1 " Vim syntax file
2 " Language: MuPAD source
3 " Maintainer: Dave Silvia <dsilvia@mchsi.com>
4 " Filenames: *.mu
5 " Date: 6/30/2004
8 " For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
9 " For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
10 if version < 600
11 syntax clear
12 elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
13 finish
14 endif
16 " Set default highlighting to Win2k
17 if !exists("mupad_cmdextversion")
18 let mupad_cmdextversion = 2
19 endif
21 syn case match
23 syn match mupadComment "//\p*$"
24 syn region mupadComment start="/\*" end="\*/"
26 syn region mupadString start="\"" skip=/\\"/ end="\""
28 syn match mupadOperator "(\|)\|:=\|::\|:\|;"
29 " boolean
30 syn keyword mupadOperator and or not xor
31 syn match mupadOperator "==>\|\<=\>"
33 " Informational
35 " Set-able, e.g., DIGITS:=10
36 syn keyword mupadSpecial DIGITS HISTORY LEVEL
37 syn keyword mupadSpecial MAXLEVEL MAXDEPTH ORDER
38 syn keyword mupadSpecial TEXTWIDTH
39 " Set-able, e.g., PRETTYPRINT:=TRUE
40 syn keyword mupadSpecial PRETTYPRINT
41 " Set-able, e.g., LIBPATH:="C:\\MuPAD Pro\\mylibdir" or LIBPATH:="/usr/MuPAD Pro/mylibdir"
42 syn keyword mupadSpecial LIBPATH PACKAGEPATH
43 syn keyword mupadSpecial READPATH TESTPATH WRITEPATH
44 " Symbols and Constants
45 syn keyword mupadDefine FAIL NIL
46 syn keyword mupadDefine TRUE FALSE UNKNOWN
47 syn keyword mupadDefine complexInfinity infinity
48 syn keyword mupadDefine C_ CATALAN E EULER I PI Q_ R_
49 syn keyword mupadDefine RD_INF RD_NINF undefined unit universe Z_
50 " print() directives
51 syn keyword mupadDefine Unquoted NoNL KeepOrder Typeset
52 " domain specifics
53 syn keyword mupadStatement domain begin end_domain end
54 syn keyword mupadIdentifier inherits category axiom info doc interface
55 " basic programming statements
56 syn keyword mupadStatement proc begin end_proc
57 syn keyword mupadUnderlined name local option save
58 syn keyword mupadConditional if then elif else end_if
59 syn keyword mupadConditional case of do break end_case
60 syn keyword mupadRepeat for do next break end_for
61 syn keyword mupadRepeat while do next break end_while
62 syn keyword mupadRepeat repeat next break until end_repeat
63 " domain packages/libraries
64 syn keyword mupadType detools import linalg numeric numlib plot polylib
65 syn match mupadType '\<DOM_\w*\>'
67 "syn keyword mupadFunction contains
68 " Functions dealing with prime numbers
69 syn keyword mupadFunction phi invphi mersenne nextprime numprimedivisors
70 syn keyword mupadFunction pollard prevprime primedivisors
71 " Functions operating on Lists, Matrices, Sets, ...
72 syn keyword mupadFunction array _index
73 " Evaluation
74 syn keyword mupadFunction float contains
75 " stdlib
76 syn keyword mupadFunction _exprseq _invert _lazy_and _lazy_or _negate
77 syn keyword mupadFunction _stmtseq _invert intersect minus union
78 syn keyword mupadFunction Ci D Ei O Re Im RootOf Si
79 syn keyword mupadFunction Simplify
80 syn keyword mupadFunction abs airyAi airyBi alias unalias anames append
81 syn keyword mupadFunction arcsin arccos arctan arccsc arcsec arccot
82 syn keyword mupadFunction arcsinh arccosh arctanh arccsch arcsech arccoth
83 syn keyword mupadFunction arg args array assert assign assignElements
84 syn keyword mupadFunction assume assuming asympt bernoulli
85 syn keyword mupadFunction besselI besselJ besselK besselY beta binomial bool
86 syn keyword mupadFunction bytes card
87 syn keyword mupadFunction ceil floor round trunc
88 syn keyword mupadFunction coeff coerce collect combine copyClosure
89 syn keyword mupadFunction conjugate content context contfrac
90 syn keyword mupadFunction debug degree degreevec delete _delete denom
91 syn keyword mupadFunction densematrix diff dilog dirac discont div _div
92 syn keyword mupadFunction divide domtype doprint erf erfc error eval evalassign
93 syn keyword mupadFunction evalp exp expand export unexport expose expr
94 syn keyword mupadFunction expr2text external extnops extop extsubsop
95 syn keyword mupadFunction fact fact2 factor fclose finput fname fopen fprint
96 syn keyword mupadFunction fread ftextinput readbitmap readdata pathname
97 syn keyword mupadFunction protocol read readbytes write writebytes
98 syn keyword mupadFunction float frac frame _frame frandom freeze unfreeze
99 syn keyword mupadFunction funcenv gamma gcd gcdex genident genpoly
100 syn keyword mupadFunction getpid getprop ground has hastype heaviside help
101 syn keyword mupadFunction history hold hull hypergeom icontent id
102 syn keyword mupadFunction ifactor igamma igcd igcdex ilcm in _in
103 syn keyword mupadFunction indets indexval info input int int2text
104 syn keyword mupadFunction interpolate interval irreducible is
105 syn keyword mupadFunction isprime isqrt iszero ithprime kummerU lambertW
106 syn keyword mupadFunction last lasterror lcm lcoeff ldegree length
107 syn keyword mupadFunction level lhs rhs limit linsolve lllint
108 syn keyword mupadFunction lmonomial ln loadmod loadproc log lterm
109 syn keyword mupadFunction match map mapcoeffs maprat matrix max min
110 syn keyword mupadFunction mod modp mods monomials multcoeffs new
111 syn keyword mupadFunction newDomain _next nextprime nops
112 syn keyword mupadFunction norm normal nterms nthcoeff nthmonomial nthterm
113 syn keyword mupadFunction null numer ode op operator package
114 syn keyword mupadFunction pade partfrac patchlevel pdivide
115 syn keyword mupadFunction piecewise plot plotfunc2d plotfunc3d
116 syn keyword mupadFunction poly poly2list polylog powermod print
117 syn keyword mupadFunction product protect psi quit _quit radsimp random rationalize
118 syn keyword mupadFunction rec rectform register reset return revert
119 syn keyword mupadFunction rewrite select series setuserinfo share sign signIm
120 syn keyword mupadFunction simplify
121 syn keyword mupadFunction sin cos tan csc sec cot
122 syn keyword mupadFunction sinh cosh tanh csch sech coth
123 syn keyword mupadFunction slot solve
124 syn keyword mupadFunction pdesolve matlinsolve matlinsolveLU toeplitzSolve
125 syn keyword mupadFunction vandermondeSolve fsolve odesolve odesolve2
126 syn keyword mupadFunction polyroots polysysroots odesolveGeometric
127 syn keyword mupadFunction realroot realroots mroots lincongruence
128 syn keyword mupadFunction msqrts
129 syn keyword mupadFunction sort split sqrt strmatch strprint
130 syn keyword mupadFunction subs subset subsex subsop substring sum
131 syn keyword mupadFunction surd sysname sysorder system table taylor tbl2text
132 syn keyword mupadFunction tcoeff testargs testeq testtype text2expr
133 syn keyword mupadFunction text2int text2list text2tbl rtime time
134 syn keyword mupadFunction traperror type unassume unit universe
135 syn keyword mupadFunction unloadmod unprotect userinfo val version
136 syn keyword mupadFunction warning whittakerM whittakerW zeta zip
138 " graphics plot::
139 syn keyword mupadFunction getDefault setDefault copy modify Arc2d Arrow2d
140 syn keyword mupadFunction Arrow3d Bars2d Bars3d Box Boxplot Circle2d Circle3d
141 syn keyword mupadFunction Cone Conformal Curve2d Curve3d Cylinder Cylindrical
142 syn keyword mupadFunction Density Ellipse2d Function2d Function3d Hatch
143 syn keyword mupadFunction Histogram2d HOrbital Implicit2d Implicit3d
144 syn keyword mupadFunction Inequality Iteration Line2d Line3d Lsys Matrixplot
145 syn keyword mupadFunction MuPADCube Ode2d Ode3d Parallelogram2d Parallelogram3d
146 syn keyword mupadFunction Piechart2d Piechart3d Point2d Point3d Polar
147 syn keyword mupadFunction Polygon2d Polygon3d Raster Rectangle Sphere
148 syn keyword mupadFunction Ellipsoid Spherical Sum Surface SurfaceSet
149 syn keyword mupadFunction SurfaceSTL Tetrahedron Hexahedron Octahedron
150 syn keyword mupadFunction Dodecahedron Icosahedron Text2d Text3d Tube Turtle
151 syn keyword mupadFunction VectorField2d XRotate ZRotate Canvas CoordinateSystem2d
152 syn keyword mupadFunction CoordinateSystem3d Group2d Group3d Scene2d Scene3d ClippingBox
153 syn keyword mupadFunction Rotate2d Rotate3d Scale2d Scale3d Transform2d
154 syn keyword mupadFunction Transform3d Translate2d Translate3d AmbientLight
155 syn keyword mupadFunction Camera DistantLight PointLight SpotLight
157 " graphics Attributes
158 " graphics Output Attributes
159 syn keyword mupadIdentifier OutputFile OutputOptions
160 " graphics Defining Attributes
161 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Angle AngleRange AngleBegin AngleEnd
162 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Area Axis AxisX AxisY AxisZ Base Top
163 syn keyword mupadIdentifier BaseX TopX BaseY TopY BaseZ TopZ
164 syn keyword mupadIdentifier BaseRadius TopRadius Cells
165 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Center CenterX CenterY CenterZ
166 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Closed ColorData CommandList Contours CoordinateType
167 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Data DensityData DensityFunction From To
168 syn keyword mupadIdentifier FromX ToX FromY ToY FromZ ToZ
169 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Function FunctionX FunctionY FunctionZ
170 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Function1 Function2 Baseline
171 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Generations RotationAngle IterationRules StartRule StepLength
172 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TurtleRules Ground Heights Moves Inequalities
173 syn keyword mupadIdentifier InputFile Iterations StartingPoint
174 syn keyword mupadIdentifier LineColorFunction FillColorFunction
175 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Matrix2d Matrix3d
176 syn keyword mupadIdentifier MeshList MeshListType MeshListNormals
177 syn keyword mupadIdentifier MagneticQuantumNumber MomentumQuantumNumber PrincipalQuantumNumber
178 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Name Normal NormalX NormalY NormalZ
179 syn keyword mupadIdentifier ParameterName ParameterBegin ParameterEnd ParameterRange
180 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Points2d Points3d Radius RadiusFunction
181 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Position PositionX PositionY PositionZ
182 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Scale ScaleX ScaleY ScaleZ Shift ShiftX ShiftY ShiftZ
183 syn keyword mupadIdentifier SemiAxes SemiAxisX SemiAxisY SemiAxisZ
184 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Tangent1 Tangent1X Tangent1Y Tangent1Z
185 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Tangent2 Tangent2X Tangent2Y Tangent2Z
186 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Text TextOrientation TextRotation
187 syn keyword mupadIdentifier UName URange UMin UMax VName VRange VMin VMax
188 syn keyword mupadIdentifier XName XRange XMin XMax YName YRange YMin YMax
189 syn keyword mupadIdentifier ZName ZRange ZMin ZMax ViewingBox
190 syn keyword mupadIdentifier ViewingBoxXMin ViewingBoxXMax ViewingBoxXRange
191 syn keyword mupadIdentifier ViewingBoxYMin ViewingBoxYMax ViewingBoxYRange
192 syn keyword mupadIdentifier ViewingBoxZMin ViewingBoxZMax ViewingBoxZRange
193 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Visible
194 " graphics Axis Attributes
195 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Axes AxesInFront AxesLineColor AxesLineWidth
196 syn keyword mupadIdentifier AxesOrigin AxesOriginX AxesOriginY AxesOriginZ
197 syn keyword mupadIdentifier AxesTips AxesTitleAlignment
198 syn keyword mupadIdentifier AxesTitleAlignmentX AxesTitleAlignmentY AxesTitleAlignmentZ
199 syn keyword mupadIdentifier AxesTitles XAxisTitle YAxisTitle ZAxisTitle
200 syn keyword mupadIdentifier AxesVisible XAxisVisible YAxisVisible ZAxisVisible
201 syn keyword mupadIdentifier YAxisTitleOrientation
202 " graphics Tick Marks Attributes
203 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksAnchor XTicksAnchor YTicksAnchor ZTicksAnchor
204 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksAt XTicksAt YTicksAt ZTicksAt
205 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksBetween XTicksBetween YTicksBetween ZTicksBetween
206 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksDistance XTicksDistance YTicksDistance ZTicksDistance
207 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksNumber XTicksNumber YTicksNumber ZTicksNumber
208 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksVisible XTicksVisible YTicksVisible ZTicksVisible
209 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksLength TicksLabelStyle
210 syn keyword mupadIdentifier XTicksLabelStyle YTicksLabelStyle ZTicksLabelStyle
211 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TicksLabelsVisible
212 syn keyword mupadIdentifier XTicksLabelsVisible YTicksLabelsVisible ZTicksLabelsVisible
213 " graphics Grid Lines Attributes
214 syn keyword mupadIdentifier GridInFront GridLineColor SubgridLineColor
215 syn keyword mupadIdentifier GridLineStyle SubgridLineStyle GridLineWidth SubgridLineWidth
216 syn keyword mupadIdentifier GridVisible XGridVisible YGridVisible ZGridVisible
217 syn keyword mupadIdentifier SubgridVisible XSubgridVisible YSubgridVisible ZSubgridVisible
218 " graphics Animation Attributes
219 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Frames TimeRange TimeBegin TimeEnd
220 syn keyword mupadIdentifier VisibleAfter VisibleBefore VisibleFromTo
221 syn keyword mupadIdentifier VisibleAfterEnd VisibleBeforeBegin
222 " graphics Annotation Attributes
223 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Footer Header FooterAlignment HeaderAlignment
224 syn keyword mupadIdentifier HorizontalAlignment TitleAlignment VerticalAlignment
225 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Legend LegendEntry LegendText
226 syn keyword mupadIdentifier LegendAlignment LegendPlacement LegendVisible
227 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Title Titles
228 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TitlePosition TitlePositionX TitlePositionY TitlePositionZ
229 " graphics Layout Attributes
230 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Bottom Left Height Width Layout Rows Columns
231 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Margin BottomMargin TopMargin LeftMargin RightMargin
232 syn keyword mupadIdentifier OutputUnits Spacing
233 " graphics Calculation Attributes
234 syn keyword mupadIdentifier AdaptiveMesh DiscontinuitySearch Mesh SubMesh
235 syn keyword mupadIdentifier UMesh USubMesh VMesh VSubMesh
236 syn keyword mupadIdentifier XMesh XSubMesh YMesh YSubMesh Zmesh
237 " graphics Camera and Lights Attributes
238 syn keyword mupadIdentifier CameraCoordinates CameraDirection
239 syn keyword mupadIdentifier CameraDirectionX CameraDirectionY CameraDirectionZ
240 syn keyword mupadIdentifier FocalPoint FocalPointX FocalPointY FocalPointZ
241 syn keyword mupadIdentifier LightColor Lighting LightIntensity OrthogonalProjection
242 syn keyword mupadIdentifier SpotAngle ViewingAngle
243 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Target TargetX TargetY TargetZ
244 " graphics Presentation Style and Fonts Attributes
245 syn keyword mupadIdentifier ArrowLength
246 syn keyword mupadIdentifier AxesTitleFont FooterFont HeaderFont LegendFont
247 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TextFont TicksLabelFont TitleFont
248 syn keyword mupadIdentifier BackgroundColor BackgroundColor2 BackgroundStyle
249 syn keyword mupadIdentifier BackgroundTransparent Billboarding BorderColor BorderWidth
250 syn keyword mupadIdentifier BoxCenters BoxWidths DrawMode Gap XGap YGap
251 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Notched NotchWidth Scaling YXRatio ZXRatio
252 syn keyword mupadIdentifier VerticalAsymptotesVisible VerticalAsymptotesStyle
253 syn keyword mupadIdentifier VerticalAsymptotesColor VerticalAsymptotesWidth
254 " graphics Line Style Attributes
255 syn keyword mupadIdentifier LineColor LineColor2 LineColorType LineStyle
256 syn keyword mupadIdentifier LinesVisible ULinesVisible VLinesVisible XLinesVisible
257 syn keyword mupadIdentifier YLinesVisible LineWidth MeshVisible
258 " graphics Point Style Attributes
259 syn keyword mupadIdentifier PointColor PointSize PointStyle PointsVisible
260 " graphics Surface Style Attributes
261 syn keyword mupadIdentifier BarStyle Shadows Color Colors FillColor FillColor2
262 syn keyword mupadIdentifier FillColorTrue FillColorFalse FillColorUnknown FillColorType
263 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Filled FillPattern FillPatterns FillStyle
264 syn keyword mupadIdentifier InterpolationStyle Shading UseNormals
265 " graphics Arrow Style Attributes
266 syn keyword mupadIdentifier TipAngle TipLength TipStyle TubeDiameter
267 syn keyword mupadIdentifier Tubular
268 " graphics meta-documentation Attributes
269 syn keyword mupadIdentifier objectGroupsListed
271 if version >= 508 || !exists("did_mupad_syntax_inits")
272 if version < 508
273 let did_mupad_syntax_inits = 1
274 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
275 else
276 command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
277 endif
279 HiLink mupadComment Comment
280 HiLink mupadString String
281 HiLink mupadOperator Operator
282 HiLink mupadSpecial Special
283 HiLink mupadStatement Statement
284 HiLink mupadUnderlined Underlined
285 HiLink mupadConditional Conditional
286 HiLink mupadRepeat Repeat
287 HiLink mupadFunction Function
288 HiLink mupadType Type
289 HiLink mupadDefine Define
290 HiLink mupadIdentifier Identifier
292 delcommand HiLink
293 endif
295 " TODO More comprehensive listing.