1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: Haste preprocessor files
3 " Maintainer: M. Tranchero - maurizio.tranchero@gmail.com
4 " Credits: some parts have been taken from vhdl, verilog, and C syntax
5 " files
6 " Version: 0.5
9 if exists("b:current_syntax")
10 finish
11 endif
12 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
13 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
14 if version < 600
15 syntax clear
16 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
17 finish
18 endif
19 " Read the C syntax to start with
20 if version < 600
21 so <sfile>:p:h/haste.vim
22 else
23 runtime! syntax/haste.vim
24 unlet b:current_syntax
25 endif
27 " case is significant
28 syn case match
30 " C pre-processor directives
31 syn match hastepreprocVar display "\$[[:alnum:]_]*"
32 syn region hastepreprocVar start="\${" end="}" contains=hastepreprocVar
33 "
34 "syn region hastepreproc start="#\[\s*tg[:alnum:]*" end="]#" contains=hastepreprocVar,hastepreproc,hastepreprocError,@Spell
35 syn region hastepreproc start="#\[\s*\(\|tgfor\|tgif\)" end="$" contains=hastepreprocVar,hastepreproc,@Spell
36 syn region hastepreproc start="}\s\(else\)\s{" end="$" contains=hastepreprocVar,hastepreproc,@Spell
37 syn region hastepreproc start="^\s*#\s*\(ifndef\|ifdef\|else\|endif\)\>" end="$" contains=@hastepreprocGroup,@Spell
38 syn region hastepreproc start="\s*##\s*\(define\|undef\)\>" end="$" contains=@hastepreprocGroup,@Spell
39 syn match hastepreproc "}\{0,1}\s*]#"
41 " Define the default highlighting.
42 " Only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet
43 hi def link hastepreproc Preproc
44 hi def link hastepreprocVar Special
45 hi def link hastepreprocError Error
47 let b:current_syntax = "hastepreproc"
49 " vim: ts=8