used lists are remembered.  When starting a new list, the previous
+ones are automatically kept.  Two commands can be used to access older error
+lists.  They set one of the existing error lists as the current one.
+						*:colder* *:col* *E380*
+:col[der] [count]	Go to older error list.  When [count] is given, do
+			this [count] times.  When already at the oldest error
+			list, an error message is given.
+						*:cnewer* *:cnew* *E381*
+:cnew[er] [count]	Go to newer error list.  When [count] is given, do
+			this [count] times.  When already at the newest error
+			list, an error message is given.
+When adding a new error list, it becomes the current list.
+When ":colder" has been used and ":make" or ":grep" is used to add a new error
+list, one newer list is overwritten.  This is especially useful if you are
+browsing with ":grep" |grep|.  If you want to keep the more recent error
+lists, use ":cnewer 99" first.
+4. Using :make						*:make_makeprg*
+							*:mak* *:make*
+:mak[e][!] [arguments]	1. If the 'autowrite' option is on, write any changed
+			   buffers
+			2. An errorfile name is made from 'makeef'.  If
+			   'makeef' doesn't contain "##", and a file with this
+			   name already exists, it is deleted.
+			3. The program given with the 'makeprg' option is
+			   started (default "make") with the optional
+			   [arguments] and the output is saved in the
+			   errorfile (for Unix it is also echoed on the
+			   screen).
+			4. The errorfile is read using 'errorformat'.
+			5. If [!] is not given the first error is jumped to.
+			6. The errorfile is deleted.
+			7. You can now move through the errors with commands
+			   like |:cnext| and |:cprevious|, see above.
+			This command does not accept a comment, any "
+			characters are considered part of the arguments.
+The ":make" command executes the command given with the 'makeprg' option.
+This is done by passing the command to the shell given with the 'shell'
+option.  This works almost like typing
+	":!{makeprg} [arguments] {shellpipe} {errorfile}".
+{makeprg} is the string given with the 'makeprg' option.  Any command can be
+used, not just "make".  Characters '%' and '#' are expanded as usual on a
+command-line.  You can use "%<" to insert the current file name without
+extension, or "#<" to insert the alternate file name without extension, for
+example: >
+   :set makeprg=make\ #<.o
+[arguments] is anything that is typed after ":make".
+{shellpipe} is the 'shellpipe' option.
+{errorfile} is the 'makeef' option, with ## replaced to make it unique.
+The placeholder "$*" can be used for the argument list in {makeprog} if the
+command needs some additional characters after its arguments.  The $* is
+replaced then by all arguments.  Example: >
+   :set makeprg=latex\ \\\\nonstopmode\ \\\\input\\{$*}
+or simpler >
+   :let &mp = 'latex \\nonstopmode \\input\{$*}'
+"$*" can be given multiple times, for example: >
+   :set makeprg=gcc\ -o\ $*\ $*
+The 'shellpipe' option defaults to ">" for the Amiga, MS-DOS and Win32.  This
+means that the output of the compiler is saved in a file and not shown on the
+screen directly.  For Unix "| tee" is used.  The compiler output is shown on
+the screen and saved in a file the same time.  Depending on the shell used
+"|& tee" or "2>&1| tee" is the default, so stderr output will be included.
+If 'shellpipe' is empty, the {errorfile} part will be omitted.  This is useful
+for compilers that write to an errorfile themselves (e.g., Manx's Amiga C).
+5. Using :grep						*grep* *lid*
+Vim can interface with "grep" and grep-like programs (such as the GNU
+id-utils) in a similar way to its compiler integration (see |:make| above).
+[Unix trivia: The name for the Unix "grep" command comes from ":g/re/p", where
+"re" stands for Regular Expression.]
+							    *:gr* *:grep*
+:gr[ep][!] [arguments]	Just like ":make", but use 'grepprg' instead of
+			'makeprg' and 'grepformat' instead of 'errorformat'.
+							*:grepa* *:grepadd*
+:grepa[dd][!] [arguments]
+			Just like ":grep", but instead of making a new list of
+			errors the matches are appended to the current list.
+			Example: >
+				:grep nothing %
+				:bufdo grepadd! something %
+<			The first command makes a new error list which is
+			empty.  The second command executes "grepadd" for each
+			listed buffer.  Note the use of ! to avoid that
+			":grepadd" jumps to the first error, which is not
+			allowed with |:bufdo|.
+5.1 Setting up grep
+If you have a standard "grep" program installed, the :grep command may work
+well with the defaults. The syntax is very similar to the standard command: >
+	:grep foo *.c
+Will search all files with the .c extension for the substring "foo". The
+arguments to :grep are passed straight to the "grep" program, so you can use
+whatever options your "grep" supports.
+By default, :grep invokes grep with the -n option (show file and line
+numbers). You can change this with the 'grepprg' option. You will need to set
+'grepprg' if:
+a)	You are using a program that isn't called "grep"
+b)	You have to call grep with a full path
+c)	You want to pass other options automatically (e.g. case insensitive
+	search.)
+Once "grep" has executed, Vim parses the results using the 'grepformat'
+option.  This option works in the same way as the 'errorformat' option - see
+that for details.  You may need to change 'grepformat' from the default if
+your grep outputs in a non-standard format, or you are using some other
+program with a special format.
+Once the results are parsed, Vim loads the first file containing a match and
+jumps to the appropriate line, in the same way that it jumps to a compiler
+error in |quickfix| mode.  You can then use the |:cnext|, |:clist|, etc.
+commands to see the other matches.
+5.2 Using :grep with id-utils
+You can set up :grep to work with the GNU id-utils like this: >
+	:set grepprg=lid\ -Rgrep\ -s
+	:set grepformat=%f:%l:%m
+then >
+	:grep (regexp)
+works just as you'd expect.
+(provided you remembered to mkid first :)
+5.3 Browsing source code with :grep
+Using the stack of error lists that Vim keeps, you can browse your files to
+look for functions and the functions they call.  For example, suppose that you
+have to add an argument to the read_file() function.  You enter this command: >
+	:grep read_file *.c
+You use ":cn" to go along the list of matches and add the argument.  At one
+place you have to get the new argument from a higher level function msg(), and
+need to change that one too.  Thus you use: >
+	:grep msg *.c
+While changing the msg() functions, you find another function that needs to
+get the argument from a higher level.  You can again use ":grep" to find these
+functions.  Once you are finished with one function, you can use >
+	:colder
+to go back to the previous one.
+This works like browsing a tree: ":grep" goes one level deeper, creating a
+list of branches.  ":colder" goes back to the previous level.  You can mix
+this use of ":grep" and "colder" to browse all the locations in a tree-like
+way.  If you do this consistently, you will find all locations without the
+need to write down a "todo" list.
+6. Selecting a compiler					*compiler-select*
+						*:comp* *:compiler* *E666*
+:comp[iler][!] {name}		Set options to work with compiler {name}.
+				Without the "!" options are set for the
+				current buffer.  With "!" global options are
+				set.
+				If you use ":compiler foo" in "file.foo" and
+				then ":compiler! bar" in another buffer, Vim
+				will keep on using "foo" in "file.foo".
+				{not available when compiled without the
+				|+eval| feature}
+The Vim plugins in the "compiler" directory will set options to use the
+selected compiler.  For ":compiler" local options are set, for ":compiler!"
+global options.
+							*current_compiler*
+To support older Vim versions, the plugins always use "current_compiler" and
+not "b:current_compiler".  What the command actually does is the following:
+- Delete the "current_compiler" and "b:current_compiler" variables.
+- Define the "CompilerSet" user command.  With "!" it does ":set", without "!"
+  it does ":setlocal".
+- Execute ":runtime! compiler/{name}.vim".  The plugins are expected to set
+  options with "CompilerSet" and set the "current_compiler" variable to the
+  name of the compiler.
+- Delete the "CompilerSet user command.
+- Set "b:current_compiler" to the value of "current_compiler".
+- Without "!" the old value of "current_compiler" is restored.
+For writing a compiler plugin, see |write-compiler-plugin|.
+MANX AZTEC C				*quickfix-manx* *compiler-manx*
+To use Vim with Manx's Aztec C compiler on the Amiga you should do the
+- Set the CCEDIT environment variable with the command: >
+	mset "CCEDIT=vim -q"
+- Compile with the -qf option.  If the compiler finds any errors, Vim is
+  started and the cursor is positioned on the first error.  The error message
+  will be displayed on the last line.  You can go to other errors with the
+  commands mentioned above.  You can fix the errors and write the file(s).
+- If you exit Vim normally the compiler will re-compile the same file.  If you
+  exit with the :cq command, the compiler will terminate.  Do this if you
+  cannot fix the error, or if another file needs to be compiled first.
+There are some restrictions to the Quickfix mode on the Amiga.  The
+compiler only writes the first 25 errors to the errorfile (Manx's
+documentation does not say how to get more).  If you want to find the others,
+you will have to fix a few errors and exit the editor.  After recompiling,
+up to 25 remaining errors will be found.
+If Vim was started from the compiler, the :sh and some :!  commands will not
+work, because Vim is then running in the same process as the compiler and
+stdin (standard input) will not be interactive.
+PYUNIT COMPILER						*compiler-pyunit*
+This is not actually a compiler, but a unit testing framework for the
+Python language. It is included into standard Python distribution
+starting from version 2.0. For older versions, you can get it from
+When you run your tests with the help of the framework, possible errors
+are parsed by Vim and presented for you in quick-fix mode.
+Unfortunately, there is no standard way to run the tests.
+The alltests.py script seems to be used quite often, that's all.
+Useful values for the 'makeprg' options therefore are:
+ setlocal makeprg=./alltests.py " Run a testsuite
+ setlocal makeprg=python %      " Run a single testcase
+Also see http://vim.sourceforge.net/tip_view.php?tip_id=280.
+TEX COMPILER						*compiler-tex*
+Included in the distribution compiler for TeX ($VIMRUNTIME/compiler/tex.vim)
+uses make command if possible. If the compiler finds a file named "Makefile"
+or "makefile" in the current directory, it supposes that you want to process
+your *TeX files with make, and the makefile does the right work. In this case
+compiler sets 'errorformat' for *TeX output and leaves 'makeprg' untouched. If
+neither "Makefile" nor "makefile" is found, the compiler will not use make.
+You can force the compiler to ignore makefiles by defining
+b:tex_ignore_makefile or g:tex_ignore_makefile variable (they are checked for
+existence only).
+If the compiler chose not to use make, it need to choose a right program for
+processing your input. If b:tex_flavor or g:tex_flavor (in this precedence)
+variable exists, it defines TeX flavor for :make (actually, this is the name
+of executed command), and if both variables do not exist, it defaults to
+"latex". For example, while editing chapter2.tex \input-ed from mypaper.tex
+written in AMS-TeX: >
+	:let b:tex_flavor = 'amstex'
+	:compiler tex
+<	[editing...] >
+	:make mypaper
+Note that you must specify a name of the file to process as an argument (to
+process the right file when editing \input-ed or \include-ed file; portable
+solution for substituting % for no arguments is welcome). This is not in the
+semantics of make, where you specify a target, not source, but you may specify
+filename without extension ".tex" and mean this as "make filename.dvi or
+filename.pdf or filename.some_result_extension according to compiler".
+Note: tex command line syntax is set to usable both for MikTeX (suggestion
+by Srinath Avadhanula) and teTeX (checked by Artem Chuprina). Suggestion
+from |errorformat-LaTeX| is too complex to keep it working for different
+shells and OSes and also does not allow to use other available TeX options,
+if any. If your TeX doesn't support "-interaction=nonstopmode", please
+report it with different means to express \nonstopmode from the command line.
+7. The error format					*error-file-format*
+					*errorformat* *E372* *E373* *E374*
+						*E375* *E376* *E377* *E378*
+The 'errorformat' option specifies a list of formats that are recognized.  The
+first format that matches with an error message is used.  You can add several
+formats for different messages your compiler produces, or even entries for
+multiple compilers.  See |efm-entries|.
+Each entry in 'errorformat' is a scanf-like string that describes the format.
+First, you need to know how scanf works.  Look in the documentation of your
+C compiler.  Below you find the % items that Vim understands.  Others are
+Special characters in 'errorformat' are comma and backslash.  See
+|efm-entries| for how to deal with them.  Note that a literal "%" is matched
+by "%%", thus it is not escaped with a backslash.
+Note: By default the difference between upper and lowercase is ignored.  If
+you want to match case, add "\C" to the pattern |/\C|.
+Basic items
+	%f		file name (finds a string)
+	%l		line number (finds a number)
+	%c		column number (finds a number representing character
+			column of the error, (1 <tab> == 1 character column))
+	%v		virtual column number (finds a number representing
+			screen column of the error (1 <tab> == 8 screen
+			columns)
+	%t		error type (finds a single character)
+	%n		error number (finds a number)
+	%m		error message (finds a string)
+	%r		matches the "rest" of a single-line file message %O/P/Q
+	%p		pointer line (finds a sequence of '-', '.' or ' ' and
+			uses the length for the column number)
+	%*{conv}	any scanf non-assignable conversion
+	%%		the single '%' character
+The "%f" conversion depends on the current 'isfname' setting.
+The "%f" and "%m" conversions have to detect the end of the string.  They
+should be followed by a character that cannot be in the string.  Everything
+up to that character is included in the string.  But when the next character
+is a '%' or a backslash, "%f" will look for any 'isfname' character and "%m"
+finds anything.  If the "%f" or "%m" is at the end, everything up to the end
+of the line is included.
+On MS-DOS, MS-Windows and OS/2 a leading "C:" will be included in "%f", even
+when using "%f:".  This means that a file name which is a single alphabetical
+letter will not be detected.
+The "%p" conversion is normally followed by a "^".  It's used for compilers
+that output a line like: >
+	    ^
+or >
+   ---------^
+to indicate the column of the error.  This is to be used in a multi-line error
+message.  See |errorformat-javac| for a  useful example.
+Changing directory
+The following uppercase conversion characters specify the type of special
+format strings.  At most one of them may be given as a prefix at the begin
+of a single comma-separated format pattern.
+Some compilers produce messages that consist of directory names that have to
+be prepended to each file name read by %f (example: GNU make). The following
+codes can be used to scan these directory names; they will be stored in an
+internal directory stack.					*E379*
+	%D		"enter directory" format string; expects a following
+			  %f that finds the directory name
+	%X		"leave directory" format string; expects following %f
+When defining an "enter directory" or "leave directory" format, the "%D" or
+"%X" has to be given at the start of that substring. Vim tracks the directory
+changes and prepends the current directory to each erroneous file found with a
+relative path.  See |quickfix-directory-stack| for details, tips and
+Multi-line messages				*errorformat-multi-line*
+It is possible to read the output of programs that produce multi-line
+messages, ie. error strings that consume more than one line.  Possible
+prefixes are:
+	%E		start of a multi-line error message
+	%W		start of a multi-line warning message
+	%I		start of a multi-line informational message
+	%A		start of a multi-line message (unspecified type)
+	%C		continuation of a multi-line message
+	%Z		end of a multi-line message
+These can be used with '+' and '-', see |efm-ignore| below.
+Example: Your compiler happens to write out errors in the following format
+(leading line numbers not being part of the actual output):
+     1	Error 275
+     2	line 42
+     3	column 3
+     4	' ' expected after '--'
+The appropriate error format string has to look like this: >
+   :set efm=%EError\ %n,%Cline\ %l,%Ccolumn\ %c,%Z%m
+And the |:clist| error message generated for this error is:
+ 1:42 col 3 error 275:  ' ' expected after '--'
+Another example: Think of a Python interpreter that produces the following
+error message (line numbers are not part of the actual output):
+     1	==============================================================
+     2	FAIL: testGetTypeIdCachesResult (dbfacadeTest.DjsDBFacadeTest)
+     3	--------------------------------------------------------------
+     4	Traceback (most recent call last):
+     5	  File "unittests/dbfacadeTest.py", line 89, in testFoo
+     6	    self.assertEquals(34, dtid)
+     7	  File "/usr/lib/python2.2/unittest.py", line 286, in
+     8	 failUnlessEqual
+     9	    raise self.failureException, \
+    10	AssertionError: 34 != 33
+    11
+    12	--------------------------------------------------------------
+    13	Ran 27 tests in 0.063s
+Say you want |:clist| write the relevant information of this message only,
+ 5 unittests/dbfacadeTest.py:89:  AssertionError: 34 != 33
+Then the error format string could be defined as follows: >
+  :set efm=%C\ %.%#,%A\ \ File\ \"%f\"\\,\ line\ %l%.%#,%Z%[%^\ ]%\\@=%m
+Note that the %C string is given before the %A here: since the expression
+' %.%#' (which stands for the regular expression ' .*') matches every line
+starting with a space, followed by any characters to the end of the line,
+it also hides line 7 which would trigger a separate error message otherwise.
+Error format strings are always parsed pattern by pattern until the first
+match occurs.
+Separate file name			*errorformat-separate-filename*
+These prefixes are useful if the file name is given once and multiple messages
+follow that refer to this file name.
+	%O		single-line file message: overread the matched part
+	%P		single-line file message: push file %f onto the stack
+	%Q		single-line file message: pop the last file from stack
+Example: Given a compiler that produces the following error logfile (without
+leading line numbers):
+     1	[a1.tt]
+     2	(1,17)  error: ';' missing
+     3	(21,2)  warning: variable 'z' not defined
+     4	(67,3)  error: end of file found before string ended
+     5
+     6	[a2.tt]
+     7
+     8	[a3.tt]
+     9	NEW compiler v1.1
+    10	(2,2)   warning: variable 'x' not defined
+    11	(67,3)  warning: 's' already defined
+This logfile lists several messages for each file enclosed in [...] which are
+properly parsed by an error format like this: >
+  :set efm=%+P[%f],(%l\\,%c)%*[\ ]%t%*[^:]:\ %m,%-Q
+A call of |:clist| writes them accordingly with their correct filenames:
+  2 a1.tt:1 col 17 error: ';' missing
+  3 a1.tt:21 col 2 warning: variable 'z' not defined
+  4 a1.tt:67 col 3 error: end of file found before string ended
+  8 a3.tt:2 col 2 warning: variable 'x' not defined
+  9 a3.tt:67 col 3 warning: 's' already defined
+Unlike the other prefixes that all match against whole lines, %P, %Q and %O
+can be used to match several patterns in the same line. Thus it is possible
+to parse even nested files like in the following line:
+  {"file1" {"file2" error1} error2 {"file3" error3 {"file4" error4 error5}}}
+The %O then parses over strings that do not contain any push/pop file name
+information.  See |errorformat-LaTeX| for an extended example.
+Ignoring and using whole messages			*efm-ignore*
+The codes '+' or '-' can be combined with the uppercase codes above; in that
+case they have to precede the letter, eg. '%+A' or '%-G':
+	%-		do not include the matching multi-line in any output
+	%+		include the whole matching line in the %m error string
+One prefix is only useful in combination with '+' or '-', namely %G. It parses
+over lines containing general information like compiler version strings or
+other headers that can be skipped.
+	%-G		ignore this message
+	%+G		general message
+Pattern matching
+The scanf()-like "%*[]" notation is supported for backward-compatibility
+with previous versions of Vim.  However, it is also possible to specify
+(nearly) any Vim supported regular expression in format strings.
+Since meta characters of the regular expression language can be part of
+ordinary matching strings or file names (and therefore internally have to
+be escaped), meta symbols have to be written with leading '%':
+	%\		the single '\' character. Note that this has to be
+			escaped ("%\\") in ":set errorformat=" definitions.
+	%.		the single '.' character.
+	%#		the single '*'(!) character.
+	%^		the single '^' character.
+	%$		the single '$' character.
+	%[		the single '[' character for a [] character range.
+	%~		the single '~' character.
+When using character classes in expressions (see |/\i| for an overview),
+terms containing the "\+" quantifier can be written in the scanf() "%*"
+notation. Example: "%\\d%\\+" ("\d\+", "any number") is equivalent to "%*\\d".
+Important note: The \(...\) grouping of sub-matches can not be used in format
+specifications because it is reserved for internal conversions.
+Multiple entries in 'errorformat'			*efm-entries*
+To be able to detect output from several compilers, several format patterns
+may be put in 'errorformat', separated by commas (note: blanks after the comma
+are ignored).  The first pattern that has a complete match is used.  If no
+match is found, matching parts from the last one will be used, although the
+file name is removed and the error message is set to the whole message.  If
+there is a pattern that may match output from several compilers (but not in a
+right way), put it after one that is more restrictive.
+To include a comma in a pattern precede it with a backslash (you have to type
+two in a ":set" command).  To include a backslash itself give two backslashes
+(you have to type four in a ":set" command).  You also need to put a backslash
+before a space for ":set".
+Valid matches						*quickfix-valid*
+If a line does not completely match one of the entries in 'errorformat', the
+whole line is put in the error message and the entry is marked "not valid"
+These lines are skipped with the ":cn" and ":cp" commands (unless there is
+no valid line at all).  You can use ":cl!" to display all the error messages.
+If the error format does not contain a file name Vim cannot switch to the
+correct file.  You will have to do this by hand.
+The format of the file from the Amiga Aztec compiler is:
+	filename>linenumber:columnnumber:errortype:errornumber:errormessage
+	filename	name of the file in which the error was detected
+	linenumber	line number where the error was detected
+	columnnumber	column number where the error was detected
+	errortype	type of the error, normally a single 'E' or 'W'
+	errornumber	number of the error (for lookup in the manual)
+	errormessage	description of the error
+This can be matched with this 'errorformat' entry:
+	%f>%l:%c:%t:%n:%m
+Some examples for C compilers that produce single-line error outputs:
+%f:%l:\ %t%*[^0123456789]%n:\ %m	for Manx/Aztec C error messages
+					(scanf() doesn't understand [0-9])
+%f\ %l\ %t%*[^0-9]%n:\ %m		for SAS C
+\"%f\"\\,%*[^0-9]%l:\ %m		for generic C compilers
+%f:%l:\ %m				for GCC
+%f:%l:\ %m,%Dgmake[%*\\d]:\ Entering\ directory\ `%f',
+%Dgmake[%*\\d]:\ Leaving\ directory\ `%f'
+					for GCC with gmake (concat the lines!)
+%f(%l)\ :\ %*[^:]:\ %m			old SCO C compiler (pre-OS5)
+%f(%l)\ :\ %t%*[^0-9]%n:\ %m		idem, with error type and number
+%f:%l:\ %m,In\ file\ included\ from\ %f:%l:,\^I\^Ifrom\ %f:%l%m
+					for GCC, with some extras
+Extended examples for the handling of multi-line messages are given below,
+see |errorformat-Jikes| and |errorformat-LaTeX|.
+Note the backslash in front of a space and double quote.  It is required for
+the :set command.  There are two backslashes in front of a comma, one for the
+:set command and one to avoid recognizing the comma as a separator of error
+Filtering messages
+If you have a compiler that produces error messages that do not fit in the
+format string, you could write a program that translates the error messages
+into this format.  You can use this program with the ":make" command by
+changing the 'makeprg' option.  For example: >
+   :set mp=make\ \\\|&\ error_filter
+The backslashes before the pipe character are required to avoid it to be
+recognized as a command separator.  The backslash before each space is
+required for the set command.
+8. The directory stack				*quickfix-directory-stack*
+Quickfix maintains a stack for saving all used directories parsed from the
+make output. For GNU-make this is rather simple, as it always prints the
+absolute path of all directories it enters and leaves. Regardless if this is
+done via a 'cd' command in the makefile or with the parameter "-C dir" (change
+to directory before reading the makefile). It may be useful to use the switch
+"-w" to force GNU-make to print out the working directory before and after
+Maintaining the correct directory is more complicated if you don't use
+GNU-make. AIX-make for example doesn't print any information about its working
+directory. Then you need to enhance the makefile. In the makefile of lesstiff
+there is a command which echoes "Making {target} in {dir}". The special
+problem here is that it doesn't print informations on leaving the directory
+and that it doesn't print the absolute path.
+To solve the problem with relative paths and missing "leave directory"
+messages Vim uses following algorithm:
+1) Check if the given directory is a subdirectory of the current directory.
+   If this is true, store it as the current directory.
+2) If it is not a subdir of the current directory, try if this is a
+   subdirectory of one of the upper directories.
+3) If the directory still isn't found, it is assumed to be a subdirectory
+   of Vim's current directory.
+Additionally it is checked for every file, if it really exists in the
+identified directory.  If not, it is searched in all other directories of the
+directory stack (NOT the directory subtree!). If it is still not found, it is
+assumed that it is in Vim's current directory.
+There are limitation in this algorithm. This examples assume that make just
+prints information about entering a directory in the form "Making all in dir".
+1) Assume you have following directories and files:
+   ./dir1
+   ./dir1/file1.c
+   ./file1.c
+   If make processes the directory "./dir1" before the current directory and
+   there is an error in the file "./file1.c", you will end up with the file
+   "./dir1/file.c" loaded by Vim.
+   This can only be solved with a "leave directory" message.
+2) Assume you have following directories and files:
+   ./dir1
+   ./dir1/dir2
+   ./dir2
+   You get the following:
+   Make output			  Directory interpreted by Vim
+   ------------------------	  ----------------------------
+   Making all in dir1		  ./dir1
+   Making all in dir2		  ./dir1/dir2
+   Making all in dir2		  ./dir1/dir2
+   This can be solved by printing absolute directories in the "enter directory"
+   message or by printing "leave directory" messages..
+To avoid this problems, ensure to print absolute directory names and "leave
+directory" messages.
+Examples for Makefiles:
+    libs:
+	    for dn in $(LIBDIRS); do				\
+		(cd $$dn; echo "Entering dir '$$(pwd)'"; make); \
+		echo "Leaving dir";				\
+	    done
+    %DEntering\ dir\ '%f',%XLeaving\ dir
+to your 'errorformat' to handle the above output.
+Note that Vim doesn't check if the directory name in a "leave directory"
+messages is the current directory. This is why you could just use the message
+"Leaving dir".
+9. Specific error file formats			*errorformats*
+						*errorformat-Jikes*
+Jikes(TM), a source-to-bytecode Java compiler published by IBM Research,
+produces simple multi-line error messages.
+An 'errorformat' string matching the produced messages is shown below.
+The following lines can be placed in the user's |vimrc| to overwrite Vim's
+recognized default formats, or see |:set+=| how to install this format
+additionally to the default. >
+  :set efm=%A%f:%l:%c:%*\\d:%*\\d:,
+	\%C%*\\s%trror:%m,
+	\%+C%*[^:]%trror:%m,
+	\%C%*\\s%tarning:%m,
+	\%C%m
+Jikes(TM) produces a single-line error message when invoked with the option
+"+E", and can be matched with the following: >
+  :set efm=%f:%l:%v:%*\\d:%*\\d:%*\\s%m
+						*errorformat-javac*
+This 'errorformat' has been reported to work well for javac, which outputs a
+line with "^" to indicate the column of the error: >
+  :set efm=%A%f:%l:\ %m,%-Z%p^,%-C%.%#
+or: >
+  :set efm=%A%f:%l:\ %m,%+Z%p^,%+C%.%#,%-G%.%#
+						*errorformat-ant*
+For ant (http://jakarta.apache.org/) the above errorformat has to be modified
+to honour the leading [javac] in front of each javac output line: >
+  :set efm=%A\ %#[javac]\ %f:%l:\ %m,%-Z\ %#[javac]\ %p^,%-C%.%#
+The 'errorformat' can also be configured to handle ant together with either
+javac or jikes.  If you're using jikes, you should tell ant to use jikes' +E
+command line switch which forces jikes to generate one-line error messages.
+This is what the second line (of a build.xml file) below does: >
+  <property name = "build.compiler"       value = "jikes"/>
+  <property name = "build.compiler.emacs" value = "true"/>
+The 'errorformat' which handles ant with both javac and jikes is: >
+  :set efm=\ %#[javac]\ %#%f:%l:%c:%*\\d:%*\\d:\ %t%[%^:]%#:%m,
+	   \%A\ %#[javac]\ %f:%l:\ %m,%-Z\ %#[javac]\ %p^,%-C%.%#
+						*errorformat-jade*
+parsing jade (see http://www.jclark.com/) errors is simple: >
+  :set efm=jade:%f:%l:%c:%t:%m
+						*errorformat-LaTeX*
+The following is an example how an 'errorformat' string can be specified
+for the (La)TeX typesetting system which displays error messages over
+multiple lines.  The output of ":clist" and ":cc" etc. commands displays
+multi-lines in a single line, leading white space is removed.
+It should be easy to adopt the above LaTeX errorformat to any compiler output
+consisting of multi-line errors.
+The commands can be placed in a |vimrc| file or some other Vim script file,
+eg. a script containing LaTeX related stuff which is loaded only when editing
+LaTeX sources.
+Make sure to copy all lines of the example (in the given order), afterwards
+remove the comment lines.  For the '\' notation at the start of some lines see
+		First prepare 'makeprg' such that LaTeX will report multiple
+		errors; do not stop when the first error has occurred: >
+ :set makeprg=latex\ \\\\nonstopmode\ \\\\input\\{$*}
+		Start of multi-line error messages: >
+ :set efm=%E!\ LaTeX\ %trror:\ %m,
+	\%E!\ %m,
+<		Start of multi-line warning messages; the first two also
+		include the line number. Meaning of some regular expressions:
+		  - "%.%#"  (".*")   matches a (possibly empty) string
+		  - "%*\\d" ("\d\+") matches a number >
+	\%+WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %.%#line\ %l%.%#,
+	\%+W%.%#\ at\ lines\ %l--%*\\d,
+	\%WLaTeX\ %.%#Warning:\ %m,
+<		Possible continuations of error/warning messages; the first
+		one also includes the line number: >
+	\%Cl.%l\ %m,
+	\%+C\ \ %m.,
+	\%+C%.%#-%.%#,
+	\%+C%.%#[]%.%#,
+	\%+C[]%.%#,
+	\%+C%.%#%[{}\\]%.%#,
+	\%+C<%.%#>%.%#,
+	\%C\ \ %m,
+<		Lines that match the following patterns do not contain any
+		important information; do not include them in messages: >
+	\%-GSee\ the\ LaTeX%m,
+	\%-GType\ \ H\ <return>%m,
+	\%-G\ ...%.%#,
+	\%-G%.%#\ (C)\ %.%#,
+	\%-G(see\ the\ transcript%.%#),
+<		Generally exclude any empty or whitespace-only line from
+		being displayed: >
+	\%-G\\s%#,
+<		The LaTeX output log does not specify the names of erroneous
+		source files per line; rather they are given globally,
+		enclosed in parentheses.
+		The following patterns try to match these names and store
+		them in an internal stack.  The patterns possibly scan over
+		the same input line (one after another), the trailing "%r"
+		conversion indicates the "rest" of the line that will be
+		parsed in the next go until the end of line is reached.
+		Overread a file name enclosed in '('...')'; do not push it
+		on a stack since the file apparently does not contain any
+		error: >
+	\%+O(%f)%r,
+<		Push a file name onto the stack. The name is given after '(': >
+	\%+P(%f%r,
+	\%+P\ %\\=(%f%r,
+	\%+P%*[^()](%f%r,
+	\%+P[%\\d%[^()]%#(%f%r,
+<		Pop the last stored file name when a ')' is scanned: >
+	\%+Q)%r,
+	\%+Q%*[^()])%r,
+	\%+Q[%\\d%*[^()])%r
+Note that in some cases file names in the LaTeX output log cannot be parsed
+properly.  The parser might have been messed up by unbalanced parentheses
+then.  The above example tries to catch the most relevant cases only.
+You can customize the given setting to suit your own purposes, for example,
+all the annoying "Overfull ..." warnings could be excluded from being
+recognized as an error.
+Alternatively to filtering the LaTeX compiler output, it is also possible
+to directly read the *.log file that is produced by the [La]TeX compiler.
+This contains even more useful information about possible error causes.
+However, to properly parse such a complex file, an external filter should
+be used.  See the description further above how to make such a filter known
+by Vim.
+						*errorformat-Perl*
+In $VIMRUNTIME/tools you can find the efm_perl.pl script, which filters Perl
+error messages into a format that quickfix mode will understand.  See the
+start of the file about how to use it.
+ vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: