Mercurial > vim
annotate runtime/syntax/vb.vim @ 7707:41768bcebc9b
Author: Bram Moolenaar <>
Date: Thu Jan 21 23:36:05 2016 +0100
Update runtime files
author | Christian Brabandt <> |
date | Thu, 21 Jan 2016 23:45:07 +0100 |
parents | b2673982c625 |
children | 43efa4f5a8ea |
rev | line source |
7 | 1 " Vim syntax file |
2 " Language: Visual Basic | |
3 " Maintainer: Tim Chase <> | |
4 " Former Maintainer: Robert M. Cortopassi <> | |
5 " (tried multiple times to contact, but email bounced) | |
1122 | 6 " Last Change: |
7 " 2005 May 25 Synched with work by Thomas Barthel | |
7 | 8 " 2004 May 30 Added a few keywords |
9 | |
10 " This was thrown together after seeing numerous requests on the | |
11 " VIM and VIM-DEV mailing lists. It is by no means complete. | |
12 " Send comments, suggestions and requests to the maintainer. | |
13 | |
14 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items | |
15 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded | |
16 if version < 600 | |
17 syntax clear | |
18 elseif exists("b:current_syntax") | |
19 finish | |
20 endif | |
21 | |
22 " VB is case insensitive | |
23 syn case ignore | |
24 | |
1122 | 25 syn keyword vbConditional If Then ElseIf Else Select Case |
7 | 26 |
1122 | 27 syn keyword vbOperator AddressOf And ByRef ByVal Eqv Imp In |
28 syn keyword vbOperator Is Like Mod Not Or To Xor | |
7 | 29 |
30 syn match vbOperator "[()+.,\-/*=&]" | |
31 syn match vbOperator "[<>]=\=" | |
32 syn match vbOperator "<>" | |
33 syn match vbOperator "\s\+_$" | |
1122 | 34 |
35 syn keyword vbBoolean True False | |
36 syn keyword vbConst Null Nothing | |
37 | |
38 syn keyword vbRepeat Do For ForEach Loop Next | |
39 syn keyword vbRepeat Step To Until Wend While | |
40 | |
41 syn keyword vbEvents AccessKeyPress Activate ActiveRowChanged | |
42 syn keyword vbEvents AfterAddFile AfterChangeFileName AfterCloseFile | |
43 syn keyword vbEvents AfterColEdit AfterColUpdate AfterDelete | |
44 syn keyword vbEvents AfterInsert AfterLabelEdit AfterRemoveFile | |
45 syn keyword vbEvents AfterUpdate AfterWriteFile AmbientChanged | |
46 syn keyword vbEvents ApplyChanges Associate AsyncProgress | |
47 syn keyword vbEvents AsyncReadComplete AsyncReadProgress AxisActivated | |
48 syn keyword vbEvents AxisLabelActivated AxisLabelSelected | |
49 syn keyword vbEvents AxisLabelUpdated AxisSelected AxisTitleActivated | |
50 syn keyword vbEvents AxisTitleSelected AxisTitleUpdated AxisUpdated | |
51 syn keyword vbEvents BeforeClick BeforeColEdit BeforeColUpdate | |
52 syn keyword vbEvents BeforeConnect BeforeDelete BeforeInsert | |
53 syn keyword vbEvents BeforeLabelEdit BeforeLoadFile BeforeUpdate | |
54 syn keyword vbEvents BeginRequest BeginTrans ButtonClick | |
55 syn keyword vbEvents ButtonCompleted ButtonDropDown ButtonGotFocus | |
56 syn keyword vbEvents ButtonLostFocus CallbackKeyDown Change Changed | |
57 syn keyword vbEvents ChartActivated ChartSelected ChartUpdated Click | |
58 syn keyword vbEvents Close CloseQuery CloseUp ColEdit ColResize | |
59 syn keyword vbEvents Collapse ColumnClick CommitTrans Compare | |
60 syn keyword vbEvents ConfigChageCancelled ConfigChanged | |
61 syn keyword vbEvents ConfigChangedCancelled Connect ConnectionRequest | |
62 syn keyword vbEvents CurrentRecordChanged DECommandAdded | |
63 syn keyword vbEvents DECommandPropertyChanged DECommandRemoved | |
64 syn keyword vbEvents DEConnectionAdded DEConnectionPropertyChanged | |
65 syn keyword vbEvents DEConnectionRemoved DataArrival DataChanged | |
66 syn keyword vbEvents DataUpdated DateClicked DblClick Deactivate | |
67 syn keyword vbEvents DevModeChange DeviceArrival DeviceOtherEvent | |
68 syn keyword vbEvents DeviceQueryRemove DeviceQueryRemoveFailed | |
69 syn keyword vbEvents DeviceRemoveComplete DeviceRemovePending | |
70 syn keyword vbEvents Disconnect DisplayChanged Dissociate | |
71 syn keyword vbEvents DoGetNewFileName Done DonePainting DownClick | |
72 syn keyword vbEvents DragDrop DragOver DropDown EditProperty EditQuery | |
73 syn keyword vbEvents EndRequest EnterCell EnterFocus ExitFocus Expand | |
74 syn keyword vbEvents FontChanged FootnoteActivated FootnoteSelected | |
75 syn keyword vbEvents FootnoteUpdated Format FormatSize GotFocus | |
76 syn keyword vbEvents HeadClick HeightChanged Hide InfoMessage | |
77 syn keyword vbEvents IniProperties InitProperties Initialize | |
78 syn keyword vbEvents ItemActivated ItemAdded ItemCheck ItemClick | |
79 syn keyword vbEvents ItemReloaded ItemRemoved ItemRenamed | |
80 syn keyword vbEvents ItemSeletected KeyDown KeyPress KeyUp LeaveCell | |
81 syn keyword vbEvents LegendActivated LegendSelected LegendUpdated | |
82 syn keyword vbEvents LinkClose LinkError LinkExecute LinkNotify | |
83 syn keyword vbEvents LinkOpen Load LostFocus MouseDown MouseMove | |
84 syn keyword vbEvents MouseUp NodeCheck NodeClick OLECompleteDrag | |
85 syn keyword vbEvents OLEDragDrop OLEDragOver OLEGiveFeedback OLESetData | |
86 syn keyword vbEvents OLEStartDrag ObjectEvent ObjectMove OnAddNew | |
87 syn keyword vbEvents OnComm Paint PanelClick PanelDblClick PathChange | |
88 syn keyword vbEvents PatternChange PlotActivated PlotSelected | |
89 syn keyword vbEvents PlotUpdated PointActivated PointLabelActivated | |
90 syn keyword vbEvents PointLabelSelected PointLabelUpdated PointSelected | |
91 syn keyword vbEvents PointUpdated PowerQuerySuspend PowerResume | |
92 syn keyword vbEvents PowerStatusChanged PowerSuspend ProcessTag | |
93 syn keyword vbEvents ProcessingTimeout QueryChangeConfig QueryClose | |
94 syn keyword vbEvents QueryComplete QueryCompleted QueryTimeout | |
95 syn keyword vbEvents QueryUnload ReadProperties RepeatedControlLoaded | |
96 syn keyword vbEvents RepeatedControlUnloaded Reposition | |
97 syn keyword vbEvents RequestChangeFileName RequestWriteFile Resize | |
98 syn keyword vbEvents ResultsChanged RetainedProject RollbackTrans | |
99 syn keyword vbEvents RowColChange RowCurrencyChange RowResize | |
100 syn keyword vbEvents RowStatusChanged Scroll SelChange SelectionChanged | |
101 syn keyword vbEvents SendComplete SendProgress SeriesActivated | |
102 syn keyword vbEvents SeriesSelected SeriesUpdated SettingChanged Show | |
103 syn keyword vbEvents SplitChange Start StateChanged StatusUpdate | |
104 syn keyword vbEvents SysColorsChanged Terminate TimeChanged Timer | |
105 syn keyword vbEvents TitleActivated TitleSelected TitleUpdated | |
106 syn keyword vbEvents UnboundAddData UnboundDeleteRow | |
107 syn keyword vbEvents UnboundGetRelativeBookmark UnboundReadData | |
108 syn keyword vbEvents UnboundWriteData Unformat Unload UpClick Updated | |
109 syn keyword vbEvents UserEvent Validate ValidationError | |
110 syn keyword vbEvents VisibleRecordChanged WillAssociate WillChangeData | |
111 syn keyword vbEvents WillDissociate WillExecute WillUpdateRows | |
112 syn keyword vbEvents WriteProperties | |
113 | |
114 | |
115 syn keyword vbFunction Abs Array Asc AscB AscW Atn Avg BOF CBool CByte | |
116 syn keyword vbFunction CCur CDate CDbl CInt CLng CSng CStr CVDate CVErr | |
117 syn keyword vbFunction CVar CallByName Cdec Choose Chr ChrB ChrW Command | |
118 syn keyword vbFunction Cos Count CreateObject CurDir DDB Date DateAdd | |
119 syn keyword vbFunction DateDiff DatePart DateSerial DateValue Day Dir | |
120 syn keyword vbFunction DoEvents EOF Environ Error Exp FV FileAttr | |
121 syn keyword vbFunction FileDateTime FileLen FilterFix Fix Format | |
122 syn keyword vbFunction FormatCurrency FormatDateTime FormatNumber | |
123 syn keyword vbFunction FormatPercent FreeFile GetAllStrings GetAttr | |
124 syn keyword vbFunction GetAutoServerSettings GetObject GetSetting Hex | |
125 syn keyword vbFunction Hour IIf IMEStatus IPmt InStr Input InputB | |
126 syn keyword vbFunction InputBox InstrB Int IsArray IsDate IsEmpty IsError | |
127 syn keyword vbFunction IsMissing IsNull IsNumeric IsObject Join LBound | |
128 syn keyword vbFunction LCase LOF LTrim Left LeftB Len LenB LoadPicture | |
129 syn keyword vbFunction LoadResData LoadResPicture LoadResString Loc Log | |
130 syn keyword vbFunction MIRR Max Mid MidB Min Minute Month MonthName | |
131 syn keyword vbFunction MsgBox NPV NPer Now Oct PPmt PV Partition Pmt | |
132 syn keyword vbFunction QBColor RGB RTrim Rate Replace Right RightB Rnd | |
133 syn keyword vbFunction Round SLN SYD Second Seek Sgn Shell Sin Space Spc | |
134 syn keyword vbFunction Split Sqr StDev StDevP Str StrComp StrConv | |
135 syn keyword vbFunction StrReverse String Sum Switch Tab Tan Time | |
136 syn keyword vbFunction TimeSerial TimeValue Timer Trim TypeName UBound | |
137 syn keyword vbFunction UCase Val Var VarP VarType Weekday WeekdayName | |
138 syn keyword vbFunction Year | |
7 | 139 |
1122 | 140 syn keyword vbMethods AboutBox Accept Activate Add AddCustom AddFile |
141 syn keyword vbMethods AddFromFile AddFromGuid AddFromString | |
142 syn keyword vbMethods AddFromTemplate AddItem AddNew AddToAddInToolbar | |
143 syn keyword vbMethods AddToolboxProgID Append AppendAppendChunk | |
144 syn keyword vbMethods AppendChunk Arrange Assert AsyncRead BatchUpdate | |
145 syn keyword vbMethods BeginQueryEdit BeginTrans Bind BuildPath | |
146 syn keyword vbMethods CanPropertyChange Cancel CancelAsyncRead | |
147 syn keyword vbMethods CancelBatch CancelUpdate CaptureImage CellText | |
148 syn keyword vbMethods CellValue Circle Clear ClearFields ClearSel | |
149 syn keyword vbMethods ClearSelCols ClearStructure Clone Close Cls | |
150 syn keyword vbMethods ColContaining CollapseAll ColumnSize CommitTrans | |
151 syn keyword vbMethods CompactDatabase Compose Connect Copy CopyFile | |
152 syn keyword vbMethods CopyFolder CopyQueryDef Count CreateDatabase | |
153 syn keyword vbMethods CreateDragImage CreateEmbed CreateField | |
154 syn keyword vbMethods CreateFolder CreateGroup CreateIndex CreateLink | |
155 syn keyword vbMethods CreatePreparedStatement CreatePropery CreateQuery | |
156 syn keyword vbMethods CreateQueryDef CreateRelation CreateTableDef | |
157 syn keyword vbMethods CreateTextFile CreateToolWindow CreateUser | |
158 syn keyword vbMethods CreateWorkspace Customize Cut Delete | |
159 syn keyword vbMethods DeleteColumnLabels DeleteColumns DeleteFile | |
160 syn keyword vbMethods DeleteFolder DeleteLines DeleteRowLabels | |
161 syn keyword vbMethods DeleteRows DeselectAll DesignerWindow DoVerb Drag | |
162 syn keyword vbMethods Draw DriveExists Edit EditCopy EditPaste EndDoc | |
163 syn keyword vbMethods EnsureVisible EstablishConnection Execute Exists | |
164 syn keyword vbMethods Expand Export ExportReport ExtractIcon Fetch | |
165 syn keyword vbMethods FetchVerbs FileExists Files FillCache Find | |
166 syn keyword vbMethods FindFirst FindItem FindLast FindNext FindPrevious | |
167 syn keyword vbMethods FolderExists Forward GetAbsolutePathName | |
168 syn keyword vbMethods GetBaseName GetBookmark GetChunk GetClipString | |
169 syn keyword vbMethods GetData GetDrive GetDriveName GetFile GetFileName | |
170 syn keyword vbMethods GetFirstVisible GetFolder GetFormat GetHeader | |
171 syn keyword vbMethods GetLineFromChar GetNumTicks GetParentFolderName | |
172 syn keyword vbMethods GetRows GetSelectedPart GetSelection | |
173 syn keyword vbMethods GetSpecialFolder GetTempName GetText | |
174 syn keyword vbMethods GetVisibleCount GoBack GoForward Hide HitTest | |
175 syn keyword vbMethods HoldFields Idle Import InitializeLabels Insert | |
176 syn keyword vbMethods InsertColumnLabels InsertColumns InsertFile | |
177 syn keyword vbMethods InsertLines InsertObjDlg InsertRowLabels | |
178 syn keyword vbMethods InsertRows Item Keys KillDoc Layout Line Lines | |
179 syn keyword vbMethods LinkExecute LinkPoke LinkRequest LinkSend Listen | |
180 syn keyword vbMethods LoadFile LoadResData LoadResPicture LoadResString | |
181 syn keyword vbMethods LogEvent MakeCompileFile MakeCompiledFile | |
182 syn keyword vbMethods MakeReplica MoreResults Move MoveData MoveFile | |
183 syn keyword vbMethods MoveFirst MoveFolder MoveLast MoveNext | |
184 syn keyword vbMethods MovePrevious NavigateTo NewPage NewPassword | |
185 syn keyword vbMethods NextRecordset OLEDrag OnAddinsUpdate OnConnection | |
186 syn keyword vbMethods OnDisconnection OnStartupComplete Open | |
187 syn keyword vbMethods OpenAsTextStream OpenConnection OpenDatabase | |
188 syn keyword vbMethods OpenQueryDef OpenRecordset OpenResultset OpenURL | |
189 syn keyword vbMethods Overlay PSet PaintPicture PastSpecialDlg Paste | |
190 syn keyword vbMethods PeekData Play Point PopulatePartial PopupMenu | |
191 syn keyword vbMethods Print PrintForm PrintReport PropertyChanged Quit | |
192 syn keyword vbMethods Raise RandomDataFill RandomFillColumns | |
193 syn keyword vbMethods RandomFillRows ReFill Read ReadAll ReadFromFile | |
194 syn keyword vbMethods ReadLine ReadProperty Rebind Refresh RefreshLink | |
195 syn keyword vbMethods RegisterDatabase ReleaseInstance Reload Remove | |
196 syn keyword vbMethods RemoveAddInFromToolbar RemoveAll RemoveItem Render | |
197 syn keyword vbMethods RepairDatabase ReplaceLine Reply ReplyAll Requery | |
198 syn keyword vbMethods ResetCustom ResetCustomLabel ResolveName | |
199 syn keyword vbMethods RestoreToolbar Resync Rollback RollbackTrans | |
200 syn keyword vbMethods RowBookmark RowContaining RowTop Save SaveAs | |
201 syn keyword vbMethods SaveFile SaveToFile SaveToOle1File SaveToolbar | |
202 syn keyword vbMethods Scale ScaleX ScaleY Scroll SelPrint SelectAll | |
203 syn keyword vbMethods SelectPart Send SendData Set SetAutoServerSettings | |
204 syn keyword vbMethods SetData SetFocus SetOption SetSelection SetSize | |
205 syn keyword vbMethods SetText SetViewport Show ShowColor ShowFont | |
206 syn keyword vbMethods ShowHelp ShowOpen ShowPrinter ShowSave | |
207 syn keyword vbMethods ShowWhatsThis SignOff SignOn Size Skip SkipLine | |
208 syn keyword vbMethods Span Split SplitContaining StartLabelEdit | |
209 syn keyword vbMethods StartLogging Stop Synchronize Tag TextHeight | |
210 syn keyword vbMethods TextWidth ToDefaults Trace TwipsToChartPart | |
211 syn keyword vbMethods TypeByChartType URLFor Update UpdateControls | |
212 syn keyword vbMethods UpdateRecord UpdateRow Upto ValidateControls Value | |
213 syn keyword vbMethods WhatsThisMode Write WriteBlankLines WriteLine | |
214 syn keyword vbMethods WriteProperty WriteTemplate ZOrder | |
215 syn keyword vbMethods rdoCreateEnvironment rdoRegisterDataSource | |
7 | 216 |
1122 | 217 syn keyword vbStatement Alias AppActivate As Base Beep Begin Call ChDir |
218 syn keyword vbStatement ChDrive Close Const Date Declare DefBool DefByte | |
219 syn keyword vbStatement DefCur DefDate DefDbl DefDec DefInt DefLng DefObj | |
220 syn keyword vbStatement DefSng DefStr DefVar Deftype DeleteSetting Dim Do | |
221 syn keyword vbStatement Each ElseIf End Enum Erase Error Event Exit | |
222 syn keyword vbStatement Explicit FileCopy For ForEach Function Get GoSub | |
223 syn keyword vbStatement GoTo Gosub Implements Kill LSet Let Lib LineInput | |
224 syn keyword vbStatement Load Lock Loop Mid MkDir Name Next On OnError Open | |
225 syn keyword vbStatement Option Preserve Private Property Public Put RSet | |
Updated and new runtime files.
Bram Moolenaar <>
226 syn keyword vbStatement RaiseEvent Randomize ReDim Redim Reset Resume |
1122 | 227 syn keyword vbStatement Return RmDir SavePicture SaveSetting Seek SendKeys |
228 syn keyword vbStatement Sendkeys Set SetAttr Static Step Stop Sub Time | |
229 syn keyword vbStatement Type Unload Unlock Until Wend While Width With | |
230 syn keyword vbStatement Write | |
231 | |
232 syn keyword vbKeyword As Binary ByRef ByVal Date Empty Error Friend Get | |
233 syn keyword vbKeyword Input Is Len Lock Me Mid New Nothing Null On | |
234 syn keyword vbKeyword Option Optional ParamArray Print Private Property | |
235 syn keyword vbKeyword Public PublicNotCreateable OnNewProcessSingleUse | |
236 syn keyword vbKeyword InSameProcessMultiUse GlobalMultiUse Resume Seek | |
237 syn keyword vbKeyword Set Static Step String Time WithEvents | |
238 | |
239 syn keyword vbTodo contained TODO | |
240 | |
241 "Datatypes | |
242 syn keyword vbTypes Boolean Byte Currency Date Decimal Double Empty | |
243 syn keyword vbTypes Integer Long Object Single String Variant | |
244 | |
245 "VB defined values | |
246 syn keyword vbDefine dbBigInt dbBinary dbBoolean dbByte dbChar | |
247 syn keyword vbDefine dbCurrency dbDate dbDecimal dbDouble dbFloat | |
248 syn keyword vbDefine dbGUID dbInteger dbLong dbLongBinary dbMemo | |
249 syn keyword vbDefine dbNumeric dbSingle dbText dbTime dbTimeStamp | |
250 syn keyword vbDefine dbVarBinary | |
251 | |
252 "VB defined values | |
253 syn keyword vbDefine vb3DDKShadow vb3DFace vb3DHighlight vb3DLight | |
254 syn keyword vbDefine vb3DShadow vbAbort vbAbortRetryIgnore | |
255 syn keyword vbDefine vbActiveBorder vbActiveTitleBar vbAlias | |
256 syn keyword vbDefine vbApplicationModal vbApplicationWorkspace | |
257 syn keyword vbDefine vbAppTaskManager vbAppWindows vbArchive vbArray | |
258 syn keyword vbDefine vbBack vbBinaryCompare vbBlack vbBlue vbBoolean | |
259 syn keyword vbDefine vbButtonFace vbButtonShadow vbButtonText vbByte | |
260 syn keyword vbDefine vbCalGreg vbCalHijri vbCancel vbCr vbCritical | |
261 syn keyword vbDefine vbCrLf vbCurrency vbCyan vbDatabaseCompare | |
262 syn keyword vbDefine vbDataObject vbDate vbDecimal vbDefaultButton1 | |
263 syn keyword vbDefine vbDefaultButton2 vbDefaultButton3 vbDefaultButton4 | |
264 syn keyword vbDefine vbDesktop vbDirectory vbDouble vbEmpty vbError | |
265 syn keyword vbDefine vbExclamation vbFirstFourDays vbFirstFullWeek | |
266 syn keyword vbDefine vbFirstJan1 vbFormCode vbFormControlMenu | |
267 syn keyword vbDefine vbFormFeed vbFormMDIForm vbFriday vbFromUnicode | |
268 syn keyword vbDefine vbGrayText vbGreen vbHidden vbHide vbHighlight | |
269 syn keyword vbDefine vbHighlightText vbHiragana vbIgnore vbIMEAlphaDbl | |
270 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEAlphaSng vbIMEDisable vbIMEHiragana | |
271 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEKatakanaDbl vbIMEKatakanaSng vbIMEModeAlpha | |
272 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEModeAlphaFull vbIMEModeDisable | |
273 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEModeHangul vbIMEModeHangulFull | |
274 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEModeHiragana vbIMEModeKatakana | |
275 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEModeKatakanaHalf vbIMEModeNoControl | |
276 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEModeOff vbIMEModeOn vbIMENoOp vbIMEOff | |
277 syn keyword vbDefine vbIMEOn vbInactiveBorder vbInactiveCaptionText | |
278 syn keyword vbDefine vbInactiveTitleBar vbInfoBackground vbInformation | |
279 syn keyword vbDefine vbInfoText vbInteger vbKatakana vbKey0 vbKey1 | |
280 syn keyword vbDefine vbKey2 vbKey3 vbKey4 vbKey5 vbKey6 vbKey7 vbKey8 | |
281 syn keyword vbDefine vbKey9 vbKeyA vbKeyAdd vbKeyB vbKeyBack vbKeyC | |
282 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyCancel vbKeyCapital vbKeyClear vbKeyControl | |
283 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyD vbKeyDecimal vbKeyDelete vbKeyDivide | |
284 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyDown vbKeyE vbKeyEnd vbKeyEscape vbKeyExecute | |
285 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyF vbKeyF1 vbKeyF10 vbKeyF11 vbKeyF12 vbKeyF13 | |
286 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyF14 vbKeyF15 vbKeyF16 vbKeyF2 vbKeyF3 vbKeyF4 | |
287 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyF5 vbKeyF6 vbKeyF7 vbKeyF8 vbKeyF9 vbKeyG | |
288 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyH vbKeyHelp vbKeyHome vbKeyI vbKeyInsert | |
289 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyJ vbKeyK vbKeyL vbKeyLButton vbKeyLeft vbKeyM | |
290 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyMButton vbKeyMenu vbKeyMultiply vbKeyN | |
291 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyNumlock vbKeyNumpad0 vbKeyNumpad1 | |
292 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyNumpad2 vbKeyNumpad3 vbKeyNumpad4 | |
293 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyNumpad5 vbKeyNumpad6 vbKeyNumpad7 | |
294 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyNumpad8 vbKeyNumpad9 vbKeyO vbKeyP | |
295 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyPageDown vbKeyPageUp vbKeyPause vbKeyPrint | |
296 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyQ vbKeyR vbKeyRButton vbKeyReturn vbKeyRight | |
297 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyS vbKeySelect vbKeySeparator vbKeyShift | |
298 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeySnapshot vbKeySpace vbKeySubtract vbKeyT | |
299 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyTab vbKeyU vbKeyUp vbKeyV vbKeyW vbKeyX | |
300 syn keyword vbDefine vbKeyY vbKeyZ vbLf vbLong vbLowerCase vbMagenta | |
301 syn keyword vbDefine vbMaximizedFocus vbMenuBar vbMenuText | |
302 syn keyword vbDefine vbMinimizedFocus vbMinimizedNoFocus vbMonday | |
303 syn keyword vbDefine vbMsgBox vbMsgBoxHelpButton vbMsgBoxRight | |
304 syn keyword vbDefine vbMsgBoxRtlReading vbMsgBoxSetForeground | |
305 syn keyword vbDefine vbMsgBoxText vbNarrow vbNewLine vbNo vbNormal | |
306 syn keyword vbDefine vbNormalFocus vbNormalNoFocus vbNull vbNullChar | |
307 syn keyword vbDefine vbNullString vbObject vbObjectError vbOK | |
308 syn keyword vbDefine vbOKCancel vbOKOnly vbProperCase vbQuestion | |
309 syn keyword vbDefine vbReadOnly vbRed vbRetry vbRetryCancel vbSaturday | |
310 syn keyword vbDefine vbScrollBars vbSingle vbString vbSunday vbSystem | |
311 syn keyword vbDefine vbSystemModal vbTab vbTextCompare vbThursday | |
312 syn keyword vbDefine vbTitleBarText vbTuesday vbUnicode vbUpperCase | |
313 syn keyword vbDefine vbUseSystem vbUseSystemDayOfWeek vbVariant | |
314 syn keyword vbDefine vbVerticalTab vbVolume vbWednesday vbWhite vbWide | |
315 syn keyword vbDefine vbWindowBackground vbWindowFrame vbWindowText | |
316 syn keyword vbDefine vbYellow vbYes vbYesNo vbYesNoCancel | |
317 | |
318 "Numbers | |
7 | 319 "integer number, or floating point number without a dot. |
320 syn match vbNumber "\<\d\+\>" | |
321 "floating point number, with dot | |
322 syn match vbNumber "\<\d\+\.\d*\>" | |
323 "floating point number, starting with a dot | |
324 syn match vbNumber "\.\d\+\>" | |
1122 | 325 "syn match vbNumber "{[[:xdigit:]-]\+}\|&[hH][[:xdigit:]]\+&" |
326 "syn match vbNumber ":[[:xdigit:]]\+" | |
327 "syn match vbNumber "[-+]\=\<\d\+\>" | |
328 syn match vbFloat "[-+]\=\<\d\+[eE][\-+]\=\d\+" | |
329 syn match vbFloat "[-+]\=\<\d\+\.\d*\([eE][\-+]\=\d\+\)\=" | |
330 syn match vbFloat "[-+]\=\<\.\d\+\([eE][\-+]\=\d\+\)\=" | |
7 | 331 |
332 " String and Character contstants | |
1122 | 333 syn region vbString start=+"+ end=+"\|$+ |
334 syn region vbComment start="\(^\|\s\)REM\s" end="$" contains=vbTodo | |
335 syn region vbComment start="\(^\|\s\)\'" end="$" contains=vbTodo | |
336 syn match vbLineNumber "^\d\+\(\s\|$\)" | |
337 syn match vbTypeSpecifier "[a-zA-Z0-9][\$%&!#]"ms=s+1 | |
338 syn match vbTypeSpecifier "#[a-zA-Z0-9]"me=e-1 | |
7 | 339 |
340 " Define the default highlighting. | |
341 " For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already | |
342 " For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting yet | |
343 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_vb_syntax_inits") | |
344 if version < 508 | |
345 let did_vb_syntax_inits = 1 | |
346 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args> | |
347 else | |
348 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args> | |
349 endif | |
350 | |
1122 | 351 HiLink vbBoolean Boolean |
352 HiLink vbLineNumber Comment | |
353 HiLink vbComment Comment | |
354 HiLink vbConditional Conditional | |
355 HiLink vbConst Constant | |
356 HiLink vbDefine Constant | |
357 HiLink vbError Error | |
358 HiLink vbFunction Identifier | |
359 HiLink vbIdentifier Identifier | |
360 HiLink vbNumber Number | |
361 HiLink vbFloat Float | |
362 HiLink vbMethods PreProc | |
363 HiLink vbOperator Operator | |
364 HiLink vbRepeat Repeat | |
365 HiLink vbString String | |
366 HiLink vbStatement Statement | |
367 HiLink vbKeyword Statement | |
368 HiLink vbEvents Special | |
369 HiLink vbTodo Todo | |
370 HiLink vbTypes Type | |
7 | 371 HiLink vbTypeSpecifier Type |
372 | |
373 delcommand HiLink | |
374 endif | |
375 | |
376 let b:current_syntax = "vb" | |
377 | |
378 " vim: ts=8 |