diff runtime/syntax/vim.vim @ 14432:172f18a3a6cd

Update runtime files. commit https://github.com/vim/vim/commit/d2855f5454c5c6c5f786b228c5b67757edfefcb1 Author: Bram Moolenaar <Bram@vim.org> Date: Tue Jul 31 22:23:58 2018 +0200 Update runtime files.
author Christian Brabandt <cb@256bit.org>
date Tue, 31 Jul 2018 22:30:07 +0200
parents 1174611ad715
children 405309f9dd13
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
+++ b/runtime/syntax/vim.vim
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 " Vim syntax file
 " Language:	Vim 8.0 script
 " Maintainer:	Charles E. Campbell <NdrOchipS@PcampbellAfamily.Mbiz>
-" Last Change:	April 30, 2018
-" Version:	8.0-14
+" Last Change:	July 31, 2018
+" Version:	8.0-19
 " URL:	http://www.drchip.org/astronaut/vim/index.html#SYNTAX_VIM
 " Automatically generated keyword lists: {{{1
@@ -19,26 +19,24 @@ syn keyword vimTodo contained	COMBAK	FIX
 syn cluster vimCommentGroup	contains=vimTodo,@Spell
 " regular vim commands {{{2
-syn keyword vimCommand contained	a arga[dd] argu[ment] bad[d] bn[ext] breakd[el] bw[ipeout] cadde[xpr] cc cf[ile] changes cla[st] cnf[ile] comp[iler] cq[uit] cw[indow] delep dell diffg[et] dig[raphs] doau ea el[se] endt[ry] f[ile] fina[lly] foldd[oopen] go[to] ha[rdcopy] hid[e] ij[ump] isp[lit] keepa l[ist] lat lcl[ose] lex[pr] lgete[xpr] lla[st] lnf[ile] lol[der] lt[ag] lw[indow] menut[ranslate] mkv[imrc] n[ext] nmapc[lear] nore omapc[lear] pa[ckadd] perld[o] prev[ious] promptr[epl] ptj[ump] pts[elect] py[thon] pyx quita[ll] redr[aw] retu[rn] rub[y] sI sIn sal[l] sba[ll] sbp[revious] scg scripte[ncoding] setg[lobal] sgI sgn sic sim[alt] sla[st] smile so[urce] spelli[nfo] sr sri sta[g] stopi[nsert] sus[pend] sync ta[g] tabe[dit] tabn[ext] tabs te[aroff] tm[enu] to[pleft] tu[nmenu] undol[ist] up[date] vi[sual] vmapc[lear] wa[ll] winp[os] ws[verb] xmapc[lear] xprop
-syn keyword vimCommand contained	ab argd[elete] as[cii] bd[elete] bo[tright] breakl[ist] cN[ext] caddf[ile] ccl[ose] cfdo chd[ir] cle[arjumps] co[py] con[tinue] cr[ewind] d[elete] deletel delm[arks] diffo[ff] dir dp earlier elsei[f] endw[hile] files fini[sh] folddoc[losed] gr[ep] helpc[lose] his[tory] il[ist] iuna[bbrev] keepalt la[st] later lcs lf[ile] lgr[ep] lli[st] lo[adview] lop[en] lua m[ove] mes mkvie[w] nb[key] noa nos[wapfile] on[ly] packl[oadall] po[p] pro ps[earch] ptl[ast] pu[t] pydo pyxdo r[ead] redraws[tatus] rew[ind] rubyd[o] sIc sIp san[dbox] sbf[irst] sbr[ewind] sci scs setl[ocal] sgc sgp sie sin sm[agic] sn[ext] sor[t] spellr[epall] srI srl star[tinsert] sts[elect] sv[iew] syncbind tab tabf[ind] tabnew tags tf[irst] tma[p] tp[revious] tunma[p] unh[ide] v vie[w] vne[w] wh[ile] wn[ext] wundo xme xunme
-syn keyword vimCommand contained	abc[lear] argdo au bel[owright] bp[revious] bro[wse] cNf[ile] cal[l] cd cfir[st] che[ckpath] clo[se] col[der] conf[irm] cs debug deletep delp diffp[atch] dj[ump] dr[op] ec em[enu] ene[w] filet fir[st] foldo[pen] grepa[dd] helpf[ind] i imapc[lear] j[oin] keepj[umps] lad[dexpr] lb[uffer] lcscope lfdo lgrepa[dd] lmak[e] loadk lp[revious] luado ma[rk] messages mod[e] nbc[lose] noautocmd nu[mber] opt[ions] pc[lose] popu[p] prof[ile] ptN[ext] ptn[ext] pw[d] pyf[ile] pyxfile rec[over] reg[isters] ri[ght] rubyf[ile] sIe sIr sav[eas] sbl[ast] sc scl scscope sf[ind] sge sgr sig sip sm[ap] sno[magic] sp[lit] spellu[ndo] src srn startg[replace] sun[hide] sw[apname] syntime tabN[ext] tabfir[st] tabo[nly] tc[l] th[row] tmapc[lear] tr[ewind] u[ndo] unl ve[rsion] vim[grep] vs[plit] win[size] wp[revious] wv[iminfo] xmenu xunmenu
-syn keyword vimCommand contained	abo[veleft] arge[dit] bN[ext] bf[irst] br[ewind] bufdo c[hange] cat[ch] cdo cg[etfile] checkt[ime] cmapc[lear] colo[rscheme] cope[n] cscope debugg[reedy] deletl dep diffpu[t] dl ds[earch] echoe[rr] en[dif] ex filetype fix[del] for gui helpg[rep] ia in ju[mps] keepp[atterns] laddb[uffer] lbo[ttom] ld[o] lfir[st] lh[elpgrep] lmapc[lear] loadkeymap lpf[ile] luafile mak[e] mk[exrc] mz[scheme] nbs[tart] noh[lsearch] o[pen] ownsyntax pe[rl] pp[op] profd[el] pta[g] ptp[revious] py3 python3 q[uit] red[o] res[ize] rightb[elow] rundo sIg sN[ext] sbN[ext] sbm[odified] scI scp se[t] sfir[st] sgi sh[ell] sign sir sme snoreme spe[llgood] spellw[rong] sre[wind] srp startr[eplace] sunme sy t tabc[lose] tabl[ast] tabp[revious] tcld[o] tj[ump] tn[ext] try una[bbreviate] unlo[ckvar] verb[ose] vimgrepa[dd] wN[ext] winc[md] wq x[it] xnoreme xwininfo
-syn keyword vimCommand contained	al[l] argg[lobal] b[uffer] bl[ast] brea[k] buffers cabc[lear] cb[uffer] ce[nter] cgetb[uffer] chi[story] cn[ext] com cp[revious] cstag delc[ommand] deletp di[splay] diffs[plit] dli[st] dsp[lit] echom[sg] endf[unction] exi[t] filt[er] fo[ld] fu[nction] gvim helpt[ags] iabc[lear] intro k lN[ext] laddf[ile] lc[d] le[ft] lg[etfile] lhi[story] lne[xt] loc[kmarks] lr[ewind] lv[imgrep] marks mks[ession] mzf[ile] new nor ol[dfiles] p[rint] ped[it] pre[serve] promptf[ind] ptf[irst] ptr[ewind] py3do pythonx qa[ll] redi[r] ret[ab] ru[ntime] rv[iminfo] sIl sa[rgument] sb[uffer] sbn[ext] sce scr[iptnames] setf[iletype] sg sgl si sil[ent] sl[eep] smenu snoremenu spelld[ump] spr[evious] srg st[op] stj[ump] sunmenu syn tN[ext] tabd[o] tabm[ove] tabr[ewind] tclf[ile] tl[ast] tno[remap] ts[elect] undoj[oin] uns[ilent] vert[ical] viu[sage] w[rite] windo wqa[ll] xa[ll] xnoremenu y[ank]
-syn keyword vimCommand contained	ar[gs] argl[ocal] ba[ll] bm[odified] breaka[dd] bun[load] cad[dbuffer] cbo[ttom] cex[pr] cgete[xpr] cl[ist] cnew[er] comc[lear] cpf[ile] cuna[bbrev] delel delf[unction] dif[fupdate] difft[his] do e[dit] echon endfo[r] exu[sage] fin[d] foldc[lose] g h[elp] hi if is[earch] kee[pmarks] lNf[ile] lan[guage] lch[dir] lefta[bove] lgetb[uffer] ll lnew[er] lockv[ar] ls lvimgrepa[dd] mat[ch] mksp[ell]
-syn keyword vimCommand contained	ter[minal]
+syn keyword vimCommand contained	a arga[dd] argu[ment] bad[d] bn[ext] breakd[el] bw[ipeout] cadde[xpr] cc cf[ile] changes cla[st] cnf[ile] comp[iler] cq[uit] cw[indow] delep dell diffg[et] dig[raphs] doau ea el[se] endt[ry] f[ile] fina[lly] foldd[oopen] go[to] ha[rdcopy] hid[e] ij[ump] isp[lit] keepa l[ist] lat lcl[ose] lex[pr] lgete[xpr] lla[st] lnf[ile] lol[der] lt[ag] lw[indow] menut[ranslate] mkv[imrc] nb[key] noa nos[wapfile] on[ly] packl[oadall] po[p] pro ps[earch] ptl[ast] pu[t] pydo pyxdo r[ead] redraws[tatus] rew[ind] rubyd[o] sIc sIp san[dbox] sbf[irst] sbr[ewind] sci scs setl[ocal] sgc sgp sie sin sm[agic] sn[ext] sor[t] spellr[epall] srI srl star[tinsert] sts[elect] sv[iew] syncbind tab tabf[ind] tabnew tags ter[minal] tm[enu] to[pleft] tu[nmenu] undol[ist] up[date] vi[sual] vmapc[lear] wa[ll] winp[os] ws[verb] xmapc[lear] xprop
+syn keyword vimCommand contained	ab argd[elete] as[cii] bd[elete] bo[tright] breakl[ist] cN[ext] caddf[ile] ccl[ose] cfdo chd[ir] cle[arjumps] co[py] con[tinue] cr[ewind] d[elete] deletel delm[arks] diffo[ff] dir dp earlier elsei[f] endw[hile] files fini[sh] folddoc[losed] gr[ep] helpc[lose] his[tory] il[ist] iuna[bbrev] keepalt la[st] later lcs lf[ile] lgr[ep] lli[st] lo[adview] lop[en] lua m[ove] mes mkvie[w] nbc[lose] noautocmd nu[mber] opt[ions] pc[lose] popu[p] prof[ile] ptN[ext] ptn[ext] pw[d] pyf[ile] pyxfile rec[over] reg[isters] ri[ght] rubyf[ile] sIe sIr sav[eas] sbl[ast] sc scl scscope sf[ind] sge sgr sig sip sm[ap] sno[magic] sp[lit] spellu[ndo] src srn startg[replace] sun[hide] sw[apname] syntime tabN[ext] tabfir[st] tabo[nly] tc[l] tf[irst] tma[p] tp[revious] tunma[p] unh[ide] v vie[w] vne[w] wh[ile] wn[ext] wundo xme xunme
+syn keyword vimCommand contained	abc[lear] argdo au bel[owright] bp[revious] bro[wse] cNf[ile] cal[l] cd cfir[st] che[ckpath] clo[se] col[der] conf[irm] cs debug deletep delp diffp[atch] dj[ump] dr[op] ec em[enu] ene[w] filet fir[st] foldo[pen] grepa[dd] helpf[ind] i imapc[lear] j[oin] keepj[umps] lad[dexpr] lb[uffer] lcscope lfdo lgrepa[dd] lmak[e] loadk lp[revious] luado ma[rk] messages mod[e] nbs[tart] noh[lsearch] o[pen] ownsyntax pe[rl] pp[op] profd[el] pta[g] ptp[revious] py3 python3 q[uit] red[o] res[ize] rightb[elow] rundo sIg sN[ext] sbN[ext] sbm[odified] scI scp se[t] sfir[st] sgi sh[ell] sign sir sme snoreme spe[llgood] spellw[rong] sre[wind] srp startr[eplace] sunme sy t tabc[lose] tabl[ast] tabp[revious] tcld[o] th[row] tmapc[lear] tr[ewind] u[ndo] unl ve[rsion] vim[grep] vs[plit] win[size] wp[revious] wv[iminfo] xmenu xunmenu
+syn keyword vimCommand contained	abo[veleft] arge[dit] bN[ext] bf[irst] br[ewind] bufdo c[hange] cat[ch] cdo cg[etfile] checkt[ime] cmapc[lear] colo[rscheme] cope[n] cscope debugg[reedy] deletl dep diffpu[t] dl ds[earch] echoe[rr] en[dif] ex filetype fix[del] for gui helpg[rep] ia in ju[mps] keepp[atterns] laddb[uffer] lbo[ttom] ld[o] lfir[st] lh[elpgrep] lmapc[lear] loadkeymap lpf[ile] luafile mak[e] mk[exrc] mz[scheme] new nor ol[dfiles] p[rint] ped[it] pre[serve] promptf[ind] ptf[irst] ptr[ewind] py3do pythonx qa[ll] redi[r] ret[ab] ru[ntime] rv[iminfo] sIl sa[rgument] sb[uffer] sbn[ext] sce scr[iptnames] setf[iletype] sg sgl si sil[ent] sl[eep] smenu snoremenu spelld[ump] spr[evious] srg st[op] stj[ump] sunmenu syn tN[ext] tabd[o] tabm[ove] tabr[ewind] tclf[ile] tj[ump] tn[ext] try una[bbreviate] unlo[ckvar] verb[ose] vimgrepa[dd] wN[ext] winc[md] wq x[it] xnoreme xwininfo
+syn keyword vimCommand contained	al[l] argg[lobal] b[uffer] bl[ast] brea[k] buffers cabc[lear] cb[uffer] ce[nter] cgetb[uffer] chi[story] cn[ext] com cp[revious] cstag delc[ommand] deletp di[splay] diffs[plit] dli[st] dsp[lit] echom[sg] endf[unction] exi[t] filt[er] fo[ld] fu[nction] gvim helpt[ags] iabc[lear] intro k lN[ext] laddf[ile] lc[d] le[ft] lg[etfile] lhi[story] lne[xt] loc[kmarks] lr[ewind] lv[imgrep] marks mks[ession] mzf[ile] nmapc[lear] nore omapc[lear] pa[ckadd] perld[o] prev[ious] promptr[epl] ptj[ump] pts[elect] py[thon] pyx quita[ll] redr[aw] retu[rn] rub[y] sI sIn sal[l] sba[ll] sbp[revious] scg scripte[ncoding] setg[lobal] sgI sgn sic sim[alt] sla[st] smile so[urce] spelli[nfo] sr sri sta[g] stopi[nsert] sus[pend] sync ta[g] tabe[dit] tabn[ext] tabs te[aroff] tl[ast] tno[remap] ts[elect] undoj[oin] uns[ilent] vert[ical] viu[sage] w[rite] windo wqa[ll] xa[ll] xnoremenu y[ank]
+syn keyword vimCommand contained	ar[gs] argl[ocal] ba[ll] bm[odified] breaka[dd] bun[load] cad[dbuffer] cbo[ttom] cex[pr] cgete[xpr] cl[ist] cnew[er] comc[lear] cpf[ile] cuna[bbrev] delel delf[unction] dif[fupdate] difft[his] do e[dit] echon endfo[r] exu[sage] fin[d] foldc[lose] g h[elp] hi if is[earch] kee[pmarks] lNf[ile] lan[guage] lch[dir] lefta[bove] lgetb[uffer] ll lnew[er] lockv[ar] ls lvimgrepa[dd] mat[ch] mksp[ell] n[ext]
 syn match   vimCommand contained	"\<z[-+^.=]\=\>"
-syn keyword vimStdPlugin contained	DiffOrig Man N[ext] P[rint] S TOhtml XMLent XMLns
+syn keyword vimStdPlugin contained	Arguments Break Clear Continue DiffOrig Evaluate Finish Gdb Man N[ext] Over P[rint] Program Run S Source Step Stop Termdebug TermdebugCommand TOhtml Winbar XMLent XMLns
 " vimOptions are caught only when contained in a vimSet {{{2
-syn keyword vimOption contained	acd ambw arshape background ballooneval bex bl brk buftype cf cinkeys cmdwinheight com conceallevel crb cscopeverbose cuc def diffexpr ea ei ep eventignore fdi fenc fileformat fkmap foldexpr foldopen fsync gfw guicursor guitabtooltip hidden hlg imactivatefunc imi inc inex isident keymap langnoremap linespace lnr lw makeprg maxmem mfd mmd modified mousemodel msm nu omnifunc para pdev pheader preserveindent printheader pumwidth pythonthreehome readonly restorescreen rnu ruf sc scrolloff selection shellcmdflag shellxescape showbreak si sm so spellfile spr st sts swapsync syn tag tal tcldll termwinscroll tgc titlelen toolbariconsize ttimeout ttymouse tx undolevels vbs viewdir vop wd wic wildmode winheight wm wrapscan
-syn keyword vimOption contained	ai anti autochdir backspace balloonevalterm bexpr bo browsedir casemap cfu cino cmp comments confirm cryptmethod cspc cul define diffopt ead ek equalalways ex fdl fencs fileformats flp foldignore foldtext ft ghr guifont helpfile highlight hls imactivatekey iminsert include inf isk keymodel langremap lisp loadplugins lz mat maxmempattern mh mmp more mouses mzq number opendevice paragraphs penc pi previewheight printmbcharset pvh pyx redrawtime revins ro ruler scb scrollopt selectmode shellpipe shellxquote showcmd sidescroll smartcase softtabstop spelllang sps sta su swb synmaxcol tagbsearch tb tenc termwinsize tgst titleold top ttimeoutlen ttyscroll uc undoreload vdir viewoptions wa weirdinvert wig wildoptions winminheight wmh write
-syn keyword vimOption contained	akm antialias autoindent backup balloonexpr bg bomb bs cb ch cinoptions cms commentstring copyindent cscopepathcomp csprg cursorbind delcombine digraph eadirection emo equalprg expandtab fdls fex fileignorecase fml foldlevel formatexpr gcr go guifontset helpheight history hlsearch imaf ims includeexpr infercase iskeyword keywordprg laststatus lispwords lpl ma matchpairs maxmemtot mis mmt mouse mouseshape mzquantum numberwidth operatorfunc paste perldll pm previewwindow printmbfont pvw pyxversion regexpengine ri rop rulerformat scl scs sessionoptions shellquote shiftround showfulltag sidescrolloff smartindent sol spellsuggest sr stal sua swf syntax tagcase tbi term terse thesaurus titlestring tpm ttm ttytype udf updatecount ve vif wak wfh wildchar wim winminwidth wmnu writeany
-syn keyword vimOption contained	al ar autoread backupcopy bdir bh breakat bsdir cc charconvert cinw co compatible cot cscopeprg csqf cursorcolumn dex dip eb emoji errorbells exrc fdm ff filetype fmr foldlevelstart formatlistpat gd gp guifontwide helplang hk ic imak imsearch incsearch insertmode isp km lazyredraw list lrm macatsui matchtime mco mkspellmem mod mousef mouset mzschemedll nuw opfunc pastetoggle pex pmbcs printdevice printoptions pw qe relativenumber rightleft rs runtimepath scr sect sft shellredir shiftwidth showmatch signcolumn smarttab sp spf srr startofline suffixes switchbuf ta taglength tbidi termbidi textauto tildeop tl tr tty tw udir updatetime verbose viminfo warn wfw wildcharm winaltkeys winptydll wmw writebackup
-syn keyword vimOption contained	aleph arab autowrite backupdir bdlay bin breakindent bsk ccv ci cinwords cocu complete cp cscopequickfix csre cursorline dg dir ed enc errorfile fcl fdn ffs fillchars fo foldmarker formatoptions gdefault grepformat guiheadroom hf hkmap icon imc imsf inde is isprint kmp lbr listchars ls magic maxcombine mef ml modeline mousefocus mousetime mzschemegcdll odev osfiletype patchexpr pexpr pmbfn printencoding prompt pythondll quoteescape remap rightleftcmd rtp sb scroll sections sh shellslash shm showmode siso smc spc spl ss statusline suffixesadd sws tabline tagrelative tbis termencoding textmode timeout tm ts ttybuiltin twk ul ur verbosefile viminfofile wb wh wildignore window winwidth wop writedelay
-syn keyword vimOption contained	allowrevins arabic autowriteall backupext belloff binary breakindentopt bt cd cin clipboard cole completefunc cpo cscoperelative cst cwh dict directory edcompatible encoding errorformat fcs fdo fic fixendofline foldclose foldmethod formatprg gfm grepprg guioptions hh hkmapp iconstring imcmdline imst indentexpr isf joinspaces kp lcs lm lsp makeef maxfuncdepth menc mls modelines mousehide mp nf oft pa patchmode pfn popt printexpr pt pythonhome rdt renderoptions rl ru sbo scrollbind secure shcf shelltemp shortmess showtabline sj smd spell splitbelow ssl stl sw sxe tabpagemax tags tbs termguicolors textwidth timeoutlen to tsl ttyfast tws undodir ut vfile virtualedit wc whichwrap wildignorecase winfixheight wiv wrap ws
-syn keyword vimOption contained	altkeymap arabicshape aw backupskip beval bk bri bufhidden cdpath cindent cm colorcolumn completeopt cpoptions cscopetag csto debug dictionary display ef endofline esckeys fdc fdt fileencoding fixeol foldcolumn foldminlines fp gfn gtl guipty hi hkp ignorecase imd imstatusfunc indentkeys isfname js langmap linebreak lmap luadll makeencoding maxmapdepth menuitems mm modifiable mousem mps nrformats ofu packpath path ph pp printfont pumheight pythonthreedll re report rlc rubydll sbr scrolljump sel shell shelltype shortname shq slm sn spellcapcheck splitright ssop stmp swapfile sxq tabstop tagstack tc termwinkey tf title toolbar tsr ttym twsl undofile vb vi visualbell wcm wi wildmenu winfixwidth wiw wrapmargin ww
-syn keyword vimOption contained	ambiwidth ari awa balloondelay bevalterm bkc briopt buflisted cedit cink cmdheight columns concealcursor cpt cscopetagorder csverb deco diff dy efm eol et fde fen fileencodings fk foldenable foldnestmax fs gfs gtt guitablabel hid hl im imdisable imstyle indk isi key langmenu lines
+syn keyword vimOption contained	acd ambw arshape background ballooneval bex bl brk buftype cf cinkeys cmdwinheight com conceallevel crb cscopeverbose cuc def diffexpr ea ei ep eventignore fdi fenc fileformat fkmap foldexpr foldopen fsync gfw guicursor guitabtooltip hidden hlg imactivatefunc imi inc inex isident keymap langnoremap linespace loadplugins ma matchtime mef ml modeline mousefocus mousetime mzschemegcdll odev osfiletype patchexpr pexpr pmbfn printencoding prompt pythondll quoteescape remap rightleftcmd rtp sb scroll sections sh shellslash shm showmode siso smc spc spl ss statusline suffixesadd sws tabline tagrelative tbis termencoding textmode timeout tm ts ttybuiltin twk ul ur ve vif vts wd wic wildmode winheight wm wrapscan
+syn keyword vimOption contained	ai anti autochdir backspace balloonevalterm bexpr bo browsedir casemap cfu cino cmp comments confirm cryptmethod cspc cul define diffopt ead ek equalalways ex fdl fencs fileformats flp foldignore foldtext ft ghr guifont helpfile highlight hls imactivatekey iminsert include inf isk keymodel langremap lisp lpl macatsui maxcombine menc mls modelines mousehide mp nf oft pa patchmode pfn popt printexpr pt pythonhome rdt renderoptions rl ru sbo scrollbind secure shcf shelltemp shortmess showtabline sj smd spell splitbelow ssl stl sw sxe tabpagemax tags tbs termguicolors textwidth timeoutlen to tsl ttyfast tws undodir ut verbose viminfo wa weirdinvert wig wildoptions winminheight wmh write
+syn keyword vimOption contained	akm antialias autoindent backup balloonexpr bg bomb bs cb ch cinoptions cms commentstring copyindent cscopepathcomp csprg cursorbind delcombine digraph eadirection emo equalprg expandtab fdls fex fileignorecase fml foldlevel formatexpr gcr go guifontset helpheight history hlsearch imaf ims includeexpr infercase iskeyword keywordprg laststatus lispwords lrm magic maxfuncdepth menuitems mm modifiable mousem mps nrformats ofu packpath path ph pp printfont pumheight pythonthreedll re report rlc rubydll sbr scrolljump sel shell shelltype shortname shq slm sn spellcapcheck splitright ssop stmp swapfile sxq tabstop tagstack tc termwinkey tf title toolbar tsr ttym twsl undofile varsofttabstop verbosefile viminfofile wak wfh wildchar wim winminwidth wmnu writeany
+syn keyword vimOption contained	al ar autoread backupcopy bdir bh breakat bsdir cc charconvert cinw co compatible cot cscopeprg csqf cursorcolumn dex dip eb emoji errorbells exrc fdm ff filetype fmr foldlevelstart formatlistpat gd gp guifontwide helplang hk ic imak imsearch incsearch insertmode isp km lazyredraw list ls makeef maxmapdepth mfd mmd modified mousemodel msm nu omnifunc para pdev pheader preserveindent printheader pumwidth pythonthreehome readonly restorescreen rnu ruf sc scrolloff selection shellcmdflag shellxescape showbreak si sm so spellfile spr st sts swapsync syn tag tal tcldll termwinscroll tgc titlelen toolbariconsize ttimeout ttymouse tx undolevels vartabstop vfile virtualedit warn wfw wildcharm winaltkeys winptydll wmw writebackup
+syn keyword vimOption contained	aleph arab autowrite backupdir bdlay bin breakindent bsk ccv ci cinwords cocu complete cp cscopequickfix csre cursorline dg dir ed enc errorfile fcl fdn ffs fillchars fo foldmarker formatoptions gdefault grepformat guiheadroom hf hkmap icon imc imsf inde is isprint kmp lbr listchars lsp makeencoding maxmem mh mmp more mouses mzq number opendevice paragraphs penc pi previewheight printmbcharset pvh pyx redrawtime revins ro ruler scb scrollopt selectmode shellpipe shellxquote showcmd sidescroll smartcase softtabstop spelllang sps sta su swb synmaxcol tagbsearch tb tenc termwinsize tgst titleold top ttimeoutlen ttyscroll uc undoreload vb vi visualbell wb wh wildignore window winwidth wop writedelay
+syn keyword vimOption contained	allowrevins arabic autowriteall backupext belloff binary breakindentopt bt cd cin clipboard cole completefunc cpo cscoperelative cst cwh dict directory edcompatible encoding errorformat fcs fdo fic fixendofline foldclose foldmethod formatprg gfm grepprg guioptions hh hkmapp iconstring imcmdline imst indentexpr isf joinspaces kp lcs lm luadll makeprg maxmempattern mis mmt mouse mouseshape mzquantum numberwidth operatorfunc paste perldll pm previewwindow printmbfont pvw pyxversion regexpengine ri rop rulerformat scl scs sessionoptions shellquote shiftround showfulltag sidescrolloff smartindent sol spellsuggest sr stal sua swf syntax tagcase tbi term terse thesaurus titlestring tpm ttm ttytype udf updatecount vbs viewdir vop wc whichwrap wildignorecase winfixheight wiv wrap ws
+syn keyword vimOption contained	altkeymap arabicshape aw backupskip beval bk bri bufhidden cdpath cindent cm colorcolumn completeopt cpoptions cscopetag csto debug dictionary display ef endofline esckeys fdc fdt fileencoding fixeol foldcolumn foldminlines fp gfn gtl guipty hi hkp ignorecase imd imstatusfunc indentkeys isfname js langmap linebreak lmap lw mat maxmemtot mkspellmem mod mousef mouset mzschemedll nuw opfunc pastetoggle pex pmbcs printdevice printoptions pw qe relativenumber rightleft rs runtimepath scr sect sft shellredir shiftwidth showmatch signcolumn smarttab sp spf srr startofline suffixes switchbuf ta taglength tbidi termbidi textauto tildeop tl tr tty tw udir updatetime vdir viewoptions vsts wcm wi wildmenu winfixwidth wiw wrapmargin ww
+syn keyword vimOption contained	ambiwidth ari awa balloondelay bevalterm bkc briopt buflisted cedit cink cmdheight columns concealcursor cpt cscopetagorder csverb deco diff dy efm eol et fde fen fileencodings fk foldenable foldnestmax fs gfs gtt guitablabel hid hl im imdisable imstyle indk isi key langmenu lines lnr lz matchpairs mco
 " vimOptions: These are the turn-off setting variants {{{2
 syn keyword vimOption contained	noacd noallowrevins noantialias noarabic noarshape noautoread noaw noballooneval nobevalterm nobk nobreakindent nocf nocindent nocopyindent nocscoperelative nocsre nocuc nocursorcolumn nodelcombine nodigraph noed noemo noeol noesckeys noexpandtab nofic nofixeol nofoldenable nogd nohid nohkmap nohls noicon noimc noimdisable noinfercase nojoinspaces nolangremap nolinebreak nolist noloadplugins nolrm noma nomagic noml nomodeline nomodified nomousef nomousehide nonumber noopendevice nopi nopreviewwindow nopvw norelativenumber norestorescreen nori norl noro noru nosb noscb noscs nosft noshelltemp noshortname noshowfulltag noshowmode nosm nosmartindent nosmd nosol nosplitbelow nospr nossl nostartofline noswapfile nota notagrelative notbi notbs noterse notextmode notgst notimeout noto notr nottybuiltin notx noundofile novisualbell nowarn noweirdinvert nowfw nowildignorecase nowinfixheight nowiv nowrap nowrite nowritebackup
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ syn keyword vimErrSetting contained	bios
 " AutoCmd Events {{{2
 syn case ignore
-syn keyword vimAutoEvent contained	BufAdd BufCreate BufDelete BufEnter BufFilePost BufFilePre BufHidden BufLeave BufNew BufNewFile BufRead BufReadCmd BufReadPost BufReadPre BufUnload BufWinEnter BufWinLeave BufWipeout BufWrite BufWriteCmd BufWritePost BufWritePre CmdlineChanged CmdlineEnter CmdlineLeave CmdUndefined CmdwinEnter CmdwinLeave ColorScheme CompleteDone CursorHold CursorHoldI CursorMoved CursorMovedI DirChanged EncodingChanged ExitPre FileAppendCmd FileAppendPost FileAppendPre FileChangedRO FileChangedShell FileChangedShellPost FileEncoding FileReadCmd FileReadPost FileReadPre FileType FileWriteCmd FileWritePost FileWritePre FilterReadPost FilterReadPre FilterWritePost FilterWritePre FocusGained FocusLost FuncUndefined GUIEnter GUIFailed InsertChange InsertCharPre InsertEnter InsertLeave MenuPopup OptionSet QuickFixCmdPost QuickFixCmdPre QuitPre RemoteReply SessionLoadPost ShellCmdPost ShellFilterPost SourceCmd SourcePre SpellFileMissing StdinReadPost StdinReadPre SwapExists Syntax TabClosed TabEnter TabLeave TabNew TermChanged TerminalOpen TermResponse TextChanged TextChangedI TextChangedP TextYankPost User VimEnter VimLeave VimLeavePre VimResized WinEnter WinLeave WinNew
+syn keyword vimAutoEvent contained	BufAdd BufCreate BufDelete BufEnter BufFilePost BufFilePre BufHidden BufLeave BufNew BufNewFile BufRead BufReadCmd BufReadPost BufReadPre BufUnload BufWinEnter BufWinLeave BufWipeout BufWrite BufWriteCmd BufWritePost BufWritePre CmdlineChanged CmdlineEnter CmdlineLeave CmdUndefined CmdwinEnter CmdwinLeave ColorScheme ColorSchemePre CompleteDone CursorHold CursorHoldI CursorMoved CursorMovedI DirChanged EncodingChanged ExitPre FileAppendCmd FileAppendPost FileAppendPre FileChangedRO FileChangedShell FileChangedShellPost FileEncoding FileReadCmd FileReadPost FileReadPre FileType FileWriteCmd FileWritePost FileWritePre FilterReadPost FilterReadPre FilterWritePost FilterWritePre FocusGained FocusLost FuncUndefined GUIEnter GUIFailed InsertChange InsertCharPre InsertEnter InsertLeave MenuPopup OptionSet QuickFixCmdPost QuickFixCmdPre QuitPre RemoteReply SessionLoadPost ShellCmdPost ShellFilterPost SourceCmd SourcePre SpellFileMissing StdinReadPost StdinReadPre SwapExists Syntax TabClosed TabEnter TabLeave TabNew TermChanged TerminalOpen TermResponse TextChanged TextChangedI TextChangedP TextYankPost User VimEnter VimLeave VimLeavePre VimResized WinEnter WinLeave WinNew
 " Highlight commonly used Groupnames {{{2
 syn keyword vimGroup contained	Comment Constant String Character Number Boolean Float Identifier Function Statement Conditional Repeat Label Operator Keyword Exception PreProc Include Define Macro PreCondit Type StorageClass Structure Typedef Special SpecialChar Tag Delimiter SpecialComment Debug Underlined Ignore Error Todo
@@ -79,10 +77,10 @@ syn match vimHLGroup contained	"Conceal"
 syn case match
 " Function Names {{{2
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	abs append argv assert_equalfile assert_inrange assert_report balloon_show bufexists bufnr byteidx changenr ch_close_in ch_getjob ch_open ch_sendraw clearmatches complete_check cosh deepcopy diff_hlID eventhandler exists feedkeys finddir fmod foldclosedend foreground get getchangelist getcmdline getcompletion getfperm getjumplist getpid getregtype getwininfo getwinvar has histadd hlexists indent inputlist insert isnan job_setoptions join json_encode libcallnr localtime map matchadd matchend max mzeval option_save pow py3eval readfile remote_expr remote_send repeat screenattr search searchpos setbufvar setline setqflist setwinvar simplify soundfold sqrt strchars stridx strridx substitute synIDtrans tabpagebuflist taglist term_dumpdiff term_getansicolors term_getline term_gettitle term_sendkeys term_setsize test_autochdir test_ignore_error test_null_job test_null_string timer_info timer_stop toupper trunc undotree virtcol winbufnr win_getid win_id2tabwin winnr winsaveview wordcount
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	acos argc asin assert_exception assert_match assert_true balloon_split buflisted bufwinid byteidxcomp char2nr ch_evalexpr ch_info ch_read ch_setoptions col confirm count delete empty executable exp filereadable findfile fnameescape foldlevel funcref getbufinfo getchar getcmdpos getcurpos getfsize getline getpos gettabinfo getwinpos glob has_key histdel hlID index inputrestore invert items job_start js_decode keys line log maparg matchaddpos matchlist min nextnonblank or prevnonblank pyeval reltime remote_foreground remote_startserver resolve screenchar searchdecl server2client setcharsearch setloclist setreg sha256 sin spellbadword str2float strdisplaywidth string strtrans synconcealed synstack tabpagenr tan term_dumpload term_getattr term_getscrolled term_gettty term_setansicolors term_start test_feedinput test_null_channel test_null_list test_override timer_pause timer_stopall tr type uniq visualmode wincol win_gotoid win_id2win winrestcmd win_screenpos writefile
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	add argidx assert_beeps assert_fails assert_notequal atan browse bufloaded bufwinnr call ch_canread ch_evalraw ch_log ch_readraw ch_status complete copy cscope_connection did_filetype escape execute expand filewritable float2nr fnamemodify foldtext function getbufline getcharmod getcmdtype getcwd getftime getloclist getqflist gettabvar getwinposx glob2regpat haslocaldir histget hostname input inputsave isdirectory job_getchannel job_status js_encode len line2byte log10 mapcheck matcharg matchstr mkdir nr2char pathshorten printf pyxeval reltimefloat remote_peek remove reverse screencol searchpair serverlist setcmdpos setmatches settabvar shellescape sinh spellsuggest str2nr strftime strlen strwidth synID system tabpagewinnr tanh term_dumpwrite term_getcursor term_getsize term_list term_setkill term_wait test_garbagecollect_now test_null_dict test_null_partial test_settime timer_start tolower trim undofile values wildmenumode win_findbuf winheight winline winrestview winwidth xor
-syn keyword vimFuncName contained	and arglistid assert_equal assert_false assert_notmatch atan2 browsedir bufname byte2line ceil ch_close ch_getbufnr ch_logfile ch_sendexpr cindent complete_add cos cursor diff_filler eval exepath extend filter floor foldclosed foldtextresult garbagecollect getbufvar getcharsearch getcmdwintype getfontname getftype getmatches getreg gettabwinvar getwinposy globpath hasmapto histnr iconv inputdialog inputsecret islocked job_info job_stop json_decode libcall lispindent luaeval match matchdelete matchstrpos mode option_restore perleval pumvisible range reltimestr remote_read rename round screenrow searchpairpos setbufline setfperm setpos settabwinvar shiftwidth sort split strcharpart strgetchar strpart submatch synIDattr systemlist tagfiles tempname term_getaltscreen term_getjob term_getstatus term_scrape term_setrestore test_alloc_fail
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	abs append arglistid assert_equal assert_false assert_notmatch atan2 browsedir bufname byte2line ceil ch_close ch_getbufnr ch_logfile ch_sendexpr cindent complete_add cos cursor deletebufline empty executable exp filereadable findfile fnameescape foldlevel funcref getbufinfo getchar getcmdpos getcurpos getfsize getline getpos gettabinfo getwinpos glob has_key histdel hlID index inputrestore invert items job_start js_decode keys line log maparg matchaddpos matchlist min nextnonblank perleval prompt_addtext pumvisible range reltime remote_foreground remote_startserver resolve screenchar searchdecl server2client setcharsearch setloclist setreg sha256 sin spellbadword str2float strdisplaywidth string strtrans synconcealed synstack tabpagenr tan term_dumpload term_getattr term_getscrolled term_gettty term_setansicolors term_start test_feedinput test_null_dict test_null_string timer_pause tolower trunc undotree virtcol winbufnr win_getid win_id2tabwin winnr winsaveview wordcount
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	acos appendbufline argv assert_equalfile assert_inrange assert_report balloon_show bufexists bufnr byteidx changenr ch_close_in ch_getjob ch_open ch_sendraw clearmatches complete_check cosh debugbreak did_filetype escape execute expand filewritable float2nr fnamemodify foldtext function getbufline getcharmod getcmdtype getcwd getftime getloclist getqflist gettabvar getwinposx glob2regpat haslocaldir histget hostname input inputsave isdirectory job_getchannel job_status js_encode len line2byte log10 mapcheck matcharg matchstr mkdir nr2char pow prompt_setcallback py3eval readfile reltimefloat remote_peek remove reverse screencol searchpair serverlist setcmdpos setmatches settabvar shellescape sinh spellsuggest str2nr strftime strlen strwidth synID system tabpagewinnr tanh term_dumpwrite term_getcursor term_getsize term_list term_setkill term_wait test_garbagecollect_now test_null_job test_override timer_start toupper type uniq visualmode wincol win_gotoid win_id2win winrestcmd win_screenpos writefile
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	add argc asin assert_exception assert_match assert_true balloon_split buflisted bufwinid byteidxcomp char2nr ch_evalexpr ch_info ch_read ch_setoptions col confirm count deepcopy diff_filler eval exepath extend filter floor foldclosed foldtextresult garbagecollect getbufvar getcharsearch getcmdwintype getfontname getftype getmatches getreg gettabwinvar getwinposy globpath hasmapto histnr iconv inputdialog inputsecret islocked job_info job_stop json_decode libcall lispindent luaeval match matchdelete matchstrpos mode or prevnonblank prompt_setinterrupt pyeval reg_executing reltimestr remote_read rename round screenrow searchpairpos setbufline setfperm setpos settabwinvar shiftwidth sort split strcharpart strgetchar strpart submatch synIDattr systemlist tagfiles tempname term_getaltscreen term_getjob term_getstatus term_scrape term_setrestore test_alloc_fail test_ignore_error test_null_list test_settime timer_stop tr undofile values wildmenumode win_findbuf winheight winline winrestview winwidth xor
+syn keyword vimFuncName contained	and argidx assert_beeps assert_fails assert_notequal atan browse bufloaded bufwinnr call ch_canread ch_evalraw ch_log ch_readraw ch_status complete copy cscope_connection delete diff_hlID eventhandler exists feedkeys finddir fmod foldclosedend foreground get getchangelist getcmdline getcompletion getfperm getjumplist getpid getregtype getwininfo getwinvar has histadd hlexists indent inputlist insert isnan job_setoptions join json_encode libcallnr localtime map matchadd matchend max mzeval pathshorten printf prompt_setprompt pyxeval reg_recording remote_expr remote_send repeat screenattr search searchpos setbufvar setline setqflist setwinvar simplify soundfold sqrt strchars stridx strridx substitute synIDtrans tabpagebuflist taglist term_dumpdiff term_getansicolors term_getline term_gettitle term_sendkeys term_setsize test_autochdir test_null_channel test_null_partial timer_info timer_stopall trim
 "--- syntax here and above generated by mkvimvim ---
 " Special Vim Highlighting (not automatic) {{{1
@@ -163,24 +161,26 @@ endif
 " Numbers {{{2
 " =======
-syn match vimNumber	"\<\d\+\%(\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\)\=" skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst,vimCommand
-syn match vimNumber	"-\d\+\%(\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\)\="  skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst,vimCommand
-syn match vimNumber	"\<0[xX]\x\+"
-syn match vimNumber	"\%(^\|\A\)\zs#\x\{6}"
+syn match vimNumber	"\<\d\+\%(\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\)\=" skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst,vimCommand,vimComment
+syn match vimNumber	"-\d\+\%(\.\d\+\%([eE][+-]\=\d\+\)\=\)\="  skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst,vimCommand,vimComment
+syn match vimNumber	"\<0[xX]\x\+"		       skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst,vimCommand,vimComment
+syn match vimNumber	"\%(^\|\A\)\zs#\x\{6}"             	       skipwhite nextgroup=vimGlobal,vimSubst,vimCommand,vimComment
 " All vimCommands are contained by vimIsCommands. {{{2
-syn match vimCmdSep	"[:|]\+"	skipwhite nextgroup=vimAddress,vimAutoCmd,vimIsCommand,vimExtCmd,vimFilter,vimLet,vimMap,vimMark,vimSet,vimSyntax,vimUserCmd
+syn match vimCmdSep	"[:|]\+"	skipwhite nextgroup=vimAddress,vimAutoCmd,vimEcho,vimIsCommand,vimExtCmd,vimFilter,vimLet,vimMap,vimMark,vimSet,vimSyntax,vimUserCmd
 syn match vimIsCommand	"\<\h\w*\>"	contains=vimCommand
-syn match vimVar        contained	"\<\h[a-zA-Z0-9#_]*\>"
+syn match vimVar	      contained	"\<\h[a-zA-Z0-9#_]*\>"
 syn match vimVar		"\<[bwglstav]:\h[a-zA-Z0-9#_]*\>"
+syn match vimVar	      	"\s\zs&\a\+\>"
 syn match vimFBVar      contained   "\<[bwglstav]:\h[a-zA-Z0-9#_]*\>"
 syn keyword vimCommand  contained	in
 " Insertions And Appends: insert append {{{2
 " =======================
-syn region vimInsert	matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=a\%[ppend]$"	matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""
-syn region vimInsert	matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=c\%[hange]$"	matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""
-syn region vimInsert	matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=i\%[nsert]$"	matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""
+syn region vimInsert	matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=a\%[ppend]$"		matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""
+syn region vimInsert	matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=c\%[hange]$"		matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""
+syn region vimInsert	matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=i\%[nsert]$"		matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""
+syn region vimInsert	matchgroup=vimCommand start="^[: \t]*\(\d\+\(,\d\+\)\=\)\=starti\%[nsert]$"	matchgroup=vimCommand end="^\.$""
 " Behave! {{{2
 " =======
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ endif
 " Functions : Tag is provided for those who wish to highlight tagged functions {{{2
 " =========
 syn cluster	vimFuncList	contains=vimCommand,vimFunctionError,vimFuncKey,Tag,vimFuncSID
-syn cluster	vimFuncBodyList	contains=vimAbb,vimAddress,vimAugroupKey,vimAutoCmd,vimCmplxRepeat,vimComment,vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimEcho,vimEchoHL,vimExecute,vimIf,vimIsCommand,vimFBVar,vimFunc,vimFunction,vimFuncVar,vimGlobal,vimHighlight,vimIsCommand,vimLet,vimLineComment,vimMap,vimMark,vimNorm,vimNotation,vimNotFunc,vimNumber,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimRegion,vimRegister,vimSet,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimSynLine,vimUnmap,vimUserCommand
+syn cluster	vimFuncBodyList	contains=vimAbb,vimAddress,vimAugroupKey,vimAutoCmd,vimCmplxRepeat,vimComment,vimContinue,vimCtrlChar,vimEcho,vimEchoHL,vimExecute,vimIsCommand,vimFBVar,vimFunc,vimFunction,vimFuncVar,vimGlobal,vimHighlight,vimIsCommand,vimLet,vimLineComment,vimMap,vimMark,vimNorm,vimNotation,vimNotFunc,vimNumber,vimOper,vimOperParen,vimRegion,vimRegister,vimSearch,vimSet,vimSpecFile,vimString,vimSubst,vimSynLine,vimUnmap,vimUserCommand
 syn match	vimFunction	"\<fu\%[nction]!\=\s\+\%(<[sS][iI][dD]>\|[sSgGbBwWtTlL]:\)\=\%(\i\|[#.]\|{.\{-1,}}\)*\ze\s*("	contains=@vimFuncList nextgroup=vimFuncBody
 if exists("g:vimsyn_folding") && g:vimsyn_folding =~# 'f'
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ syn region	vimPatSepZone	oneline   conta
 syn region	vimPatRegion	contained transparent matchgroup=vimPatSepR start="\\[z%]\=(" end="\\)"	contains=@vimSubstList oneline
 syn match	vimNotPatSep	contained	"\\\\"
 syn cluster	vimStringGroup	contains=vimEscapeBrace,vimPatSep,vimNotPatSep,vimPatSepErr,vimPatSepZone,@Spell
-syn region	vimString	oneline keepend	start=+[^a-zA-Z>!\\@]"+lc=1 skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ end=+"+	contains=@vimStringGroup
+syn region	vimString	oneline keepend	start=+[^a-zA-Z>!\\@]"+lc=1 skip=+\\\\\|\\"+ matchgroup=vimStringEnd end=+"+	contains=@vimStringGroup
 syn region	vimString	oneline keepend	start=+[^a-zA-Z>!\\@]'+lc=1 end=+'+
 syn region	vimString	oneline	start=+=!+lc=1	skip=+\\\\\|\\!+ end=+!+	contains=@vimStringGroup
 syn region	vimString	oneline	start="=+"lc=1	skip="\\\\\|\\+" end="+"	contains=@vimStringGroup
@@ -319,6 +319,7 @@ syn match	vimSubst	"\%(^\|[^\\]\)\<s\%[u
 syn match	vimSubst	"/\zs\<s\%[ubstitute]\>\ze/"		nextgroup=vimSubstPat
 syn match	vimSubst	"\(:\+\s*\|^\s*\)s\ze#.\{-}#.\{-}#"		nextgroup=vimSubstPat
 syn match	vimSubst1       contained	"\<s\%[ubstitute]\>"	nextgroup=vimSubstPat
+syn match	vimSubst2       contained	"s\%[ubstitute]\>"	nextgroup=vimSubstPat
 syn region	vimSubstPat     contained	matchgroup=vimSubstDelim start="\z([^a-zA-Z( \t[\]&]\)"rs=s+1 skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" end="\z1"re=e-1,me=e-1	 contains=@vimSubstList	nextgroup=vimSubstRep4	oneline
 syn region	vimSubstRep4    contained	matchgroup=vimSubstDelim start="\z(.\)" skip="\\\\\|\\\z1" end="\z1" matchgroup=vimNotation end="<[cC][rR]>" contains=@vimSubstRepList	nextgroup=vimSubstFlagErr	oneline
 syn region	vimCollection   contained transparent	start="\\\@<!\[" skip="\\\[" end="\]"	contains=vimCollClass
@@ -338,7 +339,7 @@ syn match	vimMark	"'[<>]\ze[-+,!]"		next
 syn match	vimMark	",\zs'[<>]\ze"		nextgroup=vimOper,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst
 syn match	vimMark	"[!,:]\zs'[a-zA-Z0-9]"	nextgroup=vimOper,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst
 syn match	vimMark	"\<norm\%[al]\s\zs'[a-zA-Z0-9]"	nextgroup=vimOper,vimMarkNumber,vimSubst
-syn match	vimMarkNumber	"[-+]\d\+"		nextgroup=vimSubst contained contains=vimOper
+syn match	vimMarkNumber	"[-+]\d\+"		contained contains=vimOper nextgroup=vimSubst2
 syn match	vimPlainMark contained	"'[a-zA-Z0-9]"
 syn match	vimRegister	'[^,;[{: \t]\zs"[a-zA-Z0-9.%#:_\-/]\ze[^a-zA-Z_":0-9]'
@@ -358,9 +359,9 @@ syn match	vimCmplxRepeat	'[^a-zA-Z_/\\()
 syn match	vimCmplxRepeat	'@[0-9a-z".=@:]\ze\($\|[^a-zA-Z]\>\)'
 " Set command and associated set-options (vimOptions) with comment {{{2
-syn region	vimSet		matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<\%(setl\%[ocal]\|setg\%[lobal]\|se\%[t]\)\>" skip="\%(\\\\\)*\\." end="$" matchgroup=vimNotation end="<[cC][rR]>" keepend oneline contains=vimSetEqual,vimOption,vimErrSetting,vimComment,vimSetString,vimSetMod
-syn region	vimSetEqual	contained	start="[=:]\|[-+^]=" skip="\\\\\|\\\s" end="[| \t]\|$"me=e-1 contains=vimCtrlChar,vimSetSep,vimNotation,vimEnvvar oneline
-syn region	vimSetString	contained	start=+="+hs=s+1	skip=+\\\\\|\\"+  end=+"+	contains=vimCtrlChar
+syn region	vimSet		matchgroup=vimCommand start="\<\%(setl\%[ocal]\|setg\%[lobal]\|se\%[t]\)\>" skip="\%(\\\\\)*\\." end="$" end="|" matchgroup=vimNotation end="<[cC][rR]>" keepend oneline contains=vimSetEqual,vimOption,vimErrSetting,vimComment,vimSetString,vimSetMod
+syn region	vimSetEqual	contained	start="[=:]\|[-+^]=" skip="\\\\\|\\\s" end="[| \t]\|$"me=e-1	contains=vimCtrlChar,vimSetSep,vimNotation,vimEnvvar oneline
+syn region	vimSetString	contained	start=+="+hs=s+1	skip=+\\\\\|\\"+  end=+"+		contains=vimCtrlChar
 syn match	vimSetSep	contained	"[,:]" skipwhite nextgroup=vimCommand
 syn match	vimSetMod	contained	"&vim\=\|[!&?<]\|all&"
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ syn match	vimMenuBang	"!"	contained skip
 " Angle-Bracket Notation (tnx to Michael Geddes) {{{2
 " ======================
 syn case ignore
-syn match	vimNotation	"\%#=1\(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\([scamd]-\)\{0,4}x\=\(f\d\{1,2}\|[^ \t:]\|cr\|lf\|linefeed\|return\|k\=del\%[ete]\|bs\|backspace\|tab\|esc\|right\|left\|help\|undo\|insert\|ins\|k\=home\|k\=end\|kplus\|kminus\|kdivide\|kmultiply\|kenter\|kpoint\|space\|k\=\(page\)\=\(\|down\|up\|k\d\>\)\)>" contains=vimBracket
+syn match	vimNotation	"\%#=1\(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\([scamd]-\)\{0,4}x\=\(f\d\{1,2}\|[^ \t:]\|cr\|lf\|linefeed\|return\|k\=del\%[ete]\|bs\|backspace\|tab\|esc\|right\|left\|help\|undo\|insert\|ins\|mouse\|k\=home\|k\=end\|kplus\|kminus\|kdivide\|kmultiply\|kenter\|kpoint\|space\|k\=\(page\)\=\(\|down\|up\|k\d\>\)\)>" contains=vimBracket
 syn match	vimNotation	"\%#=1\(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\([scam2-4]-\)\{0,4}\(right\|left\|middle\)\(mouse\)\=\(drag\|release\)\=>"	contains=vimBracket
 syn match	vimNotation	"\%#=1\(\\\|<lt>\)\=<\(bslash\|plug\|sid\|space\|bar\|nop\|nul\|lt\)>"			contains=vimBracket
 syn match	vimNotation	'\(\\\|<lt>\)\=<C-R>[0-9a-z"%#:.\-=]'he=e-1				contains=vimBracket
@@ -596,7 +597,9 @@ syn match	vimHiNmbr	contained	'\d\+'
 syn keyword	vimHiClear	contained	clear	nextgroup=vimHiGroup
 " Highlight: link {{{2
-syn region	vimHiLink	contained oneline matchgroup=vimCommand start="\(\<hi\%[ghlight]\s\+\)\@<=\(\(def\%[ault]\s\+\)\=link\>\|\<def\>\)" end="$"	contains=vimHiGroup,vimGroup,vimHLGroup,vimNotation
+" see tst24 (hi def vs hi) (Jul 06, 2018)
+"syn region	vimHiLink	contained oneline matchgroup=vimCommand start="\(\<hi\%[ghlight]\s\+\)\@<=\(\(def\%[ault]\s\+\)\=link\>\|\<def\>\)" end="$"	contains=vimHiGroup,vimGroup,vimHLGroup,vimNotation
+syn region	vimHiLink	contained oneline matchgroup=vimCommand start="\(\<hi\%[ghlight]\s\+\)\@<=\(\(def\%[ault]\s\+\)\=link\>\|\<def\>\)" end="$"	contains=@vimHiCluster
 syn cluster vimFuncBodyList add=vimHiLink
 " Control Characters {{{2
@@ -902,7 +905,7 @@ if !exists("skip_vim_syntax_inits")
  hi def link vimOper	Operator
  hi def link vimOption	PreProc
  hi def link vimParenSep	Delimiter
- hi def link vimPatSepErr	vimPatSep
+ hi def link vimPatSepErr	vimError
  hi def link vimPatSepR	vimPatSep
  hi def link vimPatSep	SpecialChar
  hi def link vimPatSepZone	vimString
@@ -924,6 +927,7 @@ if !exists("skip_vim_syntax_inits")
  hi def link vimStatement	Statement
  hi def link vimStringCont	vimString
  hi def link vimString	String
+ hi def link vimStringEnd	vimString
  hi def link vimSubst1	vimSubst
  hi def link vimSubstDelim	Delimiter
  hi def link vimSubstFlags	Special