1 Test for matchadd() and conceal feature
4 :so small.vim
5 :if !has("conceal") | e! test.ok | w! test.out | qa! | endif
6 :set term=ansi
7 :so mbyte.vim
8 :if &enc !=? 'utf-8'|:e! test.ok|:w! test.out|qa!|endif
9 :10new|:vsp|:vert resize 20
10 :put =\"\#\ This\ is\ a\ Test\"
11 :norm! mazt
12 :fu! ScreenChar(width, lines)
13 : let c=''
14 : for j in range(1,a:lines)
15 : for i in range(1,a:width)
16 : let c.=nr2char(screenchar(j, i))
17 : endfor
18 : let c.="\n"
19 : endfor
20 : return c
21 :endfu
22 :fu! ScreenAttr(line, pos, eval)
23 : let g:attr=[]
24 : for col in a:pos
25 : call add(g:attr, screenattr(a:line,col))
26 : endfor
27 : " In case all values are zero, probably the terminal
28 : " isn't set correctly, so catch that case
29 : let null = (eval(join(g:attr, '+')) == 0)
30 : let str=substitute(a:eval, '\d\+', 'g:attr[&]', 'g')
31 : if null || eval(str)
32 : :let g:attr_test="OK: ". str
33 : else
34 : :let g:attr_test="FAILED: ".str
35 : :let g:attr_test.="\n". join(g:attr, ' ')
36 : :let g:attr_test.="\n TERM: ". &term
37 : endif
38 :endfu
39 :fu! DoRecordScreen()
40 : wincmd l
41 : $put =printf(\"\n%s\", g:test)
42 : $put =g:line
43 : $put =g:attr_test
44 : wincmd p
45 :endfu
46 :let g:test ="Test 1: simple addmatch()"
47 :call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ')
48 :redraw!
49 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
50 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
51 :call DoRecordScreen()
52 :
53 :let g:test ="Test 2: simple addmatch() and conceal (should be: #XThisXisXaXTest)"
54 :norm! 'azt
55 :call clearmatches()
56 :syntax on
57 :set concealcursor=n conceallevel=1
58 :call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'X'})
59 :redraw!
60 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
61 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
62 :call DoRecordScreen()
63 :
64 :let g:test ="Test 3: addmatch() and conceallevel=3 (should be: #ThisisaTest)"
65 :norm! 'azt
66 :set conceallevel=3
67 :call clearmatches()
68 :call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'X'})
69 :redraw!
70 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
71 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0==1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0!=5")
72 :call DoRecordScreen()
73 :
74 :let g:test ="Test 4: more match() (should be: #Thisisa Test)"
75 :norm! 'azt
76 :call matchadd('ErrorMsg', '\%2l Test', 20, -1, {'conceal': 'X'})
77 :redraw!
78 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
79 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0==1 && 1==2 && 0!=3 && 3==4 && 0!=5 && 3!=5")
80 :call DoRecordScreen()
81 :
82 :let g:test ="Test 5/1: default conceal char (should be: # This is a Test)"
83 :norm! 'azt
84 :call clearmatches()
85 :set conceallevel=1
86 :call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {})
87 :redraw!
88 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
89 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
90 :call DoRecordScreen()
91 :let g:test ="Test 5/2: default conceal char (should be: #+This+is+a+Test)"
92 :norm! 'azt
93 :set listchars=conceal:+
94 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
95 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
96 :call DoRecordScreen()
97 :set listchars&vim
98 :
99 :let g:test ="Test 6/1: syn and match conceal (should be: #ZThisZisZaZTest)"
100 :norm! 'azt
101 :call clearmatches()
102 :set conceallevel=1
103 :call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'Z'})
104 :syn match MyConceal /\%2l / conceal containedin=ALL cchar=*
105 :redraw!
106 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
107 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
108 :call DoRecordScreen()
109 :let g:test ="Test 6/2: syn and match conceal (should be: #*This*is*a*Test)"
110 :norm! 'azt
111 :call clearmatches()
112 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
113 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
114 :call DoRecordScreen()
115 :
116 :let g:test ="Test 7/1: clear matches"
117 :norm! 'azt
118 :syn on
119 :call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 10, -1, {'conceal': 'Z'})
120 :let a=getmatches()
121 :call clearmatches()
122 :redraw!
123 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
124 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0==1 && 0==2 && 0==3 && 0==4 && 0==5")
125 :call DoRecordScreen()
126 :$put =a
127 :call setmatches(a)
128 :norm! 'azt
129 :let g:test ="Test 7/2: reset match using setmatches()"
130 :norm! 'azt
131 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
132 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
133 :call DoRecordScreen()
134 :
135 :let g:test ="Test 8: using matchaddpos() (should be #Pis a Test"
136 :norm! 'azt
137 :call clearmatches()
138 :call matchaddpos('Conceal', [[2,2,6]], 10, -1, {'conceal': 'P'})
139 :let a=getmatches()
140 :redraw!
141 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
142 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1!=2 && 0==2 && 0==3 && 0!=4 && 0!=5 && 4==5")
143 :call DoRecordScreen()
144 :$put =a
145 :
146 :let g:test ="Test 9: match using multibyte conceal char (should be: #ˑThisˑisˑaˑTest)"
147 :norm! 'azt
148 :call clearmatches()
149 :call matchadd('Conceal', '\%2l ', 20, -1, {'conceal': "\u02d1"})
150 :redraw!
151 :let line=ScreenChar(winwidth(0),1)
152 :call ScreenAttr(1,[1,2,7,10,12,16], "0!=1 && 1==2 && 1==3 && 1==4 && 0==5")
153 :call DoRecordScreen()
154 :
155 :"sleep 10
156 :%w! test.out
157 :qa!
159 dummy text