diff runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim @ 12816:218102da5226 v8.0.1285

patch 8.0.1285: occasional crash when using a channel commit https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/d09a206ee94ccb653707ce9b6e536d4d58886e04 Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Sat Nov 11 15:37:45 2017 +0100 patch 8.0.1285: occasional crash when using a channel Problem: Occasional crash when using a channel. (Marek) Solution: Decrement reference count later. (closes https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/2315)
author Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
date Sat, 11 Nov 2017 15:45:04 +0100
children a6d3e2081544
line wrap: on
line diff
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runtime/autoload/dist/ft.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,741 @@
+" Vim functions for file type detection
+" Maintainer:	Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org>
+" Last Change:	2017 Nov 11
+" These functions are moved here from runtime/filetype.vim to make startup
+" faster.
+" Line continuation is used here, remove 'C' from 'cpoptions'
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+func dist#ft#Check_inp()
+  if getline(1) =~ '^\*'
+    setf abaqus
+  else
+    let n = 1
+    if line("$") > 500
+      let nmax = 500
+    else
+      let nmax = line("$")
+    endif
+    while n <= nmax
+      if getline(n) =~? "^header surface data"
+	setf trasys
+	break
+      endif
+      let n = n + 1
+    endwhile
+  endif
+" This function checks for the kind of assembly that is wanted by the user, or
+" can be detected from the first five lines of the file.
+func dist#ft#FTasm()
+  " make sure b:asmsyntax exists
+  if !exists("b:asmsyntax")
+    let b:asmsyntax = ""
+  endif
+  if b:asmsyntax == ""
+    call dist#ft#FTasmsyntax()
+  endif
+  " if b:asmsyntax still isn't set, default to asmsyntax or GNU
+  if b:asmsyntax == ""
+    if exists("g:asmsyntax")
+      let b:asmsyntax = g:asmsyntax
+    else
+      let b:asmsyntax = "asm"
+    endif
+  endif
+  exe "setf " . fnameescape(b:asmsyntax)
+func dist#ft#FTasmsyntax()
+  " see if file contains any asmsyntax=foo overrides. If so, change
+  " b:asmsyntax appropriately
+  let head = " ".getline(1)." ".getline(2)." ".getline(3)." ".getline(4).
+	\" ".getline(5)." "
+  let match = matchstr(head, '\sasmsyntax=\zs[a-zA-Z0-9]\+\ze\s')
+  if match != ''
+    let b:asmsyntax = match
+  elseif ((head =~? '\.title') || (head =~? '\.ident') || (head =~? '\.macro') || (head =~? '\.subtitle') || (head =~? '\.library'))
+    let b:asmsyntax = "vmasm"
+  endif
+" Check if one of the first five lines contains "VB_Name".  In that case it is
+" probably a Visual Basic file.  Otherwise it's assumed to be "alt" filetype.
+func dist#ft#FTVB(alt)
+  if getline(1).getline(2).getline(3).getline(4).getline(5) =~? 'VB_Name\|Begin VB\.\(Form\|MDIForm\|UserControl\)'
+    setf vb
+  else
+    exe "setf " . a:alt
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTbtm()
+  if exists("g:dosbatch_syntax_for_btm") && g:dosbatch_syntax_for_btm
+    setf dosbatch
+  else
+    setf btm
+  endif
+func dist#ft#BindzoneCheck(default)
+  if getline(1).getline(2).getline(3).getline(4) =~ '^; <<>> DiG [0-9.]\+.* <<>>\|$ORIGIN\|$TTL\|IN\s\+SOA'
+    setf bindzone
+  elseif a:default != ''
+    exe 'setf ' . a:default
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTlpc()
+  if exists("g:lpc_syntax_for_c")
+    let lnum = 1
+    while lnum <= 12
+      if getline(lnum) =~# '^\(//\|inherit\|private\|protected\|nosave\|string\|object\|mapping\|mixed\)'
+	setf lpc
+	return
+      endif
+      let lnum = lnum + 1
+    endwhile
+  endif
+  setf c
+func dist#ft#FTheader()
+  if match(getline(1, min([line("$"), 200])), '^@\(interface\|end\|class\)') > -1
+    if exists("g:c_syntax_for_h")
+      setf objc
+    else
+      setf objcpp
+    endif
+  elseif exists("g:c_syntax_for_h")
+    setf c
+  elseif exists("g:ch_syntax_for_h")
+    setf ch
+  else
+    setf cpp
+  endif
+" This function checks if one of the first ten lines start with a '@'.  In
+" that case it is probably a change file.
+" If the first line starts with # or ! it's probably a ch file.
+" If a line has "main", "include", "//" ir "/*" it's probably ch.
+" Otherwise CHILL is assumed.
+func dist#ft#FTchange()
+  let lnum = 1
+  while lnum <= 10
+    if getline(lnum)[0] == '@'
+      setf change
+      return
+    endif
+    if lnum == 1 && (getline(1)[0] == '#' || getline(1)[0] == '!')
+      setf ch
+      return
+    endif
+    if getline(lnum) =~ "MODULE"
+      setf chill
+      return
+    endif
+    if getline(lnum) =~ 'main\s*(\|#\s*include\|//'
+      setf ch
+      return
+    endif
+    let lnum = lnum + 1
+  endwhile
+  setf chill
+func dist#ft#FTent()
+  " This function checks for valid cl syntax in the first five lines.
+  " Look for either an opening comment, '#', or a block start, '{".
+  " If not found, assume SGML.
+  let lnum = 1
+  while lnum < 6
+    let line = getline(lnum)
+    if line =~ '^\s*[#{]'
+      setf cl
+      return
+    elseif line !~ '^\s*$'
+      " Not a blank line, not a comment, and not a block start,
+      " so doesn't look like valid cl code.
+      break
+    endif
+    let lnum = lnum + 1
+  endw
+  setf dtd
+func dist#ft#EuphoriaCheck()
+  if exists('g:filetype_euphoria')
+    exe 'setf ' . g:filetype_euphoria
+  else
+    setf euphoria3
+  endif
+func dist#ft#DtraceCheck()
+  let lines = getline(1, min([line("$"), 100]))
+  if match(lines, '^module\>\|^import\>') > -1
+    " D files often start with a module and/or import statement.
+    setf d
+  elseif match(lines, '^#!\S\+dtrace\|#pragma\s\+D\s\+option\|:\S\{-}:\S\{-}:') > -1
+    setf dtrace
+  else
+    setf d
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTe()
+  if exists('g:filetype_euphoria')
+    exe 'setf ' . g:filetype_euphoria
+  else
+    let n = 1
+    while n < 100 && n < line("$")
+      if getline(n) =~ "^\\s*\\(<'\\|'>\\)\\s*$"
+	setf specman
+	return
+      endif
+      let n = n + 1
+    endwhile
+    setf eiffel
+  endif
+" Distinguish between HTML, XHTML and Django
+func dist#ft#FThtml()
+  let n = 1
+  while n < 10 && n < line("$")
+    if getline(n) =~ '\<DTD\s\+XHTML\s'
+      setf xhtml
+      return
+    endif
+    if getline(n) =~ '{%\s*\(extends\|block\|load\)\>\|{#\s\+'
+      setf htmldjango
+      return
+    endif
+    let n = n + 1
+  endwhile
+  setf html
+" Distinguish between standard IDL and MS-IDL
+func dist#ft#FTidl()
+  let n = 1
+  while n < 50 && n < line("$")
+    if getline(n) =~ '^\s*import\s\+"\(unknwn\|objidl\)\.idl"'
+      setf msidl
+      return
+    endif
+    let n = n + 1
+  endwhile
+  setf idl
+" Distinguish between "default" and Cproto prototype file. */
+func dist#ft#ProtoCheck(default)
+  " Cproto files have a comment in the first line and a function prototype in
+  " the second line, it always ends in ";".  Indent files may also have
+  " comments, thus we can't match comments to see the difference.
+  " IDL files can have a single ';' in the second line, require at least one
+  " chacter before the ';'.
+  if getline(2) =~ '.;$'
+    setf cpp
+  else
+    exe 'setf ' . a:default
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTm()
+  let n = 1
+  let saw_comment = 0 " Whether we've seen a multiline comment leader.
+  while n < 100
+    let line = getline(n)
+    if line =~ '^\s*/\*'
+      " /* ... */ is a comment in Objective C and Murphi, so we can't conclude
+      " it's either of them yet, but track this as a hint in case we don't see
+      " anything more definitive.
+      let saw_comment = 1
+    endif
+    if line =~ '^\s*\(#\s*\(include\|import\)\>\|@import\>\|//\)'
+      setf objc
+      return
+    endif
+    if line =~ '^\s*%'
+      setf matlab
+      return
+    endif
+    if line =~ '^\s*(\*'
+      setf mma
+      return
+    endif
+    if line =~ '^\c\s*\(\(type\|var\)\>\|--\)'
+      setf murphi
+      return
+    endif
+    let n = n + 1
+  endwhile
+  if saw_comment
+    " We didn't see anything definitive, but this looks like either Objective C
+    " or Murphi based on the comment leader. Assume the former as it is more
+    " common.
+    setf objc
+  elseif exists("g:filetype_m")
+    " Use user specified default filetype for .m
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_m
+  else
+    " Default is matlab
+    setf matlab
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTmms()
+  let n = 1
+  while n < 10
+    let line = getline(n)
+    if line =~ '^\s*\(%\|//\)' || line =~ '^\*'
+      setf mmix
+      return
+    endif
+    if line =~ '^\s*#'
+      setf make
+      return
+    endif
+    let n = n + 1
+  endwhile
+  setf mmix
+" This function checks if one of the first five lines start with a dot.  In
+" that case it is probably an nroff file: 'filetype' is set and 1 is returned.
+func dist#ft#FTnroff()
+  if getline(1)[0] . getline(2)[0] . getline(3)[0] . getline(4)[0] . getline(5)[0] =~ '\.'
+    setf nroff
+    return 1
+  endif
+  return 0
+func dist#ft#FTmm()
+  let n = 1
+  while n < 10
+    let line = getline(n)
+    if line =~ '^\s*\(#\s*\(include\|import\)\>\|@import\>\|/\*\)'
+      setf objcpp
+      return
+    endif
+    let n = n + 1
+  endwhile
+  setf nroff
+func dist#ft#FTpl()
+  if exists("g:filetype_pl")
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_pl
+  else
+    " recognize Prolog by specific text in the first non-empty line
+    " require a blank after the '%' because Perl uses "%list" and "%translate"
+    let l = getline(nextnonblank(1))
+    if l =~ '\<prolog\>' || l =~ '^\s*\(%\+\(\s\|$\)\|/\*\)' || l =~ ':-'
+      setf prolog
+    else
+      setf perl
+    endif
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTinc()
+  if exists("g:filetype_inc")
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_inc
+  else
+    let lines = getline(1).getline(2).getline(3)
+    if lines =~? "perlscript"
+      setf aspperl
+    elseif lines =~ "<%"
+      setf aspvbs
+    elseif lines =~ "<?"
+      setf php
+    else
+      call dist#ft#FTasmsyntax()
+      if exists("b:asmsyntax")
+	exe "setf " . fnameescape(b:asmsyntax)
+      else
+	setf pov
+      endif
+    endif
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTprogress_cweb()
+  if exists("g:filetype_w")
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_w
+    return
+  endif
+  if getline(1) =~ '&ANALYZE' || getline(3) =~ '&GLOBAL-DEFINE'
+    setf progress
+  else
+    setf cweb
+  endif
+func dist#ft#FTprogress_asm()
+  if exists("g:filetype_i")
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_i
+    return
+  endif
+  " This function checks for an assembly comment the first ten lines.
+  " If not found, assume Progress.
+  let lnum = 1
+  while lnum <= 10 && lnum < line('$')
+    let line = getline(lnum)
+    if line =~ '^\s*;' || line =~ '^\*'
+      call dist#ft#FTasm()
+      return
+    elseif line !~ '^\s*$' || line =~ '^/\*'
+      " Not an empty line: Doesn't look like valid assembly code.
+      " Or it looks like a Progress /* comment
+      break
+    endif
+    let lnum = lnum + 1
+  endw
+  setf progress
+func dist#ft#FTprogress_pascal()
+  if exists("g:filetype_p")
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_p
+    return
+  endif
+  " This function checks for valid Pascal syntax in the first ten lines.
+  " Look for either an opening comment or a program start.
+  " If not found, assume Progress.
+  let lnum = 1
+  while lnum <= 10 && lnum < line('$')
+    let line = getline(lnum)
+    if line =~ '^\s*\(program\|unit\|procedure\|function\|const\|type\|var\)\>'
+	\ || line =~ '^\s*{' || line =~ '^\s*(\*'
+      setf pascal
+      return
+    elseif line !~ '^\s*$' || line =~ '^/\*'
+      " Not an empty line: Doesn't look like valid Pascal code.
+      " Or it looks like a Progress /* comment
+      break
+    endif
+    let lnum = lnum + 1
+  endw
+  setf progress
+func dist#ft#FTr()
+  let max = line("$") > 50 ? 50 : line("$")
+  for n in range(1, max)
+    " Rebol is easy to recognize, check for that first
+    if getline(n) =~? '\<REBOL\>'
+      setf rebol
+      return
+    endif
+  endfor
+  for n in range(1, max)
+    " R has # comments
+    if getline(n) =~ '^\s*#'
+      setf r
+      return
+    endif
+    " Rexx has /* comments */
+    if getline(n) =~ '^\s*/\*'
+      setf rexx
+      return
+    endif
+  endfor
+  " Nothing recognized, use user default or assume Rexx
+  if exists("g:filetype_r")
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_r
+  else
+    " Rexx used to be the default, but R appears to be much more popular.
+    setf r
+  endif
+func dist#ft#McSetf()
+  " Rely on the file to start with a comment.
+  " MS message text files use ';', Sendmail files use '#' or 'dnl'
+  for lnum in range(1, min([line("$"), 20]))
+    let line = getline(lnum)
+    if line =~ '^\s*\(#\|dnl\)'
+      setf m4  " Sendmail .mc file
+      return
+    elseif line =~ '^\s*;'
+      setf msmessages  " MS Message text file
+      return
+    endif
+  endfor
+  setf m4  " Default: Sendmail .mc file
+" Called from filetype.vim and scripts.vim.
+func dist#ft#SetFileTypeSH(name)
+  if expand("<amatch>") =~ g:ft_ignore_pat
+    return
+  endif
+  if a:name =~ '\<csh\>'
+    " Some .sh scripts contain #!/bin/csh.
+    call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("csh")
+    return
+  elseif a:name =~ '\<tcsh\>'
+    " Some .sh scripts contain #!/bin/tcsh.
+    call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("tcsh")
+    return
+  elseif a:name =~ '\<zsh\>'
+    " Some .sh scripts contain #!/bin/zsh.
+    call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("zsh")
+    return
+  elseif a:name =~ '\<ksh\>'
+    let b:is_kornshell = 1
+    if exists("b:is_bash")
+      unlet b:is_bash
+    endif
+    if exists("b:is_sh")
+      unlet b:is_sh
+    endif
+  elseif exists("g:bash_is_sh") || a:name =~ '\<bash\>' || a:name =~ '\<bash2\>'
+    let b:is_bash = 1
+    if exists("b:is_kornshell")
+      unlet b:is_kornshell
+    endif
+    if exists("b:is_sh")
+      unlet b:is_sh
+    endif
+  elseif a:name =~ '\<sh\>'
+    let b:is_sh = 1
+    if exists("b:is_kornshell")
+      unlet b:is_kornshell
+    endif
+    if exists("b:is_bash")
+      unlet b:is_bash
+    endif
+  endif
+  call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("sh")
+" For shell-like file types, check for an "exec" command hidden in a comment,
+" as used for Tcl.
+" Also called from scripts.vim, thus can't be local to this script.
+func dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell(name)
+  if expand("<amatch>") =~ g:ft_ignore_pat
+    return
+  endif
+  let l = 2
+  while l < 20 && l < line("$") && getline(l) =~ '^\s*\(#\|$\)'
+    " Skip empty and comment lines.
+    let l = l + 1
+  endwhile
+  if l < line("$") && getline(l) =~ '\s*exec\s' && getline(l - 1) =~ '^\s*#.*\\$'
+    " Found an "exec" line after a comment with continuation
+    let n = substitute(getline(l),'\s*exec\s\+\([^ ]*/\)\=', '', '')
+    if n =~ '\<tclsh\|\<wish'
+      setf tcl
+      return
+    endif
+  endif
+  exe "setf " . a:name
+func dist#ft#CSH()
+  if exists("g:filetype_csh")
+    call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell(g:filetype_csh)
+  elseif &shell =~ "tcsh"
+    call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("tcsh")
+  else
+    call dist#ft#SetFileTypeShell("csh")
+  endif
+let s:ft_rules_udev_rules_pattern = '^\s*\cudev_rules\s*=\s*"\([^"]\{-1,}\)/*".*'
+func dist#ft#FTRules()
+  let path = expand('<amatch>:p')
+  if path =~ '^/\(etc/udev/\%(rules\.d/\)\=.*\.rules\|lib/udev/\%(rules\.d/\)\=.*\.rules\)$'
+    setf udevrules
+    return
+  endif
+  if path =~ '^/etc/ufw/'
+    setf conf  " Better than hog
+    return
+  endif
+  if path =~ '^/\(etc\|usr/share\)/polkit-1/rules\.d'
+    setf javascript
+    return
+  endif
+  try
+    let config_lines = readfile('/etc/udev/udev.conf')
+  catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E484/
+    setf hog
+    return
+  endtry
+  let dir = expand('<amatch>:p:h')
+  for line in config_lines
+    if line =~ s:ft_rules_udev_rules_pattern
+      let udev_rules = substitute(line, s:ft_rules_udev_rules_pattern, '\1', "")
+      if dir == udev_rules
+	setf udevrules
+      endif
+      break
+    endif
+  endfor
+  setf hog
+func dist#ft#SQL()
+  if exists("g:filetype_sql")
+    exe "setf " . g:filetype_sql
+  else
+    setf sql
+  endif
+" If the file has an extension of 't' and is in a directory 't' or 'xt' then
+" it is almost certainly a Perl test file.
+" If the first line starts with '#' and contains 'perl' it's probably a Perl
+" file.
+" (Slow test) If a file contains a 'use' statement then it is almost certainly
+" a Perl file.
+func dist#ft#FTperl()
+  let dirname = expand("%:p:h:t")
+  if expand("%:e") == 't' && (dirname == 't' || dirname == 'xt')
+    setf perl
+    return 1
+  endif
+  if getline(1)[0] == '#' && getline(1) =~ 'perl'
+    setf perl
+    return 1
+  endif
+  if search('^use\s\s*\k', 'nc', 30)
+    setf perl
+    return 1
+  endif
+  return 0
+" Choose context, plaintex, or tex (LaTeX) based on these rules:
+" 1. Check the first line of the file for "%&<format>".
+" 2. Check the first 1000 non-comment lines for LaTeX or ConTeXt keywords.
+" 3. Default to "latex" or to g:tex_flavor, can be set in user's vimrc.
+func dist#ft#FTtex()
+  let firstline = getline(1)
+  if firstline =~ '^%&\s*\a\+'
+    let format = tolower(matchstr(firstline, '\a\+'))
+    let format = substitute(format, 'pdf', '', '')
+    if format == 'tex'
+      let format = 'latex'
+    elseif format == 'plaintex'
+      let format = 'plain'
+    endif
+  elseif expand('%') =~ 'tex/context/.*/.*.tex'
+    let format = 'context'
+  else
+    " Default value, may be changed later:
+    let format = exists("g:tex_flavor") ? g:tex_flavor : 'plain'
+    " Save position, go to the top of the file, find first non-comment line.
+    let save_cursor = getpos('.')
+    call cursor(1,1)
+    let firstNC = search('^\s*[^[:space:]%]', 'c', 1000)
+    if firstNC " Check the next thousand lines for a LaTeX or ConTeXt keyword.
+      let lpat = 'documentclass\>\|usepackage\>\|begin{\|newcommand\>\|renewcommand\>'
+      let cpat = 'start\a\+\|setup\a\+\|usemodule\|enablemode\|enableregime\|setvariables\|useencoding\|usesymbols\|stelle\a\+\|verwende\a\+\|stel\a\+\|gebruik\a\+\|usa\a\+\|imposta\a\+\|regle\a\+\|utilisemodule\>'
+      let kwline = search('^\s*\\\%(' . lpat . '\)\|^\s*\\\(' . cpat . '\)',
+			      \ 'cnp', firstNC + 1000)
+      if kwline == 1	" lpat matched
+	let format = 'latex'
+      elseif kwline == 2	" cpat matched
+	let format = 'context'
+      endif		" If neither matched, keep default set above.
+      " let lline = search('^\s*\\\%(' . lpat . '\)', 'cn', firstNC + 1000)
+      " let cline = search('^\s*\\\%(' . cpat . '\)', 'cn', firstNC + 1000)
+      " if cline > 0
+      "   let format = 'context'
+      " endif
+      " if lline > 0 && (cline == 0 || cline > lline)
+      "   let format = 'tex'
+      " endif
+    endif " firstNC
+    call setpos('.', save_cursor)
+  endif " firstline =~ '^%&\s*\a\+'
+  " Translation from formats to file types.  TODO:  add AMSTeX, RevTex, others?
+  if format == 'plain'
+    setf plaintex
+  elseif format == 'context'
+    setf context
+  else " probably LaTeX
+    setf tex
+  endif
+  return
+func dist#ft#FTxml()
+  let n = 1
+  while n < 100 && n < line("$")
+    let line = getline(n)
+    " DocBook 4 or DocBook 5.
+    let is_docbook4 = line =~ '<!DOCTYPE.*DocBook'
+    let is_docbook5 = line =~ ' xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"'
+    if is_docbook4 || is_docbook5
+      let b:docbk_type = "xml"
+      if is_docbook5
+	let b:docbk_ver = 5
+      else
+	let b:docbk_ver = 4
+      endif
+      setf docbk
+      return
+    endif
+    if line =~ 'xmlns:xbl="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl"'
+      setf xbl
+      return
+    endif
+    let n += 1
+  endwhile
+  setf xml
+func dist#ft#FTy()
+  let n = 1
+  while n < 100 && n < line("$")
+    let line = getline(n)
+    if line =~ '^\s*%'
+      setf yacc
+      return
+    endif
+    if getline(n) =~ '^\s*\(#\|class\>\)' && getline(n) !~ '^\s*#\s*include'
+      setf racc
+      return
+    endif
+    let n = n + 1
+  endwhile
+  setf yacc
+func dist#ft#Redif()
+  let lnum = 1
+  while lnum <= 5 && lnum < line('$')
+    if getline(lnum) =~ "^\ctemplate-type:"
+      setf redif
+      return
+    endif
+    let lnum = lnum + 1
+  endwhile
+" Restore 'cpoptions'
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+unlet s:cpo_save