diff runtime/syntax/mp.vim @ 29756:2acb87ee55fc

Update runtime files Commit: https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/e1f3fd1d02e3f5fe6d2b6d82687c6846b8e500f8 Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Mon Aug 15 18:51:32 2022 +0100 Update runtime files
author Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
date Mon, 15 Aug 2022 20:00:05 +0200
parents 07d2b5a3b7cc
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/syntax/mp.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/mp.vim
@@ -1,109 +1,106 @@
-" Vim syntax file
-" Language:           MetaPost
-" Maintainer:         Nicola Vitacolonna <nvitacolonna@gmail.com>
-" Former Maintainers: Andreas Scherer <andreas.scherer@pobox.com>
-" Last Change:        2016 Oct 14
+# Vim syntax file
+# Language:           MetaPost
+# Maintainer:         Nicola Vitacolonna <nvitacolonna@gmail.com>
+# Former Maintainers: Andreas Scherer <andreas.scherer@pobox.com>
+# Latest Revision:    2022 Aug 12
 if exists("b:current_syntax")
-let s:cpo_sav = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-if exists("g:plain_mf_macros")
-  let s:plain_mf_macros = g:plain_mf_macros
+# Deprecation warnings: to be removed eventually
+if exists("g:plain_mp_macros")
+  echomsg "[mp] g:plain_mp_macros is deprecated: use g:mp_plain_macros instead."
-if exists("g:plain_mf_modes")
-  let s:plain_mf_modes = g:plain_mf_modes
+if exists("mfplain_mp_macros")
+  echomsg "[mp] g:mfplain_mp_macros is deprecated: use g:mp_mfplain_macros instead."
-if exists("g:other_mf_macros")
-  let s:other_mf_macros = g:other_mf_macros
+if exists("other_mp_macros")
+  echomsg "[mp] g:other_mp_macros is deprecated: use g:mp_other_macros instead."
-let g:plain_mf_macros = 0 " plain.mf has no special meaning for MetaPost
-let g:plain_mf_modes  = 0 " No METAFONT modes
-let g:other_mf_macros = 0 " cmbase.mf, logo.mf, ... neither
+# Store the current values of METAFONT global options
+const mf_plain_macros = get(g:, "mf_plain_macros", get(g:, "plain_mf_macros", -1))
+const mf_plain_modes  = get(g:, "mf_plain_modes",  get(g:, "plain_mf_modes",  -1))
+const mf_other_macros = get(g:, "mf_other_macros", get(g:, "other_mf_macros", -1))
-" Read the METAFONT syntax to start with
+g:mf_plain_macros = 0 # plain.mf has no special meaning for MetaPost
+g:mf_plain_modes  = 0 # No METAFONT modes
+g:mf_other_macros = 0 # cmbase.mf, logo.mf, ... neither
+# Read the METAFONT syntax to start with
 runtime! syntax/mf.vim
-unlet b:current_syntax " Necessary for syn include below
+unlet b:current_syntax # Necessary for syn include below
-" Restore the value of existing global variables
-if exists("s:plain_mf_macros")
-  let g:plain_mf_macros = s:plain_mf_macros
+# Restore the value of existing global variables
+if mf_plain_macros == -1
+  unlet g:mf_plain_macros
-  unlet g:plain_mf_macros
+  g:plain_mf_macros = mf_plain_macros
-if exists("s:plain_mf_modes")
-  let g:plain_mf_modes = s:plain_mf_modes
+if mf_plain_modes == -1
+  unlet g:mf_plain_modes
-  unlet g:plain_mf_modes
+  g:mf_plain_modes = mf_plain_modes
-if exists("s:other_mf_macros")
-  let g:other_mf_macros = s:other_mf_macros
+if mf_other_macros == -1
+  unlet g:mf_other_macros
-  unlet g:other_mf_macros
+  g:mf_other_macros = mf_other_macros
-" Use TeX highlighting inside verbatimtex/btex... etex
+# Use TeX highlighting inside verbatimtex/btex... etex
 syn include @MPTeX syntax/tex.vim
 unlet b:current_syntax
-" These are defined as keywords rather than using matchgroup
-" in order to make them available to syntaxcomplete.
+# These are defined as keywords rather than using matchgroup
+# in order to make them available to syntaxcomplete.
 syn keyword mpTeXdelim       btex etex verbatimtex contained
-syn region mpTeXinsert
-      \ start=/\<verbatimtex\>\|\<btex\>/rs=e+1
-      \ end=/\<etex\>/re=s-1 keepend
-      \ contains=@MPTeX,mpTeXdelim
+syn region mpTeXinsert matchgroup=mpTeXdelim start=/\<verbatimtex\>\|\<btex\>/ end=/\<etex\>/ keepend contains=@MPTeX,mpTeXdelim
-" iskeyword must be set after the syn include above, because tex.vim sets `syn
-" iskeyword`. Note that keywords do not contain numbers (numbers are
-" subscripts)
+# iskeyword must be set after the syn include above, because tex.vim sets `syn
+# iskeyword`. Note that keywords do not contain numbers (numbers are
+# subscripts)
 syntax iskeyword @,_
-" MetaPost primitives not found in METAFONT
+# MetaPost primitives not found in METAFONT
 syn keyword mpBoolExp        bounded clipped filled stroked textual arclength
 syn keyword mpNumExp         arctime blackpart bluepart colormodel cyanpart
 syn keyword mpNumExp         fontsize greenpart greypart magentapart redpart
 syn keyword mpPairExp        yellowpart llcorner lrcorner ulcorner urcorner
-" envelope is seemingly undocumented, but it exists since mpost 1.003.
-" The syntax is: envelope <polygonal pen> of <path primary>. For example,
-"     path p;
-"     p := envelope pensquare of (up--left);
-" (Thanks to Daniel H. Luecking for the example!)
 syn keyword mpPathExp        envelope pathpart
 syn keyword mpPenExp         penpart
 syn keyword mpPicExp         dashpart glyph infont
 syn keyword mpStringExp      fontpart readfrom textpart
 syn keyword mpType           cmykcolor color rgbcolor
-" Other MetaPost primitives listed in the manual
+# Other MetaPost primitives listed in the manual
 syn keyword mpPrimitive      mpxbreak within
-" Internal quantities not found in METAFONT
-" (Table 6 in MetaPost: A User's Manual)
+# Internal quantities not found in METAFONT
+# (Table 6 in MetaPost: A User's Manual)
 syn keyword mpInternal       defaultcolormodel hour minute linecap linejoin
 syn keyword mpInternal       miterlimit mpprocset mpversion numberprecision
 syn keyword mpInternal       numbersystem outputfilename outputformat
 syn keyword mpInternal       outputformatoptions outputtemplate prologues
 syn keyword mpInternal       restoreclipcolor tracinglostchars troffmode
 syn keyword mpInternal       truecorners
-" List of commands not found in METAFONT (from MetaPost: A User's Manual)
+# List of commands not found in METAFONT (from MetaPost: A User's Manual)
 syn keyword mpCommand        clip closefrom dashed filenametemplate fontmapfile
 syn keyword mpCommand        fontmapline setbounds withcmykcolor withcolor
 syn keyword mpCommand        withgreyscale withoutcolor withpostscript
 syn keyword mpCommand        withprescript withrgbcolor write
-" METAFONT internal variables not found in MetaPost
+# METAFONT internal variables not found in MetaPost
 syn keyword notDefined       autorounding chardx chardy fillin granularity
 syn keyword notDefined       proofing smoothing tracingedges tracingpens
 syn keyword notDefined       turningcheck xoffset yoffset
-" Suffix defined only in METAFONT:
+# Suffix defined only in METAFONT:
 syn keyword notDefined       nodot
-" Other not implemented primitives (see MetaPost: A User's Manual, §C.1)
+# Other not implemented primitives (see MetaPost: A User's Manual, §C.1)
 syn keyword notDefined       cull display openwindow numspecial totalweight
 syn keyword notDefined       withweight
-" Keywords defined by plain.mp
-if get(g:, "plain_mp_macros", 1) || get(g:, "mp_metafun_macros", 0)
+# Keywords defined by plain.mp
+if get(g:, "mp_plain_macros", get(g:, "plain_mp_macros", 1)) || get(b:, "mp_metafun", get(g:, "mp_metafun", 0))
   syn keyword mpDef          beginfig clear_pen_memory clearit clearpen clearpen
   syn keyword mpDef          clearxy colorpart cutdraw downto draw drawarrow
   syn keyword mpDef          drawdblarrow drawdot drawoptions endfig erase
@@ -126,33 +123,30 @@ if get(g:, "plain_mp_macros", 1) || get(
   syn keyword mpNewInternal  defaultscale dotlabeldiam eps epsilon infinity
   syn keyword mpNewInternal  join_radius labeloffset mitered pen_bot pen_lft
   syn keyword mpNewInternal  pen_rt pen_top rounded squared tolerance
-  " Predefined constants
+  # Predefined constants
   syn keyword mpConstant     EOF background base_name base_version black
   syn keyword mpConstant     blankpicture blue ditto down evenly fullcircle
   syn keyword mpConstant     green halfcircle identity left origin penrazor
   syn keyword mpConstant     penspeck pensquare quartercircle red right
   syn keyword mpConstant     unitsquare up white withdots
-  " Other predefined variables
+  # Other predefined variables
   syn keyword mpVariable     currentpen currentpen_path currentpicture cuttings
   syn keyword mpVariable     defaultfont extra_beginfig extra_endfig
-  syn match   mpVariable     /\<\%(laboff\|labxf\|labyf\)\>/
-  syn match   mpVariable     /\<\%(laboff\|labxf\|labyf\)\.\%(lft\|rt\|bot\|top\|ulft\|urt\|llft\|lrt\)\>/
-  " let statements:
+  syn keyword mpVariable     laboff labxf labyf laboff labxf labyf
+  syn match   mpVariable     /\.\%(lft\|rt\|bot\|top\|ulft\|urt\|llft\|lrt\)\>/
+  # let statements:
   syn keyword mpnumExp       abs
   syn keyword mpDef          rotatedabout
   syn keyword mpCommand      bye relax
-  " on and off are not technically keywords, but it is nice to highlight them
-  " inside dashpattern().
+  # on and off are not technically keywords, but it is nice to highlight them
+  # inside dashpattern().
   syn keyword mpOnOff        off on contained
   syn keyword mpDash         dashpattern contained
-  syn region  mpDashPattern
-        \ start="dashpattern\s*"
-        \ end=")"he=e-1
-        \ contains=mfNumeric,mfLength,mpOnOff,mpDash
+  syn region  mpDashPattern start="dashpattern\s*" end=")"he=e-1 contains=mfNumeric,mfLength,mpOnOff,mpDash
-" Keywords defined by mfplain.mp
-if get(g:, "mfplain_mp_macros", 0)
+# Keywords defined by mfplain.mp
+if get(g:, "mp_mfplain_macros", get(g:, "mfplain_mp_macros", 0))
   syn keyword mpDef          beginchar capsule_def change_width
   syn keyword mpDef          define_blacker_pixels define_corrected_pixels
   syn keyword mpDef          define_good_x_pixels define_good_y_pixels
@@ -169,15 +163,15 @@ if get(g:, "mfplain_mp_macros", 0)
   syn keyword mpVardef       hround proofrulethickness vround
   syn keyword mpNewInternal  blacker o_correction
   syn keyword mpVariable     extra_beginchar extra_endchar extra_setup rulepen
-  " plus some no-ops, also from mfplain.mp
+  # plus some no-ops, also from mfplain.mp
   syn keyword mpDef          cull cullit gfcorners imagerules nodisplays
   syn keyword mpDef          notransforms openit proofoffset screenchars
   syn keyword mpDef          screenrule screenstrokes showit
   syn keyword mpVardef       grayfont slantfont titlefont
   syn keyword mpVariable     currenttransform
   syn keyword mpConstant     unitpixel
-  " These are not listed in the MetaPost manual, and some are ignored by
-  " MetaPost, but are nonetheless defined in mfplain.mp
+  # These are not listed in the MetaPost manual, and some are ignored by
+  # MetaPost, but are nonetheless defined in mfplain.mp
   syn keyword mpDef          killtext
   syn match   mpVardef       "\<good\.\%(x\|y\|lft\|rt\|top\|bot\)\>"
   syn keyword mpVariable     aspect_ratio localfont mag mode mode_name
@@ -187,25 +181,25 @@ if get(g:, "mfplain_mp_macros", 0)
   syn keyword mpNewInternal  number_of_modes proofing smoothing turningcheck
-" Keywords defined by all base macro packages:
-" - (r)boxes.mp
-" - format.mp
-" - graph.mp
-" - marith.mp
-" - sarith.mp
-" - string.mp
-" - TEX.mp
-if get(g:, "other_mp_macros", 1)
-  " boxes and rboxes
+# Keywords defined by all base macro packages:
+# - (r)boxes.mp
+# - format.mp
+# - graph.mp
+# - marith.mp
+# - sarith.mp
+# - string.mp
+# - TEX.mp
+if get(g:, "mp_other_macros", get(g:, "other_mp_macros", 1))
+  # boxes and rboxes
   syn keyword mpDef          boxjoin drawboxed drawboxes drawunboxed
   syn keyword mpNewInternal  circmargin defaultdx defaultdy rbox_radius
   syn keyword mpVardef       boxit bpath circleit fixpos fixsize generic_declare
   syn keyword mpVardef       generic_redeclare generisize pic rboxit str_prefix
-  " format
+  # format
   syn keyword mpVardef       Mformat format init_numbers roundd
   syn keyword mpVariable     Fe_base Fe_plus
   syn keyword mpConstant     Ten_to
-  " graph
+  # graph
   syn keyword mpDef          Gfor Gxyscale OUT auto begingraph endgraph gdata
   syn keyword mpDef          gdraw gdrawarrow gdrawdblarrow gfill plot
   syn keyword mpVardef       augment autogrid frame gdotlabel glabel grid itick
@@ -215,528 +209,41 @@ if get(g:, "other_mp_macros", 1)
   syn keyword mpVariable     Autoform Gemarks Glmarks Gumarks
   syn keyword mpConstant     Gtemplate
   syn match   mpVariable     /Gmargin\.\%(low\|high\)/
-  " marith
+  # marith
   syn keyword mpVardef       Mabs Meform Mexp Mexp_str Mlog Mlog_Str Mlog_str
   syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   Mdiv Mmul
   syn keyword mpSecondaryDef Madd Msub
   syn keyword mpTertiaryDef  Mleq
   syn keyword mpNewInternal  Mten Mzero
-  " sarith
+  # sarith
   syn keyword mpVardef       Sabs Scvnum
   syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   Sdiv Smul
   syn keyword mpSecondaryDef Sadd Ssub
   syn keyword mpTertiaryDef  Sleq Sneq
-  " string
+  # string
   syn keyword mpVardef       cspan isdigit loptok
-  " TEX
+  # TEX
   syn keyword mpVardef       TEX TEXPOST TEXPRE
-" Up to date as of 23-Sep-2016.
-if get(b:, 'mp_metafun_macros', get(g:, 'mp_metafun_macros', 0))
-  " Highlight TeX keywords (for use in ConTeXt documents)
+if get(b:, "mp_metafun", get(g:, "mp_metafun", 0))
+  # MetaFun additions to MetaPost base file
+  syn keyword mpConstant cyan magenta yellow
+  syn keyword mpConstant penspec
+  syn keyword mpNumExp   graypart greycolor graycolor
+  # Highlight TeX keywords (for MetaPost embedded in ConTeXt documents)
   syn match   mpTeXKeyword  '\\[a-zA-Z@]\+'
-  " These keywords have been added manually.
   syn keyword mpPrimitive runscript
-  " The following MetaFun keywords have been extracted automatically from
-  " ConTeXt source code. They include all "public" macros (where a macro is
-  " considered public if and only if it does not start with _, mfun_, mlib_, or
-  " do_, and it does not end with _), all "public" unsaved variables, and all
-  " `let` statements.
+  runtime! syntax/shared/context-data-metafun.vim
-  " mp-abck.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          abck_grid_line anchor_box box_found boxfilloptions
-  syn keyword mpDef          boxgridoptions boxlineoptions draw_multi_pars
-  syn keyword mpDef          draw_multi_side draw_multi_side_path freeze_box
-  syn keyword mpDef          initialize_box initialize_box_pos
-  syn keyword mpDef          multi_side_draw_options show_multi_kind
-  syn keyword mpDef          show_multi_pars
-  syn keyword mpVardef       abck_baseline_grid abck_draw_path abck_graphic_grid
-  syn keyword mpVariable     boxdashtype boxfilloffset boxfilltype
-  syn keyword mpVariable     boxgriddirection boxgriddistance boxgridshift
-  syn keyword mpVariable     boxgridtype boxgridwidth boxlineoffset
-  syn keyword mpVariable     boxlineradius boxlinetype boxlinewidth multikind
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_abck
-  " mp-apos.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          anch_sidebars_draw boxfilloptions boxlineoptions
-  syn keyword mpDef          connect_positions
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_apos
-  " mp-asnc.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          FlushSyncTasks ProcessSyncTask ResetSyncTasks
-  syn keyword mpDef          SetSyncColor SetSyncThreshold SyncTask
-  syn keyword mpVardef       PrepareSyncTasks SyncBox TheSyncColor
-  syn keyword mpVardef       TheSyncThreshold
-  syn keyword mpVariable     CurrentSyncClass NOfSyncPaths SyncColor
-  syn keyword mpVariable     SyncLeftOffset SyncPaths SyncTasks SyncThreshold
-  syn keyword mpVariable     SyncThresholdMethod SyncWidth
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_asnc
-  " mp-back.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          some_double_back some_hash
-  syn keyword mpVariable     back_nillcolor
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_back
-  " mp-bare.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpVardef       colordecimals rawtextext
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   infont
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_bare
-  " mp-base.mpiv
-  " This is essentially plain.mp with only a few keywords added
-  syn keyword mpNumExp       graypart
-  syn keyword mpType         graycolor greycolor
-  syn keyword mpConstant     cyan magenta yellow
-  " mp-butt.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          predefinedbutton some_button
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_butt
-  " mp-char.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_begin_chart flow_begin_sub_chart
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_chart_draw_comment flow_chart_draw_exit
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_chart_draw_label flow_chart_draw_text
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_clip_chart flow_collapse_points
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_bottom_bottom flow_connect_bottom_left
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_bottom_right flow_connect_bottom_top
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_left_bottom flow_connect_left_left
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_left_right flow_connect_left_top
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_right_bottom flow_connect_right_left
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_right_right flow_connect_right_top
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_top_bottom flow_connect_top_left
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_connect_top_right flow_connect_top_top
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_draw_connection flow_draw_connection_point
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_draw_midpoint flow_draw_shape
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_draw_test_area flow_draw_test_shape
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_draw_test_shapes flow_end_chart
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_end_sub_chart flow_flush_connections
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_flush_picture flow_flush_pictures
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_flush_shape flow_flush_shapes
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_initialize_grid flow_new_chart flow_new_shape
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_scaled_to_grid flow_show_connection
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_show_connections flow_show_shapes
-  syn keyword mpDef          flow_xy_offset flow_y_pos
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_connection_path flow_down_on_grid
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_down_to_grid flow_i_point flow_left_on_grid
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_left_to_grid flow_offset
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_points_initialized flow_right_on_grid
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_right_to_grid flow_smooth_connection
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_trim_points flow_trimmed flow_up_on_grid
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_up_to_grid flow_valid_connection
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_x_on_grid flow_xy_bottom flow_xy_left
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_xy_on_grid flow_xy_right flow_xy_top
-  syn keyword mpVardef       flow_y_on_grid
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_arrowtip flow_chart_background_color
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_chart_offset flow_comment_offset
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_connection_arrow_size
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_connection_dash_size
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_connection_line_color
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_connection_line_width
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_connection_smooth_size flow_connections
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_cpath flow_dash_pattern flow_dashline
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_exit_offset flow_forcevalid flow_grid_height
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_grid_width flow_label_offset flow_max_x
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_max_y flow_peepshape flow_reverse_connection
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_reverse_y flow_shape_action flow_shape_archive
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_decision flow_shape_down
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_fill_color flow_shape_height
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_left flow_shape_line_color
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_line_width flow_shape_loop
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_multidocument flow_shape_node
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_procedure flow_shape_product
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_right flow_shape_singledocument
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_subprocedure flow_shape_up
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_shape_wait flow_shape_width
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_show_all_points flow_show_con_points
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_show_mid_points flow_showcrossing flow_smooth
-  syn keyword mpVariable     flow_touchshape flow_xypoint flow_zfactor
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_flow
-  " mp-chem.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          chem_init_all chem_reset chem_start_structure
-  syn keyword mpDef          chem_transformed
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_ad chem_adj chem_align chem_arrow chem_au
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_b chem_bb chem_bd chem_bw chem_c chem_cc
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_ccd chem_cd chem_crz chem_cz chem_dash chem_db
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_diff chem_dir chem_do chem_dr chem_draw
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_drawarrow chem_eb chem_ed chem_ep chem_er
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_es chem_et chem_fill chem_hb chem_init_some
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_label chem_ldb chem_ldd chem_line chem_lr
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_lrb chem_lrbd chem_lrd chem_lrh chem_lrn
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_lrt chem_lrz chem_lsr chem_lsub chem_mark
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_marked chem_mid chem_mids chem_midz chem_mir
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_mov chem_move chem_number chem_oe chem_off
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_pb chem_pe chem_r chem_r_fragment chem_rb
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_rbd chem_rd chem_rdb chem_rdd chem_restore
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_rh chem_rm chem_rn chem_rot chem_rr chem_rrb
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_rrbd chem_rrd chem_rrh chem_rrn chem_rrt
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_rrz chem_rsr chem_rsub chem_rt chem_rz chem_s
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_save chem_sb chem_sd chem_set chem_sr chem_ss
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_start_component chem_stop_component
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_stop_structure chem_sub chem_symbol chem_tb
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_text chem_z chem_zln chem_zlt chem_zn chem_zrn
-  syn keyword mpVardef       chem_zrt chem_zt
-  syn keyword mpVariable     chem_mark_pair chem_stack_mirror chem_stack_origin
-  syn keyword mpVariable     chem_stack_p chem_stack_previous
-  syn keyword mpVariable     chem_stack_rotation chem_trace_boundingbox
-  syn keyword mpVariable     chem_trace_nesting chem_trace_text
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_chem
-  " mp-core.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          FlushSyncTasks ProcessSyncTask
-  syn keyword mpDef          RegisterLocalTextArea RegisterPlainTextArea
-  syn keyword mpDef          RegisterRegionTextArea RegisterTextArea
-  syn keyword mpDef          ResetLocalTextArea ResetSyncTasks ResetTextAreas
-  syn keyword mpDef          SaveTextAreas SetSyncColor SetSyncThreshold
-  syn keyword mpDef          SyncTask anchor_box box_found boxfilloptions
-  syn keyword mpDef          boxgridoptions boxlineoptions collapse_multi_pars
-  syn keyword mpDef          draw_box draw_multi_pars draw_par freeze_box
-  syn keyword mpDef          initialize_area initialize_area_par initialize_box
-  syn keyword mpDef          initialize_box_pos initialize_par
-  syn keyword mpDef          prepare_multi_pars relocate_multipars save_multipar
-  syn keyword mpDef          set_par_line_height show_multi_pars show_par
-  syn keyword mpDef          simplify_multi_pars sort_multi_pars
-  syn keyword mpVardef       InsideSavedTextArea InsideSomeSavedTextArea
-  syn keyword mpVardef       InsideSomeTextArea InsideTextArea PrepareSyncTasks
-  syn keyword mpVardef       SyncBox TextAreaH TextAreaW TextAreaWH TextAreaX
-  syn keyword mpVardef       TextAreaXY TextAreaY TheSyncColor TheSyncThreshold
-  syn keyword mpVardef       baseline_grid graphic_grid multi_par_at_top
-  syn keyword mpVariable     CurrentSyncClass NOfSavedTextAreas
-  syn keyword mpVariable     NOfSavedTextColumns NOfSyncPaths NOfTextAreas
-  syn keyword mpVariable     NOfTextColumns PlainTextArea RegionTextArea
-  syn keyword mpVariable     SavedTextColumns SyncColor SyncLeftOffset SyncPaths
-  syn keyword mpVariable     SyncTasks SyncThreshold SyncThresholdMethod
-  syn keyword mpVariable     SyncWidth TextAreas TextColumns
-  syn keyword mpVariable     auto_multi_par_hsize boxdashtype boxfilloffset
-  syn keyword mpVariable     boxfilltype boxgriddirection boxgriddistance
-  syn keyword mpVariable     boxgridshift boxgridtype boxgridwidth boxlineradius
-  syn keyword mpVariable     boxlinetype boxlinewidth check_multi_par_chain
-  syn keyword mpVariable     compensate_multi_par_topskip
-  syn keyword mpVariable     enable_multi_par_fallback force_multi_par_chain
-  syn keyword mpVariable     ignore_multi_par_page last_multi_par_shift lefthang
-  syn keyword mpVariable     local_multi_par_area multi_column_first_page_hack
-  syn keyword mpVariable     multi_par_pages multiloc multilocs multipar
-  syn keyword mpVariable     multipars multiref multirefs nofmultipars
-  syn keyword mpVariable     obey_multi_par_hang obey_multi_par_more
-  syn keyword mpVariable     one_piece_multi_par par_hang_after par_hang_indent
-  syn keyword mpVariable     par_indent par_left_skip par_line_height
-  syn keyword mpVariable     par_right_skip par_start_pos par_stop_pos
-  syn keyword mpVariable     par_strut_depth par_strut_height ppos righthang
-  syn keyword mpVariable     snap_multi_par_tops somehang span_multi_column_pars
-  syn keyword mpVariable     use_multi_par_region
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_core
-  syn keyword LET            anchor_area anchor_par draw_area
-  " mp-cows.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_cows cow
-  " mp-crop.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          page_marks_add_color page_marks_add_lines
-  syn keyword mpDef          page_marks_add_marking page_marks_add_number
-  syn keyword mpVardef       crop_color crop_gray crop_marks_cmyk
-  syn keyword mpVardef       crop_marks_cmykrgb crop_marks_gray crop_marks_lines
-  syn keyword mpVariable     crop_colors more page
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_crop
-  " mp-figs.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          naturalfigure registerfigure
-  syn keyword mpVardef       figuredimensions figureheight figuresize
-  syn keyword mpVardef       figurewidth
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_figs
-  " mp-fobg.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          DrawFoFrame
-  syn keyword mpVardef       equalpaths
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   inset outset
-  syn keyword mpVariable     FoBackground FoBackgroundColor FoFrame FoLineColor
-  syn keyword mpVariable     FoLineStyle FoLineWidth FoSplit
-  syn keyword mpConstant     FoAll FoBottom FoDash FoDotted FoDouble FoGroove
-  syn keyword mpConstant     FoHidden FoInset FoLeft FoMedium FoNoColor FoNone
-  syn keyword mpConstant     FoOutset FoRidge FoRight FoSolid FoThick FoThin
-  syn keyword mpConstant     FoTop context_fobg
-  " mp-form.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_form
-  " mp-func.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          constructedfunction constructedpairs
-  syn keyword mpDef          constructedpath curvedfunction curvedpairs
-  syn keyword mpDef          curvedpath function pathconnectors straightfunction
-  syn keyword mpDef          straightpairs straightpath
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_func
-  " mp-grap.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          Gfor OUT auto begingraph circles crosses diamonds
-  syn keyword mpDef          downtriangles endgraph gdata gdraw gdrawarrow
-  syn keyword mpDef          gdrawdblarrow gfill graph_addto
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_addto_currentpicture graph_comma
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_coordinate_multiplication graph_draw
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_draw_label graph_errorbar_text graph_fill
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_generate_exponents
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_generate_label_position
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_generate_numbers graph_label_location
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_scan_mark graph_scan_marks graph_setbounds
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_suffix graph_tick_label
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_with_pen_and_color graph_withlist
-  syn keyword mpDef          graph_xyscale lefttriangles makefunctionpath plot
-  syn keyword mpDef          plotsymbol points rainbow righttriangles smoothpath
-  syn keyword mpDef          squares stars uptriangles witherrorbars
-  syn keyword mpVardef       addtopath augment autogrid constant_fit
-  syn keyword mpVardef       constant_function det escaped_format exp
-  syn keyword mpVardef       exponential_fit exponential_function format
-  syn keyword mpVardef       formatted frame functionpath gaussian_fit
-  syn keyword mpVardef       gaussian_function gdotlabel glabel graph_Feform
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_Meform graph_arrowhead_extent graph_bounds
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_clear_bounds
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_convert_user_path_to_internal graph_cspan
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_draw_arrowhead graph_error graph_errorbars
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_exp graph_factor_and_exponent_to_string
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_gridline_picture graph_is_null
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_label_convert_user_to_internal graph_loptok
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_match_exponents graph_mlog
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_modified_exponent_ypart graph_pair_adjust
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_picture_conversion graph_post_draw
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_read_line graph_readpath graph_remap
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_scan_path graph_select_exponent_mark
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_select_mark graph_set_bounds
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_set_default_bounds graph_shapesize
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_stash_label graph_tick_mark_spacing
-  syn keyword mpVardef       graph_unknown_pair_bbox grid isdigit itick
-  syn keyword mpVardef       linear_fit linear_function ln logten lorentzian_fit
-  syn keyword mpVardef       lorentzian_function otick polynomial_fit
-  syn keyword mpVardef       polynomial_function power_law_fit
-  syn keyword mpVardef       power_law_function powten setcoords setrange
-  syn keyword mpVardef       sortpath strfmt tick varfmt
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  Mzero doubleinfinity graph_log_minimum
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  graph_minimum_number_of_marks largestmantissa
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  linear lntwo log mlogten singleinfinity
-  syn keyword mpVariable     Autoform determinant fit_chi_squared
-  syn keyword mpVariable     graph_errorbar_picture graph_exp_marks
-  syn keyword mpVariable     graph_frame_pair_a graph_frame_pair_b
-  syn keyword mpVariable     graph_lin_marks graph_log_marks graph_modified_bias
-  syn keyword mpVariable     graph_modified_higher graph_modified_lower
-  syn keyword mpVariable     graph_shape r_s resistance_color resistance_name
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_grap
-  " mp-grid.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          hlingrid hloggrid vlingrid vloggrid
-  syn keyword mpVardef       hlinlabel hlintext hlogtext linlin linlinpath
-  syn keyword mpVardef       linlog linlogpath loglin loglinpath loglog
-  syn keyword mpVardef       loglogpath processpath vlinlabel vlintext vlogtext
-  syn keyword mpVariable     fmt_initialize fmt_pictures fmt_precision
-  syn keyword mpVariable     fmt_separator fmt_zerocheck grid_eps
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_grid
-  " mp-grph.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          beginfig begingraphictextfig data_mpo_file
-  syn keyword mpDef          data_mpy_file doloadfigure draw endfig
-  syn keyword mpDef          endgraphictextfig fill fixedplace graphictext
-  syn keyword mpDef          loadfigure new_graphictext normalwithshade number
-  syn keyword mpDef          old_graphictext outlinefill protectgraphicmacros
-  syn keyword mpDef          resetfig reversefill withdrawcolor withfillcolor
-  syn keyword mpDef          withshade
-  syn keyword mpVariable     currentgraphictext figureshift
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_grph
-  " mp-idea.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpVardef       bcomponent ccomponent gcomponent mcomponent
-  syn keyword mpVardef       rcomponent somecolor ycomponent
-  " mp-luas.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          luacall message
-  syn keyword mpVardef       MP lua lualist
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_luas
-  " mp-mlib.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          autoalign bitmapimage circular_shade cmyk comment
-  syn keyword mpDef          defineshade eofill eofillup externalfigure figure
-  syn keyword mpDef          fillup label linear_shade multitonecolor namedcolor
-  syn keyword mpDef          nofill onlayer passarrayvariable passvariable
-  syn keyword mpDef          plain_label register resolvedcolor scantokens
-  syn keyword mpDef          set_circular_vector set_linear_vector shaded
-  syn keyword mpDef          spotcolor startpassingvariable stoppassingvariable
-  syn keyword mpDef          thelabel transparent[] usemetafunlabels
-  syn keyword mpDef          useplainlabels withcircularshade withlinearshade
-  syn keyword mpDef          withmask withproperties withshadecenter
-  syn keyword mpDef          withshadecolors withshadedirection withshadedomain
-  syn keyword mpDef          withshadefactor withshadefraction withshadeorigin
-  syn keyword mpDef          withshaderadius withshadestep withshadetransform
-  syn keyword mpDef          withshadevector withtransparency
-  syn keyword mpVardef       anchored checkbounds checkedbounds
-  syn keyword mpVardef       define_circular_shade define_linear_shade dotlabel
-  syn keyword mpVardef       escaped_format fmttext fontsize format formatted
-  syn keyword mpVardef       installlabel onetimefmttext onetimetextext
-  syn keyword mpVardef       outlinetext plain_thelabel properties rawfmttext
-  syn keyword mpVardef       rawtexbox rawtextext rule strfmt strut texbox
-  syn keyword mpVardef       textext thefmttext thelabel thetexbox thetextext
-  syn keyword mpVardef       tostring transparency_alternative_to_number
-  syn keyword mpVardef       validtexbox varfmt verbatim
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   asgroup infont normalinfont shadedinto
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   shownshadecenter shownshadedirection
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   shownshadeorigin shownshadevector withshade
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   withshademethod
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  colorburntransparent colordodgetransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  colortransparent darkentransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  differencetransparent exclusiontransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  hardlighttransparent huetransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  lightentransparent luminositytransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  multiplytransparent normaltransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  overlaytransparent saturationtransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  screentransparent shadefactor softlighttransparent
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  textextoffset
-  syn keyword mpType         property transparency
-  syn keyword mpVariable     currentoutlinetext shadeddown shadedleft
-  syn keyword mpVariable     shadedright shadedup shadeoffset trace_shades
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_mlib
-  " mp-page.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          BoundCoverAreas BoundPageAreas Enlarged FakeRule
-  syn keyword mpDef          FakeWord LoadPageState OverlayBox RuleColor
-  syn keyword mpDef          SetAreaVariables SetPageArea SetPageBackPage
-  syn keyword mpDef          SetPageCoverPage SetPageField SetPageFrontPage
-  syn keyword mpDef          SetPageHsize SetPageHstep SetPageLocation
-  syn keyword mpDef          SetPagePage SetPageSpine SetPageVariables
-  syn keyword mpDef          SetPageVsize SetPageVstep StartCover StartPage
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-  syn keyword mpDef          urEnlarged
-  syn keyword mpVardef       BackPageHeight BackPageWidth BackSpace BaseLineSkip
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-  syn keyword mpVardef       HeaderHeight InPageBody InnerEdgeDistance
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-  syn keyword mpVardef       LayoutColumnWidth LayoutColumns LeftEdgeDistance
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-  syn keyword mpVardef       LineHeight MakeupHeight MakeupWidth NOfColumns
-  syn keyword mpVardef       NOfPages OnOddPage OnRightPage OuterEdgeDistance
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-  syn keyword mpVardef       PageDepth PageFraction PageNumber PageOffset
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-  syn keyword mpVardef       TextHeight TextWidth TopDistance TopHeight TopSkip
-  syn keyword mpVardef       TopSpace VSize defaultcolormodel
-  syn keyword mpVariable     Area BackPage CoverPage CurrentLayout Field
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-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_page
-  " mp-shap.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          drawline drawshape some_shape
-  syn keyword mpDef          start_predefined_shape_definition
-  syn keyword mpDef          stop_predefined_shape_definition
-  syn keyword mpVardef       drawpredefinedline drawpredefinedshape
-  syn keyword mpVardef       some_shape_path
-  syn keyword mpVariable     predefined_shapes predefined_shapes_xradius
-  syn keyword mpVariable     predefined_shapes_xxradius
-  syn keyword mpVariable     predefined_shapes_yradius
-  syn keyword mpVariable     predefined_shapes_yyradius
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_shap
-  " mp-step.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          initialize_step_variables midbottomboundary
-  syn keyword mpDef          midtopboundary step_begin_cell step_begin_chart
-  syn keyword mpDef          step_cell_ali step_cell_bot step_cell_top
-  syn keyword mpDef          step_cells step_end_cell step_end_chart
-  syn keyword mpDef          step_text_bot step_text_mid step_text_top
-  syn keyword mpDef          step_texts
-  syn keyword mpVariable     cell_distance_x cell_distance_y cell_fill_color
-  syn keyword mpVariable     cell_line_color cell_line_width cell_offset
-  syn keyword mpVariable     chart_align chart_category chart_vertical
-  syn keyword mpVariable     line_distance line_height line_line_color
-  syn keyword mpVariable     line_line_width line_offset nofcells
-  syn keyword mpVariable     text_distance_set text_fill_color text_line_color
-  syn keyword mpVariable     text_line_width text_offset
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_cell
-  " mp-symb.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          finishglyph prepareglyph
-  syn keyword mpConstant     lefttriangle midbar onebar righttriangle sidebar
-  syn keyword mpConstant     sublefttriangle subrighttriangle twobar
-  " mp-text.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpDef          build_parshape
-  syn keyword mpVardef       found_point
-  syn keyword mpVariable     trace_parshape
-  syn keyword mpConstant     context_text
-  " mp-tool.mpiv
-  syn keyword mpCommand      dump
-  syn keyword mpDef          addbackground b_color beginglyph break centerarrow
-  syn keyword mpDef          clearxy condition data_mpd_file detaileddraw
-  syn keyword mpDef          detailpaths dowithpath draw drawboundary
-  syn keyword mpDef          drawboundingbox drawcontrollines drawcontrolpoints
-  syn keyword mpDef          drawfill draworigin drawpath drawpathonly
-  syn keyword mpDef          drawpathwithpoints drawpoint drawpointlabels
-  syn keyword mpDef          drawpoints drawticks drawwholepath drawxticks
-  syn keyword mpDef          drawyticks endglyph fill finishsavingdata g_color
-  syn keyword mpDef          inner_boundingbox job_name leftarrow loadmodule
-  syn keyword mpDef          midarrowhead naturalizepaths newboolean newcolor
-  syn keyword mpDef          newnumeric newpair newpath newpicture newstring
-  syn keyword mpDef          newtransform normalcolors normaldraw normalfill
-  syn keyword mpDef          normalwithcolor outer_boundingbox pop_boundingbox
-  syn keyword mpDef          popboundingbox popcurrentpicture push_boundingbox
-  syn keyword mpDef          pushboundingbox pushcurrentpicture r_color readfile
-  syn keyword mpDef          recolor redraw refill register_dirty_chars
-  syn keyword mpDef          remapcolor remapcolors remappedcolor reprocess
-  syn keyword mpDef          resetarrows resetcolormap resetdrawoptions
-  syn keyword mpDef          resolvedcolor restroke retext rightarrow savedata
-  syn keyword mpDef          saveoptions scale_currentpicture set_ahlength
-  syn keyword mpDef          set_grid showgrid startplaincompatibility
-  syn keyword mpDef          startsavingdata stopplaincompatibility
-  syn keyword mpDef          stopsavingdata stripe_path_a stripe_path_n undashed
-  syn keyword mpDef          undrawfill untext visualizeddraw visualizedfill
-  syn keyword mpDef          visualizepaths withcolor withgray
-  syn keyword mpDef          xscale_currentpicture xshifted
-  syn keyword mpDef          xyscale_currentpicture yscale_currentpicture
-  syn keyword mpDef          yshifted
-  syn keyword mpVardef       acos acosh anglebetween area arrowhead
-  syn keyword mpVardef       arrowheadonpath arrowpath asciistring asin asinh
-  syn keyword mpVardef       atan basiccolors bbheight bbwidth bcomponent
-  syn keyword mpVardef       blackcolor bottomboundary boundingbox c_phantom
-  syn keyword mpVardef       ccomponent center cleanstring colorcircle
-  syn keyword mpVardef       colordecimals colordecimalslist colorlike colorpart
-  syn keyword mpVardef       colortype complementary complemented copylist cos
-  syn keyword mpVardef       cosh cot cotd curved ddddecimal dddecimal ddecimal
-  syn keyword mpVardef       decorated drawarrowpath epsed exp freedotlabel
-  syn keyword mpVardef       freelabel gcomponent getunstringed grayed greyed
-  syn keyword mpVardef       hsvtorgb infinite innerboundingbox interpolated inv
-  syn keyword mpVardef       invcos inverted invsin invtan laddered leftboundary
-  syn keyword mpVardef       leftpath leftrightpath listsize listtocurves
-  syn keyword mpVardef       listtolines ln log mcomponent new_on_grid
-  syn keyword mpVardef       outerboundingbox paired pen_size penpoint phantom
-  syn keyword mpVardef       pointarrow pow punked rangepath rcomponent
-  syn keyword mpVardef       redecorated repathed rightboundary rightpath
-  syn keyword mpVardef       rotation roundedsquare set_inner_boundingbox
-  syn keyword mpVardef       set_outer_boundingbox setunstringed shapedlist
-  syn keyword mpVardef       simplified sin sinh sortlist sqr straightpath tan
-  syn keyword mpVardef       tand tanh tensecircle thefreelabel topboundary
-  syn keyword mpVardef       tripled undecorated unitvector unspiked unstringed
-  syn keyword mpVardef       whitecolor ycomponent
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   along blownup bottomenlarged cornered crossed
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   enlarged enlonged leftenlarged llenlarged llmoved
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   lrenlarged lrmoved on paralleled randomized
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   randomizedcontrols randomshifted rightenlarged
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   shortened sized smoothed snapped softened squeezed
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   stretched superellipsed topenlarged ulenlarged
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   ulmoved uncolored urenlarged urmoved xsized
-  syn keyword mpPrimaryDef   xstretched xyscaled xysized ysized ystretched zmod
-  syn keyword mpSecondaryDef anglestriped intersection_point numberstriped
-  syn keyword mpSecondaryDef peepholed
-  syn keyword mpTertiaryDef  cutends
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  ahdimple ahvariant anglelength anglemethod
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  angleoffset charscale cmykcolormodel graycolormodel
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  greycolormodel maxdimensions metapostversion
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  nocolormodel rgbcolormodel striped_normal_inner
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  striped_normal_outer striped_reverse_inner
-  syn keyword mpNewInternal  striped_reverse_outer
-  syn keyword mpType         grayscale greyscale quadruplet triplet
-  syn keyword mpVariable     ahfactor collapse_data color_map drawoptionsfactor
-  syn keyword mpVariable     freedotlabelsize freelabeloffset grid grid_full
-  syn keyword mpVariable     grid_h grid_left grid_nx grid_ny grid_w grid_x
-  syn keyword mpVariable     grid_y intersection_found originlength
-  syn keyword mpVariable     plain_compatibility_data pointlabelfont
-  syn keyword mpVariable     pointlabelscale refillbackground savingdata
-  syn keyword mpVariable     savingdatadone swappointlabels ticklength tickstep
-  syn keyword mpConstant     CRLF DQUOTE PERCENT SPACE bcircle context_tool crlf
-  syn keyword mpConstant     darkblue darkcyan darkgray darkgreen darkmagenta
-  syn keyword mpConstant     darkred darkyellow downtriangle dquote freesquare
-  syn keyword mpConstant     fulldiamond fullsquare fulltriangle lcircle
-  syn keyword mpConstant     lefttriangle lightgray llcircle lltriangle lrcircle
-  syn keyword mpConstant     lrtriangle mpversion nocolor noline oddly
-  syn keyword mpConstant     originpath percent rcircle righttriangle space
-  syn keyword mpConstant     tcircle triangle ulcircle ultriangle unitcircle
-  syn keyword mpConstant     unitdiamond unittriangle uptriangle urcircle
-  syn keyword mpConstant     urtriangle
-endif " MetaFun macros
+  hi def link metafunCommands   Statement
+  hi def link metafunInternals  Identifier
-" Define the default highlighting
+# Define the default highlighting
 hi def link mpTeXdelim     mpPrimitive
 hi def link mpBoolExp      mfBoolExp
 hi def link mpNumExp       mfNumExp
@@ -761,9 +268,6 @@ hi def link mpOnOff        mpPrimitive
 hi def link mpDash         mpPrimitive
 hi def link mpTeXKeyword   Identifier
-let b:current_syntax = "mp"
+b:current_syntax = "mp"
-let &cpo = s:cpo_sav
-unlet! s:cpo_sav
-" vim:sw=2
+# vim: sw=2 fdm=marker